Local Paragraphs Goes to Bend Sheriff Claude Building Bridge tilcCaully, Deschutes county, hai bridge crew has The county started con- (picked up Edgar Allen Poole ar-lstruction work on a replacement rested here on a cnarge oz car theft at Bend. Real Estate Firm Files Eure ka Acres, Silverton real estate firm, has filed articles of incor poration with the county clerk here with a capital stock of $15, 000 and incorporators listed as Errol W. Ross, Clinton H. Wel by and Carl B. Anderson. Cattle Club to Meet The Ma rlon county Jersey Cattle club will meet Sunday at ENA hail on Salem-St. Paul highway three miles north of Keizer and a quarter of a mile south of Quinaby junction. Tom Ohlson, milk administrator, will give a talk in the afternoon with dis cussion of the Oregon milk pro gram. Snack Shop Change May- nard H. and Audrey C. Neff, Sil verton, have filed certificate of assumed business name for Neff s Snack Shop, Silverton, with the county clerk and notice of retirement from Klavohn's Snack shop was filed by Leslie J. and Hazel M. Klavohn. Bridge near union school on market road 70. This replaces an obsolete structure. Animal Report Given Report filed with the county court shows that during October Vic tor Howard, county predatory animal trapper for Marion coun ty, killed 20 foxes, 6 racoons and 11 skunks. Bergman Edits Magazine Fric Bergman, former editor of the Willamette Collegian,, has taken over the editorship of the official monthly publication of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Oregon. The publication of fice will be with Ethan Grant, editor of Oregon Tavern News, 3704 State street. Retire from Cafe Notice has been filed with the county clerk by John and Ilene Lahaie retir ing the assumed business name of Gates Cafe. 4 - S ' 1 ' t iS i Meat Dealer Listed Bob Stanley Meats at Your Door is T gaumed business name filed with the county clerk by Bob Stanley, retail meat dealer, route 7, Salem. Communicable Disease A tingle instance of poliomyelitis was reported in Salem during the week ending November 12 by the Marion county depart ment of health. Other cases of communicable disease during the period over the entire coun ty included two each of impetigo and infectious mononucleosis and one each of measles, menin gitis, mumps, virus pneumonia and ringworm. Sixty-five per cent of the country's physicians reported. Fire Department Dance The Keizer fire department will give a dance Friday night of this week at the North Salem Roller Rink. The department expects to make the dance an annual affair. Final Chest Meeting The fi nal conference of directors, lead ers and workers of the 1949 Community Chest will be held at 6 o'clock Wednesday night at the YMCA. Reservations for the dinner meeting should be made through the community chest of fice. At that time all cards that are out should be turned into the organization. Subscriptions to the fund total slightly in excess To Call Bids on Sewer Fixtures Authority was granted by the city council Monday night for a call for bids on gates and some other fixtures at the location of of the $93,000 mark as compared 1 the future sewage disposal plant. with a goal of $105,000. PTA Meeting Walter Dry and a corps of assistants from the state school for the blind, will provide the program for Tuesday night's meeting of En- glewood PTA. Erg Prices lipped Top grades of eggs were listed from I to 2 cents higher here, Tuesday. The higher prices here followed si milar changes in Portland. Buy ing prices are now listed at: Ex tra large AA, 55 cents, a two- cent boost; large AA, 54 cents; 'will cause the sewage to be car- Rotary Governor C h a r 1 e s Cooley, district governor for Rotary, will appear before mem bers of the Salem Rotary club during their luncheon Wednes day noon. Geological Society Meeting Ford E. Wilson of Portland, pho tographer for the northwest division, corps of engineers, will be guest speaker at the lecture meeting of the Salem Geologi cal Society meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday night in Collins hall, Willamette university campus. His subject, "A Geologist's Va cation in Colorado" will be Il lustrated. He will also have a display of minerals. To Meet Wednesday The Polk County Federation of Ru ral Women's clubs is meeting Wednesday at Monmouth In the IOOF hall. Sessions begin at 10 a. m. with a business meeting nd club reports. Miss Joy Hills of Salem is to speak at 11 a.m The luncheon will be at noon with the Highland Women's club members as hostesses. Dr. Ste wart of the Polk county health association will be the afternoon speaker and pictures will be shown on health work. All in terested women are invited to attend the meeting. Fined Merle DeGeer, route 1 was fined $50 in police court Tuesday on disorderly conduct charges growing out of property destruction at the Minnie Stcn berg residence at 114 5 East Rural. Maleekl Overlooked Gene Malecki the Salem promotion expert who managed to arrange for a trip to Turkey by giving way Thanksgiving birds to gov ernors and presidents had something to think about today. During a conversation about his forthcoming trip to the Middle East, Malecki remembered that he had missed becoming the re cipient of a bird despite the fact that he has arranged to give way well over 50 turkeya. large A from 51-56 cents; medi um AA, 43 cents; medium A, 41-44 cents; pullets, 32-38 cents. All other produce remained un changed in the Tuesday listings here. Progress Is being made rapid ly with the interceptor sewer that will terminate at the dis posal plant, but which will empty into the river until the plant is built, and which will al ways have an emergency outlet into the river. At about the point where the large pipe line passes the plant will be a large chamber con taining pumps that force sewage into the mam plant. Between the chamber and the line are the gates, which when closed Grain Elevator Crashes This photo was taken at the Instant a 80-foot grain elevator (center) crashed into its neigh bor at Wichita Falls, Tex. Grain dust is pouring out the top of the collapsing storage bin while wheat and dust spill out the bottom. A few seconds later, the left elevator, which was empty, also fell. Crash spilled 24,000 bushels of wheat over a 10,000-foot-square area. Workmen heard rivets popping, cleared area before crash. AP Wirephoto) Cooking Club Meets Mem bers of the 4-H club cooking III will meet Wednesday evening at the home of the leader, Mrs. G. Sirtdall, in the Hayesville com munity. She will be assisted by Mrs. A. Struffler. A table set ting demonstration wilt be given by Janice Siddail and Jack Stryffler with Bob Brown and Janet Siddail as judges. Mrs. E. Zahara and Mrs. R, Tuera will be guests for the evening. Busy Club Night Friday night will be a "big" night in the Sunnyside community. The community club wilt hold its regular meeting at that time while the Friendly Neighbor club of Illahee and the Friendly Hour club of Sunnyside are holding a bazaar. Starting Stayton Shop Jul ian Kinler, who was with the Keith Brown Lumber and supply company here, has leased the former Clarke Batt factory site at Stayton and plans to open a general millwork and cabinet shop. Kinler Is a nephew of Mrs, Walter Frey and Mrs. Ward Ing lis, both of Stayton, and makes his home at the Frey residence. Club Wilt Nominate The Sa lem 20-30 club will hold nom ination of officers at its dinner meeting Tuesday night, Al W. Loucks, Salem businessman and candidate for mayor, will speak. The program is under the ar rangement of John Campbell. ried to the river. Other gates shut off the flow to the river and divert sewage to the plant. The estimated cost of the equipment for which bids will be asked is something in excess of $5000. Immediate construction of this part of the plant is necessary because some lateral sewers are soon to be cut into the inter ceptor sewer. To Attend Conference Four Willamette university students will be in Urbana, Hi., December 31 where they will attend the fourth national Methodist stu dent conference. The group will include Rose Marie Wilhoit, Portland; Stan Aschenbrenner, Spokane-,' Phillip Shaw, Camas, Wash., and Evelyn Bolliger, Portland. Topic for discussion will be "The Christian Use of Power in Secular World." Dr. Harry Rudin of Yale, Chancel lor Robert M. Hutchins of Chi cago university, Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of the Meth odist church and Dean Harold Boslcy of Duke university will be among the speakers at the conference. Fog Disrupts Airline Service Portland, Ore., Nov. 15 SIB Dense fog today disrupted or slowed air, ship and automobile traffic in Oregon and parts of Washington. The Civil Aeronautics admin istration said air schedules for Western, Northwest and United Air Lines were snarled through the night and forenoon by fog in the Willamette valley, and along stretches of the Columbia river. Seattle and Seattie-Taeoma airports remained open. Shipping in the Columbia be tween Vancouver, Wash., and Longview was tied up momen tarily, including the Delftyk, Don Aurielo, Monroe Victory and 3. H. Tuttie downstream from the mouth of the Willam ette. AU were due in Portland. More night and early morn ing fog is forecast through to morrow for interior valley of Oregon and western Washington. Salem Man Injured Irwin W. Geer, 56, of Salem, a passenger in an automobile driven by his son, Irwin Jr., received face lac erations in a three-way automo bile collision in Portland Sunday night and was taken to a hospital for treatment. The accident was one of 104 reported to Portland police over the week-end. Fog and rain contributed to the great number said by police to ex ceed the average Christmas holi day period. PGE Seek Extensions A peti tion to the county court from the Portland General Electric company asking permission to put pole lines along certain streets north of Salem indicates the pole crew will work all day at the job, at least The petition asks first for permission to place a pole line along the north aide of Evening street between Brooks avenue and Noon streets Then to extend a line along the north side of Morning street be tween Brooks avenue and Noon street and then along Noon street from Morning street to the north line of the Hicks-Jones addition. Tree to Glow For Christmas Bright many colored light will glisten on the live Christ mas tree on the courthouse lawni again this year. This was decided by members of the Salem Cherrians at their Monday night meeting at the Golden Pheasant and appointed to the committee to have charge of the lighting of the tree were Fred Starrett, chairman, Douglas Yeater, Judson Bressler and Marty Boeseh. During the Monday night meeting the Cherrians set Mon day, January 9, as the date fori the annual Cherrian banquet Named to the committee to plan the banquet were Paul Hale, Joe; Randall, and B. M. Donaldson. The new king bing and coun cil of nobles is to be nominated: by the past five king bings, who include Frank Chatas, Sidney McNeil, W. W. Chadwick, Will iam Dyer and Charles Claggett Vince Rodakowski is to serve; as chairman of the initiation committee and on the commit tee for the installation to be held at the time of the banquet will be Rex Kimmell, Dr. O. A. Ol son, Kenneth Perry and William Dyer. Bank Stung for $34,953 Checks Th V. S. National bank of Portland w ordered today to pay $34,853 to school district No, 47 of Columbia county. The supreme court said the bank was responsible for the money, which was embezzled by the district clerk. The clerk made out 116 checks and took the money or his own purposes. The high court said the sank should have known the checks were not valid. The district sued the bank to recover the money. The opinion by Justice J, O. Baiiy upheld Circuit Judge Howard K, Zim merman of Columbia county. In another case, Mildred E. Malila collected $7,500 damage from Dr. P. L. Meacham, a den tist. Both Hve Is Portland. The dentist pulled two of her teeth while the had trench mouth. Her jaw became numb. and the claimed the dentist should have treated the trench mouth before he pulled the teeth. She got her $7,500 damages In the circuit court of Charles W. Redding of Multnomah county, but Judge Redding set aside the verdict. In today opinion by Chief Justice Hall S. Lusk, the high court ordered the verdict ts stand. Other decisions today: Kr. 4 Mrs. Cfcsdc ft. 8tum V Ha- 1(t JUirr K. Bri. Ju-aie Crt . Wim- ?1U&U, ft Ro? sc. a ai?n M CI iord. Ap&d fra$ Ltn eeustr. Suit trmin& to feij ia& Opralaa Jasiir j Capital Journal Salem, Or Tuesday, Ko, IS, 1349 S LA.S PUBLIC ENEMY NO, 1 Is Mickey Cohen Ready To Hit the Sawdust Trail? I Angeles, Nov, 15 ts Is Los Angeles public enemy Ks. 1 ready to hit the sawdust trail? Evangelist Billy Graham said he visited Mickey Ceheit at the latter home Saturday sight biit the dapper gambler denies ever having talked to him. "I did my best ts kilt this story." said the evangelist yea terday. Mr. Ceneji doesn't want this type of atory and neither; do I. But It S sot a publicity story, it 1 tn lory." MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Graham aid he paid the so cial call' to invite Cohen to the Christ for greater Los Angeles revival. He discussed the matter only after reports of such a meeting were published. Graham, now in the eight week of a revival to a downtown ; tent cathedral, asW he tpent some time at Cohen SasBie. "We had a very pleasant so cial visit, the evangelist said. "He served u oft drinks. 1 invited him to come down to the tent He made as promises My only interest is in bringing Mr. Cohen influence to bear for the cause of the Lord." Said Cohen: "I don't know what this is all about. A friend talked to me about Billy Gra ham a couple of week ago. But I son t know mm I ve never seen him and I've never talked to him." Graham, a modern day Billy Sunday, ha attracted several hundred thousand worshippers hi eight-week-otd revival. SJSth l)id artitttry battalion, arssj er, at anny ressrst 4U$a set ouis. 3 : .1 replacement epet, anssy reser, at army reter uosact Meeting of reatnrttU of all r of the irrr.M topees, sots oBice? and men, t savai sd ina rm corps reserve ixsinii center. w& . ,ce Adm, l ..o.t. L., a$c& tht sneaker. AS reservist in vites. AVAU host ustt. Kereasber tt Organised Naval Rf rve aurfac iiiiit, a Naval and hfzmt Corp Reserve Training tester. -v.rn;. Oregon KaUg&sI Gird, a KMrwocd post nq. mi, oneness LioDn at Kinavood Aiser&aa L- gssa tiui at west &&m. SiitU volunteer Air Reserve train ing smst at Ansy Seserve qaontet sua. misin siauen esmpiesseiu. Army Beserves, at Army Hcserva Quonset hui Allies Agree (Continued from Pase 1 Merqer Finished fContmwd from Pssw ! COURT NEWS Circuit Court t Hurrtl I. Mor9j, owfer far hnrti DW!Ti6r tor df-rvdnt t thou cum Irte L. TihT, Mtuc H?r rxl Jo- epht& Tax ftdmtU tnd -ti-enfces. Regular meeting Cannery Lo cal 670 Wed Nov. 16. 8 p.m., hall No. 1, Labor Temple. Nomi nation of officers. 273 Rummage. Extra good. Green baum's Thurs., Nov. 17, 9:30 a.m. 273 Willamette Night A group of four Willamette university men will appear before the Men's Council of the First Baptist church Tuesday evening. Coach Chester Stackhouse will discuss Willamette from the athletic angle; Mark Hatfield, Instructor in political science "Missionaries In Politics;' Travis Cross, direc tor of Information. Willamette In general, and Bbb Rhoads, student, will perform few feats of magic. Social Wednesday The FOE ! ladies social club is meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Eagles hall. Special on coats, $37.S0. Open until 7 p.m. At Lorman, 1109 Edgewatcr, West Salem. 274 Dance Wed. nite over Western Auto, Dick Johnson Orchestra. 272 Rummage ale. Over Green baum's. Wed. Nov. 16, 9 a.m. Job Daughters. 272 Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary, Ken Potts Insurance Agen cy. 229 N. Liberty. 272 ; Don't throw away window : shade rollers. Phone Reinhoidt St Lewis, 2-3639 and have them recovered at a worth while saving. 272 Try our: Hot dogs 15c: pie 15c; big cup coffee 5c, at Has kin't Carmelcrisp Shop, 335 N High St. 274 Phoii 22408 Deiore 6 p.m. 11 vou miss your Capital Journal Candy and food sale, Portland Gas A Coke Co , Wed , Nov 16 Phon 22406 before 6 p.m. tf you rmss vour Capital Journal Auction tonite Glenwood. 272 Orwig s Market has young fresh killed turkeya, 39; also baby beef for locker, S7c. 4375 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128. 276 To settle estate must sell dwg. at 1347 Fir St. b furnisn- ings. Pioneer Trust Co. 1-3136 for detail. 272 IV current rata on your saving. Salem Federal, S60 Stata St Salem' largest Saving association BORN The Capital Journal Wtlcsmn th Following Nfw CHIrcnr MATTWOM T Mr. kivtf Urt Victor Mttiuon, ff HuMxt-d, at th Wivx5&jrn fcoxplttf. b9T. Not. 11 Mr. Mtttoo to tht 4tutMtr of Mr, and Mn. KnuU P toon, of Hubbard, and hu another too tt.-XMOS Tfj Mr. and Mw. ft. O- R--m SU Water. 8Urtrtm, at 9 aiatm Oencril hoapiui. a bor. Mot. 1. WHrKLrr To Mr. and Mrt. Rlrtafd MtTir, su K. Llbfriy, at the Salem MamoriaJ hospital, trU Mot. 1. AsTT-T Mr. and Mr. ftr.r. Sat'flt. at trie SaMaft toaiui, a tiri. Nor. 14. ord MtBortat F.O.E. Auxiliary. 272' Melody Night Rider Tuesday nite, No-Name ballroom (for merly Club Combo.) Admission ?3c, includes tax. 272 Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2 v .jee FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S Liberty Ph 3-4944 Ex tensive line of gi f U in hardware, houseware, china & sporting goods. Use our 10 layiway plan. Salem Hardware Co., 120 N. Commercial. Phone 224ff tx-fore 6pm ou mist yuut CspiUi Jo una si Martin a ra Round. SSTrc rem- p'airtt 9 desertion. Married Octo&ar ita, at x-eitfowonn, nu. 8t-t a Wi!!lm ?- HVn. on trial before a iatf in Jui Rex Kimmell' court, diMftiMed by court after tX rest ed ae-faa of lac ol eviurnre. raits dant charted irith theft et Ism&er. S. P. Mathen r and Lett! Siuhr, decree dixmlMiTt-r eonjpiirii and deEifirij tiaim for tSS8 SaiRe and Mipiiiaiiort for restraint on part of defen durtx dlsmlAned etcept oond of tiftiH) fur- Tiii4 bf piariRtiff it to ittin tinui cU art eared for. 3. C. Mitchell a. P. rd Fran. ce Hfld. dutnUued on OsuUidn with preiadict uimit fiatntiii ana vstnoyi Sane? 3ean order entered. i iatne JtrntU, default WITHtm and Mthid Iwta -Beer ft. and JciiHt T. Green. Gtaric v rjt CrJsi end John McMtne rx Omme Mansfa-rtttrtnt compmnv, aupJifJMiQO ' triai fd la ooch sdiTaai cut. Polio on Decline In Salem Area Health department record in dicate that poiiomyeliti to on a decline in Salem and Marion county, says a report by Dr. W. J. Stone, public health oJHcer, which included in the monthly report of City Manager 1, L. Franzen. No new case of polio were re ported between October 25 and November 8, the report says, The incidence rate ot the disease in our area," say Dr. Stone, "novf resemble the na tional trend which U down ward." The report mention that the United States public health serv ice made a survey of rat breed ing places in Salem. It was found that the rat situation in the city was not serious, but that program of ratproofing would be advisable. A man wiil be as signed to this area in a leaching capacity for a period &f four to five monihs to assist m the program. The report states that a ersp pied children clinic wiii be held at the First Congregational church November 17 and 18. Se lected crippled children from the area will attend. Ifartaas rrhM Mf. 3rn4m Chtm&tr. motion ts k eotftsicint msr Tnrl'.tjri tran Work TrHt a. IDEAL GIFTS of Bleached and Graded No. t Oregon Wal nuts and Filberts are now avail able in 5 and 10-lb burlap bags for shipping at Salem Nut Grow er Cooperative, 2828 Cherry avenue. Phone 3-35SS. Z83 Good clean rummage Not. 15th and 18th, Cooked food talc Nov, IS. Bush school basement. Bush Mothers club. 271 Exclusive presentation, bnper lU wallpaper R L Elistrom Co. Phone 224U6 oeiora p.m. If vou mil your Capital journal. Johns-Manvilla- shingle ap plied by MathU Brat , 184 S Com ! Free estimate Ph 34642 Probst Court 4 The allies have agreed ts allow Germany to set up trade consulates in foreign countries 5 The western power have agreed to a certain relaxation of dismantling of former German war mdutry. Lead to Complete Bait Explaining the decision en dismantling, Adenauer said that the three western foreign minis ters had agreed to slow down dis mantling of certain synthetic gasoline plants and steel factor ies pending further discussion between the German govern ment and the allied high com mission. Adenauer said that he believ ed these discussions might ul timately lead ts a complete halt in dismantling, or to a big change in the dismantling plan, Adenauer also said that the allies had refused to atop dis mantling of former major arma ment industries. In exchange for allied con cessions, Adenauer said that the German government is ready to; I Enter the Ruhr author ity and acknowledge the Suhr statute that will keep control of the Ruhr big steel and coal industries. 3 "Cooperate closely" with the allied security board. 3 Allow foreign investments la German Industrial enterpris es. He did sot say what per centage of foreign Interest the German government would permit. 4 To take part as soon ss possible" in the economic union of the Benelux countries. Air Fore Mas Her Spending two weeta leave in Sa m U, Pit, Hubert Qrasner, Salem Air F-src man, who k sBiUnj mlih his mother. Mrs. Bersthy Dresner of 196S Broadway street Bresstr, termer Capital Journal employe, eaastea in sn Air snrs&ga the 8ft.m r?cru;un$ s'.auon April Force Base, Ssa Antmis, Texas, he it wsridng with a pnyeheisgiesi testing ssuadron at ttmt base. K mum to Texas next Hsnday, The surrendered charter had on its front cover the signatures of Mayor Musgrave and his aix csuncilmen. Earl C. Burk, A N. Copenhaver, Chester O. Doug las, W C. Heise, C. A. Suat, and Lawrence F. Sheridan. Below their names was writ ten "Merged in the Common In terest." Mayor Elfstrom said the charter would be framed and hung in ttse council cham ber. The meeting was turned into a caucus, and a letter waa read,! addressed to the Salem mayor; and council, and signed by all six West Salem councilmen, ask ing that Mayor Musgrave be chosen the alderman for Ward 8. Alderman Howard Maple moved that the letter be adopt ed. It was done. Musgrave said he had net sought the office, or discussed it with Mayor Elfstrom or any one else. After returning to the coun cil chamber In Salem City hail the council deviated from the regular order sf business. The mayor's proclamation of results of the November election. Includ ing the merger vote, wa read. The ordinance bill creating! Ward 8 wa put on final pass age. Use letter of the West Salem councilmen was read again, and Musgrave wa offi cially elected. He and Elfstrom shook hands, and Musgrave was sworn m by City Attorney Chris KewiU. It was all without a dissenting vote. Plan Of f-Sf reel (Continued from P-r? 1 Many Seek Jobs of Christmas Mailing A rush of applications by men who would assist m the hand ling of mail during the Christ mas rush was experienced at the Salem postoffiee Tuesday morn ing. Postmaster Albert C. Grass announced that he expected to use 75 or more as assistant car riers and clerks and by mid forenoon approximately 50 ap plicants had been processed. At Lewis Given fOmtimied fmm Faee 11 Mtiit A. Morrt MMU t!3M 1 tWK. Mildred S. Tuftmt nttB4 u iflmin.ffri- wa. C!tr!t e. Sihiu'M Fm' e- fwat f Ofctr! X. Jshiwln. tm-,&tt- trttor. tlntl aortas DisM it. Frtnk MtCy tt. flfi! fttcewtt of DciB&r 11. ifit 111 atmi t Ssr Anatttan Ft4 i. Nlftv S. 9rkiiu iirjMhf. IV rtr TrsM fompidt. tff-s, 4tftgiam4 M( tell crltm itit teptt. t Tam7 order ftpsrvr. PeVtc Court mtfdrlr tm!iirl ikqhi, reott 1, iittfi 114 s&4 (!rsaM. Moffiaq Licantat Olftw w. wiicrts, it. ltejew f. cltltKi. Xjvti t. Rim. a, uttui. alh H 0tt, 1. mm t4 Srtrr Iv, NiUofj, 31, ttoekeper, bo us lut. loe. 3m V;iw, JI. tronr. 4 Ulllaa McOFf. Sf, SMif. oUi ftt.rm Cliffrd S trnwttf. St. i?immtt JEI Q. 0n. , hiil. mh liriiM. X Srti Ktfttor. SI. tumtt 9S t&ttlt Aata, IS, WUlittf, IKK ac.ka. Welly Hopkins, general coun sel to the union, made the pay ment to Harry M. Hull, clerk of the U.S. district court ! Hopkins remarked that the! fine is "probably the biggest ever! paid by a defendant in the fed-! eral courts certainly the big gest ever paid by a labor union." On last Monday, the supreme court declined ts hear an appeal) oy Lewis and tne union tromf the fines imposed by Judge T.) Aian Goidsborassgh. 1 Last Previous Bout Goidsborough was the Judge in another, earlier rase which brought fines of $710.00 against) Plans for the new office build ing in Portland will be complet ed by February 1, iSSO in the opinion sf Morton H. Caine, a member sf the architectural fsrsi sf Dougan, Helms and Came. The architect said that thus the contract for the con struction of the isew $2,500,000 bttiiding in Portland could foe let by April i. Approval was gives by the board to a sew assessment against state department: for ihs state restoration fund. Soy Mills, secretary sf the board, said that the valuation of state building and property baa increased from $58 millions ss July I, 1948, to $Tt million si of July 1, 194S, With the new assessment collec tions plus a balance of approxi mately $100,000 tht fund will total $303,000, Mills said. Fire Lea Claims raid Two fire loss claims were or dered paid from the restoration fans', $507? to cover damage by a fire on October IS is the laun dry at the penitentiary and $700 for damage to a boiler house at Adair Village m October IS. The village is used to house stu dents from Oregon state college. The board authorised payment of $3308.05 due Rowland Plumb ing and Heating company for work performed to October on the new boiler plant at ih Woodburn Boys school and $1, 3SS.31 to th Empire Construc tion company oa the sewer lin between Fairview and HUlcrest schoois. Purchases made by the state purchasing department during the fiscal year ending July 1, 1949 totaled SiMH.tSS .78, ac cording to a report submitted to the board by Mills, Russia Told Continued ftxan Fss 15 Parallel notes are being drliv pred by Trtna and the United Kingdom, the state department announced. Outer rth sf Belgrade Meet Dr. Smith Off en Extensive Tour Dr. G. Herbert Smith, presi dent of Willamette univerwty, will leave late this afternoon or early Wednesday for an exten sive tour in connection with pro- fessional duties. As a member of the board of directors of the Association of American Colleges, Dr. Smith will go to the national capital for a conference November 22 and 23. He wilt then represent Willamette at the national inter- fraternity conference in Wash-1 ingion, D. C. Dr. Smith will be in Philadel phia November 28 and 28 to at tend a special meeting of the committee on education of the Methodist church. No definite time ha been announced for his return to the campu. that time the iobbv of the Bosth,. ., .s,. ; ,.. ji, ; "he new action i an out- office still contained many oth-iobt,yin!E a tp Use-strike ordpr. jSwh of Ite 1948 tatntional ers waiting jneir turns to be in- go two bouis with Goidsborough ; . ierviewed. i - , r .. . t ,t -'- - tntt t 9 lo orio Of the fmes paid today $20,060 , ? , was for contempt by Lrwis per-K"" . T . , AT" sonaily and $1,400,000 for eon-if"0"' Br,!,lm !5d Aufr'- a terviewed. It is improbable that any of the men will be hired before December IS and wiil be retain ed only as long aa the regular staff i not able to handle the excess of Christmas parcels and letter mail. v meeting at Bcigrade where Rus- snd the Soviet bloc took con trol and wrote new treaty for tempt by the union. The whole pmount wa paid by the UMW. The union 194S convention au thorizing payment of the fines Cos Bans Tarns Five of gainst Lewis himself the central Intersection at Oceanlaxe are no longer avail able to motorists in making XT' turn, sccrding to action of the city council. The turns are at the intersection of the main street with Qeeaniske, Raymond, Summit, Broadway and Sunset avenues. Th council i also hav ing an ordinance prepared which will provide for a city planning commission. the Sovjel-run control group. neither Austria nor Germany is represented, although they wer the most important reparian state before World War II. The effect of th new action, the federal courts here the Vh:iVh trirt of Columbia government;:'"" n I t""" w gets SO per cent, or $852,000 efj"" . V""i" 1 ... , T5 . i ..Will. into the federal treasury. Quick and easy dressing for cole slaw is mad by adding slic ed stuffed olives to sour cream and seasoning with sslt, sugar, relery seed, and cider vinegar. The upper third of th stream remain under control sf the United State ss the occupying sower in southern Grmay and in Austria. The Soviet bloc states control th lower two- IBSWS. Leave Salens Memorial Dis missed from the Salem Memorial hospital with recently born in fants are Mr. Lefioy Burger, 2708 Hulsey, and daughter and Mrs. Clyde Cook, Rt. t Box 172-C and son. Tewnsend Club Cub No. 4 of the Townsend pennon srgan- tiation wtli meet at the home of F.. H. Earl. 2125 North Fourth Dunn and son, Monmouth rt. 2 ttreet at 7.30 Wednesday night. loo 113, Mothers Are Horn Leaving the Salem General hospital with recently born infants are Mr Carl Aerni and daughter, Jeffer son rt. 1 and Mrs. Jame W Your Whole Life Can Be Changed! Would you like to meet people who hov changed theirs? Vou ton meet them et the banquet THURSDAY, NOVIMM 1? Senator Hotel, 7:39 p.m. CCT YOUR TICKETS NOW AT THI METAPHYSICAL CINTW tct N. Cottaga Faea t-tllt