Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    Leahy Sees Bear Win Over
Ducks, Precision
4Hetd Football coach. UntvtMltr
ol Notri Dam)
Bear Mountain, N.Y. Bring
ing our Notre Dame football
team back to the sidewalks of
New York is certainly one of
the more enjoyable assignments
of my coaching career, as we
have never (one Into New York
without that massive city seem
ing to turn Itself over to the toot
ball week-end.
Manhattan always holds a soft
spot in my heart, for many times
when coaching at Fordham I
would find myself daydreaming
of the time when Notre Dame
would be playing in Yankee Sta
dium, and I might be privileged
to find myself on the coaching
staff of my Alma Mater.
Realizing that there will be
no time for daydreaming after
o n e-thirty tomorrow after
noon, we have done our ut
most to prepare the team for
the big game with North Car
olina. Having worked with Coach
Carl Snavely during more than
one coaching clinic I know that
the Tarheels 1949 record to date
is not indicative of his true
coaching ability.
Naturally we fear Justice
and Weiner and have been
working hard on defenses to
stop these men. Because of
the type of ball that North
Carolina plays we look for
tomorrow's game to be one of
the higher scoring contests of
our season, and our sincere
hope is that the Irish can get
the ball across that final
marker a few more times than
the opponent does.
Looking southward we see
several games that will have
considerable bearing on the final
standing in the Southern and
Southeastern conferences. The
most improved team in that area
is expected to remain in the
forefront as L.S.U. subdues Mis
sissippi State.
Very important games
should witness the defeats of
Alabama, Auburn, and Van
derbilt, by Georgia T e e h,
Georgia, and ' Tulane. Last
S a t u r d a y's unfortunates,
Clemson, Duke, and Tennessee
are expected to return to the
win column as they take the
measure of Duquesne, George
Washington, and Mississippi.
Southern conference contend
er, Kentucky will have to go
all out before they stop Florida
and Charlie Hunsinger. Wake
Forest and Virginia Military
look like good bets to defeat
North Carolina State and the
Considerably less action
than usual will be taking
v place in the Mid-west this
week-end as many of the home
teams are on the road. Of top
importance in the Big Nine
scene is the Ohio State-Illinois
clash in which we see the
Buckeyes outscoring the II
lini. '
Southern Bowl Numbers
Atlanta, Nov. 11 W This
isn't a boom year for Dixie foot
ball bowls, but neither is it a
bust It's what you might call
a season when the fittest are
At least 20 bowls will operate,
five or more oldtimers have
gone out cf business, and three
others are listed as "maybe"
No doubt there are six or
eight other "classics", some de
funct and some operating.
Sprinkled along minor cross
roads of southern football.
Florida is the leading bowl
state because of pleasant
weather and a natural love for
promoting. A minimum of
eight games will be played
in Florida, which is a drop
of two from preceeding years.
Texas is next with at least
five in operation and one which
apparently isn't definitely set.
Houston's big oil bowl hasn't
functioned for two years.
Louisiana has three games for
sure: Tennessee at least two,!
maybe three, and Alabama and
Arkansas one each. Two Ala-1
bama bowls are no more. One
Mississippi game hasn't been of
ficially announced.
Here are some of the bowls
and their vital statistics:
Dixie's big four show no
signs of financial sickness and 1
Still the conference favorite
is defending champion Michigan
and they should remain in front
by virtue of their victory over
Indiana while Iowa slows down
high flying Wisconsin. Non
conference games favor Iowa
State, Purdue, and Northwest
ern over Nebraska, Marquette,
and Colgate.
Southwesterners will have
an opportunity to see just how
potent undefeated Wyoming is
this fall. Knowing Wyoming
to be great, we still don't be
lieve they are capable of
downing Baylor.
That area's biggest battle will
take place between the nation's
two top exponents of the Split
T" as Don Faurot, the teacher.
and Bud Wilkinson, the pupil,
square off in the Missouri-Okla
homa game. This is a tough
one, but our vote goes to the
undefeated Oklahomans. Other
games in that sector see Rice,
Texas, and Southern Methodist,
downing Texas A & M, Texas
Christian, and Arkansas. An
inter-sectional affair gives the
nod to San Francisco over Tulsa
Last year's .cc - champions
California and Oregon meet on
the Pacific, coast and we feel
that California has too much
power to be derailed by the
Ducks. Still holding an out
side chance on the Rose Bowl
is Stanford who will defeat Ida
Capital Alleys
Good Routtkeepinr Olney 41S, AN
brtcb 393. Duncan 342. Jonea iu4, il
474; YWCA (fl Gardner 382. Schuessler
STB. Schwab 246. Mackey 238, Butts 361.
Capitol Ctiy Laundry Bain 391.
Doer Her 373. Ross 319, Htllman 289, Bayes
387: Willard Art Te (T BioD 46J. law
less 4M, Coiman 379, Kaneskl 407, Willard
Ketlettes (? Dawson 427. Boyd 433.
Anderson 403. Putnam 448. Meyer 469;
Cupboard Cafe (1) Thompson 411. Elli
ot 460. Pease 407, Olodt 361. Boyce 402.
Qulsenberry's S McElrtaney 353, Pugn
13. Blark 368. Kennedy 457; Senator
Beauty Shop !) McClain 275, Scott 323,
Rodakowski 319, Cllne 366. Adolph 461.
Acklln's Bootery (1) Wilder 382. Loken
331, Vittone 360, Whlttaker 310. Archer
425; Golden Pheasant 2 Clark 467,
Thrush 427, Muellhaupt 441, Laird 396,
Oarbarlno 441.
High team series. KeRlettes. 2180: nun
lnd. series and game, Charlotte Possehl,
474 and 194.
University Alleys
Ralph Johnson (1) R. Bell 363, A. Bell
426. Mohlman 407, Garrison 536; VFW (S
Wodeswoda 409, Parkes 372, Valleau 332,
White 385, Miller 391.
Pumlllte 2 Kelley 409, Sheridan 345.
Willard 283. Elwood 446. Duncan 506:
SAN Clothiers (8) Kaneskl 502. Barker
494, Muelhapt 387, Ricks 427. Nan ley 4J6.
Eagles (3) Peterson 534, Reid 4R5, Rltz
man 396. Pero 444, Zeller 490; Coinings
Union Ser. (I) Pease 426. Farley 485,
Stone 422, Scott 422, ComstOCk 468.
Judson'a Plumbing (0) Atiftove 366,
Bronson 353, Beals 382. Little 345. Hop
finger 494; Naval Air Fae. (4) B. Kned
ler 433, Holman 442, Baal 468, J. Knedler
513. Brown 482.
Dyer Jk Sons Ins. Ary. fl McOlothin
376, J. Miller 498, Plauti 453. Kerns 426.
Perman 476; 1st Nat. Bank () Drlggs
465, Kottke 352, Marshall 425, Man 449,
Morris 516.
Western Paper (I) Luke 444, Gadach
388. J. Kuebler 477, Andersen 404, L.
Kuebler 401; Interstate Tractor (St Mor
ris 508, Robinson 441. Tanquery 382, Burt
ner 431, Schackman 423.
games will be played Jan. 2.
The Sugar in New Orleans
will draw 82,000 fans and pay
more than $120,000 per team
no announcement yet which
teams are considered.
Dallas's Cotton will attract
75,347 and pay about the
same. The Southwest confer
ence championship team will
be host.
The Orange in Miami will be
a 64,538-seat sellout. Each team
gets $75,000. No ideas yet who
the teams will be.
Jacksonville's Gator seats
40,000 and pays between $45,
000 and $60,000. Teams won't
be announced for at least an
other two weeks.
Among smaller games the
Shrine Cigar bowl in Tampa
has space for 18.000 customers.
35622 or 35606
For Your Load of
Howard J. Smalley
Oil Co. 1405 Broadway
ho, as U C L A, subdues Wash
ington in a close contest.
West coast fans will like
the precision with which
Michigan State moves as they
beat Oregon State, while one
of the Coast's most important
non-conference games favors
Santa Clara over St. Mary's.
Once again. Boston will be the
scene of several fine games and
to our mind the most important
one will see Boston university's
winning streak stopped by Jim
Tatum's Maryland Terps. Bul
warked by AU-American Ray
Krouse, the Terps are one of the
most underrated teams in the
Boston college having found it
self will please its fans by
beating a fine Fordham team.
Top ranking eastern elevens.
Army and Cornell will both be
extended before they vanquish
Penn and Dartmouth. Harvard s
suicide schedule does not im
prove as they are expected to
lose to Brown, while their arch
rivals, the Yales are being de
feated by Princeton.
Area underdogs, Navy and
Holy Cross are predicted to em
erge from their usual roles as
they overcome Columbia and Sy
racuse. Penn State and Lehigh
should win over Temple and
Carnegie Tech while another Sy
racuse State game will see Min
nesota edging out stubborn Pitt
in the latter's home stadium.
High lnd. game, Lee Morris, 309; high
lnd. series, Peterson (Eagles) 534; hlnh
team series, -Interstate Tractor, 2707; high
team game, interstate Tractor, 986.
Smith Auto Parts Clark 355. Ed-
minster 312. Schuett 444. Lemon 468, Gar
rison 537: McDonald Candy Co. (1) Lew
is 476. Baxter 432, Nichols 484, Oemmell
344. Scott 431.
Mom vert Chevron (3) Momyer 530.
Schaffer 450. Odermatt 303, Covert 463,
Miller 461: KOCO (1) Ransom 434. Mc-
Elroy 366, Nason 392. Thede 507.
Hii rock s tsj wnite 3bj, Mcranana 3M.
Meyers 337, Stepanek 311. Wlsser 444;
Van's Parking 4S Rogers 441. Vleck 432,
Barnes 46. Keenan 423. McDanells 46S.
zeeb's used cars (31 f. zeeb 433, carr
509, S. Zeeb 352. A. eeb 547, Peterson 476;
Knights or Pythias (1) Dec at tire 530,
Judson 463. Elwood 497, Scheidel 441,
Tschida 492.
High lnd. game and series, Aaron Zeeb,
209 and 547; high team gam and series,
Zeeb's, 1033 and 3022.
Duckpin Bowling
Willamette Amusement Co. (1) Clarence
ADDlenate 327. Roy Robinson 403. Wilfred
Wilier 389, Olen Blanton 324, Howard Mills
342; Tweedta OH CD Carl Flood 367. Har
old Duncan 312. Harry Scharf 378, Ira
Short 344, Emery Alderman 478.
Quality Used Cars 3 Royal Pawley
408, Bill Moad 382, B. B. Snelgrove 384,
Johnnv Cooter 467. Mose Van Dell 437;
Willamette Valley Bank ! Harry Ewlng
295, Keith Kaye 387, Carroll Meets 3UJ,
Camel Welding 332. Al Flicker 482.
GMC Truck Co. (2) Darby Sermon 363,
John Fullenwlder 348, Joe Brooks 326, Al
Starr 312, Milt Thomas 337; A. L. Cam
mines Heating 2) Dave Spalding 347,
Lester Woods 335, Ed Ooertzen 385, How
ard Smith 445. Les Dolge 409.
Marion Electric (2) Al Hakanson 337,
Arlo Young 308, Bob Griffith 282. Don
Bower 399, John Wood 357; Gleason's Ba
kery (2 Tom Wood 422. Marlon Gleason
440, Art Woelk 380, Ken Maguren 341,
Harold Bonner 388.
High team game and series, Quality
Used Cars, 756 and 2076; high lnd. game,
Roy Robinson l Willamette Amusement)
206; high lnd. series, Al Flicker (Willam
ette Bank) 462.
Taper Off
The Jan. 2 game is for charity
and teams get only expenses and
If you're moving
Want To Know A
You can save up
Half on your movi
bill if you
By The
Special Refrigeration Trucks
Padding at No Extra Cost
Gas Cr Oil Furnished
f ft;
Drive to Wire Rcd Desin
head in front of Maryland Day, the favorite, in race at Pim
lico track, Baltimore, Md. Jockey R. Sisto had kept Mary
land Day ahead until the final strides. Red Design, a rank
outsider, paid $67.60 for $2. (AP Wirephoto.)
Basketball Coach Sees
Tax Crackdown on Sports
Lawrence, Kas., Nov. 11 UP)
Kansas' Phog Allen forsees a
crackdown by the internal reve
nue department on some college
The 63-year-old University of
Kansas basketball coach charg
ed yesterday that many college
athletes are cheating on their
income tax returns.
It is known that some ama
teur athletes are drawing pay
from $10,000 to $20,000," Al
len said in a Kiwanis club
speech. "Junior college ath
letes in Kansas are now being
paid from $60 to $100 a
"Those salaries are not now
being reported for income tax-
Several coaches, however,
scoffed at Allen's remarks on
players' pay.
The talkative coach, who long
has advocated a czar for inter
collegiate athletics, predicted
the internal revenue department
would move into the situation
within three years.
"Everybody is supposed to
To Their New Location
Across from Bergs.
Now in Our New Modern
Office and Laboratory
Dial 3-6506
Dr. E. E. Boring
Tk Rental Service
Hour - Day - Week
.. , . Jjj
n- ieft)' witn w- l- Tay
at least make a report on an
income of $600 or more," he
Racers Pay Final
Tribute to Mays
Glendale, Calif., Nov. 11 Wi
The checkered flag went down
for Rex Mays yesterday. With
his auto racing buddies in full
attendance, the body of the
36-year-old driver was laid to
"In all things. Rex Mays be
lieved in the strenuous life,"
said the Rev. Dr. Clarence
W. Kerr in his eulogy to the
veteran speedster who was
killed Sunday when his car
overturned at Del Mar, Calif.,
Mays' widow fainted dur
ing the service, attended by
some 500 persons.
Nearly 270 floral pieces
filled the Church of the Re
cessional. In the center was a
replica of a broken wheel.
Dr. Sam Hughes
- Month
National Field
Trials Draw 20
Top Retrievers
Westhampton, L.I., W)
Twenty finalists, survivors from
more than 2.500 retrievers who
completed in preliminary field
trials, will vie for the national
retriever trial championship
here, December 2-4.
Brignall's Gringo, a black
Labrador owned by Clifford N.
Brignall of Long Beach, Calif.,
is the defending champion. Only
three years old now, Brignall's
Gringo was the youngest dog
ever to win the championship
when he was crowned last year
at Herrin. 111.
To qualify for the national, a
dog must win during the year at
least one sanctioned trial and
Bohemian Club pale is really "something"...
something to talk about It's the beer lovers'
dream of how good beer can be, the beer every
one has been waiting for. If you crave a real
taste thrill, treat yourself to beer goodness,
...Jutt Say "BOHEMIAN"
M ' w Mtiaiu
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
pick up additional points in an
other trial.
Leading contender for Brig
nall's Gringa's crown is Black
Panther, a five-year-old black
Labrador owned by Carl W.
Carlson of Helena, Mont. Black
Panther has won 15 trials this
year and his total of 104 points
in sanctioned competition is the
highest in the history of retriev
er trials.
Correct for Newport
3:27 m.
4:11 p.m.
S:2& ft.m
i:lb p.m.
7:32 .m.
6:29 p.m.
17 t.m.
1:55 p.m.
01 .m.
9:13 p:m.
9:53 l.m.
10:21 pm.
1017 t m.
11:39 p.m. -11:39
0:37 m.
1:03 p.m.
1:38 A.m.
3 26 p.m.
2:37 a m.
3:33 p.m.
3:22 a.m.
4:29 p.m.
to-talk. about
itvatut. me.. fot
11 h I U
Did you?
"Did Someone
Did Anybody ever wear out opaV?
We ask it in all honesty, because
we've sold a lot of Florxlieim Cordovan
Shoes . . . and we have yet to hear from
a single customer who ever managed
to wear out a pair. Did you? . . .
Did someone you know? . .
Did anybody ever?
Friday, November 11, 19199
Where Have the
Harvard Men Gone?
South Hadley, Mass., Nov.
11 A The boys from liar
vard grant that they are no
match for Mt. Holyoke college
girls at field hockey.
The Mill Street Field Hock
ey association,' a Harvard
group, took a 6-2 pasting from
the girls yesterday in a game
featured only by the excel
lence of the young women,
John Burnett of the Cleve
land Indians collected nine hits
in 11 times at bat in a 1932
game the major league record.
"save ...when yoiJ buy"
yoo know?
1 GittA)
Sill JfAA
ad Church St.
Phono 3-9600