Pete Gets First Main aw m y'lalaeimvi. awav ,.'.aTJlsaijii 'lailinijjt?.:.v vifpaf) i Spot on Pro Ring Card It Indian Joe Pete, fhemawa Indian school product, a spe cialist in offensive ring war fare, gets his chance Wednes day night at the armory. He will engage In his first 10 round scrap since turning pro fessional and will meet an ex perienced ringster in Joey Or tega of Portland. Three other boxers from Salem will see action on the card being sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. They are Mel Eagleman, Dick Collie and Joe Pack. Eagleman will tangle with Larry Reagan of Hermiston who appeared in the armory arena two weeks ago. They are matched for the six round semi-final. Collie will meet Irish John ny O'Day In a four rounder and Pack, making a comeback after an absence of several years from the ring, will meet Tony Daca of Los Angeles In the curtain raiser. Brave Junior, an undefeat ed lightweight of Portland, will trade punches with Jim mie Ogden in the third preliminary. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 14, 1949 Page 11 Duck End Sets New Receiving Record in Game Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 14 Vft Left End Darrell Robinson of Oregon set a new Pacific Coast conference pass receiv ing record for one season In the game here Saturday with California. He caught his 31st pass to topple the old league record of 27 receptions setup last year by Oregon's Dick Wilkins. ,- ' . I r . , sr t -:4H ra vwtfif 1 ! V' i V " V u ;v wi-.--. I ...Tv. 'it-- Va,. v. v Beaver Win Over Spartans Set Stage for Civil War' The grandaddy of all "civil wars" In Oregon is in the mak ing and by the time Oregon State and Oregon get together on Hayward field in Eugene next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock hopes of each side to the annual classic will be about on a par. Kip Taylor's surprising Bea vers added mightily to their sta ture last Saturday by edging Michigan State, 25 to 20, while the Webfoots lost prestige as a result of their loss to California, 41 to 14. However, as has been the case down through the years, previ ous records mean little when the slate rivals meet for their an nual squabble. Oregon State's upset of the Spartans might be a partial bearing out of the theory that a team that plays Notre Dame isn't much good for at least two weeks. Michigan State didn't show the spirit and dash that characterized its performance against Oregon State a year ago. Nevertheless, no one can take away from Kip Taylor's squad their dom inance of the situation after the mid-game intermission. With the Spartans getting off to an early start as Lynn Chand nois, Everett Grandelius and Frank Walters took turns in punching holes in the Beavers' forwards, most of the approxi- Flrat 4owii4 14 Ntt yarda aalnrd rushing ....19 Forward passes attempted .. 16 Forward passea completed .... a Yard forward passing 31 Forward! Intrcepted by 1 Yarda aalned runback. tnterceptioru 56 Punting avcraae 39 Total yards, all kick! returned 117 Opponent fumble recovered . 6 Yards lost by penaltlea 70 Tie Looms for Northwest League Title Contenders TrflnnPfi California fullback Don Robinson (33) steps Into "rrcu the open arms of Oregon's Jack Gibilisco after magging a pass good for nine yards in the fourth quarter of the game played in Berkeley. Cal remained undefe"', 41-14. (Acme Telephoto) Bears Smash Webfoots With 41-14 Drubbing Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 14 VP) California's Golden Bears thumped the University of Ore gon io 1 iiertj oaiuiuoj u Oreaori Calif. started reaching lor the gate First downs is handle into the Rose Bowl. The triumph left the big 1948 eo-champion of the Pacific Coast conference with the only unde feated, untied record in the cir cuit. It was the ninth straight win this year. California came from be hind to smash the Oregon team. The Bears scored three second-qu a r t e r touchdowns and continued the drive with three others in five minutes of the third period. Oregon's scores were in the first and second quarters. A pass interception by Wood ley Lewis set up that initial Ore gon touchdown. He snagged the Game Statistics Yards gained rushing inetl ..139 Forward piuwea attempted .... 22 Forward passes completed .... 9 Yards by forward passes 72 Forward passea Intercepted by 2 Yards gained, runback of Intercepted paAsea 71 Punting averages (from AcrLmmase) 26.4 Total yards all kicks returned 124 Opponents' fumbles recovered 2 Yarda lost by penaltlea 77 fumble, and a pass inferception to cook the Ducks. Pa Game Statistics latch. St. Oreg. 86 156 2 mately 22.000 fans in Multno mah stadium resigned them selves to something of a slaughter. It didn't turn out that way. The longer the struggle con tinued, the sharper became the Beavers attack and the lower the Spartans' spirits drifted. The latter were thor oughly whipped by the final blast of the siren and walked dejectedly into the clubhouse while Taylor's boys and ad miring supporters staged an uproarious celebration. Early in the contest Michigan State presented an eight -man line against the Beavers' offense that could gain virtually noth ing. Later, when they were able to try something other than straight line plunges, the OSC aerial attack opened up the Spartan defense and from that time on it was a real ball game. OEF.GON Left end D. Robinson, UUafeldt, ton. Mtlne. Left tackle uotur. Hooeru. Left guard Daniels, Lung. Center Olbson, Patrick. Oaulden. Right guard Chrobot, Daughrrty. Right tackle Nevltls. Knickrehm. Right end Lewis. Stella, calderwood. Tom. Left half Fell. McKay, otbkllaco. Hot- ball on the Oregon 20 and raced j to California's 32. Eight plays; later the Ducks were over. One (By the Associated Press) i The College of Idaho Coyotes, who galloped out last week-end to devour their second straight Northwest Conference title, were glooming in their den today. The laurels will have to be divvied up two ways at least. Maybe three. The surprising Pacific Univer sity Badgers whitewashed the College of Idaho, 48-0, Saturday night to throw the Coyotes into a tie with Lewis and Clark at 4 victories and 1 loss. And it's too late for the Coy otes to do anything about it. That was the last game but one in 1949 conference play. Just to increase the Coyote teeth-gnashing, Pacific univer sity bids well to conquer fifth- place Willamette in the season s lone remaining game this week end, and move up into a three way tie for the crown. Pacific, set for revenge from the previous week's 13-6 defeat by Lewis and Clark, bottled up the Coyote attack completely Saturday night, Tom Winbigler, the leading scorer who was playing his fi nal collegiate game, couldn't get away at all. He made only 43 yards from scrimmage, and not once could be break into the sec ondary for one of his famous yard-gaining runs. Halfback Stan Russell sparked the inspired Pacific attack, shoot ing two touchdown passes and running to score twice himself. Now Pacific will come up against Willamette, which fi nally wangled its first confer ence victory Friday night. The NORTHWEST STANDINGS W L Pet. College of Idaho 4 1 .600 Lewis and Clark 4 1 .600 Pacific University ....2 1 .750 Llnfleld College 2 2 .400 Willamette University 1 2 .250 Whitman Colleze ....0 8 .000 Week-end Scores Willamette 35. Whitman 25. Pacific 46, College of Idaho 0, of the plays included a fumble ly Bob Sanders that Chet Dan iels caught in the air. He later aled to Earl Stelle. It was good lor 12 yards. Stelle went over from the one and Chet Daniels kicked the extra point. But in the second period, California's attack began to click. Bob Celeri passed to Dan Begovich for one touch down; Halfback Jim Monachi no went 42 yards In three plays and plunged the final two for another; and Halfback Paul Baldwin returned a punt 68 yards for the third. Oregon made only one Dricipninu alter touchdown, cuiiom i pi ace- comeback, when De Wayne ; Johnson intercepted a pass and ran 29 yards to the Bear 7 From there a Stelle pass to Woodley Lewis was good for a touchdown. But all that did was to set the Bears on victory edge. In five minutes they scored three times on a short drive, a recovered Right half Bell. Karnofskl. Fullback Johnson. Sar.dera, Boqua. CALIFORNIA Left end Mlnahen, Begovich. PreMley, Slern. Left tackle Muehlberper, Cullom. Left guard Klein, De Jong. Solar!, Price. Center Rlchter. Btathakis, Oroger. bsg. ley. .RIght tuard Dodds, Frang, Fox, Ed munston. Right tackle Jones, Turner, Schmsl enberger. Nelson. Right end Bouza, Bartlett, Ward. La Mon. Cummlnea, Norgren. Quarterback Van Hewitt, trb, Celeri, Otden. Left half Baldwin. Brunk. Pappa. Right half Montagne, alonachlno. Swa ner. Scott. Fullback Humpert, Schabarum. Rob. Ison. fichulls, Laster, Navarro. Cadenaaso. Oregon 7 7 0 7--14 California 6 20 21 041 Oregon acorlng, touchdowns: Btelle. Lew la. Polnu alter touchdown, Daniels 2 iplnceklcksl. California scoring, touehdoans: Bego vlch, Monachlno 2. Baldwin, Schulta PA Behind, 13 to ? at the half, Oregon State tied it early in the third period and went ahead 16 lo 13 when Stan Mc Guire came back from his flanker position to boot a 40 yard placekick. And then when the Spartans, DacKed up against their own goal line had a punt blocked by McGuire, the Beavers added an- otner two points as the ball bounded into the end zone for an automatic safety. Mb4&K. 55aW U I f ft, - XX,wJ JLrf6t ai Tacoma Sailors Get Steamed Up Michigan State bounced back rve.r III Winrle to a 20 to 18 lead late in thei wVer III TVinUi f arnpnfpr ronn!Takln the ba" ,rom th uht-yard iai(jciiiu vuuiuollne Ken Carpen,er 46) crosses lne goal line standing up to score an Oregon State TD in the sec ond quarter of the Oregon State-Michigan State game in Port land. Oregon State came out on top, 25-20. (Acme Telephoto) into third period but .with two min utes of the fourth heat a matter of history the Beavers had add ed a touchdown that meant the ball game. The Oregon State attack, once the Beavers got rolling, was clear evidence thpt Coach Kip Taylor had made vast pro gress in putting over his sys tem. There were no fumbles by his men in contrast to the five turned in by the Spartans. Oregon State returned to the Corvallis campus to prepare for the Webfoots while Michigan State remained in Portland over night before taking off for Ar rowhead Lake. Calif., en route to Tucson, Ariz., where they olav the University of Arizona next Saturday. MICHIGAN STATE Left ends Oilman, Dibble, Paraell. Left tackles Coleman, Ol&ser. Esdauth. Left guards Baa-don. Moon. Klein wneeler. Centers Lumsden, Wenger. Right guards Mason. Yocca, WiUiejns. Right tackles Horrell, Fust, Cappaert. Right ends Mlnarlk, Carey. Quarterbacks Ollck. Dorow, Clolek, O. Smith, Poloncak. Left halfbacks Qrandeliiu. R i?ranw Thomas. Roght halfbacks Chandnou, Kelly. Fullback Watera. Oregon State Left ends Thomas, McMlcken, Nlbblett. Left tackles Nieml, Carmlchael. Left guards Zaroslnskl, Lofta. J Clark. Centers Palmer. A. Gray. Right guards De Sylvia, HogUnd. Right tackles Blmon, H. Clare, fnglcj by. Right ends McGuire. Rirone. mhha 106 Rohlff. 146 Quarterbacks Morrow, Houck, Carr. Left halfbacks Carpenter. Right halfbacks R. Gray. Sheffn'd. Fullbacks Twenge, Knudsen, Byers. Michigan State 0 12 7 0 20 Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 14 u. Sailors of the Tacoma Yacht club are hardy folk, but they're beginning to get dis couraged. Yesterday, 10 boats turned out for the third scheduled race of the Washington trophy series. But because of not enough wind, not one could finish. It marked the third week out of four that races had to be called off because of lack of wind. The other week the race was called on a technicality. Crucial Games to Name Big Ten Rose Candidate Chicago, Nov. 14 W The Rose Bowl hopes of three teams and the undisputed Big Ten championship will hang on a dramatic football finale between co-leaders Michigan and Ohio State at Ann Arbor Saturday. No schedule-maker could hope for a more blazing cli max to a slam - bang season Eugene Voted District Four Champs by Schools (By the Associated prens Eugene was elected to the dis trict title to complete the eight team lineup for this week-end's quarter final games in the Ore gon class "A" high school title playoff. Eugene received the nod in the district 4 dispute with nine mem ber schools favoring the Axe men. Harold Dischaw, bweel Home principal and district Oregon State 0 t 11 725 Michigan state scoring: TOucnoowns, Orandeltus. Watera, Chandnoia. Polnu af ter touchdown, O. Smith 2. Oregon Slate scoring: Touchdowns. Car- KSir.,.'. "'.rScH'r. rce?.tt',- Portland's civic stadium. scored against Michigan State when Mc Guire blocked Grandelius' punt. chairman, said three ballots were cast for Lebanon and one for Albany. One school did not vote. The balloting there resulted from last week's Oregon High School Activities association or der that Corvallis forfeit its pre vious games, a penalty for stu dent pranks at Albany's football field. Friday's quarter-final games will see Klamath Falls playing at La Grande; Eugene at Marsh- field (Coos Bay) and Hillsboro at Milwaukie. That night. Central Catholic and Grant will meet in West's Rose BovI Dreams Ride on Weekend Contests The semi-finals will be played the week-end of Nov. 24-25-26. The final will be Dec. 3 for the state championship. Defending champ ions of Grants Pass failed to gain the playoffs. By RUSS NEWLAND j San Francisco, Nov. 14 tIPi Rose Bowl hopes in the west ride on the outcome of two cru cial football clashes this weekend. It is the grand finale, to a tu multuous Pacific Coast confer ence championship campaign. This is the picture as the title contenders go into the last lea gue games Saturday: California, undisputed leader and only team with neither de feat nor tie this season, can land the big bowl nomination by whipping Stanford in their an nual classic. Perhaps even a tie would put California in. Stanford possibly could at tract a majority of the votes with a walloping win over California. High scoring Stan ford has lost only one confer ence encounter, although beat en by Michigan and tied by Santa Clara on the outside. The third contender is the PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE IBy United Press! California 6 0 UCLA .5 1 Stanford 4 1 USC 2 2 Oregon State 4 2 Oregon 2 4 Washington State 2 5 Washington .1 5 Idaho 1 5 Montana 0 2 TTnivpraitv nf Pnlifnrnia at Willamette Bearcats beat hapless Angeles, also with one confer ence loss. Should UCLA outscore Whitman, which hasn't won any games at all, 33-25. In eight World Series the losing team has failed to win a single game and four times the winning team was the New York Yankees. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport HlgB 1:17 a.m. 7-55 p.m. 6:07 a m. 1:13 p.m. :55 a.m. 10:21 p.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:25 p.m. 11:22 a m. t:22 a m. 72 Lo 1 51 am. 2:26 p m. I ll a.m. 1:33 p.m. 3:23 a.m. IX p m. 4:21 a.m. 6:24 p.m. 5 14 a m. 14 6-14 p.m. -1.6 6:04 a.m. 15 Southern California, particular ly by a sizeable count, and Call fornia lose to Stanford, the con ference fathers might conceiv- selection. The coast's Rose Bowl er is selected by a vote of facul ty representatives win. face quite a problem if there's a tie for the league title. These are the ticklish prob lems posed in the wind-up of the conference season. Victories by Stanford and UCLA would snarl the traffic in a three-way fight. The size of the scores could in fluence the balloting. But there'll be no problem if the California Bears main tain the pace that has won them nine games in a row. They are the gridiron mon arclis of the west, the nation's fourth ranking team by the last Associated Press poll. Lynn Wal dorf's stalwarts have done ev erything asked, in and out of the conference. In L. A., Southern Califor- ably give UCLA the Rose Bowl'nia and UCLA also will line up as about even. The crosstown meeting has developed into a sizzling rivalry that practically always levels conditions. The UCLA Bruins outscored Wash ington 47-26 last week. South ern California was idle. Two other traditional confer ence contests will ring out the season on northern fields. Wash ington and Washington State will fight it out at Seattle. Ore gon State and Oregon will meet at Eugene. The improvement shown by Washington in the closing weeks however, will install it as a mild favorite over WSC. Oregon State's powerful win over Michigan State, coupled with Oregon's defeat, may make the latter second choice in the forthcoming game. Mon tana ends its season in a non conference tilt with Brigham Young, with the former favored. Santa Clara tuned up for its clash with unbeaten Oklahoma by stopping St. Mary's 19-6 in their annual little big game yes terday. The Broncos surprise conquerors of Oklahoma Inst fall rolled up three first half touchdowns. Thereafter, all but one Gael threat fizzled. Noted Throat Specialists report on 30-Day Test of Camel Smokers. . '. NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION mmMlJBl GOOD DEALS Low Finance Rates as I tes Tool at DODGE STAr I M I High i STAN BAKER MOTORS and Chemeketo IP mV S0i E Ti 11 fl II II VUJUsSJ II lis Mm I COLUMIIA I1IWIIIII. INC. ft lACOMA WAIHINStON Ytt, thtta wart tkt fradMll erf MtMj threat apaciaiiita afttr a fatal f 1.470 mT4a fawgtHagll art the Umets ef iMRtlrSetS Of 161641 S6l4 WSJMM wtM arnfAtal Canwls, 6 its' nly Camels, fsr 30 camiocartrri iart. 0 f DAY TEST AND My DOCTOR'S f' "'"'Wk Ij'' ( REPORT WAS NO SURPRISE TO . A 1 V " V ME ! I KNOW CAM! LI ARE MILD ' ( r. itiTf ji i -MY THROAT TOLD ME SO WtT A 1 f f , . 7 Jjjf' EVERY PUFF AND EVERV l- jkC!,f" CM : V- pack! iVY Al JJ" 2 than Saturday's closing con ference round will bring. In addition to the Ann Ar bor super-showdown, Wiscon sin and Minnesota running third and fourth behind the co leaders tangle at Minneapolis with the winner almost certain Bowl candidate if Ohio stum bles before Michigan. Defending Champion Michi gan is ineligible for a Pasa dena return, but the Wolver ines can write an unprecedent ed feat into the conference re cord book by beating Ohio a third straight championship. Never in the conference's 53-year history has a team won three straight undisputed football titles. If the Buckeyes, roaring in a four-game winning streak, can defeat Michigan, Big Ten faculty representatives auto matically will designate the then champion Buckeyes as the conference Rose Bowl repre sentative. But if Ohio State loses, or is tied at Michigan, the con ference fathers may have to burn the midnight oil next week-end in their bowl ballot ing. The Detroit Red Wings, who led the National Hockey league standings in 1948-49, had a 21-6 record at home and 13-13 on the road. ::' 1 Mr. A. R. Green Kuppenheimer style expert with on IMPORTANT ADVANCE SHOWING of Kuppenheimer Clothes will be in our store November 16th & 17th MADE-TO-MEASURE & READY-TO-WEAR You'll welcome this exceptionol op portunity to select from over 400 pot terns in ony of 35 hondsome Kuppen heimer models, ond be expertly meas ured by Mr. Green. If you're easy to fit, ond prefer the "wear-it-now" con venience of ready-to-weor clothes, make your selections on the spot. Re member the date be sure you don't miss this special showing to which you're cordially invited. Baa, a ars al 1 1 lai m m am fjaa lilt MAN b bHUr The Store of Style. Quality and Value" MOXLEY & HUNTINGTON 416 Stat Street Salem, Oregon RU'MNHf latt t