Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    ISS Betty Lou Edwards, who li
i be wed in December to David
Getzendaner, will be honored at
a bridal shower for which Miss Beverly
Kenney and Mrs. Norman E. Mann will
be hostesses next Thursday evening at
the home of Miss Kenney. Invitations
for the party were mailed this week
end. Bidden to honor Miss Edwards are
Mrs. Miles H. Edwards, Mrs. Mark Getz
endaner, Miss Patricia Larson, Miss Lois
Mulcahy, Miss Betty Causey, Miss Nan
cy Buren, Mrs. Troy McGown, Mrs.
Floyd Riley, Mrs. Paul Gilmer, Mrs.
Norman A. Kenney, Mrs. Dewey F. Da
vis, Mrs. Robert Wagers. The evening
will be spent informally and the host
esses will serve a late buffet supper.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
THERE are football games and
more football games each season
but to Oregonians the year's "big
deal" each fall is the University of Oregon-Oregon
State game.
This year's event comes next Satur
day, November 19, at Eugene, the game
featuring annual Homecoming for the
University of Oregon.
Many from Salem will be on hand for
the state's annual "civil war."
For Oregon alumni several other
events are on the week-end calendar,
too, including a barbecue luncheon in
McArthur court, starting at 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, the event preceding the game;
a reception for which the Eugene alum
ni of the university will entertain fol
lowing the game; and the big Home
coming dance Saturday evening in Mc
Arthur court.
Attend from Here
Following a custom of many years,
a group of Salemitcs will attend the
game, chartering a bus and taking their
own lunch. Among those in this group
will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hug
gins, Mr. and Mrs. Ascl C. Eoff, Carl
Gabrielson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, Mr.
and Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mr. and Mrs.
Linn C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Brazier
Small, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs.
Velma Farmer, Leo Spitzbart, Mr. and
Mrs. James Young, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Delzell and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Price of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks.
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
will be at the game. They will be guests
at a luncheon for which Dr. Harry K.
Newburn, university president, and Mrs.
Newburn are to entertain preceding the
game. With the McKays at the game
will be their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Green (Marylou
McKay) who live in Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry are among
those to be in Eugene for the Home
coming week-end as will be Mr. and
Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry.
Among others from here planning to
attend the game are:
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Potts; Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Schnell, and many others.
A wedding for this evening will be
that of Miss Nancy Elliott and Sgt.
Charles Savage.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
8 o'clock in the Carrier room of the
First Methodist church, the Rev. Brooks
Moore officiating. J. W. Greene is to
give his granddaughter in marriage. Mrs.
Robert C. White is to be matron of
honor and Mr. White will be best man.
Ushers are to be Ollwyn Davies and
Kenneth Green. For the music, Miss
Grace Ashford is to sing, Jean Hobson
Rich to be at the organ.
A reception will follow the ceremony,
Mrs. John Glodt, Mrs. Edwin Pease, Mrs.
Gladys Billings, Miss Irma Brisebois,
Mrs, Walter H. Greene to assist. Miss
Mildred Hamrick is to have charge of
the guest book and in charge of gifts
will be Mrs. Chester Boyce and Miss
Arlene Hamrick.
The bride-to-be has made her home
In Salem with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Greene. Sgt. Savage, who
is stationed at Fort Lewis, is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Savage of Pasca
goula, Miss.
Hostess to her bridge club on Thurs
day will be Mrs. L. R. Burdrtte, the
group meeting for luncheon and cards. .
Misses Jane Carson and Charlotte Al
exander of Salem, students at University
of Oregon, were among those journeying
to Berkeley for the Oregon-California
game today. They also will be visiting
with Miss Jean Claire Swift of Salem
during the week-end at San Francisco.
Other local students at Oregon taking
in the game at Berkeley included Misses
Marjorie Bccke and Shirley Karstrn.
Snroptimist club's social meeting will
be Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn, dessert to be
served at 7:30 o'clock.
Hostesses with Mrs. Pettyjohn are
Mrs. Laura Panglc, Mrs. Clo Johnson
and Mrs. Belle Niles Brown.
Members of Chapter G of P E O Sis
terhood meet next Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Silas Gaiser at 1:19
o'clock, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn as co-hostess.
Alpha Chi Omega Tea Sunday Event
Of interest to a large group for Sun
day afternoon will be the tea for which
members of Willamette university chap
ter of Alpha Chi Omega sorority will
entertain at their chapter house to honor
Mrs. Betty Mrndcnhall, new chaperon
for the group this year.
More than 200 Invitations were Is
sued for the tea to be given between 3
and 6 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Miss Patricia Howard.
In the receiving line will be Miss
Betty Ferguson, chapter president; Mrs.
Mcndenhall, the honoree: Mrs. F. F.
Bodmcr, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs.
J. W. Hutchison.
Pouring will b Mrs. Harry V. Col
One of This Trio Will Be
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THE COCItT TO REIGN over the Sigma Chi Sweetheart formal dance this evening at the fraternity chapter
house Incliiiles this trio: Miss Delores Fisher of Portland, Miss Jean Kell of Burtingame, Calif., Miss Shirley Griffin
of Vancouver. And from this trio, finalists in the annual contest, will be named the 1950 Sweetheart for the Sigma
Chi chapter.
Next Week's Dancing Parties Set
Dancing parties feature social news
for next week-end. Three of the local
dancing clubs have parties planned for
next Friday evening, another for Satur
day evening.
Bonheur Tarty
Bonhcur club has arranged its dance
for Friday evening in the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, dancing beginning at
9 o'clock with Wayne Strachan's orches
tra playing. The refreshments will be
served at midnight.
On the committee for the evening are
Mr. and Mrs. John G. French, Dr. and
Mrs. Harry Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
DaMetz, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taggart,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jcnks and Dr. and
Mrs. R. Lee Wood.
Monday Night Group
The Monday Night Dance club also
has planned its party for Friday eve
ning, a dinner dance being arranged at
the Marion hotel.
The buffet dinner will be served at
7:30 o'clock, dancing to begin at 9
On the decorations and refreshments
committee are Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, chair
man; Mrs. Fred G. Starrett, Mrs. Robert
M. Fitzmauricc, Mrs. Robert G. Brady,
Mrs. Claude M. Johns.
Cama Ounce Club
The Cama club is planning its Novem
ber dance for next Friday evening, No
vember 18, at Crystal Gardens ballroom.
Bill DeSouso's band is to play for the
dancing between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock.
The committee arranging for the snack
bar includes: Mrs. Walter McCune, Mrs.
Jack Scott, Mrs. Vern Reimann, Mrs.
Charles Boycr, Mrs. Lee Ohmart, Mrs.
William Stewart, Mrs. Nick Klein. Mrs.
Clifton Cass, assisted by Clarence John
son and Claude Olson.
Waverly Club
Waverly club's dance is to be next
Saturday evening, November 19, as an
event at the Marion hotel.
The party is to be a dinner dance,
starting at 9 o'clock, Wolfor's orchestra
is to play ir the dancing.
Meeting on Friday evening next will
be chapter AB of PF.O Sisterhood, at
the home of Mrs. J. P. Smart, Route 8,
the meeting to be at 7:45 o'clock. The
date was changed to a Friday for this
time only.
The KD Dance club h a s arranged a
party this evening in Four Corners Com
munity hall, dancing to be between 9
p m. and 1 a m. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Far
mer and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Powell are
the committee. New officers will bt
elected during the evening. .'
lins, Mrs. Robert I. Elfstrom, Mrs. Ron
ald K. Jones and Mrs. Linn C. Smith
The tea table will be set with a pale
green satin cloth and featuring the cen
ter arrangement will be white and
mauve colored chrysanthemums with
white tapers at either side. Bouquets of
the same flowers will decorate the re
ception rooms.
In charge of the guest book will be
Miss Mary I.umijarvi. Miss Jackie
Johnson is in charge of decorations and
other chapter members assisting in ar
ranging the tea will Include Miss Patricia
Ryan. Miss Elranora Loveless and Miss
Margie Powell. Miss Roberta Batey Is
general chairman for the tea.
Incidental music will be played dur
ing tht tev
Chosen 'Sigma Chi Sweetheart' for Year
Miss Ruth Snyder, who is to be wed
on November 27 to Jack Michael, was
honored at two showers this week, both
on Thursday.
In the afternoon the Merry Minglers
club entertained with a party at the
home of Mrs. Roy Barker. Attending
were Miss Snyder, her mother, Mrs.
Carl Snyder; Mrs. Orlo Kring, Mrs,
Robert Fromm, Mrs. Robert Pickerel,
Mrs. Clyde Colwell, Mrs. Covil Case,
Mrs. Wade Carter, Mrs. John Ackerman,
Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. Irving Wagers,
Mrs. Albert Fabry, Mrs. Leonard Malm,
and the hostess.
Thursday evening, Mrs. Cleo Kep
pinger was hostess for Miss Snyder, giv
ing a miscellaneous shower. Feting the
bride-to-be were Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs.
Sorority's Tea Will Be Featured Affair of Sunday Afternoon at Chapter House
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HONOR Gt'FST for ft tea to he liven kr Alpha ( hi Omeca Mtrnrltv tomorrow afternoon
will he Mm. Betty Mrnrirnhall, above, who i being welcomed on the Willamette campus
thin rear an the new chaperon for the sorority chapter.
In picture M right are Mi Betty trcuon (left), the Alpha Chi Omega chapter
president, and MIm Robert Batey, general chairman for tomorrow's tea.
Jesten-Miller studio picture
Lawrence Hammer, Mrs. Ted Kuenzi,
Miss Joyce Kuenzi, Mrs. Lester Dudley,
Mrs. Charles Wenger, Mrs. William
Massey, Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs.
Roy Schofield, Mrs. Russell Proudfit,
Mrs. Wilbur Friesen, Mrs. Jack Wycoff,
Mrs. Gerald Jaffe, Mrs. William Scharf,
Mrs. Paul Bassett, Mrs. Emery Goode
and the hostess.
The Michael-Snyder wedding will be
in St. Mark Lutheran church on No
vember 27,
Business session for the Salem Zonta
club is scheduled for next Thursday
noon, members to assemble at the Gold
en Pheasant for luncheon at 12 o'clock.
Next Tuesday evening, members of
the board are to meet at 7 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr.,
for a special meeting.
WILLAMETTE Faculty Women'i
club has arranged a meeting
and tea for next Thursday af
ternoon, November 17. The event will
be at 2:30 o'clock in Lausanne hall in
stead of at the home of Mrs. Robert Ha
ley as planned previously.
On the committee of hostesses for the
afternoon are: Mrs. George Hocking,
chairman; Mrs. Robert Haley, Mrs. Paul
Beal, Miss Olive Dahl. Mrs. Carl Hall,
Mrs. Howard Hinde, Mrs. R. Ivan Lov
ell, Mrs. Gus Moore, Mrs. C. R. Nelson,
Mrs. Daniel H. Schulze, Miss Martha
Springer, Mrs. Lestle Sparks.
Mrs. James C. Jones, Sr. was hostess
this past week at a party and shower
honoring Mrs. James C. Armstrong. Pink
and white featured the decorations.
The evening was spent informally
and refreshments were served. Honor
ing Mrs. Armstrong were her mother,
Mrs. Fred E. Weber, Mrs. Norma Arm
strong, Mrs. Douglas Armstrong, Jr.,
Mrs. Walter D. Gardner, Mrs. G. R.
Cranor, Mrs. C. W. Snyder, Mrs. Nila
Grimes, Mrs. James Falk, Mrs. Tom
Armstrong. Mrs. Margie Nelson, Mrs.
Daryl Jones, Mrs. Courtney Jones, Mrs.
Virgil E. Burson, Mrs. William McGil
christ, Mrs. Karl W. Heinlcin. Mrs. Ed
Zahara, Mrs. Pat Patterson, Mrs. C. W.
Bennett of Springfield and the hostess.
Founders day meeting for Gamma Phi
Beta sorority alumnae will be Monday
evening. A supper will be served at
6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Betty
Templeton. Co-hostcsscs with Mrs.
Templeton will be Mrs. Douslas Drager,
Mrs. George Beane and Mrs. Ivan Mer
chant. New Gamma Phi Betas in town
are welcome and are asked to call Mrs.
Templeton at 37209.
On next Tuesday afternoon, November
15, Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Ore
gon's governor, will resume her weekly
at home event, Salem and out-of-town
friends being invited to call at the
Jerrls avenue home of the McKays that
Among affairs being given to honor
' Miss Kathleen Hug preceding her mar
riage to William J. Hughes on Novem
ber 22 is the dessert luncheon and in
formal afternoon planned by her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Wallace Hug, next Wednes
day. Guests have been bidden to the
home of the hostess at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs.
John Powell is assisting the hostess. The
group will fete Miss Hug with a shower
of bathroom articles.
Places will be marked for Miss Hug
and her mother, Mrs. George Hug; Miss
Betty Woodard, Miss Elizabeth Putnam,
Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs. George E.
Waters, Mrs. Ray Gilbert, Mrs. Mabel
Patterson, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Val
Sloper, Mrs. John Powell, Mrs. G. P.
Griffith and Mrs. Wallace Hug.
The board of officers of the Salem
Women's Army and Navy League will
meet next Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Raymond Olson. Plans
for the December events will be talked
over, including the regular meeting on
December 6 and a dance on December 16.
Gaiety Hill Garden club is to meet on
Wednesday for luncheon at the home of
Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice, the meet
ing this month only to be on Wednesday.
The regular schedule is for the third
Tuesday of each month.
"ir IONS CLUB auxiliary has planned
III r its meeting for next Thursday
M-J evening at 8 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Floyd Bowers.
Mrs. Denver Young is chairman of
the committee and working with her
are Mrs. Albert Sauers, Mrs. Joseph B.
Felton, Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. Roger Hoy
and Mrs. Bowers.
Mrs. Wayne Doughton will preside
at the meeting.
Barbara and Bobby Hamilton, twin
children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamil
ton, are to celebrate their fifth birthday,
Monday. Their mother has arranged a
party between 3 and 5 o'clock.
Mrs. D. D. Olmsted, great grandmoth
er of the twins, will be among the guests
as will their grandmothers, Mrs. John L.
Waters and Mrs. Ruth Hamilton, the lat
ter of Gardiner.
Feting the twins will be the following
young friends: Deborah Bahlburg; Julie,
Jimmy and Jackie Price; Roberta, Roy
and Gordon Six; Pat and Mike Kolb;
Rickie Skopil, George Orey, Susan Fish
er, Sharyn Wilson T.inda Lockard, Di
anne McCl")l-,n1 and Jeff Hunter, the
latter of Dallas.
Mrs. F. W. Nes'le, Portland, will be
guest at a special meeting for Chapter
EC, P.E.O. Sisterhood, next Tuesday
evening. Mrs Nestle is '.he state second
vice president and the organizer for
the Sisterhood
A no-host dinner v.i'l be arranged in
her honor at the Golden Pheasant. At
7:30 o'clock a meet'ng will be held at
the home of Mrs. Warren Baker with
Miss Vesta Mulligan as co-hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Jackson and
son, Stephen, leave next Friday for a
five weeks' vacation trip. They are
making the trip by car. First they will
go to Missouri and Kansas to visit
relatives, then will travel through the
southern states and to New Orleans. A
trip into Mexico also is planned, the
family to return by way of California
to visit relatives in that state en route
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary is
to meet Monday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock in the hospital chapel. Mrs.
Wayne Pettit is chairman for the com
mittee and working with her are Mrs.
J. Ray Pemberton, Mrs. H. A. Cross,
Mrs. Irwin Wedel, Mrs. Floyd I. Bress
ler. Mrs. Ed Goekner is the new presi
dent and will preside at the meeting.
Bride next Saturday will be Miss Irma
Brisebois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Brisebois, who is to be wed to
George E. Day, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Day, at a ceremony in St.
Joseph's Catholic church at 9 o'clock
in the morning. The Rev. Gerald Lina
hen of Oakridge, formerly of Salem
and a cousin of the bride-elect, will offi
ciate at the service. Mrs. Mary Barton
is to play the organ music.
Attending the bride will be Miss
Georgia Green as maid of honor, Mrs.
James White as bridesmaid and young
Miss Judy Rae Henningsgard as junior
bridesmaid. Charles Domogalla is to be
the best man. James White is to act
as groomsman and ushering will be John
and Philip Day, brothers of Mr. Day.
The reception following the service is
to be in Mayflower hall.
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