10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nor. 15, 1949 LnN $ H -urn T&i-Jii llLI - Bridges Trial Opens The third legal battle between west coast labor leader Harry Bridges and the U. S. opened in San Francisco. Shown above, outside the federal courtroom where the trial is being held are (left to right): co-defendant Henry Schmidt, ILWU regional representative; William Cleary, defense attorney; J. R. Robinson, first vice president, ILWU, co-defendant; Harry R. Bridges; James McCinnis, defense at torney and Vincent Hallinan, chief defense attorney. The three labor leaders are being tried on perjury charges. (Acme Telephoto) One-time Penniless Immigrant Paying Passage for 3000 DPs By H. D. QCIGG New York, Nov. IS (U.R) A white-haired, shabby woman of 70 tottered off the army transport General Muir and knelt on the wooden dock before a plump and moist-eyed man from San Francisco. Then she kissed his hand and touched his clothing. She wept and George Mardikian wept. "God is going to give you long life for saving us," the old lady said. "I know practically every one of them," Mardikian said later. "But I wish they wouldn't do that. "They cry and they call me their savior. I am not that, am only a very stubborn man, Mardikian Is the man who promised more than 3000 Ar menian displaced persons in Eu rope he would let their "more fortunate brothers and sisters in America" know about their plight. He started that job in 1947. He founded and headed up the American national committee to aid homeless Armenians an or ganization that now has 62 U.S. branches with five to seven per sons in each branch and not a single paid worker in the whole lot. The committee, known as Ancha, with Mardikian as its driving force, has resettled 2400 of Mardikian's kinsmen since October, 1948. There are 1,100 more to come. Mardikian thinks he can get them all here in six months. He says the job had better be fin' ished by then, or he may be finished. He was in a hospital six weeks ago for a major operation. When the doctor told him the opera tion and convalescence would keep him in the hospital five weeks, he balked. The doctor said he couldn't leave. Mardikian, a stubborn man, said the operation could wait; those 1,100 DP's couldn't. He left, and today he's on a three-week east coast tour. holding mass meetings, raising money. Sunday, Providence, R.I.J this week, Springfield, Mass., 'Worcester, Mass., Boston; then into New Jersey, to New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Detroit, St. Louis. Mardikian arrived penniless in this country from Armenia 27 years ago ("the 21 pervious years I lived on the other side wasn't worth a damn") and got $12-a-week dishwasher Job In San Francisco. Now he's one of the most fam ed restauranteurs on the west coast. He made a fortune, and he's spending a fortune. Oscar Awarded To Miss Jaynes Miss Ruth Jaynes was award' ed the "oscar" for her speech "Heartless Harvest" at the meet ing of Salem Toastmistress club last week. Other speakers were Mrs. W L. Clemens, Mrs. Sue Booch Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Mrs. J M. Hartley gave a report on the council meeting in Eugene Oc tober 30. Mrs. Marion Curry was in charge of Table Topics and called on those who could re member that date to tell what they remembered about the ar mistice of 1918. Toastmistress for the evening was Miss Marguerite Gleeson. Miss Ada Ross was general eval uator and Miss Marie Bosch was hostess. There will not be another meeting of Toastmistress in No vember due to the holiday. The next meeting will be held Thursday, December 1. Music Group to Meet in Salem The annual fall meeting of the Oregon Music Educators associ ation Is scheduled for Willamette university campus,' Nov. 18 and 19. The two day program will open with a concert in the re cital hall of the school of music building, fea t u r i n g advanced college students instead of fac ulty members as has been the case in former meetings. The participants in the recital will include an advanced clari net student from Linfield; vio linist and pianist from Lewis and Clark, soprano from the University of Portland and an advanced piano student from Oregon State college. Saturday's activities will in clude a concert by the Salem senior high school string orches tra directed by Victor B. Palma son; brief addresses by Dean Melvin H. Geist of Willamette and Rex Putnam, state superin tendent of public instruction; string clinic headed by John O'Connor, Oregon State; vocal clinic by Fay Sparks, Canby; college student activities session, L. Stanly Glarium, Lewis and Clark; general session on theme "Music Education Today." During the afternoon Howard F. Miller of Salem, president of the association, will preside dur ing the business session. This will be followed by clinics in band, elementary music and col lege and university, in charge of David Petrasso of Estacada, Mabel Nansen, Medford, and Melvin Geist of Willamette. Demos to Have School Portland, Nov. 13 OP) Ore gon democrats are going to hear how to win elections from na t i o n a 1 Democratic Chairman William M. Boyle. National Committeeman Monroe Sweet land said last night that Boyle would be here in February to hold a two-day "training school." Burning Plane Lands Safely Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 15 (U.pj Ten men bailed out of a burning B-29 bomber but three others stayed with the giant plane and brought it down to a safe landing at the Salt Lake municipal airport last night. The plane, based at Spokane, Wash., was on a simulated bomb ing mission over an air force tar get area west of Great Salt Lake when the number four engine caught fire. Lt. William H. Eckles of Spo kane, said the fire looked so dangerous he gave the order to bail out. However, the fire was put out and the propeller feath ered before the plane landed, Lyons Club Members Will Receive Pins Lyons The 4-H club will hold their achievement day meeting at the Rebekah hall Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Pins will be awarded to mem bers for last year's work, with Joe Myres, county club agent STUFFY NOSE? RASPY COUGH -GET THIS FAST upioowhrojcf For a stuffy nose tnd cough from a cold here's double relief fasti Menthol vt por goes UP brings cool comfort to stuffy nose. Coush medication soes DOWN eases dry throat tickle. Smith Brothers are richer in finest menthol pirns txclusm tgb meJkatim. SMITH BROTHERS MENTHOL COUGH DROPS In" 50 3 USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6!aCk,$5.00 Bulk,lon $10.00 a ton..... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 present. A short program and refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. A rep resentative from the First Na tional bank of Albany will show pictures. All parents and friends are in vited to attend the meeting. Hear Gladys Swarthout'a favorite story "Strange Valley" ICSLf.l rYosenred by PORTLAND GENERAI ELECTRIC COMPANY Shoe Repair Special WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY LADIES' HEEL LIFTS Leather or Composition French or Cuban 19 frilled DOWNSTAIRS Get the extra economy of this extra ruggedness! Get the thrifty power of a husky new It" Exclusive K-member frame I Picture how the m native, rigid, St ude baker K-member used in all Studebaker trucks. It gtvea firm sup port to the two front en gine mounts reinforces the whole front structure. The siewerfwl 1 14 -ton end 3-ton Sfyi'aaelif trucks art available in four whcelbnet for 9 ft., 1 1 ft., 14 or IS ft. and 17 or 18 ft. bodies. "Punu Plus" engirt in this 16A and 1 7 A serin lives exceptional horsepower and high torque. Got durability that count and got It wnere It counts in your next new truck. Get a husky, super-rugged new Studo bakor truck. Get the stand-out pulling power of the Studebaker "Power Plus" or Econ-o-miser onglno. Get a Studebaker truck and a roomy, big-vision cab the "day-long-comfort" cab that drivers call America's finest. SrramllnJ SfixJofcake trucks in 1 1 tort, ton and 1-tcm rapacities ars available with pick-up and stake bodies or as chaeets for special bodies. Automatic overdriv and racy-ride 9-atage rear tarings may be had at extra cost in the 1-ton snd 9rtos) tudebakar truck models. BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE SIMM LARGEST SELECTION IN SALEM DAVEN0S - DIVANETTES - SOFA BEDS Widest Selections of Styles and Covers on Display at All Times Prices Quoted Herein Are for This Week Only ARMLESS DAVEN0S Styled as pictured in a wide selection of attractive and serviceable covers This style is very desirable for modern settings and rooms where space is a problem roomy and handy bedding space easy to open with one hand all guaranteed construction. Im mediate delivery. Tables and Lamps Extra 3950 and up We Nov Offer Two and Three Cushion Sectional Style Davenos CONVENTIONAL ADD-A-ftOOJIA TYPE In appearance, it is a lovely living room sofa yet it is also a convenient extra bedroom for overnight guests so easy to make with all bedding conveniently handy in the large, clean bedding compartment underneath sturdy lasting construction beautiful mod ern covers. In Tapestries 5950 Rich Velours Durable, attractive frietes. 6950 7950 Avail Yourself of Elfstrom's Convenient Payment Plan M. J. BAUGHN DETROIT, OREGON SALEM, OREGON 340 Court Street Salem, Oregon