Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday, Not. 14, 19491 ii spotlit ditarf an up fellaa-thcT suREg cant 6et our 1 jn!?AwSS?sTswawaBBaagssssSS . ! RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness MONDAY -P.M. SrtVt KiPfH POLICE WILL FIND Of TOWN-C0ME ON.B0PER.' H CuomA s Jr-. 1 I S hmttnetit CUPCAKE .' , -LCT5 GO HAVE A TALK . U Bramala " s- -v I IT I T nvxtmous T ,,) f-y "V WITH THAT CHAP AT THE I nudt I Bydfj f MR B1BSS.'-V0U'--M3U A S? I IV I 1 caniMcrnn 'lllr V SfTTeR AOeNCV-'CHQKER I a V. ARE-AUNT MARRIST tt$ Jit4 1 7 by PEGGY Chapter U The Icicle dripped, thinning as Ytsibly a Cal Sheridan'a credulity. "But, Leta," he protested at Mngui, -uie una are ..." "Oualltv?" he asked bitterly "Cal. why didn't you mention Al lene Lane to me when you re turned?" "Mention her?" He turned puz- Eled eyea on her. "Why. Lta hardly aaw you. I mean we were together such short time after I returned." "And whose fault waa that?" "Leta, your voice doesn't sound like you. Look, dear, Martin came back with the car; let's run in town for dinner. I'll drive over to my plane. "At the Lanes'?" "Their field wasn't cleared. Trot up and dress, dear." "Dress?" Arleta's laugh was sharp, but she quickly caught her self. "You can drop me at a dress a nop wmie you go to the plane. I brought only boots and breeches." Arleta remembered vaguely the location of the shop her mother had patronized, and after a few raise attempts they found It. She dashed In and then out "They'll hold It open, so pick me up here." The saleswoman remembered her mother. She also remembered Ar leta. "My dear," she said wouldn't have recognized you. You were such a square child, and the way you set your heels. Now, would you Uke something your mother would have chosen or ' "Yes," Arleta spoke hastily, would." "Her taste," the silver-haired sales - dowager announced, "was jmneccaoie. The gray was the gray of a pigeon's wing, soft, melting. The skirt flared, the jacket fitted Ar leta as though It had been de- algned for her. It buttoned to the collar with tiny silver buttons. Calvin Sheridan, seated at the Wheel of Arleta's car, aaw the light of the shop's doorwav come on, aaw Arleta step out, "like a picture out 01 a irame," ne tnouglit with pride. Arleta whirled in the doorway and the skirt swirled above her Dutton-shoed ankles. "Like it?' she asked Calvin gaily. "Patrician, Leta, he said, "pa trician in every line." Settled in the car, her gray fur eoat covering her "patrlclanness," Arieta a-sKeo, "Do you know of decent place? I was too young" oappnire Koom,- anerwan re marked absent-mindedly. She might have known. "Remind me to show you the newspaper picture of you and that Miss Lane at the Sapphire Room." "What?" The car nearly locked bumper with the one ahead. "What photograph? Oh, hv there were several . . . what do you mean?" "Hostess and guest of honor. A neighbor Inadvertently gave it to me. Of course your face was a bit oily with chicken grease and " "Chicken grease? We didn't have chicken." "It must have been something delectable to have kept you over an extra week," Arleta said. "Extra? Oh. that. Didn't I tell you I'd dropped a vital part of my engine? Queerest thing, Leta. I could have sworn if was all rlRht wnen i came in on tne Lane field, but" Arleta heard nothing more. So It had been a plane's part that had held him? And Allene Lane flew? And Cal's plane had been on her private field? And How Kelly had said Allene was so busy "staking a claim" to Sheridan she hadn't had time to think of one Chips Langtry. The Sapphire Room. "It's exquis ite," she said, as they stood on the threshold and looked down a nar row room, with a cocktail bar on one aide, the other lined with lighted, mirror-backed glass cases upon the glass shelves of which was the most beautiful collection of blue glass she had ever seen "Meestalr Sheridan." A aapphlre blue figure bowed. Calvin had telephoned for a res ervation. They were conducted to the table and Arleta was amazed to hear the calls of greeting which flanked their progress. She'd thought she was the native of that ; i ivj O'MORE country. But no one spoke to her. No one knew her. Calvin ordered, and then he spoke "The usual," murmured Arleta, I and was brought, much to the dis gust of the bartender, sauterne with charged water. Ariel sipped the snarkling drink. unaware ol anyone arouna ner un- til a husky voice used her name. "Strutting her stuff, as usual. She was, It you please, so help me, Arleta Langtry. So this old beer boy. seeing she simply couia- n t carry her order to the car, says he'll carry It." Cal enerldan seemed frozen to waiting stillness and Arleta hated the display of a sapphire world, preferring old-fashioned mirrors which could reveal the features oil those farther away. 'I ve ilnlsned. Have you?" Ar leta's voice was urgent. "Quite," stated bherldan. But they hadn't. As they en tered the round blue room they ieit a vmration oenina mem, a I vibration like the swirl of a whirl pool. Involuntarily they looked back, and out of the vortex of that whirlpool came a vision in bright est name rea. "Cal." It cried. "Why. Cal. vou did come back. And after you'd I said you wouldn't." I Calvin Sheridan seemed to brace! himself. "You've met Miss Lang try, Miss Lane?" Miss Langtry. The vision In red seemed sunk in deeD thought. And then black curls were tossed) back. "Oh. yes. You mean ChlDS. The girl who could outswear the toughest lumberjack Big Chips couia snip in. (lo be continued) Vol' il'vl Is JCtttle Mutlel 212 For the Favorite Doll Making doll clothes as cleverly cut as this set is real fun- I No. 217 should be ordered bv size for 14. 16. 18. 20 in. dolls. For yarn flee, see pattern. Lwnvery i5 guaranteed in ample time for Christmas scwine. Pat terns ready to fill orders same day received. If you include an extra 5c per pattern your order will be seni oy fikst jl.ass mail. would you like to see a collec tion of more than 150 other pat tern styles? Just include the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK in your pattern order. Price of book 20 cents. send 2.e for pattern with name, Address and Style Number State size desired Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis- Mon St., San FYancLscn 5. Calif banta Toy Here Is a suit stuiled rant little alrls and bovs will love Make the body of white cotton, coat. trousers biki nai oi red labrlc , .1 a scrap of felt makes the belt and any oiark sniny material the boots. wnite wool yarn Is used for the realistic nair. whiskers and pompon. Pattern Envelope No. RS748 con tains hot-Iron transfer (or doll. sew. ln Instructions, material reoulre- mente and complete finishing direc tions. I To obtain this pattern, send 50c I in wins jlvlnii pattern number.! vour name address and tone num. I ber to Peesy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mkslon Street, ban Fran-I cisco 3 t;aui. MEgfc.iw ifc, Mif l r " - If f f B I r llr II m-rjM j;3o f title X ' dowtvoogltsever W I f we're takims time out to ' f is hecuargihT nOpe.wu I jloo 3 7) N0RKr WHERE VOL) M f WATCH WILBUR DEMONSTRATE HIST I ADMISSION fSCbH GOME ALOMCN-fl n - 2:15 )o-reey - , . Ifioiw at this time 1 t topper haircut to the committee! lrTs, amb!- its free!1JIa a 130 011 L I 'f53LA DAY'Jl iaVfOB the advancement of hair lS VJrr. . rCffe" ' 3 -Alt?R5 I AN" AH GOTTA RI6HT T'BE ) MOST FABUUXjS JTHET Mt IS I I I RACE-10' . MAFTA TAKE TH' X IS RKJHT.T-- TH' WAV 0'SHAPts 35SC5SSSE I IN THE SADIE HAWKINS DAV FACE. AN' FIGGER OSUuY BLTTT I WON'T HAFTA k ONDESIRABLES.T ?UP IS UNWIR TTHESE -. I ( b ytyMi I RACE, NOVEMBER 19th ff- , IN ALL TH , O ANY DOGPATCH CHASE TH' V-AN'.IK DOGPATCH, GALS- SO, AH ORDERS VO' -"VW LPS3' FABULOUS OONES IS TH' KyXXKDrT) f I BOV VyOULD BACHELORS;-J EVEWTH'OtSIRABLES )rwEAR A BURLAP BAQ, . 29 r. cS" I NAME, AN MftTBIMONV . ' rfrr- 1 1 oT7 DRUTHER KISS TMCV'U. IS ROTTBN , SUM HUAA T'FOOr.''' J MM H5UFJ rf 1"' lYif ' if I lff 1 "r If I f II F I f " Ffy siarl I I IF ',1 h-i i i 1 1 i VA I yT i i i .J in,, , , .. , i 1 II I I 111 III II 1 I I I I II II III A 1 1 Wk. I I I I fl n i i v:i i i ' ir im m y t .1 y ii VxiT i i ru rr-i 10 I fu; m V III . W ' V I I III I Mn I - I f lm m-m tt W M SUHUWIS lAltrWt? VfcH-l UTtU M Mm II IB Ir-an- BKf i I LUUKb IBCe 1 Kl I 1 BB1 I 1HiLr;U"H1U TUU 1 HH IKHf WHO OCI. Ill K' I S D I SAWED NEWLY TW0UGH-I KPOK 18 I II VDO, ROCKVf WHTS BLOOD BLOOD- KICKED HIM INTO Lfl THE WrtV VOU I I :.! 5 isirf Pl-M I SMELL. M VEH.TH6 j WMOS IN )( HOW MANV VI "'W Kf'?6! WATS TH' MATTER V VEH.KE5 Ty"-'" RMONTHE rL BOVS ARE THE DiDva Tolit WITr THE BIG cr-f HAVIM' A 14 I NO AT006HTIME 1 B-' CU ' LEAD. EAT, (reORTEEH 0 GeHT?HES fOjl T0U6H TIME Xj L TwtototBONE -J i?T 1 A C0RH ncol?SsurJTVr-vPO pat.m' fact XT?) WITH THAT TU W,'?.NB rll XT I WHAT'S THEMATTTO. Y WE HAVE TO 6OO0T PITZTIILll 215 I ft ' SWBKS ? THIS IS MAPSH.. , I MONIi ? WHAT'S STERN FIRST.. WE CANT . THEI7E IT IS.EALTV! 1 WP 2 ,, APE VOU IN TOUCH WITH THE PUN6? Wt 1 HOLDINS US TURN AROUND IN THE 6POTT0. I LOOK! THE PLANE.' i I 1 U VOU AOE? GOOD! TELL HIM TO fSS BACK? OUR PROPELLEI? HAS FOLNO I f l..iA iM Z I II 151 LfcV WJ fW TJ I I i-1 BBBBBSaw .aSS 3 I ! I I I I I V I ii - I ' I i J l , IV 1 1 X i I x I I I 'III 11 JTLA J2. I I ; , , X -- II a Nil 111 KGW 620 NBC KOIN 70 CBS KEX 1100 ABC 1:00 Mtt tie. Carats. Knox Manning LIUU Show 'News iNewi Challenis Yukon Vofes sf F'tlonr! Sky Kins Sky itins Firsflsblsrs : 45 Volet sf F'ltoor :H':Vsiel Self Had Is Thatrr jBadla Theater JRadia Theater :i3.Mnleal 8olre Moms i:30 Caodr Milion Kate Kata i:45jCaadrMaUo :00 Dlrec. flag Mi Friend lrma)Lms iM friend IrsaalLans ;15 Dint. Play :3f) Ethel Htrm ; 45 thai Mcrasan !B Hawk Sbars iBob Hawk kbrs Sinatra. Klrat. Lowell ThemailKats J. Smith Shaw Kate ,:15 Newa 1:30 Railrsad Rear ij45,ttailrad Hour l:ftfl Telephsas Br. rraleol Besnts (Speak, ffalcnl Besnts U. J. unner Banctnm Dnner Sanctum fteulah trthvr i:15 Trlophon Hr. iBuddr f:3f) Danes Orrb. , alpb :4a van ci urea. Llub 19 Kalpb 1: 00 Kan Hayes ll-Star Final Richfield Res, Inter messs tlSCorr. Cholca Von and World ItSO portt riaal l;43jOrcheatrs Airfla Can cert lOrcbeitra (Conctrt Serenade jCoaeert .3 1 was mihibi 30Wai Mutia :45 w" M"'"" ICblraroaas Concert IP rein da Prelade Istnt' ore (Memos plemos trs Roar TUESDAY 6 A.M. ) Hods Podga Xewa I Farm Tims i Farm Tims ) Earl Bird t Old Sengs ) Newa ijSam Harm Newt KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock News CBS Newt Fred Beck Farm Keep Keep Keep (News Usroatkr raoh Harew fZeka 8:00ddl Albert Consamtr Nowsl Breakfast &aais Aioen News Breakfast (Breakfast Jack Berch ISagg Riders kirand Blass ;Roaemsrr Breakfast kecond Cap YVendr Warren LMIIdrrd Today's Second Cap Hometowaer Newa Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent I trt Our Gal Sunday Art Marrlaga for Z Bit Sister Ml Perkins Dr. Malone Guldln Llsht IJark Lora Law ton Dick Harm em Galen Drake My True Story My True Story IT ha Playboy Double or Nolh. Mra. Burton Perry Maaon N'orah Drake Betty Double or Notb. pub Today' Chldrn Light of World westerners iBrlihter Day IX'westerners Life Beastlfol Ns Bankbass Corns Get It Pepper Tonne J Happiness Brlsht aV Llcfat Top Tunes Art Baker Meet Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Garry Moore Garry Moors Newspaper Breakfast Stella Dallas I Hollywood Lorenzo Jones Wldder Brown Kay West Kay West Girl Marries Vewnaner Jay Por. races Llfestrve AneB lust Plain Bursters Allen lay Bride Bride Jack rv. r. rarrreii Tunefully Yours Welcome Tfst. Welcome Trav. News Arthur Godfrey Vera Vacua ke Seateit unt Mary Arthur Godfrey Lore A Learn Arthur Godfrey Seated Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Mod. Mod. 4:15Road sf Lit 4:3VDr. Paul 4:45, More of Ufa Arthur Godfrey Curt Massry Edw. Murrow uirrel Squirrel DIAL LISTING, lOAP Monday P.M. 5:09, Chlldrt IWrtW Theatert 5:1JI. On the L'pIh ren'a pbeati 5:50, 650 Sports Clubt 0:00. Newa; 6:13. Dinner Melodies I 8:30, Munis of Ciecbo- Slovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Honrt 8:00, Webfool Huddle t 8:15, World In Revlewt 8:30, Campua Recital t 8:45, News Wea ther; 9:00, Masls That Endures; 9:40, Eve ning Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. Mrs. Wilson Honor Guest at Silverton West Stayton Mrs. Lyle Wil son of Detroit was honored with a shower at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Amelia Gerlits in Silverton. Assisting Mrs. Ger lits were Mrs. Joe Maurer, Sr. and Mildred of Marquam. Games were played and after the gifts were opened a lunch ACROSS 1. Billiard stick 4, Printed alandsr 9. Crony 12. Limb 13. Not endowed with Ufa IS. Lowered 17. Weary 18. Vex: colloq. 19. Pronoun 12. Poem 23. Metaltlferoui rocks It. Interpret! archalo .15. Great fears 17. American opera t to soprano IS. English cathedral city 20. Dwelling place ZZ. silted with boric acid 2ft. Sea earls 40. Proof of being eisewhers 41. Flowed off KraduaflT 48. Wine bottles 4S. Coupls 49. Era 60. Web-footed birds SI. Complete eol- ?S. Kind of cheess 27. State of profound Id sensibility 28. Old musical note 29. Offer to pay 30. Rectangular Inset 11. Kind of otgeoo iectioo 7 U 3 I; ,U IS - 17 la I If lo Ui 7a '73 5T :. :9 - 1 '- 2a XI 22 13 24 25 2? To Tl si 33 J . ' ' 1 1 I 1 I t I 1 A NsMriftarvrst ROOM AND BOARD I saw TV fight and for a COUPLE OP ROUNDS FOLEY ALFY SAGGiNS WITH MACARONI KNEES On TH' OUTSKIRTS OF DR.EAAAV1LLE 'THEN IN TH ROUND ALFY SWINGS HIS AROUND-THE-BLOCK. RIGHT , TO FOLEY S CHIN WHOOSH POtCf AND A SHOWER. Of SPIDERS FROM TH' KSLM 1390 ICBO KOCO 140 Kc f fianla'c Malleatl Rhrthas Kneh. Santa's MaUcall; Rfarthas Rneh. i Hts Bine CrssbT Taajiils Gabrlal Baatar Sminssa News iCandUllsbt Kdtllss) Nra SIItss Smith Smith Telia TSI Newt farrenada Qnosllswi Pat O Brian Mas. Jsekswt Ransar Kanaer Mvrder EsserU' (Murder CsparU eat rises Kid Cisc Kid lETalrsi KnlsM Wrallb Man. Q'tohseh mtth Smith 1st Geo. Ds It (Track 1W Track 149 (Track im fTrsek liM Lei Geo. Ds It IT ha Saint sf Sonas Taj lor fThe Saint Oaeth Mows flavs Rsss huh Morfaa Rsss Marfan Wlllssaatts U. WUlBtt P. News Fir Fisbt ... Weed Norman Norman jFsltaD Lawis Frank Has Frank ftao Local Nsws Mows iMssIa Hons Mas Ton Waal (Has. Tsa Want Hour Hoar Lavs Mratarr (Nsetara Hear Mnelo WMtaraa Wsstni-a (Nactsrao LMntnsI (MntsaJ jsirn Off BIca Off TO 4:45 P.M. News SmlUns Smltlnr Smiling iNows (Mus. Tlmskar March Tims KOCO Klsek KOCO Kisck News News Br'kfast Gnat Br'kfaat Ganc Tsx K4ttsr News Spts. Top Morates Top Morning Mannors (Top Trades Bare. Cosnter iWUdwsod Char, prfaa Moods Clnb Club Club First Bap. Ch. IHaTcn sf Rest j Haven Rest Western Meiscr Club l-issU Tlau Bedell Stars N News Tims Car Msl'dy Tims for Msl'dy Stars Slop Cttus. Memorlss Ltnklelter Pastor's call Llnkleller Blders Pnrp. 8. ij. Ch. Thomas News NW Nswt Memor. Mssls Tubs Tims 8S Keys Nor mas Woman of Wk. lOrcsnalttes Waits beren. Ladles First ladles First Cracker Mnsls Mart Time Musis Mart k)ueea for Day Jan Garbsr Vocal Various IQueen for Day (Top Trades Hollyw'd Masla Hollyw'd Masla News N W News Bob Eberly News Menjoaa (Davs Dsnala Mac's Maladies Mao's Melsdios Mac's Melodies In Tell Nelchbar Harvey Harding iOrran Revert Blng Sings I Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melsdiss Stewart Melody Matinee Stewart Melody Matinee A Groom A Groom Kirk wood Tenn. Jamboree Tenn Jamboree Rot Pools Rob Pools Mao's Melodies Mae's Melodies News Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies David Ross Romances' Romances Fulton Lewis IMovl Tims Hemingway Behind Story Philosopher B can os Beast. Cass Case iCarm. Cavaliers 1 iB C'n bs Bsaat. KOAC 550 KOAC faesdar A.M. 19:90, The Women t 11:00, School sf Alri 11:15, Con cert Hall It, Newsi S:15, Nesn Farm Hour : li 1 5. Polk County Agent i IS :20. Spot Marketai 12:15, lo?m Campbell; 1:00. Ride 'em Cowboy; I:IR Shoo! sf AIrt 1:90, Melody Lane; 2:00, "Folk Clnb" Faealty Wives; 2:30, Memory Book sf Muaioi 1:45, School of Air; 1:09, Newsi 1:15 Mus ic of the Masters. was served to the honored guest, Mrs. Wilson; Mesdames Dorothy Shimp, Mahala Shimp, Sylvia Brenethal, Theresa Maurer, Karl Hess, all of Silverton; Ann Mau rer and Miss Dorothy Dibali of Mt. Angel; Mrs. Robert Shep herd of West Stayton and the hostesses. Those sending gifts were Mrs. John Schmidt of Portland, Mrs. Ralph Irwin of Milwaukee. Solution of 8aturdy' Puzzl DOWN t. Bounder 2. English river t. Ornament with needlt .work 4. Kind of thread I. African arrow poison 9. Evil 7. Type msasur 8. Not OfiruratlTS 9. Face valus of stock 10. Devoured 11. Wnt first 14. Variable star In "Ths Whale" Id. Staff officer 19. Residences 10. Head of aa abbey 11. Newly married woman 11 Parts of ths skeleton 21. Cheap apart ment bouses 24. Baffle 25. Lares doirS 27. Bear 10. Putting: Into common fund 24. Hindu queen 1ft. Femlnlns naaw 37. Rub out 19. Uakesa mistake 40. Town In Obi 41. Side of a triang;) 42. Concealed water 41. Scotch rlTsr 44. Female shp 45, Dowry 47. Symbol for tellurium By Gen Ahern HM-M-MAYBE HAD ALFY HAS THE MAKINGS OF A HEAVYWEIGHT J 7 CHAMP EYCEPT FOR. THE JUDGE AS HIS MANAGER FALLS f iiy figjAif n f i a i Mi LJA Dj I Ph Rj WT RjO N giP ApUoMtUNAlRP B' E T TiejRMS P)l Rjg HEAPaAjN T cBg P'gisj lR SnNAPiPH fciqR lis fcji3 i kfcj RAFTERS