30 Capital Journal, Salem,' OLtaamm adyibtmimoi tm Lin Ill m Lin I Umu 4M Pti Lin llmei M Par un 1 month 13.00 OutiM of Sales, t8 Pr lln par Uln. lOei I tlma nlD. 0o time mtn. 11.20. No Relunu READER-In Loral New Col. Onlri SOe per Un To Place an Ad Phone Z-1406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home coupltts with oaraoe. outside PATIO At FIREPLACE. FENCED IN BACK TARD. LAROE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA PRICED TO HELL. PH. I UII OR 1-1711. t' SMALL BDRM. hom. Pertly furn. A. 1 bllt from school, biu end tor. 39B Madrono Av.. Saiera Halght. one 4 BEDROOMS Only 2 years old, carpeted living ft din Ini room. spacious kitchen with break fast nook, ear port, over 1400 aq. ft. on t floor. Closi In suburban location, H block from bus. Owner will gacrlflce for 13300. 11500 down ft eay payment. Call BON CLEAR Y. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1111 Edgewater. Ph. 1-5109. Sn. 3-0839 274 T OWNER: Modern 3 BR home on i Acre. Kelaer Dist. 7500. 1W Evans Ave. m37$ FOR SALX BY OWNER Maw hotue. lame lot Just aouth elty limits, eltr water, hardwood floors throughout. Automatic oil heat, Lovely tiled clrculatlni fireplace, lane liv ing room. Two bedroom downstair unfinahed upstairs. LoU of built-in. 1130.00 down balance like rent. Phone 88139 or 26188. 273 S989. BY owner, 4 rra. modern home Oaraie, wash house. Lot 120 125. 2358 Shelton St. Ph. 20385. a27 $750 DOWN Lovely 2 bdnn. home. Plastered. Nearly new. Pint location. East, Very close In. Large lot. Has a lovely yard. All fenced. This home Is a real buy. At only 35050. tee Mr. Rawlins. BEAUTIFUL HOME PI replace. Pull basement, 1 hdrntt Dn fin. upstairs, has room for 2 mote bdrms. Wired for electric ram Hard wood floors. Lovely back yard. All en closed with an out door fireplace. Ideal for parties. Located in choice dist. Near Hollywood, see Mr. tieim. DUDE RANCH A. with lane 3 bdrm. home. Well le-id- acaoed. Fine barn, with 4 box stall, tac and feed rm. Good corrals, cMcken house, All land well fenced. Plenty of iruit. uxaieo. ciose in on pavement:, dim at door. Everything neat as a pin. flee Mr. Tlbbetti. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood Dlat.l Office Ph. 3-4664. Eve. Ph. Rawlins 1-6011, Helns 1-7128, Tlbbett 3-74B8. a273 Tbr HOMES I years m7w E7"dUt. Ilei. or trade. Ask for Mrs. Howe. Ph. 3-34A4 r 3-132. a373 For Mother 14500 Comfortable one bed rm. home on nice lot. Paved street, bus near by, living rm., kitchen, nook ft bath, plast ered ft Insulated, one room cabin In rear for possible rental. Place la In good con dition. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve.J-5360 374" ATTRACTIVE," small 3 BR house, utility room, carport, nice lot. North. (4750 small down payment ft terms. Ph. J-5029. 3645 Maple avenue. a?7fl 894 South 21st Street Heat and clean 3 bedroom, floor fur naci, near Richmond school, cash talks on this one. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. J-4T0T. 484 Court. Eve. 2-4773, 3-8715 S3 71 NEAR ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL 110,000. Nearly new 3 bdrm. home, liv ing rm., dining, kitchen, lots built-Ins, f place, hdwd. fir., oil heat. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 90300. 1 bdrm. home, llv. rm., kitchen, 9. nook. 9150. New 1 bdrm. home, llv. rm., din Tin., kitchen, hdwd. firs., electric neat, attached garage. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 39800. 3 bdrm. home, Ivl. rm., kitchen, lee. lot. NICE VIEW 111,500. Ranch type, 3 bdrm.. living rm.. tin. rm., kitchen. B. nook, garage. Con sider good lot or car as trade in. V. Omer Huff Ml Crimkt. Ph. 3-t-Ml or HM 111 FOR SALE, by owner A bulkier: New 3 BR auburban home. Harftwooa floor,, vrn. blind,, automatic floor furnace. I7H00. Trm,. Ph. 30813. 3ir SaRGAIN, 3 jr. old 3 BR hi... 1SM0 UM N. Bth. Ph. 300115. 021, Extra Good 99,500 Lovely 2 bed rm, pre-war home with food dry bajiement ft extra bed rm., new oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, stairs to attic. Drive by 493 N. 24th call us to see In. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 940 S. Commercial Pti. 3-3849 Eve. 2-3360 274' NEED ROOM? t bedroom on one floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, double mirage. White ahakee, east front. Only 19400. No. 333A TRADE Ranch style 3 bedroom suburban home. Bus by door, large living room with fireplace. Coved ceilings. 100x160 lot. 910,500. Will trade equity. No. 384A IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I bedroom furnished home. Lsrse aar- with workshop. Close to erliool nd bu. Onlr 1800 down, 180 per month MORE GOOD LISTINGS NEEDED REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 01 I. High Ph. 3-9303 un. Eve. 3-3738, 4-3974, 3-3905, 3-2531 a37S XPECT0 T to have a large family Then we want to show vou a fine larse family home, three minutes walk from En tlewood School. There' four bdrooms and the KtrU can't out-maneuver ymi for g bathroom in the morning 'cause there' three of 'em, Then. If you done like the way your wife builds a fire in the fireplace in either the living rm. or dining rm . you can build your own out in the yard. LoU f play spare, too. (100x135 lot and a couple of fum ponds for Kids NOT to play In. Other nice features in clude all brick construction, base ment, auto oil heat to all rooms. Tent I a) blinds throuehont. and a nice den. We'd love to show It to ymi, If you can afford 115.000 house. CRAWFORD, BURT PICHA, Realtors N. Kith St. Otlkn: I. I't.9,0 or 3-7411. HOLLYWOOD Beautiful new home: 3 bdrm. dining room breakfast nook, fireplace, lot "I unusual built In features. Priced to ell. Picture Window Home I new I bdrm, picture window home. In good dim. Exceptionally lew down pay ment can be arransed. Immediate pos session. Priced riiht. L. E. Klumpp. Realtor 4W If. Church Ph. 1-7049 Eve. A Bun. 2-0139 374 Pl'EN, T Pm. HOI'ME. 1 baths.' garage, auto, heal, Insulation. Can ue for 1 or I families, near school and bits Be. Oooatder Hade. Ph. J-94U. 378 6r.,' Wednesday, Nov.' 16,' 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES $3500 Not often do wt have such a llatlnr, but we Invite you to Inspect this bargain, and It Is truly just that. A tood 3 bed' room older type home In food condition, completely furnished, located on 99 E. North. Pull price for everything only 3500, a sacrifice. Seeing Is believ ing, the property will sell Itself, fiw McQueen. Eve. Ph. 2-1478. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 9-8310. a315 NEW HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I bedrooms; attic space for 2 more; eak floors; late electric range; new oil cir culator. All for 15300. E. A. McOLAUPLIN REAL ESTATE 321 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5311. Eve. 3-3203 273 eooo. I RM. house, bath, garage, close to school. Corner lot. Paving In. 1500 down. Bal. 130 per month. Melvln Johnson. 649 N. Cottage St. a,275 Something Different In a home, drive by the nice ranch style home at 1985 N. 33rd street. Price 17650. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8310. a373' FOR SALE LOTS fia DOWN, 9IS MONTH with water ft electricity. Close to school ft bus. Beau tiful location. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa378 $10 DOWN!! 113 per month. Lit with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Eva. ft Sun. 3-5905. 4-2874, 2-1327, 3-3738, 3-3532. aa274 LOT ON W. LINCOLN. Nlot; building site. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-32A9. aa275' FOR SALE FARMS 5 ACRES EAST Extra good soli, good new home, at the Mae of City. Range, ref. and clrc. heat er. This Is a good buy for only 97500. 11300 down and the bal. on monthly payments. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707. 484 Court. Eve. 2-4478, 9-8715 D374 17 ACRES River Bottom, all can be lrrl gated. 4 acrei alfalfa, 38 walnut trees, 3 acrei strawberries. B room house u mile off new 88E. Full price 36100. Down payment $1300. Bal. easy terms. Bee tnis ii you are looking for a nice place. FRAN B. SUTTON, BROKER Phone 253 Jefferson, Ore. b274 FOR SALE ACREAGE Small Acreage Belling at appraisal. 3 B.R. home 2 ml. W. of Totem Pole on Chemawa rd. Ph, 2-0015. bb277 $6500 I acres, new 4 room house, bath, good outbuildings, timber, new fence, berries Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 330 N. HlKh St. Ph. 2-.13. 00273 REAL ESTATE $6500 FULL PRICE $1000 DOWN ACRES, 3 bdrm., several out bldss., basement, 3 ml. from Salem, N.W., im mediate possesRion. NEW 2 bdrm. homes In Englewood dist. 1500 dn. Immed. noes. All P.H.A. ap proved. PHONE EVE. 2-79BS Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9317 INSURANCE - MTQ- LOANSc275 Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON A good 3 bedroom plastered home In a Pleasant location, full cement basement, eiee. water htr.. wired for range, new roof fc paint. A buy at $4800. 4 room ft bath, plastered, basement, fur nace, water htr., wired for range, about $2,000 worth of good furniture, complete to dishes etc., move In and start house keepingnice location $8,000. Modern 9 bdrm. home, alt on 1 floor, plastered, fireplace, wired for range, elec. wtr. htr., etc., large lot. A steal at 97,000. Some terms. 18 A fin valley soil, 17 '4 A. eultv., about 1 A. berries. 3 A. walnuts and filberts, modern S rm. home, large barn, chicken house, etc. A wonderful value at $10,600. 80 acre. 55 A. eultv., 8 rm. mod. home, good 18 stanch, barn, other farm bids., '46 tractor, new mower, manure spreader, etc. $12,600. We have several good business oppor tunities and many other properties. Look over our listings before you buy. Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON C373J McKillop Real Estate" REALTORS SUBURBAN 3 -bedroom home on exceptionally large Inf. double garage, on bu line, term. $6,000.00. PREWAR CONSTRUCTION Newly redecorated 3-bedroom home. Nice lawn ft l.rub.. Near city play ground. A pleasant place to live. ENGLEWOOD 3-bedroom home, oil heat, weather stripped and Insulated, near bus line. PH.A. approved. $10,500. SUBURBAN GROCERY $10,500 plus inventory buy this hull dine and fixtures with a nice busmen that 2 can handle. Separate living quarter About 1 S acre of land. An excellent opportunity. Call for further Infor mation. POME IN OR CALL Pay it me Phone 3-M31 Evenlna Phone 28400 or 3-5514 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE (99 CENTFR AT HIOH WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS e37S NELSON NEWS Interior ft exterior in At conrl . new roof. new automatic otl Turn. Comb. LR A PR 14il5-, 3 good siaed bdrm on 1st fir. Room for 3 artd l bdrm on 2nd fir. Full clean nulnted ho ml. Price $11,900. FttRNtSHEP HOME ft INCOME Ideal for retired couple, Live in one of the well furniAhed apt' yourself ft ue the Income from the 9 ether apt' to pay off the property. Easy walking dht. to State bids: Dnlv; Hospital A City center. Economical operation with aw- tiust hearnc plant. $10,850, reasonable down payment . bnl easy monthly. 30 AC. rOIHPPRD IIS MM 11 A. filbert 7 to 17 yr. old. 6 A. Wal nut 15 yr old. Mod 3 bdrm home, lee barn, chicken rise, brooder hse. 3 well with 1800 gal. capacity per hr. Equip ment include Oliver Cletreo with at tachment 40 AC. . KOVIPPEn $21 000 All In crop except & Ac. peMure. mod t bdrm home. Iplacr. wired for rant, grade A barn for 19 cows, filled silo, poultry he, brooder he. Crk A well with elec pump, equipped with cow, tractor A machinery, Including hay in NELSON & NELSON Multiple MMne Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 703 N. HUh ph, 3-4(13 c27J FOR TOI'R ftAVrttf Investment buy a first mortfiae on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount .oo to several thousand dol lars. net Investors 9. We make all col lection for you if desired STATE FINANCE CO. 15.1 S High t Journal Want Ads Pay REAI'iSTATt GRABENHORST SPECIALS USED CAR LOTS Available for lease sales house on premises, corner lots, B. 13th St. 149. . Commercial 6t. 100.00. CALL COBURN L. ORABENHORAT. COURT SITE Located Eest near new clinics. Sise 139ilS9 ft. Price 15,250. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. HOTEL Here is an opportunity for a man and wife to assure themselves of good Income in the years to come Net Income approximately tsoo per mo. Land, building and furniture 117,000. Looated In nearby town. This is an excellent Opportunity. CALL PETER OEI8ER. INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evening and Sundayg Call Earl West, 3-OOOi - Roy Ferris, REAL ESTATE $55 MO.. 4-. INTEREST REASONABLE VALUE IN THIS 3 BR HOME ON LOT 50x180, LGE. HEATED UTILITY RM. COMBINATION LIV ING ft DININO ROOM, PVD. ST. A WALKS. PH. 3-6680. $10,500 ENGLEWOOD $1500 will handle, we believe this home ha the nicest floor plan of any 3 BR home we have seen In some time, lkc. liv. rm. with fireplace, 11x11 dining room, utility room, many built-in, m medlate possession. Ph. 2-6680. 18500. ACRE Many large fruit ft shade trees, full burnt., dining rm., fireplace, 2 BR., lge. unfinished upstairs. Ideally located 2 mi. to City limit, east. Ph. 2-6680. REAL HOMEY FULLY Insulated ft weather stripped, 2 BR home. North on pavement, prewar built, full basement, semi-finished at tic. If you want a nice home worth the money, see this one, It has an $8700 FH A commitment. Ph. 2-6680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIOH EVE. PH. 4-2326 - 2-8704 - 3-7769 C277 BEST BUYS 5 Bedrooms Older type home In very good condition. Fine for large family. 1 block to store, school bus at front door. Corner lot. Paved street. Will accept lot or trailer house a part payment. $2000 down. To tal price only 98750. Eve, ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $600 DOWN 3 bdrm. home on acre. Suburban. LoU of trees A shrubs. Chicken house, gar age. Very clean. Total price only $7500. Eve. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. KINGWOOD BEAUTY Very spacious rooms. Approx. 200 ,. ft. floor space. Almost new. Unobstructed view. b-smt. Corner lot. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Owner forced to sell because of Illness. Priced right to sell. $10,000 FHA loan available. Total price only $13,900. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 6 ACRES, $1500 DOWN 2 room house, barn, chicken house, gar age, 3 wells. 3 acre berries. Family fruit ft nut. Total price $5250. Eve. ph. 9-0403 or 3-3558. 15 ACRES, $1500 DOWN 5 rm. house. Needs repairs. Very good out-bulldlngg, rolling soil. Drilled well, would make very good berry farm. 9 miles from Salem. Owner forced to sell. Total price $6500. Eve. ph, 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4506 c274 GOOD VALUES ACRE. 3 bdrm. unfinished house. Gar age. A good buy at $2850. Call Mr. Voor hee. THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should pay half the 93500 asked by owner. Ha a one-room house, livable, on good highway 9 mile from Salem. Call Mr. Seder.it.rom. 3 BFDKOOMS offered for the price of two. ini loveiy nome na all modern con veniences, including Dlspos-all and elec. dishwasher, all Included In price of $9450. Clote to bus. Call Mr. fiedemtrnm Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3683 evening can: Mr. Se-deratrom, 2-5219: Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 r374 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good house to sell in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property tor sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca HAVE CLIENT who is Interested in buy ing a good business In Salem. What have you? All information confidential. Al Isaak & Co.; Realtor 103S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4fl ca274 NOTICE! if your property I for sale. rent or exchange, list it with u. We nave ail kinds or cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. HUh St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE IK ACRE farm completely fenced. 10 acre of filberts, balance pasture with some timber ft year round creek. Route 4 Sa lem located one mile north of A urns -vllle. Will take small modern suburban home on Snlem city bus line a part peyment. Ptione 20998. cb278 TRADE FOR SALEM HOME iacre; all In berries ft garden; neat Pleasant 3 bdrm. home; attached gar ate: North. 16500. E. A. McOLAUFLIN REAL ESTATE 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-5211, Eve. 2-3303 cb273' ACRES. East. Fine 2 bdrmrhome. B.Mnt Fireplace. Fruit. Nuts. Trade tor farm without blds., or home in alem Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Ph. 3-4130 rMTM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TR AILER court, $6oo7term7By owner Chas H Moore, 1730 N. Water St cdJ77 AN UNUSUAL opportunity. Party to look after a business, short hours, pleasant work, no selling, Income start at once, Won't Interfere with your present Job. Up to 135 weekly to start. I4S0 cah In vestment required. Give reference. Write Box277 Capital Journal. cd274 APT. HOUSE- Small apt. house completely furnished including tove and refrigerators, ex cellent location, within easy walking distance of down town Salem. $180 per month Income, price $14,500 for every thing, room on back of lot for addi tional rental. Neeessarv that we show property by appointment. Call Mr. Bourne Eve. 9-7317. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8318. cd37V OOINO BUSINESS for lease. Close to De- iron nam site. For complete informs J ton cell ED BYRKIT. Ph. 33101. cd For Sale or Lease Large Cafe and living quarters on 99 highway, good equipment. Rent or Lease T room brick, large business lot Mx3Jfl will sell for 10. ooo or rent for $75.00, on Stale St. Call Ray navi Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 9nn B. Commercial Ph. Mstfl Eve. 3-86M fd374 STFP RIOHT Into an Income today, $3000 down win nandie. Established irocery market on through street. Make an ap pointment to see for yourself. Chas. Hudkins & Son ! REALTORS I 250 N. High St. Ph. 2-4129. Cd273 l inn bidg owner, term A 9 lit rrfj, Ph. 9-9829. rOM'L store bid A & llv rm. I'3fm Ry owner, term Ph. 9-9839 fd!77 Sale or Lease Cafe Immediate possession, first class equip ment. good location. Joe L. ttourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol PA. 9-8118. d37l I REAL' 1ST ATI 2-8010 - Peter Geiser, 3-9965. e27 FURNITURE FOR SALE STI'DENT LAMP, mahogany end table ft dresser. Ph. 3-0619. d275 LIGHT WOOD bdrm. set containing Mr. at aars. cnest. Large mirror, night stand, dco aieaa. coil springs, beauty r.st maurea. an excellent condition. Pa -u or iio oerin Ave., w. Salem. d275' NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES . HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS . FREE nri.luFcv YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d2731 5 BOOMS of furniture must be gold this went, rn, i-uou. U13 HaJiel Ave. d274' WANTED FURNITURE I AM in need of a complete household of lumiiure et appliance, will buy all or par. oi wnat you nave. Pay spot cash, highest possible price. See or call Wil lard Paynter, 1415 Alder Ave. Ph 2-5944, Salem. da278 LARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted. We buj compieie nousenoid furnishing. If ju are moving or settling an estate. sure lo can ior iree appraisal. Tel, 3-8558 day. 2-4407 eves, TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portlund Rd. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight, 7 p.m. ",ane Buaieirs Auction Sales Yard, located iva mnes east or Fairgrounds on Sll veon Rcrj'jr J-6098. dd273 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE FRESH Gum. cow and heavy sprlng- er, weaner pigs. iee ones 19.00 each. Scotty' Ranch. 1 mile east out Center St. Box 106. e275a BONDED AND LICENSED livestock ouyer a,, u. Mcuanaiisn. UZT s. 25. Ph. 3-8117 RABBITS FOR SALE RABBITS, $1.50 to $3.00. Box 60 Williams Ave., little house In back. eb274 PETS AIREDALE puppies. 2-4280. Registered. $25. Call ec270- CIIOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec288 CANARIES foralTBeautlfu!rngerg!' German Rollers ft Gros Backers. Pn 3-7857, 2010S. Church. ec273 REGISTFRED I'Wear old GoIdTcock er spaniel. Likes children. Well trained. Ph. 3-7033. Mr. Gipson. ec273 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' WOOD and sawdust. Reasonable. Ph. R?wT Maker, 3-7888. ee376 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 26444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, I6-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee SHELL STOVE A DIESEL"oIL. Ph. 3-3188" Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor m ee275 PHRLIP9 BHDS Old fir, oak, asb A maple. fir. 16" slab andedglng Ph 31458 ee WALNUT shells loTaaie7KiorfelnPa7klng Co.. 469 N. Front. ee DRY 10" slab ft edging, 3-1458. eea TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY M LEGHORN 1 yr. hens. Good layers 11.25 earn. L.ioyo wicketl, 4 ml. N. of Jet ferson. t21i ORDER YOUR Thanksgiving turkey. Hoi onDecK Turkey Farm. Ph, 3333, box 91 Brooks. 1277 NEW HAMPsniREchlcka for immediate or luiure delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St, Ph. 3-49ft9. PRODUCE PIO for locker. Nice and fat. About 200 i&s. Keasonaoie. 4900 Crater St. p'inne ii-Jitu. ff275 ROME BEAUTY apple. Perfect. D.l'v ered. Call 2-4J00. ff276 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED! Exp. furniture salemao HOOO BROS. 260 State St. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHILD CARE after school hour. Must live near Salem Height Sch. Ph. 22914. gb275 WANTEP women nut shellers. All .rinter work. 460 N Front Klorfain Packing Companv gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACKMENT AGENCY orrirt and clerical posmoNi 1 S1,t, tr.t Phnn. 1-14,(1 if" WANTED SALESMEN CRYSTAL garers need not apply. We want a qualified life insurance man to organ Ire, train and manate a crew. Commis sion, overrides A renewals guaranteed. Minimum aae 36 years. Mint have late model ear. Full details In first letter Write box 279 Capital Journal. gg374 UNPtRM.ri.EO opportunity for the riant man. Accinrnt A health insur ance man wantrd who is accustomed to 1100 per week. Our comprehensive pol icies out -date other competing protec tion. Leads furnUhed. Must have car. Minimum ae 2S Ph 5-1M9 g174 WANTED POSITIONS SCHOOL GIRL Want work : helper. Near Par run school. mother's Ph. 3-1347 h3W CARE FOR pre -school aged children In tin home. Will give ref. Box 33 Cpitrl Journal. ,iH CHIIDRFX taken care of in m home B hour or day. Ph. I-9M9. 1919 S. Capitol b!79 REAL ESTATl OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS $1200. DOWN BUYS BRAND NEW HOME Very attractive 2 bedroom borne, move right la. Just being completedfull price $7100. GOOD BUY KAISER DISTRICT This well constructed 9 bedroom home I price RIOHT at $8500. Plenty of space for a good garden, plenty of room (or the kiddle and dog to play. JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Neat and trim a pin. a modern 3 bedroom home with hardwood floors, fireplace and oil heat located just across from the Hi School, corner lot $10,750. LOTS AND LOTS OF ROOM VERY CLOSE IN Mcaien rignt on r. winter street, large bedroom, huge living-room and dining-room lot or possibilities. 839 N. Winter St. Will take la email house a part payment. FARM SPECIALS 20 ACRES WILLAMETTE LOAM 4 mile from Salem center. 4A. new planting atrawberrie. family fruit and nuts, older style, but usable building, beautiful home site on all vear creek. If Interested in small good farm don't pas up this one for $8500. Will consider trade on city property. 22 ACRES FULLY EQUIPPED Located In the beautiful Mt. Angel Dist. All can be cultivated. 9A. beaver dam land, good 2 bedroom home, 10 stanchion barn, chicken house and sheds. Include 8 cows, some chickens, tractor and all equipment This 1 a beautiful farm and hom with a good Income the first day Only $12,250. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court 8t. Eve. Henry 33632 - Ralph 23488 - WANTED POSITIONS CHILD care by day or hour. 1090 N. 18th. h277 PRACTICAL NURSE, day or night or housework. Ph. 2-3148. h273 WASHINGS A IRONINGS wanted. $3.50. h. 4-3585. h278 FILIPINO want cooking and housework or driving. Go home night. Write box 2 72 Capital Journal. h2 76 STEEL Guitar player want to contact good standard player to practice with, will join good Western band. Lot of lead guitar and vacallst back ground. Write to Ernie, 1330 Candlewood Drive, Salem, Ore. 1,273 EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If so call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-5833. h292 BABY SITTING by adult. 28741h297 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24hr. Serv ice, former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hii86 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 1.291 TREE WORK Topping, trimming, remov- g. insured operator. John Payne, 248 Church.Ph. 26014. h275 HOUSE WRECKING, moving, razing, foun dation Worn. pn. 3-6809. h275 TYPING and baby sitting eve. Exp. ft re- uaoie. rn .wtto. n2B" FINE PAPERING A painting. Ph. 1-5522. h289 BABY SITTING. Phone 20580. h287 WANT DUMP truck JobZCaUB3aiTh276 REFRIGERATION SERVICE " A Electric Appliance repair. All work guaranteed Ph. 2-694L h277 PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to elderly lady. Write Capital Journal, Box 275. 1)274 WASHING and TYPING in clean reliable. Z2Bti Mission St. 1)277 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 065 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. h285' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remo?- lng. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAIUs ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h287 PAINTING, Interior A ext. Ph. 2-2979. h289 OUSE RAISING, foundation, concrete work. KJang Bros., Ph. 3-3292. h280 NANCY'S Nursery. Day or hr Ph. 2-4940. h2B4 IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 5 p.m. h280- INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h279" CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26876. h273 FOR RENT ROOMS 1 SLEEPING ROOM for mlddleaged em ployed lady with house prlv. Closa In. Ph. 2-451L Jk273 CLOSE IN room for clean employed man. 640 S. Jiberty. Jk278 DBLE. A SINGLE room. Men. 1143 Oak" Jk374 BUSINESS DIST. Nice sleeping rm. Heat, H. A C. water In room. 255 Center. )k375 SINGLE SLEEPING rm. 472 N. Liberty. Jk278 HEATED SLEEPING room for men. Dou- Dte ft single. 385 N. 14th. Jk27B ROOM CABIN. Light housekeeping. $15 594 12th St. Jk373 WARM RM. In modern home. Employed middle age man or woman perferred. Close In. No drinkers. Ph. 25438. Jk273 NICELY furn. bedroom close In. Kit. prlv., no -ar infers, bus n. voltage, pn. 3-9430 jk27T HEATED sleeping rooms. In good location. 7B5 H. Winter St., Ph. 3-5539. Jk374' PLEASANT sleeping rm. Norway. Ph. 2-4547. for mgn. 1050 JM74 LARGE sleeping rm. Cooking prlv. Ph. Jk274 3 -8550. SLEEPING RMS. $3 wk. 395 N. 14th. jk294 i-ai. jk294 NICE SLEEPING room. H. Oil heat. 658 Center. SLE EPING rm Ph. S-4335. water. Jk273J Jk274 ROOMS. 198 S. Cottage. Ph. 27817. Jk292" ROOMS to rent by the week or-month" Very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph. 3-3161. jk377 NICE SLEEPING RM. Oarage. Ph. 3-7558 . ) It 393 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Pri. ent, Ph. 33435. 1505 N. Capitol. Jk3 78 ROOMS 448 Cent-v Rear Woodrow'a ik279 HOLLYWOOD, 3033 McCoy. Ph 9-6093 Jk283 FOR RENT APARTMENTS VERY C!.EANqulet furn. apt.7lM. heat, Ph 3-3742 375" CLEAN S BM. furn. apL PrlvatrTialh A entrance. 419 S. 19th after 3. Jp273 NICELY FURN. homev basement apt. Reasonable. No drinkers. 195 S. 24th. JP273' FURN, 3 and 3 rm. $30 and $30. Close In" Middle ate lady or couple preferred. Ph. 33359 JP275 3 RM. FURN. apt., upstair. Private bath A entrance. Ph, 33313. JP2751 APT. LAROE Dartly"furn. Prlv. bath. Small child accepted. 399 Mission. Jp374 S RM. FURN. Oil heater, ga Tange. refrig washer. Adults. 12,io N. Winter St. JP373 LARGE ,1-ROOM unfurn, apt. Electric hett. Lots of built-in ft closet. Clase in. iby pn. J.1BB4 or see at 8J6 Ferry St. after 3 p.m. Jp373a CLOSE IN 1 room apt. All electric. $27. per month. 535 N. Winter. Jp375 FURN. APT. 997 Re 11 view, call between A I p.m Jp274 t ROOM furnished apt. Ph. 3-7310. Jp378 9 RM. APT. partly furn. Prltat bath. Ad ult. U9fl Chemeketa. Jp377 CLEAN I RM. APT. 1664 8. 13th. JP373 9 ROOM PI RN. apt. Private baUiTNlce ft ciean. eo n. com l. Ph. J-7034. o$ij' rUBN. APT. Inquire 1969 N. Com'l Jp:73 FURN. sleeping rm. A gar. for mnn. 135 per mo. Ph. 3-7813 after 9 p.m. 1970 Warner PJ76 FURNISHED Cottage. 3319 Portland rd IP271 ,R. BR, kiteh.. store room. pnv. bath A rut , auto. elec. heat, elec garbage dis posal. All elec.. new A furn. 1 bik from Sears. Adults only, 173. Ph. 3-9383. Jp273 KllHRI.Y MAN want to share rent in furn. apt. Have cook. No smoker or drinker. U50 N. Winter. Jp274 9 B.R. APT. near Girl School Elec. ree.. reier, gar. m water turn, pnon avail. 9M mo. Ph. 3-3946. Jp374 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I REAL ESTATl Phone 24119 941 1 Warren 25996 Dan 35620 c273 FOR RENT HOUSES nr owner. For sale or rent, 1 rm. mod. iiwme, iiucnea garage with acre. ' acnooi city dus. Easy term. Fh --". m27 BEAUTIFUL t Bdrm. house. Heights 985. Ph. 35378. Xlngwood jm274 PARTLY FURN. house, 40 Mill Bt. $S2.50". uaujl-3055 Eve. Jm274 ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. house. Clean In me et out. Located between High Church on Leslie. Available Dec. 1. : Jm274' 1 BR HOUSE, close In, modern, unfurn. . ... i-wn ii.cr a p.m. jmaia' ONE UNIT LEFT Newly Completed Triplex 1 bdrm., auto washer, folding stair to me aigrue, jocaiea 2383 n, Laurel, rn. i-iHj or 3-a054. Jm274' FOR RENT: House located north on high' way 99E. Ph. 3-1537. Jm273 CABINS, NOT modem, Dallas Highway. rrrrlf-"--' jmUBO' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. Large room Perry Street. ou.-uc iui wince or Dior. Alio 2 tory alley warehouse with elevator, dlf inouiors neaoquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors laj o. mgn Bt. Tel. 3-4121. J LOT, 50x130, close la on N. Com'l. Din n. unurcn. FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on marion oi, rn. U DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnson Shell Service denier ai voltage. Ph. 39103. BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J' FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery FOR RENT 38x40 warehouse. Phone 29812. J278' POWER TOOL rtntal for home and dustrlal use. Howser Bros. Ph 9-9646 TRAILERS $2.00 per day Bowaer Bros 14 lu s 13th. West Salem. i TO DO e good Job 'ent a goad float tinit. r W eU everything to complete the joo BOWSER BROfl. . Ph. 3-9640 J' 'OOP DSEP PIANOS. H L. Stiff. SINGER ELECTRIC portable sew Ins m. ehlne Reasonable rate. Free pick up oe livery Dinger sewing Maehlne Co isu n com l pn 33513 WANTED TO RENT SMALL unfurn. modern house by Dec. 1 Reasonable. Ph. 2-4091 after 6. Ja274 ROOM & BOARD BOARD ft room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST & FOUND LOST: Brown zipper key case. Reward. Ph.20422 after 6:30 p.m. k275 REWARD FOR return of black leather purse. Lost between Stayton ft Mehama on highway, Saturday afternoon. Call 753 Lyons. k274 LOST: Gray striped kitten from derg'g parsing lot. Reward. Ph. 3-5976 v k273 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter 464 Court we close Saturday 12:30. m296' DENTAL PLATE REPAD3 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. BARRY 8BMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State a Commercial flu SALEM Phone 9-9311 as BUILDING MATERIAL red CEDAR shingles No. 1 3x3' any amount aenvercd lowest market prices 18 in. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall snaxes. Ten Mulier. salem-lndep. road Call 2-1196 Salem. ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top quality framing lumber, at rock bottom price, why not ice us pin on mat next Job. WEST BA LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph 3-9593. 369 Waterproof Wallboard Hard durable material, 3 thickness, cheaper than plywood. Use for wall, flooring. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-3831. One mile north of reiser. ma277 AVB ON BOOPTNO Let Ward fly you compete fit STALLED price on rour confine nvli Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor free estimate Phone 1-9 191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREGON a1 WINDOWS New A used window A window gash Wood A metal frame. Low Drlced. n a. Long. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of .eiwr. ma277 PFRMA-STONE for fireplaces and home. saem Perma-stone Co., 2040 N. 18th et. saiera. Phone 3-0005 after 9 pm ma293 SHINGLES -9 .10 q. -3.30 a. No. . No. 33.00 sq. C. O. Long, Ph. 35831. One mile north fKeier. m373 SHAKES - SIDING Cedar shakes In carton. $12 sq.. under course included. Asbestos siding $10 sq., no paint, fireproof. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. One mile noith of Kelser. ma377 WRECKING a house at 642 N. Liberty. Bathroom fixtures, windows, doors and flooring. Soil pipe and fitting. ma 178 DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your eon tractor and carpenter using the finest om growtn vertical train yellow Untitled lumber In Salem. On hand at Dicg Meyer Lumber Co. 33 Lane Ave Ph 34939 Free parking ma NOW IS the time! Call 9-9191 for fret estimate on applied roofing Oet roof ing weather protection before It rain Sears Roebuck A Co. 930 No Capital St. Phone 3-9191. ma373 DOORS New 1-panel doorg 17.50; glass door $10 23, 36" Colonist doors $19.50. C. O. Long. Ph. 35921. On mlla north of Keler. ma275 FORALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - SHOE REPAIR MACHINERY Champion 33 stitcher and motor, tike new. Champion 3 In 1 Model H. Landt finisher and motor. Single patcher. Shoe press: Jack and lasts; other tool, supplies gnd material. Sacrifice for quick sale, $1300. Write to R L. Robert, PO Bog 701, Mill City, Oregon or Ph 1043. n278 moH-ovFN "electric rang. Worki good 19. 1368 N. 4th. D37I fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR SAMPLES AND TRADE-IN USED APPLIANCES r ONLY ONE OF A KIND AS LISTED GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER WITH PUMP, 4 MOS. OLD $99.95 GEN. ELECTRIC FLOOR SAMPLE WASHER, 1 YEAR GUARANTEE $109.95 A-B WHITE PORCELAIN APT. RANGE, ' LIKE NEW $75.00 V ZENITH ELEC. RANGE FLOOR SAMPLE 1 FULL GUARANTEE $179 95 MAYTAG WASHER. CLEAN, GOOD CONDITION, ONLY $89.95 HOT POINT ELECTRIC RANGE, WHITE PORCELAIN, GOOD, CLEAN $100.00 G.E. ALL PORCELAIN REFRIGERATOR A STEAL, ONLY $65.00 CKinnc Oen. Electric veuum Cleanra. Floor Samplai wl ran Ouir.nt,. From ,39.95 to I'D Oft. R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 140 Court Bt. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUE DISHES. Some cut glass and otner articles. No dealer. 123 Perry Call 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. n274 EASTERN ALFALFA by ton or truck oaa Aaaress eea s. utn. pn. 3-9923. n278' REAUTY SHOP type hair dryer. Ph. 3-6079 or can Be seen at 1085', s. 13th. n275' FINE UPRIGHT piano In excellent condi tion, very reasonable. 1690 s. Cottage n273 COMET radial arm saw, used on one Job win -Discount uuu.uu. or tmra noose norm on Mr vma road, Dallas-Salem nignway. ueo. uiesDrecnt, rt. 1, box 412 n274 FORD '8.1" hp. V-8 motor complete. n274 Ph. 3-1420. NOW ORGAN MUSIC THROUGH YOUR PIANO! Hear the beautiful Lowry Organo. Lit-al for home, church or school use. come in lor demonstration. Stone Piano Co. "The Valley' Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairground! Road Salem, Ore. n277 YOU CAN BUY a new Singer Sewing Ma chine for a low a $89.30. Easy budget get terms. Liberal trade in allowance irom portable machines to colonial, mod ern ft period styles. See them - Try them Choose yours today at your Singer Sewing Center, 130, N. Commercial, 8a lem, Oregon. n274' FOR SALE; Refrig., USED OIL circulator. Reconditioned. 120 and up. Judson. 279 N. Com'l. n374 LARGE Taylor Tricycle. Crane recess bath tub. Automatic ga furnace. 370 N. 18th St. n273 STORY BOOK doll. Collectors here Is a bargain. 4 large dolls, 5 medium doll. 2 small dolls. Never been out of the boxes. Ph. 27794 or 775 Gerth Ave., W. Salem. n375 QUAKER OIL circulator $25 24BO Myrtle. n275- Call after 2 p.m. ADMIRAL RADIO-PHONO. cond., 860. Ph. 35716. HEAT your home electrically with West- inghouse or Wesln automatic electric heater. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. n296 SLIGHTLY USED diaper washer, $29. 395 uaarona Ave. nt Ji SPENCER Corsettier, 2395 D St. Ph. 3-5072 n277 GENERAL ELECTRIC C-olej. Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurta. d OIL circulator at close out price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 378 Cheme keta. ?281! SEWING Machine Free West inghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cr keta. 1. . PLASTI-KOTE -the cellophane-likt fln lsh for your floor, woodworks or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284' USED Radio. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 USED washing machine YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n2B4 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post, railing Id stock ft made to order. 1143 N. Liberty. nail USED electric water heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. ti284 WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, cement ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 -yd. above! and drag line. Ph. 3-0249 BEAN POLES, lattice batten ft strips. 100 Lena Ave. Ph. 26082. USED electric refrigerator. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLI- ANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n284 USED OIL HEATERS $19.50. $39.30 and 139.30. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. Ml Court St. Phone 1-9611 SALXM 8AITD At n RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing DlUbla Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 18 B V yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat A Doaer D-6 Cat A Docer D-4 Cat ft Doser ee its about ditching by tbg ft. Phone Day 8-9408 Eve. S-9246 Of 3-4400 Salem Oregon a LUMBER 2x4' 1 by Jitney load. 810 pet i.wo. iou oam. independence Lumber ft Ufg Co, Ine. Independence, Ore UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC range, $175. O. X. relrlg. $175. 9 to 7 p.m. 370 Fawk Ave. . D273 PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilisers, well rotted or fresh, an kind. By yard or sack. Flatrock for all rock work. Cedar fence post, telephone and elec. pole. Any length. Shingle Yew posts. Ph. 1-1431. Rt. I Box lis UNIVERSAL Deluxe elec. range. 1949 mod el. uouDie oven, eareiy used, cost 8395, ell for 9199. Trader Louie 3053 Portland Rd. n274 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED RENTED Washers Repaired E9 PICK UP A DELIVER Sewing machine electrified A eon verted to portable or console. New A used. Terms. W. DAVENPORT PH. 3-7671 1930 N, 18th n293 SAWMILL EQUIPMENT 1 Headrlg, top and bottom arbors. 44' three block car riage R ft P set works. 1 128 hp 440 V OE slip ring motor with rheostatic starter, 1 40 hp 440 V 1250 rpm oil compensator starter. 1 18 hp 440 V 1250 rpm oil compensator starter. Pond drag aw with electric motor. Several small moiora ana otner equipment. 1 .t-drura eo.d decking donkev 4" drumshafia mil. er bearings mercury motor. This set-up irarir ntw, mny equippeo Willi MT skrline, mainline and swing lines. 2 new fully rigged trees 73 and 90' Lots of guy line, ran block, spreader bar and tongs. 1 electric unloading donkev r head motor, new. 1 single drum donkev un waukesha motor. 1 104S 1". ton truck with hydraulic dumn. All ahnve equipment In very good condition. Our phont Is Amity 942. n274 STIENHAUER PIANO Completely overhauled ft tuned. A fine musical instrument In oerfert rnnriitiAn Only $175. Trader Louie, J033 Portland HQ. n3-)4. EASY sriN Dryer waaher In good condi tion, iraaer iouie, 3053 Portland . n274 AIR OF lady's white Chicago ahne ikates. slie BC Lika now aw ri t. 20331. ' 274 HOTPOINT Electric range. Slightly ued. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ANTP.D 'urn It are ui etn a rnt i.u Bee Pnra ReftnUhiag Co b. a. -tool na- MEEjlrU bicycle. Ph. 3-53 42. na374 CAH for newspaper A ma a tines. 1790 front. n294 WE SEED Junk batteries. Paying II. H C naiuon. sao a Lancaster. na292 D rt lNITURI, Phont 1-9133, B' Balem, Oregon d373 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Girls' 34 inch JuniorbleydeT O. M. Wilson. Rt. 1, Marion, Oregon. n37$ WANTED: BARKIE Douglat, nr poles or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co.. Ine na273 PERSONAL Why Live in Doubt? Noted Psychic Advisor Without uklm ilnil dilution n tell you wht 70U wnt to know ,1,. Ini nimea, date A ftct. AdvljM helw you on H affair of lit ,ueh' oye. health, marrlate A buslnes. pen-' lal rradlnia H. Satisfaction iuarant,4 or no fe accepted. Hour 11 to S:30 daily ?. J ;m- 8"'- "" "otel. Apt. 1. ss Portland Rd. Tata Ciplloia B171 ABI fOUH FLOORS dull-lookln, rural. n.h.i .craicnear Hay. Saiera r.5., "Di, am1ix Company demon strata Pintle Kot to you. Ml M. HUh tup MADAM MART FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychto reader. Madam aola I your worries. Advlc. 9 ,.iT t. II , " dally 173 S. Com'L nnd ' asement. PIT, STANLEY HOME Product. Ii' Hlndt. P37 HM H. lth Ph. J.,801. TANLET HOME Products Ph J. M. Stovall. 30 Bunnyrlcw. 3-439. P380 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER can help you where other have failed. fa's'!?1!? a5sun:di Advl B9B RJi.a0Ut0f "bbl 00 Highway rrSir .en Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally. paij "n a product. Ph. 8-3314. P278 VCS?LIC8 ONYMOUS, P.O. 134 Ph. EDITH SCOTT will hold a clrele ti.T Stoddard, 1420 N. 4th St.. Tues. eve Vt J P-1": Readings daily at 1085 N. Cottage P274 AUTOMOBILES 'WMOR.E Ne motor, lights etc! q37:i He. ee B rUnnln COHdlt. Good tires. Best offer over $25. Ph. 42394. 0274 41 STUDE. president. Good ni TT Q7'tcr P-ni. q274 41 CHRYSLER royal 2-door sedan. iimo2 tor and transmission. R, H ft D. Will sell equity. $150 cash. 533 8. Liberty. arff WILSONS BETTER - BARGAINS 1947 Olds Sedan $1595 1948 Kaiser Sedan 1395 io fontiac Sedan 1295 1942 Hudson 6 Sedan . . . 725 1940 Ford Convertible .. 495 1939 Ford Coupe 335 1936 Chev. Two Door . . 94 TRADES - TERMS Otto J Wilson Co. Commercial at Center Eisner Motors Fine Cai-s 'l.101!?1 A ct"". 1" wheal,, clean . jja-aj'i3 Chester, on Lanslna. ,374. M Hudson Commodore 7ellir trad for ? Ph. J-1321 nr ".MM .... . itT? alTI 4 T. PICKI P Dod,. speed trans- . mjsslon. Priced right. Ph. .S,?I. q27. HJl CHEV a-door special delui.. OoSf -'' .-.78. tP4 NASH 5 naju. nun. 380 8. 17th. Trailer House. ,173." Eisner Motors to Sell CHECK THE ZEEB'S USED CARS BTTT SELL TRAD, TERMS I LOTS Ph. t-UH r. 1-TI14. U Palraround M. 820 Hood at. Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tires a, tuna, .t coal unce nrm com irst scrrsd J this u ei.-out ,al Dealer w.loonM rt. D. Woodrow Co, ,&o Center CHECK THE 1946 HUDSON SEDAN VERY CLEAN $1295 TRADE OR TERMS Ron's Motor Co. Jto 8 HUrh St. .HI 7 Model A's Come In and Take Your Pick 1930 Pickup, rebuilt motor 1931 Sedans (choice of 3) 1929 Sedan 1930 Coupe 1928 1 ton No Reasonable Offer Refused ELSNER MOTOR CO JS3 H. Hlah Saltm. Oregon 4373 ' SPOT SPOT (Continued on Page 21) i