Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 11, 19-10 Miss Carrico Sets Date For Dec. 10 December's calendar ia filling up with many wedding dates. Latest among brides-elect to announce dates for their wed dings is Miss Stella Jean Car rico, who has set Saturday, De cember 10 as the day for her marriage to William Roy Barber of Salem. The ceremony is to be solemn ized at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the First Congregational church, the reception following to be at the Delta Gamma chap ter house on the Willamette uni versity campus. The couple's engagement was announced last spring. Miss Carrico, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Carrico of Phoen ix, Arizona, is a student at Wil lamette and is a member of Del ta Gamma. Mr. Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barber of Salem, is a graduate of Willa mette. Junior Women Silverton Mrs. Wilson John son was hostess to members of the Junior Woman's club, as sisted by Mrs. James Nelson. Plans for the holiday season were talked, with arrangements made to get the Christmas seal sale letters in the mail at the November meeting, which will be at the home of the seal chair man, Mrs. John W. Myers, Fiske street. To preside at the Saturday 1 to 2 o'clock afternoon story hour at the city library this week will be Mrs. Sam Stadcli and Mrs. Edward Hande. The Christmas projects of the young matrons group Is progress ing satisfactorily. A late social hour followed the business of the evening. Mrs. Orville Frank is piesidcnt of the Junior Woman's club. Lions Auxiliary Hollywood Lions auxiliary met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Carl A. Gies. Dr. S. A. Wheatley talked to the group on the Chin Up club and its purposes and program. Frank Sanders from the blind school staff played piano numbers. The group voted to change its hour of meeting to 8 p.m. Hostesses for the meeting this week were Mrs. Louis C. Kirby, Mrs. Paul Purvis, Mrs. Robert Hanna. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. V. W. Boon and Mrs. O. M. Eng dahl. SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Silbernagel entertain ed Sunday in honor of the 45th anniversary of Mrs. Silberna gel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Starr. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schtimaker and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schu maker and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shumaker and fam ily, Beverly and Diana Weiss, Betty Lou Schumaker, Cletus Minten. Jane Cook, Vincent Starr, Mr. and Mrs. George Sil bernagel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bogstad and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Banning and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwint and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Silbernagel and the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Starr. j . COLOGNE THREESOME Give her bower of flowers, three lovely floral colognes that seem to have come from a dew-drenched garden! She'll love the refreshing variety of these wonderfully true flower fragrances raptured by Barbara Gould. The three gen erous 2-ounee bottles, 3.25 plus tax. And. another pretty gift box with two col ognes, Sweet Pea and Lily of the Valley, 2.25 plus tax. KM swmrit Women LOWRY FISCHER ' In Honorary Oregon State College. Corval lis (Special) Miss Marilyn Hill of Salem is among new pledges for Orchesis, the honorary soci ety for inteprctative dance stu dents, the group having "tapped" new members yesterday. Miss Hill, a Junior at the col lege majoring in education, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El more Hill of Salem, and is a member of Gamma Phi Beta so rority on the campus. Sojourners Honor Guests Guest day for Sojourners club was an event of Thursday after noon at the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. I. F. Bryan headed the committee of host esses. The guests were Mrs. E. D. Crabtree, Mrs. Malcolm L. Jones, Mrs. Donald Burke, Mrs. K W. Miller, Mrs. Robert E. Spence. Mrs. George Gregor, Mrs. John Nickols, Mrs. Howard Doak, Mrs. John Langrell, Mrs. Glen Holman, Mrs Carl W. Nelson, Mrs. George Robde, Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr., Mrs. William E. Jud- son, Mrs. Jack Kuhn, Mrs. Vic tor Reno, Mrs. John R. Hunt Mrs. C. E. Hicks, Mrs William H. Bush, Mrs. Larry Balch, Mrs Marie Ginhold and Mrs. Mar- jorie Howard from Slayton Mrs. K. S. Muller, Mrs. Robert Balch Mrs. L. R. Smith and Mrs. Brace Knapp arc new mem bers. A semi-formal dance was an nounced for December 10 at Mayflower hall, Mrs. Willis Clark in charge and taking res ervations. Mrs. George Rohde. Mrs. Vic tor Reno, Mrs. Gocckncr, Mrs. Robert J. Davidson and Mrs. Louis Ertz won prizes in bridge. Mothers Club St. Vincent de Paul Mothers club met Tuesday afternoon in the school hall. The Rev. George O'Kcefc discussed club projects. A project to be un dertaken is to secure a number of new library books for the school. A ways and means committee was appointed to include Mcs- dames Richard Upjohn, Paul Schuh, Sydney Trott, Frank Tuor. Lunch was served by the tilth grade mothers with Mrs. Carl Jungblut as chairman. Organize Club Organization of a Theta Rho club for younger girls is under way in the Salem Rcbekah lodge. The committee appointed by the noble grand, Mrs. Justina Kildee, for arrangements in cludes Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, Mrs. Charles Neubauer and Mrs. Chester Lanktree. The club will be instituted lat er under the direction of the council of Theta Rho clubs and the president of the Assembly oi uregon, Mrs. L,cla Ramsey. "GIFTS THAT LAST" Showers Are Given Several shower parties have been given the past week. Fete Miss Brisebois Miss Irma Brisebois, who Is to be married November 19, to George E. Day, was compliment ed at a surprise shower given Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Clyde Woodruff. Mrs. Woodruff, Mrs. J. R. White and Miss Georgia Green were the hostesses. Guests invited included Miss Brisebois, Mrs. Rosemary Hen- ningsgard, Miss Nancy Elliott, Miss Frances Dvorak, Miss Joan McCarthy, Miss Cecilia Greene, Mrs. H. Hicks. Miss Velma Wich man. Miss Flo Schlosser, Mrs. J. Domogalla, Mrs. George A. Day, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Mont somcry, Mrs. C. Ellery, Mrs. Paul E. Smith, Mrs. E. Zahrad- nik. Miss Barbara Saddler, Miss Zora Rice and .the hostesses. Honor Mrs. Wright Mrs. Jack Wright (Patricia Leary) of Portland was honored at a shower and party for which Mrs. George Hull and Mrs. Carl Gillis were hostesses recently at the Hall residence. In the group were the honoree and Mrs. Ellis Allgood, Mrs. E. M. Larsen, Mrs. G. A. Coffee, Mrs. Harry Collins, Mrs. Frank Doolittle, Mrs. Warren Doolittlc, Mrs. W. H. East, Mrs. Carl Gil iis, Mrs. Cecil Kerns, Mrs. D. A. Larson, Mrs. William Leary, Mrs. J. M. Lamb, Mrs. William Minkiewitz, Mrs. J. W. Nash Mrs. Dick Spooner, Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. George Hull. For Miss Jones Mrs. Marie Robertson was nostess at her home for a bridal shower honoring Miss Feme Jones, Tuesday night. Games were enjoyed during the eve ning before the presentation of I he gifts to the bride-elect. Mrs. Elmer Beavens assisted Mrs. Ro bertson in serving refreshments from a beautifully arranged ta ble, centered with yellow and white chrysanthemums. Miss Jones' marriage to Cor nelius Burkhardt of Seattle will be an event of December 18. Present were Miss Feme -Tones, Mrs. Amelia Brown, Mrs. Violet Lesher, Mrs. G. W. Jen kinson, Mrs. Albert Brandle, Mrs. Edward Brandle. Mrs. Er- vin Kron, Mrs. W. J. Noland, Mrs. Clifford Tibbctts, Mrs. Ol ive Zch, Mrs. Amy Wells, Mrs. H. B. Jones, Mrs. Ray J. Pinson, the little Misses Edwina Brandle and Marilyn Pinson, Mrs. Elmer Beavens and the hostess, Mrs. Marie Robertson. SILVERTON Mrs. Glenn McDonald, publicity chairman, is announcing the regular month ly meeting of the Silverton Wom an's club, Monday afternoon at the First Christian church social rooms at 2:15 o'clock. The meet ing of the executive" board is called the same afternoon at 1:30 o'clock Miss Joy Hills of Salem, state department of education, will be the speaker, her subject to be: "Education Needs." Mrs. Craig Clark will appear as vocalist for the program. Hostesses for the tea hour are Mrs. E. A. Teler, Mrs. Reber Al len, Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr. Mrs. S. Parzy Rose. Mrs. A Brown and Mrs. Errol Ross. for Thanksgiving! S Luncheon Event Hostess this afternoon at a luncheon was Mrs. Hall S. Lusk The affair honored Mrs. E. M Page, whose husband recently was appointed as a justice to the supreme court. Canasta was played following the luncheon. Places were marked for Mrs. Page, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Har ry H. Belt, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. Arthur D. Hay, and Mrs. Lusk. Wedding at Monmouth Monmouth The First Chris tian church was the scene the evening of October 4 of a wed ding when Miss Grace Schroeder and George Hayward exchanged their marriage vows at 8:15 o'clock. Rev. Milo Franke, the bride's brother - in - law, offi ciated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Schroeder of Monmouth and Mr. Hayward the son of Mrs. Eva Hayward of West Salem. Lighted candles and baskets of pink and white chrysanthe mums flanked the altar. Miss Betty Bollinger and Miss Mari lyn Miller lighted the candles. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of brocaded satin with long sleeves and high neckline. Her long veil with lace insertions, cas caded from a crown of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible with a corsage of pink rosebuds and gardenias, with shower rib- bon of satin. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Milo Franke, who wore an aqua taffeta dress and carried a nosegay of pink roses. Little Charlotte Franke, the bride's niece, was flower girl. Arthur Hayward was best man for his brother, and Lawrence Guy and Kenny Kahlcr were the ushers. Mrs. George Harding played the organ. Miss Estella Schroeder, cousin of the bride. and Mrs. Howard Olsen of Sa lem sang. The bride s mother wore a navy blue dress with black ac cess ones, ine Driaegroom s mother wore a brown dress with matching accessories. Both wore corsages of pink rosebuds, A reception was held in the church basement following the wedding. The rooms were deco rated in chrysanthemums and the bride's table was centered with a four-tiered wedding cake. Mrs. David Fricsen, aunt of the bride, cut the cake, Mrs. Jack Stump poured, Miss Bonnie Flickinger served punch, and others assisting in serving were Misses Margaret Stump, Lois Perkins, Marion Perkins, Pat Petrick, Gladys Young, Lucinda Fitzhugh and Mrs. Alfred Schroe der. Miss Donna Tomkins was in charge of the guest book and Miss Aria Jean Deforest and Miss Ethel Burns of the gifts. The bride attended Salem and Monmouth schools. The bride groom graduated from Dallas high school and served in the navy during the war. After a short wedding trip lo southern Oregon, the couple will live at Klamath Falls, where Mr. Hayward will attend school. For going away the bride wore a brown suit with green acces sories and a rosebud corsage. Time to set your table with Sterling . . . the lifetime sil ver that speaks of hospital ity and gracious living. Your silver service, with those extra pieces that add so much is the very heart of your home . . . the essence of the holiday. Come in and inquire about our bud get purchase plan. Girl Scout Area Council Announces New Officers Election of officers featured Santiam area council, Girl Scouts of America, last evening in the Imanuel Lutheran church in Silverton. About 100 attended the gathering. Mrs. Edwin Fortmiller of Albany is the new area president, succeeding Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding of Salem. Elected '"' serve with Mrs. Fortmiller. are: Mrs. Ivan Marble, Independence, first vice president; Mrs. Robert J. Clark. Albany, secretary; Mrs. Carl Porter of Albany, treasur er. As board members: Mrs. E. E. Boring of Salem; Mrs. Jack Cochran of Brownsville; Ward Davis of Salem; Mrs. Max Flan- nery of Salem; Mrs. Hiram Groves of Lebanon; Miss Mar- jorie Harris, Salem; Howard Hickam, Albany; Mrs. Edwin Keech, Salem; Frank Cubes. Al bany; Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and Wesley E Stewart, Jr., both of Salem; Mrs. R. A. Talbott, Al bany; Mrs. William Woodard, Silverton. Members of district nominat ing committee: Mrs. Chester Chase of Salem, Mrs. William Woodartl of Silverton. District council presidents to serve on board: Mrs. James Jenks of Albany; Mrs. O D. Stevenson, Jefferson; Mrs. Mary Wells, Lebanon; Mrs. Frank E. Manbeck, Salem; Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave, Silverton; the Polk county group, Stayton and Sweet Home yet to be named. SUBLIMITY A group of rel atives and friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinkamp on their silver wedding anniver sary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Albus, Mr. and Mrs. John Albus and son, James, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Steinkamp and children Zita and Vincent, Mrs. Lena Steinkamp and chil dren, Eleanor, Frances, Cather ine and Joseph. PYTHIAN SISTERS club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. J. Peck. Plans were discussed for the annual Christmas box for the home at Vancouver. Al so, discussion was held on ar ticles for the bazaar to be given December 5 in the Portland Gas and Coke company office Cards were played, honors !&$M:$i&4sM&t?jiMLiX- fa fc. NOVEMBER OF OUR FINEST VP V IT PAYS TO BUY GOOD QUALITY the meeting and dinner for - v - - . f 7TTlfPr fit" 1 1 ,v-1 P i jOTON TV A visitor In the capital through Saturday is Mrs. Mae Worden of Missoula, Mont., pro vince secretary for Delta Gam ma sorority. She is visiting the Willamette university chapter of the group. Last evening, the active chap ter entertained at an informal fireside to honor the visitor. Alumnae Entertain Mrs. Worden was a visitor at the meeting of the Salem Delta Gamma alumnae last evening when Mrs. Steve Anderson, Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer and Mrs. Robert Gentzkow entertained the group at the Anderson home. Plans were discussed for the province convention to be staged in Banff on June 25-30. The Willamette university chapter and the University of Oregon chapter of the sorority will en tertain for the Tuesday dinner at the convention, while the Oregon State chapter and the Portland alumnae will entertain at the Tuesday luncheon during the meeting. A late dessert was served by the three hostesses. Autumn flowers were used in decorating. Besides the visitor, Mrs. Worden, the local alumnae at tending included Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Douglas Baker. Mrs. Al bert A. Cohen, Miss Vivian Chandler. Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. Gentzkow, Mrs. Robert Gregg, Mrs. Lloyd Hammel, Mrs. Milton Hartwell, Mrs. Holmer. Miss Lois Latimer, Mrs. Leon Margosian, Miss Marilyn Nelson. Mrs. J. E. Savage, Mrs. Vern Shay. Mrs. William Stortz. going to Mrs. Al Neiderberger and Mrs. W. A. Stanton, the spe cial prize going to Mrs. Earl Burk. The Christmas party will be December 14 at the home of Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, and at that i time new officers will be elected. YOUTHMORE . . . DEL MODE . . . STERLING with Miller's guarantee of perfect satisfaction for the duration of wear. Come try one on and feel the difference ... the smart appearance ... the goodness of quality over an ordinary coat made to sell cheap. FABRICS BROADCLOTH . . . GABARDINE . . . COVERT . . . BOUCLE . . . TWEED . . . WOOL CREPE FURS BEAVER . . . MINK LAMB . . . LEOPARD SQUIRREL. .. Reg. Wedding Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Phyl lis Cutler, daughter of Mrs. Opal Cutler of Portland, to Richard Van Osdol, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Osdol of Salem. The wedding was an evening service, solemnized at 7 o - clock, October 27, in the fire side room at the First Presbyter ian church, Dr. Chester W. Hamblin officiating. It was a candlelight ceremony. Bruce Crandall gave the bride in marriage. She wore a green taffeta dress with matching hat and veil and she carried a white Bible on top of which was an orchid with streamers. Miss Virginia Beals was the bridesmaid. She wore a black dress with pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Jack Van Osdol was the best man for his brother and usher ing were Gary Gortmaker and William Petersen. For the wedding, the bride's mother was attired in a black satin dress with white accessor ies and her corsage was of white chrysanthemums. The bride groom's mother wore a gray dress with matching hat and ac cessories, and she also wore a corsage of white chrysanthe mums. Reception Later A reception for the couple was given November 6 at the home of the bridegroom's parents. Aunts of the bridegroom were among those assisting, Mrs. Wal ter Van Osdol cutting the cake and Mrs. Henry Gortmaker pouring. Mrs. Jack Gortmaker and Mrs. James King served. In charge of gifts was Mrs. Jack AUaway and passing the guest book was Mrs. William Petersen. The couple are at home in Sa lem. Relieve distress almost instantly. oe sure 10 use SHKEV fasti CLEARANCE FUR TRIMMED COATS! A Coat for Every Occasion, Everywhere Here Is your fine quality, fur trimmed coat for all - occasion wear! With your fav orite label . . $62.50 to $79.50 , PERSIAN j, 1 V NJr I Reg. m to $110 Jili ; ?t Pi Beta Phis Plan for Sale Announced for Wednesday, November 30, is the annual set tlement school sale sponsored b . i- r- i m r, . dli 1 . . ine oaieiii ri on nil aiumuac v This year's event again will be f at the sorority chapter house and Mrs. Paul W. Morse is gen eral chairman. Alumnae made plans for the event at their meeting Thursday evening at the chapter house. At this sale articles from the Pi Beta Phi settlement school at Gatlinburg, Tenn. are sold, pro ceeds being used by the national sorority to further its work at the school. About 35 attended last eve nings meeting. Mrs. Clare R. Dobler of Ever ett, Wash., province vice presi dent, was a visitor. MACLEAY 4- club will meet Saturday night at the Salem home of Mr. and Mrs. Onie L. Martin. COLUMBIA LONG PLAY , RECORDS New Releases BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 3. Bruno Walter conducting the Philharmonic Symphony of New York. ML 4228 14.85 TCHAIKOVSKY: Concerto in D tor Violin and Orchestra. Isaac Stern, violinist, ML 4232 S4.S5 OFFENBACH: Gait Parisi enne Ballet. Efrem Kurti conducting Columbia Sym phony Orch. ML 4233 M.S5 DICK JUROENS: Dance Parade CL 6072 KM Corner State and High Downstairs, Oregon Bldf. Dial 3-863Z Oftm FrMr MlfhU Tin I 4 id M V J JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS Suit and Liberty (Llvesler Bids.) Dial 4JSS1 i -I