UNCLE SAM'S GOLDEN PURSE World Champ Gold-Owner Means $25 Billions Stored By T. W. KIENLEN Washington (UK) One hundred yean ago California and the world echoed to he cry of "Gold!" But long before the American discovery at Sutter Mill, men had fought and ichemed to get gold and keep it. Indestructible by heat, moisture or corrosive action, found In virtually every corner of the globe, gold for ages has been a standard of value, Today the fascination of gold is still unchallenged although metals are far scantier and valued even more highly. Not its scarcity, but its very inde structibility and fairly general availability have lifted gold to its eminence. But in the ages gold has been known and used, no nation ever piled up anything comparable to the 700,000,000 ounces owned by the United States and priced at nearly $25,000,000,000. The United States started on Its way to being world's cham pion gold owner in January, 1934, when the treasury buying price for newly-mined gold was raised to $35 and ounce from $20.67. At the same time gold was demonetized and it became ille gal for Americans to use gold coins or keep possession of cur rency redeemable in gold. A whole generation of Americans since has grown up without a glimpse of those $5 and $10 gold pieces indulgent relatives some times handed out at Christmas. ... The greatest gold hoard in his tory, held by the United States at Ft. Knox, Ky., in the mints, and the assay offices, has made the American dollar king of the market-place. Since business men every where know the United States owns about 60 per cent of the world's gold, the dollar finds ready acceptance. Many experts insist the United States should be returned to a free circulation of gold intern ally, but others believe that pro hibiting gold ownership is the best way to prevent gold-hoarding panics. Today, stimulated by the worldwide demand for American dollars, all sorts of gold propos als are heard. Most of the world outside the United States wants a higher price, so their gold will bring more dollars. In the United States, proposals are heard for resumption of gold-coin circula tion and for a full return to the gold standard. What is gold had never been discovered? Then some other metal probably would have done the same job just as well. After all, financial men sav. insDira- tion of confidence is the first job of America's gold stock. Unit Meets Friday Lyons The Lyons Home Ex tension unit will meet at the community club house Friday afternoon. Diamond Blonde ENGINEERS HAPPIEST IN MARRIAGE Movie-Style Love Wrecks Home-Life, Specialist Says By CLAIRE COX New York U.R Hollywood is breaking up many marriages by making wives dissatisfied and giving husbands inferiority complexes, one psychologist contends. Alfred . Johns, who specializes in patching up broken homes, said the movies are making his job twice as hard as they would if they presented domestic life If It Fits Film Actress Marilyn Maxwell has been chosen as the Diamond blonde by the Diamond Man ufacturers and Importers As sociation of America. (Acme Telephoto) . bankers 12th and newspaper men 13th. At the bottom of the list are traveling salesmen and laborers. Johns said they see lots of movies and so do their wives. "Movies and novels never give a realistic approach to mar riage," he added. "They make life glamorous and glamour may be good for the eye, but it's very bad for the mind." realistically, "Husbands just don't make love the way the screen heroes do," Johns said. "The movies make married life seem glam orous, and real-life wives are disappointed in what they find. Everybody's either rich in movies or gets rich. Wives start nagging their husbands if they don't get rich, too, as in the movies." Johns is director of the Mod ern Coue Institute, dedicated to following the theories of Emile Coue, the Frenchman who created quite a dither in the United States in the roaring '20s with his optimistic slogan, "Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better." But things are getting worse, instead of better, on the matri monial front, Johns said. He's found a direct relationship be tween the number of divorces and the number of movies per sons go to see. The happiest married men, ac cording to a survey, he said, are chemical engineers. They are homebodies who prefer unima ginative books to fabulous mov ies. Second on the list are minis ters. Next, in order, come college professors, teachers and engin eers. Doctors are 11th on the list, Capital Journal. Salem. Or.. Tuendar, Nor. 15, 194915 c .. .vict f"04 J..oi oi Til 37 More than 120,000 Oregonians have prepaid medical and hospital protection through a modest cost O.P.S. plan. Employed and self-employed , individuals, families, and group employes residing in Oregon have a wide choice of physicians, surgeons and hospitals. Please send the coupon for complete information. Oregon Physicians' Service UUS.W.oth, Portland 4 455 Ferry St., Salem Medford Bldg., Medford SPONSORED AND APPROVED BY OREGON STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY Meetings Arranged For Fruitland Annex Fruitland The Fruitland WSWS will meet in the church annex Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Women's circle will meet Thursday at the church annex for the November meeting. This date is a week earlier because of Thanksgiving being the follow ing week. Bum Rap Says Yellow Kid Chicago, Nov. 15 u.R Joseph (Yellow Kid) Weil, who became internationally known as a con fidence man who swindled the well-to-do of millions, claimed today that a charge he had fleeced some nuns out of $3 was the first "bum rap" of his car eer. Weil, 74, dapper and bewhisk ered, was arraigned before fel ony court Judge William Daly on a charge of having taken the money from the little sisters of the poor. Daley continued the case until November 29 because a witness was not available and Weil was released under 130(1 bond. Weil was arrested last Thurs day night and admitted he had cashed a $3 check a Chicagoan had contributed to the sisters. However. Weil said he had been duped by two men who hired him to collect building funds for the sisters, operators of a home for the aged. Grounded Ship Total Loss Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 15 ) The steamship Chelohsin. which ran aground in the fog a mile outside Vancouver harbor nine days ago, is to be scrapped. Insurance underwriters took a look at the vessel yesterday and wrote it off as a "total loss." morning, afternoon and evening UNHID miNUHER FLIGHTS save hours... even days,.. of travel lime! J I I! United can take you to almost ony major city In the country, east or west, in just a few hours. United offers, in addition, famous "Service in the Mainliner Manner." Fares are often less than 1st -class roil plus pullman accommodations I Afternoon and evening flights NORTHBOUND IEAVI 2:55 P.M. 7:50 P.M. ARRIVI Portland 8:20 p.m. Seattle 10:35 p.m. 3:25 p.m. 5:10 p.m. Morning and afternoon flights SOUTHBOUND IIAVI 10:05 A.M. 3:15 P.M. ARtlVI 3:35 p.m. San Francisco 7:50 p.m. 6:05 p.m. Los Angelas 10:10 p.m. fast, luxurious flights to "all the fast" FOR SPIED, DEPENDABILITY AND ECONOMY, fit UNITED AIR LINES Airport Terminal. Call 2-2455 or, an authorized travel agent r wmymfmjmmymnmwmmt ,J"1 i'iwi'ijf, ( ,i f "I 'i ' " fr'r-rv-vr . rn- C000000000 I drib'. I J. C. HIGGINS 26-IN. BALLOON TIRE Shop in Air : $ " Conditioned Comfort - ff..,,. PenTv 0 (a Sl w w BROWN TWEED r-,-j -..--- , .xCl LUGGAGE (feKfj 'llfvT, 1 1 II ' ' ' Her '- n' --y 1 'SsipU III lr jr Nl are value. All wood -,; vS..:r.-:-" I CJ 1 lll r j9 r,m' with teak 'rjr t Cvl 1 til "" jr wood top and bottom. S:8;iy I E vs isucyene fit AIR-COOLED COASTER BRAKE BAT-WING HEADLIGHT What fellow wouldn't ask for this honey of a bike for Christmas? It's J. C. Higgins ... with 19-inch reinforced steel frame; two-tone, woterproof troxel saddle; ond I bumper type fender braces. Enamel finished in bright maroon ond white trim. Give him this bike for Christmoi ond buy it now during Sears Value Demonstration. Shop 'til 9:00 P.M. Friday 3(o)e Sturdy Juvenile Bikes Are Easy To Handle For 6 and 7 Year Olds 37.95 Youngsters can easily handle these lightweight, gay!y decorated J. C Higgins btkes. They're built for punish ment with strong tubular steel. 20-in, balloon tires, heavy duty fenders, streamlined chain guard, air-cooled coaster brake. Boys' and girls' models. 26" Pullman (not shown). . . 12" Makeup Case , Here in real lur- re value. All wood rame with teak wood top and bottom. Brown tweed pyrox ylin coated covering. Brown leather bind ing Attractive plas tic handle. Handy pocketa Inside cases. 8.98 5.98 Rubber Basketball Famous J. C Hisgins Ouolny Priced al Only ,,n 6.98 ToeQ oa rwbbf bwkfbol tef ootejOsT Ot tdoor plef , VfarfejfprAMlvMd woltpBf projf fflcol tiWOf w4e A Wffcui lij Beginner's Skates SruroV, LtohrweigM For OnV .iiiii. 1.49 tat W biliin g. 1 W Tennis Racquet Waterproof Nylon Strings J. C Higgins t i i 5.95 for . k.tw sm J. C HirM nnoM t-sr lu wilw BUS Itmw. n- l UfM, mm. Boxing Gloves Famous J. C Higgins Quality SetoM 9.95 Mode w(n color theeeikin leotKer. Uf Ml ado4 twHt pntecH vriw. Cawi ft!. 0kol tlto. A TOteol Sleeping Bag 100 Down Filled ?.9:.9.? trip. IM't 4mn fttl4. Utli (nrhi M tfirh ttr. Drill teftr ftn4 Hen llnlni. torv! Table Tennis Set liv.ty Cork Focd Bots 4 Ralls 3.49 C.pl " !. TT Kxri km, to Mtho. kolti. A4. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Doily 9:30 a.m. ro 9:00 p.m. Friday Store Hours