1 Capital Jotmul, Salem, Ore., FrlAy, NoVember 11, 1949 fc.j-. .. - ..s. Sub lor Dental Drill A lubstitute for the dental drill which is reported to virtually eliminate all pain and discom- . fort in preparing a tooth for filling ii demonstrated by Dr. William R. Mann at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Aluminum oxide ia mixed into a stream of carbon . dioxide to create an abrasive action. The tube held by den tal hygienist Charlotte Ginsburg is connected to a suction . chamber which pulls the aluminum oxide and dental debris from the patient's mouth. (AP Wirephoto.) determine whether a patient has polio. 6. Improved apparatus and treatments which are saving lives and shortening convales cent periods for patients with 'respiratory Involvment." Research Director Promises Polio Control 'In Lifetime' Washington, Nov. 11 (U.R) Dr. Harry Weaver, research direc tor of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, said today that scientific research promises polio control "within our life time." - Weaver said that scientists, working with funds from the March of Dimes drives, have ucoeeded in taking the disease "out of the realm of mystery, He added that doctors "now have the tools and the knowledge for advancing an attack on polio." He spoke at the final ses sion of the fifth annual confer ence of state advisers on wom en's activities of the National Foundation. He said research since 1938 has developed: 1. That polio is caused by everal viruses, not one. He predicted that the "exact num ber" of the viruses will be known by the end of 1951. 2. That the disease is trans mitted "most often, and possibly entirely," by personal contact, 3. That vaccines "prepared against each of the three known viruses are successful in ex perimental animals. 4. That viruses can be grown ta test tubes, "thus furnishing the possibility of an inexhausti ble supply" of vaccines. 5. "Considerable progress" to ward a simple diagnostic test to Close of Campaign Sought at Wood burn Woodburn A total of $1,073 has been contributed and turned in to the 1849 community chest for Woodburn and vicinity, ac cording to a report Thursday by Rev. Arthur Goble, chairman. Additional funds are still com ing in from workers who have not completed their territory. All residents of the Woodburn, Union and McKee school dis tricts who were not contacted during the "dawn to dusk" drive last week are asked to send their contributions to Rev. Goble. Dayton Pupils Will Get Health 'Shots' Dayton The county health department headed by Dr. Stolte will be at the grade school Mon day morning, to administer the following immunizations: Initial diphtheria, booster diphtheria injection and Schick test. A "Request for Immuniza tion" blank, provided each pu pil, must be signed and present ed to the teacher In order to ob tain the shots. The school was misinformed en the original date of Monday, Nov. T. Dr. Stolte said his de partment was working in areas more critical than Dayton, thus the delay. TRAILVAyS Duck Hunters Save Timber Lebanon A flight to Big Lake for duck hunting by Joe Gilbert and Walter Bowman is credited with the saving a large number of cut logs and standing timber. The two men, taking off from the Lebanon airport for the new strip at Big Lake, spotted the pillar of smoke rising from the Gilbert logging area south of Cascadia in the upper Cala pooia river region. They flew over the burning timber and then landed at Sweet Home where Gilbert secured a crew of 60 men to fight the blaze. The quick detention of the fire kept it confined to 160 acres, 113 acres more than had been burned in all the Linn county forest fire patrol area this sea son. First reports that two mech anical logging donkeys were in the blaze were later found un confirmed. Logging crews had moved them previous to the fire, which was believed to have started from a small fire left burning from the previous work week. Had Gilbert not discovered the blaze until work resumed Monday, it would have develop ed into a major forest fire, Mel Crawford, fire patrol warden an nounced after visiting the scene. Supplies Received For Dayton School Dayton The U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, through the national school lunch program have sent to the Dayton Grade school this week ten cases of ap ples and 180 pounds of butter. The school will receive state aid of $162.24 at the rate of 654 cents per meal. Serving be tween 150 and 160 pupils a day, there were 2496 meals served last month. Malecki to Learn About TurkeysfJomi Reaches Open House Planned Lincoln Mrs. Anna Martin, teacher of the Lincoln school. and the pupils are holding open house Tuesday between 7 and 8:30 o'clock to display the vari ous activities in science and so cial studies as well as other forms of handiwork. CALIFORNIA 94 WASHIMGT0M THROUGH IUS NO CHaNCIS 120 North High St., ThowMnA oi WoodboM mi bam htm toU mhJ M m ftmtom mmUjt. Produced by t factory pecialuing exclusively ia nt-mui dtaia mw Mfwfmw, Wood boss hat proved in tape not peff ocnMAe wardintM, economy. la ito woods. ,.oa the fara... in coax run km work , . , wherever timber cm . . . Woodboai feili, backs, limbs, aadercats , . . with speed, out and aVpendftbtlity. Any good nan can and aauncaia Woodboai by himself. For both dealer and user. WOODBOSS and PROFIT go together. An established, nattoiully advertised, quality leader, Woodboai is a money making good-will builder for the dealer, an cf fkiem, econoawcai, volume timber cutter for the Stiff aw cm Itm ...tfw 4l.n roUane a! lavnotaM WOODeOSS ONE-MAN POWER CHAIN AW saday. Caatait yar fcmnw, af wmt l Your Local Distributor ESSES! DEALERS IN THIS AREA: HOWSER BROTHERS 1410 S. 12th. Salem Northwest Logging Equipment McMinnville, Oregon Silverton Farm Equipment Silverton, Oregon On His Bird-Delivery to Turkey McMinnville, Ore., Nov. II A press agent's gag sending a turkey to Turkey worked out pretty well for the guy who thought it up. He's going, too. Of course, he'll have to feed the bird and see that it arrives in championship condition, but that's no problem, "I've talked with people who know about those things," said Gene Malecki. Malecki, a Salem, Ore., resi dent, has promoted and man aged a number of Oregon com munity festivals. He was named manager of the Pacific coast tur key exhibit here. After sending a bean festival representative to Boston for a pot of baked beans it was no trick to think of send ing a turkey to Turkey. President Ismet Inonu's secre tary general, Cemil Yesil, said the president would be pleased to receive the fowl. That pleased C. W. Norton of Portland, presi dent of a poultry products firm. Norton bought Malecki a round trip ticket to deliver the bird personally. So, after Malecki supervises such things as judging a demon stration of dogs herding turkeys into a pen, the serving of tur keyburger to the exhibit crowds, the mailing of the champion dressed bird to President Tru man and other birds to 48 gov ernors, he'll herd the champion live bird into a special cage and take off November IS for An kara via Istanbul. He'll arrive there November 23 and expects to be met by Ahmet Kaya, best man at Mal ecki's wedding when the two were Oregon State college stu dents in 1946. Then he'll head for Ankara to deliver the bird and join the American colony's Thanksgiving celebration at the invitation of Ambassador George Wadsworth. Along with the champion bird he'll take two dressed turkeys. One is for the secretary general and one for President Inonu. "Just in case the president wants to keep the live one for a pet," he explained. The show will be held Nov ember 15-18 and has drawn a large entry list. Among the visitors to the show will be Dr. W. A. Billings of the University of Minnesota, a nationally known figure in the turkey field. As soon as the show is com pleted the winning entries will be prepared for shipment. With the dressed birds going to the White House and to the gover nors of the 48 states will be cran berries from Coquille, to provide the proper trimmings for the holiday meal. Malecki said the widespread publicity given the local show was expected to boost the turkey industry in Oregon. Arrange ments have been made, he said, for a radio broadcast from New York when he arrives there with the turkey for Turkey and a tape recording of part of It will be used on the Voice of America broadcast. Attention Loggers! : Top Prices Paid for Logs at Burkland Lumber Co. ; Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125' Century Mark Dallas Mrs. Josie Easton, mother of Mrs. W. J. Bossett of Falls City, celebrated her 100th birthday at Olympja, Wash., Thursday with four daughters and a son present to make it an especially happy occasion for her. Hale and hearty, Mrs. Easton spends her time visiting with her daughters and is in Falls City much of the time. She expects to return here in about a month. Her family now extends into five generations with 22 grand children and many more great grandchildren. The daughters are Mrs. Amy Taylor, Rt. 10, Box 144, Olympia, where the party was held Thursday, Mrs. Alma Mitchell, Kelso, Wash.; Mrs. Lilly Peterson, Tacoma, Wash.; and Mrs. Bossett. The son is Elmer Easton of Seaside. Of six children only one, a son Alec, is dead. Mrs. Easton is very active, spending her time knitting, tatt ing, quilting and crocheting. She is fond of travel and enjoys the trips going from the home of one daughter to another. She waa born In Springfield, 111., and came to Oregon in 1890. Mrs Easton was honored on Mother's Day this year as the oldest mother in Polk county, having been "discovered" by a contest conducted by the Dallas Bakery. One of the well preserved ex tinct volcanoes in New Mexico Is located very near a large perpetual Ice cave, west of Albuquerque. SHINES 20c RAY'S SHINE PARLOR 151 N. High St 4 doors south Grand Theater 1ML TYPEWRITERS! Rent o typewriter and take an option to buyl $$ MONEY $$ FHA W 4Vi Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hifh St. He. 8-2U M-221 MAI We Guarantee Our Prices on New Portables Are As Low 111711 as Any Local More, Chain or Mail Order House aUIAl ROYAL - UNDERWOOD - CORONA PORTABLES D nyj Exclusive Representative for the Royal Standard mm Hau Typewriter Co. "ACROSS FROM THE SENATOR HOTEL" 11111223 No. High Ph. 3-8095 I1U1I GIIIICBuECB GQC0Q2G. mm CI 8 w 8? X VBSBet; XvW jrjw ' 1J,"", ' ' MWfV 5 DAY TRIAL G5!)kX , ' V. ( ' H E I ' We're so sure you'll like it. 1wNonsMiwt - s5WlW2 I you con try if for five days H12345 Jj it ' 1 M: A H of our expense. So dainty ... so feminine ... to different and unusual. A 14 KT. GOLD Ring combining the chorm of your very own birthstone with a precision 17 Jewel Wotch. Yours only $29.75 while quantity lasts. LAY AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW! JIWILIIIOpTOMITRIST SALEM S LEADING CREDIT JEWELER Cnlt4 flft4 $1.00 4vm pyml m Hit p.rthoit f Hw 14 Kl. 01 linf Wleh. I grt t Sy klllc 50c WMkly. My cllttkt f lirtfcitoiit Cryitol ll tL C.l memw ski ( MM ctly Ik mm lngHi tk ckcvattrwK c4 your ring Nnftr H lkw iln f rlof mM. H Itili Mrl d patwr M (Ml Nam Aa-drtll- City