Salute by Franco Generalissimo Francisco Franco (left) of Spain and Portuguese President Antonio Carmona stand at attention during playing of both countries' national anthems on Franco's arrival in Lisbon. The chief of the Spanish state wears uniform of captain general of Spanish navy and across the breast the Order of the Tower and Sword, Portugal's high est decoration. Pope Attacks 'False Lawr Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Nov. 14 (U.PJ Pope Pius attacked the "false law" of totalitarian states today. He said their judicial sys tems made patriotism a crime and brought disorder, tyranny and slavery. A conflict between the true and the false has brought the administration of justice to a cri sis, the pope told the sacred Ro man rota, the Catholic church's hieh court. The conflict was caused, he laid, by "juridical positivism" as opposed to juridical systems based on divine law. "There had to come the total itarian state of anti-Christian prompting, the state which for principle or at least for fact broke every restraint in the face of a supreme divine law, to un veil to the world the true face of luridicial positivism," the pope said. "This 'legal law,' in the sense shown, has upset the order es tablished by the creator. It has called disorder order, tyranny authority, slavery liberty, and a crime the virtue of patriotism." Miller Quits Post; Returns to Salem Stavton In a letter to the city council, Marshal E. V. Mil ler submitted his resignation, to become effective December 1 According to Mayor J. Clifford Likes, the council will act on the resignation and accept it at the meeting Monday, Decem ber 5. Announcement was made by the mayor that Howard Jordan of Scio has been hired to re place Miller. Jordan has had several years experience in po lice work and part of his work has been with the state police He Is a veteran of World War II and is married and the father of two pre-school children. He plans to move his family to Stayton as soon as he can find a home for them. Miller, who formerly was a salesman for the Herrall-Owens company, car dealers in Salem, will again be connected with that firm. He has served as marshal since January 1, 1948. replacing Henry Smith, who held the post a number of years. Smith is still serving as con stable for the area. vember 19 and sponsored by the Dayton Garden club has been in definitely postponed. The com mittee on show plans to meet at the home of Mrs. Lola Alder man and it was thought that a spring flower show, would give more members and friends a chance to exhibit with the abun dance of bloom at that time of the year. The next meeting of the Day ton Garden club will be held November 14 at the home of Mrs. Emmelt Filer. Justice Douglas To Be Released Yakima, Wash., Nov. 14 U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas will leave St. Elizabeth's hospital here this evening for Tucson, Ariz., where he will recuperate from injuries received when a horse fell on him during a mountain trip west of here October 2. He will travel by train. The justice has been able to make short trips from his hos pital room during the past week. His wife left about a week ago to make reservations and pre pare for his arrival in Tucson. Physicians recommended that Douglas recuperate in a warm climate before returning to his duties in Washington, D. C. The 17 ribs fractured in the accident have mended but he must still be cautious about his punctured right lung, the doc tors said. Army Sergeant Kills Wile, Sell Fort Wordcn, Wash., Nov. 14 ( An army sergeant pumped three pistol shots into the chest of his wife and then shot him self in the head late yesterday near the Fort Worden non-commissioned officers club, port au thorities said. The deaths were described by Lt. Col. James C. Harper, exec utive officer, as a "slaying and suicide." The victims were Sgt. and Mrs. William G. Henninger. Colonel Harper blamed the shooting on domestic troubles and said it occurred shortly aft er the couple had left the club where they had spent most of the afternoon. Henninger. 30, w a s stationed here regularly but had recently been on temporary duty as fire chief at nearby Fort Casey. His wife, the stepdaughter of MSgt. John N. Clark of Fort Worden had been living in Port Town- send with her three children by a former marriage. Liberty Club Holds Program Liberty. Nov. 14 It was a gala affair for the parents, friends and children of Liberty who attended the open house and community club program. Pupils of every room were showing their parents the work they had done since the term started. Also special displays that were 'done by the pupils under the guidance of the teachers. The Girl Scouts sold candy on the second floor of the school house during the evening. The community club got under wy later with many of the parents attending. Mrs. S. B. Davison talked against disbanding of the Com munity club. It was felt that an organization so long estab lished should continue. Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh re ported on the progress of the Cub Scout program at Liberty. Mervin Seeger announced that the election for the formation and the election of five directors for the Liberty-Salem Heights rural fire district would be held at the Liberty hall club room on December 13. The program was furnished by Donald Jessup, music super visor, and Raymond Carl, music teacher at Liberty On the program was a trombone solo by Glen Benner; cornet solo by Bob McConville; sousaphone solo by Bud Lindstrand; saxo phone solo by Loren Bartlett; baritone horn solo by Charles Dahlen; flute solo by Michael Deeny and a clarinet solo by Loren Bartlett, accompanied at the piano by Anne Gibbens Wayne Mercer demonstrated the playing of the drum and Ann Gibbens played a solo on the oboe, accompanied at the piano by Michael Deeney. These are students from the Salem high school band. Refreshments were served later. New Town in Linn Albany, Ore., Nov. 14 (Jft There may be a new town in Linn county soon. The name? Draperville. Residents of a housing area east of the city air port have asked the county court to hold an incorporation elec tion. The first name on the petition is Jack Draper. Home Talent Comedy Offered at Gervais Gervais The Gervais Parent Teachers association will spon sor a home talent comedy play, "Look Who's Here," at the high school auditorium Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock. The play cast includes Woodburn resi dents under the direction of Mrs. Don Bell and was presented at Woodburn last Friday night un der the sponsorship of the Busi ness Women's club there. Pro ceeds from this play will be used for the hot lunch project. k us 1177 77 adviser and play producer. The public is invited to the pla.vs, which include "Henry'i Mail Order Wife," "Do Men Gossip," and "Squaring It with the Boss." Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Monday, Nov. 14, 194913 Lebanon Offering Three Play Evening Lebanon Outstanding ama teur drama i promised local playgoers this month with the Hl-Y productions Friday eve ning in the high school audi torium. The all-masculine cast of Hi-Y members will impersonate the fair sex in three plays, all to be given the same evening, i rior football players portraying the part of a demure little maid en gives a fair idea of the many laughs in store during the eve ning," said Lawrence Page, Hi-Y Attention Loggers! Top Prices Paid for Logs at Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. 1115 Bic Steel Signs With CIO U. S. Steel Vice President John A. Stephens looks on in Pittsburgh as CIO President Phil Murry signs a $100 a-month pension and insurance agreement with the firm. The settlement puts 170.000 steel workers back on the job and virtually ends the costly nation-wide steel strike. (Acme Telephoto) Silverton City Hall Sans Heat Silverton, Nov. 14 The City hall remained closed Monday with workmen on the job over the week-end in an effort to re store furnace heat. The furnace balked a week ago but city officials remained on the job in spite of the chilly atmosphere of the quarters. The offices were ordered closed be cause conditions could not meet requirements of the health au thorities. Repairmen and some city offi cials, including R. E. Borland, city manager, worked all day Sunday in an effort to have the quarters available this morning, SHINES 20c RAY'S SHINE PARLOR 151 N. High St. 4 doors south Grand Theater but were unable to complete lay ing brick in time to restore furn ace operations. City Manager Borland hopes that the repairs will be complet ed in order to resume city activ ities at the hall by opening time Tuesday. Do not shell fresh lima beans until you are ready to use them since they lose vitamin C (ascor bic acid) if they are shelled long in advance. Keep the lima bean pods in the refrigerator un til you are ready to cook them. on Fuel 3ills?!!( CONSERVE FUEL! A most practical means Is by installing Storm Sash for every door and window opening. Costs little at our saving prices: but helps substantially in reducing heat loss. Reduced fuel consumption will produce money savings year after year, not to mention the comfort and health bene fits your family will enjoy STORM. SASH' SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross (Advert Liemrnti GreatChristopher For over Four Decades America' Finest Hard and Soft Cora or Cal lous Remedy. It Removes where others Peel. Instant Relief. Does Dot Evaporate. 60c and 35c Adv. SALK.M I)KIU CO. 333 State St. Salem Cabinets Frames Ph. 3-5953 Dr. Charles W. Welch, for mer moderator of the Presby terian church in the United. States, who died Sunday at. Louisville, Ky., at the age of 71. WATCH CLOCK REPAIRING Workmanshir Cuaranteed Good supply of parts for all makes. JOHN'S WATCH SHOP 3025 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-5270 WW CASH LOANS Auto . 'IOGVIOOOk.. COMMERCIAL CREDIT PaLA.1V NcenpoHATsa, Salem Agency: 464 N. Chareh Personal ncarlinSrTr St TeL S41M s.ssjZVo1Vk II Dayton Garden Club Cancels Fall Show Dayton The Chrysanthemum flower show scheduled for No- 1 JOHN FISHER PLUMBING AND HEATING 170 Lancaster Drive Phone 22984 Let us restore your car to it's former good looks with our spcial equipment, long exper ience the work done here, gives utmost satisfaction. . If you're moving . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a Truck AT pr Rental Service By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas tf Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Center and Church Sfs. Phone 3-9600 ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 -AND MORE OF Get 12 Full Glasses In Pepsi's Six BottUt More for your money in taste and value. That's Pepsi, America's favorite big bottle cola. Pick up 6 Pepsi's today! WHY TAKE LESS WHEN PEPSI'S BEST! Bttla4 In tlta by SUnait'g Cntttr tppolBtMsnl twm jfUMl-CvIa C., Nw Torfc ITI An Ideal ''" Christmas mZkiJJ' 11 11 'H-Uvau1 IllLlv Xi Order Yours Today YOU GET ALL THESE NEW EXTRA-VALUE FEATURES tXClUSiVt SPIRAIAT0R washes mort clothes cleaner, faster. Every garment gets 4qusl washing action in at parts of rub. NEW IMPROVED POWER HUSH-RINSE AND CONVENIENT fill AND RINSE EAUCET You rinse full load right in spinning bas ket. No set tubs needed. Spins clothes up to 2i drier. Handy Fill and Rinse Faucet fills washer t u b t he n swings over Spindrief tub for Power Flush-Rinsing. NEW AUTOMATIC OVERLOAD SWITCH gives added protection to your motor, can't start if overloaded. Prevents burned out motors, annoying fuse replacements. S&ffTOPIYAT... Open 'til 9 p. m. Friday Night FREE HOME TRIAL r3 I f ILLANim TMUM IUIIK APPllAPICf. I lOItt rOlllSltll SALEM OREGON CITY J Your trade in is your Down Payment SERVICE 465 Center St. Ph. 1411 1 1 S S. Commercial St. Dial 39148 NP