Farmer Miss America' Is Busy Jean Bartel, 1946 "Miss America," sings at the "Trocadcro" in Milan, Italy, between night club appearances and a film role in Paris. SAME AS FOR MOM AND POP Nation to Give Kids Special Day Saturday (Editor's Note: Nationwide plans for national Kids' day November 19 were discussed by sponsors at a special news conference at which kids acted as reporters in place of their newsmen fathers. Here is the report written by David Kramp, an eighth grade pupil, who "covered" It for the Associated Press). By DAVID KRAMP Chicago, Nov. 16 CP) There's a Mother's day and a Father's day and now there's going to be a Kids' day. National Kids' day will be celebrated for the first time Satur day, Nov. 19. It will be held in succeeding years on the third Sat urday in November. . That means we won't get out of school for .t, but it may be changed to a I school day later. National Kids day is spon sored by Kiwanis International and the National Kids' Day foundation. Plans for Kids' day were an nounced last night at a press conference. Kid reporters cov ered it and wrote their own stories about it. Special movies, parades, radio programs, football games, pan cake fairs and other special events will be held in some cities on National Kids' day for the benefit of underprivileged children. The purposes of National Kids' day are: to put attention upon Funeral Services For F. L. Da.ison Funeral services were held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Wednes day afternoon for Fred L. Dani son, late resident of Station A, Salem, who was found dead in his room Monday. Danison, whose death was at tributed to pneumonia by Les ton Howell, county coroner, af ter an autopsy, was an attend ant at the Oregon state hospital. He was found by another attend ant and apparently had died Saturday or Sunday. Born September 8, 1881, in Farmer City, 111., Danison had lived in the Willamette valley area the past 35 years. Surviving are a daughter, Gladys Marie Kroner of Port land; a son, Virgil Leroy Dani son of Portland and two grand children, Leanne Danison and Coleen Colgan. both of Port land. the accomplishments of youth to seek additional interest from the public to combat juvenile de linquency and to help its vic tims to become useful citizens; and to help underprivileged children by giving them a chance to enjoy some of the benefits more fortunate boys and girls have. Kiwanis clubs in various cities will raise funds to be used in their own communities to aid underprivileged children. There will be a nationwide Kids' day radio broadcast Fri day, November 18, with Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore. Georges Grandparents Silverton Howard George, principal of the senior high school, and Mrs. George have re ceived word of the birth of a grandson, weight 7 pounds, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon George, of Corvallis. Gordon George is a junior in forestry at the Ore gon State college, Corvallis. Mrs. George and the baby are tempo- rarly at Bend. $2 Million Case Before Court Answer in the case of A. F Kynell vs. Glenn R. Munkcrs, Pioneer Trust company and Aetna Guaranty company as filed by the guaranty company and Munkers sets out that these defendants desire the court to determine ownership of some $2,000,000 in securities involved in the suit. The guaranty com pany also asks the court to de termine compensation it claims it is due for its services. The bonds were recently turned over to the circuit court here by Pioneer Trust company and Glenn R. Munkers when Kynell filed suit asking for the bonds which had been left with the trust company for safekeep ing. Kynell said the bonds were of a value of over $100,000 and; he asked delivery of them or such sum in excess of $100,000 as may be their true value. The Aetna Guaranty com pany in its answer says that prior to April 5, 1948, it nego tiated for a bond issue aggre gating $2,000,000 for Kynell Industries, Inc., and for mort gaging of the assets of the Ky nell company to the guaranty company. It sets out in its answer that at various times it was directed to deliver certain of the bonds to various persons named and that it cannot de liver the bonds to any persons without hazard to its own stock holders and desires an adjudi cation as to the true owners of the bonds as well as sums al leged due to itself. Steers Top Market Lebanon Jack Swanson of the Santiam stock farm topped the Portland cattle market with a choice load of Vanderhoof Polled Hereford steers. The steers averaged 1080 pounds and brought 25(2 cents per pound, the top price for Portland stock yards, with a run of 2400 head. Slow Progress In Bridges Trial San Francisco, Nov. 16 (VP) Extremely Intensive questioning of prospective jurors made pro gress barely perceptible today in selecting the 12 to try Harry Bridges for perjury. Bridges, head of the CIO Longshore and Warehousemen's union, is accused of swearing falsely in getting his citizen ship papers in 194S. The govern ment said he was a communist and that he said he wasn't, i Federal Judge George B. Har ris, the prosecution and the de fense all took turns asking the jury panel searching questions even as to the occupations of husbands of married daughters, in what clubs the veniremen hold membership, what they read. Bridges listened with great alertness, sometimes cupping his hand to his ear. JOHN FISHER PLUMBING AND HEATING 170 Lancaster Drive Phone 22984 3ILES! ralitvt coughs-aching muscles MEMO Leaves Hospital U. S. Su preme Court Justice William O Douglas prepares to leave a Yakima, Wash., hospital for Tucson, Ariz., to rest before returning to court bench. Horse pictured on his tie is Kendall, favorite mount of the justice and the one which fell upon him, breaking 17 ribs, during a mountain outing recently. (AP Wirephoto) sal Fori i No Jokers Just a Good Deal YOU at DODGE i STAN BAKER I MOTORS High ond Chemeketa Want More Efficient Heat? Let us show you the Dclco-Heat Conversion Oil Burner with the exclusive "Rotopowei" unit! Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 3-8555 1085 Broadway Authorized Representative Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1919 It The defense appeared chiefly interested In any union affilia tion which might be objection able. Bridges, who headed some of the nation's bitterest strikes in organizing the CIO Long shoremen and Warehousemen, has made violent enemies in some other union quarters. Seven men and five women had been seated tentatively in the jury box, and each then was subject to the intensive interro gation. After this is all over, the defense still can exercise ten challenges for removal of those they consider unsuitable, and the prosecution can oust six. Bridges in on trial for perjury and conspiracy. Two officials of the union are on trial as co- defendants, charged with con spiracy. They are Henry Schmidt and J. R. Robertson. IfYourflose FillsUp -Spoils Sleep Tonight! A few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nos tril works right where trouble is to open nose, relieve stuiiy, trsn sient congestion. Brings quick reiiel irom sniffly, sneezy head cold dis tress. Try It I Follow directions In package. DO THIS I tamtkt I brtittilni I usltr-l tivit I J restful L e5 VICKS VA TRO HOI CIESCENT SPRINX In sprlnklcr-lsa 1 I w iv;" --taxi ti YOUR HOLIDAY COOKIES WITH SPRINX ADD SPARKLE, add color, add new beauty to holiday cookies, cakes and candies . . . with Crescent SPRINX the gay, colorful cake and cookie decorations in sprinkler top jars! So easy to use just sprinkle the decorations on. Goes on uniformly. Eight colorful varieties: red, green, pink and yellow Sprinx sugar crystals; red, green, brow a and mixed Sprinx seeds. At your grocer's now. SfelMay CMkle reclpel, featuring Sprinx Ideas fr. Write Marian Ml, 431 Daorkanl ., Saaltl 4, Wash. CRESCENT SPRINX Mads by Crstcsnt Manufacturing Company, niaksrt of Map. sins, Crstcsnt Spicsi, flavors and Baking Powder Fluctuation Blamed Bank Debit Decline Fluctuation in state financial activities is responsible for the sharp decline in Salem bank debits during October as com pared with the same month a year ago, bank officials explain ed Wednesday. A report by the federal re serve bank showed that Salem's debits in October were $39,573,- 000 as compared with $62,152, 000 for October of 1948. Financial transactions for the month were virtually zero for October, said a bank official. He added that ordinary business transactions were normal and equal to those of a year ago. For the 10 months ending October 31, Salem bank debits were $587,654,000, or an increase of $9,777,000 over a corresponding period last year. West Woodburn Unit Plans Holiday Affair Woodburn The West Wood burn Home Extension club held the November meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd J. Way mire. Speaker of the afternoon was Miss Eleanor Trindle from the county extension office who gave the lesson on "Unifying Home Furnishings." Mrs. D. D. Ballrot, vice president, had charge of the business meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess with Mrs. C. M. Shrock and Mrs. K. M. Bothum assisting. The next meeting will be a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Roy Kuns. IE THRIFTY.. St Joseph Aspirin is to pure. 12 tabletl 10c; 100 tablets only 45c. Why pay mora, or over accept less than the St Joseph fuarantM ox "Aspirin at Its best" Buy Someone sick? qet (Aell quisle )R Gibson "Art" says brighten those lonesome "shut-in" days often with cheery . . . M2asu featured at better stores everywhere GOOD WILL OFFER IN EVERY BOX OF SAf. WHTE SOAP SHverEDtist BIG 11" X 11" CANNON FACECLOTH In avary Regular Six box (omen sty&NOrtA ufi to I5t) $$ MONEY $$ FHA New.' ImprcW.' Now with extra Sudsina Dower' Sbeafc aiuxhindf - r- - -r . Makes washdays easy! New Silver Dust "wonder-bubbles'' get clothes cleaner, help keep hands smooth. And that bt(, fluffy Cannon (oca cloth makes Silver Dust an even better buy. Get your boa of top-value Silver Dust with the Cannon face cloth right now I f Make it AtOf JgW J with the waiter of her own choice! If Is ft hard to decide on the one right gift for her? shopping . . . and yet Cavalier Is itie most thoughtful B If Mot this Chriilmail Give Iht Cavalier Miniature, the small, and loving gift you could give ... for It allows her to n I conveniently sized token gift that lets her com in and pleat herieHI Com In now and oik about the Cavalier Jf B choose for herself the Cavalier Cedar Chest she prefers. Miniature Gift Token. We furnish it without charge ti II It's the easy way for you to do your Christmas whn you order a Christmas Cavalier. w kfc gQ this Prlmo Vera veneer, set oH by quitted maple, gt i" jliill lIIsS ,v' w0'n,, wi,', l"0'.""y m,ov this beautiful style o a"" '''''' tlA th hondiome mahogany veneer of lh (lewln mapl, deslea t v"";- -mMv '59" -r- '59" this lewln maple desien t Sis eulttgndingly tovth walnut end Korln it at They're ell Covofi'tr beauties . . . end ihl will love your rhoughrfunesf (n moling If poiiibf for her to choose her own, ai much o the fhrili to the Christmas surprise of your gift of a Cavalier Cedor Chest. SOLD ON ELFST ROM'S CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN .Irtll'CMHON PiSH TOWEL 4H, Real tsUte Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. tSJ 8 Hith 8L Ue. 8-216 M-WJ in rvenj NOV ClAKTTSlZE BOX ! 340 Court Street Salem, Oregon