12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1949 WEDDING BELLS FRIDAY 'Quite a Gal' Is Description Of Bride-to-Be of the Veep By TOM YARBROl'GH St. Louis, Nov. 16 W) Who is this Mrs. Carleton S. Hadley, .who Is going to Washington as the bride of Vice President Alben W. Barkley? Well, she's quite gal! That's the phrase used by some who know her best. When it comes to good humor and personality, she is a fine match for the Veep, and after they are married here on Friday, there will be a refreshing new (ace on the Washington jcene. "I'm Just a plain, Midwestern girl who has had a plain, pro saic life, and there isn't anything to write about me." she protested to an Interviewer soon after she had announced the engagement But her large blue eyes, soft voice and ready smile make her somewhat more than that as the vice president instantly dis covered when they first met one night last July on a cruise down the Potomac. She was in Washington on vacation from her Job as secre tary to a railroad attorney in bt Louis. The vice president, with a fine Kentucky eye for a beauty, lost no time. He didn't let the fact that he was 71 and she was 37 hold him back one bit. He gave a luncheon for her at the senate, and a cocktail party at his apart ment. He saw her to the train, and said he might be getting out to St. Louis sometime. Would it be all right if he gave her a call? She told him she would be ae-lighted. Not many Sundays later the vice president dropped in to bt. Louis by plane for a private little luncheon with Jane Had ley and a dozen or so of her friends. The news leaked out. From that point on, until the engage ment was announced, Barkley had the country with him in his suit for the lady's hand. A lawyer's daughter, she came from a country town, and dropp ed out of college after the first year to be married to a witty, promising young attorney in St. Louis. Fourteen years later, Car leton S. Hadley died of a heart attack. There were two daugh ters. Her father is Roy Rucker, a lawyer, her mother a pianist. Jane was born September 23, 1911, at Keytesville (1940 popu lation 854), in north central Missouri, 33 miles west of Mob erly. When she was 10 years old the family moved to Sedalia, Mo., and there she grew up, ex cept for two 'teen-age years in Europe. With her mother and the other children, William and Estle, she spent a year in Rome and a year in Switzerland, go ing to school. Back in Missouri, she won the state high school medal in French. When she entered Washing ton university in 1929 she in tended to become a lawyer, but young Mr. Hadley was persua sive and he cut that intention short. The daughters are Anne, now 17, a student at Sophie New eomb college at New Orleans. and Jane, 14, who la in high school here. She was born a democrat ("there weren't any republicans in Keytesville ) and has left the reservation only once. That was in 1940, when she cam paigned for Wendell Willkie. 1 Moving Service at A ACROSS TOWN Of I ACROSS THI NATION M Wbathar you're monng in (own or to diatant dty, wa oflar the finast in wonry-fTM mora aarv irt. Ow local stara and mov ing facttitiM are uoaiealled. And rapiaaantatrne for Allied Van Unas wa on place at roar diapanl She know-bow of too world's laagaat long-dUtanre Snoring- otoaniMtkn. A Iliad 's part paeaara, handlan and drivan safeguard Tow poaaaa ajooa arary atap of Mia way. Caamhtaatamataa. Red Star Transfer liberty Belmont Pa, 1-1111 Tm back in the fold, and a democrat from now on," she says. Her grandfather, W. W. Rucker, was a democratic con gressman for 24 years. There's no pretense about Mrs. Hadley. Her apartment is not at all fancy or plush, and she made no effort to steer the Veep clear of it when he came to town. When she went out to the airport to meet him from time to time she could have used somebody's limousine a block long, but no; she drove her mother's little coupe. Summing her up, a friend said: "She has charm, poise. brains and beauty." That leaves out the solid fact that she is an excellent cook and likes to turn out odd dishes, things hardly anyone else ever has. Her tastes in clothes are most ly simple, except that she loves hats and often winds up with one that costs four or five times as much as the dress that she wears with it. She is a good story-teller, but on that score she says she has no illusions about competing with Barkley. who Is rated as one of the best. "Oh, no," she laughed, "I'll Just sit back. I can't compete with him." Tm looking forward to mov ing to Washington and meeting more of Mr. Barkley's friends," she said. Plywood Company Seeks Tax Refund Eugene, Nov. 18 W) The Eu gene Plywood company has ask ed Lane county to refund $31, 951.82 paid in taxes over a sev en-year period. The company claims the amount represents tax differences on assessment values because of a location er ror. The firm has informed the county court that the assessor listed the plant as inside the city limits of Eugene but that the factory is outside it. Because of the error, the firm argued, taxes have been levied for the city, school district and the Eugene rural fire protection district. Small Wedding For Veep, Bride St. Louis, Nov. 1 (UBOnly members of the immediate fam ilies of the bride and groom will attend the wedding of Vice Pres ident Alben W. Barkley and Mrs. Carleton S. Hadley in tiny St. John's Methodist chapel Fri day morning. Richmond Coburn, spokesman for the couple, revealed at a press conference Tuesday that there would be no ushers or other attendants with two exceptions. William W. Rucker of Palm Beach, Fla., will accompany Mrs. Hadley to the altar and Bark ley's son, David M. Barkley, will serve as best man. Reporters will be permitted to attend the brief and simple service but photographers will be barred from the chapel. There will be plenty of pictures out side, however, and arrangements have been made to telecast the wedding part; on the trip to and from church. An informal luncheon at the swank Lindcll Boulevard home of Mrs. T. M. Sayman will fol low the ceremony and the "Veep" and his bride will leave for their honeymoon immediate ly thereafter. Terra Corra Head Gets Socked in the Nose Portland, Ore., Nov. 18 (U.B The Portland art museum today id that somebody socked a 16th century terra cotta head in the nose, leaving the fragments at the figure's base. The Italian art work was on loan from the New York Metro politan Museum of Fine Arts. The nose had been once restored. role in economic freedom there was some doubt whether that freedom still existed. "I will not discuss whether or not we still have it," he said. "I will at least assume it will come again." Singing Commercials Called Advertising 'Sin' by Hoover New York, Nov 16 (U.PJ Former president Hoover censured the advertising profession Monday night for their "sins" the singing commercial and the signboard. In accepting the New York Advertising club's "plaque of achievement," Mr. Hoover said advertising was a vital part of a free economic system because it - created a demand for goods which in turn increased produc tion and the standard of living. "Also, I suggest that you have advanced or at least spread the arts," he said. "Without your subsides to publication and the radio, the writers and artists would not have risen to the top layers of the cake. I do not mention the musicians as I get no impression of advancing civ ilization out of the singing commercial." Mr. Hoover said it was "too happy an occasion" to mention all of the advertising Industry's sins, but he couldn't overlook signboards. 'Sometimes I have a dreamy hope you will cease using the scenery to urge pills on me when I am seeking those solitudes where fish alone can dwell," he said. "But I do thank you for not placing electric signboards over those spots." Mr. Hoover said that although advertisers play an important NO CARBON! SOOT! DIAL NOW 35622 or 356061 For Your Load of CATERIZED.OIL! Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway I Truman to Take 3-Week Vacation Washington, Nov. 18 (U.B The White House announced to day that President Truman will fly to Key West, Fla., Nov. 28 for a vacation of approximately three weeks. The news of his trip actually was old but this was the first time it had been announced of ficially. Church Confab Closing Today Dallas, Nov. 18 Figures showing the strength of the Mennonite Brethren church in home and foreign missions were revealed in reports at the an nual Pacific district conference, including Oregon, Washington and California, which will con ciuae here Wednesday after a five-day session. Rev. Waldo Wiebe of Shatter, Calif., secretary of the home mission board, reported that to tal giving in the district during the year ended was over S460, 000. Church property in the dis trict is valued at $670,000. Extension of the foreign mis sion field was announced by Dr P. R. Lange, president of the foreign missions board, and Rev A. E. Janzen, both of Hillsboro Kan. The general conference foreign mission board is now active in India, Africa, China and South America. In India alone nine stations and five hos pitals are maintained, and a new field is opening in Japan. G. W. Peters, president of Pa cific Bible institute at Fresno, Calif., stated that the year's op erating budget for that institu tion is $72,000. The ISO delegates were Joined by some 200 visitors from the three states representatives from elsewhere in the United States and Canada, and several hun dred church members of the im mediate area for inspirational services. Over 600 were served at each of two meals Sundav in the newly remodeled church parlors of the local MB church. Dr. Walter L. Penner, Bakers field, president of the confer ence, is in charge of business sessions, conducted twice daily. V Pastor of the host church is' Rev. G. H. Jantzen. The New York Giants with 13 pennants since 1900. lead all other National League teams in that department. TO THE PUBLIC: For approximately 23 years, we have sold and applied composition roofing, very seldom sell ing material. OUR NEW POLICY: You buy our material, then hire our regular, experienced roofers to apply it. You save $65 to $90 on the average 20 square Job of thick butts or three-tab. Other designs in proportion. There will be no outside salesman service on materials only, which will necessitate you coming to the office to inspect roofing materials. For after 5 p.m. ap pointments call office, 3-9694. This policy does not apply to our flat or built-up roofing departments. For further details on this money-facing combination, phone or come in to Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Avenue Salem, Oregon I 301 NAILS... M NO AIR LOSS! iJM 1 1 GENERAL I PtMCTMK-SEAUlK I V SAFETY TUBE J Let Your Old Tubes Make the Down Payment STATE TIRE SERVICE Stat, and Cottage Phon. 2-2459 fin iftStt ? All the conveniences you've been looking for and longing for ... in one excitina new hnme mimmviil refill lritl ; No need to keep tabs on end-papers and rubber-binders irom your regular Dome permanent kit; you get an abundance of both in this de luxe refill I No need to worry about having mislaid a few curling-rods; you get extra ones in this de luxe refill! Plus ... the extra added attraction of generous bottles of Enriched Creme Shampoo (designed to make your hair more receptive to a wave) . . . Creme Rinse (to condition your locks to beautiful lustre) . . . and pleasantly fragranced Waving Lotion! All this at an amazing, down-to-earth price, in The Richard Hudnut Home Permanent De Luxe Refill Kit s 1 2.00 I 111 i! W w Get the three great "names" of motoring in one great car get an OLDSMOBILE! Futuramic Oldsmobile vnlh the finest, cleanest tinea on the highway! "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile tat the smoothest, most responsive action you've ever tried! llydra-Motic Oldsmobile with "no-clutch, no-shift" driving ease and amazing gas economy ! Only Oldsmobile gives you the three big automotive advancements of the decade! Each of them began a sweeping trend each comes at its thrilling best in Oldsmobile! So don't be satisfied with less for your new car money. Buy with an eye on all three; Futuramicl Hydra-Malic! "Rocket" Engine! No matter what you pay, you won't get them all , . , unless you get an OLDSMOBILE! S I I YOUR NIARIST OLDSMOftlLI DIALER LODER BROS Salem, Oregon mrnmmn v