Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Membership Tea Next Thursday
A tea of Interest to a large group next
Thursday afternoon, November 17. will
hr the o:ie to be sponsored by Unit No.
136. American Legion auxiliary, as a
r .lrsrfMp event.
It will be given at the North Sum-r-x
street residence of Mrs. Homer H.
F-'.tth between the hours of 3 and 6
i';!cc':. Mrs. Theodore Ullakko is chair
man of the committee arranging the
Greeting guests at the door will be
Mrs. Dow Lovell and Mrs. Jack Simkins.
Introducing to the line will be Mrs.
Theodore Ullak'.to and Mrs. Sam Har
bison. In the receiving line will be Mrs.
Bert A. Walker, president of the unit;
and two past presidents, Mrs Harold
Mu Phi Ekrs:lcn Event on
AS EVENT FOR Sunday evening will be the founders' day dinner and program to be
sponsored by Willamette university chapter of Mu Phi Epsllon, national music honor
society. The event will be In Lausanne hall. Miss Betty Kuhlman, right, above. Is presi
dent of the chapter this year, and the vice president is Miss Glcnnis Allen, at left.
New patrons are to be inducted preceding the dinner and program.
Gentzkow-Schwartz Rites Today
At impressive rites performed at 9
o'clock this morning in St. Joseph'i
Catholic church, Miss Marcella Mary
Schwartz, daughter of Mrs. Joseph
Schwartz and the late Mr. Schwartz,
was married to Richard F. Gentzkow,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gentzkow.
The Rev. T. J. Bernards performed
the ceremony. Fall flowers decorated
the church. For the music, Mrs. Vince
Rodakowski and Wayne Meuscy sang,
Mr. Meusey also playing the organ.
Serving as acolytes were Thomas and
Donald Wichman.
Given in marriage by her brother,
H. V. Schwartz of Canby, the tall bru
nette bride wore a gown of ivory slipper
satin. The dress was designed in simple
lines, square neckline with stand-up col
lar, a V-cut bodice with a row of but
tons down the front, short sleeves with
opera length gauntlets, and a long train.
For her flowers the bride carried a
fluffy cascade type of bouquet of large
white chrysanthemums.
Mrs. John Jennings of Mt. Angel was
matron of honor for her sister. She
wore a dark green taffeta frock fash
ioned with round neckline and full
skirt, and with the dress she wore
matching short mitts. Her flowers were
bouquet of bronze and gold chrysan
themums. Junior bridesmaids were young Misses
Dorothy Lou and Jan Schwartz, nieces
of the bride Their tip-toe length
dresses were of gold taffeta made with
fitted bod'ees, round necklines and full
s'rirts, scalloped at the hemline to re
veal ruffles. With their dresses they
wore short mitts matching the dress ma
terial. Young Miss Margery Gentzkow,
niece of the bridegroom was flower
girl, and her dress was 'dentical to that
of the Junior bridesmaids. All three car
ried bouquets of the bronze and yellow
Paul Halter was best man. Ushering
were Albert Alley and William Gentz
kow. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs.
Schwartz wore a light blue suit with
winter pink accessories and corsage of
pink blooms. Mrs. Gentzkow, the bride
groom's mother, wore a gray suit with
green accessories and a corsage of bronze
Following the service, the couple
1 greeted friends informally at the church.
Later a weddins breakfast was served
at 'he Senator hotel for the bridal par
ly and relatives.
For traveling the bride wore gray
wool tailleur with brown satin hat,
brown lizrrd skin shoes and purse and
-brown gloves.
Following a ski trip to Mt. Rainier
the couple will be at home on route 4,
Central WCTU is meeting at 2 p.m.
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jennie
' Nunn, 940 North 19th. Several business
matters are slated. Mrs. HcJen Prescott
is to lead devotions. Mrs. E. A. Young
will preside at the meeting.
Streeter and Mrs. Harlan A. Judd.
r Passing the guest book will be Mrs.
Donald Reinke and Mrs. George Ghsar.
Inviting guests to the lining room will
be Mrs. Farley Mogan and Mrs Homer
Smith, Jr. In charge of t'ic dining room
will be Mrs. George Spaur and Mrs. Wil
liam C. Dyer, Jr.
Pouring during the different tea hours
will be Mrs. Clyde A. Warren. Mrs.
Louis White. Mrs. Homer H. Smith,
Mrs. Homer Gnulct, Sr., Mrs. Carroll
Robinson, Mrs. Kenneth Shomaker
Those assisting with the serving will
be Mrs. Clark Irwin. Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld,
Mrs. Calvin Rempfer, Mrs. Joseph Di
Filippi, Miss Alice Schmidt. Mrs. Jack
Johnson. Mrs. Wilbur Lytic, Mrs. Wayne
Perdue, Mrs. Lester Geer.
Jtfn -Miller studio plctur
Etotka club will be entertained for a
1:15 o'clock dessert Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. E. M. McKee, 935
Shipping street, Mrs. yard Hughes. Mrs.
Ray Clark and Mrs. Antoinette White
to assist the hostess. Featuring the pro
gram will be a talk by Margaret Hood
Smart on "Music of the Pilgrims."
American War Mothers are meeting
Tuesday at 2 p.m. for a tea and social
at the home of Mrs. Maude Tallman,
2320 State street.
Their Wedding Is Recent
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WED IV I.ATE October were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernlng lEIsle Mavis Jarkunl, th
ceremony being In St. Marr's church at Mt. Angel. The bride to the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. 8. Jackson of bilverton, Mr. Bernlng tht ton of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bernlng
f MU AngeL
England, exchange professor at
- the Oregon College of Education,
will be the speaker at the luncheon
Ynecting of Salem branch, American As
sociation of University Women, at 1
o'clock next Saturday In the Marion
hotel. Miss Mildred Christenson, pro
gram chairman, has announced that Miss
Pcndlebury will speak on "Education
in Great Britain and the United States."
Miss Pendlebury, of Korsal near Man
chester, came to the United States this
Plans for the annual fellowship din
ners to be held November 29 will be
announced, according to Miss Elise
Schroeder, president of the branch. Ar
rangements foi the Christmas musicale,
which is scheduled for December 13, also
will be discussed.
Hostesses for the luncheon meeting
include Mesdames George Self, Jr., Al
bert A. Cohen, E. T. Brown, Mabel
Carder and Gordon L. Skinner and
Miss Besse Brown. Mrs L. J. Chapin
is in charge of decorations and will be
assisted by Mrs. F. A. Massce.
Reservations for the luncheon may
be made by calling Mrs. Carl V. Pease
or Miss Elizabeth Hus-um before Fri
day noon, November 18.
Chapter EQ or P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
be enterl-'incd .Monday evening at the
home of Mi s I rcua Chcrrington, 330
The Janurry-July circle of Jason Lee
Methodist cnurch Woman's Society of
Christian Service will meet Wednesday
at 2 p.m. in the church parlors.
Other circles are meeting as follows,
all at 1:30 p.m.:
February-August, at the home of Mrs.
George Pro, 1915 Maple avenue; March
September, with Mrs. Phil Aspinwall,
645 Market; April-October, at the home
of Mrs. Glen Larkins, 1875 Park avenue;
June-December, with Mrs. Earl Boyle,
1590 North Winter.
United Commercial Travelers auxili
ary is to meet next Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. L. A. Pepper,
1040 North 16th, at 1 o'clock.
Program on Sunday
Willamette university chapter of Mu
Phi Epsilon, women's national music
honor society, will observe founders day
this Sunday evening. Preceding the ban
quet and program will be an installa
tion ceremony for new patrons, the ser
vice to be at 5:30 o'clock in the college
of music.
The banquet will be at 6 o'clock in
Lausanne hall. Mrs. James T. Brand is
to be guest speaker for the banquet. Miss
Betty Kuhlman, president of the group,
presiding. Music will be by the Willam
ette string quartet including Miss Betty
Kuhlman, first violin; Frank Holman,
second violin; Miss Lucy Bellinger, cel
lo; Miss Doris McCain, viola.
The patrons to be installed include:
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ball, Dr. and Mrs.
Willis Gates, Dean and Mrs. Melvin H.
Geist, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Dobbs, Bennet
Ludden, Mrs. Clorinda Topping, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Brennen, Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Eason, Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. An
derson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmason,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shogren, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. James
C. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Justice and
Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Regina Ewalt,
Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Miss
Olive Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Frank Burling
ham, Bruce Spaulding, Justice and Mrs.
George Rossman.
Miss Jean Farquharson is the new fac
ulty adviser for the group. Mrs. Frank
Burlingham and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding
are among alumnae of the group assist
ing with the founders day event
These Two Are Volunteer
Jten -Miller tudlo picture
ONE OF THE INDIVIDUALS to whom much credit must go for the success of the blood
program in Marion county in recent weeks is Mrs, Jay Briscoe, above. For the past three
months, Mrs. Briscoe has bern doing much of the telephone work to contact prospective
donors and since starting this work, entirely a volunteer job, Mrs. Briscoe has taken
more than 250 cards out of the Red Cross office to sign up would-be donors. She does
the work from her "wall desk" at home and is in typical pose here as she starts her calls.
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MRS. FRANK J. BURKE Is Another volunteer worker giving much time to a local com
munity organization. As chairman of membership for the Salem YWCA and a member
of the association board, Mrs. Burke and her committee have set a goal for a record
membership, and the chairman is busy here checking the roll of active members. The
YWCA is an organization interesting a large group of Salem matrons and young women
with several programs and organized units for each age group.
Westminster guild of the First Pres
byterian church is to meet for the group
gatherings in homes next Wednesday,
dessert luncheons to be served at 1:15
at the following places:
Mrs. Charles Campbell, 1970 Virginia.
Mrs. Edwin Kecch, Morningsiric.
Mrs. Frank Guerin. 390 South 15th.
Mrs. Hal DcSart, 810 Academy.
Mrs. Barney VanOnsenoord, 751 King
wood. Mrs. Gus Moore, 531 Gehlnr Road.
Members are to work on articles they
will enter for the "I made it myself
sale' in December.
Theatre Arts group Is meeting on
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles
McKlhinny at 1:15 o'clock. Mrs, F. K.
F.lllott is to review "Edward My Son"
by Morley and Langley for the program.
The November meeting ot the Wom
an's Society for Christian Service of t he
First Methodist church will be Wednes
day, at the church. The business session
will begin at 10:45 a.m., Mrs. Ruth
Fugate presiding. A salad luncheon will
be served at 12:15 o'clock, circle No. 4
In charge. The afternoon session will
begin at 1:15 o'clock. Mrs. Paul H.
Acton is to have charge of the devotions,
"The Bright and Morning SlHr." Mrs.
W'nston Taylor is to present the study
on "A Winsome Call Pakistan." All
Interested women are invited to attend.
Garden study group of the American
Association of University Women is to
meet Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Robert Hynd, Mrs.
R. H Bonner assisting. Paul Heath is
to be guest speaker to discu.s dish gar
dening. Nebraska club auxiliary is meeting
next Wednesday for no-host lunch
eon at the home of Mrs. Josephine Aus
tin, 407 Beck avenue, at 12.30 o'clock.
"RS. EMERY Ingham, Portland,
state junior clubs extension
chairman, Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs, will be a visitor in Sa
lem Monday to be guest speaker for the
meeting of the Salem Junior Woman's
club that evening.
The meeting will be in the Salem
Woman's club house. Mrs. Ingham is
to di.vcuss the state project of the jun
ior groups, that of assisting the Wood
bum boys' school.
The local club's public welfare com
mittee is in charge for the evening, Mrs.
James E. Mohatt as chairman.
An enthusiastic committee, meeting
this week at the YMCA, augurs well for
the success of the smorgasbord dinner,
which will be presented jointly by the
YWCA and the YMCA, at the latter
building, on Dec. I. Hours for the din
ner arc between 5:30 and 8:30.
To carry out the theme of world fel
lowship, the flags of many nations will
form a colorful background. For the
pleasure of the dinner guests, singers and
dancers will perform in their native cos
tumes. The program is being arranged
by Mrs. Bruce Spaulding and Ronald
Through the courtesy of Elmer Berg,
Mrs. Oscar Liudahl will supervise pre
paration of the dinner. There will be
many assistants from the YWCA Serv
ice club, the Hi-Y mothers and the
YWCA executive board.
Heading the large committee for the
smorgasbord arc Mrs. John R. Caughell
and Norman Winslow, co-chairmen.
Tickets for the dinner may be obtain
ed from either sponsoring organization.
A no-host dinner is planned for the
membership of Willamette Shrine No. 2,
White Shrine of Jerusalem, next Wed
nesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the Ma
sonic temple.
Next regular meeting for the Shrina
is to be November 21.
FEATURED on next week's calen
dar is the season's second event in
the Community Concert association
series Licia Albanese, well-known
opera soprano, to sing here next Thurs
day evening, November 17, in the Salem
senior high school auditorium.
The concert is for the association
membership only and begins at 8:15
Miss Albanese has sung stellar roles
annually with the San Francisco Opera
association and with opera companies
in New Orleans, San Antonio, Cincin
nati, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and other
cities. She is a top-ranking radio favor
ite, too.
Program for next Thursday's concert
Amarilli Caccini
Se Florindo e fedele Scarlatti
Aria, Deh vieni, non tardar, "Marriage
of Figaro," Act IV Mozart
In the Silence of the Night Rachmaninoff
Cradle Song Tschaikofsky
Floods of Spring Rachmaninoff
Aria, L'altra notte in fondo al mar,
"Mefistofcle," Act III Boito
Carneval Fourdrain
Clair de lune iSzulc
Les Filles de Cadix Delibes
Among the Living Malotte
Midsummer Worth
Oh, that It were so Bridge
Aria, Ah, fors' e lui, Sempre Libera,
"La Traviata," Act I Verdi
Pablo Miquel will be at the piano.
Travel group of the American Asso
ciation of University Women has
planned a program for Tuesday evening,
the group meeting at 7:45 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. M. K. McCann, 4630
North River road. Mrs. Scott Samsel
and Miss Vcrna Kippinger are co-hostesses.
Mrs. H. M. Hayles is to be speaker
to tell of her travels last summer in
Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland and
The missions and foreign study group
of the First Congregational church will
meet at the home of Mrs. F. H. Eley, 586
North 15th, next Wednesday, at 2 p.m.
Mrs. S. J. Butler will be leader for the
day on the study of the history of Japan.
Alpha Gamma Delta members are to
be guests of Mrs. Robert Nelson and
Mrs. Howard Arnot at the Nelson home
Tuesday evening, the meeting to be at
8 o'clock.
The international relations study
group of Salem branch, American As
sociation of University Women, will open
a series of study luncheons on Tuesday,
November 15.
Group members will meet at the Ma
rion hotel at noon to hear a talk on re
lations between U.S. and Russia by Dr.
Robert Gregg, dean of liberal arts at
Willamette university. A discussion will
follow his talk.
Luncheons will be arranged periodic
ally for other studies in international re
lations. Mrs. Robert E. Gangware is
chairman in charge.
Meeting Monday evening will be the
Marion county unit of the Oregon Fed
eration of Republican Women, the meet
ing to be at 8 o'clock at the Chamber
of Commerce.
Election of officers Is slated as the
main item of business.
Harry V. Collins, the Marion county
republican central committee chairman,
is to be the speaker.
On the nominating committee to make
its report are Miss Nellie Schwab as
chairman, Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs.
Lloyd DcGroote, Miss Dorothy Pearce,
Miss Alcne Phillips.
Miss Marjorie Harris is to preside at
the meeting in the absence of the presi
dent, Mrs. R. L. Wright.
Invitation is extended to all interested
republicans, men and women, to attend.
Two events are on next week's calen
dar for groups in Capital unit No. 9,
American Legion auxiliary.
The executive board is to meet Mon
day at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Anson
Ingels, route 1, box 328, Wallace Road.
On Thursday will be held the all-d.iy
sewing meetings, reports Mrs. Jack Gor
don, sewing cliiarman. The group will
assemble at 10 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and the usual
no-host luncheon will be served at noon.
Mrs. Chester Pickens and Mrs. M. L.
Barber will entertain Rotana club Mon
day evening at the home of Mrs. Pick
ens, 2205 Center, dessert to be served
at 8 o'clock. "Mystery Pals'' for the
year will be revealed.
For the weekly Tuesday prouram
event at the Salem Woman's club Tues
day next, the art department is in
Eve Pyfer (Mrs. Arthur A. Pyfer)
of Albany will talk on pnintinRs and
will exhibit some of her oil and water
colors. Mrs. Pyfer was trained at the
art institute In Chicago, studying wilh
John Norton and Frank Peyrand. She
also took courses in modern painting
at both Oregon State college and Uni
versity of Oregon. Mrs. Pyfor's paint
ings have been exhibited in several
places, Chicago: Wisconsin; Dallas, Tex
as; Corvallis and Albany in Oregon. Mrs.
Pyfer also has taught etching, oil and
water color painting and pottery.
The program is to be at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Gerald Richards is chairman of
the art department and on her commit
tee are Mrs. George E. Allen, Mrs. Fred
erick Lcupold, Mrs. Forrest A. Pontius
nd Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. The com
mittee will serve tea following the pro
gram. All Interested women are invited
bv the club president, Mrs. George W.