18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1949 I f THERE WA5-A . T F JUST 4 FfckV 1 T NO--I SEE fT ALL NOV 1 Tl " RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness WEDNESDAY P.M. S IN THIS KIT BAG 1 OOr LOCKED HOUSe KEYS TO THE J fa. IN tl by PEGGY Chapter 19 Arleta. rented a trailer and re turned with occupant lor the sta ble: Madam X, a cheatnut mare with a backKrouixl luce ner name, and a aedate matronly creature who answered to the name 01 Sliver cess, for Martin. They rode borne In the sunset, Martin eye exciiea as uiey w veyed the old orchard, Arista com pletely content. And Tunia met them beyond the house, her eyes bulging out. "Miss Leu. you'd never guess But there she was. How Kelly brought her. "How Kelly. echoed Arleta "And she chose the southwest room because ol the sun. She said she congealed the moment she left Virginia. And, Miss Leta, she's had three pots of tea." "Tunia," Arleta slid from Madam X. handing the rein to Marun, "who had three M "Your mother's Aunt Betsy Anne," mourned Tunia. "Aunt Betsy Anne? Oh my" began Chips "word," onered Ar leta quickly. "But how why " "She brought a letter from Mrs Alnstree. I'll get it." Arleta read the letter, standing before the living room fire. She'd braided her hair. The two pigtails stood out just as her two booted leet spread out, and runia, remem berlng Miss Langtry of Virginia, af er one horrified look retreated to the kitchen. "Dear Child," Mrs. Alnstree wrote, "Calvin was surely an answer to my prayer. We arrived home late last night and I found your let ter. I had such terrible dreams Then this morning the dear boy came with reassurance." From there on Arleta read only In snatches. "I've told the press you have postponed your wedding because of business matters pertaining to your estate. Calvin added that he was assisting you In the settlement." Mm. thought Arleta, that' takes care or that. And then: "Impossible for you to remain alone while receiving Calvin and other guests, and dear. Betsy Anne did so need a change or scenery: And "Calvin agrees. He says there Is a very handsome person living nearby. I think he said a Bohemian, and of course the Bo hemians are especially " How Kelly, artist and writer. How Kelly, who had tried everything short of murder to be rid of her. A bohemian with a small "b." Why it was Chips who grinned Calvin was Jealous of Kelly. She might as well deal with Betsy Anne Immediately. Arleta took the tens two at a time as a young Chips had once done, arriving at the door of the southwest guest room rosy-cheeked and fairly vi brating with energy. Mrs. Worthington took one look. Sroaned and burrowed her head In er pillow. "Little girl, tell my niece I heard her come in. I must speak to her at once." And when the little girl didn't answer she looked up. "Arleta," she cried, "what are you doing in that outlandish outfit? And your hair " "Saves being decapitated when one rides through the brush," Arleta offered defensively. "Decapitated!" moaned her aunt. That's what the man said, that awful man. Indians. He said the woods were full of them.1 Arleta nodded solemnly. "They are," she agreed. "What else did the man say?" Mrs. Worthington sat up. "He had the audacity to ask if I'd come out to help persuade you to return East. With quickened interest came Ar leta next question. "How did Mr. Kelly happen to find you and where?" "At the depot, where else? Leta didn't realise I couldn't take a cab from the depot until Calvin told her: then Calvin, realizing my pre dicament, telephoned this person and hired him to r. eet me. He'd have brought you, but you were goose hunting." "Goose hunting," cried Arleta In dignantly, wonderlne if How Kellv had used such an excuse to talk to her aunt alone. Then "Oh. mv goodness," she moaned, "you mean a wild goose chase. Aunt Betsv Anne. Mr. Kelly lant m the taxi mm O'MORE 4.P Ninfs.tuTf oualness; he' a writer and an artist." Hmmml" burst from her aunt, and she swung her ponderous frame out of bed. "My slippers. Uke a good So he's the bohemian. I don't wonder Calvin's worried. If I were a younger woman Well, Arleta aren t you going to areas lor our ner?" Arleta looked down at her com. forlable habit and sighed. Even iMnla had relented, and of late she'd dined In the breakfast room; even so forgotten her recent training as to dine with a book propped before ner. Mrs. Worthington forgot her dis pleasure at the Informality when Arleta assured her It would be warmer, much easier to heat. And when dinner was served she beam ed at Tunia's cooking. "Wouldn't nave believed a course in domestic science could teach anyone anything, but then. Tunia you really learned from your moth er." There was much small talk and they retired early, but no sooner had Arleta prepared for bed than tier aunt came in, a loided paper In her hands. "Child," she said con tritely, "you'll be thoroughly an noyed with me. but I forgot all aoouc tnis. 'mat youni man storj pea at me village store and the grocer Imagine asked him to de liver this cablegram." He's also postmaster." murmured Arieta. Frowning, she read: INVES CAUSMODETH MERTPRO BILL SYKES LEAVE SUBITO "Code?" Inquired Mrs. Worthing ton Drignuy. "Code," echoed Arleta faintly 'Good night. Aunt Betsv: Arline's mi Kiaa you re nere. But when the door had closed behind the portly woman she read again, translating aloud. "Investi gation caused Mother's death. Mer- ton Big Chips' middle name proven rootier. Leave immediate ly." (To Be Continued) Walkaway Skirt There's real dis tinction in this skirt with back full ness laid In unpressed pleats. Good, I of course, for wools; but also good lor tue dressier rayons, lames and moires in snort, the skirt with dressmaker air. No. 3894 Is cut in waist sizes 22. 24. as, 28. 3D. 3i. size 28. 2 yds. 54-in. Delivery Is guaranteed in ample time for Christmas sewing. Pat terns ready to fill orders same day I received. If you Include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent by fikst class mail. Would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other pat-1 tern styles? Just include the FALL-1 WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order, race 01 cook 20 cents. Send 2:e for. PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number state size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mia .Ion St.. 8an Francisco 5, Calif a t'rovt-Stllrh Madonna Panel Here Is a lovely panel of the Ma donna and Child 'o work In versa tile cross atltch. Measuring 11 bv 4 Inches with 8 crosses to the Inch. the panel la done In lovelv blues, golds, deep rose and royal purple. Pattern Envelope No. R2A87 con tain hot-iron transfer for panel, color chart, stitch Illustrations, ma terial requirements and complete embroidering directions. To obtain thra pattern, send JOr lit COINS giving pattern number, your name address and aone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission 8treet, San Fran cisco 3 Calif. SIZES H-32IN., I ft I rmm m w w- i-ii w 1 in us iv jv i n ir n fc - -7,- ' r-z . i i ie-t w i ii v i ; - i i n i j it r v y r i -on 1 1 I I ' I I J .451 I W 1 f .7. JV. -o. 8 15 O f WHATS THR? ROCKY IN T N 0iVPUN' HOOKS 60 ( CORPUS OGUCTW I V ALL RK3HT- BUT (VE I WIFE? DO VOU C8:45 Y A THE OUCkSAhAD- TO PROVE B Fji'V UKE AS NOT ON POCKY? ifl Pi LEUA. P1S0 ALL- Jk THAT BRUTE? II lU '-t l l St r. i -sj l 5I IB i &rA arawf xuti wi l li re in ,ii ,iM. 'fin iim aSKlMW I IStH i'IM'iiIH r aBS&EW ITS I f HTi I, MiK il IV UW6mT iX&A HI 11 His I C I jBravtWTs-. V-'M I I mr M iL'. I ' 1 M ' . WJ 'St Ml 3 m-k- 111, H ' I1 ID tTl fl :M.I ulkLflf. IXKhlB I II UUll II .On u onmviAi rUiww-i- i hifc t-w ir a an wi'Bii'iaA- vwnuirzi xxyintim- 12:00 r tri i v itif it " 11 11 -F-1 imgrrzt i I 1m so paouo oc voo.wiuie Y what good is alltuis 3 Y mavbe if i really cram om ls. ! f DEAR-MASIMe BEING ffLBUSINESS WHEN 1 CANT EVEN ) : I MV BARBER COURSE CAN 1 1 T -T5- SMART ENOOSW TO DESIGN jPgjJir CHARGE FOR A HAJRCUT5 4 GRADUATE IN LESS TH AM SI5 ) 3 u A POPULAR MEW HAIRCUT 6EFORE I JTl ' . "1 MONTHS AND GET MY LICENSE 3 " VVOU EVEN GRADUATE FROM jaCSW IrfifcZNT " f I 1 vwvVAmTrQ7 -. t'nxcr) lunu' TSEE lO MOONS- INSTANCE.. M DOXT JVO'AlUJt REASON-THEV Ml NONE-BEIN' .TH'StXWIT) V FIGHTS J iT winDurZ? ) A-RUWNIN' TRAIN FO TH' A HOOKS DOT ltT mx A WIDDER.T AH C VORE FOOU. S I "'lJrv'lO'l"""tS lMCE.MLAHDO ) A TH'H&TSADIE V KIN ALLUS (SUCCESS?) ( HONEY-) U TV-jT) OFT ATRAININ'RJ' I IS TRIM MAH if HUSBIN, HAWKINS DAV- VkETCH A HU5BIN, N . ' -Mlf iPSjof I ' S0 HAWKINS BEARD, TH' NK3HT A WIDDER AN" VO' IS A rTALTHO AH IS JUST U If i I ii f i 'a i i m c 'w m i n 1 mm mm m ' v.-,, s,:x' i w m x i- L- VOUNG MAN, WILL VOU ) 1 IWISHSHEt) If GOSH. iVl TIRED M ISsSf . ir- O 11 'PJM M K WATCH MVBABV? THEY AF HURRY-DONT H' SHE'S BEEN IN I2'3S2V UcLrV Jli' 'if .V'J t hi !iK rr k6 THIS THE UV HkJJ'il d6 ON-THB(?E'9 ONLV V 1 L ffl.JT Wfc'LL,SGNTlEWEN!..M3Ur( 'J STAVBAfV ucuer biktv TO THE 6ROTT0, fH TWOC THEM. AND THEVBS I -l 1 SAVED US A LOT OF TeOUBLgL U R beid ST Sii TH'ivCC PR3F6S605X- MOST LXELV PBETTy 6UOS6y3 . , ,'jff BV 6ETTINS OUT OF THAT jT J 15? OF It 'THFVSiWS. BHT F,WMWWATWE3AVE'EM yfej f 5,4iCByVOtKSELV54! "S. I IT V I VOU ARE PISHIN; ASEN'Tll (JUAUTi ,' 5 P: -5 -(M), -i-s f I1 I HOPt OU HAVt A J, CANJI J!- 'Jil-I H I W5VIM1 -l-THHC F""! faiigkVTHf AWKTANtItCLL HIM i M fWrllAl TMANANVONt ON J r V . Ii IriSSiaaF 0MR' BIEN 104T IN IV d I I IfO SXS lir' 7:15 v . "5 5:30 - '- - -jk m sV-TTi. w 11 i i..Liit?v i i i m i KGW 20 NBC K0IN 70 CBB 100 Civklrad Knsi Mannlog II tie the .3(1Sngi f Timet Neva Jee breach Hsrt rGrsarbe Hen rirflhtera I.U'ir Ltf 30 M.l ( M-kUII 45 Cchull E lome ninf Crotby flinn Creaky Berne Allen .ana :15Hi( Himrj Kurna A oilrweod Holt j weed )Loi .ana ;.dl ariB iim 7:45 par Uln Timt 8:0fllnlr.Klrftir :). Vewi f World Dr. Ur. Lowell Thomaa Kher. Mack Smith pr, IhrlalleJi Ur. ChrlatUa phrr. tKoria Borla 9:00 th Rink 9:15 UreAk the Bank If rank Race rreopler Troupler " iOrrheatra jOrcheitra iFrank Bee 9:3(1 "'it. Attorney 9 ; 4 5 Olit. A I Urticy 10:00 18 101 Ha Tea 10:15CtirrtDl at Ck. 10:30Spta. Final 10 4 S Te WlllUmi n:O0New UlllHai Hih U:30Wa MuKurn 1 lj4S Wi M u team 12:00n Off Bealab Ink 1 Star Pinal R eh lYon. the World ilntermui Ir-fl Con reheat r toneert Hoar erenade IConeert Hour run Masle roncert Hoar Treaa, Band Memo LUtnti Neva lllent (Xtra THURSDAY INewa Farm Newt Farm Tim Farm Tim IKOIN Klork KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Keep Keep Keep Newe Early Bird KOIN Klock Old Bonn INewa (News Mewe r'red Beck (Arronsky Hob Zcke Haves Eddie Albert Cddi Albert Conaumer Newa Jack Berrh 8as Rldera Urand Slam Rosemary rhe Second Cup! IWrndy Warren INewa 5 It he Second CupAunt Jenny Stare omrtowncra llrlen Trent nrt Urt Ual Sunday 00 Uarrlace for t bit Sinter .lark Lor Lawton PerkJna Galen .11)! Mrk Havmea Dr. Malone My The Playboy jCuldlnf Light My Double er Nothlns d Mra. Barton Betty Crocker 'erry Mason Monevmakers Children Llsht of World Life Beautiful Norah Drake Northwest Brighter Day I ernera : 15 Newa ;0'epper Vonnf :4!iHspplneai :OfllBai-kstareWlfe :15;stella Dallaa Noon Dream Meet Menjon Breakfast In Hollvwood Kay West Barnyard Fol. Garry Moore ;30 Loreni Jonee 4SlWldder Brown K.arry Moore Kfrkhi News. 'Kay (IflA Girl Marries k Irk ham Newe, 1511'ort. Faces Life Steve Allen 30 lias Plain Bill Stev Allen 4SlFrt. Pg. Farrelljlune. Yours Jay Uay Bride iBrldc 00 Welcome Travel.!.rt KIrkham -ck 1 S Wr pnm Trawl IriKm f.Almm Kay 30!unt Mary Arthur Godfrey iLadies 45;Love and Learn .Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Dave Boas 00 Woman Secret ArtharGodfrey Mod. Romances Fulton LewTa 15Road of Llf lArthur Godfrey Hod. Romanccs'Memlnsway 30 r. Pii Curl Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story 45'Cvalcad 'Edw. R. Murr'w (squirrel Cage Icar. Cavaliers DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 lrtAf Wednesday P.M. :00, Chll l WMV dren'a Tbeateri :15. On the Upbeat l 5:60, 550 Sport Club; d:M. News t 6:1(1. Ptano Portrait' 9:30, Friends of Worldi 8:4S, Invitation to Read; 1:00, Farmers' Union; 1:15. Evening Farm Hourt K. Radio Shorthand Contest: 8:30, HUlrrest School) D. Music That En duresi 8:45. Evening Meditations; 10, Slsn Off. Brooks Garden Club Plans Holiday Party Brooks The Brooks Garden club met with Mrs. Elva Aspin wall for its bi-monthly meeting and luncheon. The members present answer ed roll call by giving their fav orite Thanksgiving table decor ations. Mrs. Fay Loomis was welcomed as a new member. The next meeting will be the (Christmas party and will be held ACROSS t. Not ao much i. Crude mapl irup . American Indian, It. AcknowlfdK. openly tl. Larire bird 14. Greenland settlement It. PertalnlnK to the Middle Aew It. Prod 18. Caper 19. Circled Zl. Use nf caaooD 23. Faithful 26. Annual 10. Chance 11. 8queet. 23. Recline Si. Stored In a silo S. Too S7. Roof bavins; two slope, on all sides 40. Obliquely 43. Dearth 47 Stopper IS Unfrlendtf 60 Painful 61 And not 62. Spinning tori 63. Female sheep 64. Turn to the rltrht 16. Daecer OOWN L Lleht ' P J " 5 I I7 I a 9 I'P'"' 75 t. 'fyf 7a "" " lio ''. .'. - I 'rV,,,,'', !lZZ!lZ "ife" ' 44 Usui, so uk Ti T si si ':; si iT A Newifeotwrsi ROOM AND BOARD ui .ti irv:c . uoui VOU LIKE AW SNAZ2V NEW SET Of THREADS ? TH' WHOLE RlGGIN' FROW SHOE TO SHINGLE TILTED ME FOR.illO--HA!-wOULDNY THIS LAYOUT BREAK UP A LOGJAM I fitV I J KNUW ml V WH,ww;.Ar KEX ABC rhaliem of Yukon Sky King sky Kins I KSLM I I30MBC K0C0 HM Kc Hantn'i Mali Santa a HaU Teai Mil Tom Mia Rhrlhrn Ranrh KDyiam nance) Vins Creaky Baalnsf Mews Habrlef HeaUr (Candle LlfM LdltleB n w Newe ana silver Wewa Uuealionboi Pat O'BrleW-" HaaleaJ Jackpot Evelvn Knlsht Great Boorta Traek 14M Track MM Traek 14M Track 14M Aether C.Mie Antbor Critic fTeUe Teal Meile Huftr Ceaal In Ant, Coaal In Aal. CUe Kid Clac Kid Raniit 1. Q. I. Q. Holmea Nam af Rene That Holmea Karloff Karloff Ray Bleek Ray Bloeh INewa David Re Rambler Hamblen Track 14M Track im Mewe Me Go A Molly Frank Rao Frank Race He ile Ton Went Masle Ten Want Nd. Reporter! Fallen Lewis Local News Newa Eddie Howard erl Ilea? Lev kfriteryoetera Maal rVoclarn Tomor. Tomor. Raa Merean pie tarn Rua Morsaa poet erne Hour Isisn Off Klin Off A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Newa INewa Bmlllnr Smiling Smlllnf Eimekeeper arch Tims ews IKOCO Kleek KOCO Klock New Blrkfat. Oang nrkfst. Gang top Trade riei Rlttar New A Sports Haien Mannera Top Mornlns Top ' Morning Breakfast Club Bare'n Counter iTh. In vVIIdwi Breakfast Club t Baptist Ch. lOrran Mood (Breakfast Club Haven ol Rest Haven i Rnt Wesl'n Melodies First fime Melody Tim Melody Tims Stars dins J. Ch. Thomaa breakfast Club N. w. New of Today Mua. Memories Lin metier Llnkletter ira store call Sas Rider Norman News Kitchen News Drake Musi Tuns Tim Tru Story Wile Tru Story hVa.lt Ug Key U.adles First Musi Mart Music Mart Ladles Firat uueen for Day Jan Garber Uueen fer Day Vocal Varieties llollyw'd Musi llollrw'd Musis Headline Newa Top Trades (News In. W. Newa Bob Cbrrly Dav Dennla Tell T'r Neigh Mac's Helodlea Mae'i Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac' Melodies Mac' Melodies' Mac's Melodies larvev Hardinei Jrgan Reveries West (Blng Sings Stewart Stewart Melody Matinee1 Melody Matlneej Tenn. Jamhnreel Groom Mac's Melodies Jt Groom Tenn. Jamboree Mac's Melodies Kirk wood Bob Pool Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae' Melodies Mae's Melodies Movis Tim Philosopher Brers Can B West Bob Pool Be Seat. I New Beaatlfnl (HAf Thursday A.M. 10:00, Newst rwMV 0:I3. especially for Women i 11:00, School of Alrt 11:1ft. Concert Halli 12:00, Newst 13:15, Noon Farm Honri 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, School of Alrt 1:45, Melody Lanei 2:00, Horn Garden Hour) 2:30, Memory Book of Mullet t:45, Excursions in Srleneei S:0. Newst 8:15, Muie f th Mastcrsi 4:00, Lnlvrlty Hour. at the new home of Mrs. Elmer Conn, 108 Lansing avenue, Sa lem, December 8. Committees In charge will be gifts, Mrs. Opal Rasmussen, Mrs. Evelyn Jones and . Mrs. Dollie Ramp; program, Mrs. Bertha Morisky, Mrs. Nora Westling, Mrs. Elva Aspinwall and Mrs. Fay Loomis; assisting the host ess, Mrs. Marie Bosch, Mrs. No na Sidebottom and Mrs. Elsie Westling and Mrs. Anna Dunla vy. Members were instructed to each make their own Christmas corsage, which will be judged. Solution of Yeiterday't Puul S. Always I. Compound of sodium Beat Number Ancient wins cup Tounjt bens Hindu soldlera upon Bar Cat oft Old French coin Sources of metal Requirement Article Flowed Prosperous periods Sick Three-toed aiotns Lste: comb. form Scheme Leaning Small slatust Lets In Burnlns Hvdraulls pump Part of a church Behind tima Attract Sacred tmajrt Bsrk of the neck Other New Testsmsnt spelling of Noah By Gent Ahem AWtS'-THE CLERIC WHO " SOLD THAT CARNIVAL OUTFIT GOT A BONUS J AkM-Qurre sharp; 1 ALFY--BUT WCAB VOUR. LMAARFR.TAI-V 1 CLOTHES FOR. PRESS photos GOOD 1 PROMOTION STUFf J TKNUW.' A S ASIA L AyT I M O N g.IlMlcP NgjER I Elg tIa eEtH"g tTaIpi pCrTl lM6ilH&EWBM QlA Sj g bT S"rAWBDi ; S P OTT MSlHs jjIhiit o me e lIsiaQpIei BiTlO 1 1 PVS3sill5R E Hpttiajh DENJ S JIN i E SsAiR 6 H E a nn eieIInIT l PjETPtYlS U eJTAlifA M