Scio Man Hurt 1 Capital Journal, Salem, G Tuesday. Nov, IS, I949j Power for Germany Waters of Hiss creek are dammed to flow through a 4 14 -mile tunnel under two mountain range to Walchen Lake near German Tyrol border. It will Increase Lake's power production by 100,000,000 kilowatts a year. GOP-Demos Coalition Scored Portland, Nov. 15 W) Sena tor Wayne Morse said last night the coalition of republicans and reactionary southern democrats was the "great boner" of the (1st congress. "I can't understand why my party can be interested in get ting its name on bad democratic legislation," he told an audience sponsored by young republicans in a series on government affairs. The Oregon republican declar ed the "archaic procedures" of congress killed off much good legislation. "Tney stand as a great barrier to good govern ment. - "Let me control the procedure of the legislative body and I will control the legislation. Ma jority rule Is stifled by parlia mentary tactics, he added. He also criticized the system whereby the chairmanships of committees are decided by sen iority instead of a vote of the committee. "Unless you win your fight in committee, you have practically no chance at all on the floor," Morse asserted. He said the chairmen hold the pow er of procedure. He proposed that three days each week be set aside for de bate and the other three for committee work. "A senator can't be in two places at once," he said in explaining debate is often scheduled on the floor while half or more senators are in committee meetings. VFW Initiates Two Willamina James Thomp son and Hugh Cooley were ad mitted to membership in the VFW at their meeting. Applica tion for membership by Clarence Hopkins was passed. In Auto Collision Allen McDonald, of Scio, is hospitalized here with Injuries received when the automobile In which he was riding crashed into the rear of loaded logging truck near Mehama late Monday afternoon. Elton R. Brown, Me hama, driver of the truck, was cited by state police for parking on a public highway and after pleading not guilty in justice court at Stayton posted $50 bait. Trial date has not been set. W, R. Taylor, Albany, driver of the automobile, told state po lice he was temporarily blinded by the lights of an approaching car and did not see the unlight ed truck on the highway. The roof of his machine was literally torn off by a log which crash- Neither Taylor nor his other passengers were seriously in jured, he escaping without any bruises as did Chet Hanen, but Loren Dickenson, both of Al bany, received cuts and bruises. The accident occurred on the Little North Fork road about 300 feet east of highway 222 near Mehama, For a flavor change, bake fish fillets in a Creole sauce and serve with potato puff and but tered spinach. it really floe TASTE better! That's why thouundsX of folks like you f 1 iiav$ swltchid t Efi mellower ...? CALVERT. CALVERT M81RVS Blended Whisker -U.t Froof-SS Orein Neutral Spirit. Calrart Distuieis Corp., Hw York City for S '' T. I CHRISTMAS 1 S , . VI Time for with SILVSHPLATS from OF COURSE! Time for a table set with shining silver ... a table that speaks of hospitality, of good taste, comfortable living and an appreciation of the graciousness that Is the heart of the home and the holiday. Select your silver, today. We have some many lovely patterns from which to choose. And several ways to budget your purchase to suit your needs. SERVICE FOR EIGHT Tudor Plate L Wm, Rogers & Son.. 1881 Rogers 1847 Roger Bros. Holmes & Edwards Reed & Barton Plate.. Gorham Plate Community Plate .29.9S 31.9S 39.75 64.75 68.50 69.75 69.75 .71.50 J j JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS jj State and Liberty Dial 4222 Llvesley Bldf, 3 I ft. We Give anil Hcdcem $ & It Green $ani 17 J north liberty llOBERTS GREAT ONE DAY EVENT An opportunity to pick up many, many items you need and want for much less than they're worth Wednesday Only! Sorry no mail, phone, CCD, orders. Remember, we give and redeem S & H Green Stamps. DOLLAR DAY Remember One Day Onlyl r - , ..; . . - i Your Pick! Priie-Priced PEARLS VI t $5.f $ II Yur pick si pretty pearli rt our ma torn iek-f-th-fcokrt prk! Lustrous, luxurious-looking jimuiored pecrl McMoces m J, 4 end 5 Jtrcnds. Plus tox. ACCESSORIES, MAIN rtCC HAND1AGS $1,95 to $2.t5 values! Black, red, 0 green, brown, plasties mi faillei. Shoulder mt pssch styles. Pius tsi, HAHMA6S, MAIN ROM ANKLETS 3 PRS, Would bt 59c pt, if r.ot riijWy tr reguior, Royon mi el, EnjIiA fiHd, Red, jrteii, Wb, mmtj. Sizes m-n, ANKLETS, MAIN ROM HOSE CASES Reg, 6tc so. Quilted plastic to keep your host fresh. Una, pink or grata. 1 tor HOSIER!", MAIN FLOOR II I CRETONNE Reg. S9e yd! Floral on nat ural or colored grounds, 36" widt. Far lipcaver, dropei. 2 Yds. MARQUISETTE Reg. 39e yd. Quality cot ton morquisettt, 44" wid, Woshable. Rase, blue, not- 5 Yds. Rayon PANELS Assorted rayon and cotton jiunels 36" fs 72" in length, 43" wide. Cream and colon, 2 for CURTAINS, 1 'H Here's a Sceep! Fringed BATH SETS Ti Handsome 18x30 frirtjed lath mots with lid cover in tho piataf Rippleweove design. Seert color choice. DOMESTICS, Dollar Savers in DOMESTICS S YDS. FLANNEL Reg. 3Se yd. extra heavy weight J2 white outing flannel, 27" wide. For diapers, baby garment and what here you? No limit, LINENS, LACES, ETC. 10 DISH CLOTHS tuy o rtit price ond sovet 10 ifrdy S mth CaBiWii dith cloths for only I focxy bkl Ecra with fart color stripes. 1 E Linens, locti, Venice worth f $2.9S! Runners, doilies, chair sets! White, ecru, colored borders. Grand for gifts! 9 3 YDS. PILLOW TUBING mi Reg, ife yd, 42 wide bleached pii- , I I low tubing. Reason for Ait low price I I I it that they're short piece, No cots, 1 II limit e-yds.-to-o-eustomer, . 2 Trouser sr Skirt Hangen Self pumi9 wMk roiiw hmmg, Bail dog Slip, natural finiA hard wood felt-lined Jaws, nkM-f latad Bjwighh, Outing FLANNEL f SanferSioJ suede HmAs4 outing flannel, 34" wide. Solid wt eolsrtE Fawn, rows sr Siy, Reg. Sf s. DOMESTICS, .OTfT i i RIN HOSE 1 p r. Fine iwfteriied cotton host, mode by a fa ram maker. Full fashioned with neat seams in the new Fall shades, Duroble for eevry day wear, Siie IJi-IO'i, HOSIERY", MAIN FLOCI a 1L0USK sod quality Sanhrhed brsid olsth, Peter Pan ooller, shsrt ileevat, White, some pastel. S :ts 7tel4,Re9.$lJfl, Christmas TREE LIGHTS 2 Set tuf fmt tree light now s4 5 at ai9. Set contain 7 vori coloreo teriee light. Get yourt while supply lost NOTIONS, MAIM fLOCt MEN'S COTTON Soft, fine tombed cotton ( ttyle with full elastic woist band, Reg, Jue pr, BOYS LEATHER GLOVES ecavse ef tiny flaw these capeskiis glove re duced from $1.95, Warm, fleece lining black and brawn, err and min i, main fiooi IRONING BOARD SET Set contain soft caftan pad end strong teer Mat will fit ell standard-site boards, HOUSrWAMS, MWN1TAIM BRIEFS t- fmttion brief- 9 11 .Sues 30 to . I I 3 for JLL 1 Cannon HAND 10W BS Women's j RUBBERS a I foe a a Soedal p-e Chriitei elowancel Atawtod better Cennsn t-ls. Solid and pM4 sr asbby fcowi typat. Limit 10. light Zectiyr WelqM Mi rubber. Iladr, low or medium heelt. Sit 4tolO,Refl,$l,9S, a Loomcresf MOTS T-SHiTS 1 for a rand for CKristrrns-givinol Pot holder and plnsuihiM In colorful pattern with handy hanging aye. Durable fine quality ton-bed white cotton with erew , ihorf i,v'. Smelt, medium, large r! Rag. IS.