10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Nor. 12, 1949 vnua wipe la imuymt IT m umi U fmom u n t rv-T' Sm I f35'r " I .-"L" J !i I 1 RADIO PROGRAMS Mcart of Mapp'ess SATURDAY P. M. M? BRAWN8KI, SHe D0 THE 1 WQgR'EP. CMIgP Be TO 00. jl JTEVE" I PONT M I I II . ' ! S WORST THlNft POSSlBLe IN RAYMOND ABOUT L. SONNVf -Wt&rrrL KNOW "JtKA 1 I nv T RUNNIN0 AWAY rr-' OUORACINO IT i' 'Yl1" iniriTlHl 1 ' . KGW I KOI NT KEX I KSLM by PEGGY O'MORE (Chapter 12) "Y're Chips," sighed the mn, "chip off lha old block. Come on, Bam, lift your elbow; the kid. paiu pood cash. I'll take ihe big one. No tense abusin' the econ' genera tion lor what th' iirst did." The surly storekeeper joined the man In stowing the boxes In Ar lela's car. And then be left and Arleta, alter lingering a tip, thought better of It. "I appreciate your help," she said soltly. Rheumy eyes glared at her.: "Yeah?" he answered. "Well, you didn't have It comln'. Anything I do lor a Langtry Is pure gravy." "Well" Arleta caueht the words her lather would have used and drove oil. The Martins, having napped dur ing her absence, were refreshed, eager lor loud and lor talk. But Chips had to become Arleta belore they could talk. And so she was served belore the lire In the big .room, in me lone cnair mere, while they dined In the kitchen: and then she had to remain sitting while they stood respectfully before her with tneir reports. It was Miss Leta who walked up to the one fully furnished room which was to be her own. The nursery quarters were closed off, left as they had been lor some rea son she hadn't yet devlned. There she round a low light, her bed turned down, gown, robe and slippers in place, and such cloth ing as the Martins had brought with them In order. Sometime during the night the storm, relreshed by Its lull, came in to battle the big house, but Arleta 6lept through It, slept until a wide-eyed Tunla appeared with ner morning coiiee. "Miss Leta, there's two deer at the back door and Mart's beside himself. They ate right out of his hand and they'd have come into the kitchen If I hadn't put my foot down." For two days the storm held and It was a period of blissful peace. Arleta read her mail and answered it and Tunla was spicily busy In the kitchen. The third day, red sunset fires burned on the horizon, and that night the light on the peninsula was joinea dv a galaxy or stars re peating themselves In the lake below. Arleta hurried to the stairs, but Martin had reached the door be fore she was halfway down. Ansl she laughed to see How Kelly's mouin literally ireeze on a Iresn "Chilis" as he confronted the grave dignity of Mnrtin. "You wished to see f" offered Martin. But Kelly was seeing; seeing a slim figure in cherry red flannel, curls piled high, coming down the stairway, and he was trying to find in that figure the rumpled Chips of boots and breeches. "This Is Mr. Kellv. Martin." she called. "Do bring him in to the fire. And can you find another chnir. and something hot?" He met her at the foot of the stnirs. "To the rescue again?" she asked. "When I saw the llRht over here I hnd visions of vou starving to dentil, and then," he smiled at her, i nesirci you a snoppea lor an army But that was Chips wso shopped.' Arleta nodded and frowned. "I Know, i icei uxe a spin personal ity myself. Or a chameleon," she sdded. "I'm back to dressing for dinner, thouch dinner last nlcht was canned beans. As usual, gossip was snowballed " Martin broilght In a kitchen chair and literally served V to Mr. Kellv. and Tunla followed with hot coffee and spice cake, and then the Mar tins, with chains on their tires and a pencilled road map. departed for the resort town lor supplies. And Arleta told How Kelly about the Martins. He left soon alter that, turning back to call, "Tell Mart I've a orettv good library: he mleht like to bor row some books while he s snowed In." The three were reading that certain afternoon. Mart, looking up. lounn tne rooms were chilly "Must be something wrong with the furnace," he remarked to Tunla, and went to the basement. He returned and went straight to Arleta. "Miss Leta," he said, "there's a man downstairs. I think he's been drinking. He was lying on that cot." "Get up and get out of here!" ordered Arleta. "Cant." murmured the man com placently. "Here on my constitu tional rights. Cot a contract. Got three years to go." "You've violated every term In the contract. Now get up and get out or I'll" "You'll what?" He sat up and stared at her. "I'll give you one hour," she said. Upstairs, she turned to Martin. "The car. Martin. Then lock that door and. regardless ol what Doakes says or does, don't quarrel with him." Driving down a road now slick with slush, she thought she might handle a problem such as this 11 she only knew the background, knew what had gone before. The assurance of the man was like a threat. Who would know? This time How Kelly was ready for her, met her at the door. And for a moment she thought he wasn't going to Invite her in. And when he did, he reached a heel halfway across the floor to kick to the swinging door leading to the living room. "Now what?" he demanded, after one look at her. "Doakes." she answered. "He's moved in and refuses to leave. Had there been a gun on the place " She stopped. The swing door had opened and Cal Sheridan stood tnere looking at ner gravely. (To Be Continued) Four Aces Cute little Borons like these rate nee high as Rifts, yell the cost of making them reaches a I new low . . . especially u you raid the scran bag or parts. Wonderful for church bazaars, bridge prizes. personal Rifta. No. 2880 1a cut In one size, and Includes the four aprons. None of these aprons take more than VM yds. 35-in.. if one fabric is used. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles? Just Include the FALL-WIN-ter FASHION BOOK In your pat tern order and vou'll be delighted with the wide select i: of designs for all size and ase groups and all occasions. You''l also get many URRcstlons for easily made gifts that will stretch your Christmas budRet Price of book 20 cenU. Send 2sc for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis ion St., San Francisco 5. Calif Quaint Dlllrh Designs All the eoloriul charm of the "land of the Indmills" Pattern Envelope No. R2854 con tains hot-iron transfers for two each of the three ricsttms, measur ing approximately 5', by 8 Inches, and six tulip designs measuring 1 lustrations and embroiuery direc tions. To obtnin this pattern, send 20c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name address and zone num ber to Penny Roberts Capital Jour nal 8:'8 Mission Street. San Fran elsco 3 Calif. ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern REWEWBEft WHAT I FOIST TOlD YUM ABOUT ALFYS LUV8ERJ RIGHT? WHEN ME LANCED rrON FOLEY S GOATEE IN OA. 7" ROUND. WOtv-w-M?- IT SOL'NKO LIKE A FBE'GWT OH BtIN COUPLED' YUM KNOW WHERE ALrY GETS UlS STPENoT ' ' ME CHEWS RESIN.' SAYS IT GIVES Hlv rllNfc I Kfcfa ,f , VITAMINS l vv ' ' .1 V M NOWALFY V HAS AN EXCELLENT CHANCE Cf WORKINS UP TO THE HEAVY- WEIGHT CROWN. WITH EACH BOUT FOR. A 6WER PL'Ksfc AND 1 HIS MANAGER. 'JOVE JOVE -J 30 NBC .00 Musical 18 scoreboard 10 1 Hit Hon it i5 Elmer Petersen Dick Powell 5 Dick Powell ;0 Dennis Day 5 Dennis Day Judy Caneva S Judy Canava, 30 flrend Of Oer :45Grnd Ol' Oprr :00 Troth er J0 1 Conaeeueneee :S0 Lift ( Biiey :i5 Lid of Bllcy OO'hu Parade :1S Hit Panda 30 sur Theatre 4ft i Star Tbtatra Hum ft MorUn Dewaay .Orchestra i.V Orchestra 00 S.wa ; 30 Wat Muacata lift I Was Mgiiun Eadlt Pulpit liadlo Polpll J. De'a Muila J. Doa'a Mmlc Men. Mails Morn. Berenada Cburrh la Your noma Newt llerc'a to Veta Eternal Light Eternal Licht Glenn Shelltf, Onanist Chlcai Baaed Tabla NBC Theatre MIC Theatre NBC Tbtatra NBC Theatre Mr. Pi i It Cbuck Faiter Quia Kids Dull Kida Radio City Radio City H'veit of Start H'veit of Stan flfltmirw'd Calllm 15 H'llyw'd Calling 30 HrrU-Faro 4ft HarrU-Faya 00pm Spa da 15lam Spado 3fl Theatre Guild 4ft Theatre Guild Theatre Guild K Theatre Guild 30 Album Pamillarl 4.S Mmlc biHH 111. IN 1 IN TP J i e i 4 r o. f .iw h : us; y ri , eMUAii i:i I 1' m c.ihMniia.fMfj.w4 II II II AmddiAmm 7:001 u worr ft mNUTt-Mga joHHhN?oHeur I gbce-f thot thtk; but that t hm-mfcrthwt r experts on boch II ills R soMeoNi was oh rr I he never helped 1 I was jowa to cxioapse Quctcstto-HOi) PI mattbj hoki mm I Mwrnrss urru us II $-i B I we om BiotAPiwI ccew out the MH rr should Htwe oor IwEcoiN'Ta LlH eueb coW I oooo mjcuiNc VII 8;45i ' P' kPftf-WMgwarp? l r.nprirtnr 1 I mn I rx-r umji run-? M H -m vww? jnn. t.ue- r I 9:00l irWHffJBFi .RBI i hMS lH 31 1IAII II" -IBB? L .? !J.TByC. YES, FAWMY. AND TOMORROW I I WILBUR HAD TO REMTTHE T1 BUT WILBUR HASNT) rTTSI f:?? (TMAT THE FAMOUS A COMMITTEE FOR THE AD- BALL. ROOM AT THE HQTBL J I A 0PJCAZJ 2:30 T 'cZrJ, tuc -jlSffSS&E&i. J icey tJ y stvl.es Itd GIVE TMEM A I Ifrom BARBERTnEVERThE LESS JM .-cf 1 ? O V' J I yOUT DIPLOMAS BEFORE "4 s mfc&7 nwjT o law vi hk1 if n ; AH GOTTA LET TH' 1 t I BUT, THANK HEWIN A J IMBULOU5 MMtX'.' -1 BUT ?? W HA TH' YaH IS A K ! WOLF-GIBL. TH' HAVG-GIRL. I THAR WONTT BE NO ( "e"0,J I I W-WAIT-DOKfT ,iT'TWAI I MOST MSULOUt MCI I SIMPLE GAL. 1 S AN THVuan.1 PIG-GIRL INTO I REALLV ONUSUAI. O1 CUZZIM A I COME NO CLOSER A 4 AN' FIOaM IN ALL AN' AH S TH SAME HAWKINS DAY I CRITTERS Jl AM'LABtr , I I OR-AH'LL LOSE. HUSBN 1 CRIrriON.'?-Va'KIN ( WANTS A ) I - "I I & iift-MlK II a;. . ll MJ I COME BACK? J HAWKINS I I DE5IRS.T-WHy DOES I EVRYF30DV 1 NL C ?VjrK3l r.i.W.-". I X$V&Pjsa FviA lux ;i ;.( II vjCT N'' I tStBaBXnr n nl ll:!r.!.i Mo.eum E p-rt?? ''TtH rT ' 1 lnV Vfi Vr V W i2:oo'"'" "fT"01 WHERE YfOV HUNTING, OEFF SIR N WIFE SA1DT COULD COME HOME1 'l THINK THE VEH' THEy SEEM 1 ikT-Ste3 H O U UL9kJ -J-iSi-J'"- M y I siDHcy loaned me the tor Christmas if i bought her houhds scemtAto have chased u w-PXJ& ?:?S'om U GOIN' UE AND HOOHDS A FOX FlR PKE.M IM BROKE SO r rfrrcLElfi 'Iff !SSXP,ET 7"'" ' -l WOPON-' S? Wtn'H4vl HUNT "fSXeiTV MSftS MX l JLi 8:00 Eddl. Alhert I rT HI TJ I A . . II m m .ca uajii i iieua I I I up iinMu I tueVe tiifr ueipn cdv-iu l.t 1 ris ft THERE'S NO MUBT ABOUT IT! ) THEY MlJsT HAVb' MsEk r I IT'S PROF. TEBRlSI THE YACHT! THE PLANE IS ABOUT ' WSVE TRAPPEP THEM 1 7 BEEN COMS OUT "'JXV J ISl TMCSfJ00 e 1 1 U CAN 6FE THEil? LITTLE rf STERN FlPST THFYVE pl WAlkV-TALkV SO DU CAN P J 5 J SUBMARINE I ftSSaia rTi W PlRECrpTHEM TO THIS "X ltfl 4 i- Lffiiafl awi 0 I self. " I hS r I ips II lEJII : , , t MMh Ptf fp ifs ,rin.7.l J A THAT, MARTIN, 14 40MLTHIN6 -,1 II lT.a" 6ENIUS! WHAT WOU10 wt;Dt-.niiu-l-iniikiroiiTl.. jl I I rTT THE WtETLKiHT COMPANY it iMMf niATEtY' , 11M ABC RauiaiBbcr Hpeelal Cvani Wearta Ai boon naen Tumi hlll Marlawa'Bna h iPhllia Harlow Mona LdiliaB Pleh Bayaaaa SIbi It Afals 110 CBS Joa DIMaida Lloo DIMaatla Dancer Ahead I.Newe Slna II Aiala Slnf II Aiala) Slni II Aiala. V. Monro V. Mauroo IGeaa Aulrr Gena A at it iGanebaittra dambaaUra Eicapo jEecaaa 3-Star riwal Loto Too. Jo Caollal Cloak raasi ! Grenada (Orgi. Mad rTrcaiarr Hand Trcaaary Band Silent fOor Tows Hollr. Brlln Hour. Brlloo k-handa Mad Chanda Hade Lotto Ranter Lone Ranter WuBermaaj utrmaB pifk Jrrfoni pick Jertena Mavr toar Ln'ott Boar Newa Ira Bio a aata. Daae Band Dent a Baa a Left Daaca Lot'a Danta Let 'a Daaca Let'e ilanca Xtra Hour 1390 MBC Mb lie Mutlo Tabor. Echooa CrUt. Sclenca iQalck aa Flaih Quirk aa Hath Mint ftldri LMthl Bldera Mavrlda Harrlda Volco of Tralb Volet of Truth HawaTfCalU Hawaii Colli Men tho Prtet Meet tho Freaa Newa iHarry Jaueo Run Mortaa Rute Mortaa Monica Whalen John Wobohaa Newa Bute Mortaa Opea Hoaao a Hoiit Opto Hoaso Open Homo IsinTbtf KOCO HS0 Ke. Duilr Tylor k utv Tavlor Rea ch Ventura iFoo report 'candirlliht a Hllvor Newa Troolcana Time Waa Playhaaaa Band SO Yard Lla a M'ayna Morr"t may no Morrta Dancinf Party Dancing Paity Danrlni Party Dancing Ttitr Newa Danttnf farty Danclac Party Danclnc Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party SltnOff DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 IfnAT Saturday p.m. fl;0C, Chll Vnw dren'a Theatre t Ob tha Upbeat B:M, 5A0 Sport Clob; ;00, Nrwai 6:15, London Letter i 6:90, Plnnor Mrlo- dleei 1, Grand Opera Tonlgbti 1:45, Nowa and Weathtri t:00, Danea Paradei 10:00, Sign Off. ' SUNDAY Cboreb af Air Church of Air Church of Air Church of Air Nowamakera Howard Smith Halt Lakt Tabor Salt Lake Taber invitation to Learning Goeit Star Npwb Peo. Platform Pro. Platform fTrea, B'ndtitand Tra. B'nditand Band Boa Band Boa Band Boa Band Boa Revival Hour Revival Hoar Revival Hour Revival Uuur poo thorn aire Soulhtrutivea jMrtkag al Itrael Newa Romanea I Isonday Veapert Sunday Vespera (Cborallera Cborallera Gallery GobbIb Newt NT Phllharm. NV Phllharm. NY Phllharm. NVPhHbarm. NT Phllharm. NV Phllharm. My Soronada Nowa iMuiie for Yob Music for Yoa iphonette Symphonetto Family Hour nlly Hour Rot ton Blacklo iBoiton Blacklo Mualo Muilo 1st Baptist Cb. 1st Baptist Cb. Volco Prophecy Volco Propnccy RaT Bible- r lass Blbla Clas Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour Newt lont. Lutheran Newa ir Security Victor Llndlahr Frank A Ernst Piano PJar house Hoar of Faith Hour of Faith Parade or lilts Parade of Hits Week 'a World Week's World Voles of Prophecy r. President r. President Greatest Story Greatest Story Jark Benny Jack Benny AmoB n Andy AmoB 'a' Andy Berg.-M'C'rthy Berg.-M'C'rthy Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan Corllsa Archer Corliss Archer Horaea Heldt Horace Heldt 1:00 Man'a amlly I Man'a Family i:fl Symphony Hour :4S '"Phony Hour l:0fl Symphony Hour trapnonT iiour i;X0 Danro Orel). 1:4,1 Danco Orch. 1:00 N i:is 3iary a. Mercer i ainoitc Hour 1:45 catbolle Hour Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour Mrlodiea Mod. 'Here's to Vets family Closeup Fanily Closeup Guekt Star Betty Clark Hymn Tlma Newa Fello'thlp Volea fello'shlp Volco Chapel of Air Clark Dennis Ava Ave Ich'rch In Wild. Ortan Left Sacred Heart Way no King Mich ant Ml hau havld Roaa Canaries Newa j Guest Star ! Juvenile Jury Juvenile Jury lis, of Mrslery Hie. of Mystery Martin Kano MartlnKana The Shadnw The flhadow True Detective True Detective John Steel John Steel Nlrk Carter iNick Carter lara uennis . va Maria Hr. A veMarla Hr. T Sunday Service Sunday Service Sunday Service Sunday Service Serenade for Striata Newa inltcd Nallona Words & Muie Words Muvio Daydream Mus. Daydream Mai. Musio Room Muio Room Sh'wcaso Hande Sh'wcase Banda Sunday Keren. Sunday Seren. Musle for Sun. Munle (or Sun. News Meital Health Mysterious Traveler Stop the MuslcUlexander't Stop the Musk I Med. Board Stop the MuslrlLynn M irray Stop the Music Lynn Murray hV'lter WlnchellTrlme Flrhtere K-nuella Parsons Crime Mchtera Chance of Lifetime Contented Hr. Contented Hr. The Whistler The Whistler Mlsa Brooke Miss Brooks Berg.-M'C'rthy Berg.-M'C'rthy Red Skelton Red Skelton Jack Benny Jark Benny Five Star Final Night Editor ! Music for Too Musle for Vou Serenade Chicagoan Pre), to Mldnltc Prel.jte Mldnltc Slrn Off Donald Stewart Donald Stewart laid Stewart Donald Stewart Dallas Mtnlst. J. Fontaine 'Salrm College Salem College Ulmmle Fldlcr Chapel Mmailng Malona Drew Pearson Headlines W'ter Wlnchell Intermcno Gregory Hood Grrgory Hood Iflrrhestra Gov. McKay Rlehf'ld Rep'tr Geo. Sokolsky Orchestra Orchestra Drew Pearson Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne IXtra Hour Theatre Headline Newa Family TheatreJnsldo Story Medical Hi II tea Sunday Salon Ballads ISunday Salon Roy Rogera UN ai arena Cb. Roy Rogert IN ai arena Ch. Twenty Q'stlont Twenty O'stlonoj Walt. Wlnchell iLouclla Patu n 'News Editorial runnlngham I Newa Sign Off N'aiareno Cb. Natarena Ch. Frank do Vol Frank de Vol Sunday Reverie Sunday Kever'e Dallas Churrh Dallas Church Moon Dreams Moon Dreams Moon Dreams Moon Dreams MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Second Cup Isecond Cup :30iUomrtowners ;4.f Newa nn'Marrlage for t ;1Sllora Lawton n nick llaymea :45The Playboys ;f(1 (Doable or S Nothing Children Today :4Llghtof World :0flLir Beautiful f Kneass iews V'g'a Famllv Rltht to Happl. Backstage Wife stela Dallaa 3nlt.orenee Jonea INewt KOIN Block IKOIN Block KOIN Klock IKOIN Kloek" jDancan M'Leed Consumer Newt ID are Valle ftrand Slam Rosemary hVendy Warren lAunt Jenny Helen Trent l Our Gal Sund'y (Rig SHIer Mi Terklne ,Tg. Dr. Matone Guiding Light d Mrs. Burton Perry Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day Farm Newt Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Newa Agronsky News Timekeeper March Time Newa Breakfa! Mob .Bargain CnuntrtCrusadrre Rreakfant Cluo jW Bp. Church rruxader nrsaarast icn i.iuie Breakfast Club KOrO Klock KOCO Klock Tex Bitter Breakfast Gang Newt Musle ITatt O Mitrnln Top Tradea Top O Morning Mildred Bed r II Stare of Today Art Llnklvttci Art tlnkleller Jack Norman Galen Drake My True Story My True Story Betty Crorker ISage Rldera N westerners N'westernerB N W News iMelody Time Mus. MemorlCB'Mrlody Time jailor's ( all malts lime News kiospel Rificer Concert Mln. t a dies First adfea feat (Onern for Pay Mueen for Day Duncan M'Leod B'hate TalklngfTop Tradea come Get It Newa' News Rrltht A Light Victor LlndlahrlN. W. News Art Baker Meet Menjous jChan. Com'rca Bamy'd Follies Rr. Garry Moore Garry Moore West. Melodlea Stars Sing John C. Thorn. NW. News Memory Made fTune Time IWalts SetenadfM Keya 4SWldder Brown iKirkham Kewe.iKay West 00 Girl Marries Newt Llay Stewart Hellvw'd Tell Neighbor Harding Organ Reveries Ring Singe jiir. in noiiyw a nsrv, Kay Weil' Musle Mart Music Mart Jan Garber Vocal Variety H'wnnd Music H'wood Musle New Dave Dennle Mae't Melodlea Mac'e Melodlea Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodlea Melody Matinee IMac'a MlnrilM I.VPor. Facea Life Steve Allen Jav Stewart Me1ndy Matinee Mae's Melodies 10lJust Plain Bill Show Wrlde GroemlTenn. JimhiMii-'i M.lrfi :45ir'r. Pge. FarrellTunel'lly TourtlRrlde e Groom Tenn. Jamoofer Mec'e Melodlea 00 Wele. Travelers Art Kirk. Newt Talk Way Out rarm-lloma is nrif. iraveierjArin r i.oaireyriaia nay nut innit roole 0 ant Mary :4ft l ove A Learn : 00 Worn. Secret :l.VRoad of Life 1 :30 Dr. Paul ;4K Ma. Cavalcade (Art. Godfrey jLad't be Sea Art. Godfrey fTed M alone Seated Newa Hawaiian Har. Arthur Godfrey Mod. Romances Fulton Lewis Arthur (lodlrerLMftd. Romancearmk. Hem'wav Curt Massey Squirrel Cae (Behind Story Murrew Seulrrel Cage 'Nrws Mac'a Melodlea Mae't Melodies Mar'a Melodlea Mae't Melodlea Movie Time Philosopher Bvers Can Be Beautiful 17. Ae rial 21 Salutation It Join St. Trouble S;. Wishes 17. Geo metric surface II. Takes off en a ACROSS L Forced air upon k. Juice ot tree I Renown It. Place carjrtJ on a vests) I aalnt'a tomb 41. Go by again It. preaa 44. Behind a U Leave out veaetl IS Poem 41. Dry 17. Fragrant . Lever in ft ointment of loom the ancient ft. Cry of th it. Improved in ancient health bacchanals jn. Steeple B Prong 21. Peaoech 61. Optical orsan Si. Waa Informed to. Uatur A P E S S C A N il I IN Si r h e s u s D i p e'sl I ! BJj.AtT.Ojf. CA;NUjCIk03PI I R A L EJ'gj hvT Ha.w'e If 8AP ISgnTW alTTTa II U L E SlTjOiA EV 1 Nl T i E M K5I n.CMIIIN b ciia ri A K T.e Ue:t n a RES Solution of Ytsterday'i Puxxia 85. Or.am 6. Color 17. Vehicle en runners UNUuMHtlNM -yoiiprABiT MANAGES TOLtTW HOLD I .ru A OURCONFERENCtlNHI .hvIV'T U SlTTIN'ROOM.euNNV.'., ' JaJ m N0WIET' HEAR TMC , VvTil A. VEWETORTMEtACH J I sL?71 'mm hi 2 Hr if' I i 3 4- Tits Im 1 7 ;j8 17 0 I '7 . Jl -.2?; 7 7i if1 Trs'JT M ias uS" W 23 Vf V" ' " w J J. 4 li i Y? 44 'as Ui, U7 '' 4 4f So W 71 si Ji J5T DOWN L Bp latch 1 Crippled I. Prepare for publication . RiMnler a. Fun . HHp 7. Gift . Limited 9. Sandarao traa 10. Greater amount II. Flnlahei 9. Toleratea IL Protectiona for inventlona 71. Rear CI. Owned S&. Precedln n!ht 24. Roman hronag) 2. Short aleep 2X Pinch 3rt. Biverara 21. German c !i e m 1 at 31. Deer ot tha mi It an . newer! 40. Nominated 41. Etc'amatlnn 4L Cam) In New York slate 11. Tio plneappia; tS. Ms'lrn 4 t. r.ihle 47. Neceaelty ift. Forever i UTURe.7",i Kvl r Ai Newsreafvrai