12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 11, 1949 Heart of by PEGGY " The lar snoue down witn un- piLaift onutance a Aileia paceu fc up and 0.011 the canyuu ruau. Ixieir rays, sue uiougnl. were niie a tiny knives. Ana ner boot heeis on the Irost hard road rang. "Cai c and Ailene. Cai and Ailene." " Of all persons, why bnould he y have met Aliene Lane? And way couldn l he have told Arleia, even . written her? Was this more 01 ' that protection to which (he'd been - subjected for so long? It so. It surely meant that he. like others, believed there was something, ome knowledge from which she must be protected. And how had they met? "What you need is a keeper!" Arleta jumped as a voice rapped out at ner irom tne aantnees 01 - the pines. - Arleta felt herself propelled to ward the cabin by How Kelly, his voice sua raging at ner. "mow - much good does that Jacket do you hanging over your shoulders?1 "What are you doing here?" Arleta's teeth chattered between each syllable. "That fool dog of mine. I snould have left her on guard. Fire's out I suppose . . . Imagine she heard you pounding up and down the ' road, Investigated, then whined at me until 1 broke down. ' He pushed her onto the divan and began pawing around the cabin finally coming upon the basket. "Ah. here's some paper." "Not that!" Her voice rant out so sharply he looked down at what he held. "Oh." The bluntness of that ejaculation. "You certainly do have the doggone.it way of learning things. When did you find this ana wnerer She told him. "Subtle," he grunted. "Well, if I can t use this I might as well atari making shavings. Pull blanket over your robe. Theae cabins cool off in ten minutes." "How did she meet him?" Ar let blurted the words. "She files. Has a landing field at Seefar. He came in there think ing It was your place. Didn't you know? Didn't he tell you?" "No one," she said bitterly, "ever tells me anything. Everyone Is protecting me." "Okay. Chins. Now foriet everv thing until tomorrow at least. I'll leave a bundle of paper and kindling on your oaca porcn. uood night. And I do mean rood nia-ht." She slipped Into bed and lay waicning me lire, ner mind like a dozen wheels, each occupied with a different problem. She couldn't stop thinking, but she could replace thoughts of Cai and Aliene with other thoughts. Thi cold weather. She must order the tanks filled with fuel oil. As soon as the door and windows were In she'd have the furnace going. It would be nice to have heat that didn't have to be fed constantly by hand. How Kelly atrange the ease she felt with him. Like her father, he had the quality of abruptness ahe understood. Cai wasn't abrupt. He was gentle, tender. When Arleta stepped out of the rear door the next morning, look ing for something, anything to start a fire, she found the sky looking like a strip of lemon peel m u jrusiea anna, oureiy snow would follow. And she had to mucn to accomplish. Looking at the sky, she tripped over a bundle on the steps, news- Eapers and fine kindling left by :ow Kelly. ' A furniture Tan cam to cart way the pieces to be repaired, and bv the driver she sent wnrH for the fuel oil men to call. The wires were repaired, the pump turned on, and rusty water gushed i rum tne jauceu sne opened Chimney sweeps and cleaning crews cleared flues and doom unrt fast on their heels came men with we winnows. Bv late evening there was semblance of order. And by noon the next day a new stove and re frigerator gleamed their white and allver best to reflect In a freshly polished floor. And In other rooms ures were burning on the hearths chasing out the chill. And that evening as Arleta was ready to close the house, now warmed by the oil furnace, ahe heard the sound of a motor and saw her own car drive In and two weary persons emerge. "I think." observed Arleta, stand vv - Happiness O'MORE p Nwfiturr 1..X on the lighted terrace, a nana stretched out to Martin and hu wile. "I've never been so giad to see anyone." They hadn't stopped for dinner and there was nothing in the house. Martin unpacked the car. and when Arleta said she would drive into the resort town for food. Tunia declared she would go with her. "My goodness, Miss Leta." she cried, "you don't know what to order." Arleta looked at the girl. And then she nodded. Arleta wouldn't have known, but Chips knew. "Tonight I bring ready-mades,' she said. "Tomorrow I'll take you in, Tunia." And she said, "No talk until I return." The resort town offered a gen eral store where she remedied her oversight at an exorbitant price. She went then to a chicken-in-tne- rough cafe for double orders and. while they were being put up. shop ped lor breaklast lood. Again there were many custom ers stocking up against the storm blowing In. And again conversation stopped as though sliced off. But Arietas chin was up. her voice ar rogant as she listed her needs. The boxes were filled and re posed on the counter. "My car is outside." Arleta said. "Imagine that." purred the store keeper. Someone snickered and then there was silence, and then a man who'd been sitting twirling a glass of beer looked up. 're you Chips?" he inquired. "Want to make something of it? inquired Arleta in the voice of the twelve-year-old she had been. (To Be continued) SIZES 12 . 40 Supple Flattery A dress wlthl graceful f Iowiiir lines that melt to mould the figure. Note the happy balance ol the becoming low neck line In front, the soft sweep of full ness from the dropped waistline In back. No. 2944 is cut In sizes 12. 14, 16.1 18, 20. 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 requires 4 yds. 39-ln. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern I siyiesr jusi inciuae tne rAULi-win- tr FASHION BOOK in your pat tern order and you'll be delighted with the wide selectior of designs lor an else and age groups, and all occasions. You'U also get many suggestions for easily made gif Lt mat will stretch your Christmas I budget. Price of book 20 cents. Send 2.ie for rATTERN with Name, Address and Sty it Number biat size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St., Ssn Francisco ft. Calif R.2610 Hairpin law Cmrhet Hairpin lace la one of the oldest needle srts and so simple even a novice crorhet- er can turn out lovely eriamg. Dress ud Dlllowcases. auest towels. and lingerie with these delightful and dlllerent trimmings. Pattern Envelope No. R3610 con tains complete step-by-step dlrec Uons for making hairpin lace, dia grams and Instructions for the three edgings illustrated, material require ments and iinisning directions. To obtain this pattern, send 50c in IAJ1N8. giving pattern number your name, address and sone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 83 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 1. Calif. l. ST 4 I ARE X SERIOUS,) YOU MUST DO ITU CAM I PLGA.SE SO RIGHT AHEAD.. I U USE OMLV SUEARS U )J2, J: BeaaZj cIliV V I MR.LEON? I NOT ICEEP MV TRADE IP 1 DOl 1 WILL UEARM IP VOO ALLOW MY BUSIWESSOJJai J J:0flkw, c.nt: .it f y H VET SO HOW CAM t TEACH AW 7 BWfZlasw ! I Hif fV U - - THESE f TEACH ME TO 4! z&ll lh st t E 5Seo,E6ERUti!iJ Wlr" I r , Pi'lti--Jki. Icuppers lose-rue shears l;??i I a maggiiaixjaa I li r-Tv f WHY IS W ENTERIN" Plff HlWlWl. NO .'.'-AFTER ASSOSHEATIN M f AH'LL KETCH A MEANS. EAT HIM' Vf TttT1atR.'?' I ( f VTi J I TH' SADIE HAWKINS VwiF PIGS ALU MAH LIFE, AH OXH-ON'T jJS VOONG, TENDER 1 THEH. WILD BOARS VOLIVES 1 BUT, LET ME GIVE, A 1 I MlI I f I I DAV RACE, PIG-GIRL? STAND A ota.DOGPWTCHER.'?'-BUT; I I ONE-AN' BRING WITH IS A HOMM LOT. j(" VO' A FWIENDLV II I ( I W If 1 ilntf I I DOGPATCHER W J tl SO LONG. AH FIGGERS IT'S "BOOT I I MAH FOLKS WILt) ON ONE, MAHSELK NGAL-DONT EAT 1 ( till I V)4J 1 I A HUSBIN? I f tWsTIMErRSTURN TH' CDURTESV-J I I WANT T' dlXT A WONDER EF DOSPMWtRS 1 TH' MOM- Ol M I 2944 T7T7 1 If 1 l E MI V I IT'S, CUPCAKE, STEVE STEAtXreLLAirNO" HERE'S THEl f BESIDES --SHE COULDN'T 6aTf T BUT rOT TH6 ONLY IXIT aRAVvNSKl,' ) I . V im OONe.'-X-THAT SLEEPiNO MEDICINE.' SHI . OUT WITHOUT PANj ME This Saj I I ii. .piiBtr.iini ' . I POVOEB PROBABLV PIPNT OsllWK IT , fcE ONLV .-?.W-rl I I A V f tlfa iwm, iSriKS n rait i w ig-jci7t-ij ms I ftti 1 m frm 1 i 1 Iutta lj,,ci a r I H I I M I r y I n ' j a --. I II 111 I . h i 1 II II Vh I I I au. I I I la I Tf:.tniHar, hj-ih Baalaa W UL J WJ ir7 i I 1 9. , M I .... X: : mmmswrwttmwrmmmmm'Wmtmrmm'mim aj.a a.a.aaaaja! 'aVflflFreS Warlnf Kewi f eaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaasaaaaaaMaw I I j HEY? I UOOk! OUT NEP TM' ( QOOONESS-HOW l. 8:30illlns Manlor Ml O I f KMVBE -APTOaS KROK DID 1 III 60METHn-3 HAPPCMEdI 1 II ENO TH' CCTV.OS I LUCKV NO ONE 11 8:45 McCoa.tll buplalH ID I ft CO CUT ON THAT COTTWALK- & COME OUKXI S5 ., JM GONE? BUSTED arc I WHS ON IT Ul 8:00 Marr Laa rthratra at " -V ... ... r ilhMhLnnil r. .X uullUiMJUMUl m V-. J . , :1S Xajlar Tadar UtmrSJSKtmMmmi iMHlTlHmi'T 13 SUlftllial 111 tUfl I U MM IllfSI MM Hg Mil j. M B :4 I r WiUAlJlIIiJJWilMI U a ti'Yg-uati-iuiMi m ymn ru 1 k liKESS SS. ESS E i rum vw tt i f r i 'vw i ' w l ti l a w aa .n ' :s i " : ..i.- . r. - : 'tji Jas. r a la, JVar-TiW s &i--V B B y X. 'ixr' nw vi",i M,V''.wi I aTasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl I M I 11 Oil rwi II Kif AH! JUbl I TnUPI I lAMATEUK l1,.. r I aaTamiaiStnHIW OUT I I BaBBBBaBBBBBaBBBBBaBBVBaM r J rtm I u iA -L t Jfhf V tT'frta Mitzr?-.m smetra I II u. Land euu ru tuccc pvl-c rTHERE WU ABE, RysTViTfiOLLVlSALTVl 1 8V 6EOR66. BUSTY! I BELlEVcA I ,.. f ,Tr,i rci ' COME ON ! SCRAMBLE J LOOK MOW THAT W TVI7NEP THE TRICK POR I I oOCONkSHtSALTV! 1 I LADl-ITS WLV A FEW UP THE ROCKS i WATER BOILS! US !-OUR SUNKEN STEB. JL 3 THERS 6HE60ES! I FtT I LL 6rVE OU . JVST THAT STEEL I SKTIFF HAS TRAPP60 THEIR U Rusrys BOAT IS J A HANP S a,, , fl n I ini ir in TI ir HITT TIT f , I ( WAITED! II ai ft kiEEP D MMM-.AVHATiJV OL. stN ' ) HEV ( fcSEAT.N', PAU O GOOOTOCMM iAheSTEW fc 1 Ifirr VWAITEI?.'j4 Y, A 2 WAITER? r-f WASMV U P W ' -l jmmJS -T I I M U W I -.1 . I I Mr M.-.l BT m vTWN I I Xl'-.- BW -aalBBW I I r-;'-' IB. V SW .Ul'-aafjnrf I r rr .CVril i - ?rr A,A ivs&zw ...,akp.hjs m anew lower." I iia'llluiTC.D.Di.iH . . - . ImiMiiun.'l 1 I . -. "" I aNOA7lPPY JIN6LC INSIOt! I 1 I 1 I 7 . J i VJ J fc -C-3 i7MfTVN5bKWLAR,Tw . nil i . LRi -' tnnn 50WI'ra,auNN;irH,Nlt),gANiTHftDA.JAa HATI-tvtgWNtl-j ACALOBJt CHART ON J Wt U ,j THOU6KT 1 WOULO , V? I - STJ V M . WAgTVL-OtJIiWMATr-AV:) f 80W PtUMBCB. TO L Tl MC.1 ' - TRTIT-.- , fV "iis. 1 " l CTsTV I vVLrSri 1 TMtFAVOglU TOflCOf Jlln WWPfNTiJ Wlf 1 1? ..-- I WAIT, gUNMV Xr'Wfli X" ) (? r 1" ILj- 7 RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY KGW NBC K0IN I 10 CBS iMIun SI. l.fhl knag Maaalav )Chal. rraa Ullla SaawfChal. Chal. 3flBft TlHI PitWt iftjElmr rituM W.wa INI Atrial Str.aaaifc.aT. It U J.anl l.VSIrtnf S.r.aa.&aT It U JulHw Laai ' Aba.r Hlla Aaar Hits ritiiu pr.aaf Lave MntM, Flcaaa NaaibaF Fl.au riibt riflbta I....II Thaaiaa Uaeb Snllh rl rM Tta. G.laar( lb Qal.a.ra. fir.ar laar Mr Fa.arlt. Oitlt kiala baas Rick. :15;CarrsiL ra.lr.iSa.rta BaaUlshtlnlarnatia ,alr-lla K;.netrl H.ar Taa an! W.H4Caa.rt Uaar Ortaa Maila rOr.aa Haila hTraaaarj Baal Men. wamaa OCtra SATURDAY 6 pawn Dawn Round IKeaearch ons timer Nawa Breakf Mary Lee Theatre ef Rilrt'i Tana Today (OIH'b Beadlns la Pan Grand Central tTovland Tun. News brand Central IToTland Tunea tan Ketrs INotro iNotra Netre Notre Notre INotra JNolra SNotre Calif. OrcaonTsaav k allf. - Oresen'iea Orei on Tea Orexonl Crumpets Oregon 'junior Oregon Junction Oreron Jata Concert NBC Symphony jCal.f. - Oregon Jaas Concert NBC Symphony Calif. - Oreitani Vfeetth Band NBC Symphony Calif. Oreaon Harry Bands of the News (Albert Land tCblcatoana Church DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 If fl A r Friday r.w. cmidreo'e The atert l:IS, On the Upbeat. B:M. 0 Sports Clnbt Nowst 4:1a, Research Report i 11:15. Bore'a to Veteran i R:M, Great Sontst Now and Weather; f:M. Moslo That Endurest :44. Evening MedltaUonsi 10:00, Slan Off. Willamina School Open for Classes Willamina Kenneth A. Ram- ey, grade school principal, an nounces this week that plans are complete for occupancy of the new Willamina grade school building. Classes were held In the new building Monday for the first time. While the build ing is not entirely completed, work remaining includes only minor finishing jobs and they won't interfere with classwork. IL French Canadlaoi slant IS. Helical ti. Olaorealn mtaaura Ii. Wondering 14. Contend fear IS. Imitates 11. Stinting It. Asiatic monk 10 Roman data) II. Legume St. Bwiveli need In twisting St. Breach IT. Italian nam for Italy t. Rubber tre 40. Portico it. Old Portu guese cola 4L Clinking rooa strands 47. Allows St. Fua 10. Wrath J8. FYlgid SI. Arrow polsoa S7. On of the 12. Crackle Uuaes U. Thing: law ' WL " -k p 3X l w frw A Newtfeotwres ROOM AND BOARD t. M. KEX I KSLM KOCOv I lle ABC I 13M 1IBC thai. Tok.a B-Bar-B Ba W Tnk B-Bar-B Ranefa RhTthai Ranch f Hakaa r VaaaaJI-Bar-B Kaacfe pthrlbai Rinti ISkr ma, kj Kla, , li'rtruhttrt rioM nil P'Bf (.raaar His BaiistM Neva CabrUI Heater Canttlt Ural CalllM W. Na and lllvar iBcarat ilihlaf m4 friilieaitar Encaraa HaaiiBf tiaa fuataiianMi TBrliaaB TlpiSPal O'Brlaa rrhla la MaaU Mailaal Jack pal riua KI4 KvelTB EBlftal Claca KI4 i-rt. 'laa Has Blralhl Arraw HS Earana Mlralfht Arraw BHS Eaaana HnI tha Ban4 BMB Eaaana HHt lhiBH4 btta. Eutat Man FBI fBI M Hartl A Harriet Ntwa WHS - Eatrana David Baa WHS Eacana Wttttr Sklaa WmUtb Sklaa Bfaala 8H8 . Eaiana piatla Ktwi Kaarlr rait. Uwla Jr. Warwick Thcai, Pritei nawa rwarwien xneat. ewe Haila Tan Want Charlla Salrak Watla Tan Waal tLava Mratarr Naalnraa Mbi a LNaclarna Rata Marru Naclaraa orentitra piafltBriw Hoar ltB Off VlfB Oft A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Krwa frinckaeprr Downbeat IMaren Tlma Dewnbeat -Up Bojil New Ter Hitter ArronikT Break fart Gang uraaklatit Uanf iHomee en Lan4 jEitenilon Serv- ait Plaia I op Tradai Ham Demo, Muaical Br Id re Muiical Brldre Muaical Bride Bargain Counter Rcminiiclng Renlnliclna pifwi Haves af Real 'Haven af Rett Wrfn Meladlas Holenea Esenr. Cerni hi'ortbweit NewiJPopuIar Carps pint Slnra Varletlea Paatar'a Call Mailt Wlthoat ata Rldera Worda of Nawa (iarden Oalda Marina Band Tomorrow lara of Tomorrow Salem Air Res. rroudlv (Concert a Hall Faverltea D - NCU Doe, Sat. Serenade flat. Serenade Sal. Serenade Sat. Serenade D - NCU the Platter Jock Nl.'U NCUi D NCU Top Tradaa At tha Oper At tha Oper News Navy Band D NCU Newa N W Nawa D NCU! D - NCU lOeoKBerif D - NCU Han an Farm Sat. Matinee at. Matlne Sat. Matinee Bat. Matlaee D - SCV D NCU NCUOSC-Mlch. St. . rrati.t. OSC-Mlrh. St. Sat. Mmtln e trampctt'OSC-Mlch. ht Sat. Matinee and K)SC.MIrh. St. Sat. Mallne. psc.Mlch. SL jSat. Mallne. OSC-Hirh. SL Cbin-tT. Chat OSC-Mlrb. SL Cbln-ll Chat OdC-Mlch. SL Cbln-U. Chat OSC-Mlcb. SL Cbln-L1. Cbal OSC-Mlcb. at. r.rtaln Call. OSC-Mlrb. SL Cartaln Calif OSC-Mieh. dL Spotlttht Matl. H.mm.n.w.T 'r.otball Sere. Winner Warner Nat VfA( liaturdar A.M 10:00, Nw. IXwMV. 10:18, Eiperlallr far Wemaai 11:0(1, Tbo Coneert Hall; lt:00, Newsi 1?:t5, Noon Farm B;ri 1:M, Bid In Cowhoyi l:Sft Voleo of the Armyi 1:4S. 1 Melody Lanei t:M. Muile of the Mas- t teri 1:30. Seienre Newsi S:tS, Spirit of Viklnsst 4:00, Your Secnrllyi 4 : 1 A. Sonn 1 of the Wostt 4:45, Her It Australia. All four of the school's first grade groups will have classes in the new building. Other classes to move into the new building include part of the second grade, and all of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Dayton, O., Nov. 11 UP) Thomas J. Conlin, 59, a San Francisco, Calif., business man, pleaded guilty to a charge of second degree murder today and was sentenced to life imprison ment. Solution of Yctter day's Puzzlo M. ramlnine nick nam II Volcano DOWN L Southern state: aboaa 1 Chart t. Ezaxgerat i. HesdKtroiBg a. PooUtOOl . rin T. Rub out I. Lair I. Greed 10. Fermented grape Juleo 11. lupporu for furniture 17. Jewish monUl 1. Cell forth 11. Speed 12. East Indian woody via 24. Iterate 2Jt. Discussion SI. Language of South Africa 10. Ancient Greek pitcher IX, Rsklmo boat IX. Beats la. Br in its into row It. Pertaining to birds 40. Move 41. Weary 42. Units 44. Additional tfi. Ignited 41. Brown la tho ii n 41. Itinera sprint By Gen Aharn IAiM glAR0MAflHOw m i xUr aIzSoIrUeigio I WTUICTTkllJL ERl P E CTrHt U TflAjpiE)N fc3HUTiL rMaiI"' ,j ElRN"HT EiNgaLlAl3H n 6 rEMPec j e IsSBsJl iijA NEtJJ oiamlsJei rIrJI AIPJEIO ptEJELDHft ETJt LIE -i -gnp Ajcig nw u'rIaII in1u1rieUpoip 1 y J i.