Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 14, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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Edited by MARIAN
8 Capital Journal, Salem.
Miss Medler
Feted; to Be
Wed Nov. 27
Miss Phyllis Joy Medler,
bride-elect of Harold Adams,
was honor guest for a surprise
breakfast and shower given bun
day morning by Mrs. Harley
Cross, Miss Carol Ward and
Miss Ilene Allen, the party be
ing at the apartment of Miss Al
len. Feting Miss Medler were Mrs.
Thelma King of Independence,
Mrs. Charles McCraven, Mrs.
Emma Haley, Mrs. Thaine Olson,
Mrs. Andrew DaMoude, Miss
Miriam Rom, Mrs. Rose Gordon,
Miss Emma Fry, Mrs. Dorothy
Pratt, Miss Beverly Pratt, Mrs.
Lillian Gray, Miss Barbara Al
brich. Misses Elaine and Lor
raine Barren, Mrs. Peter Loren
son and the three hostesses.
Autumn flowers decorated the
breakfast table. The shower was
a miscellaneous one.
Wedding Nov. 27
Miss Medler, who is the
daughter of Mrs. Grace Medler
of Wasco, Ore., and Mr. Adams,
who is the son of Mrs. Peter Lor
enson of Salem, will be married
Sunday afternoon, November
27. The ceremony will be sol
emnized at 3 o'clock in the First
Congregational church, Dr. Seth
R. Huntington officiating.
Miss Ilene Allen is to be maid
of honor. Mrs. Elton Medler of
Wasco and Miss Louise DaMoude
of Redmond are to be brides
maids. Miss Carol Ward and
Mrs. Peter Welk of Wasco arc
to be the candlelighters. Young
Miss Linda Lorenson, sister of
Mr. Lorenson, is to act as the
flower girl. Rodney Hendrick
son is to be best man and ush
ering will be Elton Medler, Wal
lace Ross and Jack Corning.
The reception following is to
be in the church parlors.
New Club Forms
A new club to be known as
the Friendly club, was organized
on Friday at a meeting at the
home of Mrs. Alfred Mclchert.
Named as. officers are: Mrs. H.
E. Melchert, chairman; Mrs. B.
C. Miller, secretary; Mrs. Grace
M. Wilson, reporter and histor
ian. The group plans to meet the
second Fridays at the homes of
members. In the group are Mrs.
H. Curtis, Mrs. Clarence Clark,
Mrs. H. J. Davis, Mrs. Eric Hall,
Mrs. B. C. Johns, Mrs. William
McCarroll, Mrs. H. E. Mclchert,
Mrs. B. C. Miller, Mrs. F. A.
Smith, Mrs. Alfred Melchert,
Mrs. J. J, Sunderland, Mrs. R.
B. Scott, Mrs. R. H. Wellington,
Mrs. J. R. Zajic, Mrs. Grace M.
Wilson. Next meeting is to be
December 9 at the home of Mrs.
F. A. Smith, 7 Evergreen avenue.
club at its October meeting vot
ed to sponsor some junior high
activities for West Salem chil
dren. To help raise funds to
cover the expense connected
with this activity as well as the
usual Christmas activities,
smorgasbord dinner and bazaar
are being planned by the finance
committee. It will be held In
City hall on Friday, November
18, between 6 and 8 p.m. The
public is invited to come.
party will be held in City hall
on Saturday, November 19 be
tween 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. It
will be a Sadie Hawkins affair
with entertainment for every
one. Any junior high student in
the West Salem schools is Invit
ed to attend. The pnrty will be
supervised by Mrs. C. A. Rust
and her committee of mothers
and dads.
THE JI'NIOR Catholic Dauch
ters of America held their regu
lar monthly meeting in St. ,To-
seph's hall last work. rinns for
a otw-day retreat were dis
cussed. After the meeting Miss
Betty Boettlcher gave a talk on
charm. Refreshments were
served by the St. Rose of Lima
news of the birth of a daughter.
Deborah Los. Saturday, Novem
ber 12. at Wilcox Memorial hos
pital, Portland, to Mr. and Mrs
William Wharton. Grandparent!"
are Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S
Wharton of Salem and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Walstrom of Portland
ARRIVING In Salem from
Washington, DC, last week for
a visit here were Mr. and Mrs
Stuart McAllister. Mr. McAllis
ter returned to the nation's cap
ital, where he Is connected with
Capital Air Lines. Sunday, but
Mrs. McAllister, who is the for
mer Gertrude Mishler. will re
main In Salem for a longer visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben D. Mishler, before returning
to Washington.
MR. AND MRS. N. T. Ander
son. Rt. 1, Victory circle, will
entertain the Salem Writers'
club Wednesday, Nov. 18, at
7:30 p.m.
Ore., Monday,, Nov. 14, 1949
Faculty Group
Dr. Helen Pearce entertained
Thursday evening at her home
at a dessert supper and informal
event for the English faculty of
Willamette university. The host
ess was assisted by her sister,
Miss Dorothy Pearce.
In the group were Dr. and
Mrs. E. C. Richards, Dr. and Mrs.
E. S. Oliver, Dr. H. C. Kohler,
Prof, and Mrs. Murco Ringnalda,
Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn,
Thomas Gillies and the two host-
Friday Event
About 30 attended the annual
Armistice day morning break
fast of the Past Presidents club,
Capital Unit No. 9, American
Legion auxiliary, Friday, at
Marshall s.
Yellow chrysanthemums and
yellow and blue streamers dec
orated the tables. Mrs, I. N.
Bacon, president of the club,
presided and presented a cor
sage to Mrs. Walter L, Spauld
ing, this year's president of the
auxiliary unit. Mrs. Spaulding
was the honor guest for this
year's breakfast.
Mrs. Walter Kirk, the auxili
ary's first president in 1921, was
introduced as were the following
other past unit presidents; Mrs.
Al Cleveland, Dallas, 1925; Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg, 1926; Mrs. Jen
nie Bartlctt, 1928; Mrs. Mae
Waters, 1930; Mrs. Arthur John
son, 1934; Mrs. Mem Pearce,
1936; Mrs. Onas Olson, 1937;
Mrs. Earl Andrcscn, 1939: Mrs.
O. E. Palmatccr, 1940; Mrs.
Frank Marshall, 1942; Mrs. Don
ald Madison, 1945; Mrs. Austin
H. Wilson, Sr., 1946; Mrs. I. N.
Bacon, 1947; Mrs. Merle Travis,
There were present also 11
associate past presidents. Mes
sages were read from Mrs. Avis
White, Portland, 1929 president;
Mrs. Ann Perkins, Tacoma, 1941
president; Mrs. Ella Voves Don
nelly, an associate member, now
visiting in California.
The meeting concluded with
singing of old songs, Mrs. Arthur
Johnson being at the piano.
SIGMA KAPPA alumnae are
meeting on Thursday evening at
8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Al
lan Johnson, 850 Saginaw street.
shower was given at the Baptist
parsonage to honor Miss Ruth
Denney. About 30 friends at
tended the event. A program was
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Wicbe, assisted by her
daughter, Mrs. Martens of Dal
las, also Mrs. F. R. Bowersox
and Mrs. Willis Keithley.
WOODBURN Members of
the Past Matrons' club of Ever
green chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, will meet for a 7
o'clock dinner Wednesday eve
ning, November 16 at the Ma
sonic temple. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Elfa Fikan, Mrs. Hazel
Hughes and Mrs. Edna Lytle.
Mrs. Agnes Jones will preside
over the business meeting which
will follow the dinner.
P. S. Don't forget our
LAY-AWAY plan.
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Is Bride Elect The engagement of Miss Dolores Berna
dina Rolofson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rolofson, to
Lawrence Franklin Yellen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Yellen, has been announced, the wedding being planned for
next June. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture.)
Plans Progress
For Smorgasbord
An enthusiastic committee,
meeting Wednesday at the
YMCA, augurs well for the suc
cess of the smorgasbord dinner,
which will be presented jointly
by the YWCA and the YMCA,
at the latter building, on Dec. 1.
Hours for the dinner are be
tween 5:30 and 8:30.
To carry out the theme of
world fellowship, the flags of
many nations will form a color
ful background. For the pleas
ure of the dinner guests, singers
and dancers will perform in
their native costumes. The pro
gram is being arranged by Mrs.
Bruce Spaulding and Ronald
Through th ecourtesy of El
mer Berg, Mrs. Oscar Liudahl
will supervise preparation of the
dinner. There will be many as
sistants from the YWCA Service
club, the Hi-Y mothers and the
YWCA executive board.
Heading the large committee
for the smorgasbord are Mrs.
John R. Caughcll and Norman
Winslow, co-chairmen.
Tickets for the dinner may be
obtained from either sponsoring
AURORA Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Bradtl of Aurora were honored
at a dinner party at the Spin
ning Wheel inn by Mr. and Mrs.
D. G. Clark of Canby. The oc
casion was the Bradtls 45th
wedding anniversary.
Attending the dinner party
were Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Ar
thur Clark and daughter, Mitzi,
Mr. and Mrs. Bradtl, Mr. and
Mrs. George Elliott, Mrs. Bertha
Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
shower for Miss Alice Kosack
and Alfred Crocker was given
at the H. Aberhaldcn home re
cently. Games were played and
the gifts opened, after which the
group enjoyed a wciner roast,
SWEET BRIAR club is meet
ing Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Lawrence Imlah,
It mokes
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OREGON Grape camp Royal
Neighbors of America, will meet
Wednesday evening at the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall. This
is the annual homecoming and a
turkey dinner will precede the
It is to be an open meeting,
a program and presentation of
drills by the degree staff are
the features. Mrs. A. J. Elliott
and Mrs. Stanley Quamme are
co-chairmen. Mrs. B 1 a n c he
Gaines is the presiding officer.
THE WOMAN'S auxiliary of
St. Paul's Episcopal church has
a meeting set for Friday at 1:30
p.m. in the parish house. The
Rev. Mr. Hanney of Dallas Is to
talk to the group on his experi
ences in church army work in
Canada. Tea will be served fol
lowing the program.
ST. HELENA'S guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church is spon
soring a baked food sale next
Saturday at Elfstrom's store,
starting at 10 a.m.
TRI-Y-TF.EN Mothern rlnb
will meet Thursday, November
17. for a no-hnst llinrhpnn at 19
o'clock at the YWCA, 768 State
street. Rev. Brooks Moore will
be guest speaker.
MERTINr; thlH Pipnintf ie ho
Marion auxiliary, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, at 8 o'clock in
tne vfw hall.
Thin leftover mashed notatoes
with a cream sauce, season with
finely grated onion, add a little
canned whole-kernel corn nnH
you have a hearty chowder for
tuncn or supper.
Relieve miseries
last use it
team, too
- v -
V J k
Oh, Yes T . '. these suits have sold for up to 69.95
Oh, No . . . this is NOT a clearance of odd or
broken lots
this IS a special-purchase of regularly
stocked JOHNSON'S suits
this is a LUCKY 39.00 price for 69.95
suit values
These are the facts:
Colors: Shades of wine, green, grey and brown, varying with
the fabric.
Tabrics: Include gabardine, imported Scotland
finish worsted, menswear fabrics; Julliard, Pacific
and Walther fabrics; Julliard Crepes, Stripes and
Sizes: Regular 10 to 20; Half 12'2 to 22 i.
Price: In all cases that LUCKY
39.00 4
Wedding at
Local Church
The marriage of Miss Nancy
Elliott to Sgt. Charles Savage
was solemnized Saturday eve
ning at an 8 o'clock ceremony in
the Carrier room of the First
Methodist church, the Rev.
Brooks Moore officiating.
The service took place before
the fireplace which was decorat
ed with white and yellow chry
santhemums. The service was a
candlelight one.
Given in marriage by her
grandfather, J. W. Greene the
bride wore a slipper satin after
noon dress in aqua with beige
hat trimed with rust veiling, and
rust accessories. She carried a
white Bible with a white orchid.
Mrs. Robert C. White was
matron of honor. She wore a
brown and bronze taffeta after
noon dress with brown hat and
accessories, and her flowers were
white and yellow chrysanthe
mums. Robert C. White was best man.
Ushering were Ollwyn Davies
and Kenneth Green.
Miss Grace Ashford was solo
ist for the wedding, Jean Hob
son Rich playing the organ.
A reception followed the ser
vice. Mrs. John Glodt, Mrs. Ed
win Pease, Mrs. Gladys Billings,
Miss Irma Brisebois and Mrs.
Walter H. Greene assisted at the
reception. Miss Mildred Ham
rick was in charge of the guest
book and Mrs. Chester Boyce
and Miss Arlene Hamrick of the
gifts. The bride's table was set
with white and yellow flowers
and candles.
For traveling the bride wore
a medium blue suit with rust hat
and accessories and corsage of
Following a trip to the coast
the couple will be at home in
Olympia, Sgt. Savage being sta
tioned at Fort Lewis. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sav
age of Pascagoula, Mississippi.
The bride has made her home in
Salem with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Greene.
i j
for a fast Lp frm
I te sB tSflp
Horizon Club
Tea on Sunday
The Horizon club, senior
Camp Fire Girls group, enter
tained Sunday afternoon with an
informal tea at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. J. Forristel, Miss
Anne Forristel as hostess.
One hundred Salem high
school junior and sophomore
girls were invited between 3
and 5 o'clock. Miss Mary Sundet
is the club president, Mrs. Pau
line Tidwell the faculty ad
Greeting guests at the door
was Miss Dorothy Cannon, as
sisted by Miss Betty Cooley.
Receiving the guests were Miss
Sundet and Miss Forristel.
Club members assisting about
the rooms included Misses Alice
Girod, Susan Perry, Marilyn
Myers, Jean Blackwell, Elizabeth
Johnson, Norman Canfield, Mari
lyn Blakeley, Carolyn Parker,
Joan Miller and Bernice Imlah.
Benefit Party
Girls Friendly society of St.
Paul's Episcopal church is spon
soring a benefit card party
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the par
ish hall. Reservations may be
made bv calling Mrs. L. E.
Miles, adviser to the group, at
AUXILIARY to Canton No.
11, met the past week at the
IOOF temple, Mrs. L. A. Wood
Visitors attended from Sweet
Home, Portland, McMinnville
and Albany. Refreshments were
Announcement was made that
on December 8 the state asso
ciation president will visit here
and that inspection will be made
by Mrs. Viola McLaughlin, in
specting officer. In preparation
for that event the local auxiliary
is meeting November 29 for a
special inspection practice.
The refreshments committee
for the Decembr 8 event will in
clude Mr. and Mrs. William
Cladeck, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl
Harlan, Mrs. Frances Coop and
Mrs. John Wiles.
Busy? Now our finer dry
cleaning is at your finger-lips!
Our speedy routeman will
pick up and deliver at
your convenience!
tjfjp ''ffiB 2
tweeds, hard-
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Shirley, 319
South 18th street and formerly
of Denton, Texas, announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Miss LaJune Shirley, to bgt
James Edward Bentley, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I. Bentley
of Shamrock, Texas.
No date is set for the wedding.
Sgt. Bentley is now stationed
at Fort Lewis, Wash.
Rose Society
Salem Rose society announces
its regular meeting for Thurs
day at 8 p.m. in the YMCA.
Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice is
to review the 1949 American
Rose society annual. Dr. Earl
Benbow is to tell of his trip to
the annual fall meeting of the
American Rose society in Salt
Lake City.
There is to be a question box.
the nominating committee will
report and a social hour will be
held. Each one attending is to
bring roses from his garden. A.
L. Lindbeck is president of the
local society.
HOSTS LAST evening to
members of their club were Dr.
and Mrs. Ralph Purvine, a no
host dinner being followed by
bridge. The group included Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Burke, Dr. and
Mrs. A. Terrcnce King, Dr. and
Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Needham, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl G. Collins and the
liteED n malt' si1
if r
P.E.O. Dinner
Members of Chapter BC,
P. E. O. Sisterhood, entertained
with their annual B. I. L. party
last week, a no-host dinner and
program being given at the
Mayflower hall. The tables V
were decorated with horns of
plenty and chrysanthemums in
fall colors.
Featuring the program were
four interpretive dances by
Janie Baker, young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baker.
Her instructor, Mrs. Howard
Jenks, danced one Russian num
ber with her and playing the
accompaniments was Mrs. Mary
On the hostess committee
were Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs.
L. E. Switzer, Mrs E. D. Smith,
Mrs. Warren Baker, Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons, Mrs. George Rho
ten. A MOTHERS' club at Wash
ington school was organized last
week with Mrs. Warren Clark
as temporary chairman.
At the meeting the following
officers were chosen: Mrs. Cleo
Keppingcr, chairman; Mrs. Hol
ly Jackson, vice chairman; Mrs.
Harvey Page, secretary - treas
urer. Committee heads named
include: Mrs. Warren Clark, pro
gram; Mrs. Sutter and Mrs. Gar-
rctson, child care; Mrs. L. E.
Isham, Mrs. M. J. Van Hess, Mrs.
H. D. Robison, membership. The
group voted to sponsor the sixth
grade Camp Fire Girls group.
Next meeting is planned for De
cember 1 with the sixth grade
mothers to serve the refresh