16 Capita! Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Not. 15, 1949 I t 00NT 8E 6RAWNSW SOME VERV OOOO ZTT" hElp III ' ' S iS5 niMA DBAr,D A liC . -A HARMLESS LITTLE MASQUERADE . CUSTOMERS PREFER AM f -J ME rVTTHESelll ''Tp I V. ssSETM RADIO rKUuKAAAi --THIS 'AUWT HARRIET BUSINESS 1- OLDER SITTER I f A THINGS AV II 1 r"7 X Heart of Map pirns by PEGGY O'MORE AP Nmfatt T El HAWtNCU TO HAVE HnT?-pVvNO "I" . li.'J T . I ST Z ' I Vi fh$ iSAWA KlTvUt V " I KGW K0IN KEX KSLM KOCO II -fU i ,Vl I' I KiP5u-V rflaJLTP I IL 1CJF5V5. , TcT..lccU Inu Manalol OHM H.rael utral.hl Arrow Rbrlba K.nrb Chapter IS Arleta found the toes of her hoes spreading. Willfully the brought them together. She wasn't Chips, Little Chips, a chip off the old block. She iu Mtu Arleta Langtry. ' "Leta" curie Cil Sheridan's voice, asking something. Miss Langtry twirled. "Charmed I'm sure," she said, looking straight Into the eyes of Allene Lane. "But -why should I educate a girl who can think of more blasphemous re torts than any lumberjack Big Chips iver imported?" . There. The blue-llveried attend ant had Dulled back her chair, alld it under her. pushed her to the table as though it were a rock to Which she should cling. . Sheridan sat opposite her, study ing her, and suddenly the handsome lines of his face broke into mer riment. "So" he said, "you're Chips. Chips isn't a cousin. You're the girl who " , "I do enjoy a seafood cocktail when the sauce has that certain piquancy, don't you, Cal?" she asked. ' "ln-dubltably," he spaced the nrllaoles. "Fact, I enjoy piquancy in any form. How, by the way, did you know of Miss Lane's . . . er, adjec tives?" ' She'd thought It a shot in the dark. On second thought, she real ized she should thank How Kelly. . They had finished tneir first course when they heard a subdued chatter and six couples came In Irom the cocktail bar. Arleta saw a flash of red. saw Cal rise and again heard the voice of Allene Lane. "Now that we've met," she brawled, "why not get acquainted? We're neighbors, you know. Move over to our table." Arleta waited for Calvin to an swer. He did, and her breath came out In a soft whisper of relief. "Please," he said, "allow me to have this evening with Miss Langtry. We ve so much to discuss. I have to Ily back tomorrow." . "You won't fly tomorrow," Miss Lane propnesied. Her escort cam up, was Intro duced to Arleta and observed. "wnat do you know about it, Al; you're grounded." They finished before the Lane party was served Its entree, but Aliens naa to nave me nnai word "Do call, Miss Langtry," she beg ged with exaggerated sweetness. "Mother would adore meeting any cnna or uiu untps Langtry." "You are kind." murmured Arleta. and was torn between a desire to light and a desire to flee. "Miss Lane," sighed Sheridan, s he helped Arleta Into her car, "must have spent too much time at the bar. She wasnt like this when I was here before." Nothing could have been more cheerless that the next morning rain lashing the windows, waves ruggllng the lake, trees whipping about In the wind helplessly. "Allene called It," Cal said, as Martin closed the big door behind him. "Whew, what a dayl" The breakfast room was cheer ful, with the new gaily painted laoie set wiin une runners of Chinese red. the bright vellow lot tery, and the artistic arrangement of fruit In a copper platter Tunis had retrieved from a scrap heap uiu uurmsneu wun sai ana vinegar; all a vivid contrast to the storm- lashed world bevond the windows. "Leta. I like this," Cal said with enthusiasm. "I don't wonder you kept harping on home. I thought It would be like the Lane place, town-house-ln-the-oountry stuff. Not that they haven't a beautiful home, but this Is different. It belongs to Its background." Arleta felt new Joy surge up. Tf Cal felt that way she could have both her home and him. And she felt as though she were already married, for she asked none of the questions so close to her Hps. They remained In the breakfast room after the table was cleared and Sheridan talked. "There's Just one solution," de elded Cal briskly. "We'll go on with our plans, and after we're married, well come out here for a couple of months each year. I'll handle" "I'm sorry, Cal." She moved away from him. 'I can't marry you un til" she looked out of the window to where the dam lake cowered under the bite of the wind "the name of that lake has been changed back to Lake Langtry." "I see, I guess you're right. Leta So." he smiled, "looks as though Mohammed will have to move to the mountain. I don't see why I can't talk Uncle Into letting me open an office for his firm in the city here." "Cal" "Why not? He should have one in this section. I can put In time get. ting it in running order, train some one to take over when you're ready to leave. I won't be within shout ing distance, Leta, but there are telephones, you know Never had she loved him so much. "Oh Cal" he stood on tiptoe to cup his face In her hand "vou don't know, you can't pos sibly know what this means to me, to nave you near ana know you understand." "Purely selfish, sugarfoot. I could n't settle to anything, knowing you were out here and not knowing what fresh trouble you had uncovered." He was thoughtful a moment then alert. "How about having Martin drive me Into the city? I'd like to look over the ground so I can make a convincing report to uncle. And then If the weather reports are good, I'll go on. I want to get back, and the sooner I leave "And youU talk to Aunt Leta?" "Ill convince her youre right. With this in view she could let him go, even hurry him on. And when he'd driven off with Martin. she twirled and spun Tunla around wun ner. "Tunla, were going to make this place so perfect he'll never want to leave." (To be continued) 2896 SIZES 10 10 BLOUSE Vvj I 1 3054 Ml ' ' j. smart fciiscmuie i-ikuie-ui,iiig jacket tnat buttons to the waistline, combines with this year's favorite skirt laid in soft pleats. Use cum merbund for color contrast. Scal loped blouse Is a serjarate pattern. no. ztwe is cut in sizes lu, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 skirt and Jacket. 3 yds. 54-ln.; yd. 35-ln. for cum- merDuna. No. 3054 is cut In sizes 10. 12. 14. 16. 18, 20. Size 16. 1U yds. 39-in. Delivery Is guaranteed in ample time for Christmas sewing. Pat terns ready to fill orders same day received. If you include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be sent by FIRST CLASS MAIL. would you like to see a collec tion of more than 190 other pat tern styles? Just Include the PALL WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. Price of book 20 cents. Send 5ne for PATTERN with Name, Address and Stvle Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis. slon St.. San Franclscn P. Calif R2759 Cuddle Tors These Ihree-of-a- klnd soft cuddle tova are lnrxneii- slvely and easily made from cotton socks or stockings and stuffed with cotton or discarded nylon stockings. The cute faces are embroidered and each plaything Is finished with a perky ribbon neckband and bow Pattern Envelope No. R37S con tains hot-Iron tranrfer for each toy, material reyqulrements. sew ing and finishing directions and em broidery directions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c In COINS giving pattern number, your name address and sone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco a Calif, Mac's Melodies Mac'! Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies . g:?n ' i, ;! Mr., Mri. Nrth Tows Mnllas Mqil Tr 119 I 1 gj45 Ci..li-(l. Mr.. Mi. Korlh Tow.MllI Hula TrstS ItM BuMfc!a'a Mlw Tb.k T.w. Mxllot Stmt Tr.ck 1W - :15llonal l.l.'..l-.I Tb. T.w. MmIIoi M..1. Tr.tk 1W tt&r&ttVfi WEDNESDAY-6A.M.T044SP.M. I I p I 4 7:1c old Sinn Nwi Afr.mkr Br'kfut Osas N.w. S. I I I CAIlnil4 I'lfl Vtwt Nfw Bob lull Irt BIUt 0. Tn O" KliwH ' 1 ' I l'""'Mmi I I AogifeoM 7:4.1 Sm BaTCtl ftt Beck ' 'Mt Mann To Tfodtl To O' MofnlBS Paataaaaaa.H.aBTWaasaaia.a.a.aKiBMaa.aBa I u mmm iwaiiiiawaaaawaw m -iwawawatawawaaaaioaHaal "g:0fl EddTTAIbfrt rcm.um.r NtwiHrc.br.il Club Bori. C.onl.r Klni'i Craislra " I I I sW K I b r I T TwTI S-KKdol. Slbort Newt Brookloil Clob RIo Shine Klni'i Cmilrl 1 " vl If V!rXrrWE1RECS-l B NOU'Re WRONqI Maj f EH?AH-. 1 Sll J.ck Bcrcb dr.nd Sl.m Br..kf..l Club Blbl. Intlltnl. Wnl. M.lodlH ' ltDOK cnrFH TWR Tr crt us wwen 1 - I ns. b, ...-JTC . -7 I , . . i.sc s... BMrra Koirm.rr Broklail Club Blbl. Imlllulo rioals Tim. I n ' ' ' I ww wi w www, ,ww I our, rrwv.T, dj H M. iW DC nKMTIV.-! HTflC w KNTI I - B M OPSTVJALK TO POLL IH AMO I KROK GOQpy fND uj II THttT MRCSC Vlflfi I UE CaTT Tn Toin A I -rvr mr.UT A UIW o-dnkoond Ca. Wrndr W.rre. Mildred BodeU tv.rtb.'!! Nww. m. for M. o4 I " WU..IWa-wUT ROCKY WJMPEOHMW l II A BAD ACTOR V VOl IN J BftCK-TH'la ON f ksS. 'i".'. Art L'nklctter r'i'or'1 CUI SUri '" I f IVrr WSE"0-- l HIS OWM TRW- jl I . A. I S HOCKV-S CHOCS -SEE? SrSi5 ' : S.r O.Vlund', a' llllti", Wslutl.T I. Ch. tLm H I HiiTltS'tg-trfwW.Vi.w V I Hl Oftyl cws old- Lvmw. Roaw"Vjiiis(, .,. , , Birsi.i j.ck .,.. n. S- w- . PfiJIBfl f' liblf- fift fklX.WV Af fa VN-fi5y I Si) IWimfSf h If IP! h SOT'd.,'. CblldonSo,.h Dr.k. N'..lrmrr. On. for D.T Urn O.rber A SHsHJiMwIf f3r P RsSlP fl la 'fejEr VI CwSjLljfl J 1 1'f I,.' ilUst-lcht .I World Brl.hUr .D.T N'wr.lrrn.n Uuorn for D.r Vocl V.rltllc N EwTilrUW -rtlWl '1 " ! V' Vl ' n CaflV riul RjTw4 J I 1 jsToOUfe Be.utlful g"" , ,f 5"" N!w,Tr"',, Ho""', mJ.!, N Sgjf M ttt llfjwwwj fa III I ' fjl (111 fl IfJl I C, 120 louns BrThl Llibt vfcTorLlndl.hr NoMhwrt Stwt Now. I fe'lt!" '1. '2&f ' LL-' wia II If .111 If Ifr lrV3l6A 1 n i I TlM B.rkil. Witt S.n'j" Follies Bro.kf.7tjn Trtl N.l.bbor M.c'i Melodic r EJfV'8 jfv7Virt- d3 TSiwXSnS El S II II M' It Mi JU III I 115ISIH1. D.IU. n.rrr Moore Hollywood H.reej H.rdim M.e'i Melodle. E i' W'wtSMaSSr' 55(iS!!5Sra 1 El llr-lf Bil ,VJ I 111 I' l-in'l-oreni. Jone. n.rrr Moor. K.yWert On.n Keverlu M.c'i Slelodlea fT" rV,y "wrg:g?Sj I TI IB Call I1MbK?L 1 II l:45Wldiler Brown Xewtmper K. Wel Bint Sinn M.e'l Melodle. J, g iVHE-8 ETwV- o H I Al I 1 I JlrESH Vtjjy bfliv 1 M I JOo'a Girl M.rrlei Newip.ner J.r Rtew.rl Melody M.llnee M.e-. Melodle. a11 JwwawawawwSBh m w 1 BWwnwwwwwWWWwTl w , rfiCwwataewl aTatftwl BwjTTl f S rbswwwT IwwwwwwwTSTwi a 2-15ior. F.eea ttfelSte?. Allrn J.T Siew.rt Melody Malinee M.e'a Melodle. rr . re . . 2'30lJutl ri.in BlllStey. Allen llrld. Groom Tenn. Jamboree M.e. Melodic. AMD TU1S. 6EVm.EMEkl. IS II I lew Pf UA.Lr: AC TUP rriM. I I Akirw T UJlCLl TTV DDcCCliT TvjiC K Liru,, rvt VM 1 I ILTT I - o : , - i, i m i v' RrUj. M. rm Tenn. Jamboree Mao'a Melodlea euYv&&llurli T:1H?OVAJCE" BRONIE PtAQUETO MIM IN TUAX T AMD HE AIN'T , :n0 WdeVm. Tr.e. New. Talk Way O.I Bob Fool. T I CrSiSfS-?nSf I WOF MAIR SIYlfStW AWRECIATIOU OFHlS lUSENUTY EVEN A'UCBISED BABBfS KS 3 IS Welcome Tr... Arthur Godfrey Talk Way O.I Bob Pool. T f A0J5,T,SS.BCrtS MEM 1 WANT TO C04SRAT DES1GMII4S TUI (UTSTAKID- "MitU BAKBtKOJ o Arthur Godfrey Be Sealed New. I aj 1 VALL CVER THE COOMTRV UAVESO1 iiiatc uouuinn 1 nr wtwIulsIINVS IHIS (JUiaiANU J I' , . . Kfl i.arL... M ... Arthur Godfrey Ted Malon. Sun. I n .ucadtiiu Aoonvfr. V I w-.. r-,. ,wwyr i . ikjq- wicvi U AlCrt IT I I w I fTTI I 1 II - L or I. , SZZZ?'" ZS I N, HEBB ON MIS ) I V ovt- '7D? If ?? 4-00 Woman'. Secret Arthur Godfrey Mod. Romance! Fulton Lewi. LMovl.t m. E no 11 ifrTsflTf Tllff- I LJ. ACHIEVEMENT J . M l ii- l II 4 15 Road of Lif. klhur Godfrey Mod. Romance. F. Ilemlniwar friendly l-awCJRv't' fV'TrVI ,H I -1 I I J rv an IV' M) P .'i' clfisi. 1 I I CA.i DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 l"5T"" lTT,,f",,",,"?",",",rT"","'J tlon.l 10:00. Sim Off. FABULOUS alONCS- FB4WLCMJS FACK r f-BLTT-THIS IS - ' HB'U. I f OHNO I WHAT'S SAS5 V THEY'LL Ywt WON'T " am' rioaUA ra mow m th" eaAar.'- J out rl AD.'T'-fVRY I stand SA she. s V ro tvi'goose (chuckle") ) take -em , , , , THIS'LI. MAKE TH' RACE Kajf-ON . 0O&WW1CH FVCHfOOR OUT 14KE V WOkfT S IS SASS fD' NEVAH XOFF.UNTIl. UlfHArAtl DrOnnOliI ACCOUWT SHfa IS NOW AS MIZZUBLE 1 WILL tsTTLL KNOW , A SORE DEARlE.VX TH' OAMOEPL'T f KNOW V AFTER TH' ' UlQCjCll lICjIUClll . LOOKIN' AS roOurt WHO TH' FABULOUS TMUMT K. -'VMICH ONE HAaKlltfS.': ' I " S "O'-ALL-T- I FABULOUS ' l Vl O'US fiAGS IthAR'LL BE ft P I I..L A Civi. l-Afn; JSMVV flS3if tW'tS. 1 (li. HKiiSwiHT.r Fruitland Fruitland Com- A AVvvSvXwJI;llfl E, - fT X 1 (frk-U-Vm munity club held its first meet- d . laX iwojsfr MlV-mJti y -0V yrf TVrTfC i .1N wa. Sr? V T.V in t th rhnnl house Friday XT" M IrlTHECENSUSTAKt-R iW-5 WATCHMAN DOES Twwf?E IN TH' M0RNIN ' I KIDS FER SCH0OLXEERS WAGES -SHE'S HPSWWiffd C UE 11 Ll I BjElL HPl AL" M WTMISSeCTlTiiU OCCUflaJrON AND MAKE FfTANO FIXES ME A J HOUSE, SCRUBS FLOORS, A mumP nf J i llIabSrijLlml ARmU I N aU I MAfne wmr' IIS an' iNE.Wry bucks bite to eat.-j bakes, rons, sews VEiAi &mammiiMfda B5UmBffmD 1 mTmi T i&, liiipsii rA rTy giajp. BiV1 ' fSlfeA aeo n. ,rru3 f TT!t(SiJiU--tJ ffllT IS. Kins of Judab wife "LLl?!! ii!lfiUHJ0 H f- an. an sn I I mm p " yr ' 111 ?vrant h! Seadkcov.Tliit FBOM THE TILT, t THINK HELLO, SALTY., tdIn THBI?TllT.e HE S IN THE PLANE ', I TOLD THEV THE FORWAI?(J HATCH IS ARE WE IN sJbuaSnE - BlIuT llwnFE? HIM 10 sv THERE IN RXJLED A - CAN WET 6ET OUT OP THIS I STILL OUT OF WATER ! TIME ? 1 DID vttii rbIS OF TOOUBLE ! VOU cnwM BOAT R TINCAN,m3nK?..Ok,PO I 6ET THE PEARLS, AMD L SLlaTf?M SAY OUP SMU66LERS ySfp7j WtlLI J lSl!l!t.'l1' JUST Gl U-rrrTTrlAV' PULL u.pl I ( that's al.i,S I IC FIVE BUCKS,)! II ..IT" l; f AROUND THE rsiCTalsR?5b!??l' kMADA.M...OU PLEASE rjr I . , l tcswn'v , nu;iA, JtI i i x7zz risi raijs-WiTP 's room and board THANWfORl rrwAiAPlEA5URE. )ttf1 eM"W.uw'--)"SJXfra?'A ? WA-i(oe0vOi,t. J ID r4lf TuEVf PAHOaFk0MTHr,,AT.N-C.l0NtC LJ Q W .. JtrW Btl ' ' L l'tLSfl lUCIA? OIVIN6TMCVANQUIHt0Rl0t fOfkiTPATKle. f AMP' Vii(tVni7 RS! IjtvJTI I home noiw th. f iu0j-ip ONctNTRATiON c3fT7f W-fJjX ' -gar iiffg mimm m 1 r A f Wedneed.y A. M. 10:M, News NwMV and Wealherl 10:13. Espec ially for Women I 11:110. Ore.on School .f Air: 11:4.1, Mornln. Muslr.let 1?, Newi: 1?:1S, Noon Form Honrt 1:00, OSC Cowboy; 1:11 Orrion School of the Aln l:l. Thle D.y; t-M. Freedom to Growl Convocation! t:00, Freedom to Growl 3::i0, Memory Book of Muilcl X:45, Ore .on School of the Aln S-OO, New.l S:1S, Music of the Matter.! 4:00, Ore.on Re- , Dorter: 4:IK. Kern & Sloop: 4:30, Home. on the Land! 4:45, Defense Report. retary-treasurer; Athol Riney and .Art Dalke, sergeants-at-arms. Mrs. A. E. Dalke was In charge of the program. Ben Newell showed pictures. Mrs. Riney led community singing with Mrs. Newell at the piano. She also played a piano solo. Athol Rinney was 1 ncharge of a quiz contest. Mrs. E C. Cooter, Kenneth Runner and Mrs. George Kleen were judges for the contest. R R O R SHE AIM E'S E3uLIYBelRN'E Ainu. AlCj EP Solution of Yesterday's Puzila DOWN t. Sour 1 Continent ' 3 I T-F F t 17 s Yt I'" i" - ' 13. ,3 H:."- -.fa?,- 31 33 23 4 US 27 Us ,3 3o"JTTl 32 W 3 35 5 5 , .1,. s .t' 55" AP Nt wtftotvrf -1. Small boo lea 4. Pouch t- A dniR C. Mallcloua T. Stair L Wear? I. Friend: lw 10. Padaidlftlt IU Abstract bclnt 17. Tawned !. Watchn narrowly 11. Attempt 24. Of trreat con sequence ZS. Common fund a 26. Glut 27. County In North Carolina IV Pertain. nc to the earth 10. Compass point 33. Make broad" 35. Halt 38. Peaceful 4t. Test or U. Anfiall 45. Decads 47. Vocal solo 4S. 8teer1nn appirntu 41. Skin over water 60. Before H. Cluster f wool libera St. Ocean By Gene Ahern ' YES ALFY IS A GOOD PROSPECT THE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE IF HE'S MANAGED RIGHT ' BUT NOU DONT KNOW ANY MORS ABOUT MANAGING A FIGHTER THAN VOU DO ABOUT MAKING A PIPE ORGAN ' WHY DONT VOU TURN HIM OVER TO A MAN WHO KNOWS THE GAME?V UAJli IKIRCPH-.-IT e? WA MY ACUMEN ) THAT LIFTED ALFY FROM A FORLORN NOVICE TO AN OVERNIGHT SENSATION WHEN I MATCHED HIM WITH FOLEY TO WIN THAT BRtLUANT VICTORY.' v i HIAASELP IN MIND J