Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 15, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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Let Personal'! YES MAN
pay them for you!
Ittduee rur monthly payment with
his -Smaller Payment" plan. Oet ex
tt cash and spread the payments ovar
I month.
Iyou chOQb ww mvoiuir parniCD.. 104
f . (ha Divmtnt date. Don't hturiar
V Hit.eoesssri.r BU 14 " '1
y .too In or phone tht -YES"
He says yea to out 01 6.
Open Set. t em. to 1 p.m.
Personal Finance Co.
Of Salem
ail Statt, Km. 12 Phone 2-3464
C. It. Allen, Utt,
irWrnAlLEE house. Nlei fc clean. Good
ihape. Price lSO- 2362 Simpson. t371
aTwflEia luggage trailer. All steal. New
ttrra Can be made Into horse trailer.
Also' truck tlra wheel and tube. Rte. 4.
Boi 673. Boone no,
Lie. 8-121. U-14
Must sell complete ma
chine and repair shop,
tools and equip. Every
thing goes. One piece or
a carload.
OAS TANKS 4000 & 6000 OAL. CAP.,
ETC. MANY Huitb 11 boas luu
Sale Starts Sat., Nov. 12
To Make Your Selection
Phone Salem 1-6666 v373
All makes used me chines sold, rented
repaired Roen 461 Court Phone 1-6773
ELECTRIC BOMB appliance repair seme
new appliance Vince'e Electric Phone
Free estimate Trade-Ins accepted oo
l-923t 137 8 Liberty St o"
Lawn mowers, scissor knives sharp
ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3-6833. o
Towing) eervlee day phone I-S316
3-1604 S3" Center
n.4.n'. Rrwi At Paint Shoo. Open Sun.
1690 Cherry. Ph. 3-2033. Q287
Remodel. repair that home now. Terms.
No down payment. Phone 3-4S60. o
Bulldtwlng, leveling, road bldg., ";
Int. teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010
Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. o391
lw the g.1,,.,, c.,H. l.mntl
... rSTtJ"
Egg Mat.
K.bhll P.ILtwMjO.
D.lrr Feed IJ.75.
ltd u.W,7 :
r.1?p,.',.;,.":.0,v" i '. 1"
" medium ,.
mhsletal. pua
1-1. abova there prleeet above era da A
ita.f".'""..'.1 " 1 " M-tO.
eall 13c
Wholesale grade A. ice, re-
Pertland Grain
Portland. Nov. II fjPy-Wheat: Caah
No. 3 45-lb B W. 47.00; No. I flax 3 91
Cash wheat (bldt: RAft whit, t mu.-
oft white uxcludinc rexi J.30'; white
club 3.20'i.
Hard red winter; Ordlnar in
per eftit 3.304: 11 oar cent l mi.- n Mr
cent a.3i.
Tod ay 'a car rtetiot' Whit ku.
t: "our I; mlUfeed I.
firirKe PRAM1NO
Miller RefrlceratlonServ. Co. Ph. 1-1534
Picture framlna
PhOKO 1-6617
Butcheos Paint Store
Garden SotL crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavatlns WalllDa Sand A
Oram Co. Phone t-0240 o"
Valley Sand Si Oravei Co Silt, tand
I II dirt Eieavatlna 10B aboval Ai eau
Tractor tcoop trucka for dirt awvlu
Ph of flee 14003, re. 17144 a
Salem Saw Wrkx Ph. 3-7901. 1391 N 6th.
Mlke'a Septic Service. Tank elaaned.
Roto Rooter service on Bewera. 1079
Elm St- W. Salem. Ph. I-94U. 3-6337.
Electric machine cervtca on acwer and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8tb
R. P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned
St, West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o375
Vacuum Pumplnf. no mlleace charie
Call ua collect. Todd's Septic Tank
Service. 2445 State St. Phone 3-0734. o
Electric Roto-Rooter. Exeluelve Patent.
Razor Sharp Cuttlnc Blades. Clean
Sewera. Drains, Tanks. Ph. 3-6327. o
All repairs guaranteed. Free pickup ft
delivery. Used machines boucht it aold.
Ph. 1-5569. 1091 Edtewater. o297
Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ term.
Ail makes. W. Davenport Ph. 1-7671
All makes repaired, free estimate
Singer Sewing Machine Co 110 No
Commercial Ph 1-3 51 3. n
' deal b Distance Transfer, atotace
Burner oils, eoal A briquet. Trucks tc
Portland dally Agent for Bektns House
hold goods moved to anywhere tn 0 8
or Canada Lamer Transfer A) Storage
Ph l-list e
Lester DeLapp truck service. Commer
cial hauling. Dally service to Portland.
Ph. J-1750. c294
Smith Oorona, Rimlnxtoo Royal, Under
wood portables. All makes used machine
Repairs and rent Rocn. 436 Court, o
ialem Venetian Blind made to arder m
raftnlahed, Relnaoldt Lewie 1-3MI
Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 17331.
Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-5966.
Fred Wymore, Rt. 2. Bos 111. Ph. 1-5135.
Log., grnd. elear'g. carrrall wk. Ph. 42J83
or 11264. Geo Worth. $40 PlymouthDr
tnatant delivery of new RCJ east
recUter All mates sold, rented, re
pa: ed. Roen 464 Court Ph 1-4771 o
For expert guaranteed satlefactlon new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks,
driveways, patios, orb walla etc Call
Furnace chimneys vacuum elean-d.
Ensley. 771 8. 21st. Ph. 1-7176. caije
State St. Alteration Shop.
tag. JM State St., Rm. 27.
Dressmaking ii alteration. Work guar
anteed. 1390 N. 34th. Ph. 3-7885. 0274' rnotr tnr rirlvewiva At roads, de
livered. Ph. 2-591. SM
Cockroach, Moth Exterminator avlcr
Ph. 1-3056. Lee Cross. Rt. 6. Box 437-0
Breithauotf for flowers Dial 1-9176 e'
Vacuumed ss fspaired. Dvorak. Ph. 3-4963
J R Watktns On
ivery 1717 Center
producU Free de
Ph 1-5395 '
Johns-Man vllle. Phone 1-3748
Window Cleaning
Janitor Service Floor Waxlnt
Bulldlnvs Factories Homes
Estimates Without Obligation
Ph. Salem 1-9131
t V Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals. ISO
N Laneaater Or at 4 Cor Ph nm
nrt tit nrara atPT.W T.unlrf 141 Jf-
feron flt Phone 21452. O
Sharpened, guaranteed aervlce. New
wnwer and hand mowers. Call Harr?
W. Bcott. 147 8. Com-1 St. o215J
Capital Beddlni Phone 1-4061
Spanish Aj Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin,
lanjo. tut. 1523 Court St. Ph. l-7s
rw.w u mnA mine auDPlles.
aafaa. dunlitatora and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stand., brief ewes,
Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court
Acme indow Oleanera Windows, waUr
a woodwork eisanaa noors eieaneo
waxed and polished. Pb S-1137 141
Court- Langdofl, Culbertsaa and Mather
WashLble, Rolwt Made to order. I Day
Del Relnholdt Lewi Ph 31639
West Balem Fuel Co. Ph 1-4021.
Atkiu Ai Croaa. Ph. 1-4674 or 1-4171.
l.O.OJ. nMu tvery
Salem Lodge No. 4, AT. it
K AM. Wednesday, Nov. 1, E A,
degree, 7:30 p.m. 273
A A i n.s worth Lodge No. 201, A
lK & AM. Special. Tus, Nov. 15.
E.A. degree. 7:30 pm. 273'
5f vKt.'tS.'
Stocks Decline
New York. Nov. IS m Stock
price were ilowly but penit
ently marked down In today'!
Losaea ranted from fraetioni
to around a point.
A fair amount of butlneu wai
done with turnover for the full
day at a rata of around 1,200,
000 tharea.
Today's deelint followed the
worst setback yesterday In near
ly a month.
Rails held firm for a while
in the wake of news that an
other boost In passenger fares
had been authorized by the in
terstate commerce commission
but later Joined the balance of
the market.
A year-end dividend of $3. SO
share voted by the Libby-
Owens-Ford Class Co. helped
lift the stock to a new 1949
Losers included U. S. Steel,
Bethlehem Steel, General Mo
tors. 1) S. S. Rubber, Woolworth,
American Telephone, American
Can. Transcontinental & West
ern Air and U. S. Gypsum.
Recovered Loot Visitors to the Plymouth Galleries, New
York, inspect silver recovered by Allied European forces,
which will be auctioned to aid displaced persons in Europe.
Call Meeting on
School Mergers
Letters are being received bj
a selected group of officials ana
educators in the county asking
their attendance at a meeting
called by Mrs. Agnes Booth,
county superintendent, for next
Monday at 8 p. m., m the down
staiars conference room at the
state library building to discuss
organization for consideration of
some sort of county wide pro
gram for consolidation of schools.
In her letter she states that
many schools are jammed with
pupils meaning a lack of hous
ing and equipment and some
of the schools are only "condi
tionally" standard.
In most cases, she states in
her letter, the problem can be
solved by consolidation and
there are many boards and a
large number of patrons who
would like to bring it about.
Hnwever, she says that the si
tuatiun is such there should be
a county wide study made be
fore any definite steps are taken
and it is for this purpose she is
considering the naming of
committee for that purpose. The
whole problem will be threshed
out at the. coming meeting and
probably a committee named.
Mrs. Booth could not be con
tacted at her office Tuesday for
further details as she was out
of the city.
W Ku.riotM our work Pti. M8M Evo
4.J4J4. '
txp, Inurlor ptlnUng WlUoo. Ph. I-:"
Vfitrom'i ort ,ulpia to do rout
Mlnuni Phoiw I-24B1
rAPtaiNO a, pimtint. it. tr.t.
Palntlnc tn4 paptrhonrlnt. Pro
mtto. Ph. l-tsil. 151 anipplnt.
xprrt Ptprrhanllof ind
i. Woodworm, ph. I-M01.
ptlttlnl H
Pru Ml.
Popirhuiloi. Jtrrl Johiuoa. PS. -''J.
Contract. Ol.n Uoodr. P-0391
"Ml, lit Lucutt Or. PB.
In tho M.tttr oi tht BtiU ) HART
KnTTrF. la n.r.B. BtvMi m.i in. ura.r.
aliinrd. W. w McKlnner. " Ecutor of
th. estate of M.rr Davie, deceased, will.
nn mr.A mttmr tM IDtH fl.V OI NOV.mD.r.
1849. at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of
laid dar at tho olflco of W. W. McKln-
ner. Attorney at Law. aui nonwi hum
w.Hiin. ft.lem. Uarlon Countr. Oreion.
..ell at private aale for cash th, followlnf
dcacrlbed real preralaoi, to wu:
Lot numoareo riva o, in biuk num
bered Eleven (in, tn North Salem, Ln
the Our of Balem, Marlon County,
t.t. a. ftrHnn. .eeordlnfl to tha duly
recorded plat thereof on file and of
record In tha office of tho Countr Rao
order for Merlon County, State of Ore
gon, ln Volume 1, on pate 18, Record
of Town Plata for laid County and
Said aalt will b made In puriuanca
of an order of tha Honorable Rei Klmmell,
one of tht Judcea of the Circuit Court of
the Statt of Oregon, for tha County of
Marlon, which o.rdr waa made and en
tered on tht 28th day of Oftboer. 1949. In
proceedlnaa pending tn aald Court ntt
ttled "In the Matter of the Eatate of
Mary Davie, deeeaaod." Clergg reglatra.
Hon number HISS, and that aald aale
would be aubloct to confirmation by aald
C""1' W. W. McMHNET
Executor of the Eelau wf
Mary Davie. Deceased
Ptrat Publication: November 1, 1949
Lart Publication: November 29. 194f
Nov 1. 9, IS, II.
In the Matter of the Estate of SARAH
NOTICE la hereby given that tha under
Itned. LEWIS McKINNEY, aj Executor 4
the eetate of Sarah Bell. McKlnney, ae.
ceased. will, on and after the lOtn day of
November, 1949. at 10:0. o'clook In tho
forenoon of aald day at the oft. ofW. W.
McKlnney. Attorney at Law. J01 Plonoer
Trust Bulldina. Salem. Marlon County.
Oregon, aril at private aale for cash the
following described real premise., to wit:
Lot Four I4i. Block Nine (91. 1. My
ers Addition to Salem. Marlon county,
Oregon, aa ahown bj tho duly record
ed plat thereof oo file and of record
in Volume J. paet 19. Record of Towd
Plata for Marlon County. Oregon.
Said aale will be made In pursuance of
,h. nnn.r.b'.. Oeorae R. Dun
can, one of the Judeea of tht Circuit Court
of thV State of Oregon, for tht County
of Marlon, which order was made tnt I ea.
tered on th. 11th day of Au.u.t 1949 in
5:?.'.fuBmnbV; .? .h?.1 X.
would M aubloct to oooll.-mauoo by laid
Executor of the estate of
Sarah Belle McKlnney. deceased
Pint Publication: November 1. 1949
Last Publication: November , 1949
W W McKinney. Attorney lor the Islett
J19M Si'.em. Oreaon
lal' U a, U, U
Dry Year in
Valsetz Area
Valsetz, Nov. IS W This
coast range logging town is go
ing to have to get four feet of
rain this month and next if it
is to reach its annual average
10-odd feet of precipitation;
Could happen, of course. Water
comes down here like the Co
lumbia river spilling over Grand
Coulee dam when it really sets
out to do a bit of raining.
A report last Friday that
Newport's 1.95 inches of rainfall
was the state's heaviest for the
day left local residents gasping
like a Chinook in the creel. For
the records, the day's rainfall at
Valsetz Friday was over a quar
ter of a foot. (Other towns
would measure It in inches
But although last week was
moist (over two-thirds of a foot
from Tuesday to Sunday) the
10-month total to November 1
was only six and a half feet. It's
been a dry year.
Leo Childs Sells
Realty Firm
Leo N. Childs, president of the
corporation that bears his name,
announced Tuesday that he had
sold the real estate and insur
ance departments to George G.
and Richard D. Denton, father
and son who came here last Sep
tember from Mt. Gilead, Ohio.
Childs, who has been in busi
ness on State street for 33 years,
will retain the mortgage loan,
securities and income properties
departments of the business. Op
eration will continue uninter
Lee Haskins, who has been
with Childs in the insurance de
partment for the past 15 years,
will operate as a partner with
the new owners in the handling
of insurance.
Nina Cluett, for 10 years secretary-treasurer
of the corpora
tion, will remain in the office
with Childs. Childs will retain
his broker's license.
The Dentons decided to settle
in Salem after investigating con
ditions here in comparison with
other locations. The senior Den
ton has a daughter 11 years old
and a son who is a physician ln
Illinois. The latter plans to lo
cate in Salem next spring.
Richard Denton has operated
with his father for a number of
years except during the war
when he served as a pilot in the
army air corps. Overseas ex
perience was in Africa. He has
a son and daughter and lives at
3320 Sunnyview avenue. The
senior Dentons reside at 1511
North Summer.
' The Dentons, who have had
much experience in real estate,
and insurance will operate at the
present location, 344 State
Salem Livettook Harkw
R vllei cacklng CtionT'
Feeder lambs 111.00 to 115.00
Cutter cows 17.00 to (9.50
Dairy heifers (10.00 to 111.00
Fat dairy cows (9.50 to (10.00
Bull (11.00 to (15.00
Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) (16.00 to 116.00
Veal (150-300 lbs.) top (20.00 to (22.00
Portland Eaatslde Market
Cauliflower sold for (1.00 to 11.75
crntc on the Portland Eastslde Farmers
Wholesale Produce market today.
Bru&sel sprouts were (2.00 to (2.15
12 -cup lug.
Lettuce brouiht 12.00 a crate.
Delano green beans from California
were Quoted at 16 cents a pound.
Good quality corn was (3.S0 a crate.
Cal llorma tomatoes were 17' cents
Local mushrooms moved at 76 eent
Capital Journal Salem. Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 15, 194919
Open House Success
Willamina High school prin
cipal Kenneth Stuart announced
this, week that 250 parents at
tended the open house at the
high school Tuesday evening.
This was the first open house
of this type held at the local
high school
er-ri nriri . m.r w.r jrw5.
v 'tit.' VCa.A- " " T M
Portland Produce
Butterfat Tentative, eunleet to 1mme
dlate change Premium quality maximum
35 to 1 percent ac'dity rlrllvered In
Portland 63-67c lb.: 92 score, 61-65c lb.; 60
fcorc. 57-63c: 69 score 55c. Valley routes
ana country points Zc less than first
nuner wnoiesaie ron bulk eubea
wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c
92 score. 62c: B 80 score. 60c lb.. C 69
score. 67c. Above prices are sertctly
Cbcae Selling price to Portland whole
sale Oreion sinnles 39-42c. Oregon
small loaf, 44i-45c, triplet l'i less than
East (ta wholesaler!) A grade large.
SlVa-SS'ie; A medium, ; grade
B large. 49-50 'ic; small A grade. 43 ic.
Portland Dairy Market
natter trice to retailers: orane
prints. 68c: AA cartons. 69c: A prints.
eac; a cartons esc; B prints, esc.
tien Prices to retailers- Cirade
lane. 2c doi.; certified A large, 63c;
larae. eoc aa meaium. hoc cer
titled A medium. 49c; B medium, 45c;
small. 44c; cartons 2 e additional.
Cheeaa Price to retailera Portland
OreROn sin (ties 39-42e: Oregon loaf.
lb. loafa 4414.45c lb.; triplets, IVt cents less
man singles premium oranaa, singles.
31 C IO.I lOaL 530.
Live Chlckem No. 1 quality FOB
Plants. No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs. 20-4c
lb. fryers 3-3 lbs.. 23 -26c; 3-4 lbs..
roasters 4 lbs and over, 2 7-28c; fowl.
Leghorn 4 lbs and under 16-300. over
lbs. 20c; colored fowl, all weight. 34-25c;
roosters, ail weignts, in-iue
Turkey Net to growers, tie
toms. 43 S -44c on hens; sales prices to re
tailers, torn. 38-39c: hens 49-600.
Rahblta average lo growers, live whites.
4-5 lbs.. 17-19c lb.; 6-6 lbs.. 15-17e lb.:
colored 7 eents lower: old or heavy does.
and bucks, 8-13c. Froth dressed Idaho
fryers and retailers. 40c; local. 48-52c.
Country-Killed Meate
Veal Ton aualltr 39 -31c lb., other
grude according tn welch t and quality
with uther or heavier IB-use.
How Mint blockers, 24l-25e; sows, 30
31c. Lamba Top quality, springers. 38-39e:
mutton, ll-lle.
Beef Good cows, 19-21c lb.; canners-
cutters, 18-19c.
Trerh Dressed Meals
1 Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.t:
Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs., (42-45;
commercial, (35-39; utility, 131-34, utility.
Cows Commercial, 2B-31 utility, (24
26; c a nners-c utters, (23-20.
Deef Cuts (Good Bteersi: Hind Quarters
154-55; rounds (48-51; full loins, trimmed
173-78; trlanttles, (32-34; square chucks.
J40-43; ribs (53-55; loraquarters. (3-3B.
Veal and calf: Good. 617-40; commercial
133-35: utility (28-33.
Lambs: Good-choice spring lamba, (41
4: cnmmerrtal, (36-40: utility. 13J-35
Mutton Good. 70 lbs down. (18-20.
Pork cuts: Loin No. I, 6-12 lbs.. (42-45;
shoulders. 18 lbs. down. (32-35: spare-
ribs, $45-48; carcassr. (25-26; mixed
weights (2 per cwt lower
Portland Miscellaneous
Casears Bark Dry 12 Wo b green 4c lb
Woiri Valley coarse and medium grades.
45c lb
Mohair 35e lb. on 13-montfi growth.
Hides Cnlvea, 3no lb., according to
weipht, kips 25c lh.. beef 1l-12r lb., bulls
7c id. country buyers pay zc less.
Nut Quntations
Walnula Kranqutttes, first quality Jum
bo, 34.7c; large. 33.7c; medium, 27.2c;
second quality lumboa. 30.3c; large. 38.2c,
medium, 26 3c; baby. 23 1-5; aoft Hhell, first
1 quality large. 79. 7c; medium, an 3c; sec
lond nualtty large. 37 3ct medium, 34 7c
oaDy 21 ae.
Filberts Jumbo, 3Qe Ib.i large. 18e;
medium. 16e: small 13o.
By tha AasoelaUd Pr-asi
Amertean Can
Am Pow th LI
Aa Tsl Tel
Anaconda ,
Bendii Aviation
Beth 8teel
Boeing Airplane
Calif Packing "..
Canadian Pacific
Case J 1
Caterpillar ....
Com with Son
Cons Vulteo
Continental Can
'Jrown Eellgrbaeb
Curtias Wright
uougiaa Atrcrart
Dupont de Nam
Oeneral Electric-
General Food
General Meters
Goodyear Tire
mi Harvester
Inl Paper
Llbby MeM L
Long Ball "A" .,t
Montgomery Ward
nasn Keivinator
Nat Dairy
NT Central
Northern Pacific
Pae Am Fish
Pa Gas 8t Elee .
Pa Tel A Tel ...
Penney J C ....
Radio Corp
Rayonler ......
Rayonler Pfd ..
Reynold! Metal
Safeway Stores
Rears Roebuck . .,,
Southern Pacific .
Standard Oil Co.
Studebaker Corp .
Sunshine Mining
Tra mam erica ....
Dnlon Oil Cal ...
Union Pactflo ....
Onlted Airlines ..
a 8 Steel
Warner Bros Pic ,
.... 13 H
.... 27',
.... 92H
.... 36
.... 21
. .. Ifi
.... IV
... 43
.... 12
.... 64
.... 10'k
... 25
.... 36
.... 1
.... 64'4
.... 40.
.... 174
. .. 45'.
.... 4
.... 19H
.... 27'
.... 62
.... 49 'i
.... 1
.... 21'
.... 51'.
.... U
.... 37
.... 10
.... 12
.... 32H
.... 62',
.... IVi
.... 21
..... 17H
- 44-4
, 64
. 2JH
. 0
. 11
. 34
Record Pickett After 22
months of picketing. T. I. Wil
liamson of Houston. Tex.,
claims the world's record as
a picket. Williamson, a driver
for an express company, went
on strike Jan. 2, 1948. and is
the lone member still on
strike. The other men who
went out with him have found
Jobs elsewhere. (Acme Tele-photo)
Soybeans Rally.
Wheal Weaker
Chicago, Nov. IS W Soy
bean futures rallied today on ov
ernight reports that the govern
ment had bought quantities of
soybean oil. Gains reached more
than a cent at times before pri
ces reacted somewhat
Wheat was weak most of the
session on lack of export devel
opments, with losses reaching
more than a cent occasionally.
Soybeans dipped again near
the close and finished V higher
to 1 lower than the previous
finish, November $2.21-2.21 V,
wheat was l'i to 1H lower, De
cember $2.09V4-4, corn was Vs
to H up, December $1.20-&i,
oats were to down, Decem
ber 74i, rye was off to IV4.
December $1.33-, and lard
was 15 cents a hundred pounds
lower to 5 cents higher, Novem
ber 59.30.
Chiracs Llveiteek
Chicago. Nov. IS (USDAt Salnhle
hogs 18,000: active, steady to 16 cents low
er; moMIy 10-16 cents lower on butchers:
sows steady to 35 cents lower; top 16.10
for few loads choice 200-330 lb: most good
and choice 180-300 lb 16.75-14.00: matly
15 65-16.00: good and choice sows under
433 lb 14 73-15.25: few 18.301 heavier
welrhts scarce, as low as 13 00.
Salable cattle 6.000, salable calvra 600:
ateera and yearllnia grading averaee
good and better fairly active, steady; lower
eradea slow, weak to fully 50 cenu lower:
heifers steady tn weak; cows steady to
strong: bulls strong to fully 25 rents hith
er: vealers steady to 100 lower; load
choice and prime 1.061 lb ateers 40 00:
doxrn or ao loads choice 1.050-1.150 lb
ft'era 24 00-36 50; bulk good to low-cholre
strera 27.50-33 00: medium to low-aond
21.50-27.00: medium to low-rholee heifers good cows 16. 25-18 00: com
mon and medium cows 14 00-16 00: can
ners and cutter.'- 11 0013.75: medium and
good sausntre bull 17 00-19.00: medium to
choice vealers 23 00-38 00: !rw 29 00 curly.
Salable shepp 3,500. not enoush done
on Alauvhter lambs and v'srline to make
a market: ewes scarce and steady, most
natives 1-13.
Portland Llvettftrk
Portland. Ore.. Nov. 15 ui- Llvetork
Cult!' salable 200. holdover 350: markt
slow: few cleanup sles abo.t tady with
Monday elrve: hlih medium and low
good short fed steers elwd lull 50 rents
or more lower; many medium he!fra fully
1 00 off: some Allowing more loss com
pared last week" tilth: medium and good
1170 to 1246 lb. fed steers Monday 24 00;
1195 lbs. 2 10: long load mMium 725 lb.
heifers todiv 30 00 above 1000 lbs. 16 00:
common heifers 15 50 tn 16 00; cutter and
Court Rebukes
Bridges' Lawyer
San Francisco, Nov. 15 W)
Prospective jurors in the gov.
ernment's perjury trial of Harry
Bridges were told by a defense
lawyer yesterday that a rival
union head once sought to have
Bridges killed.
Bridges, 48, Australian born
and for 15 years head of the left-
wing CIO Longshore union, is
charged with perjury in testify
ing at his 1945 naturalization
hearing that he had never been
communist. Two aides, S. R.
Robertson and Henry Schmidt,
are charged with aiding Bridges
to obtain citizenship by fraud.
As the Jury selection proceed'
ed, Chief Defense Counsel Vln
cent Hallinan told one venire
man that Harry Lundeberg, head
of the AFL Sailors' Union of the
Pacific, Inc., "literally and ac
tually hired murderers to try to
kill Harry Bridges." He asked
the man how he would receive
testimony from witnesses test!
fying under Lundeberg's dlreo
Federal Judge George Harris
sustained the government's
speedy objection to the question
When Hallinan Indicated he
planned to seek to bring Inter
union feuds into the record
Judge Harris said:
"I think your optimism Is un
warranted, Mr. Hallinan. We are
not going to try any labor union
or group here. "
McDonald Injured in
Auto-Truck Collision
Lyons, Nov. 15 Al McDon
ald of Albany suffered severe
Injuries near here Monday night
In a collision of an automobile
with a truck.
He was taken to Salem Me
morial hospital by ambulance.
The hospital reported Tuesday
that his condition was good
McDonald was one of a group
of working men employed by the
Western Logging company. Thry
were ln a ear driven by Will-
lam Taylor, also of Albany,
The truck, owned by Harold
Wllse of Mill City and driven by
Elton Brown of Mehama, was
stopped at the top of a hill about
dusk and Brown waa Just about
to put on his lights when the
automobile crashed Into th. rear
of the truck.
Bank Debits in
Salem Decline
Portland, Nov. 15 M) Bank
debits in Salem led a decline for
three western Oregon cities re
ported yesterday by the federal
reserve bank.
October bank debits, a busi
ness yardstick dropped. 38 per
cent at the state capital city
went down 10 percent in Eugene
and down 8 percent in Portland
For the 10 months of this
year, however, Salem had a
percent gain while Portland
debits were down 7 percent and
Eugenes 11 percent.
The October debits in Salem
were $39,573,000 compared with
$62,152,000 for the same month
in 1948. The 10-month total was
up from $578,477,000 last year
to $587,654,000 this year.
At Eugene, October figures
were $50,982,000 compared with
$56,728,000 a year ago. The 10-
month figure was $482,351,000
compared last year with $540,-
Portland's October debits
were $541,304,000.
8 common heifers 15 50 tn 16 00; cutter anc
common dairy type heifprg 10 50 to 13 00
rtaPiPIt. Banal Ollfl.p t-fit.-. ta K In in -.ft
tM v - HaTTkA heii down to 7 00; common and medium
""w. 1 tV.-uv tti- '- i beef cows 12O0 to 14 00. cutter and com-
Prince and Mama Prince Charles Philip Arthur George,
Prince of Ed in burg, who is celebrating his first birthday,
poses for an anniversary picture with his mother, Princess
Elizabeth of England. (AP Wirephoto)
mon snusKfe bulb 12 no to 18 00.
Calves salable 50; market active. Steady:
good light vealers 13 00 to 24 00.
Hoes salable 100 1 market not fully
tsb;ihd. frw atieetfd butcher steady
at 17 50. moM bids and fw sslejt on good
and choice 160 to 2S0 lbs, 17 00 to 17 35;
good 300 to 450 lb. sowa 13 50 to 1100;
le"1eri eeer; tor- Monday 16 00
Stieap salable 400: holdover 366: mar
ket very s.o. eirly bid again lower
and (uiij 1.00 ell lor twe darn lev
Hike Passenger
Fares in East
Washington, Nov. 15 () An
other raise in basic railroad pas
senger fares ln the east now has
government sanction. Coach
tickets will move above the
price of pre-war Pullman trans
The Interstate commerce com
mission, splitting 6 to 4 on the
matter, issued the Increase au
thority to 61 eastern lines late
yesterday. It permits a 12 ',4 per
cent hike in both coach and
sleeping-parlor car mileage
charges. It may be made effec
tive on five days' notice to the
Commutation fares are not af
fected, but the upward revision
in basic interstate passenger
rates will go to 3.376 cents per
mile ln coaches and 4.5 cents
per mile ln Pullman cars.
This compares with 2-cent
coach rates and 3-cent Pullman
rates ln 1941. Four increases
since then have advanced the
eastern rates more than 50 percent.
Southern and western rail
roads in the same period have
made advances of about 20 per
cent, the basic rates in these sec
Hons now being 2.5 for coaches
and 3.5 for Pullmans.
Abiqua Social Club
Will Name Officers
Sllverton The Abiqua Ladies
Social club was entertained at
the home of Mrs. Marie Dunigan
in an all-day program and a no
hostess luncheon at noon.
Mrs. Jess Barkhurst and Mrs.
C. B. Weatherill were new mem
bers accepted into the club.
The Tuesday, December 13
meeting will be the revealing of
secret pals and choice made for
the selection of secret pnls for
the coming year. Mrs. John Mc
Killop is opening her home to
the members at this meeting.
Mrs. Idcmes Evans
Mrs. Idumea Evans. late vstdant nt
4405 Sunnyview avenue, at a local hos
pital November 12. Surviving ara her hus.
band. Owen Evans of 6alem; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Marie Crawford of Salem and
Mrs. Nana Helms of Prlnevtlle: a son,
Hubert Evans of Brewster, Wash.: four
1st era. Mrs. Alice Balrd of Knvili
Tenn.. Mrs. Martha Hatmaker of Pine.
ville, Ky Mrs. Ella Loy of Hynera. Ind.,
and Mr. May Roach of LaPollette, Trim.:
...m-o, ionn Murray ana Arinur
Murray of Sullivan, ind itui v.a u ir...
of LaPollette. Tenn.: seven grandchildren
and six great grandchildren. Services will
or nem weanesaay. November 16, at 3
p.m. at the Cloueh-Barrick chapel r-p.i
ReV. Mag Wvatt officii tin. Tntfrmnt It.
the Leg Mission cemetery.
VInle Clemons
Vlnie Clemons. late resident nf
pendencc, In this city November 11, at the
ate of 17 years. Survived by mother,
Blanche Clemons tn Indiana: two sisters.
Mrs. Lola Bowers tn Indiana and Mrs.
Maudle Jordan of Han ford, Calif.: and four
brothers, Sam Clemons ln Oklahoma. Louis
Clemons in Minnesota. Oeorgc C lemons
in Alaska and Oscar Clemons of Eure
ka, Calif. Service were held at the Bap
tist church at Independence Tuesday, No
vember 15. at 10 a.m. Interment was ln the
IOOP cemetery at Independence under the
direction of the Howell-Edwards ohapol.
Clinton Wheelock
Clinton WheelOCk. at a Inr.t hKanllal
November 12, at the age of 48 years. Ship
ment has been made to Roseburg by the
Clough-Barrlck chapel for services and In
terment. Prank Walter Wllaoa
frank Walter Wilson, late resident f
route 8, Salem, at a local hrntti n.
vember 14. Survived by three daughter.
Mrs. D M. Eby and Mrs. O. I. Smith,
both of Salem, and Mrs. Blanche Tates of
roriiftna, mrec one, wiured ana Raiph
VYlUon. both of Salem, and Fred WUion of
Port Orchard. Wash.: thrr atuira Ur.
Jennie Newman and Mrs. Mtnnle Anderson
in iuri, ana sars. wai craig OI Naches.
Wash.; a brother. William Wilson nf uu.
sourt; 18 grandchildren and 11 great
grandchildren. Services will be held at the
Virgil T. Oolden Mortuary Wednesday,
November 16, at 1:20 p.m. with Rev.
Leonard Jone officiating. Interment ln
Beicreat Memorial park.
Charles Allison
in this city November 15, Charles Allla
i. lata resident of 3105 North nhi.p-.jt
street. Announcement of aervloe later by
n. ... mwurjn company,
Fred L. Danlsen
In this city Fred L. Danlson. late resi
dent of Station A, Salem, at the age of 66
years. Father of Oladys Marie Kroner and
Virgil Leroy Danlson of Portland; and
grandfather of Leanne Danlson ejid Mrs.
Coleen Croc an of Portland. Announcement
of service uter by W. T. Rtgdon compear.
Mrs. Clara B. Smith
Mrs. Clara E. Smith at the residence at
730 Mill street. November 14, at the ace
of 74 years. Aunt of Dr. Hitn Php
Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Jennie Erwin,
Mem Pearce and Llge Pearce, all of Salem,
and Oeorte Pearce of Delano. Calif.,
Announcement of service later bp W. r.
Rigdon company.
Prana Bemabard Johnson
Lebanon Prana B. Johnson, SS, a na
tive of Polka me. Sweden, died Nov. 12 In
the Community hospital. He was born May
20, 1884 and came to Sandstone, Minn.,
living there until he settled in Lebanon ln
1948. He was a carpenter by trade. Serv
ices will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m.
In the Howe-Huston chapel with Rev. Ed
McClaln officiating. Burial will be ln the
IOOP cemetery. Survivors are his daugh
ter Mrs. Elsie Tucker and two grandchil
dren, George and Charlotte Tucker, all
of Lebanon.
Irvine Strickland
Lebanon Irvine Strickland, 76, died la
Salem. Nov. U. Born Dec. 11. 1874 ln Po
mona, N. T., he came to Crawfordsvllle
11 years aco, residing there until moving
to Salem five months ago. Ha was a con
tractor. Surviving are his children. Gor
don, Clarence and Margaret Strobel, all of
California and Gladys Oregory of Craw
fordsvllle; brothers. Clark and Prank of
Connecticut Clarence) of New Jersey,
and J me of New York; sister, Mrs. Car
rie Johnson. New York; 21 grandchildren
and two great grandchildren. Servlcea
were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Howe
Huston chapel in Sweet Home with Rev.
Harry Benton officiating. Burial In the
Alford cemetery at Harrlsburg.
Cleveland C. atlley
Albany Cleveland C. Riley, 78, Browns
ville, died at his home there Saturday and
was burled in the Oakvllle cemetery Mon
day following srrvlces held at the Browns
ville Baptist church. Riley, drscendnnt or
the pioneer Cochran family of Browns
ville and a son of the Rrv. Stephen Riley.
Pioneer Brownsville Baptist minister, was
horn In Tulare county. Cel., but had lived
In Linn county since he was four years old.
First at Brownsville, where he crew to
manhood, and then in the Oakvllle com
munity where he farmed for 35 years
before returning to Brownsville In 1931.
Surviving are the widow, the former An
na W, Sharer, whom he married at Tan
tent, October I. 1901. a son. Eldon RUey,
Portland, a brother, Stephen Riley, Oregon
City; three sisters, Mrs. Or ace Loder. Or
egon City: Doxle Riley, Portland, and Mrs.
Amy Washburn. Los Angeles, four grand
children and two great grandchildren.
Amazon Creek Drainage
Eugene, Nov. 15 -) The fed
eral soil conservation office
here will open bids tonight for
a channel project to Improve
drainage of Amazon creek. The
government will pay a portion
of the costs of the three sections
good and choice woe-led lambs held around
30 00 or above, glreible lot good around 70
lb. feeders to 17.00; good ewe salable
around 6 54 with llehtweighu euotaeU
to i oo.
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When your skin is Irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crazy with
itching torture, try Sanitone
Ointment. Itching stops prompt
ly. Smarting disappears imme
diately. Sanitone Ointment is
also wonderful for itching feet,
cracks between toes and Ath
lete's foot.
For Sale
Wlllett'i Capital Drug Store
Stat, at Liberty mon. 11118
la a symptom, not a disease.
Rectal Ailment. Are
th. Underlyln, Factor
Hemorrhoids and other colon
allmenU must be corrected.
No lAvet of Time
No llmpltatlzallon
Fre. Descriptive Booklet
Naturo-Rectal Specialist
1144 Center 8t t.lem. Ore.
find cum fog Miliar DUI TO s.l
COPeotaTKsn. .urrvr lewie ""
R.IW a. hug Irtm Mrttr. ot Mm,
eaUrrb. 4 bf awl g.
tio. It M. M.T a. mwrt. eg ". wit.
. loraa.U Ua r- t. ndH-a
.ami emmttoa. aavl wntm wilgi
acMlitn. eiaoe awadaebee. ekwc. Mtnla,
H tawtlf,. ed aatu aaUarr
eg htmni raltef aTMr -l.t H. KIKNOb
M 11 09, ant n.Mnln. ml, tbla a
,og aspenal., amowtl. ae emfcr a.,.! par
r. tuiinnnl Irautlm, aa.
rMtad aoW .Ilk aewr-ba .wuu. a
Se.ael.r Dr.e, l Kt C.meralal
Parr. Dr.e. It. ft. CuMiMl atail
Ogaau. rUhrt,