J V a S ' u n c n n i E t. 18 Capital Journal, Salem, OLUUTOD ADVEETUINQl Fat Uu 13. Par Line t tloiM 40c Pn Lin. I time IN P udi I month 13.00 Outald. oi Sal.m 15, per Unc per dav kiln. 10c; I times mln. SO. time min. 11.20. No Helunds RBADEBS In Lore! News Col. Onlyl 300 per line To Place an Ad Phone 1-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPLET1 WITH OARAOE. OUTSIDE PATIO FIREPLACE. FENCED IN BACK YARD. LAROE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA PRICED TO BELL. PH. 3-5343 OR 3-3734. f BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom horn. Living end dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floors. Wired lor electric range. Electic water heater. OH furnace. Fire place, V. blinds. Full basement. Insulat ed and weather stripped. Garage. Near bus and stores. F.U.A. available. Price 98600. 2180 UNIVERSITY PH. 3-5807 271 BY OWNER Cxeellent 1 bedroom modern home with dining room, Ilreplace. and finished basement. Fully Insulated. Larte, well landscaped lot. Convenient to school and bus. 1940 N. 18th St. Phone 2-0539.a372 COURT STREET PROPERTY I (-room houses on lot 100 x 187. Six blocks to State House. 118,000. Ph. 26580. ED LUKINHEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 37769-42328-28704 a272 SMALL S BDRM. home. Partly furn. . A. 1 blk from school, bus and store. 395 Madrona Ave., Salem Heights. a274 "" n000TURN ISHED Truly the home of an artist. 2 BR. auto Biped ht., lot 100 I 160. Ph. 26880. ID LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Era. Ph. 28704-27769-42326 e272 ERE IB a lood bur. Owners leavim town and must sell at once, l'a acre good land, lovely small home, with elec. range and water heater Inc. Well and elec. pump, larae garage and small one room house on property. Berries and family fruit. Price cut to 16500. 480 El- Di, Four Corners. a271 By Owner and Builder F.H.A. approved new 3 bdrm. home. 1300 so. ft. with attached Karaite. Hard wood floors, new blinds, weather strip ped, insui., noor lurnace piu eiec. heater In Imitation f'place. Lots of closet space. New deep tone decoration. Lame corner lot. Short distance from new Wis hint ton school. City ft school bus by door. Priced at 111,750. 12350 will han dle, Located northeast on corner of Child ft Sunnyview Ave. This home Is worth looking at. a271 4 BEDROOMS Only 2 years old, carpeted living ft din ing room, spacious kitchen with break fast nook, car port, over 1400 sq. ft. on 1 floor. Close In suburban location, V. block from bus. Owner will sacrifice for 18500. S1500 down ft easy payments. Call BON CUEARY, Walter Musgrave Realtor ELL OR RENT furn. or unfurn. small gar ace house. Inq. Eyerly Aircraft Co. e272 rOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Modern 2 BR home on Mi Acre. Kelser Diet. 87500. 790 Evans Ave. a275 B)T OWNER Very mod., well construct ed, 2 bdrm home, IB 500. F.U.A. approved. See at 1362 Franklin, W. Salem, or phone 26 189. a272 FOR8ALE BY OWNER New house, large lot Just south city limits, city water, hardwood floors throughout. Automatic oil heat. Lovely tiled circulating fireplace, large Jiv ing room. Two bedrooms downstairs unflnshed upstairs. Lots of bullt-lns. 1750.00 down balance like rent. Phone 19328 Or 26188. S273 ENGLEWOOD . bedroom home with basement. Auto heat. Nice living ft dinlns room. Im mediate possession. 89,500. F.H.A. Terms. No. 289. ACREAGE 185 acres. Wonderful location on corner close In. J-bedroom home, barn, hog house, chicken house, double garage and wood shed. All In very good shape. Wants to trade on stock ranch of 150 acres or more, No. 803. $800 DOWN! 860 per month. SmaII2-bedroom furn ished home on paved street close to bus and stores. Large garase with work shop. Immediate possession. No. 288 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 1-1)203 Bva. Sun. 2-3738, 2-1337, 4-2874, 2-5905. 2-2532 a271 WEST SALEM We have a 2 B. R. Home on a Corner lot. both Streets paved. Full price Is 13250. and fiooo. will handle. Johnson. BURT PICHA, Realtors 179 N. Hleh St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-7451 or 3-5300 a271 ROOM HOME. OWNER EMPLOYED IN DALLAS. NICE FIREPLACE. HARD WOOD FLOORS. ATTACHED OARAGE OOOD VIEW. FENCED IN BACK YARD. SHRUBS ft FLOWERS. CLOSE TO SCHOOL ft BUS. K1NOWOOD HEIGHTS DIST. F.H.A. APPRAISED, CAN BOR ROW UP TO 15600 ON THIS. 15 YHS. TO PAY. 14,000 EQUITY WILL HANDLE BOMB BALANCE. PH. 3-5059. a271 fflnl.W. BY owner. 4 rm. modern home. Oaraae, wash house. Lot 130 125. 2358 fthelton St. Ph. 20385. a276 $750 DOWN" '" Lovely 2 bdrm. home. Plastered. Nearly new. Fine location. East. Very close in. Lane lot. Has a lovely yard. All fenced. This home is a real buy. At only 15950. BEAUTIFUL HOME Fireplace. Full basement. 2 bdrm.. Un fln. upstairs, has room for 3 moie bdrms. Wired for electric rang Hard wood floors. Lovely back yard. All en closed with an out door firepUre. Ideal for parties. Located In choice dUt. Near Hollywood. See Mr. Heine. DUDE RANCH I A. with large 3 bdrm. home. Well J wi se aped. Fine barn, with 4 box stall, tack and feed rm. Oood corrala, chicken house. All land well fenced. Plenty of fruit. Located close in on pavement. Riif at door. Everything neat as r pin. flee Mr. Tthbetts. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollvwood ntst t Office Ph. 8-4M4 Ef Ph. Ralm. I-W13, Helnt 1-1111, Tlbbetta l-7. ean t BB HOME 3 rears old. N. K. dial. (VII r trade. Ask (or Mrs. Howe. Ph. 3-MM .f 3-H33. ,113 Hollywood District I BR home. Cute ft newly decorated Oar ate with extra room. Pen. ed yard This la nice ft I block to parochial school. 86.995 price, ill so dn. 141 mo Includes Interest ft insurance. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 40 If. Church. Ph. 3-7642. Eve. ft Sun. 3-0136 a272 ATTRACTIVE, small 3 BR house. unity room, carport, nice lot. North. 14750 amall down payment ft terms. Fh. j-snj,. 348 Maple avenue. ii7n FOR SALE LOTS LOTS. NORTH. Very cheap. Ph. -I2fll" TOO N. Church. aa271 $10 DOWN!! Ill per month. LIU with water, elec. trlclty. bus service, near school. Two local ions north. Reimann for Real Estate 101 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Eve. ft Sun. 3-5VH5 4-3814, M331, 3-3738. -MI. Sa374 CROISAN CREEK building site. Owner, phone 3-6M3. Living stream, native wee macadam rocsL a37l Ore., Monday, Nov. 14, 1949 FOR SALE ACREAGE $6500 I acres, new 4 room house, bath, food outbulldints. timber, new fence, berries. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 3)0 N. Hlh St. Ph. J-4133. bMlS1 SMALL ACREAGES We have a few email acreages wit'., home to sell on easy terms. II your 10 market see these! . REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 901 South HI ah Street Ph. 1-9203 Bva. ft flan. 2-3738. 2-1337, 4-2874, 3-5905. 12 ACRES near Grants Pass. Cult., fenced. 7 nouses, ouidui Mimas, iree water riant, easy terms, or trade for anything- of value. W. H. Stafford, Ave. Trailer Court, 15 Highway Ave., Salem, Ore gon. bb272 REAL ESTATE $1,000 DOWN $5,250 TURNER Almost new 4 room house, bath. Bus and schools 2 blocks. Eve. 2-0473. SOUTH NEW $8,100 Living room, dining room, kitchen, Breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, bath, utility room, electric heat. O. I. or F. H. A Eve. 2-0473 1 ACRE $8,500 Duplex 2 bedroom, bath, 1st floor, b room furnished apt. Private entrance upstairs. Terms. Eve. 3-0473 J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317Court St. Ph. 2-7756 C372 FOR your bavin-uS investment buy i first mortgage on real estate Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 6. we mane ail col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High C ENOLEWOOD S BEST BUY 810,000. Nice clean home built 1940. Llv. Ing rm.. Dinette-Kitchen, bath, 2 bdrms. plus stairway to attic. Very good bsmt.. oil furnace. lawn, snruos. SUBURBAN EAST I65O0. l'i acres. Nice 2 bdrm, home, llv rm kitchen, bath, utility rm., dble garage. Consider trade In city. McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 113.000. Lane living rm., dining rm., kitchen, 2 bdrms., plus stairway to at tic. Hdwd. floors, fireplace. Extra nice bsmt. Oil furnace. LET S TRADE 13,750. Vt A., furnished 2 bdrm. home, llv. rm., kitchen. Family fruit. Near school ft bus. NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE $5600. 3 bdrms., llv. rm., dining rm kit chen, den with f'place. Paved St. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-5091 or 2-6943 c271' BEST BUYS $4,000 FULL PRICE Modern 3 bdrm. home. Inside city. Paved street. Bus it front door. Only 11300 down. Bal. 830 per month. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. WEST SALEM If you want a nice clean 2 bdrm. home In West Salem that Is worth the money we have It. Paved street. Very close to school, bus, stores. Terms arranged. To tal price only 16750. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. KINGWOOD HTS. Dream home. Choice setting. Spacious rooms. 2 fireplaces. Den, Lots of closet ft storage space. Very well arranged. Full basement. Total price I16.800.FHA terms. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 8-3558. $500 DOWN 5 acres. Modern home. Several outbuild ings all In fair condition. House very livable. School bus at front door. 2 acres strawberries. Immediate posses sion. Total price only 86500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 7 ACRES Modern home. 2 car garage. 2'4 miles from small town. Paved road. Will rent for S30 per month, Rent can be applied on purchase price of only 15500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 Or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596. c271 BUY NOW GOOD WAREHOUSE SITE. Lot 97x44, on Southern Pacific track In Hollywood dis trict. No. 4 business gone. Price right at 81250. Call Thelma. THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should pay half the 33500 asked by owner. Has a one-room house, liveable, on good highway 9 miles from Salem. Call Mr. Seders trom. VALUE SELDOM EQUALLED. 3 yr, old well-constructed 8 rm. house. Basement; oil furnace. Priced at only 18950. Call Mr. Voorheea. 3 BEDROOMS offered tor the price of two. This lovely home has all modern conveniences, including Dlspos-all and elec. dishwasher, all Included In price of $9450. Close to bus. Call Mr, Sederstrom. KEI7ER DISTRICT. 8 room modern home. Large living room with fireplace Att. saraue. 2 large lots. OH furnace. Price $12,000. Call Mr. Voorhces. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors 344 Slate St. Ph. 3-3883 Evenings call: Thelma, 3-B053, Mr. Voorheea, 2-4007, Mr. Sederstrom. iJlB C371 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY: 2 bedroom, one story house In Salem. Write 436 N. East street. Monmouth, Ore. ca371 WE ARE in need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see (.RABKNIIORHT BROS., REALTOR. 134 8. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., RbALTORS 153 8, High St. ea WANTED to buy: 3- r 4-room modern house. 8100 down. 830 month Ph 3-3217 ea271 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8 ACRES. East. Fine 3 bdrm. home. Rmt. Fireplace. Fruit. Nuts. Trade for (arm without bldss., or home In Salem Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 3IS0 N. High St. Ph. 3-4139. Cb373a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STEP RIlllIT Into an Income today. 13000 don will handle. Established srocery market on through street. Make an ap pointment to see (or yourself. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Ph. 14l2t. d273 $6000 DOWN To responsible party, one of the best small cleaning ft pressing parlors In Willamette Valley. ED LUK1NHKAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hlh St. Eve. Ph. 43326-28704-27768 Cd273 SELL OR TRADE by owner, t unit apt. house. Income $197 per mo. Price $9300 win take la city res. property. Ph. 3-lMa. c4373 N. COM'L bldg. ft 5 trt nr4H 613000 Ry owner, terms. Ph. 1-9819. cd277 N. COM'L, store bide ft 5 llv rms.. I3 OM By owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. edJ7T trailer court, 16.000, terms." By owosT Chas H Moore, 1738 N. Water St M377 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves Until 9 p. m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL fl P. M. COMPLETE HOME FURISHINGS I.OWFKT PntOKH-HIOr-ST QUALITY rwirnT tbrm - rRr.it tirt.tvntY YOU CANT P.CAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 1880 Fa I rt rounds Rd. Pb. 3-3T9T. Ill REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS $1200. DOWN BUYS BRAND NEW HOME Very attractive 2 bedroom borne, move right la, just being completed full price 17700. GOOD BUY KAISER DISTRICT This well constructed 3 bedroom home la price RIOHT at II5O0. Plenty of space for a food garden, plenty of room for the kiddle and doss to play, JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Neat and trim as a pin, a modern 1 bedroom home with hardwood floors, fireplace and oil heat located Just across Iron the HI School, corner lot 110,750, LOTS AND LOTS OF ROOM VERY CLOSE IN Located right on N. Winter street, and dining-room lots of possibilities, small house as part payment. FARM SPECIALS 20 ACRES WILLAMETTE LOAM 4 miles from Salem center, 4A. new planting strawberries, family fruit and nuts, older style, but usable building, beautiful home site on all year creek. If Interested in small good farm don't pass up this one for 18500. Will consider trade on city property. 22 ACRES FULLY EQUIPPED Located in the beautiful Mt. Angel DIM. All can be cultivated. IA. beaver dam land, ood 2 bedroom home, 10 stanchion barn, chicken house and sheds, Includes 5 cows, some chickens, tractor and all equipment. This is a beautiful farm and home with a good Income the first day. Only 112,250. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 77 court St. nenrr -- - naipn ?.e - GRABENHORST SPECIALS 99E AND FABRY ROAD Just S"! ml. South of Salem, 354 ft. highway frontage, cosy 3 bdrm. home in excellent condition, new well ft pump house, ft garage, tool shed, some fruit plenty or room tor court of business bldg. Exactly 1 acre. $6,850. CALL ROY FERRIS FOR TRADE 10 acre bldg. site, drilled well, view property, good road, suitable for sub division. Price $4,500. CALL RICHARD S. GRABENHORST. TERMS OR WILL TRADE 3 yr. old, well built 3 bdrm. home, llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, nook, fire place, hdwd. firs, basmt, $1,000 down 175 per mon. or will consider trade. Price $11,600. CALL PETER OELBER. INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS CALL H. HOWARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundaya Call Earl West, 2-0608 - Roy Ferris, 2-6010 - Peter Oelser, 3-9968. e WANTED FURNITURE AM In need of a complete household of furniture ft appliances. Will buy all or part of what you have. Pay spot cash, highest possible prices. See or call WU lard Paynter, 1415 Alder Ave. Ph. 2-5844, Salem. da278 LARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted. We buy complete household furnishings. II you are moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. 3-8558 days, 2-4407 eves. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. da AUCTIONS AUCTION TUESDAY 7:30 P. M. Olenwood Ballroom 4'j miles N. of Salem on 99E. See Tuesday classified. Olen Woodry Auctionner, Ph. 25110. dd271 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 34 YEAR OLD registered Hereford bull. Very gentle, $325.00. Call 3-6901 before 8:30 a.m. or alter 7:30 p.m. e272 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock ouyer B. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-81)7, PETS AIREDALE puppies. $25. Call ec276- 2-4280. CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec28B FUEL WOOD and sawdust, Reasonable. Ph. Maker, 3-7868. SAWDUST ft Wood. Ph. 22008. Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging. Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging $5.50 load Double $10.0 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 36444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3180 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee275 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash A maple, slab and edgings. Ph 31458 WALNUT shells lor sale. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 460 N. Front. ee DRY 16" slab ft edginss. Ph. 3-1458. ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edntntts Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Imnfedlate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St, Ph. 3-4969, f PRODUCE ROME BEAUTY apples. Perfect. Dil'v- ered. Call 3-4280. 1(276 FIELD CORN. Frank Alaurdson. 1 mile st ram lit west of Kcizer school. Rt. 2, Bos 154, Ph. 3-1160. ff271' HELP WANTED EVISCERATING PLANT EMPLOYES re port for work 8 a.m. Tuesday mornln-, Nov, 15. Oregon Turkey Growers Av'n. 371 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED! En. furniture saleman HOOO BROS Jo State St, i HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: MiddlV-atN! lsdyt takeom" Plete eharse of home. 2 adults, 11 mo. babv. Prevailing wace. 365 N. 34th.' Ph. 3-8766. gb21j WANTED women nut shellers. Alllntr work. 460 N Front. Klorfeln Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFMl'l AND CLERICAL POSITIONS lea Stat. Stte.t Phnrte 3-Hap at WANTED SALESMAN DISTRIBUTOR AAA1, nationally known manufacturer has opening for eneraettc distributor over 30 for territory conlstlna of Clat sop, Columbia. Marlon, Polk. Tilla mook. Washington and Yamhill coun ties. Established protected territory lia many active accounts produces steady re peat business. Frequent advertising brines many lnnuines. Special achieve ment bonus provide to 11.500 yeariy above liberal contract rompensatlon. No capital investment required. Must have car. Sales manaeer, Dept. BR -680, 1346 West 10th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. t271 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I REAL ESTATt large bedrooms, huge living-room 839 N. Winter St. Will take la pnona 34111 . 34118 warren - Dan 85630 c273 WANTED POSITIONS CARE FOR pre -school aged children In my home. Will give ref. Box 273 Capltel Journal. HJ73 FILIPINO wants cooking and housework or driving. Go home nights. Write box 272 Capital Journal. h276 STEEL Guitar player wants to contact good standard player to practice with, will Join good Western band. Lots of lead guitar and vacallst back ground. Write to Ernie, 1330 Candlewood Drive, Salem, Ore. h273 ft ironings wanted. Ph. h271 EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you nave a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If ao call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-5833. h292 BABY SETTING by adult. Ph. 28741. h272 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice, former phone opr. Ph. 3-8072. h286 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 h2Bl TREE WORK Topping, trimming, remov ing, insured operator. John Payne, 248 6. Church. Ph. 26014. h275 WILL DO housework month. Ref. 3-5356. 1.272 Priv. room and bath. HOUSE WRECKING, moving, razing, foun- qation worn, rn. z-OBes. h375' TYPING and baby sitting eves. Exp. ft re name. tn Z-7654. h284 FINE PAPERING ft painting. Ph. 8-5523. BABY SITTING. Phone 20580. M imeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 8-3643 h285 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 640 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h287 PAINTING, Interior ft ext. Ph. 3-2979. h288 HOUSE RAISING, foundation, concrete work. Klang Bros.. Ph. 3-3292. h286 NANCY'S Nursery. Day or hr Pb. 3-4940. IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 8 p.m. h280 INTERIOR FAINTING. Exp. Ph. CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 36876. h273 CEMENT WORK wanted Pb 2-4850 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM for middleaaed em ployed lady with house priv. Closs in. Ph. 2-4511. ROOM CABIN. Light housekeeping. tlsT 594 N. 12th St. Jk273 WARM RM. In modern home. Employed middle age man or woman perf erred. Close In. No drinkers. Ph. 25438. Jk273 DOWNSTAIRS sleeping rm. for gentle man. Ph. 3-9396. 1345N.Llberty. Jk271 HEATED sleeping rooms. In good location. 795 N. Winter St., Ph. 3-9538. Jk274 PLEASANT sleeping rm. for men. 1030 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk274 LAROE sleeping rm. Cooking priv. Ph. 2-8550. Jk274 SLEEPING RMS. $5 wk. 395 N. 14th. Jk294 Jk294 3-9058. room. H. ft C. water. Jk273 ROOMS to rent by the week or month. Very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph. 3-3161. Jk377 NICE SLEEPING RM. Garaie. Ph. 3-7558. JK2M Jk274 SLEEPING rm. Ph. 1-4335. MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Priv. ent. fn. 334.10. l&OB . CapltOl. Jk276 SLEEPING EMS. Re frig 2131 Center. Jk273 ROOMS 448 Cen W Rear Woodrow'a Jk378 WARM SLEEPING rms. H. ft C. water. 461 N. High. Jk272 VACANCY for girl In nice large rm. Twin beds. VACANCY for young man In large room. two beds. WANT MAN for particularly nice single room. May be seen at 666 N. Cottage or Ph. Jk372 ROOMS. 1M 8. Cottage. Ph. 27817. Jk292 HOLLYWOOD, 3038 McCoy. Pb 1-6093. J 38 3 FOR RENT APARTMENTS t Fl'RN. APT. Private bath. Ph. 3-4333. 700 N. Church. Also sleeping rm. Jp271 Fl'RN. APT. for 1 or 1. Clean. Close In. Utilities furn. Ph. 3-9301. 760 N. Ctvirch. JP371 CLEAN 1 RM. furn. apt. Private bath ft entrance. 419 S. 10th after 9. Jp373 CLEAN 1 RM. APT. 1664 S. 13th. Jp373 I ROOM Fl'RN. apt. Private bath. Nice ft clean, 640 N. Com'l. Ph. 37034. J0271 FURN. APT. Inquire 1968 N. Com'l Jpi.73 RM Fl'RN. apt., refrlg. A rinse Inc., main fir. private bath, close in down town, north $55 00. BURT PICHA. Real tor Phone: 2-3649, Eve. 3-5340. Jp271 Fl'RN. sleeping rm. A gar. for man. 128 per mo. pn. j-7819 after p.m. lo.o Warner. p3TI Fl'RN. MOD. 3 larae room apt. Employed COUPle. Ph. 3-9331. JP371 NICELY Fl'RN. I rm. ant. $62 59 and $65. Ambassador Apt., 550 N. Summer. JP272 BIO 3 RM. apt. furn. . block to bus. Ground floor. No drinking. Ph. 3-6546. 1P271 I ROOM APT. Utilities turn. 790 N. Com ! l?171 AND 8 ROOM furn. apartments. No drinking. 2310 N. 4th. Jp271 MODERN 3-RM. furn apt Private bath. All utilities furn. 868. Pb. 3-9138 after P m. jpni SMALL APT. tor 1. Warm with priv. bath. refng. pullman kitchen. 8 mln. walk from State Bldg. 468 N. Winter. fp373 CLOSE IN, 1 ft 3 modern room elec. apart- men-n., rriv. sain, . n. winter. Jp372 Journal Want AdiTPay FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY Fl'RN. 365 B. 16th. rm. Apt. Utilities furn JP372 FC It NIBBED cottage. 3215 Portland rd FOR RENT HOUSES BY OWNER. For sale or rent. 3 rn. nod, home, attached garage with acre. Near school ft city bus. easy terms, rh. 2-0279. Im2.i Fl'RN, 1 BDRM. house to working couple. No children or peLv Cloj-e to chopping center on Capitol St. Call after 4 pm. 930 Garnet St. Jm2"l- SMALL MODERN 1 bdrm. cottaite'tn coun try. Ph. 2-1385 after 5:30 p.m. jm271 8 BEDROOM home, fireplace, basement automatic oil heat, 175. E. A. McOLAUFLIN. BROKER 838 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-5211, Eve. !-S303. Jm271- ft MILES out ft room modern house ISO per mo. Ph, 34949. Jm271 ONE UNIT LEFT Newly Completed Triplex 1 bdrm., auto washer, folding stair to attic storage. Located 2385 N. Laurel. Ph2-7743 or 2-2054. Jm274 FOR RENT New house. 3 B.R 5 rooms. oil heat. 2410 Broadway. Jm271 Hinhway Jm286' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, uiiBDie ior umce or store. Also J story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters. State Finance Co., RTcors 3 S. High St. Tel. 3-4121. J- NEW BTORE building for lease. See at 1078 Broadway or Ph. 21835. J271 FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8482. J U DRIVE Trucks. Rojinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J BU&JNESS RM. lor rent. H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery J ward. POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph 3-3646 I TRAILERS $2.00 per day Bowser Bros 1410 o 12th. West Balem. 1 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r we eell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS - Ph. 3-3646 J OOD USED PIANOS, H. L. Stiff. LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines Reasonable rates. Free pick up ft delivery Slnaer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com I Ph 33512 WANTED TO RENT 1 OR 3 BR furnished house by permanent young executive ft family. Will as sure excellent care. Ph. Mar. 2-0912. Ja272 YOUNG CPLE. I child. Would like 1 or 2 bdrm. house. Close in. Best of ref. Ph. 4-2594. Ja271 ROOM & BOARD Near everything. Meals opt. Ph. 28740. JJ271 BOARD ft room. Ph. 3-8708. LOST & FOUND LOST: Gray striped kitten from Berg parking lot. Reward. Ph. 2-5976 :v k273 LOST: Plastic rim glasses. Near Leslie school. Reward. Ph.2-3204! k271' LOST: Friday evening. Alpha Chi Omega sorority pin. Ph. 2-1132. Reward. k271 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. m296 OPEN MON. NovrY4rSecondhandstoreT 801 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-7480 morning or eve. m271 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State ft Commercial Bts SALEM Ph on e 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road Call 2-1196 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top quality framin lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on that next Job. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph 3-9593. 289 SAVE ON ROOFINO Lei Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your rooflns needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OR BOON ma- PERMA-STONE for fireplaces and home. Saem Per ma -Stone Co.. 2040 N. 18th St. jBalem. Phone 3-0605 after 6 p.m. ma293 ALUM A LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK jHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dlst 9-6401 ma272 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 95 Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking. ma NOW IS the tlmel Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied roof In r Get roof ing weather protection before It rains. Sears Roebuck ft Co. 550 No Capital St, Phone 3-9191. ma275 DOORS New 1-panel doors 17.50: glass doors $10.25. 36" Colonial doors 113.50, C. 0. Long. Ph. 25821. One mile Kelzer. north of ma275 SHINGLES No. 8,10 sq. No. 25.50 sq. No. 9 3.00 sq. C. G. Long, Ph. 25821. One mile north of KeiTier. mit275 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FINE UPRIGHT piano in excellent" condi tion, very reasonable. 1690 8. Cottar. n3"3 NEW MAPS Rural Route Maps 8'i" X 11" 25c 21" X 25" $1,00 Salem ft West Salem and Vicinity Maps with Street Index 21" X 24" $100 41" X 45" 15.00 MAIL REMITTANCE TO MEL PROPP LAND SURVEYOR 341 State Street. Room 8, Salem, Oreaon or any Book Store. n7l COMPLETE FIRE PLACE MATERIALS Also New !mproerlt Handsome! Aluminum Garaie Doors PUMILITE BLOCK & SUPPLY CO. tr.371 LAROE Taylor Tricycle. Crane recess bath tub. Automatic gas furnace. 370 N. 19th St. n273 HEAT your home electrically with West. inshouje or wesln automatic electric heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 n396 $20 3!)5 n374 slightly Used diaper washer. E. Madrona Ave. standard site crib and mattress, m 50. rn - fust. n-7i" FIR POLES, all sires ft leneth: cedar posts: cedar shinties; Xmas trees, wholesale prices. Call for or will deliver, See Dick Buker, box 137, Detroit, Ore Phone 309. ti371 SPENCER Corsettler. 3355 D St Ph 3-5073 n377 GENERAL riTHRIC Crosier O lbs op and Mon tat Appliances at Gcvurts. n OIL elreulatnrs at close out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 379 Cheme beta. n284 SFWINO Machines Free Wet1nf house. YFATER APPLIANCE CO. 37 Chenie keta nJ84 PLASTI-ROTE the cellophsne-llke fin ish for your floors nod mks or lin oleum. V EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. aist fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I'KED Radios. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375Chemeketa 1,284 USED washing machines. YEATER AP PL LANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, rallloaa Id stock ft made to order. 1145 N Uberty ; nail USED electric water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 378 Chemeketa. n284 WALLINO BAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED SOCK for roads and driveways cement ready mis concrete, tardeo and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4-ya shovel and drag Una Pa 3-8349 BEAN POLES, lattice batten ft mlse trips. 100 Lana Ave. Ph. 26081. n292 USED electric refrigerators. YEATER AP- fUANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 USED Oil burners. USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLI ANCE COX 375 Chemeketa. n384 USED OIL HEATERS 119.50. 129.50 and $39 50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 487 Court 8U Phone t-9611 SALEM SAND e a RAVEL COMPANY Con .reel Work Road Clearing Dltcblna Swer ft Basement Equipment Rental lb B Mi yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Dorer D-4 Cat ft Dozer about ditching by tbj ft. Phone Daya 8-9408 Eves 3-836 or 3-4400 balem Ores on UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC ranee, $175. G. E. refng. $175. 9 to 7 p.m. 370 Fawk Ave. n273 LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load. $10 pet 1.000. You haul. Independence Lumbet a Mig uo inc. independence. Ore PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flatrock for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone ana eiec. poies. Any lenktn. smngies Yew posts. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. I Bog 118 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED RENTED Washers Reoaired MAEa PICK UP ft DELIVER Sewing machines electrified ft eon verted to portable or console. New ft u.sea. itrms. W. DAVENPORT. PH. 3-7671 n293 ONE K-7 Int. Motor. Phone 2-5961. n272 CHICKEN FERTILIZER delivered. Phone n-owei. n272 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture to glue ft repair. LM Bros. Puro R finishing Co pb. 3-7001 WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 81. H. C. Hanaon. 320 S. Lancaster. na292 USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-9155. na WANTED: BARKIE Dougia fir poles or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co.. Inc na273 PERSONAL EDITH SCOTT from Eugene will give spiritual readings at 1085 N. Cottage. 1-h 3-4383. p73 EDITH SCOTTwiU hold a circle at"MrsT Stoddard. 1420 N. 4th St., Tues. eve. at 8 p.m. Readings dally at 1085 N. Cottage St. Ph.3-4383. p273 Why Live in Doubt ? Noted Psychic Advisor Without asking a single question he tells you what you want to know giv ing names, dates ft facts. Advises ft helps you on all affairs of life such a love, health, marriage ft business. Spec ial readings $2. Satisfaction guaran'e-d or no fee accepted. Hours 11 to 8:30 da.ly ft Sun., till 1 p.m. Sat. Alirma Moiel Apt. 1. 3645 Portland Rd. Take CapiloiM bus. pj73 ARE YOUR FLOORS dull-looking? Furni ture marred ft scratched? Have Salem Lighting ft Appliance Company demon strate Plastic Kote to you. 236 N. Hitch. P288 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m daily 173 S. Com'L Under new man agement P27I STANLEY HOME Products. Lee Mindt, 1165 N. 14th Ph. 2-4801. p279 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 2-4455. P280 J. M. Stovall, 3045 Sunnyview. MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you where others have failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all af fairs of life. Special reading $2.00. Lo cated just south of Hubbard on Highway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard Look for sign Reading Daily. p278 AVON Christmas products, ph. 3-S314. P275' ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724 Ph -----4. p33 AUTOMOBILES 18 HUDSON Commodore 0. sell or trade for 7 Ph. 3-1221 or 2-7350. Also '33 Civ hse. truck. o273 1041 CHEV. 2 -door special deluxe. Oood ruooer. rn. 3-378T. q.73 1040 FORD sedan. Looks rough but good transportation. Must sell. $318. Ph. 2-7573. 315 Bellevue, apt. 1. q272 1837 CHEV. coupe. Good motor. 1150 cash oniy. ror appointment call 3-8377. q271 I9S4 PLY. 2-door. Good clean car. Good tires. Heater, pn. a-3808. q271 Eisner Motors to Sell CHECK THE SPOT ZEEB'S USED CARS Rf'T SELL TERMS TRAD! S LOTS Ph. 3-6454 Ph. 9-7714 2325 Fa Irti round 520 Hood St. Rd. Eisner Motors .Fine Car's RI'irK, 1038. clean, radio. Oood rubber. q271 Call 711 Monmouth. Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES (ires ft tubes at COM price First come first served as this tf a close-out sale Dealers welcomed R D Woodrow Co.. 450 Center . CHECK THE SPOT 1946 HUDSON SEDAN VERY CLEAN S1295 TRADE OR TERMS Ron's Motor Co. 340 8 Hlth St. CHECK THE 1,1a RnnoE 4. door sedan. Radio, heawr. low mllease. Ph. 3-3471, ,?es. 3-MI3. .373. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 spot" AUTOMOBILES Tues. Spot Special At Center and Commercial Is 1940 DODGE SEDAN ORIGINAL FINISH. GOOD TIRES WITH LIFEGUARD TUBES. MEW IEAT COVERS. 15,000 MILES ON NEW MOTOR. $495 HERE'S THE CAR FOR VOUI MARION MOTORS 337 Center Phone 3-9.286 AUTOMOBILES I4 NASH & pass, coupe. 380 S. 17th. Trailer House. $50 USED CAR LOT $50 ft your old one 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 P.m. q291 PONTIAC Good Will Cars '46 PONTIAO SDN. CPI '46 DODGE SEDAN '37 PONTIAC SEDAN '38 PONTIAC COUPE '37 CHEV. SEDAN '38 PONTIAC SEDAN 39 PONTIAC SEDAN '46 OLDS SDN. CPE "41 PONTIAC SDN. CPE '41 PLYMOUTH SEDAN MODEL A FORD SDN Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4113 FINANCIAL BILLS UNPAID? LET PERSONALS YES MAN PAY THEM FOR YOU! Reduce your monthly payments with his "Smaller payment" nan. uet extra casn and spread the payments over 20 months. You choose the mon'.'ily payment. You choose the playment date. Don't borrow n necessarily but if a loan Is the best solution stop in or phone the "YES" MAN. He says Yes to 4 out of 6. Personal Finance Co. 518 State. Rm. 125 Ph. 32464 Lie S.-122-M-165 R. Allen, Mgr. .274 IF YOU want to sell your property It will pay you to know now mucn or an pha loan It will stand. This Information lr obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to call on us for any In formation you desire on FHA loans STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. Tel. 34121. r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4Va and 6 tfOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 301 Pioneer Trust Bids Ph. 9-7163 r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Term On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROT H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone 1-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 a Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No M-159 8-194 $ CASH Hollywood Finance Co. 1P80 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 17032 Llo N US 88-8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mir r FOR FOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate first mortgages, properties Salem ft vicinity. Make your own se lection, nets you 6 percent. We take care of all collections It desired. Amounts $1000 to several thousand dol lars. See or call us for particulars. STATE FINANCE CO. 131 B. Hllb St. Tel. 34131. r SEI, BS FOR ATTRACTIVE FAR1I LOANS ONLY 47. OR 4!4 INTEREST I to 40 Tears and No Commaloa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-3663 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 8-133 and M-330 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St Tel. 9-9161 TRAILERS 27 FT. TRAILER house. Nice ft clean. Good shape. Price $450. 2252 Simpson. t273 t-WHEEL luggage trailer. AllteeLew tires. Can be made Into horse trailer, Also, truck tire wheel and tube. Rte. 4. Box 672, Boone Rd. t273 MACHINERY SALE! SALE! DISSOLVING BUSINESS Must sell complete ma chine and repair shop, tools and equip. Every thing goes. One piece or a carload. LATHS, 8HAPER. MILLINO MACH.. STEAM CLEANER. COMPRESSOR. WELDERS. AIR WRENCHES, NEW OAS TANKS 4000 Aj 6000 OAL, CAP , ETC. MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. NO JUNK!! SACRIFICE PRICES!! Sale Starts Sat, Nov. 12 OPEN EVERY DAY FOR ONE WEEKI INCLUDING SUNDAY ! COME EARLY ! To Make Your Selection Bird&ZyssetCo. 171 WALLACE RD. WEST SALEM Phone Salem 3-666 v272 DIRECTORY ADD IN O MA CHINKS AH makes used meehtMa. sold, rvnted repaired flaon 4M Cewrt Phone 1-4771 APPLIANCE SERVICE -LECTRIC HOME appliance repair lerriee aew appllaoew fleet i liectrle Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 9-9299 197 8 Liberty 8t AT-UR POOR SHARPtNTVQ Lawn mowers ened. Dexter. rljwor knives sharp. 1140 Center. 3-6839. RADtoa MARION UOI ORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day pboce 9-6280. Rtgnt 9-1104. 333 Center. I AUTOMOBILES DIRECTORY BODY AND PAINT Braden's Body ft Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3690 Cherry. Ph. 3-2022. 287 BUILDING CARPENTRT Remodel '.pair that home now. Terms. No down Payment Phons 1-4850. e BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Faiview Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem. or28t Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306. 0291 Log., grnd. clear'g, carryall wk. Ph. 42383 or 91264. Geo Worth. 84C Plymouth Dr. 274 CASH REGISTERS lnstan register. delivery of new RCii casb makes sold rented, ee 458 Court Ph 3-6778 o pa ed Roen CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patio ourb vail et. Call 2-4850. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 2-7176. o285 DRESSMAKING State St. Alteration Shop. Dreaamak- lna. 360 State St., Rm. 37. o289 Dressmaking ft alteration. Work ruar anteed. 1290 N. 24th. Ph. 1-7865. o274 Crushed rock for driveways ft roads, de- llvercd. Ph. 3-5961. 0293 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 151 S Liberty. EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Mrvir. Ph. 3-3056, Lee Cross, Rt. 6, Box 437-0. 3B3" FLORIST Breithauot'? for flowera Dial 1-9179 o FURNACE A CIRCULATOR SEE VI CI Vacuumed ft : pal red. Dvorak. Ph. 3-4963 0287 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIQH PRODUCTS. 2-8676. 0292' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Oo products. V Ivery 1717 Center. Ph. 3-6395. INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3741, JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waztag Buildings Factories Bomea ' Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 9-9139 LANDSCAPF NURSERY t K. Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamentals. 180 W Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 9-1933. DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 348 Jef. ferson St Phone 33452. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. Hew power and hand mowers. Call Barry W. Scott. 147 B. Com'l St. o295 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 8-4008. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7669. . B393" OFFICE FURNITURE ft 1UFPLH1 Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desB lampt typewriter standa, brief guaa. -uw necoraera, hoc. 4 OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee aur wetk. H l2 wUT Exp. Interior painting. Wileca. Ffc. 9-9733 211 Hfstrom's are equlppo fk V painting Phone 3-2493 PAINTING ft PAPERHANQINO PAPERING ft painting. 1st. e. n. 3-2608. e8 Painting and paperhanglng. Frag ett- mate. PB. 3-9513. 957 Shlpplv. 393 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. I. J. Woodworth. Ph. J-1807. Fra mi. Paperhanglng. Jerry Johnson. Pb. 9-419. SMI PLUMBING ' ft Contract, Olen lo4r7Fh7 290 93984' 289 Fisher, 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. PICTURE FR AMINO REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Serv. Oo. Pb. 3-1514 ol Picture framing PbOM 9-4687 Bat sh sew Paint lota. SAND ft GRAVE!. Oardeo Soil, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Gravel Co., Phone 9-9249. Valley Sand ft Gravel Oo Silt, sand ft Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft eats. Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving. Ph office 24002. res. 97148 Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 5th. 0381 SEWEBS AMI nnc TANKS Electric Roto. Root, r. ExrluslT, Patent. Raror Sharp Cuttlnf Blade,, clean Sewers. Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-I33T. 0 SEWINO MACHINES Boutht. sold, rented, repaired. B t.rmA, All msku. W. Datenport, p .77l. sisl- SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service, TaaE dawned. Roto Rooter eervtc on Sewers. 1073 Elm St.. w. Salam. Ph. I-I4M. 1-1337. 0337- Eleetrle machine aer.loa on sawar and drain lines. Guaranteed wort 1141-Sth K P. Hamel. Septla tank, ined. St., West Salem. Ph. 3-1404. a73' Vacuum PumDlne. n 11h Call us collect. Todd's Septla Tajik Service, 3443 Stat. St. Phon, 3 -071 4. EW1NQ MACHINES All makes repaired, tre. Sinter Sewln, Uechm, Oa Commercial Ph 3-3313. Mtlmatu. 13, llo. TBANSrEP 4 RTOKAQB oca! Distance Transfer, storac Burn.i out. coal a grl.ueti Trucks Portland dan; A, ml tot Bfkhu House hold toods moved to tnvwh.ni ta OA. or Oanada Lermer Trualar J, St eras. Ph 3-3131 TRICE a, TKANKriB Lester DeLapp truck a.m.. Cnm mer. clal haullnt. Dally service tw Portland. tVPEHPITEB Smith Corona. Remlntton Rovtl, Dnder- 1 wood portablat Al, makes used maenlaea f Repairs and rent Roen. 431 Court ! VENETIAN BUNDS , ) lal.m Venetian Blinds made te arder w rafmlahod X.lnh.ldt Uwtl 3-3M. rimer The Blindmap. Ph 37333 (Continued on Page 17)