Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 14, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem,
Stanford Trounces Idaho, 63-0 jx?""
side as Stanford back Bill De Young takes oft on a 91-yard
' run for a touchdown which was nullified due to an offside
penalty against Stanford In the second quarter of the game
' played in Falo Alto, Calif. Idaho players Include Glen
Christian (right), Verne Baxter (on ground, left) and George
. Ballew (left). Stanford beat the potatoes out of Idaho, 63-0.
- (Acme Telephoto)
North Dakotans Track
Down First Grid Huddle
AP Mw.f.tur.)
- Fargo, N.D. Ever wonder
who invented the football hud
dle? In North Dakota, fans cre
dit C. C. (Casey) Finnegan, now
athletic director at North Dako
ta Agricultural college in Fargo.
The story goes back 29 years.
Jack Stewart, then quarterback
on the Grafton, N.D., high
school football team, tells it.
In 1920, Finnegan's Graft
en team faced a tough sched
ule. And his squad averaged
only 150 pounds In the Una '
and 140 In the backfield.
"It was then," said Stewart,
"that Casey originated the hud
dle. He used it to form a more
deceptive attack in the form of
shift and unbalanced line to
offset the weight advantage of
the other teams."
Stewart says the huddle, as
Grafton used it, was designed so
that at times a series of two, or
even three, plays was called in
one meeting. The plays were
then run off without further sig
nals or huddling.
No other team, even in Graf
ton's league, adopted the idea
that year and only a few teams
used It the next year. It wasn't
until several years later that the
idea became universally popu
Finnegan, now 19, won't say
he was the first man In high
school or college football to
sue the huddle. He says he be
lieves he was "one of the
"At the time we put it into
ae at Grafton," says Stewart,
"there was national mention
Touchdown Flight;
1 thrnurh
sV mm r.rf.Mit.W.iMj
.. lur B lournaown in me first quarter of the UCLA
Washington game In Los Angeles. Don Coryell (on ground),
Washington halfback, attempted to knock Nagel out of bounds
but his block sent the Bruin soaring Into pay dirt. UCLA
won, 47-26. (Acme Telephoto)
Springfield Wins
Valley X-Country
Jefferson The fifth annual
cross country run sponsored by
the Jefferson varsity J was held
Thursday afternoon starting at
1:30 with Molalla. Salem, Alba
ny, Springfield and Jefferson
participating. The Junior cham
pionship run opened at 2:30 with
interscholastic and B division
races at 3 and 3:13. Winners re
ceived trophies and ribbons
awarded in the school study
hall following the race. The win
ners were Springfield, first, 29;
Salem, second, 54; Jefferson,
third, 84: Molalla fourth, 111;
Albany, fifth.
Juniors: Molalla, first. 32
points; Springfield, second, 39;
Salem, third, 74.
Battleship ran In the 1930
Flamingo at Hlaleah before
being converted to a jumper and
.shipped to England to win the
Grand National.
Ore., Monday, Nov. 14, 1949
V 'a' .
He Started Hudd"-iT
that Casey Finnegan he
first to use the huddle, hi ne
refuted it then, so undoubtedly
it is true."
Football experts say develop
ment of the huddle was one of
the most important in football.
It helped provide a means to
give the small clever team a
chance against a heavy team.
The huddle also is given credit
for helping take the game out
of the batter and bludgeon class.
changing It to a game calling
for plenty of quick thinking
and speed.
ill Km
halfback Rav Karri tills
th. .1. -- ..... v.
VWV't ill i win UJ WJiUJJ)Jj,Jifl
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Electric Vty board, electric
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The All Electrk . . . o triumph
of typewriter engineering.
Owr rtpreuntativt wilt bo Soppy
to demonstrate the All Electric
at your convenience. Coll ut today.
Capitol Office Equipment Co.
531 Court Dial 3 5584
Viking Jayyees
Meet-Junior Axes
On Leslie Field
Coach Ken Brophy's Salem
high school junior varsity foot
ball eleven clash with the Eu
gene Axemen Jayvee team Mon
day night under the lights on
Leslie gridiron. Kickoff time
is slated for 7:30.
Tonight's game will be the fi
nale of the extended Jayvee
schedule. As up to today the jun
ior Viks had a 4 win 3 loss rec
ord. Deaf Gridders
Show Top Timing .
(AP New.f.ature.)
Austin, Tex. This football
team has the best sense of tim
ing in Texas.
It's the Texas School for the
"I don't know how they do
it," says Coach Jack Williams.
"Our boys know instinctively
when the ball will be snapped.
It gives them a three-second
jump on opponents."
Rhythm is taught every child
in the deaf school whose stud
ents hold dances, following mu
sical vibrations through the
This sense of timing in a deaf
youngster helps offset his dis
advantages on the football field,
according to Williams.
"I've never figured it out,"
Coach Williams adds. "I some
times think each player counts
to himself."
The quarterback calls the play
in the huddle with sign lan
guage. But there's no signal af
ter the team lines up over the
Texas School for the Deaf has
rolled up a great record in re
cent years so good it has trou
ble finding opponents. The Tex
as Interscholastic league will
not admit the school and that
makes it difficult to get games.
"Every state except Texas
permits its deaf school teams to
play in its state athletic asso
ciation," Williams says.
The Austin Silents won the
national deaf school football
title in 1947 under Coach Jess
Hawthorne, rolling up 0 2 3
points to 13 for the opposition.
New Orleans, Nov. 14 W
Ray (Sugar) Robinson,- world
welterweight champ, knocked
out Vern Lester of San Francis
co in 12 s e c o n d s of the fifth
round of their scheduled 10
round non-title bout at the Coli
seum arena Saturday. Each
weighed 152 pounds.
Tuesday Night 8:30
Frank Stojack and Jack Hlser
lark Lipscomb and Jack O'Rlle;
Stockey Knellsea
Gee. Dinette ,
The Great Atlas n.
Gen. Strickland
4... J
Irish Lick Tarheels, 42
(arrow) topples over backwards to score a touchdown against
Notre Dame in the first quarter of the game played In New
York's Yankee stadium. Other players include North Caro
lina's Billy Hayes (37, foreground) and Notre Dame's Bill
Gay (22) and Jim Martin (38). Notre Dame crushed the
Tarheels, 42-6. ' (Acme Telephoto)
Only 21 Football Teams
Stay in Unbeaten Class
New York, Nov. 14 W.R It
was getting mighty lonely today
on college football's perfect rec
ord honor roll only 21 teams
still were present and account
ed for.
Six more schools dropped out
of the "creme de la creme" class
over the week-end including
Cornell, Wyoming and Boston
university which were so-called
big shots with chesty aspirations.
Boston and Wyoming had Bowl
game ambitions while Cornell
was out to rule the Ivy" league.
The other absentees today
were Valley City, N.D., Teach
ers, Henderson stale or Arican
sas, and those perennially pow
erful Blue Raiders from middle
Tennessee State.
But in the rarified atmosphere
there remained such authentic
powerhouses as Notre Dame,
nKtirnV. sV
- 6 kS:j
Oklahoma, Army, Virginia and
California, all aiming for per
fect seasons and national ac
claim. Also proudly present were the
College of Pacific Tigers from
Stockton, Calif., the nation's
highest scoring team and one
whose partisans insist they are
the class of the Pacific coast,
California and other conference
tpughies notwithstanding. They
have run up 367 points in eight
games for a mark of nearly 46
points per game. Oregon Col
lege of Education with 241
points scored to only 58 against
it also stayed on the unbeaten,
untied list.
In 1915, Robert F. Roth of
Chicago and Cleveland won the
American League home run
championship with seven circuit
statement of importance
men who appreciate fine clothes
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Kuppenheimer style expert
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Stayton Gives
18 Grid Letters
Stayton Eighteen members
of Stayton high s football team
earned letters during the recent
football season as the Eagles won
the Marion-Polk league title.
Seven of the lettermen are sen
iors and thus will be lost for
competition next year.
Lettermen (with an asterisk
indicating seniors) Include: Tony
Samples, Bill Trask, Jack Nor
man, Dowin Sehlen, "Gerald
Branch, 'Sterling Norton, 'Tom
Nielson, Lee Jones, Chuck
Morgan, Dave Brown, Dwlght
Shelton, Clifford Duman, 'Mor
ris Swigert, 'Bill Billyeu, Rich
ard Cox, Dale Kirsch, Kent
Uindes, LeRoy Showers. Also
earning letters were Managers
George Peters, Jerry Gayland
and Richard Boedigheimer,
The Eagles piled up a total of
176 points against 99 for the op
position. They won six league
games and had one tie.
(SblM to blfhlj in
ailDi una woBld cod-
Una (or lift tf. not
topped. Iti ol tan it i
the itch - a lit w b I e b
is tmmDBt to ordinary treatments. EX-
40RA kllU tbo Men-mito olmoot InaUntlr.
Onlr tbrco dare KXSOIA treatment to
"Mall order tires prompt attention.
At all Fred Meyer Drag Seetiona and oth
er GOOD Drat Stores."
Saltm, Ortgon
Tag Rematch Is
Set for Armory
A rematch of a team tag
match with Frank Stojack and
Jack Kiser on one side and Jack
Lipscomb and Jack O'Reily on
the other, will be the top event
in Tuesday night's gladiator
show at the armory.
The performance which starts
at 8:30 will bring together
George Dusette and Stocky
Kneilsen. The special event will
feature the return of "The Great
Atlas" and George Strickland.
Jeff Harriers
Defeat Albany
Jefferson The Jefferson
Lions cross country team defeat
ed Albany at Albany by a score
of 24 to 31. This is the second
year in a row that Jefferson
has won over Albany.
Don Porter won first place
running the Albany one and a
half mile course in seven min
utes 48.3 seconds, closely fol
lowed by Floyd Dye of Jeffer
The .cor.: Porter, Jcfffr.on. 7:48.3: 2nd.
Flovd Dyt. JeMer.on: 3rd, Stove Bank., I; 4th, Dal. Croker. Albany; flth. 1
Now! You can again enjoy the original
full J year old
straight Kentucky bourbon
Thi whiskey with Age io its flavor.
Sptri hmw$ N: 5 mT wkb tUm, Him, jm-ihptd taw
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Spark oil burning heaters
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2 79 N. COMMERCIA L PHONE 3- 414
Jto Tlrret. Jefferson; tth, Duans Peter-
ton, Albany; nn. Charles Bpoeht. Jtfler
jtnn: sth, BUI Htwt, Albany; th. DtrrI
Hicks, Jefferson; 10th. Oary Ross, Albany.
(By the Auoclattd Press)
UCLA 47. Wahlnitoo 3.
California 41. Oregon H
Oregon Stat 35, Michigan Btst- 30.
Stanford 63. Mi ho 0.
Washington Froth 36, Washington Statt
Frash 6.
Iverett J. O. 11, Van port .
Lower Columbia J. C. 17, Skagit Valley
J. C. 13.
Puet Sound 13. Western Washington f,
Whit worth 40. British Columbia 30.
Pacific Univ. it. College of Ida no 0.
Southern Oretron 14, Pacific Lutheran II.
Botto J, C. 40, Eastern Oregon 13
Clark J. C. 20. Centralis J. 0. 13,
Louisiana State 34, MUs. State 1
Collet of Pacific 45, Utah .
ArlEont State Tempo 34, Arltont T. "
Kentucky 3i. Florida 0.
Toledo 38, North Dakota .
Southern Idaho 19, Carbon fUfehi It.
San Jose Statt 40. San Diego Ststo
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