Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 15, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1949
Baby Bowlers Pour in on Pins, Bounce 'em 'round
v -
hst - mi -is'A
PI '
8 feWM inn al'i i" I l'L4. 1
Youth Injured
In Neighborhood
Football Contest
Lebanon A neighborhood
football game proved aerioui (or
Leo Nofzlger, 20, late Sunday
afternoon, when he wai lerioui
ly injured in pileup of playen.
The game was being played at
Nofziger't home near Tallman.
He was taken to the Lebanon
Community hospital where sur
gery was required for internal
Monday his condition was re
ported as good.
Woodburn Golfers Feted
At Annual Banquet Meet
Woodburn Between 80 and
90 golfers attended the annual
golf banquet held Sunday night
at the American Legion building
on the highway. Clyde Smith,
oresident of the Woodburn ciud
and Mrs. Anne DeArmond, pre
sident of the women ! division,
were in charge of the program.
Entertainment w a s a ventrilo
quist act by Willard Thompson
and moving pictures of golf by
W. Earl Dunn.
lire. DeArmoo IslroduMd MM. Viol.
How the DUCKPINS Fly
Maeter Breaa ill Vkla Flood IBS. Bon
nit Malum as 1. anlrW Siuoebeker 1M.
Oertle Cox 394. charlotte Hugh 110.
Son Ur Sell (II Lorene Heiuea 111. ti
ll Seharf Ml, Uartha Tttu 7, Bum ro
ell 100. Alma Pennr 411.
Heftbe Eoal Cotalo (11 Velma White 311.
Anna Prey 116. Luclllt Allen 404. Ilarr Po-
llnikl 111, Wllma Llnnart 131. Senile Oil
(I) Oladya Aniel 2e, Helen K.rulle 372.
Orace Mulllian 131, 01al Wood III.
Dee Oauthler 453.
Memorial Hoepltal rsi Alma erase-
well 111, Anne Chapman 423, Dorothy
(Ceaseieta teeattel
They itart -em young in Burlington, la.,
when it eomes to bowling. Sarah Shepard
draws a bead on the pins before letting fly.
Gary Bernabe has a stance all his own.
He has just whipped a special-sized ball
down the alleys. Kiddie keglers are t to S.
The kids gather around to check their scores. However,
some of them were surprised when tbey found that the scorer
urew a picture of a monkey with a crooked tail.
Leahy Uses 'Secret Play'
To Turn Tarheel Assaults
(Head Football Coach Unlveratty of Notre
Dame I
New York A capacity crowd
of 67,000 In Yankee Stadium
Saturday saw a much better
football game than the 42 to 6
score would imply. Realization
of that fact that Notre Dame was
fortunate enough to be leading
15 to 6 at the start of the fourth
quarter Is more Indicative of the
outstanding performance turned
In by North Carolina.
Coach Carl Snavely certainly
had his team perfectly prepared
for the game, and those who saw
the Tarheels lump to a six to
nothing lead knew that they ve
ry definitely did not come north
for the ride.
Singling out a North Caro
lina player for individual
praise would be difficult, as
we feel that their spirited per
formance w a a a unit affair,
and our hat Is off to Coach
Snavely for the manner in
which his team was determin
ed to win without Charley
As a matter of fact, we told
our lads prior to the game that
Justice's absence might well
boomerang as the Tarheels
would be out to prove to the
world that they were not a one
man team.
Our opinion Is that the tide
of battle turned early In the
second quarter when Notre
Dame was able to repulse the
enemy after they had a first
down on the one foot line.
Although It was considerably
later in the game before the
Irish offense started to roll, from
this point on the Carolinians did
not penetrate deeply enough in
Notre Dame territory to cause
definite alarm to our team.
The southerners forced us
to completely unzip our bag of
tricks as we endeavored to
stay In the game.
Our secret ploy which worked
most successfully was a play in
which Billy Barrett, second
siring right halfback, took a lat
eral from Bob Williams and
started to run wide to his own
left. Never having heard of Bar
rett passing, and knowing him
to be a rightfonted kicker, it was
very natural (and as we had
hoped) that the North Carolina
secondary rushed up to make the
It turned out that Barrett
passes with his left hand, and
that Leon Hart was open to re
ceive the ball for a 22 yard
gain and a most important
first down.
Frank Spaniel's 77 yard touch
down run was scored on a quick
opening cross buck and when he
Dia. 3-3131
or sea at at
889 N. Liberty
got in the open we were able to
relax a bit as be Is one of the
fastest men on our squad.
Following the contest several
pressmen came into the Notre
Dame . dressing room and it
seems that their most frequent
question was, "How do you com
pare this team with the Notre
Dame teams of the past few
Comparing a team before
the completion of the season
is an impossibility, because
our teams of the past three
years were great, in my opin
ion, because they went all the
way through their rugged
schedules without losing a ball
To date our 1940 team has en
joyed much success but until
they can display the mark of a
true champion and emerge from
the season with a clean slate. I
definitely could not compare
them with any of our past cham
pionship teams.
I thought I might have de
tected signs of this all import
ant attribute as Saturday'i
game progressed with Notre
Dame on the short end of the
score and refusing to be stopped.
Certainly one of the season's
best coaching performances was
engineered by Dartmouth's Tuss
McLaughry as his Big Green
ruined Cornell's clean record by
a convincing 16 to 7 score at
Hanover, New Hampshire, In the
Southwest Dutch Meyer upset
the dope books by guiding Texas
Christian to a surprising win ov
er Texas U. Another Western
masterpiece was performed by
Buddy Brothers whose Tulsa
team overturned highly favored
San Francisco. A frequent visit-
or to this section of the column
returns as Ivy Williamson's
Wisconsin Badgers rolled over
Iowa. Navy's George Sauer has
completely disproved the myth
that a team has a relapse after
playing Notre Dame, as he con
tinues to make this Navy's best
year in some time.
This week we pay tribute to
two men whose teams lost iden
tical one point decision to top
heavy favorites. To Buff Donelli
of Boston University, and
George Munger of Penn go our
sincere congratulations. Their
14 to 13 losses to Maryland and
Army cause them to be honored.
1j Vf 7- ; -, , -j
me win to win .o"4 ii ""it w-
down homestretch after throwing Jockey Bill Fisk In the
fifth race at Empire In Jamaica, N. Y. Sparked by the will
to win, Flaming Rush wasn't going to be put out by the
mere loss of a jockey, but was scratched. (Acme Telephoto)
In the Alleys
University Alleys
Mayflower Milk (S B. Bettfemier S,
A. 3cl.arrf HI. Crtvra 416, Flftuti 7.
D. Schftrff 371: 1715. Br.wn's JwU (0)
Purrer 342. Hauien 377, Relnlt 31,
Smith 301, Houiham 365; 1649.
Mctropolltin (li Slick 371, Gregory 3S5,
Jonei 110. Ray 308. Dow 334: 1758. States
man (3j Talmadte 376, KiUmillar 380,
Cordr 431. White 364. Bower 417: 1B0B.
Chnck'a Steak Ho (3 OurtU 312,
LwU 333 Rannett 439. Roadarmel 1
1763. Waiter n Paper (1 Purvla 360, Fleck
397. Beamater 370, Cogiwell 1M, Otto 243;
Top Rat (1 Cheney 373. Hamilton 114.
Welch 346, Oould 373; 1767. Capital City
Laundry l2 Amove 379. Kulner 373,
Hopflnger 311, B. Stttlemler 333, Orten
262; 1769.
Curly'i Dairy 10) Owena 384, P. Rath
350. Vtbbert 191. Carper 128. Wallace 136;
1694. Stop-Llla Cafe 3) Locket. 438.
Markj 437, McWalo 413, Frederic Uon 392,
Kunke 298: 2081.
Huh individual game: Haiel Mark.
Stop-Lite Cafe, 187.
Hlah Individual aerlea: Jan Bennett,
Chuck 'a Steak Houee. 439.
Hlah team lime; Stop-Lite Cafe, 703.
Hlah team aerlea: atop-Lite Gate, 3081.
Teamiteri Valet) 3 Oraham 613, God-
kina 484. Bob Thiaa 448. R. Thlaa 601, Pohl
485. Area A Bailntera Market (II Flail
447, Randall 427, Htmann 161. B winter
453. CiiAhlni 480,
State A 11th (01 Coffin an 418, Crou
ler 401, Cox 414, Fsrbea 419, Weatphal
365. Soatb Salem Pharmarr (31 Rlordan
531, Mcrrltt 467, Rlchaa 631, Keekter 473,
Hyatt 437.
State Street Market 'II Thompaon 190,
Prlmba 359. Erlar 439, Klelnke 484. Hetuer
462. Deollttle'a i2 Dutott 437, WlUen 423,
Butron 441, Keen 139. Poole 435.
Brown's Jawelara 2t Parker 193. V
Hauxen 404. Nvatrom 390. H. Haugen 493,
V. Ha men 485. Monti ornery Ward U)
Fleet 437. Oraham 460, Came? 64T, Cline
429. Qirtman 492.
Hlah individual fame: Rlchea of South
Balem Pharmacy. 222.
Hlah individual aerlea: Rlordan of South
flalem Pharmacy. 611.
Huh team aerlea: Tea mat era Union, 3431,
Capital Alleys
Sean Cenat. Ce. Ill Bud Straw 490,
H. Nuttina 168, F. Garrett 467, Bob Straw
330. L. Baylor 341, H. Sltnmonda 395.
Weedbara 111 H. Steele 494. M. Perd 474.
Am tin 408. J. Deaa an 27. M. Hick
Dlek Mevere Labr. Ce. ill I. Barber
441. V. LivlneJlon 468. R. Hacen 932. C.
Stelnke 441. B. Lacy 616. The Jewel
s. cowan lio. carl sterner 9.
White 423, Al Brant 413. M. Taehlda 628.
Nalley'a 1 Thompaon 449. Johmon
1, Price 911. Owynn 386. Medina 673.
Hefrman Cenat. Ce. (01 Crawford 49T,
Emberton 156, MlUer 364, Ha neon 460,
Clark 364.
Red A Oaa Clafe (II Miller 411. Mc-
Illnay 404, Futrell 4M. Moo re 181, Debow
503. Valley Oil Ce. (It Delk 44T. Boon
405. Veatal 400, Lute 407. Warner 466.
Hlch team tame: Sound Conet., 191.
Hlah team aerlea: Nalley'a, 3403.
Hlah Individual aerlea: Bob Price, 111.
HUh Individual same: Bob Prke, 1U.
Slarr Findn fli Scalfi 868, Lent ran
50, B. Powell 475. Arehart 611, Allen
You, too, will enjoy
a good night's sleep... awake re
freshed ... as you go by train. You'll
like the friendly service... the con
venient schedules . . . the way Union
Pacific gets you there comfort
ably and on time.
Still thou Autumn Doyl
at Sun Volley
For your next trip last, cheou one of theit Union Pacific
trains. Doily departure ... Pullman and coach occommo
datlens . . . lew fares.
STREAMLINER -eirr potiio-
Ptit schsduls...ttrlitst arrival In Chicago... Stawardtes
'PORTLAND ROII' D.nv.r. Xsnsss City. Omaha,
Chicago, St Louie tnd connections lor Tssas, Southwest
and East.
MDAHOAN, Clty.St.Loula.Throuth
cars connecting with "City ol St. Louis" strssmllnsr.
ftt Cempltt Trtyl lalotmMion Coaiu
GENERAL PASSINOEK DEPARTMENT, Room 751 Pltlock Heck, Portland 3, Oroaon
iilO a.m. I I JO f.m, Memlav, riireiiak Mawff
W tAc SiwimtiHcu.
511. Geldle'a ef tllveHen 0 J. Herr 46T,
Spencer 466. O. Herr 499, Bentaon 479.
Knlahta ef Cetatnbaa (21 Link 546. Al.
brlch 466. Blckler 470, M. Miller 461.
J. Miller 569. Master Breed (II Mattaon
486. Prlem 447. Coomler 386. M. Powell
654. Farmer 638.
Nleheleen'a In sa ranee 3 Oannon 618,
Oardner 473, Brown 468. Hartland 487.
McClUfcker 609. Orval'a Used Care (II
Crawford 431, McClary 492, Gabel 640.
nou am, soyce aaa.
Stetller lapvly (31 Kltzmlllar 664, Hen
drle 373, C. Steitlar 187. F. Stealer 444, W.
Valdei 806. Senator Radle A Photo (1
Cady 190, Duflua 463, WtlUey 396, Bolton
525. Brant 490.
Walton Brown f 3) Perry 601, Sinter
492, Alderln 466, Silica 610, Rlchej 641.
Marlon Creamery (ll Oarbarlno 410, Pe
kar 448, Davenport 473, Kenyon S44, Klna
Hifh Individual tame: Paul Sllka of
Walton Brown, 217.
Hlah individual aerlea: Kd UcCluskey of
mcnotson a, oun.
High team same: Starr Foods. 1014.
High team aerlea: Starr Food, 2888.
Correct for Newport
I Hlfb Low
No, tl t:0T a.m. T.T 2:37 a'.m. 0 6
! 9:13 p.m. 6.8 3:13 p.m. 3.0
Nor. 16 9:55 a.m. 8.4 1:23 a.m. 0.3
10:31 p.m. 6 9 4:29 p.m. 0.9
Nor. IT 10:40 a.m. 9.0 4:34 a.m. 1.0
11:25 p.m. 7.1 5:34 p.m. -02
Nov. II 11:33 a.m. 9 5 5:14 a.m. 1.4
1:14 p.m. -1.0
Nor. 19 0:23 a.m. 7.3 6:04 a.m. 1J
Walker 145, June Moore 319, Brt 330.
Lead A Bask Bank 111 Peiiy Bhort 139.
Prance Lavender 3S1. Joan Vovea 371.
Donna Oreene 347, Jordith HarrUon 141.
Dick Merer Lambor Ce. ID Rita Han
neian 331, Htien Nolan 130, Ivelyn Thomp
son 346, Margaret Holme 146, Oladya
Acuff 111. Highland Market l-rive
Bohroyer l, Jn Zeeb 382, Ruth Han
eon 391, Cleona DeHut 407, Otrtla Carr
Hlch team tame and aerie: Cerr Or
Self Laundry: 640 and 1662.
HUh Individual game and aerlea: Dee
Oauthler (RendJe) 163 and 453
Hennln. who) presented the foUowIni
award In the women dlvtaioa: champ
lonahlp cup, Mr. Agnu Jonea of Wood
burn; runnrup, Mr. Irene Hande of
Sllverton. Flrat fllfht, Mra. Lett la Steel,
hammer, winner: Mr. Blanch Baatmati.
runntrup, both Sllverton. Second flight,
Mr. kTlse Cavett. winner: Mr. Marl or if
ChrlJtenaon. runnrup. Thd flight. Mra.
Itiiabeth Olatt, winner; Mra. Bvelyn
Bllnn, runner-up. Special awards went
to Mr. Walvo Tweed and Mra. Willi Da
Iciectie winner for the year wart las
A. Mr. Agnaa Jonea with a .33, Mra. Letts
Steelharamer with 31; laa B. Mra.
Blanch Eastman with 41; ! O. Mr.
Edyth Tlcknor.
Award In the boya tournament wera
championahlp, Jerry Plank, runnerupt
John Oerman. Flrat flight, Robert Pleher,
runner-up Dean BUhoprlck, Jr. SevenUe
bora enured the tourney.
Winner la the Woodburn Independent
handicap tournament were: champion,
Tom DeArmond; medallat. Clyde Smith.
Five playera tied for second place, H. M.
Austin, Lea Brastlnten, Ivan DeArmond,
Clifford Shrock and Clyde Smith.
The ehamplonahtp cup for th club
tournament wa preaented to Clyde Smith
by Mr. Ann DeArmond. Runner-up t
th ehamplonahtp wa Pat DeJardln. Oth
er wlnnera were: Flrat fllfht. Matt Uo
chel; runner-up. Dr. Jame Deagen: aae
ond fllfht, Kenneth McOMthi runner-up,
John Strawn, Hubbard: third flight, Jaka
Herahberier; fourth fllcht, D. W. Chrl.
teas on: Marlon Hennlng. OervaU. runner-up.
The fifth flight I yet to be play
rd between William Marriott and Al
yf it
' " .
mm-mtammw&AmiifJir t inTlnaaaai ji'tf''7irrri''1T
$O60 $030
O 45 Qt. .
Famous for III old-time quality and rich. fiM flaoor
Now enjoy again the
whiskey famous for iis
old-timt quality and
rich, full flavorl
dp price m UM
JUST what do you see in this
handsome, tidy-sized Buick
Special pictured here?
The smartest bit of automobile
styling on the raH today? The
standout beauty of taptring fen
dersthe sturdy protection of a
wholly new front-end design?
The prestige that's in the Buick
name the solid, road-wise steadi
ness Buick has always stood for?
Your chance to get in on the per
fect smoothness of Dynaftow
Drive this being the lowest
priced caron which that sensational
new transmission is available?
Oftul 4U aatra no.
WftatM katfr mmtnmobllmm
mr built
MUCK mill mmlU them
They're all there, every one of
those things. And for a good reason
that may go a bit beyond the usual
idea in designing an automobile.
For, a long while ago, we gradu
ated from the idea that a motorcar
is merely a means of getting about.
The way you travel is pretty im
portant too. The lift that's yours
in knowing there's no prettier pic
ture anywhere on the highways.
The "kick" there is in a power
plsnt that's lively and eager and
always ready to get in on the fun.
The comfort that's found in all-coil
springs, a husky, steady -traveling
understructure, cushions that are
deep and soft and wide enough to
let you spread yourself a bit.
Even that extra swelling of the
chest that eomes from owning a
car you know everyone respeots
and admires.
In a word your happiness. It's
never out of our mind in planning
this car nor in making very sure
each dollar of cost gives you the
greatest possible benefit.
That's why we rather proudly ask
you to go see and try this Buick
Spbcial. It's priced like a six, in
spite of the fact that like all Buicks,
it's a big-powered Fireball valve
in-head straight-eight
And we honestly believe that It
puts a lower price tag on your
motoring happiness than any other
car you can buy today I See your
Buickdealerand find out about that.
lout rir ro OiMTfi vtiui t'
388 No. Commercial St
Salem, Ore.