Young Heroine Fire broke out in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis of Moorland, a small community near Muskegon, Mich. The mother was out duing chores. But four-year-old Margaret -Davis, center, was equal to the oc casion. She wrapped her 10-month-old -brother, Dale Wil liam, (right), in a blanket, and led two-year-old Alice Marie, (left), by the hand, to take them safely from the burning house. (AP Wirephoto) Commission Gets Ready For Joint Meeting Friday At its meeting Tuesday night the city planning and zoning commission squared off for the Joint meeting Friday afternoon with the state capitol planning commission and the Salem long range planning commission. Revision of the Salem zoning code will be studied by a com mittee of the city commission. which will give special attention to restrictions that the state commission wants to put on bus iness and industrial encroach ments on the capitol area. On the committee Chairman Bobert F. White appointed W. W. Rosebraugh, chairman, J. L. Franzen, Chris J. Kowitz and Milton L. Meyers. One of the questions to come op Friday afternoon when the Joint meeting is held at City hall will be a proposal that the old Washington school grounds be used by the state as an off-street parking area. The parking prob lem about the capitol area was recognized again Tuesday after ' noon at a meeting of the state board of control. Pending the Friday meeting the city commission is deferring action on zoning questions in the capitol area. There are two of these, one involving property at the southeast corner of North Capitol and Center and the oth er the northwest corner of North Capitol and Marion. Since West Salem is now part of Salem the planning and zon ing commission will consider zoning on the west side of the river. No serious complications re expected. Some requested changes in the Kingwood dis trict zoning are still before the commission. Some changes in street names were approved. Name of New kirk road was changed to Mize road. It runs east from Liberty road. In south Salem Bruce etreet was changed to Morning side. On Kingwood Heights the name of Ridgeway drive was changed to Lowen avenue. Orchard lane was rejected as (he nam of a road north from tat street beyond Four Cor am for the reason that the city Another Snag-Cutting Contract Coming Up Acting State Forester George Spaur announced Tuesday that a contract will be awarded De cember 2 for the second Job of snag-cutting in the Tillamook burn area. It is part of the gi gantic Job of "fire-proofing" the area, Spaur said. The state forester said that the first snag-free corridor con tract is practically completed. These corridors must be com pleted before hand planting and aerial seeding of the area is undertaken. The latest snag-cutting con tract includes 3.333 snags with an average diameter of 32 inches. The area is in the vicin ity of Owl camp on the Tilla mook - Forest Grove highway and is readily accessible by road. The first snag-falling contract was awarded several weeks ago to McCracken brothers of Sea side, Ore. One-Day Bridegroom Kills Self Because Married 'Wrong Girl' Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 16 (U.R) A 20-year-old bridegroom of one day scrawled a suicide note on the back of his marriage certificate then killed himself because he married the wrong girl, police said today. Former high school football star Tommy Lee Schwader wrote a trembling farewell note to his 16-year-old bride, Edna Irene (Jackie) Hamman, which said in part: "If anybody ever tells you this is a coward s way out, you try it once . , . Jackie, please don't dream I Dunkirk, N.Y., Nov. 16 UP) The youth's body, the muzzle Norman Marsh, 48 - year - old of a 12-gauge shotgun Jammed- j(, tM r,ut hjf. a 1115 1 HI5 HCttU. (Norman Marsh Gives Up Fliohi was found in his car Monday barely a day aft er he and Jackie were married in Yuma. Ariz. He had fired the death blast with his big toe. Beside his body, officers found a Yuma. Ariz., marriage certifi cate with a scrawled suicide note on the back. In his pocket, they found a note from the girl he had courted for months, Betty Jean Cron, 16, that turned down his plea to "go steady." "Tommy was sore because I had broken with him," Betty Jean, the bride's best friend, ex plained today. "He married the wrong girl, not the girl he loved. I was sure it would not work out." Although they went out to gether in a party Saturday night, Betty Jean said the final break in their romance came the day before, when he found she had dated another boy. But Saturday night after the party, Schwader. a Compton col lege student, talked Jackie into accompanying him to Yuma where they were married by a justice of the peace. "I thought I loved him," Jackie told police. "But on the way back from Yuma, I sud denly felt it was all wrong. I told him so." They went to a motel, how ever, where she said she told him she didn't love him and couldn't live with him. It was then that the one-time high school football star threat ened to take his life, the sobbing girl said. After the tight-lipped youth drove her to her home, he dis appeared. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schwader, searched frantically for him most of Sunday night. But a stranger, L. C. Walling, was the first to discover Tom my's auto and its grisly con tents. His pretty, red-haired bride was at home when the news came that she was a widow. Her friend, Betty Jean, was in high school. The youth's suicide note urged his mother not to "carry on too uiuun attempted non-stop transcontin ental flight Tuesday and landed here after 26 hours in the air. "I had weather all the way from El Paso, Texas, on," said Marsh. There were shifting headwinds something like 60 or 70 miles an hour and it was pret ty rough going." Marsh said he flew on instru ments for five hours at about 12,000 feet. Marsh landed here about 3 p.m. He left Los Angeles at 2:12 p.m. (EST) Monday. It was his third attempt to make the flight. He was flying a single engine Aeronca in an attempt to best the 30-hour re cord set a decade ago by Johnny Jones, now an American airlines captain. Tobin Talks to Negro Crowd Washington, Nov. 16 if) Sec retary of Labor Tobin told a gathering of negroes Tuesday that "the fight will be kept up" for passage of a law ending job discrimination. Other engagements prevented Tobin from making the speech in person. It was read for him by Undersecretary Michael J. Galvin. "The peoples of the world," he said, "are looking to America and Americans for help in build ing a world where all races, col ors, and creeds can live and work together harmoniously and constructively." Tobin addressed the conven tion of the National Council of Negro Women. President Tru man was to address the group tonight (about 5:30 PST). He was expected to make it the occasion for a new plea for en- Do YOU Know now I )DGF I What the DODGE Deal Is Let us tell you STAN BAKER MOTORS High and Chemeketa I, L, " " "". nm-iT"'fTr" """"" " " '" V"r llv Wist' linac ice ensun in many drlicrout triopitng Ojvoi A( your nrtrat Afdro dealer, actment of his civil rights pro gram. Tobin lusted recent instances in which colleges have permitted the entry of negro students, and added that there also have been gains for the negro "on the job front." Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 16, 194913 International Meal Plan Proves Success Mill City The international dinner sponsored by Mill City Parent Teachers' association, was reported by women in charge to be very successful. About 150 plates were served during the evening and $80 was cleared. The meal was served in the form of a progressive dinner at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miencrt and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman. The final course, des sert, was served at the high school recreation room, where a musical program was presented. Acting as general chairman was Mrs. Arthur Kriever, chairman of the' ways and means commit tee. Mrs. Robert Veness is presi dent of the Mill City Parent Teachers' association. Ourltees ..nit If A Mr Hf 1 1 ill r.fl m o?ui IIMII1K NEW GRADE AA MARGARINE ln Color-Ease Bag or Regular White Economy Package 00 000 IN PRIZES TO THE 27 WINNERS It's Easy here's all you do: send in the Grade AA stamp (or faciimilfl from a package of Durlcee's Own New Grade AA Margarine with a letter or the official entry blank from your grocer on which you hove written the name you wish to submit. For Instance "I suggest 'Nugget' as a nam for your now Margarine." Mall lo Ourkeo Famous Foods Contest, P.O. Box 1080( Chicago 77, Illinois. SEE YOUR GROCER FOR CONTEST ENTRY BLANKS AND RULES Dayton High School Prowled at Night Dayton It was discovered Monday morning that an entry had been forcibly made into the Dayton union high school by one of the windows. It was noticed later that windows had been forced and damaged. Inside, the door locks and knobs were brok en from the doors. In the office, the safe was damaged, but the persons trying to gain entry into the safe were disappointed. There was nothing missing. already has I street with similar name. $fz Hold J iQ&krJ The I tffi Phone! I U MARGWEN'S I I OPENING I f HAS BEEN 1 I POSTPONED 1 I Wt will not open Wednesday nite as 1 II previously announced. 1 Wow. . . What a Shape We're In! Used Goods Galore! ! ! Prices Slashed! Used Washing Machines Used Plumbing Fixtures LOOK . . . Automatic Wottr $f)C00 Heater Lj RECONDITIONED OIL HEATERS DIOTHERM NORGE ESTATE COLEMAN AND OTHERS Some With Fan OREGON I DEPT.0F AGRICULTURES INSPECTED N0 PASSED A 1 Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 State St. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS Yregon7 OE PT.0T AGRICtfUUffE 1 inspected V PASSED ' SMALL PICNIC Pork Roast ib. 32c DAINTY LEAN Loin Chops ib 45c OLD-FASHIONED Head Cheese Homemade ib 35c What This Country Needs Is LESS TALK About Lowering Prices and MORE ACTION. When Live stock Costs Us Less, We Immediately Drop Our Prices. RIGHT NOW We Are Offering a Large Va riety of Meat Cuts SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED BE LOW the Prices of a Few Weeks Ago. We Will Con tinue to Do So Whenever Possible. That's the Kind of ACTION THAT MEANS SAVINGS EVERY DAY. LITTLE LEAN Pork Steak ib. 38c LOIN END Pork Roast ib 41c DELICIOUS Polish Rings Smoked Pork ib. 49c Round Steak lb. 55c Beef Pot Roast Ts lb. 37c "Flavored" HAMS MoC Small Picnic HAMS -lb. 35c PURE LARD 2 ... 25c PORK SAUSAGE ..... 37e LITTLE LINKS - 45c LONG BOLOGNA ib. 35c Skinless WIENERS ,. 35c GROUND BEEF 35c LIVER SAUSAGE ... . 35c PORK LIVER 30c BACON SQUARES ,. 10c Our Ground Meat Are Prepared from Fresh Inspected Curt. USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO $20c .00 and up f W plumb img-hcatihg