AUTOMOBILES I This Is the Place Now IS the Time Here Are the Cars 1948 Hudson 6 Sedan, R&H, low mileage. 1948 Ford Coach, clean, heater, priced right. 1947 Studebaker Commander Sedan, heat er, o'drive. 1946 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan, R&H, auto trans. 1941 Bulck Sedan, R&H, new paint, runs good. 1941 Chevrolet Sedan, R&H, very clean. 1941 Ford Coach, new paint, R&H. 1941 Hudson Club Coupe, R&H, sun visor. 1940 Chrysler Sedan, new paint. 1939 Dodge Sedan, good transportation. PLUS most other makes and models from 29's to 49's. Your own terms within reason. SHROCK MOTOR CO. THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Phone 3-7922 Where Chemeketa goes to Church For Low priced cars, don't forget our Economy Lot at 3020 Portland Road. Mon. Spot Special At Center and Commercial Is 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR t PASS COUPE. BEAUT IPUL MAROON. ORIOINAI. PINISH. RADIO AND HEATER. OVERDRIVE. WINDSHIELD WASHER. THIS CAR IS IN A-l CONDITION THROUGHOUT. tUli. HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS 337 Center Phone 3-9286 FINANCIAL $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairground Roed Next Door to Bank Prce Parking Phone 17032 -Lie N M) SJ91 Floyd Kenron. Utt r FOB TOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT bus real estate flrat morleaa'.is, properties Salem & elclnlty Make your own se. lection, nets you ft percent We take care of all collections If desired Amounts S1000 to several thousand dol lars. See or call us tor partlculara STATE FINANCE CO. 15S B. Rlih St. Tel 84131. r SEE, US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY A", OR 4Vir. INTEREST I to 40 Yean and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS State St. Phone ! GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie S-133 and U-33S and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS IS 8 Commercial St Tel 3-9181 TRAILERS S-WHEEL luggage trailer. All steel. Ne tires. Can be made Into horse trailer. .I. trui-h Mr. wheel and tube. Rte. a. Boa 673. Boone Rd. t373 SI' NATIONAL house, exc. eond. Cheep for quick sale. Mr Crest Trailer Park. N. River Rd. BXCELLENT S wheel utility trailer with Pipe racks. 13 XZU tarp. neason.oiv. r' J-0H8. on MACHINERY SALE! . SALE! DISSOLVING BUSINESS Must sell complete ma chine and repair shop, tools and equip. Every thing goes. One piece or a carload. LATHS. SHAPER. MILLINO MACH., STE1U CLEANER. COMPRESSOR, WELDERS. AIR WRENCHES, 3 NEW AAA TANKS 4000 At 6000 OAL. CAP.. ETC. MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. NO JUNK!! SACRIFICE PRICES!! Sale Starts Sat., Nov. 12 OPEN EVERY DAY FOR ONE WEEK! INCLUDING SUNDAY ! COME EARLY ! To Make Your Selection Bird&ZyssetCo. 171 WALLACE RD. WEST 8AT.FM Phone flalrm 3-MM v372 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINE AD mattes iieed machines sold, rented repaired Roeo W Court Phone 1-477 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC BOMI appliance repair service otw appliance Tinea's Bieeirle Phone Free aatitnataa Trade-ins accepted on t-MSt 187 6 Liberty St AT-rB DOOR 9 n Alt PEN! NO Lawn mowers scissors knives harp eneq. Dexter, liw center. i-33. Al TO RADIOS MARION IIOIORS NASH MRV1CI Towin aemct dar phone I-IIM If not i-180 JJ" center BOOT AND PAINT Braden'a Body St Paint Shop. Opto Sun. 3so cherry. Pn. a-aoaa. 387 BlILDINQ CARPENTBT Remodel, tvpair thai hone now Terma e nn oartnent Phone J-lW Bl'LLDOZINO Bulldotlni. lavellne. road bide.. elear Ini, teeth for brush Vireil Huaey, ioio rairiew Ave. Ph. 3-J14. Sakm. orMT oean kooidjoq. pu. 3-JJ7 er -o o291' Lot. irnd riear't. carrra:: wk Ph 42US ft Ota, Worth. 141 Fiimoutn 374 AUTOMOBILES ly. DIRECTORY CASH REGISTERS The National Cash Reslster Co. Cub RenLstera - Accountlns liacbloaa Sales Service Supplies 52S Oalnea Street Phone J-4tt 024b trutaoi delivery of new RCA eaar resUtei Al tnaaea eoid rented, n pa ed Roen 4S Court Ph 36778 ' CEMENT WORK For expert cuaranteed eat Iff action nt or rDlr of loundatton. tdwalu dnvewava. patlaa, curb, valla ate Call 8-4850 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 2Ut. Ph. 2-7178. o285 DRESSMAKING State St. Alteration Shop. Dressmak ing. 360 State St., Rm. 27. o2SB nr Mm tiki riff Ai alteration. Work auar- antecd 1290 N. 24th. Ph. 3-7885. o274 DRIVEWAYS Crushed rock for drlvewavs fc roads, de livered. Ph. 2-3661. O203 KLECTRICAL CONTRACT INO Vlnce's Electric for electrical wlrlni. contracting-, repairing. iai s biDercr EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator drvlce Ph. 3-3056. Lea Cross, Rt. S. Box 437-0 e285 BreP.hauof for flowers Dial 1-9179 P FURNACE A CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed A; tepalrad. Dvorak. Pb. 1-496J 0381' HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIOH PRODUCTS. 3-3676. 0292' HOUSEHOLD PRODCCTV J R Watklns Oo products FTee Lverr 1717 Center Ph 3-3399. INSULATION Johns-Uanville. Phone 1-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Wastnt Bulldinea - Pactorlea Bomes Estimates Without ObllaaUon AMERICAN BLDO UATNT CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 LANDSCAPT NUBS EST t V. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals. ISO N Lancaster Dr at 4 cor Ph 3-1321 DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 343 Jef. frson St Phone 33452. O LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Barry W. Scott. 147 8. Com'l St. WW MATTRESSES Capita. Beddtoc Phone 1-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin Banjo, etc. 1323 Court St. Ph. 1-769 OFFICE FURN1TWB A SCPPUIS Desk ehMrs. flies and flllnf auppuas. iefs. duplicator and supplies, desk tamps typewriter stands, brief e 'lerce Wire Recorders Roen 469 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work Ph. 1-8662 Eve 4-2424. 0378 Exp. Interior palntlnf Wilson Ph. 1-973: 02B1 Slf strom's are equipped to do i palatini Phoot 1-2491 PAINTING A PAPERRANOINQ tPFRtNG At oalnttnt. Est. free. Ph. 2-2608. 0291 Palntlne and paperhanf Inf . Fret est! mate. Ph. 3-9S13. 857 Shipping. 0292' PAPERIIANOINO FTrrt Fart?rhanelni and palntlnt J. Wood worth. Ph. 1-9807. Free est. 0379' PS oar nana Ina. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4019. 0291 PLUMBING Fisher. 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 330B4 It n Rt FRAMING RF PRIG t RATI ON" SERVICE Miller RelritcratioD Serv. Co. Ph. 1-UJ4 oat i Picture f rim ins Hutcbeoo Paint Store Phokt -S1 AD A fiRAVEX Oardeo Soil cruihed rock. Shovel and drat line excavatlnf wauloc Sao Oravei Co. Phone 1-9349 Valley Sand A Oravei Co Slit, sand A f il dirt lice vaunt 10B wove, a tau Tractor scoop a trucks for din mm Ph office 34002. res 87146 Salem Saw Wrki. Ph. 1-1601. U91 H Sth 0391 ew;ri m rmt tanss Electric Roto-Rooter. Exrluilv Patent. Ratnr Sharp Cittlnf Blade i Clean Sew era, Drain, Tanks. Ph. 3-1)27, Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, Nov. 12 WP) Gold stocks took another beating in today's market. Colds weakened abruptly on Thursday following President Truman's decisive statement that the price of gold would not be raised above $35 an ounce as long as he is president. Losses today ran to more than a point, with Homcstake and Mclntyre Porcupine off around a point each at one time. Some declined frac tionally. The balance of the market put tered along more or less aimless Turnover hit a rate of about 500,000 for the two-hour session. Unchanged to a bit higher most of the time were U. S. Steel, Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, Goodrich Montgomery Ward, Safeway Stores, American Telephone and U. S. Gypsum. Balky spots Included U. S. Rubber, Lockheed, Radio Corp., North American Co., Anaconda Copper, Union Pacific, Texas Co., and Johns-Manville. High Scores Counted Silverton Awarded for high scores at the first in a series of card parties held at the parish hall of the Silverton St Paul's Catholic parish, with Alfred Scbiedler as general chairman, were William Lucht, Mrs. Karl Hess, Robert Wellman, Mrs. Hubert Esser and Gregory Schimmel. DIRECTORY S1WINO MACHINES Bought, fold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes W. Daeenport. Ph. I-767I 031' SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septle Service, Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St- W. Salem. Ph. 1-9466. 1-5327 0287 Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1141-6th K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned St., West Salem. Ph. 1-7404. 0275 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2445 State St. Phone 1-0734. o SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 . No Commercial Ph 3 -35 12 o TRANSFEP A STOEAGB "deal A Distance Transfer stotaee Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks u Portland dally Agent for Beklna House bold goods moved to anywhere Id OS oi' Oanada Lanne Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 e TRUCK A TRANSFER Lester DeLaoo truck service. Commer clal hauling. Dally service to Portlmd. Ph. 2-1730. OitW TYPEWRITERS Smith CoronaRemington Royal, Cnder- wood portables Ail make used machine Repairs and rent Roen. tat couri VENETIAN DUNDS 9alem Venetian Blinds made to order it r finished Relnholdt A Lewis 3-3639 Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 17338. WEATHERSTRIPPINO WELL DRILLING Fred Wrmore, Rt. 2. Box 31T. Ph. 3-5136. 0291 WINDOW SHADES Wasbcble. Roller Madt to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewis Ph 23639 0 WINDOW CLEANING Acmt . Indow Cleaners Windows, wailf sj wooawora cieaneo rtoors civdj waied and polished Pb 3-3337 147 Court Lansdoo. CulbtrUoo and Mather WOOD A SAWDCST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODSAWING Atkins A Cross. Ph. 1-1674 or 3-9171 LODGES I.O.OJ1 meets every Wed nnwlRv ueht Vteifore wpt LEGAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice Is hereby given thst sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until tht hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m. on the 28th day of November, 1949. and Im mediately thereafter publicly opened oy th nutrii-t School Board of Union Hlth School District No. 1. Marlon County. Or- aer,K tha Hlsh Hnool HUllOinE Bl Ot. Pul' Oreeon for an issue of bonds of said Union Hlth School District In tht amount or one Hunarea oeveniy-sia inou sand Dollars ( 1 176.000 1. Said bonds to be denominations of One Thousand Dollars (91.000), to be dated January 1, 1950, and to mature aerially in numerical order as follows: 117,000 on January i, 17,000 on January 1, 17,000 on January 1, 17,000 on January 1, 19.000 on January 1, 18.000 on January 1, 18.000 on January 1, 18.000 on January 1, 18.000 on January 1, 19S1 19S1 1953 1954 1955 19M 1957 1958 1959 18,000 on January 1, 1960 Raid bonds to bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed elx per cent (6. per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the office of .u County Treasurer of Marlon County. O eon. or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon In New York city, at tnt op tion of tht purchaser. Said bonds art redeemable at par and accrued interest at tht option of it id school district on any interest paying date at or after flva i5) years from tha dstt thereof and purxutnt to the notlct redemption prescribed oy oecuon 97-101 O.C.L.A. Rlda must be accompanied by certiriM check In tht amount of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (13,500), end no Interest will be paid thereon. Said bonds art not reiisieraoit as w principal or Interest. Tht approving legal opinion of Wood. King and DawAon, attorneys at law. New York City, stating that said bonds con stitute valid and Iteally binding obliga tions of aald district, and that said dis trict has power and is obligated to levy ad valorem taxes for tht payment of si1 bonds and the interest thereon upon all property within said district, subject to taxation by said district, without limits tlon of rate or -amount, will ba furnished tht successful bidder. Tht board reserves tht right to reject any and all bids. H W, BOW ERA Clerk. Union High School Dlstr-et No. 1, Marlon County. Oreun. Address: St. Paul High School, St. PauL Oregon. lo. I and 13. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notlct is hereby given that tht under- signed has been appointed by the Circuit Court of tht State of Oregon for Marlon County, Administrator of tht Estate of D O. Walker, deceased, and hat tjueliried as such. All persons having cliims at a lost Ketd Estate art hereby notified to present the tame duly verified as required by law. to the undersigned at the olfl-e of Paul R. Hendricks. 412 Pioneer Trust Company Buliding, Selem. Oreeon. with in sit months from tnt date of toe nrst publication of this notice. Dated and first published tht Uth day el Octob-r. n WARREN A SPERRT. Administrator of the fft' of D C Walktr. deceased PAUL R HENDRICKS, , Attorney. Ootll-ll-M.Jtovi-ii ir TMhtoii muni Porcelain Production in Berlin Plaster forms for china production are made once again at Berlin's famed old porce lain factory, in operation for first time since the war. Plant employs 150 workers and is under control of West Berlin government. STOCKS n tha Auociated Pr ast American Can 96 S Am Pow A LI Am Tel A Tel , .. 13' ...146S ... 27 Y. 29H ... 21S ... 34-1 ... H' ... 44 32 ... 56 .... 10H 36 .... 38a ... 7S 61S 3B',i ... 46 ... 71i Anaconda . . . ..... Bendlx Aviation .... Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing .... Canadian pacllio .. Case J 1 , Caterpillar Chrysler Com with A Sou ... Cone Vultee . ... Continental Can .... 'Irown Zellerbacb .. Curtlst Wright Douglas Aircraft ... Dupont de Nem ... General Electric ... General Food General Motora .... Ooodyear Tire ..... mt Harvester Int Paper , Kennecott Llbby McN A L ... Long Bell 'A" . . .. Montgomery Ward . Nam Keivinator ... Nat Dairy NT Central Northern Pactflo .., Pae Am Fish Pa Gas A Eleo .... Pa Tel A Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Ravomer Rayonier Pld Reynolds Metal .... Richfield , Safeway Stores .... Seara Roebuck Southern Pacific .., Standard Oil Co. .. Studebaker Cot? ,., . S3 . 12' j . 23 Bun shine Mining .. Transamerlca Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines ... U B Bteel .... . 13H . 24 Warner Bros Pit .. Woolwortb . . Young Dickerson Undergoes Surgery Silverton Clifton Dicker- son, Jr., (Richard), was report ed as making satisfactory im provement following emergency surgery at a Eugene hospital as the result of a serious condi tion of the appendix. Following contact by phone with the parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Dickerson, permis sion was given for the opera tion, which proved to be strictly emergency. The father of young Dicker- son is returning for the week end rush at their place of busi ness. Mrs. Dickerson will remain in Eugene for a longer time. Clifton, Jr. is a student at the University of Oregon, majoring in advertising accounting. Missionary Circle Guest Owens Home Monmouth The Baptist Mis sionary Circle met with Mrs. Thomas Owens for the Novem ber meeting with 15 members and five children present. Mrs. H. H. Williamson was a guest Ella Gurnea gave the lesson on the topic, "Problems of Old Age." Mrs. F. R. Bowersox read a letter from the Ralph Houston family who have been mission aries for two years in India. Mrs. Bennett read a letter from Dr and Mrs. Ostroholm who are missionaries in the Belgian Con go. Mrs. Swindel assisted Mrs, Owens in serving refreshments. Dallas Legion Post Holds Turkey Shoot Dallas Annual American Le gion turkey ihoot will be In the Dallas armory on Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. Committed in charge is composed of Earlej Richardson, Orlando Peters, Fred Stinnette, John Cerny, Al bert Bennett and Bill Doma- schofsky. Over 100 turkeys will be given away at the affair. They are I being furnished by Alfred Dom- aschofsky, local grower. Ted Ediger Resigns Dayton Ted Ediger, presi dent of the FFA group, has re signed due to the fact he is mov ing away from this community. Tom Buckley, who was the vice president, has been elected to assume the duties as presi lent. Wilburn Williams has been elected vies president PWM MARKET QUOTATIONS Salesa Livestock Marhc (B Valley Packing Company! Peeder lambs 113.00 to 919 00 Ewes 3100 to li-00 Cutter cow 17 00 to 19 "0 Fat dairy rows 19.50 Dairy heifers $9.00 to 110.00 Bulls 1 11.00 to I IS. 00 Cslves, good (300-950 lbs.). $16.00 to $13.00 Veal (150-300 loa.i top ...118.00 to $31.00 Portland Produce Rutterf at Tentative, euoleet to Imme diate change Premium quality maatmum to u u i percent acidity delivered m Portland 03-66c lb.: 93 score 61-65c lb.; 90 Acore. 57-63c; 89 score sic. Valley routes and country point 2c less than Mm Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c A 92 score. 62c: B 80 score. 60c lb., C 89 score, S7c Above prices are terlctly nominal Cbeeie Selling once to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon i lost 2-ic. triplets lvv leu than il:isles Eggi (to wholesalers) A grade large, 'i-oS'jc; A medium. 45-46'ic; grade B large. 49-50' ac; smelt A grade. 43 'ic. Portland Uitiry Market Butter Price to retauer orade AA prints, 68c. AA cartons, 69c; A prints. 68e. A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Lggs Fnctfc io retailers Orade AA large, 61c doc,; certified A large, 62c; A large, 59c; AA medium. 50c. cer tified A medium, 49c; B medium, 45c; A small, 44c; cartons 3 c additional. Cheese Price to retalieis Portland Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon loaf, ft- lb loan 44'i-45c lb.; triplets, iv cents ten than Ingle Premium brands, singles 51 Vic Ib.t loaf, 630. Poultry Live Chlckene - No. 1 quality POB Plants, No l broilers under 3 lbs. 30-24c lb. fryers 2-3 lbs.. 33 -26c; 3-4 lbs.. 27c; roasters 4 lbs and over, 37-28c; fowl. L,t-snnni 4 .ot and untie r Id-20c over I lbs. 20c: colored fowl, all weights, 34-25; roosters, all weights, 1830c. Turkey Net to growers, SO-SUic on toms; 43-44c on hens; sales prices to re tailers, toms. 3S-39c; hens 49-50c. It a b tilts cruse to growers me whites. 4-5 lbs., 17-19a lb.; 3-9 lbs., 15-17c lb.; c'olorco 3 centi lower, old or heavy does and bucks, 8-13c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40c; local, 48-82c. Country -Killed Meati Veal Top quality 39-3le lb., other grade according to weight and quality with Uther or heavier 18-28c. Hogg Ight blockers. 24-a3ci sows. 20- 21c. Lambs Top quality, springer. 38-39e: I mutton, 11-13c. tieeiuooa cows, ji-zie .: cannerg- cutters, 18-lOe. Freth Dressed Meata (wholesalers to retatlert par ewt.M Beef steers, good 500-600 lbs.. 143 49. commercial, $33-39; utility, 931-34, utility, Cows Commercial, 129-32: utility, 125- I; cannera-eutters, $23-26. Beef Cuts (Good steer n Hind quarters 154-53; rounds $48-51; full loins, trimmed $73-73: triangles. 332-34; aquara chucU, $40-42; ribs $52-55; fortquarttrs, 334-38. Veal and calf. Oood. 837-40. commercial. $33-35; utility $28-33. Lambs; Oood-cholce spring lambs. 341 ; commercial, $36-40; utility. I3J-15. Mutton Oood. TO lbs down, $18-20. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-13 lbs. $46-49; shoulders. 16 lbs down, $38-36; apare- ribs. $47-50; earcasse. 129-30; mixed weights is per cwt. lower. Portland Mlscellaneais Caaeara Bark Dry 13Ht lb., green 4e It) Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 35t lb. on 13-montn growth. nominally. nioea calves, lot lb., according to weight, kips 25c lb., beef U-I2c lb, bulls 70 IB. country buvera eav le less. Nat Quota (.lent Wain at Fr enqueue, mat quality um i, 34 7c; large. 32.1c; medium. 37 3c. second quality Jumbos. 30.3c; large, 28.2c; medium. 39 3c; baby, 33 Ic, soft ihelL first quality large. 39.1c; medium, 34.3c; sec ond quality large, 213ot medium, 3470; baby 22. 3c tiiberts Jumbo, lot Dm large, lie. meuium, ioo; email, uc. The U.S. uses 88 million pounds of tea a year. Steamer Breaks Up Salvage tug rldei between the broken section! ot the steamer Andalucla which caught (ire and was purposely grounded near Neah Bay, Wash. When weather permits, salvage operations will begin in an effort to remove lumber from the decks of tht 7000-ton vessel. (Acme Telc-photo) Paving Meeting Set lor Dec. 8 The Marion county court has set December 8 at 10:30 a. m. as time for a conference with pro perty owners along Southview place south of Salem to see what their reaction may be to cost es timates of a paving improve ment on their platted road which has been petitioned for to be made at the expense of the abutting properties. A cost estimate filed with the county court by Dale Graham, county surveyor, shows a total estimated cost of $5707.75 or $2,858 per property foot on each side of the road. The Southview place petition is different than any others yet received as it asks for paving from curb to curb. The width of the street varies from curb to curb, part of it being about 50 feet wide while a turn around circle in the addition runs about 30-feet wide, although it varies slightly also at the curves. How ever, the property is assesed as a straight $2,858 per foot regard less of the width of the street as all property owners will enjoy the benefits and in addition all intersection costs are assesed equally against the owners. Circles at Amity Meet at Same Time Amity The circle meetings will all be held this month on the 16th. Hostess in Circle No. 1 is Mrs. Don Fuller, at her home south of town, for No. 2 will be Mrs. S. E. Howard, on 99W high way near the north city limits. Mrs. Fred Neilson will be hostess for Circle No. 3 at her home north of Amity on the Dayton road. There will be no circle meet ings In December. A general business meeting, luncheon and Christmas party of the whole group will be at the church De cember 14. Lincoln Housewife Elected to Board Lincoln Mrs. H. D. Burns, housewife and active in civic and social affairs of the Lincoln community, was elected as a di rector on the Lincoln school board for an unexpired two year term to replace Lester Walling, who moved away. Others on the ballot were R. F. Yungen and Avalt Miller. Presiding at the special election was chairman of the board R. J. Meissner, assisted by Lawrence Mickey, clerk, W. A. Byers, member of the board, and Ros coe Clark. ' ;4 fibs i i I Capital jourfial. Saiem, Ore.; SALEM MARKETS let pie ted trea repent el Salesa dealers lev too fNinaaee m I' jsrM Reade.a. (Revised daily). RetaU Peed Prkee: Ess Maib 14.80. Rabbit Pellet 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry. Buring price -Orad A color I bens. 13ei trade A Let horn hens and up. 37.39c- Grade A old roosters, lie 16-Itc; grade A colored Iryera. three lbs 26-29C. Li. Buying rrleee Extra lane AA. esc: lame AA, 5K; larte A, 49-56c; medium AA, 42c; medium A, 40-44ci pullets, 33-97c. Whelrkaie frieea taa wholesale prices ft-7e above theie prices: above erode A teneraliy quoted at tie medium, 4fc. Bulterfal Premium 66c: No. 1. 64; No. 1, II -600. (buying prices.. nutter wholesale grade A. tioi i- call 13c. Feed Grains Eased Today Chicago, Nov. 12 Vn Feed grains eased on the board of trade today, corn dropping around a cent at one time be fore staging a mild rally. The downturn in Dart reDresentcdlo alatrri. Mrs. Clrlta Nun and Mr, nrnfit.taklno fnllnwino id,n. , ... ...... .a .,DIOlners. i. c. creAS. Concord. Calif.; earner mis weeK. Wheat and soybeans eased ear lier in the day with the feed grains, but came back in the lat ter trade. Wheat closed unchanged to ' j higher, December $2.1 Hi-?,, corn was lower, December $1.20-1.20 V, oats were unchang ed to 'j lower, December 74 ',2, rye was unchanged to "i higher, December $1.34 'j, soybeans were lower to 1 higher, No vember $2.203.-2.21, and lard was unchanged to 5 cents a hun dred pounds higher, November $8.55. North Howell Grange Has New Officers North Howell Grange was called to order with Diadcma Clinc in the master's chair with Thursday set as clean-up day at an all-day meeting. It being the 49th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dunn, for roll call the women told how they met their hus bands when and where married, the average of the reports of 10 members was 31.5 years of mar ried life. Officers for 1950 were elected as follows: Diadema Cline, mas- ter; Andrew Hall, overseer; Mrs, J. Thomas, lecturer; Joe Kuss, steward; M. A. Dunn, as sistant steward; Amy Beer, chaplain; Florence Oddie, treas urer; Daisy Bump, secretary; Roy Dunn, gatekeeper; Florence Espe, ceres; Bertha Dunn, pa in on a; Nellie Hall, flora; Anna Dunn, lady assistant steward; Eunice seals, executive commit tee. Extension meetings are the first Wednesday and the Home Economics meetings are the sec ond Thursday of each month. Social Hour Club Given Book Review Monmouth Miss Clara A. Trotter entertained the Social Hour club at their meeting with a review of the "Life of Robert E. Lee." The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. W. Staats with Mrs. D. R. Dewey as co hostess. The hostesses served refreshments. The next meeting of the club will be November 16 with Mrs. Fred J. Hill and Mrs. Belle Mc K night as entertaining hostesses. A talk by Dr. Louis Kaplan will be the program feature. Grand Island Circle Will Invite Husbands Grand Island The Grand Island Mother's circle met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bo vards. Guests were Mrs. Hugh bnclehardt, Mrs. Howard Har ris and Mrs. Tom Youngblood and they became members. Re freshments were served. The next meeting will be the annual Christmas party and hus bands will be guests to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Asher Wednesday, De cember 14. DEATHS Marie Kamer In this city at 1598 D. November 13. Marie Kusner. late resident of rout 6 ase 74 years. Mother of Mrs. Frank Beuller. nalem: Mrs. John Alberj. A urns -vllle; George, John, Edward and William Kusner. all of Salem; ulster of !opold W oil as. Canada and John Woltss, of Minnesota. Announcement later by the W. T. Rirdon company. Jateph O. Avery Joseph O. Avery, lata resident of 505 South 33nd street. In thU city Novem ber 10. at the age or 85 years. Survived by wife. Mrs. Mable Avery of Salem: two jons, Earl H. Avery of Ashland and CUf. ford K. Avery of Salem: a brother, Jame Avery of lone. Calir.; and four grand chil dren, Services were held from the How-etl-Fflward chapel Raturdav. November 13, at 3 p.m. with Rev. Lloyd T. Ander son offlrtatlng. Interment In tha City View cemetery. Vlnle Clemnna Vinte demons, late resident of Inde pendence, In this city November 11, at mt aie of IT years. Survived by mother. WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES We Pay Top Market Price Willamette 305 So. Cottage St. Open t a.m. to It I p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, 194ft IS Blanche demons la Indiana: two sisters, ' Mrs. Lola Bowers in Indiana and Mrs. Maudle Jordan of Hanford, Calif.: and four brothers, Sam demons In Oklahoma, Louie i Clem cms in Minnesota, Oeorse Clemorvs In Alaska and Oscar demons of Eure ka, Calif, Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Ole B. Jen ien ' Ole K. Jenson. at the family residence at route 6. Salem, November 11, at the ase of 71 rears. Surviving are the widow, ' Bertha Jenson of Salem; five daushtera, Mrs. Edith Troth of Turlock. Csllf., Mrs Amet Blotter of Los Anieles, Calif., Mrs. Violet Wilson of Portland. Mrs. Pearl Schmidt of St ay ton and Mrs. Julia McDow- ell of O lends le, Calif.; four sons. Edwin Jenson, Clifford Jenson, Jsmes Jenson and Marvin Jen ion. all of Salem; and nine grandchildren. Member of St. Mark's Luth eran church. Announcement of service later by the Howell Edwards chapel. Earl Wlllet Ceona Earl Wlllet Coons, at the reildenet on - Salem route 9, November 11. Survived by the widow. Mra. Elva Cooni. Salem; daughters. Mrs. Beaulah McCain, Mm. Evelyn Huge and Mrs. Erma Ladd, all of Salem, and Mrs. Beatrice Anderson, umatlila; aom, Leon Coons, Elvern Cooni and Everett Count, all of Salem, and Ken-' neth Cooni, Portland: alto leveral brothV en and sisters In the and 34 grand-, children. Funeral service! will be an nounced later by tht Virgil T. Golden mortuary. Glen Roicee Crest Olen Roscoe Cross, late resident at 1820 N. Liberty St.. at a Portland hos pital, November 10, Surviving are the " widow. Mra. Kathryn M. Cross, Salem: dauthtrr. Olenda Kay Cross, Salem; Lr,o;:dKwn""ih.c' s''':. ?'"'" Cl". lh ' Salem: and (our, Al. lie Cross. Oreton Cltr: Earl Cross. Salem: no tnin.i cross, silverton. Services will be held Monday. November 14. at 1:30 p. m. at the Ctoueh-Barrlck chapel with the Re. Walter a. Fredericks olMelulnf. Interment In Belcrast Memorial para. Addi.on Pari, Clyde Add-on Paris, fate resident ot route 8. Selem. at a local hoepltal. No vember 12. survived by wife, Sopnla ParU of Salem: father. Adduon Parts of Hlllsbnro: four sisters. Mrs. Oladva Woolld of Bloomfteld. Iowa. Mrs. Sadie Seven-. sen of Bunch. Iowa. Mrs. Chloe Bense of Httutboro. Ore., and Mrs. James Frailer of Seattle. Wash.: and a brother, French, Pari in Orrton. Announcement of serv Ices later by the Cloush-Barrlclt chapel. OBITU ARY Willi. ni John Rlltr Albany WillUm John Rile. AS. did At the Willamette hcwpltil Thursday. Bora in Atbany Mr. Riley had lived th paat rour years in Oranu Pus. Survivors In clude brother, Thomas R!ly of Albany. funeral were held Saturday at 9 a. m. at St. Mary'i Catholic church, la charce of the PUher funeral home. Herbert Prink I In Msreft Lebanon Herbert Franklin March. 14. died at the Mary Ellen Nifslnf .home In Lebanon on November . Born February 12. 188s In flvracuae. N Y.. he came t Orevon 50 years aio Ilvtn In Corvalll and Rockaway until five years ato when he settled In Sweet Home. HLt wife dle4 last April. A mlllman by vocation, he wax a member of the Christian church and a 25-year veteran of the Corvallla KP lodnf. Services were held November 13 at 2:30 p. m. In th Hnw-Huston chapel 1 Sweet Home with Rev. Stewart Baker officiating. Burial in the Lebanon TOOF cemeterv. Surviving are his dauah ter, Leda Houck. Sweet Home: son, Char- le. Portland: brother, Grant, Leaburi, Oreicon, four grandchildren and three treat frandehlldren. j Mr. Iterlha Wade Albany Mrs. Bertha Wade, 71, died, nt the Albany Oeneral hospital Wednes day. Mri. Wade had lived In Albany with i daushter. Mrs. Eva James, tha past five years. She had come here from near Sheridan. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p. m.. In tha Sheridan funeral home. Ah wax born In Belle- vue and was married to John Wnrle in" McMlnnvllte In M99. Mr. Wade died In 1931. Survivors are a son. Lee Wade, Leb--anon; and four dauihtera, Mrs. Eva" lames. Albany: Mrs. Iva McOrlffln, Stay- ton; Mra. Mae Hayes, Albany, and Mra. Edith Mendenhall. Bhertdan: two broth er, Tom Davis, Amity and Ext on Davis, wniamlna. one alster, Mra. Lena Colse, Portland, 19 grandchildren and five great trrandchlldren also survive. CofluIIle Funeral services for Chaster Delmsn Marl. 83. native of Oregon who died November at his home at Leba non, were held here Friday afternoon wlttt burial In the Cocullle Masonic cemetery. He wm born near Grants Pas February 1B0S and spent most of his lire In tha Coos Bay district. Surviving- are his wid ow. Mrs. Cells Ma el, Lebanon: daughters. Acnes Hoke. Lebanon: Dorothy Decker. Roseburt and Elule Travis, in California; i, Alfred Maei, Lebanon and Augustus. James and Frank, all living outside of Oregon. Elizabeth Julia Schaefer Btayton Funeral services for Mrs. Ells abeth Julia Schaefer, 76, who died No- ember 1. will be held Sunday, at 2 o. m. from the chapel of the Weddle Funeral home, with Rev, W. H. Lyman of Salem, officiating. Burial wilt be In WeUnef cemetery. Elizabeth Julia Wunder was born In Hotlowvilte, III.. November 37. 1872. She married Charles Schaefer. a native of Pontlac. 111., and he preceded her In death March 31 of this year. Survivors are two sons. William Boh sa fer. Ft. Emlth. N. W. Territory, and Loyd . Schaefer, Sclo, route 3: one daughter, Mra. Margaret Ware. St ay ton. route 1: one sister, Mrs. Barbara Haucke, Portland; also II grandchildren. Pallbearers wia ba nephews Marvin Overholts, North San- i: Lester BchaeOr. Mikka o: Harrr Schaefer. Don Schaerer. Ben Flelschma and Cecil Schaefer, all of Portland. Constipation (Colitis) Is symptom, not a dlsesst. Rectal Ailments Are the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must be corrected. No Loss of Time No Hospitalization Free Descriptive Booklet DR. R. REYNOLDS Proctologist Naturo-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center St -alcra. Ore USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless $5.00 .. $10.00 17.50 1 sacks Bulk- 1 ton 2 tons. . . , FREE Delivery Anywhera In Salem area Phone 3-8127 Grocery Co. Phone 34146 In 4 p. n. Sat. A a.m. to 11