BhirdofTax Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 16, 194919 ; the demonstrator. Part of the sale proceeds went for church benefit. Prizes went to Mrs. Reb ecca Thamer, Mrs. Ed Shannon, Mrs. Donald Smith, Mrs. Ervin Miller, Mrs. Harry Schultz and Mrs. John Rasmussen. Sixteen ladies attended the affair. Roll Collected When the discount giving , - f sat mc deadline for property taxes was . tii reached as the office of the tax I collector closed Tuesday evening about a third of the roll had NEW COMPACT LOW COST been collected or $1,379,119 out of the total roll of $4,656,272, reported Harold Domogalla, I.1 Forced Air Oil Furnace for First Floor Installation chief of the tax collection depart' ment. There is still considerable mail to be checked out as any letters received bearing tax checks and postmarked before midnight Tuesday night will be considered eligible for the discount. Jl W I ' s "-O ' f . ; j-i ii : k. I h i 'j 'v "-'I I 1, Hit ! Preliminary Work on Dam Mo ving Rapidly By JAMES D. OLSON With 497 project workers on the payroll, rapid progress is being made on preliminary work for the huge $28,209,000 De troit dam on the North Santiam river by Consolidated Builders, Inc., contractors, A network of roads, some constructed out of sheer rock, on the outh side of the river, are com- f I m, pleted and work is soon to be- Hiem rirm low on Fence-Building Job Included in the mail Tuesday was a check tor $zu,lt)2 from the Portland Gas & Coke com pany. In the eight counties in which the company operates taxes of $543,450 are being paid this year or $31,009 more than last year. Portland, Nov. 16 Neu man company, Salem, submitted the low bid for building 520 rods of fence along the north boundary of government tract A-10 in the Lookout Point reser voir area on the middle fork of the Willamette river. The Neuman bid, low of three submitted, was $2386. The gov ernment estimate was $2184. Rapid Progress at Detroit Dam Left: North abutment of Detroit dam where excavations lor the key way are being cut through resistant diorite rock. Access roads to facilitate construction now line the face of this cliff overlooking the North Santiam on the Marion county side. Top, right: Coffer dam designed to control flood waters of the North Santiam when flow exceeds capacity . the diversion tunnel. Lower, right: Old, rock ribbed bed of the diverted river where exploratory soundings are now being made for dam footings. Coal-Burners Will Resume Operations Washington, Nov. 16 (U.R) The interstate commerce com mission today authorized coal burning railroads to resume nor mal passenger service on Sun day. The order followed the end of the coal strike. Beginning Oct. 25, coal-burn ing railroads had to cut passen gcr traffic 25 per cent when their coal stock piles dwindled to 25 days supply or less. Jet Record Set London, Nov. 16 (U.R) Brit ain's jet airliner, The Comet, has set a new speed record by fly ing 590 miles in exactly one hour during its longest test flight over the British Isles, it was disclosed today. gin on a huge rock crushing plant that will process the di orite rock procured from a rock quarry only a short distance away. Keyways into which the dam structure will be "keyed" into rock are excavated on both the north and south locations of the dam. Will Add Many Men When actual pouring of ce ment begins estimated to start next spring the number of project workers will be in creased materially with the number reaching between 1500 and 2000 men. Work applica tions from far more than this number are already being filed according to Jack Murray, per sonnel director for the contractors. Murray said that the compa ny has a fine crew working with virtually no absenteeism. The n.en are interested in the work," he said. "They are doing a s well job.'," Water is now flowing through a diversion dam with a 90 foot coffer dam barring the flow In the dam site area. On the north side of the coffer dam a concrete spillway has been constructed to care for any flood waters that may result beyond the capacity of the diversion dam to carry. Contact by Radio Lt. Col. J. W. Miles, resident engineer for the army engineers on the project, has installed a two-way radio set - up, with which contact can be maintained constantly between the engi neer's office, now located near the dam site and the field men in cars. The contractors are now oc cupying a commodious building on the north side of the river, having moved its entire engi- neering office force from tempo rary quarters in Mill City. Construction of a motor re pair shop and warehouse at the permanent housing site for army engineer personnel is well under way. This work, to cost $138,734, is being carried on by Minnis & Shilling, Eugene con tractors, and is to be completed by February 20, 1950. Fifteen family dwellings with two and three room bedrooms will be erected although a con tract has not been let. These homes will be utilized by the army staff '.hat will be assigned to the dam during construction and also after the dam has been completed. Shorter Name Sought For Extension Unit Liberty The Extension unit will meet Thursday at the Salem Heights Community hall on Lib erty Road at 1:30 o'clock. The club members are asked to think of a new name for the unit as the present one is too long. All aprons that ha'a.Jieen completed for the Azalea House apron sale to be held in Decern ber should be turned in. Club members are asked to remember to bring their favorite recipe. The project will be "Window Treatment," and will be pres ented by the home demonstra tion agent at large. Pacific Sailors Talking Strike San Francisco, Nov. 16 (Pi Members of the AFL Sailors' Union of the Pac;fic held stop work meetings in west coast ports today to discuss negotia tions for a new contract with maritime employers. There is talk of a walkout but the decision will not be known until Monday when strike ballots are returnable. Federal Conciliator Omar Hoskins said he has not been informed that any strike date has been set. Hoskins yesterday arranged for a joint session with repre sentatives of the SUP and the Pacific Maritime association at 2 p.m. (PST) today. The AFL sailors are seeking a pension and welfare plan; wage increases from $10 to $25 a month, and retention of SUP jurisdiction on coastwide vessels Stanley Party Given Butteville Mrs. Glen L. Yer gen and Mrs. Ed Shannon were hostesses at a Stanley party at the Butteville Congregational church. Mrs. Phil Hathaway was Sh fc-i U P..Vi, ri Mu i ... . . 1. .to"- 0nly '5iu ' 35 -jte-jjy" " C.I I. L. Fwnac " YOOB AUTHORIZIO DEAlEJt (09 f B Cmp-y J m Ms I -if IS W n Exclusiv H. C. littl Automatic SELF LIGHTING That Looks After VOUR COMFORT and Saves You Oil I Famous H. C Utile quality and time tested features in compact, PLANNED design provide real comfort, excep tional fuel economy and max imum ejficiency in houses without basement, or with concrete floor slab. 78,500 BTU heat output. Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories. PLUMBING-HEATING 2 79 N. COMME PCA L PHONE 3- 4141 IT'S MORE THAN CHILD'S SIZE TftlLET UIILVrt- b I 3 Assurei accurate dotfage Contains lu grains rio need to cut tab- , jets. vmDiie vnrMl. Only 35C. ST.JOSEPH AS PI RtM FOR CMItBRE "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner a SALES REPAIRS SERVICE RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 If you're moving . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a Truck AT I'JlL' Truck Rental Service Ml tjTjfjk A ft. J By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas tf Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Center end Church St. hone 3-9600 Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more riding-comfort, road-steadiness and safety. in s ! -liarrnrCT' Fisher Body Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new interior richness and such extra luxuries as Push-Button Door Handles. Center-Point Steering with control centered between the front wheels for maximum driving-ease with minimum driver fatigue. Only one low-priced car brings you all these EXTRA VALUES life Fisher Uniiteel Body Construction with steel welded to steel above, below and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quietness and safety. World's Champion Valve-ln-Head Engine the extra efficient power plant with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. L 5-Inch Wide-Base Rims, plus low-Pressure Tires the widest rims in the low-price field plus extra low-pressure lircs-for greater stability and riding-comfort. . . . and it's the LOWEST PRICED LINE IN ITS FIELD! Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility supplying all that extra vision which means extra safety in driving with a fuller, freer view all about you. Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for Chevrolet is America's most wanted motor car new or used! Certl-Safe Hydraulic Brakes more outstanding than ever be fore with new Dubl-Life Rivet less brake linings that last up to twice as long. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.