14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Friday, November 11, 1949 CLAMITUD ADVMTlllNOt r Unl 16, Pit Lin i Una M Par LIB I llmef Me Pet i'ne 1 month t2.M OutaM, l Sales 154 per 11M pet lee. alln. lOe; tlmea Bin. to, llmej Duo 11.20. No Kefunde KKADEKo In Loral New, Col. Onlrt 100 per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FORSALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPLETE WITH OARAOE. OUTSIDE PATIO It FIREPLACE. FENCED IN FRONT YARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO ELL. PH. J-5J46 0R -3. Extra Good 110.000 Lovely 3 bed rm. home with ood drj baaement St extra bed rm., oil furnace, tlreplioe, eUlre to attic, excel knt location. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 S. Commercial ph. 2-3849 Eve. 3-5260 0 m DOWN-or will take in lot, cm or whet have you. 14 acre. aouth with livable 6-rm. homi. Barden apace. Fruit trees. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co.,R'ltors 158. High. Ph J'412l-?.M 7950. LATE built 3 bdrm. home in - Corner dUt. Hdwd. fir. UtUlty rm. Gar- ut. Lot 100x180. Term. ClO.oot. . ACRE close In cut on bu line. Good I rm. home with unfln. attic. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace, floor furnace. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors iu a. Huh at. Ph. i-mi. ' Near Salem Heights School 14 goo Very next t rm. modern home en extre lerxe lot 18x130 with double sarace, near echool ex bux. Another bed rm. could eaally be xdded. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-520 W ggAOO. M ACBB with clean modern bdrm. home. Clone In North. Small chicken bouse. LoU of fruit. Clone to bus. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S. Hlih. Ph. V2M tf.MM. 1H ACRES with clean late built 3 bdrm. home aU on one floor. Cloae to Kbool. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 1S1 OHllh Ph. 3-41Jl..26' 91,300 DOWN, bxlxnee FHA loen, bure new modern 3 bdrm. home. Paved St. close to echool. Imtnedlete poaaeealon. W3S0. Cell Stanler Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 161 t. Hliri Ph. 6-4HI. 3- Cute 14 500 One bed rm. home on nice lot, paved at reet. Living rm.. kitchen, nook, bath, all plastered, small cabin on rear of lot, also garase. Place la in a ood con dition. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 evt.2-9Bb9t210 tHREI BOOM newly remodeled house, plastered. In business dist. Oorner lot. No call Sundays. 1005 N. Liberty. a370 BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Llvlnff and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floora. Wired for electric ranvte. Hectic water heater. Oil furnace. Fire place, V. blinds. Full basement. Insulat ed and weather stripped. Oarane. Near btu and stores. T.H.A. available. Price 18500. 2180 UNIVERSITY PH. 3-5807 am SELL OR RENT Turn, or unfurn. small garace bouse. Xnq. Ereriy Aircraft Co. Check This for Value 1. LATE BUILT WELL STYLED. J. L. St D. RMS COVED CEILINO. . 3 BDRMS. DOWN RM. FOR 3 UP. 4. MODEL KITCHEN UTIL. ROOM, 1 ALL HDWD. FLHS VEN. BLDS. 0 3 CAR OAR. CONCRETE DRIVB. T. LOE. LOT WELL LANDSCAPED. 9. PAVED ST. DESIRABLE D18T. 9. NEAR SCHOOL STORES A BUS. 19. A FAIR PHICE 19500 TERMS. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 B, Com' I. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 e269" BT OWNER Excellent 9 bedroom modern home with dining room, fireplace, and finished basement. Fully Insulated. Large, well landscaped lot. Convenient to school and bus. 1940 If. 18th St. Phone 3-0539. a373 RATCLIFF DRIVE Beaut 1 fa 3 bedroom home well ar ranged, all lane rooms, lot of closet apace, 14x33 LK with fireplace. 2 BEDROOMS EAST This little home has hardwood floora, fireplace, unfinished attic, oil floor fur nace, connecting earaie. larre lot. 5 ACRES CLOSE IN Ideal acreage close to eltv limits, all In cultivation. New home, i.tnl lot elec tric rente, elec. water henter. Goodwin and McMillin RFALTORS 484 Court Ph. 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773 - 3-8715. a369 BT OWNER: New 3 bdrm. home. Larue rmi. Attached Karaite. OH heat, Super ior work ma nun I p Priced to sell. Locat ed Just South of 34th Lee St. Ph. 37036. a2R McKillop Real Estate Realtors Near Labish Center Schl. 3 A. and a 9-bedroom home. Good well, elee. pump, barn and small poultry house. Some young fruit trees. This may be what you're looking for. 14500. SOUTH SALEM Cosy t-bedroom home near bus and stores. Living room, dining room, util ity and balh. Immediate possesAinn. Owner leaving town. Reduced to 16600. Oood terms. Salem Heights Dis. 1 -bedroom home on large lot. Mas base ment with oil turn., fireplace, large living room. Nice yard. This house U in a nice setting. 18950, Terms. Enplewood Very elean S-bedroom home. Hdwd. firs . full basement with extra bedroom and small work shop. Oil furn. and a very nice yard. 810. MM. Terms 11 deMred. Come in or call Daytime Phone 3-5111. Eve. Ph. 3-5514 or 3-8404 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High We Make Real Estate Loans a29 " COURT STREET PROPERTY t t-roora houses on lot loo g ill. Rig locks to State House 916.000 Ph 36M, ED LUK1NHEAL REAL ESTATE 413 N. High SI. Eve. Ph, 31760 42329-33704 aJT3 TrM. HOME. OWNER EMPtOYBT IN DALLAS. NICE FIREPLACE. HARD WOOD FLOORS ATTACHED OARAOE OOOD VIEW. FENCED IN BACK YARD. SHRUBS FLOWERS CLONE TO SCHOOL BUS KINOWOOD HEIOHTS DIST. FHA. APPRAISED. CAN BOR ROW UP TO I.S600 ON THIS, II YRS. TO PAY. 14.000 EQUITY WILL BAND IE SOME BALANCE. FH. 3-5059. . s.270 MALL t BDRM. home. Partly furn. A 1 blk from school, bus and store. 35 Martregia Are,, Seisa JJeiahU. sH4 FOR SALE HOUSES COMFORTABLE well located 4 rm. home, partly furnished, 14 mile from down town. Only 11450. 11300 down. New 9 B R. house ready for occupancy. City water, 95x100 lot, close-in suburb an 83750. Manbrln Oarden: Modern style 9 rm. home, H.W. floors, fireplace, utility rm., auto. heat, nice lawn, 19,750. Reasonable down pint- bal. at 4'i, Duplex. Late built, best of location, 3 B R a tn each apt., automatic heat, 1135 Income. Small operating cost. $11,900. terms. R. I. MEREDITH RLTR., or B. M. MASON 176 S. Comm. Ph. 3-8841 a389 911.000 FURNISHED Truly the home of an artist. 3 BR. auto, piped ht., lot loo x 160. Ph. 2880. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High flt. Eve. Ph. 38704-27769-43331 a273 EAST, $5,750 3 bedroom home. Very clean. Large lot. Bus service. Eve. 3-0473. Englewood, $2,000 Down 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, brkfst nook. Electric heat. 1 blk to bus. 4 to school. Leaving town. 3 Bedroom, $11,500 3 bedroom, ,11 on 1 floor. Full baee. merit. Very ood location. Clote to echoola. Eve. 3-0418. Call Mr. LeClere J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court at. Ph. .776. e3a 3 Bdrms: $500 Down All on one floor. Nearly new. Hdwd. firs, fireplace, auto ht. Oarage. Lae, ,ct on pvmt. Bus at door. Only S8250. ENGLEWOOD Neat little 3 bdrm. home 1 yrs. Old. Dinette, full bath St shower, auto ht. Oarage. Price 16500. CALL MR. PYLE WITH COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553. lEves. 3-8651 Si09 BEAUTIFUL 3 BDRM. New home located North. All rooms ex tra large. Living k dining rm. combined. Breakfast nook. Reception hall. UMIlty rm. St gar. Elec. heat In all rooms. Fire place, hdwd. fir. thruout, lawn, fruit ok shrubs. 111.500 St worth It. 15500 NORTHEAST Almost new 3 bdrm. home In nice neigh borhood. Elec. heat St W. for R. Hdwd. firs. In living rm. hall. This Is well built lue. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 B. Com'l. Ph. 1-4590. Eve. 3-WR03 S370 HERaTTs a good buy. Owners leaving town and must sell at once. 14 acre good land, lovely small home, with elec. range and water heater Inc. Well and elec. pump, large garage and small one room house on property. Berries and family fruit. Price cut to 16500. 480 El ma, Four Corners. e371 REDUCED TO $9000 1820 N. 20th St. New 3 bdrm. plastered home. Engle wood dlat. Attached garage, nice yard. Open for Inspection by owner. WM. T. J. FOSTER 1550 Baker St.- Ph. 3-9853 a270 ACCEPT good trailer house as down pay ment on late built two bdrm., H.w. firs.. V. blinds. Insulated, oil heat. Bal ance 16800 at S4B.50 per mo. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones J-4591 - 3-6805 a270 OLDER house on beautiful corner lot with nice velw; two bdrms., unfln. up; near Leslie school. Total price 15500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 N. Hlh St. Phone 3-70 Eve. Phone, 3.391-3.Sfl03 ,370 ATTENTION DOCTORS Beau. 5 B R. home on 4.13 A. with auto, oil turn., double plumbing, wall to wall carpet, located In So. Salem, high on a bluff with fir grove. Secluded on dead end street with nice view. The price Is right. CHOICE DISTRICT Pine 3 B R. home located at 3315 Che meketa St. Owner has purchased prop erty in Calif. St Is moving shortly. House Just redecorated. Elec. stove, refrlg., St breakfast set Included. Other furn. may be purchased. Drive by A look It over, then phone for appointment. Price 18500. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 70 N. Hleh St. Office: I-3M0 Eve: 3-630 Or 1-74M 3D- By Owner and Builder F.H.A. approved new 3 bdrm. home. ISoO sq. ft. with attached garage. Hard wood floors, new blinds, weather strip ped. Insul.. floor furnace plus elec. heater In Imitation fplace. Lots of closet space. New deep tone decoration. Large corner lot. Short distance from new Washington school. City St school bus by door. Priced at 1 11.750. 12350 will han dle. Located northeast on corner of Child St Sunny view Ave. This home Is worth looking at. a27l A BUY $3950 Cute 4 rm. cottage. Large garage with extra rooms. This la something. Terms too. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7643 Eve. un. 3-0136. a270 NURSES ATTENTION" Delightful new home near hospital. 9 bdrm. home. Man built -Ins. laundry room. Insulated. 18500. tlMto down. 457 per mouth. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 4B0 If. Church Ph. 3-7fl47 Eve. Bun. 3-0130 B370' UNUSUAL DEAL Here's the one you seldom find. 3 bdrm. modern home at a real sacrifice on ac count of Illness. A dream of a place among trees. acre. New small chicken house, fruit all kinds. Nicely elevated lt block to bus. Ideal for retired cou ple. Was 10750 for quick sale 17,500 Oood terms. Don't mus this. A Remarkable Buy Lovely Salem Hta, home, 3 bdrm. Greatly reduced. Call lor price. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 9 BEDROOM home, fireplace, basement. automatic oil heat, 7V E. A. McOLAUFLIN. BROKER 338 If. Com I. ph. 3-5311. Eve. 3-S209. a26- 4 BEDROOMS Only 3 year old, carpeted living A din ing room, spacious kitchen with break fast nook, car port, over 1400 sq. ft. on 1 floor, Cloe in suburban location, ' block from bus Owner will sacrifice for moo. flMMl down A easy payments. Call BON C LEAHY, Walter Musgrave Realtor FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 119 per month Lite with water, elec trlrlty. bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South Hleh Street Ph. 3-703 Ere. Sun. 3..MM.V 4-3,70. 1-1337, 3-17)11. 3-3.SS3. eeJ74- E.ne 0naa93l. Onlr Slono 'wall Soenlnf- ekr. Reel Eatete. Ph. 3-Mlft. ee70 cant. rttrra buiidin, .tie. owner. Phono 3-oetf). Linn, atreem, nellve tree, maeedem road. aa370 Kit Co, lot on' So. llth at. Ea,t front Oaoo. Ph. )nn. a7. ll.too. VIEW M. iriltr. rite w,ter on peeed road. Salem Helena dtat. Liberal term or will trade for ear ee trailer CI Stealer Brews with State Finance Co., R'ltors i a. rie, r. s-oiii. eej Uinl "LOT. He, I Mieihu beat Pelrorwande ltd. I 0100. M370 Journal Wont edi Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS OPEN FRIDAY , CANDALARIA HEIGHTS VIEW HOME New S bdrm. home. lie. Ilr. rm. Ot din. rm.. kitchen with brkft. nook, and lou of bullt-lni. Full daylight burnt., with rumpu room ee lueplace, eulo 011 heat, lovely "oot plan A . . . room, off entry hall. TO SEE THIS CALL EA.-.L WEST CLOSE IN NORTH Sua. bide, corner lot, 1 rm. Ur, Quarter,, Ideal for irocery. dru, alore or ofllcea. Owner leaving city, CALL COBURH L. ORABENHORST THIS IS THE ONE t bdrm. nice llr. rm.. with fireplece At hdwd. lira., lge kitchen. House In ex. cellent condition, 0 rr, old, near UcKinley School, $1,000 down. CALL ROY FERRIS INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call , Earl West, 3-0008 - Roy Ferris, 3-8010 - Peter Gelser, 3-9008. a3 FOR SALE FARMS $1200 1 acre south. Large old bldg. $4950 A. 9 rm. hse.. also small rue., oarn. ohlcken hse., gar., fruit trees. 1M. un der cult, good soil. Elec. wtr. system. Close to school. $1000 down. C. W. Reeve Realtor I3t A. 90 A. cleared A cultivated. All bot tom land. Well A elec. pump, creek thru nlace. All can be Irrigated. 3 Bdrm. mod. plastered house. 40 x 60 barn, 19 stanchions. Lg. chic it nouse. uranary, brooder hse. A hog hse. Oood family or chard. On paved hiway. i ml. from live am. town. Elec. hot water tank, wired for elec. range. Full price $14, 500. Easy terms can be arranged. If you are looking for a good home be sure and aee this. Ivan B. Sutton. Ph. 253. Jefferson. b270- FOR SALE OR RENT A nice 7 acre poul try A dairy ranch in the edge ol Salem, east, to reliable tenant. Call or see R. A. McFARLANE Ph. 3-9733. Add. 3115 State St . b209 41 Acres Bargain 31 A. bean yard, St ay ton dtst. 7 rm. hse. Inspection invited, for quick sale 18500. Terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 BJCom. Ph. J-4040 -3-S497. b3l' GOOD FARM LAND 140 acres, all cultivated, on pavement north; fair older barn, machine shed, etc., good well with elec. pump: old house in poor condition. Pay a reason able price for the land; take the Im provements. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7000 Eve. Phone, J-00011 - 3-4591 b269" FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRE TRACTS This Is an odd time to offer acreage. Perhaps that is why terms are so reas onable on the.se two 5 acre tracts. View property. South. $250 down. Ask for Mr. Ruber with Edward A. Dyck, Realtor 8 North commercial at. Tel. a-sail Eve. 2-6686. bb270 88 ACRES Northwest 30 A. in cult. 3 bdrms. recent ly built modern home with basemen. Barn, large chicken hse. for looo chick ens. Plenty of water. Price $10,500. C. W. Reeve Realtor 040 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. "-3 bbJM- REAL ESTATE ENGLEWOOD 3-bedroom home with basement. Auto heat, Nice living A dining room. Im mediate possession. 19,500. F.H.A. terms. No. 2U9 ACREAGE 3.85 acres. Wonderful location on cor ner, close tn. 3-bodroom home, barn, hog house, chicken house, double gar age and wood shed. All in very good shape. Wants to trade on stock ranch of 150 acres or more. No. 803 $800 DOWN $60 per month. Small 2-bedroom fur nished home on paved street colse to bus and stores. Large garage with work shop. Immediate po.se.tMoii. No.388 SMALL ACREAGES We have a few small acreages with homes to sell on ea.sy terms. If you're In the market see thexe! Reimann for Real Estate 301 South Hleh Strret. Ph. 3-9203 Eve. At Sun. 3-3738. 3-1327, 4-2874, 3-5905, 2-2533. C209 BEST BUYS $4,000 FULL PRICE Modern 3 bdrm. home. Inside city. Paved strret. Bus at front door. Only $1300 down. Bal. 130 per month. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. WEST SALEM If you want a nice clean 3 bdrm. home In WeAt Salem that la worth the money we have It. Paved street. Very close to school, bu. stores. Terms erranned. To tal price only $6750. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. KINGWOOD HTS. Dream home. Choice setting. Spacious rooms. 3 fireplaces. Den. Lots of cloct A storage space. Very well arrsnned. Full btuement. Total price $16,800. FHA terms. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $500 DOWN 5 acres. Modern home. Several outbuild Inns all in fair condition. Hou.e very livable. School bus at tront door. 2 acres strawberries. Immediate posses sion. Total price only 16.H0O. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-35;B. 7 ACRES Modern home. 2 car aaraae 3'.- miles from small town, Paied road Will rent for 1 prr month. Unit can be applied on piirt'liBjie price ol only 15500. Eve. Ph. 3-U403 or 3-3.S.-18. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830 or 3-4!W. c371 IT' AM, m-RE! iai acres, rich, fertile loam, on pavm't. Short drive from city. Income from dairying, poultry, berries, frutt. Oood pasture A yr. stream. 2 BR home. mod. conv.. lie. pltry. hse., barn. Valuable green house. Specially priced. $10,500. Terms. PTE THIS NOW. THIS WILL PAY ITS own way. 10 acres, all In full bearing nuts. Choice bids, site, Chemawa dist. Elec., phone A all rts, hv. Only $1000 dn bal. easy terms. ANOTHER EASY RUY Is this 30 acres, DETROIT DAM AREA. All woven wire fenced, on co. road, yr. creek. Liveable smstl hse , barn A pltry. hse., IMV.ED. POHS 1100. Terms, LOCATION IS IMPORTANT. You must see ttil ACRE A HALF, on pavm't.. at edits of city Attractive mod. 3 BR. home. Valuable highway frontage. Ideal court site on other paved frontate. Hse. rents for $70 per mo. Elr bide, ran convert to apt. Buy this or trade your property. Iift50.00. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Eicluslre Listings Personal Service 164 S Com I. St. Ph. 3-8389 Ere: 3-4937 or 3-7440 C369 ENOLEWOODS BEST Bl'Y I100O0. Nice clean home built 1940. Liv ing rm.. Dinette-Kitchen, bath. 3 bdrms.. plus statrwav to attic. Very good bsmt.. oil furnace, lawn, shrubs SUBURBAN EAST 96500. IS acres. Nice 3 bdrm. home, llr rm , kitchen, bath, utility rm.. dbia. taraae Consider trde in cltv. UcKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 113 000. Large living rm . dining rm.. kitchen. 3 btlrm, plus atslrwa to at tic. Hdwd. floors, fireplace. Extra nice bamt. Ott furn-.ee LET S TRADE I3.794). H A . furnished 9 bdrm home, lie. rm . kitchen. Family fruit. Near school bus. NO. 3 BUSINESS TONE 9909. 9 bdrms . ly, rn... dining rm . kit hen. den with r pi tee Pared st V. OMER HUFF Ml 43heeketa, Fa. i-toti r 3-643 eJ7i- F0R SALE HOUSE! REAL ESTATE FOU, YOUR SAVIN Ob investment bur a lint mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine securlti yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5 We make all col lecttons for you U desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S. High e BUY NOW GOOD WARE HOI'S I! SITE. Lot 97x44. on Southern Pacific track in Hollywood dis trict. No. 4 business zone. Price right at $1250. Call T Helm a. THE STRAWBERRY CROP on this 10 acre tract should pay half the 13500 a.sked by owner. Has a one-room house, liveable, on good highway 9 miles from Salem. Call Mr. Sederstrom. VALUE SELDOM EQUALLED. 3 yr. Old well -const rue ted 5 rm. house. Basement; oil furnace. Priced at only $8950. Call Mr. Voorhees. 3 BEDROOMS offered for the price of two. This lovely home has all modern conveniences, Including Dlspos-all and elec. dishwasher, all Included in price of $9450. Close to bus. Call Mr. Sederstrom KEIZER DISTRICT. S room modern home. Large living room with fireplace. Att. garage. 3 large lots. Oil furnace. Price $12,000. Call Mr. Voorhees. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: Thelma. 2-8053, Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007. Mr. Sederstrom. 2-5219 C271" WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BL'Y: 3 bedrbom, one story hfue in Salem. Write 425 N. East street, Monmouth, Ore. ca371 WE ARK In need oi gooa nouses to eel! In or near Salem If you lsb to list your property for sale aee C.RABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-2471 ca WANTED to buy: 3- or 4-room modem house. $100 down, $30 month. Ph 3-3217. ca271 NOTICE! If your property is for eaje. rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds of cash buyers STA'.E 9 I.N A NCR CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE tttH A. STOCKED A equipped, all under cultivation, 30 A. In fall grain, 4 B.R. home, 2 barns, 13 stanchions, all neces sary outbldgs. The price is $14,500, has a mortgage of $5500. Will take In ex change home In Salem or Portland. Johnson, BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. HUh St. Office: 3-3649 Uve: 3-7451 or 3-5390 cb20U BKACTIFl'L HOME, KinRWooofHgts" to t rade lor business property In Salem. PU. 3-5278. Cb270 4 UNIT RENTAL court with good month" ly Income, Nearly new. Room to build 2 more houses on same lot. $18,000. Will consider trade for Salem house for part payment. A good Investment, call owner 3-7P21, finlem, cb26B BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY- Two storey house, older type, convert ed to four apartments, bringing 1160 gross monthly. Close In. Paying excep tionally well on Investment. A reason able otter will take this as estate must be settled soon. A.k for Mr. Ruberg with Edward A. Dyek. Realtor 328 North Commercial Street Tel. 2-5211 Eve. 2-6686 cd270- ft ACRES tocated North on Pacific hwy Has 2 good homes one six rooms and the other five rooms. Ideal for o-is.. auto motel, or trailer para, win nflce for $13,350. About $5,000 will handle. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hlnh Ph. 3-4121. CC5269 CAKES A pastry shop, opportunity for ambitious man. Sale reasonable. Forced to sell, leaving state. Ph. 3-8026 after - p-m- cd270 I50O0 DOWN " To responsible party, one of the best small cleaning A pressing parlors In Willamette Vallev. ED LUKtSHFAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Fve. Ph. 42326-28704-27769 cd272 $ I?. 500 INCOME $190 per tn on th7 Con crete block building In excellent cond. Three 2 HR lunmhed apts. and one of lire space. All orrupled. By Owner, 1348 S. 12th St., Salem. cd270 Grocery $3200 Total prtre. Oood stock, loc.. equip ment, living quarters. Lease $52 month. In Salem E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. 2-4649 2-5497. Cd269 SELL OR TRADE by owner. 7 unit apL house. Income $197 per mo. Price $9300. Will take in city res. property. Ph. 3-1520. cd272 f.RiHKRV STORE A fixtures. 2 ass pumps A 0 cabins. An eMAbllMied busi ness for sale by owner. Ph. 2-4319. Rt 7. Box 145. Cd269 N. roM'L, bldg. ft I in rTT.s.. $13,000 By owner, terms. Ph. 3-9829. cd277 N. COM'L, store bldTA 5 liv" rms.. $'2, Oil" By owner, terms. Ph. 3-9829. cd277 TRttl.FR court, $6,000, terms. B owneV Chas H. Moore. 1739 N. Water St c1377 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 8 PM. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWrsT PRICFS - HIOI1FST QUALITY F eSl KST 1 Kit MS - FRFK DELIVERY YOU CAN'T R $' A P THIS COMHINATION H & 11 FURNITURE CO. 1"0 Fitrrotind. Rd, Ph. 3-ST97. d?M WANTED FURNITURE 1 AM In need of a complete household of furniture A appliances. Will buy all or part of what you have Pay spot cash, hUheM w!b!e prices. See or call Wil lard Psvnter. 1415 Alder Ae Ph. 3-5944. Salem. da278 LARGE UI'WTITY "furniture 'wanted. W buy complete household furnishing If you are moving or sett Una an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. 3-9558 days. 3-4407 ee TRADER LOUIS V Pur'land Rd da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK t't YFR OLD registered Hereford"" bulT Very gentlr. $37 00 Call 3-6901 before 9 SO am. or alter 7 30 pa. e2Ti 9NM E YOI NO rows' to trehen.iTll few la One ml. F out Center St. Box 1M at Scott y Ranch e270' Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES LOOK 1 YEAR WRITTEN WARRANTY ON ANY USED CAR YOU BUY. THE ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY TO OFFER THIS SERVICE. HERE ARE A FEW TO CHOOSE FROM: 1949 Kaiser Sedan 1948 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Frazer 1948 Cheif. 4-Door Fleetline 1948 Studebaker Champion 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sedan ALL RECONDITIONED. READY TO GO. Teague Motor Company 352 N. COMMERCIAL Salem's Headquarters FOR OOOD USED CARS GUARANTEED OF COURSE IT'S SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 1946 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-DOOR SEDAN $ 1595.00 Beautiful tan color. Tu-tone upholstery. Fluid drive. Radio, heater. 6-ply W. wall tires. Come in, see this one now. You'll be glad you did. 1942 DeSOTO CUSTOM BUSINESS COUPE $ 895.00 Light blue color. Radio, heater, fluid drive. Almost new tires. This car has al most the luggage room of a pickup. Hurry. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 405 N. Com'l. St. 495 N. Com'l. St. 435 N. Com'l. Street - Phone 3-4117 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 8 YR. OLD chestnut mare, good breeding. woman can handle, in poor condition, will sacrilice. 3 yr. old part Arab pinto filly, gentle. Make offer. Edwards Place. Boone Rd. E. ' ml. off S. 99-E e268 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock ouyer E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 2a. pn. asiu. 283 ree's,eese'eeeyy e.ee4eaeae PETS CHOICE canary birds. 20 N118th.ec288 REGISTERED FEMALE Collie puppy. Very reasonable to good nome. rn. joj. ec270 AIREDALE puppies. Reg. $25. Call Han cock 2-4280. ecesoa' FUEL SAWDUST A Wood. Ph. 22808. ce272 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10. 00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4 Phone 35533 EE SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186, enea uil uo. l. i. aaasweii, ownriumui. ec275 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, asb St maple. fir. slab and edgings. Ph 31458 WALNUT shells tor sale. Klorfein Packing o.. 460 N. front. ce- TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16' Slab Wood and Edgings Ptesb Cut Screened 8awdus$ L3' Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASS FOR SAH GREEN STAVPU West Salem Fuel Co. rf IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 14-llt. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL P.ione r lem 3-4031 A!. pick UP wood at 1525 Sdgewater St. West Salem ee1 DRY IS" slab A edgings. Ph. 3-1456. ee' CALI HIOHWAY FUKL FOR Otesei and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plalnei Ends A Block Wood Ph 16444 FOR SALE POULTRY NF.WHAIIS1IIRE chicks for immediate or future delivery. Hatches e.ery Tues Fog Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. PRODUCE FIELD CORN. Frank Siaurdon. IS mile straight west ol KeUer school. Rt. 2. Box 154. Ph. 3-1160. ff271 FII B$ RT-WALNI'T drying. I mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Road. Claude He Krnney. Ph. 3-1632. f!270 HELP WANTED irYOrI.IKE to draw, sketch or paint, aee Talent Test ad in Instruction column. a270 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED One more exp salesman to sell appliances In Willamette valley lead ing appliance store. Salary with added compensation. Transportation furnished. Apply Hogg Bros.. 115 S Com'l, ga HELP RANTED FEMALE WANTED: Middle-aged lady to take "om- plete charge of home. 2 adults. 11 mo. b ftbr. Prevailing wage. 265 N. 24th. Ph. 3-6768. b371 BURROUGHS comptometer operator. Some experience. Permanent. Ph. 3-9205. gb270 CHRISTIAN TATJlFwho can""live"ln Stiver ton as companion to elderly woman. ATTRACTIVE OFFER. Mav call or phone 323 Mill street. Ph. 2861, SILVER TON. gb2fl9 WASTE! women nut ahellera. All winter work. 460 N Front Klorfein Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY orrtca and clerical positions ?M P(Ve fftreel M4M ef WANTED SALESMAN WASTED: SALESMAN ! on commission". Oood opportumtv for right man. Ph. or re at 295 Pine St g270 WANTED POSITIONS EXP. I 4.DT desire ?:ou.keplng A coc-k-im In or out of Sslem. P.. 3-7670. Rm. 303. hJ69 WASHINGS 4-J5. ironings wanted. Ph h371 FAMItT MAN wants mechanical job. Ex perienced in gas. dieeel, air, A elect. A atr controls Have done all tvpea me ftantvel work. from automobiles tr.ijtii heav duty egu:p. Oood recom metnist.ons. P.:one 2-3352 Sslem. al'er 5 10 p m, hj9 I BAST 3 ITT ISO, Adults. Ph. 943IT. MTt (AUTOMOBILES 11941 Plymouth 2-door 1 1940 Buick Super Sedan 1 1939 Chev. S Pass. Coupe 1939 Buick 2-door Special 1939 Pontiac Sedan (6) 1939 Studebaker Champion PHONE: 2-4173 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you nave a door that worts hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? II so call the trouble shooter. Ph 2-5833. h292 BABV SETTING by jgdult. Ph. 36741. h273' TELEPHONE CALLSTAKEn724 hr. serv- ice. rormer pnone opr. Ph. 3-5072. MBS CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 3-2093 HOI'S WORK wanted by versatile lady. rn. 3-tteiUj. h269 TYPING and baby sitting eves. Exp. A re- name, i-n wsa. h284 CARE for p re-school children after Dec. 1st in my home. Box 271, Capital Journal h270 FINE PAPERING A painting. Ph. 3-5522. hi 89 PAPEKHANOING, painting, free est!- mates. Guaranteed workmanship. Ph. 4-2761. h269' BABY SITTING. Phone 20580. h287 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North lth. Phone 3-3643 1.283 CHILDREN cared for by day. 955 Union. hses WILL CARE for children while you shop. i block from shopping center. 955 Union. h369 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remoY In,, Ine. op. Work ,uar. W, H. McAllls ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. M87 PAINTIxq, Interior St et. Ph. a-a97Tna HOl'SE RA1SINO, foundation, "concrete work. Klang Bro,., Ph. 1-3292. h28S NANCY'S Nureerr. bay or hrPh. J-494(T h284 IRONING. Ph. 34167 alter 8 p.m. b280' INTe'rIOR PAINTINO. Exp. Pn 3-6794 h279' CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26878. h273" HOODSAKINO nCt-ltW. nMli' RABT SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CEMENT WORK wanted Ph J-48M) CHILD CARE, da. 363 I. Superior. . h270 IRONING. 170 W. EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test no feel Give age and occupation. Boi 359, Capital Journal. hh270 FORRENT ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS sleeping rm. for gentle man. Ph. 3-9396. 1343 N. Liberty. Jk371a SLEEPING rm.. man preferred. No drink ers. Close In. Inquire 243 Bellevue. Jk270 HEATED sleeping rooms. In good location. 795 N. Winter St..Ph. 3-5539. jk274 PLEASANT sleeping rms. for men. 1050 Norway. Ph. 3-4347. Jk274' LARGE sleeping rm. Cooking prlv. PIv 2-8530. JM74 SLEEPING R.MS. $5wk. 395 N. 14thTjk294 3-9058. JH294 HEATED aleeplng rooms for men. Double A single. 385 N. 14th. Jk269a NICE SLEEPING ocin.H7"VcT water. Oll heat. 658 Center. Jk273 LARGE A clean sleep, room. ajuTNTcom l Jk270 ROOMS to rent by the week or month, Very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph. 3-3161. Jk277" SICE SLEEPING RM. Oaraae. Ph. 3-7558 JX293 SLEEPING rmPh. 3-4335. Jk274 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Prlv- enT Ph. 33425 1305 N. Capitol. Jk278 SLEEPING RMS. Retrlg313I Center! Jk373' ROOMS 448 Cenfr Rear Woodrow'g ik2?9 Large warm sleeping rm. N. Capitol. 1 or 3. 1555 Jk269 WARM SIEEPING rmi, H. A C. water. 461 N. High. JH272 PLEASANT sleeping rm. for middle-aged ladv. Walking dist. near Center St. Ph 3-7898. Jk269 VACANCY for g.rftn nice large rm. Twin beds. VACANCY for young man In large room, two beds. WANT MN for particularly nice alnilt room. Mny be seen at 639 N. Cotue or Ph. 3-6J3S. jk372 ROOMsTlfWI 8. Cottage. Ph. 37817. Jk293 CLEAN. WARM"roomrClose in. 4tlN. Winter. Jk269 HOLLTWOOD, 30JSMcCoy Ph 3-9093. j83 FOR RENT APARTMENTS fT RN. MOD. 1 laree room apt. Implored couple. Ph. 3-IJJ1. JP271- rt'RN. a RM. apt. Clean! quiet. See to ap preeiate. Ph 2-8114. )p27t I t-RM I I RM. turn. apt. Cloee In. Ph. 2-0714. JP270' RIO t RM. apt. turn blo,- to b-i, Ground floor. No dnnkine. Ph. 3-6346. 1P271- 3 RM. doeiwtalr (urn. apt. 1633 N. Com'L Ph. 3-4076. Jp211l I ROOM APT. Utlhtle, (era. ?84)N. Com ! JJ'371 f AND 3 ROOM furn. apartment No drlnklnc 3JI0 N. 4th. p271 MoniRX 3 RM. lurn epl Prlrate balh a:1 utlllllea lurn. 363. Pb. J -1 1.18 after 6 pm. jpi7l AUTOMOBILES One Step Ahead In Quality One Step Behind in Price 1949 Lincoln Sedan 1949 Mercury Sedan 1947 Ford Tudor 1947 Mercury Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1942 Studebaker Commander 5-pass. Coupe 1941 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe 1941 Ford Coupe 1941 Pontiac Sedan Specials 1937 Buick Sedan $ 245.00 1937 Plymouth Convertible $ 125.00 1937 Chevrolet Sedan $ 245.00 1936 Oldsmobile Coupe $ 100.00 Warner Motor Go. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER PH. 33012 6. Saturday Spot Special At Center and Commercial Is 1946 NASH SEDAN HEATER. FOASJ CUSHION. ORIGINAL PJNISH. TIRES LIKR NEW. THIS 13 THE CAR THAT WILL GIVI YOU 34 MILES TO THE GALLON. HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS 337 Center Phone 3-9286 Bonesteele 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 3)1195 1946 Chevrolet Coupe 1095 1946 Oldsmobile Sedan 1345 1940 Studebaker Sedan 595 1940 Studebaker 2-Door 525 1941 Studebaker Sedan 645 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 175 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan 195 1940 Ford Sedan 495 1939 Plymouth 2-Door 495 1946 Studebaker 1-ton Pickup, Low mileage 1095 Bonesteele Sales 6? Service 370 N. CHURCH ST. This Is the Place Now IS the Time Here Are the Cars 1948 Hudson 6 Sedan, R&H, low mileage. 1948 Ford Coach, clean, heater, priced right. 1947 Studebaker Commander Sedan, heat er, o'drive. 1946 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan, R&H, auto trans. 1941 Buick Sedan, R&H, new paint, runs good. 1941 Chevrolet Sedan, R&H, very clean. 1941 Ford Coach, new paint, R&H. 1941 Hudson Club Coupe, R&H,un visor. 1940 Chrysler Sedan, new paint. 1939 Dodge Sedan, good transportation. PLUS most other makes and models from 29's to 49's. Your own terms within reason. SHROCK MOTOR CO. THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Phone 3-7922 Where Chemeketa goes to Church For Low priced cars, don't forget our Economy Lot at 3020 Portland Road. FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM. APT. Partly turn. See at 1329 N. Winter. jpa fl'RN. 3 bd. rm. apt. Private bath. Adults. $60.99. 1595 8. Coan.Bt. iP379T t ROOM furnished apartment with bath. $3? per month. 3TS Hooa si. rn. -aua. JP289 I I M . basement apt. $40. Ph. 3-3522 . J p289 rM. Pf RN. apt. Close in. Newlv dec. U tint lea included ior aa. mu mui oi. ip389 LARGE 2 rm. apt, also 1 n., baxemrnt apt. 375 Market. 270 3 ROOMS '""furn., oil heat, rcfrit.. taa rame, waaher. 1230 N. Winter. Jp289; NICFt.t Fl'RN. rm. Apt. Utilities furn. 395 B19th. J21?! tT RM. APT. part furn. Near State Hse. Inquire 491 Oreton Bid. Jp269 9 RM. rtRVr apt. Prlv. "bath, around floor. Clone tn. Downtown. North. In quire Burt Pie ha. Realtor, 379 N. Huh tt Ph. 3-3649. REDECORATED furn. apt. Prhr. bath. No irlnkera or pets. Also small lurn. house. 934 'a N. Capitol. Jp31?! I ROOM upjtaira furn. apt. Ph. 3-1530. JP269 ONI ROOM APT. with large cloaet. Man preferred. $35 mo. 411 S. Cottage. Jp3"9 CLEAXMolER9l 3 rm. aptrprit. bath' Ph. 37034. Jpl89 FTRNKRED cottaee. 3211 Portland rd IP271 FOR RENT HOUSES ROOM ROt SE. cloae tn. A. 8. Ortce Rt. 9. Box 393. Orchard Heighu Rd Ph. 19P19. Jm279 ONE UNIT LEFT Newly Completed Triplex 1 bOni , a.it. aer.er. tn:dlna elalr 1. a:tle etoraae. Located 6 tt. Leurel. ra. l-j:u er tmnr IAUT0M0BILES 1941 Pontiac Conv. 1941 Lincoln 5-pass. Coupe 1941 Mercury Sedan 1941 Nash Sedan 1940 Ford 5-pass. Cpe. 1940 Chev. 5-pass. Cpe. 1940 Dodge Sedan 1939 Mercury 5-pass. Coupe 1939 Dodge Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Sedan PH. 3-9277 FOR RENTJ40USES i-ROOM modern house, all electricTnn- furn. $49. Ph. 3-861 Jbo27I P1'RNI.hfd cottages, ?erj rsaeVonabieT Ph. 3-2374. jm270 Fl'RN, HOUSE. Nice suburban location. Jm279 FOR RENT New house. 1 B.R, 9 rooms, oU heat. 2410 Broadwar. Jm271 TO LEASE for months to responsible; couple, new well furnished 3 bdrm. house. All electric. $. Party mast be able to live rood rtf. St iltn t months leaxe. 135ft McCoy, Holljrwood Dlst. Ph. 3743$. Jm299 MODERN 1 bdrm. house Just completed? elec. heat, hdwd. floor, near Capitol Bids. 65jnO. Ph. 3-4347. Jm270 t RED RM, modern houee. Liberty dist" R. Caldwell, rt. 1, box 119 A, Turner. Jm379 nix. laree 3 -room duplet, gar ate, separ ate utility room. $83 or $60 on 1 yr. lease. Ph.J-4644. jm38l A CUTE Utile "houseuTsilveVton. laTPtVka flt. New St clean with elec. rente St wash er furnished. 1 bdrm. $45 per mo. or 149 per month on 8 mo. lease. 1 am open, look at me and call my owner, 3-7931. Salem. jm299 4i RDRM. home. I miles from Salem'. Crouan Creek Rd. Family orchard, creek, sprint ter, school but at door. 2 acres pasture. Additional acreage available. Ph. 24493. Jm370a t ROOM modern furnished ottage. 3261 Portland Rd. Jm389 CABINS. NOT modern. Delia HieThwae. Rt. 3 Box 923. Ph. 3792C. fm 399 WHY RENT? I bdrm. modern house. Mov rleht tn. L E. Klumpp, Realtor 4M 11. Churt-h Eve. St Sun. 3-9121. Jm3T9 ((Continued on Page IS) a