s"j? . v&W- ry j7m .. f -J" 5f: 'Traveling Man' Arthur Briggs, who is a "traveling man" at age 11, looks over the world and plans his trip. Young Ar thur hid aboard a transcontinental TWA Constellation when it left New York and got as far as St. Louis where he was taken off when it was discovered he didn't have a ticket. Sheriff's deputies sent him back to New York by plane. (Acme Telcphoto) Oregon Paid More Per Capita For Relief Than California Washington, Nov. 14 OP) Washington and Oregon spent more per resident for general assistance in 1948 than did their reputed ly wealthier neighbor, California. The figures include old age assistance, aid to dependent chil dren and aid to the blind. Figures compiled by the Joint congressional committee on the economic report show that Wash ington spent $2.80 per inhabit ant for general assistance while Oregon spent $2.17 per inhabit ant. California, a state in the high per capital Income group, spent $1.77 per inhabitant. The report found that expendi tures for assistance to old age recipients in Oregon amounted to $11,950,000, with federal funds totaling $6,053,000 and state funds amounting to $4, 127,000 and local funds totaling $1,768,000. This made the fed eral percentage 50.7 the state percentage 34.5 and the local percentage 14.8. In Washington the old age as sistance to recipients totaled $44,129,000. Of this the federal government furnished $19,070, 000 or 43.2 per cent, and the state put up $25,060,000 or 56.8 per cent. There was no local participation. California s old age assistance totaled $131,324,000 with fed eral funds amounting to $58. 384.000 or 44.4 pet cent, state funds $62,730,000 or 47.7 per cent, while local funds amount ed to $10,410,000 or 7.9 per cent. Aid to dependent children in Oregon totaled $3,251,000, of which federal funds amounted to 929,000 and state funds to $1,625,000 while local funds were $687,000. Washington's aid to dependent children totaled $9,917,000, of which the federal government contributed $2,746,000 and the state $7,171,000. Old age assistance in Alaska totaled $753,000, of which the federal government contributed $386,000 and the territory $387,-000. Electrical Men Elect Walton James J. Walton, Salem, was elected president at an organ ization meeting of the Oregon State Federation of Electrical Contractors Saturday. He had been serving as temporary chair man. Other officers are I. W. Rogers. Portland, secretary; and Walter Lance, Redmond, member at large to the advisory board. One board member will be selected by each of the five dis trict associations, including the Cascade Electrical Contractors' association, Marion, Linn, Polk, Benton and Lincoln counties; the Lane county group and the Pacific Electrical contractors, embracing all of northern Ore gon and the two chapters of the National Electrical Contractors. More than 200 electrical con tractors from Oregon with vis itors from Idaho and Washington attended the meeting. The pur pose of the organization is to Capita? Journal. Salem, Ore Monday, Nov. 14, 1919 3 improve the qualifications of contractors for the benefit of the public and Industry and dissem inate the latest information re garding the trade. All electrical contractors are eligible for mem bership. Meetings in the future will be held at stated intervals with the headquarters to remain with the president of the group. Mrs. Massee Hostess I Clear Lake Th WSMS m( at the home of Mrs. Naomi Mas see. Mrs. Arthur Evans led the devotions and study period. The thank offering program and pot luck supper will be held Nov. 22 at the church. Those present were Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Art Sorenson, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Chaping, Miss Jean Muscot, Mrs. Bair, Mrs. Punzel, Miss Ha zel Clement, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs, Lepper, Mrs. Bagger, Mrs. Kar en Sorenson, Mrs. Zomes, Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. U. R. Massey, Mrs. Adams. Boeing Delivers New Superforts Seattle, Wash., Nov. 14 U.B New, long range Superfortresses are being delivered to the U.a. air force, Boeing Airplane com pany announced today. The new craft is an advanced version of the famed "round-the- world "Lucky Lady II." Its classification is B-50D. The huge plane has gross weight of 164,500 pounds and top speed of more than 400 miles per hour. The range is more than 6000 miles with a load. Normal range of the new Su perfort has been Increased by installation of detachable 700- gaiion sireamunea external xuei tanks, one under each wing. The two tank fittings may be used to carry a 4000 pound bomb vAien not needed for extreme range. Added to normal capa city, this gives the new airplane a total bomb load of 28,000 pounds. Installation of "in-flight" re. fueling equipment will make it possible for the new plane to carry greater bomb loads over ranges limited only by refuel ing equipment and contact points. Mennonites Elect Officers Dallas, Ore., Nov. 14 Elec tion of officers will close the Pa cific district conference of Men- nonite Brethren churches of the three coast states which opened over the week-end. The election will be held Wednesday. More than 600 officials and members of the church are in at tendance with the three Dallas churches hosts. There are about 150 delegates interested in missionary work, the theme of festival Sunday, with a similar number of guests and the remainder mostly from Willamette valley churches. Rep resentatives are present from various parts of the nation and Canada. Sunday morning services were held at the high school auditor ium with Dr. P. R. Lange, of Kansas, president of the board of foreign missions, outlining the worldwide program of the organization. Rev. A. E. Jansen, also of Kansas, voiced a mission- $$ MONEY $$ FHA i vf t iH Real estate Louts Farm or City Personal and Anto Loans State Finance Co. 151 8. Hlth St. Lie. 8-216 M-ZZ1 Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich Ttz "It certainly Is on emergency. I'm being threatened right nowl" . . . Good party-line neighbors release the line for emergency calls . . . Pacific Telephone, ary appeal also. Dr. H. G. Wiens, Fresno, Cal., gave the Thanksgiving message at the afternoon meeting at the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren church recently dedicated. Rev. Waldo Wiebe, Shatter, Calif., spoke at a district youth fellow ship service Sunday night. Din ner was served at the Mennonite Brethren church. WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES We Pay Top Market Price Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Phone 34146 Open 8 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 jiiywffiuii warn when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! cm ni'ii j. ..... can prove lnl.taf.w"conz PHIUP MORW5 ls DEFINITELY LESS IRRITATING than mm ZZjiZ- nt uo your saw- ow YOU " '" Everybody talks about PLEASURE, bat only ONE cigarette ha really done tome thing about it. That cigarette is Philip MouisI Remember: less irritation means more pleasure. And Phuip Morris is the ONE cigarette proved definitely less irritating, definitely miUer, than any other leading brand. NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. rOO'U If QUO TOMORROW YOU SMOKfO HIU WORRU TODAY! OLiV PAH Vn.nn ilFOR HO SELECTIONS .re SUPERB! STYLES .re ENCHANTING! VALUES .re TERRIFIC! In Full Swing ALL THIS WEEK! ONE GROUP Values to 10.98 7.00 ONE GROUP Values to 12.98 9.00 ONE GROUP Values to 14.98 11.00 ONE GROUP Values to 16.98 13.00 mm. Values to 34.95 24.00 Values to 39.95 29.00 Values to 55.00 44.00 Values to 59.95 49.00 Values to 34.95 24.00 Values to 39.95 29.00 Values to 55.00 44.00 Values to 59.95 49.00 ROBES Oen Group Values to 10.98 . . 5.00 One Group Values to 12.98. .7.00 One Group Values to 25.00 1 4.00 PURSES One Group Values to 1 .98 ... . 99 e One Group Values to 2.98. . . 1.99 One Group Values to 10.98. .3.99 SLIPS One Group Values to 3.98 . One Group Values to 5.98. 2.99 3.99 PETTISKIRTS One Group Values to 7.95. . .3.99 FORMALS One Group Values to 16.98. .7.00 One Group Values to 19.95. .9.00 One Group Values to 29.95 1 4.00 BLOUSES One Group Values to 6.98. . .3.99 One Group Values to 7.98. . .4.99 One Group Values to 9.98 . . . 5.99 One Group Values to 10.98. .6.99 SWEATERS One Group Values to 5.98. . .2.99 SPORTJACKETS One Group Values to 10.98. .7.99 One Group Values to 14.98 1 0.99 One Group Values to 19.98 12.99 SLACKS One Group Values to 7.98. One Group Values to 8.98. 5.99 6.99 CORDUROY SKIRTS One Group Values to 4.98. . .2.99 One Group Values to 7.98. . 4.99 One Group Values to 10.98. .6.99 HOSIERY Gotham Gold Stripe. All perfects. One group vol- r 99c HANKIES One group volues to 59c, now 15c One group values to 69c, "ow 25 c One group values to 1.00, no 69c s All Sales Final No Exchanges or Refunds GLOVES One group values QA to 1.98, now 07C Corner Liberty and Court