Seven New Members in Local Club Six new members were voted in by the Junior Woman's club at its meeting last evening. They include Mrs. Leonard Gibby, Mrs. Thomas Bays, Mrs. Ken Muller, Mrs. Richard Klover, Mrs. Deryl Currie and Miss Ger- aldine Nelson. Mrs. Charles Knapp was received into the group as a transfer member from North Bend. Mrs. Emery Ingham. Portland, extension chairman for junior women i groups in the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, was a visitor and speaker of the evening. She discussed the work of Junior Woman's clubs, parti cularly their state-wide project of assisting the Woodburn boys' school. The junior women of the state at present are refurnishing a recreation room at the school. The invitational holiday tea of the club was announced for the evening of December 12 at the Salem Woman's club house. Announcement was made that the Oregon Federation of Worn- ' j en s ciuds convention will be in foruana, April zu-zz. Next meeting for the club is November 28 with the Ameri can home department in charge. Silver Tea Service Presented Club Monmouth The Monmouth Civic club held the November meeting in the City hall. Mrs. Kent Farley presided and Mrs Van Crider, acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Anton Postl. The rooms were beaui fully decorated in chrysanthe mums. Miss Alabama Brenton, for mer instructor of the Oregon College of Education and a for mer resident of Monmouth, pre sented the Civic club with a seven piece silver tea set. Those reporting on commit tees were Mrs. Delmer Dewey. program; Mrs. G. L. Russell, membership; Mrs. Van Crider. home demonstration; Mrs. C. F Gillette, hospitality; Mrs. E. M. Ebbert, garden; Mrs. E. A. Stcb bins, Christmas seals. Mrs. C. C. Powell told of the Red Cross blood unit coming to Monmouth November 21, from 3 to 6 p.m. The unit will have its headquarters in the OCE gym nasium. Mrs. E. A. Stebbins gave a report as representative from the Civic club on what they were doing to secure a name for the new high school between Monmouth and Inde pendence. Miss Edna Mingus of Salem, former head of the English de partment at the Oregon College of Education, was the speaker for the afternoon. Her topic was "Children's Books," by Oregon authors. Mrs. Henry M. Gunn and Mrs. I wiJ!.:JM'-'-m--. Feted on Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mespelt, above, observed their golden wedding anniversary, Sunday, a reception being given at their home in Scio. The couple's three daughters, Mrs. J. E. Kitchen, Mrs. E. H. Kelly and Mrs. R. V. Carleson, all live in Salem. Give Them the Bird TShower for l! KA ic-c- ft i k"n r I V 1 1 JJ 1X141 t- Miss Carol Kunz, who is to be wed November 22 to Roy L. Shelton. was honored at a kit chen shower and party for which Mrs. Don ReVille was hostess on Saturday afternoon at her home. Honoring ' Miss Kunz were Mrs. Willard Shelton, Mrs. John Hancock, Mrs. Don Spouden meyer, Mrs. Hank Spouden meyer, Mrs. Gordon Beecroft, Miss Deborah Elkington, Miss Grace Ashford, and from out-of-town, Mrs. Harold Taylor of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Glenn Cooper of Camas, Wash., Mrs. J. N. Re Ville of Grants Pass, and the hostess. salt, and poultry seasoning look, stirring constantly, over moderate heat for about 5 min utes. Add oysters. Makes about 10 cups or enough stuffing for 12-pound turkey. If your family is small it may be that you can find one of the small Beltsville Whites, or Jer sey Buffs, in your market to cook at home. There's nothing better in turkey fare. AP Newsfesturesl There is a jumbo crop of tur keys this year the second larg est on record and so you may find it profitable to serve one of the birds for Sunday dinner and have the leftovers for the next week. It won't hurt to rehearse your turkey cooking techniques for the holidays ahead. Here's recipe for savory oyster stuf fing. For new cranberry flavor use your favorite recipe for cranberry sauce, then add sliv ers of preserved ginger. Savory Oyster Stuffing Ingredients: Vi cup butter or margarine, Vi cup finely chopped onion, H cup finely diced onion, 'a teaspoon tabasco sauce, 8 cups soft bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons minced parsley, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning, 1 pint oysters or 1 16-ounce can (drained and chopped). Method: Melt butter or mar garine in a large skillet, add the onion and celery and cook over low heat until onion is yellow but not brown. Add the tabas co sauce, bread crumbs, parsley, Donald Searing were appointed to work with the Monmouth Chamber of Commerce on Christ mas decorations for the city. An invitations was received from the Independence club to attend their meeting Tuesday, November 15. The next meeting will be De cember 9, with a Christmas play, presented by George Harding, Oregon College of Education Tea committee for December will be Mrs. Harold Comstock Mrs. E. H. Van Maanen, Mrs. J. E. Winegar and Miss Clara Trot ter. The tea table was decorated in fall flowers. Mrs. Homer Dodds poured, using the silver tea set. Tea committee in charge was Mrs. Hattie Schweizer, Mrs. Floyd Fisher, Mrs. C. H. Speas and Mrs. Starlie Powell. JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Husted and family of Salem were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Husted, Sunday. SPIRITUALIST Sunflower club is to meet Thursday at p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Stoddard, 1420 North 4th. Warm Water Sprinkle Use warm water to sprinkle clothes to spread it through the clothes more evenly and quick ly. Let them stand for a half hour before ironing, but never more than 24 hours (especially in not, humid weather.) Benefit December 6 Among early December bene fits announced is the card event to be sponsored by the Alpha Chi Omega Mothers' club the evening of Tuesday, December 6. The party will be in May flower hall, both contract bridge and pinochle to be played Re freshments will be served. Mrs. Malcolm Hawke and Mrs. Floyd Siegmund are chairmen for reservations. JEFFERSON Miss June Zel- ler will be hostess for a bridal shower honoring Miss Dorothy Brown of Salem. The event will take place in the City hall in Jefferson, November 18. Council's Meeting Set Salem Council of Women's Organizations will hold its regu lar monthly meeting on Thurs day, November 17, at 2:00 p. m., in the Chamber of Commerce. Following a short business ses sion, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, president, will lead in a discus sion on the subject of premature Christmases. Harvey Wright of the state department of education will speak on the topic "The Oregon Indian." Mr. Wright's duties with the state have given him a wide acquaintance with the Indians of Oregon and the council will have the opportunity to become informed with the condition of the Indian in Oregon. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Not. 15, 19497 Early Monmouth Days Recalled for Society M o n m outh The November meeting of the Delphian society was held with Mrs. C. F. Gillette at her home on east Main street. In the absence of the president, Mrs. W. L. Smith, the vice-president, Mrs. Dale, presided at the business meeting. Program for the afternoon was Mrs. C. C. Powell, who gave an account of early days in Monmouth, dating back to 1858, when the popula tion of the town was 21 families. At the close of the meeting re freshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Gillette and Mrs. H. W. Hagmcier. Past Matrons Guest Jefferson The Past Matrons club met at the country home of Mrs. Frances Kelly with Mrs. Tim Kelly assisting hostess. planning for the cake walk for Friday night. Those present were Mrs. Earl Phelps, Mrs. Guy Ro land, Mrs. Earl Lynes, Mrs. Del mer Davidson, Mrs. Joy Kelly, Mrs. George Mason, Mrs. John Terehune, Mrs. Rex Hartley, Mrs. Roland Wall, Albany, Mrs. D. H. Looney and Mrs. Frank Reeves of Salem. Rich baking powder biscuit dough may be used for the top ping of a pineapple upside down cake. This dessert should be served warm with heavy cream. Miss Higgins Honored Roberts The 83rd birthday of Miss Emma Higgins was cele brated at the home of her broth- Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Higgins. Those taking part in the affair were Miss Constance Cole and Mrs. Dean Winters of Portland, L. F. Clymcr, Ed W. Clymer, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Higgins and daughters, Julie and Joan, Mrs. Ida Tracy, Johnny Tracy and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Higgins. SOCIAL group of Salem chap ter. Order of Eastern Star, is meeting Wednesday at the Masonic temple, a no-host lunch eon to be at noon, followed by a social afternoon. SPEAKER at the meeting of the Lions auxiliary Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Floyd Bowers will be James F. Bishop of the 4-H club office. t LANSING Neighbors Garden club is to meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. Bessie Zajic, 30 Lansing avenue. Dessert lunch eon will be served at 1:30 o'clock. if I M I MARGWENT I I GRAND OPENING IS 1 I WEDNESDAY EVENING 1 I From 7 to 10! 1 I They're going to feature chil- 1 II dren's apparel, gifts and toys. 1 It's in the New Capitol Shopping Center 1 1 v . 1 M W S AT Cl Jk . ft LOVELY TEASPOON IN QutmlSeMVatfem TUDOR PLATE BY ONEIDA COMMUNITY SILVERSMITHS Enchantingly beautiful! Once you see it feel it you'll want a complete set of this dream-inspired silverware. Now or through the years you can order individual pieces to complete place settings in any quantity simply by following the Sperry Silverware Coupon Plan. Ten different pieces "open stock". So get Sperry Wheat Hearts (with the special teaspoon label) today! Besides the silverware I . coupon on the box, you'll find a lovely k "Queen Bess" pattern teaspoon inside. Yours as t special friend-making bonus. Yours tt no extra costl A BREAKFAST TREAT FOR ALL THE FAMILY Sperry Wheat Hearts is fortified with 20 toasted wheat germ. ..that tiny nugget of vitirrun packed goodness that comes from the heart of (he wheat. It helps give Sperry Wheat Hearts its distinctive nutlike flavor . . gives your children more vitamins to help promote growth and energy than any ordinary whole wheat cereal ! So get Sperry Wheat Hearts (with special label) today I You'll find a lovely ' Queen Bess" pattern teaspoon inside. Yours is a special friend-making bonus. Yours al no extra tost! RlnfrctJ with i xtr loytf pf ilhrr SPERRY WHEAT HEARTS S--S "IT PAYS TO BUY GOOD QUALITY" A Fitting Occasion! I v tu, I It's Formfif Week at MILLER'S All This Week ,And we're aiming right at the heurt of your glamor A Suci'lliciirl o( a Figure This is a very special werk in our corset department . . . dedi cated to showing you proof that no milter what your figure iaulu . . . jroo eon hare the look of figure perfection. The secret? It'a the correct Life Bra, Girdle, or Foundation . . . correctly 6tted by our trained eorsetieres. Our selection of famous Formfit creation waa never more complete. Our corsetieres are waiting to giw yon their special attention. Come in and be faultlessly fitted. You'll know then why more women wear Formfit than any tier make! An All Wool 'Wool-O-The-West' Blanket $1 50 Large Size, 72x80 Here's your best wool blanket buy of the season! It's Oregon wool! That means it's the best blanket wool in the world! This handsome fluffy wool blanket comes with wide sat in trimmed edges in pretty pastel shades to go with your bedroom color schemes. Buy for gifts or self ond save! Colors: Canary - Blue - Peach l.lff Braa from I .SB mmn.-- ' '" "" " " "' 1 Zr IJfo fclrdlfw rem a)T.S m,u'," 1 Vc'lj l KOOLFOAM 1 Vym PURE LATEX FOAM I, W) , J I Deportment Y.vl ; 4 f hn I Ntw Foshion !itfe" m 100 Allergy Free! tn latex u the newest Improve- .. : .... . Liaht, spr"9Y fa- foam p." - Moam ls fast o"" - relaxing eeP cover ona yv vvnn White oniy. " I