I I wi x -rzr,a I OPERATOR REPORTS REACTIONS Salem People Get 'Polite7 Rating From Phone Girls By CHRIS K0W1TZ, Jr. Put telephone in the hands of a Salem resident and you have a mannerly, polite, out ouen-coniusea, inaiviauai. lane u irom the girls who know the telephone operators. To the operator!' eyes, the public is nothing but a maze of holes in a huge punchboard-like wall. The ladies who man the switch boards meet Mr. and Mrs. Pub- Voice With a Smile Norma Jean Loewen (above), is one of the Salem telephone operators who handles information calls. She lives at 1S20 Trade street, Salem. New Fireless Guided Rocket Los Angeles, Nov. 15 (U.B The airforce today unwrapped its "Firebird," a guided rocket with "human intelligence," and broke a two years' silence by releasing data on another missile. The pilotless "Firebird," the air force's first air-to-air missile, is launched from a "mother" jet fighter plane. It is capable of heading off and destroying enemy aircraft in a matter of seconds so speedily it is dif ficult to track on radar scopes. The air force, in a release to the Seattle Post Intelligencer, also released some data on a guided missile that has been fired to altitudes higher than those attained by any known aircraft. An air force spokesman said the missile, named "Gapa, can fly faster than sound and was designed to seek out and destroy enemy aircraft. The "Firebird" gains its in telligence from a complicated ra- ar navigational system. The target is first located by the missile's mother plane which directs launching of the projec tile from external launching racks. The warhead explodes when close enough to an enemy aircraft to insure destruction, Both the "Firebird" and the "Gapa" have undergone firing tests at Holloman air force base, Alamogordo, N.M. The "Fire bird was developed by the Ryan Aeronautical Co., of San Diego, Cat., at a cost of $2,000, 000. The "Gapa" is a product of Boeing Aircraft Co. lie through mouth and ear only. And from the listening point of a tall operator's stool, Salem people are generally pleasant to talk with. The girls with the pleasant voice and phone number every body knows, agree on two points: (1) the average telephone user in the Salem area is earnest in his efforts to use his phone cor rectly; (2) but he is usually just a bit bewildered as to certain phases of telephoning technique. Telephone users may make things more pleasant for the operators by following a few simple suggestions set down by the girls themselves. Louise Pettit of 270 North 23rd street, a veteran telephone operator, speaks for all local op erators in offering criticism and advice regarding telephone usage by subscribers in this area. In the first place, Miss Pettit points out, John and Jane Salem dial "O" on their telephones en tirely too often. Now don't get the young lady wrong. She s not complaining of the volume of calls. But she explains that many people are in the time-wasting habit of dial ing operator when they should be calling another number. Examples: Operators receive dozens of calls daily from per sons who inquire of someone's telephone number. Calls of this nature should go to information service, phone number 113. Other persons call "operator" in regard to telephone company business. Miss Pettit reminds that the telephone company's lo cal office has a phone number of its own, 2-4101. The girls at the receiving end of number 113, information service, also are swamped with a lot of unnecessary calls from a polite but misunderstanding public. The most irritating of these calls, from the girls' standpoint, is requests for numbers which can be found in the telephone directory. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company goes to great expense to publish and distribute its directory, never theless many persons refuse to use the directory, and dial 113 to seek any phone number. Many misconstrue the term information" as applied to tele phone service. Certain phone users seem to think that if they call 113 they may obtain an ansSver to any question which may arise in their minds. The girls on the information switch board often get requests regard ing weather forecasts, road con ditions, etc., and calls from peo ple who hear sirens and ask "Where's the fire?" Telephone girls aren't master mind magicians. Or maybe you knew that. However, some local people evidently think the information girls are all cousins to Hou dini. It is not uncommon for information to receive a call such as, "What's the number of that store where they sell clothes? You know the one I mean the place where they have so many sales." Next time you make a long distance call, don't bother about borrowing a stop watch for the occasion. The phone company isn't out to gyp anyone. Very intricate, expensive timing de vices are mounted on telephone switchboards to time your call, and operators are instructed to watch the time of every call with extreme diligence. Nevertheless, complaints pour into operators every day from people (mostly women) who in sist, "I timed my call, and I talk ed five minutes and twenty seven seconds. What are you trying to pull, charging me for seven minutes?" 4 Again, it's confusion over tele phone policy which creates the friction. The complaint in most cases calms down after the dif ference between a station-to-station and person-to-person call is explained. If you're not familiar with these two types of calls, you may brush up on them by reading the two paragraphs at the top of the inside front cover of your telephone book. , Some telephone users, after placing a few long distance calls, become so familiar with the procedure involved that the op erator need not say a thing but "thank you." If you want to make it that easy for the oper ator, place your calls thus: "This is 3-4042. I'm calling Portland, Atwater 6631, John Smith." That's all you need to say. The operator knows that you are calling from 3-4042, and that you want to speak to John Smith, whose number it Atwater 6631 in Portland. Remember to speak slowly enough that the operator has time to write everything down. And when you're giving a Sa lem telephone number, pause after the first of the five digits. It will help the operator im- mensly. If possible, ask the girls, don't place a long distance call from a noisy room, and never jabber into the receiver while the oper ator is in the act of putting your call through. Such noises are confusing to the operator. Should you want to determine the charges on any certain call, so inform the operator when you place the call, instead of after you've hung up. Those are just a few of the remarks made by Miss Pettit, speaking in behalf of operators in Salem, The girls all appreciate the politeness Salem people show toward them, and they hope the preceding suggestions will pro vide mutual benefit to telephone users and themselves. Personal hints to male readers: You've probably wondered, as had I, if the average operator looks as sweet as she sounds. Believe me, boys, she does. Willamina Mrs. Esther Fawk, local postmaster, Is in the McMinnville hospital after a collapse at her home last week She is reported greatly improved. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1949 9 Salem High Plans Music Festival A show that will include band, orchestra and vocal music, car nival acts, magic and dancing, will be staged in the high school auditorium Thursday night. Fully 250 persons will par ticipate in the production which will feature the first appearance of the high school orchestra this season. Jack Sponge with his magic, dancers from the Armstrong school and a one act play, coach ed by Miss Margaret Burroughs of the high school drama de partment, will be featured dur ing the evening. A number of prizes have been made available for top performances. Attention Loggers! Top Prices Paid for Logs at Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Pb. 1125 ii MARGWEN'S GRAND OPENING IS WEDNESDAY EVENING From 7 to 10! They're going to feature chil dren's apparel, gifts and toys. It's in the New Capital Shopptne Center Kodak Tourist Camera WITH Koon uNi 2450 Nf a brilliant. V irxPn',v fo,d" jg com.ro for -yock-ond-wWt. Picture. Indoor snapshots are easy, too you just attach the accessory f lasholder for syn chronized flash shots in black-and-white or full-color. Camera has new type shutter release for sharp, steady exposure. Lens is pre-set, no focusing re quired. Takes black-and-white Kodak 620 film. Neg atives, 214x314 inches. You'll get a world of picture taking fun from this Kodak Tourist Camera. Stop in and let us show it to you. Camera, $24.50; accessory flashholder, $11.08. Prices include Federal Tax. J LAMtwA surPt " MCOMMtQCAL' SAtfM Guests Yamhill Home Silverton Mrs. Ed Holden, the family of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jay McCall, and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Box (Mary McCall) and Leslie Jayne, of Cocoa, Fla., spent Sunday all day and as dinner guests of the Harold Bo deen family at their Yamhill home, former residents of Silverton. WALNUT MEATS WANTED WE NEED 10,000 POUNDS AT ONCE Top Cash Prices Paid ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 No. River Rood Salem, Oregon Phone 2327S nash is m miwmM - Nash engineers have done it again ! Now for the first time you can have all the thrill of super-compression power on regular gasoline I You'd expect the company that's been ahead in the power parade for a third of a century to stay ahead but wait 'til you drive ( 1950 Nash Airflyte. Take out a new Nash Ambassador. Its Turbo-head engine has a 7.3 to I ratio. Fill it up with "regular" then tackle the worst hill you know take the challenge of any other car at the traffic light. And lei the throttle tell the story I Check your gas mileage for another sur prise. No other car of Nash Ambassador size can come anywhere close to it in miles to the gallon. And the Nash Statesman, with its high compression engine, is equally outstand ing in its class with over 25 miles to the gallon at average highway speed. What has Nash got the others haven't? Exclusive scalcd-in manifolds, for one thing. They utilize the leanest of mix tures. Uniflo-Jet Carburetion, for an other. It means smoother performance. 207 less Air Drat Then, these grea( engines get another boost from America's best aerodynamic design for Airflyte design has 20.7 less air drag than the average of nine other current cars tested. And Nash alone has Airflyte Construc tion that is stronger, safer, without use less weight. New Lower Prices $73 to $140 loss than last yoarl See the new and finer 1950 Nash Airflytes. with Super-Compression Power, Skyliner Lounge Interiors, and dozens of other new features, all priced far less than last year. Compare value compare prices you'll agree they are the best buy today. NtwHydro-Matlt SriVt For the best test of alt, see your Nash dealer and get the thrill yourself of Air flyte high-compression power. Try it in the Nash Ambassador with Hydra-Matic Drive (optional extra) and exclusive Selecto-Lift Starting. And let the throttle tell the story I dJlEAUsl- me smresAtw 7we ambassador. Vrmmt Cart Sine 1909 THEM'S MUCH Of TOMORROW IN ALL NASH DOES TODAY MARION MOTORS 333 Center St. Salem, Ore. MllVlf,,,0P bottom... inside and out WW m m mm m m nl3 m aaaW' Mm m I NEW 3o'lnth rluo'"nt lomP brilliantly tights entire cooking top. kjrur higher back panel adds greater beauty and nL" utility. NEW Rad,an'uba Cooklna Units oook faste. yet use less current. NEW m,r,"-okin8 tyli"B by world-famous: Raymond Loewy. NEW 6-60 Time-Signal has 2 speeds-one for stop watch accuracy up to 6 minutes, another for timing up to 60 minutes. NEW ,wl,ch knobs are easier to read -no need to 1 stoop or bend. NEW ,oraS drawers move smoothly, quietly on Ht" triple Nylon rollers. This new Frigidaire Electric Range has new, smarter styling -new time-and-work-saving features galore! New, more efficient Radiantube Cooking Units that cook far faster -yet actually save money on current I Choose models with either one or two big Even Hcat Ovens. You'll be able to cook a whole oven meal automatically thanks to the Cook-Master Oven Clock Control. And you'll have the Triple-Duty Thcrmizcr-use it as a small oven, as a deep-well cooker, or as 3i extra surface unit ,. Model Shown RM-65 ( America's most beautiful l, jlTS 1 s JT MM &S0 I " Your mMtniTYM? m 309" Others At Low At $1 54.75 . ... -..Llnn Unit I RadlantuD - It cook, (aster than ev befwe-and dow twJJ exact controlled heats - you get the aim. re suits every time. Phone Trade-in Is Your Down Payment VILLAMETTI TlllIT'J HADIlt APPLIANCE t I0NE FU1RISIE1! SALEM OREGON CITY Today For Free Appraisal 115 South Commercial Street Phon. 3-9148 1 r