Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    lO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 11, 1949
? D . ?
Jalem 6 Khurchei
sUarcaatsed Charea af Jetaa Christ f
tUr liny flalatt Seventeenth and Ch
in eke t a streets. Chas. H. Asher, pastor,
Church school. 10. Worship strvlef. 11,
Kenneth D. Slover, preachint. Zlon'i lea
gue, ;30. Prayer service, 1:30.
. Knlcht Memorial Conirciatlonsl Nine
teenth And Ferry streets. Louis E. White,
minister. Sunday achool. :. Morning
worship, 11. Sermon, "Nourlahlni the
Roots." Junior church and church-time
nursery, 11. Pilgrim fellowship groupa lor
, sector high and junior high ages, :jo,
Bethany ETangellcal and Reformed Ma
rlon and Capitol Sts. Rev. Ruisrll Mayer,
pastor. Sunday achool. 10. Morning wor
ahlp, 11, Evening worship,
First Baimaaiist 348 North Commercial.
jut, aiary ueiaen, speaaer. services
1:30 and 7:30.
1 It, Mark Cv. Latheran 343 M. Church
street. Ry. M. A. Oetiendaner, D.D. and
Rev. John Baallen, pastors. Sunday achool,
t:46. Momlna worshm service. 11. "Lav-
nan's Sunday," presentation by laymen
X the church. Luther league, a: jo.
Jason Lee Methodist North Winter at
Jefferson street. Loula C. Klrby. D.D,
ntlnlater. Sunday school, t:46. Morning
worship, 11. At this service Willamette
.university Sunday will be observed. The
following persona assisted by the pastor
-will represent th achool: Marian Bay re,
David Potndexter, and Professor Herman
Clark. Ivenlna aervlce. 7:30. Quest speak'
er. Rev. Peter J. Becker of the American
Sunday School Union will apeak and ahow
colored suae.
Poarsqaar Chnrch 400 N. 18th. Rev.
Roy Worthington, pastor. Sunday achool,
p:4ft. Morning worsnip, n. xoung people,
:4ft. Ivangcltstlc, 7:45.
Central Charch af Christ Chemeketa
at Cottaga. M. C. Cuthbertson. minister.
Bible classes. 8:46. preaching, 10:46 and
Christ Lutheran 6tate street at 18th,
C. R Schuls, pastor. Sunday church
achool, 0:60. Divine worship at 0:46 and
41 (identical services).
First Christian High and Center, Dud
ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, asso
ciate minister. Church school, 8:46. Morn
Ing worship and Communion, 10:60. Ser
mon, "My Charge to Keep," Dudley
pin in. Antnem eancius" uounoa (inci
dental solo. Olen Leonine-, tenor L Solo.
'Whither Shall I Oo From Thy Spirit"
Macpermld. Youth groups, 6:16. Evening
Worship, 7:30. Sermon, "The Impossible
iuea, waiter nan.
Court Street Christ ln 17th and Court
streets. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible
achool assembly, 9:46. Morning worship
. ana communion, io:w. oermon sunject,
' "1 Believe Ood.1 Youth hour, 0:30 p.m.
Evening service, 7:30. Sermon subject,
The Pass Key."
Calvary Baptist 1230 Sooth Liberty St.
Rev. Victor Hugo Sword, Th.D., pastor.
sunaay scnooi, :. Horning service, ll.
Sermon subject, ""The Second Mile." Eve
ning aervlce, 7:30 p.m. Sermon subject,
"Channels of Power."
Leslie Methodist Bouth Commercial at
Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
school, 8:45. Morning aervlce, 11. Sermon
by Rev. Orbtn Turner, guest avaniiellst.
Youth fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Evening
service, 7:30 p.m. Inspirational gospel
singing followed by evangelistic message
by the Rev. Orbln Turner.
Saint rial's Episcopal Church and
Chemeketa street. Tha Rev. Oeorge H.
Swift, B.D., rector. Holy Communion (In
the chapel), 7:30. Junior church and
classes, 9:30. Nursery school In parish
house. 11. Prayer aervlca and sermon, 11.
Youth vespers, 6.
Central Lutheran W. Capitol nnd
Oalnea. L. B. Rundstrom, paMor. Sunday
actiool, elajueji for all ages, 0:46. Broad
cast over KSLM, 10:15. Mornini worship,
11. Ladle A14 FaU Festival, 6:30.
Jeana Name Pentecostal 1176 Lewis St.
Ronald V. SitUer, pastor. Sunday school,
10 a.m. Morning worship, ll, Evening
vangellatle, 7:48.
Institute) of Relltiana Kolenee Snlcm
Women's club, 460 N. Cottage. Topic
for Sunday, 11 a.m., "Tha irrestibla Law
of Love."
Helena Helthta Commanltr Liberty
road at Madrona avenue. Sunday achool,
10 a.m. Preaching, U a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
First Charch mt Christ, Scientist Liberty
and Chemeketa. Sunday school at 11 a.m.
Moraine; aervlca at 11. Lesson-sermon uo
Jrcs, "Mortala and Immortals." Nursery
for children up to 1 reara of age pro
Tided during the morning aervlce. Eve
ning aervlce at 8. "Leason -sermon subject.
"Mortala and Immortal."
nt. Johns Latheran (Mo. Synod) H. W.
Gross, pastor. Service at 8 and 11. Sunday
achool and Bible clan at 10
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester W, Hamblln, pastor. John L.
Ooodenbener. assistant pastor. Church
chool, 9:46 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sermon by
mlnlter, "Each Man Must Choose." lun-
lor htth group. 5:30 p.m. Hlth achool fel
lowship, g. Collego and Bualnesa group,
T p.m.
First Evangelical Hutted tVelhren Mar
lon and Summer. Rev. Wllmer N. Bron,
pastor. Rev. F. E. Fisher, assistant pas
tor. Sunday school, 9 45 a.m. Morning
aervlce, 11. Sermon. "Give an Account to
Ood." Evenlna aervlce 7:4$. Thanuslvtnr
Musical. Sermon, "The Conquering Life."
We.leran Method lit 15th and Mill Sts.
A. O, Yaten. pastor. Sunday achool. 10
a m. Morning wornhlp, 11 a.m. Young
Jieople'a meeting, 0 45 p.m. Evening aerv
re, 7:30. Mrs. Cathern Bloom of the
Bloom Trio will be speaking at both
Talbot Comma nlty Talhot. Rev. R.
Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday achool,
10 a.m. Divine worshtn. II a.m. Ser
mon: "Samson, the Catttaway." Youth
groups meet at 6:30 p.m. Evening serv
ice, 7:30 p.m. Hev. Jerry Rose, recently
returned missionary from the Island of
New outnra, will speak on: "Missionary
Work In Tha Netherland East Indies."
Chnreh af Jeans Thrlit of Latter Day
Fuinu 6th and Madison Sts. Suniiay
acnnni, io a.m. sacrament service, 11:30.
Evening aervlce, 0:30.
Manlier Commnnltr Fall Gospel Moni
tor. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Schilling, pa-
ora. ounnay win oe ramiiy riunaay, De
ginning with the Hunilnv schiol at ll
a m. The leon, "The Christian and Hi'
Home" M urn Ing Worship at 11. Sunday
vvening service ai a win feature a one
art play. "Mr. and Mrs. Church Mem
er at Home," by Fern Luther.
First Methedlat Church achool, 9:46
m Morning worsnip, n a m. Sermon:
"Plavlng the Oame." 8 p m.. Autumn
nntnern resttrai dt the Sanctuary Choir.
Howard F. MUler. director. (Moists. Jose
phine Albert Spauldlng, Edith Falrham
Kelt er funmanilt Churrhdt at
Turaheth. Sunday sehonl, 9:4A a m. Morn'
tug worship, 11 am. Young people' meet.
frig tiunlnr and senior), T p m. Evening
vine, i.9 pm.
Talvary Chapel. Fall Gaapel-1143 North
liberty St. Pastors. Rev. Claude C. and
Mary W. Bell. Sunday school, 10 am.
scorning sen ice, ll a.m. Evening aervlca,
1.43 p.m.
First Rapllsl Marlon and Liberty Sts
IV Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E
Ptrlckwede) and Hev. V. L. Loucke, as
sociate pastors. Sunday achool, 9 45 am
Morning worship, ll am.: "Tha Remit of
Ont Man's Sin." Pastor Lloyd T. Anrier-
aon. Youth meetings. 611 p m. Evening
pri prrrire. i;w p.m.! "TM Parable Of
i Fig Tree."
Ralbert Memorial Baptist Ona mile
noun oi unnerpess an Highway tag. Rev.
C. E. Brick eael. pastor. Sunday school.
9 41 a m. Morning worahlp. 11 a.m.. pas-
lor speaking. Young people's league
30 p m. Evening gospel service, 7 J0 p m.
Faar Corn era Rapt litstate and Flm
Hev. Victor L, Lourks, pastor. Sunday
arhooL 9 48 am. Morning worship, 11
m.. pastor speaking. Evening gospel
Hose Mending
Downstairs Pulls!
Christian Community
Church Places Sign
Detroit The Detroit church
of Christ erected a new lign
over its doorway during the past
week, which reads Christian
Church Community. The church
i, not reorganizing nor chang
ing but was organized under the
name of Church of Christ and
because of some confusion and
misunderstanding among the
people of the community as to
just which church group is rep
resented, has the new sign.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock
each Sunday morning is grow
ing considerably, church at 11
o'clock. The young people meet
at 6:45 on Sunday evening and
preaching at 7:30 o'clock. The
morning sermon topic for Sun
day, November 13, will be.
"How to Become a Christian.
The high school young people
will have a party at the church
and all young people of that age
group are Invited. The Junior
high group held a hike last Sat
urday and plans if weather per
mits, to have a hike that Satur
day beginning at 12 o'clock. If
the weather does not permit
then they will have their reg
ular indoor party from 2:30-4:30
Catholics Slate
Clothing Drive
The two Catholic churches In
Salem, St. Joseph and St. Vin
cent de Paul, will assist as col
lection depots to receive dona
tions to the Thanksgiving cloth
ing and soap collection during
Thanksgiving week, November
20 to 27. The local effort will
be part of the diocesan campaign
held in conjunction with a na
tion-wide program sponsored by
the War Relief Services of the
National Catholic Welfare con
Requested are any types of
usable clothing, blankets or
babies' garments: wearable
shoes, and bars of any kind of
soap. All contriDutions win De
forwarded to San Francisco and
then shipped overseas for free
distribution to the needy, re
gardless of race, creed or color.
A letter from Archbishop Ed
ward D. Howard, read at all
masses last Sunday, formally
announced the campaign.
Baptist Men to
Hear Stackhouse
Willamette University Time
will be observed at the "Men's
Council Meeting" of the First
Baptist church on Tuesday eve
ning at 6:30 o'clock. In con
junction with the dinner meet
ing, Traviss Cross, alumni di
rector, will have charge of the
program. Mark Hatfield, pro
fessor of political science, will
share in the evening dissertation.
The program will be highlighted
by the main address given by
Coach Stackhouse.
Layman's day will be observed
in the church services on Sun
day, November 13, with speak
ers and music to suit the oc
casion. Mill City Churches
First Freabrterian Dr. David J. Fer
guson, minister. Sunday achool 10, mnrn
ina aervlce 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Tha Won
der and Power of Full Surrender." Youth
fellowship 8:30 p.m.. Mrs. Arthur Kriaver,
rini tnmiwn inamH wuriiii-7, .,
pastor. Bible achool 0:40, morning wor
ship 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor hour
s.jv p.m. viiina wvriui . w viumi
at ralharln i-athnllaW. Father O Mai.
pastor. Sunday mass 8 a m. Confessions
heard before mass.
Pre Methodist L. C. Oould. pastor.
Sunday achool 10 a.m. Morning aervlca 11
o'clock. Evening worahlp 1:30 o'clock.
Commanitr Hev. Wayne Walk Ins, pas
tor. Sunday achool 10 a.m. Morning aervlca
11 o'clock. Evening aervlca 1:30 o'clock.
Christian Missionary Alliance th A
Oalnea streets. Pastor, Rev. Richard J.
Abrams. Sunday achool 8:S a.m. Morning
aervlca U a.m. Evening aervlca, 7: JO,
Weal Salem Methodist Third and
Oerlh. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church
Achool. 8: a.m., Mrs. Leo Ester, auper-
intendent, worship ll a.m. sermon, ' uoo
U Father." Youth fellowship, 8:30. Young
adult fellowship at
Amity Churches
tlaplist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Bun
day schoot, 10 a m. Morning worship,
11 a.m. Kev. J. J. Clow, Mt. Olivet church.
Portland, guest speaker. Youth fellow
ship, 1 p m. Evening service, 8 p.m.
Topic: "A Dead and Alive Church.'
Charrh of Chrlal Wm. P. Morse, pas
tor. Bible arhool, 10 a.m. Worship and
communion service, l a m. Christian
Endeavor, 8. JO pa. Evening worship.
7 30 p m.
Aitem My of find -William Vearhv, pas
rr. Sunday school. 1 41 a m. Morning
orhtp. 11 am. Youth service, 1:18 p.m.
Evening service, 1:4 p.m.
Method 1st Fremont Paul, mtn later.
Sunday achool. 10 a m. Morning worship.
ii a.m. Junmr Tellowahip. pni, Me the-
lervlra. 7 10 n
m.: "Emphasis on Lay
mea'a Sunday.1
t'ltlled Pent reei tal 44) Frrry. Rev
Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday achool.
0 43 a.m. Morning service, U, Evening
aervlce 1:4,
Auto er Personal CASH LOANS
lalem Afenry: 4M N. Charch St Trl.
A Couple of Objectors Robert (second from left) and
Jean, two of the Leal quads, pose with a howl as the other two,
Marie Therese (left) and Jacqueline look with wide-eyed
wonderment. They're shown in nursery at Boulogne-Billan-court,
Paris suburb. The 13 '4 -month-old quads come from
St. Celle St. Cloud, near Paris.
Church of Jesafl Christ of the latter
Day (Saints (Mormon) Sunday achool at
10, evening aervlce at 7.
Christian Science Sunday achool at
0:45, Services at 11.
t. Paul's Catholic Father John J,
WalMi, pastor. Sunday masaea, 8 and 10.
Weekdays, 8.
Assembly of fiod Berrel H. Scott, pas
tor. Sunday sohool 9:45. Divine worship.
11. Young people's society at a:a. evan
gelistic at 8.
Church of Ood Rev. T. E. Nix, pastor.
Sunday achool at 10; worahlp hour at 11.
Evening services at 8.
Seventh Par Adventlvt Elder A. D.
Chllson. Salem, and Harold Johiuon. lo
cal elder, In chance. Sabbath achool Sat
urday, 9:30: morning worsnip at 11, e&i
urday. Sunday evening evangelistic aer
vlce. Pilgrim Rollneaa D. C. Ola on, pastor.
Sunday achool 9:43. Sermon by pastor,
11. Young people meet at ?. Evangeliatic
sermon at 8.
M.thodlt U,rquim Mid Molallft Joint
Duuir.tM. J. 8. Krndall. minuter. Bible
achool tnd xertnon forenoon, Sundftr. at
Marqu.m, afternoon at Molalla.
Christian and Hlsslonarr Alliance
Gordon T. BratvoM, minister. Sunday
achool 10 a.m.. Oscar Satern, auperln Un
dent. Morning service 11 a.m.. represent
ative from Seattle Simpson Bible Institute
to apeak In respect to the school's Harvest
Hoim ormer vanre. Male Quartet of Seattle
sing at both Sunday achool and church
services. Junior and senior young people
meet at 6:30 p.m. Evening evanneilfltlc
fervice, tha pastor to give the message.
Calvarr Lutheran supply paxtor. Sun
day achool and Bible cla&ii. Miss Olga
Johnson, superintendent, io a.m. Morning
worship 11, guest speaker. Rev. P. W. Er-
ckaon, Salem, apodal mualc. Coniirmauon
olaaa Saturday, 10 a.m.
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle, pafl
ir. Sunday achool and Bible classes, 10
a.m. Divine worship 11, sermon, "Shall
Wa Forgive seventy Times?"
Methodist Ben P. Browning, minis
ter. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m., Ted Har-
reavex, acting superintendent. Classes all
aga groups. Nursery for pre-Sunday school
aiera. General worahlp aervlce, 11 a.m.
Sermon by pastor, aubject: "After the
Victory of Arms." Nursery for children to
4 yeara of aae. Youth fellowship, 7:30 p.m.,
Miss nettle Polk, worsnip leader, uiaire
Fin lay, prealdent.
First Chrhtlan Charch Arthur Charles
Bates, minister. Bible achool 9:45 a.m. M.
Ford, superintendent: aasutanta. Lynn
Neat, Harry Vctter and James C. Bonner.
Communion and sermon, ll. topic:
'Christ's Last Mcuaae." Special vested
choir directed by Mrs. P. Plorhart. Junior
and aenlor Christian Endeavor, 8:80 p.m.
Evenlna service. 1:30, sermon: "Peace
Makers." Junior choir under direction of
Miss Oeraldine French.
Trlnttv Lutheran Pastor supplied
. Sun-
day achool and Bible clashes 10 a.m. Di
vine worship. 11. Rev. Robert Hoveland.
Salem, speaker. Luther league on alter
nate Sunday evening.
Lebanon Schedules
Thanksgiving Rites
Lebanon The annual union
Thanksgiving service will be
held in the Church of God at 10
a.m. this year. Rev. Lyle Leacn
will be the speaker, with Rev.
Harvey Schmidt of the Presby
terian church, ministerial chair
man for 1949, assisting. The of
fering will be used to cover
shipping charges of overseas
A Christmas Diarama was pro
posed by Sydney Peat, local ar
tist, as an inter-church commun
ity project, to be erected at cost
with volunteer labor. The proj
ect was referred to the inter
church men's group with a fav
orable recommendation.
Officers elected for 1950 were
Rev. Lyle Leach, chairman;
Rev. Henry Brown, vice presi
dent, and Dr. John Houser, secretary-treasurer.
Boys Hearing Bishop
Woodburn The Rt. Rev. Ben
jamin D. Dagwell, bishop of Ore
gon Episcopal churches, will
speak at the regular 5 o'clock
service Sunday at the state
school for boys at Woodburn
The Rev. Clarence Slocum, local
vicar, is the appointed Protes
tant chaplain for the school un
der the Oregon Council of
Churches, and has arranged for
the appearance of the bishop.
1. hi.. '7.7s Jl
Worship Seminar
In Salem Nov. 18
Dr. Deane Edwards, promin
ent church leader from New
York City, and Dr. Earl E. Har
per, director of the School of
Fine Arts of the State University
of Iowa, will conduct a Seminar
on Worship, sponsored by the
Salem Ministerial association, on
Friday, November 18, at the
First Presbyterian church from
10 to 11:45 a.m. Dr. Harper and
Dr. Edwards will lead the min
isters and the choir directors in
a discussion of many of the basic
problems of worship. At 2 p.m
this seminar will continue and
will close at 4 p.m. While a
special invitation has been sent
out to minister and choir direc
tors, the seminar will be open
to youth leaders and workers in
the church school.
Friday evening at 8 there will
be a Hymn Festival. This will
be conducted in the sanctuary.
Church at Liberty
Launches Campaign
Liberty The Liberty Christ
ian Church of Christ will hold
evangelistic services at the
church starting Sunday Novem
ber 13 and continuing through
Sunday November 20,
Rev. Ellery A. Parrish, pastor
of the church will do .the preach
ing. Robert Hendershott of Tur
ner will assist the pastor by di
recting the music. '
The nightly meetings will be
gin at 7:30 and will close at
8:45 o'clock.
Stayton Churches
rastttst Rev. Winarfl Buckner. pastor
Sunday achool, 10. Morning worship, 1L
rralolng nour. 7:15. Evening aervlca, .
Obarek at ChrUt Clyde Freeman, paa
to. Bible achool, 10. Worship aervlce. 11.
routb Fellowship. 1:30, Evening worship.
Chnreh af Christ L. M. Seld, minister.
Bible study. 10. Morning worahlp, 1L Eva
nlng worahlp, a.
Methodist John Morange, pgxtor. Bible
school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel
lowship, 0:30. Evening worahlp, g.
Assembly mt God Rev. Melvln Stock-v-
U. paator. Sunday school. 10. Morning
lervlce, 11. Toung people'a meeting, 4:45.
evening evangelistic aervlca 1:45.
Immaeutate Conception Catholle Rev
th. Jonas, paator. Sunday aervlcea:
Uaaaaa , 1:30 and 0:30 a.m.
St. Parttrk'a Catholle (Lyons) Father
Leander Schneider, paMor. Winter ached
'ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, maaa
10:30 a m.) itc and tn Sundays tnaaa at
8 30 a.m.
Oar Lady of Ldnrdea (Jordan) Father
Le under Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st, 3nd and 5th Sundays, maaa 8:30
a.m., 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30
nap. m Bruce wakeman. pastor. Bun
day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth
reuowsnip t evening service a.
Charch af Christ Wm. F. Morse. m!n
Ister. Bible school 10, morning worship
11, junior meeung 7, young reopiea meet
ing 1. evening services a.
Methadltt chare ta Rev. Fremont Fattt.
pentor. Sunday school 10. morning wor
ship 11. junior Fellowship , Youth Fel
lowship 1.
AnraiMT 0.4 Wllllaai It. BearKr.
pastor, eunrtay achool t:4l, mornlnt wor
ahlp It, ehlldr..'. atrrloa av.n!nf
aarvtra a.
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Dallas Churches
First rresbyterlan Earl William Ben
)w. D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 0:45.
Morning worship. 11. Sermon thama:
Education 01 parents."
Mennenlte Brethren O. H. Jantien,
pastor. Missionary service at high achool,
0:45. Thanksgiving service, 2:30, KMB
church. Youth program, 7:30, EMB
church. All services part of Pacific dis
trict conference of Mennonlta Brethren
Evangelical United Brethren R. William
Elmer, minister. Sunday school. t:45.
Morning wornhlp, 11. Youth fellowship,
Motion picture, "cmna cnaiienge, to
be shown at 1:45.
Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron, pas
or. Sunday school, 9:30. Morning serv
:e, 11, Evening service, 1:50.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff,
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning
worship, 11. Evening service, 1:30.
First Christian Kenneth Johnson, pas
tor. Bible school. 8:45. Morning wor
ship, 11. Sermon: 'The Family Spirit."
Christian Endeavor, 6; study, 6:30. Evan
gellsttc aervlce, 1:30.
Assembly of Ood Alfred R. Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning wor
ship. 11. Christ Ambassadors, junior
church, vesper service, 1, Evangelistic
service, g.
Grace -Mennanite J. J. Regier, pastor.
Sunday achool, 0:50. Morning worship.
Young people'a meeting, 1:30. eve
ning aervlca, t:lft.
Trinity Latheran Karl A. Ufer. paator.
Sunday school, 10. Divine service, 11.
Luther league, 1.
First Methodist Clark 8. Eni. pastor.
Sunday achool. 0:45. Morning worship,
ii . sermon: "Learn to liv oy raitn.
Intermediate fellowship. 6:30. Senior fel
lowship, 6:30. Forum: "Our Faith in
God," 7:45.
Evangelical Mention It e Brethren A. F.
Toews, paator. Sunday achool. 0:35.
Morning service, 11. Rev. John K. wark-
en tine will preach. Evening aervlca, 7:30.
reuowsnip groups, e.
Christian and Missionary Alliance O.
Ernest McOarvey, minister. Sunday achool,
0:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon:
"Workers Together with Rim." Evening
service, 7:45.
Christian Science Sunday achool, i:45,
Sunday service, 11. Subject of tha les
son-sermon for this week la "Mortals
ana immortals."
Charch af God Henry Loggan, pastor.
Buuuay acnooi, Morning worsnip,
11. Young people'a meeting, 6:45. Evan
gelistic aervlca, 7:46.
Seventh Day Adventltt Babbath school.
0:45. Sermon, 11.
Falls City Seventh Dav Advcntlst Bab-
bath achool, 9:30. Preaching, 11.
Eola Sunday School Sunday achool,
9:45. Morning worship, 11.
Free Methodist R. W. McCormlck. paa
tor. Sunday school, 9:46. Freaching, 11.
Evening aervlce, 1:45.
Falla City Methodist James H. Royer,
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning aerv-
ice, 11.
Church mt Jeans Christ at Latter Day
Salnta Elder Miller presiding. Sunday
school. 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45.
St. Ph (Ilia's Othello Father John Ba
byak. pastor. Maaa, 6:15.
Falls City Christian Charles Knox, paa
tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Bridgeport Sunday School H.
Supt. Sunday achool, 10.
Falls City Free Methodist Oltbert John
son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning
worsnip, ii. xoung paopie a meeting, T:n.
Evening aervlce, 6.
Charch of Christ Bible study, W. Com
munion, 11.
Oak Orova Chapel Fremont Faul. min
ister. Morning service, 9:45. Sunday
school follows.
RIckreaTl Sunday School J, H.
Supt. Sunday school, 9:30,
First Baptist
Morning worship, 1
Evening worahlp, I.
Sunday school, 9:46.
.. Training union, 7.
St. Thnmat Episcopal Rev. Cyril Han-
ney, vicar. Church school, 10. Morning
I'nlon Missionary Baptist Harmony
community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday
m-nooi. iu. errmon, ii.
Kingwod Bible Church
1125 Elm Street
SUNDAY: 10:45 A.M.
Dr. H. G. Wient, guest preacher.
SUNDAY: 7:30 P.M.
Professor A. E. Janzen preaches and shows pictures rela
tive to his world-wide tour among various missionaries.
vow bow TOM I
Mom caa bar seal k m
Pirnw Ait Ccodkioning" with a
1ctco-rseaK iM-fwea jooonootmi
Dial 3-855S 108S Iroadwey i
Keizer Women Make Plans
For Annual Winter Bazaar
Keizer, Nov. 11 The Keizer Dine and Do club have completed
plant for a bazaar to be held December 7 In Salem. The group
met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Wood on Chemeketa road and
a no-host luncheon was served at noon. Mrs. Mary Sloan was
appointed chairman of the cooked foods division and Mrs.
Lyons Church Women
Make Bazaar Plans
Lyons Mri. D. A. Franklin
was hostess for the WSCS with
the meeting held at the com
munity club house. Mrs. Laur
ance Walworth presided over
the business meeting and plans
were completed or the bazaar,
which will be held at the com
munity club house Tuesday eve
ning, Nov. IS, and various com
mittees were appointed.
At the close of the meeting
Mrs. Franklin served dainty re
freshments carrying out the Hal
loween motif. Present for the
meeting were Mesdames Glen
Julian, Albert Julian, Alex Bo
deker, Laurance Walworth,
James Lande, Clinton Hubbard,
Ralph Jones, Howard Naue, Art
Baltzer, Eugene Roye, George
Huffman, Willard Hartnell,
Walter Bevier, Floyd Bassett,
Loren Chamberlain, Roy Hei-
neck, O. A. Jewell, Mrs. Daisy
Johnston, Mrs. Anna Johnson
and the hostess, Mrs. Franklin.
Lebanon Churches
Join Aid Program
Lebanon The local minister
ial association members heard
Dr, Hector McPherson of Oak-
vllle outline plans for the Linn
county Christian Rural Over
seas program at a midweek
Dr. McPherson stressed the
urgent need of food, with the
Linn quota set at one full car of
Rev. Lyle Leach of Lebanon
accepted the post of CROP
chairman for the area.
Nearly all local churches are
taking part. The drive will be
climaxed on November 18.
Clothing will be accepted at the
Methodist church, depot for the
area, where women will sort
and package it on the final day
Mercy bags are available at
the church. Rev. Carl Mason
Seminary Choir
Due Here Nov. 20
The 40-voice a cappella choir
from the San Francisco Theo
logical Seminary will sing at the
First Presbyterian church Sun
day evening, November 20, at
7:45 o clock.
This seminary choir, directed
by Dr. John Milton Kelly, has
made several very successful
tours in California. This is their
first tour to the Pacific north
west. This program is open to
the public.
Classes Are Started
In Child Evangelism
Monmouth The child evan
gelism classes have started in
Monmouth. This work Is inter
denominational and classes meet
every Monday from 4 to 5
o'clock. Parents are urged to
send their children to the class
nearest their home. The homes
and teachers for the classes are
as follows. Mrs. Moore, 256
Powell, Ann Hamm, teacher;
Mrs. Jim Crowthers, teacher,
378 S. College; Mrs. Walter
Crisp, teacher, 362 E. Main
street; Mrs. George Grazen, 751
E. Main street, Lina Friesen,
Class Presents Gift
Falls City The Loyal Wom
en's class held its November
meeting at the Christian church
parsonage. Business and devo
tionals were led by Mrs. How
ard Gramling. The time was
spent in sewing and visiting. A
gift was presented to Mrs. Ches
ter Benefiel from the class.
- a
Gerald Lappen chairman of the
sewing division. Mrs. John Der
rick won the mystery package.
Present were Mrs. John Der
rick, Mrs. E. C. West, Mrs. Mary
Sloan, Mrs. H. H. Breneman,
Mrs. Gerald Lappen and the host
ess, Mrs. Wood
The first November meeting
will be held at the H. H. Brene
man home. 1260 Chemeketa road.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Gilkey were
their son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Gilkey and daugh
ter Betty of Burbank, Calif. The
Allen Gilkeys were on a vaca
tion trip to see friends and rel
atives in Oregon and Washing
ton. Mr. Gilkey is employed
at the Lockheed Aircraft factory
at Burbank.
Mrs. C. L. Bentson left Wed
nesday by train, the new Day
light, for San Diego, Calif., to
visit her niece and to attend the
southwest bridge championship
tournament. She expects to be
gone about two weeks.
Evans Will Open
Evangel Campaign
Woodburn Rev. Kenneth E
Jones will be evangelist for the
revival at the Woodburn Church
of God which begins Sunday,
and continues through Wednes
day, Nov. 23.
Rev. Jones graduated from
Anderson Theological seminary
in Anderson, Indiana. He receiv
ed his B.D. degree at Oberlin
seminary at Oberlin, Ohio and
he did special research on ob
ject lessons for children at Lou
isville Presbyterian seminary.
He has held pastorates in Ohio
and North Carolina and for the
past two years has been in ev
angelistic work.
His family will accompany
him to Woodburn and both Rev.
and Mrs. Jones will sing solos
during the revival.
Calvary Baptist Church
1230 South Liberty Street
"A quiet place to worship and pray"
DR. VICTOR HUGO SWORD preaches at.both services
11:00 a.m "The Second Mile"
7:30 p.m. "Channels of Power"
9:45 Bible School 6:30 Baptist Youth Fellowship
First Methodist Church
Down Town The Tall White Spire
The Willamette football team and its
coaches will be honored guests.
8:00 P. M.
The Sanctuary Choir
Howard F. Miller, director'
Soloists Josephine Albert Spaulding
Edith Fairham Gunnar
Corydon Blodgett
Nancy Lawson
Organist Elwood H. Ball
In Epilepsy
ol th. CaplUl Drug etora
There is greater hope for the
epileptic today. In some cases,
with medical treatment, the
disease eventually disappears
entirely. In half of the cases
treated, patients are completely
free of seizures. Even in severe
cases, treatment will reduce the
number and intensity of the at
tacks. It must be generally under
stood that epilepsy is an illness
that requires a doctor's care
Just as any other sickness. And
with such care epileptics have
a chance to lead normal, useful
Drugs are most important In
treatment. A doctor's prescrip
tion should be entrusted to a
pharmacist who can be relied
upon to use quality, potent drugs.
Tfcra la tk. IBItt ( aartn of I1IUH.I p.rtB. la Ibla papar.
Capital Drug Store
Stat Liberty Phone Mill
Evangelical Choir
Sponsors Concert
The choir of the First Evan
gelical United Brethren church,
at Marion and Summer streets,
will present a Thanksgiving mus
ical Sunday evening, November
13, at 7:45 o'clock. The choir is
under the direction of Ernest
Friesen, with William Fawk as
organist. The musical program
will include anthems by the
choir as well as vocal and in
strumental selections. The min
ister will speak at both the
morning and evening services.
Series of Sunday
Services Will Open
Woodburn A series of spec
ial Sunday services during the
month of November has been
announced for the Woodburn
Bible Baptist church at the
Grange hall. Rev. Alfred Dan
ielson, regional director of con
servative Baptist foreign mis
sion society, will speak at the
7:45 o'clock service this Sunday.
The men's gospel team from the
Baptist church at Salem will be
at the 7:45 service November
30, and Rev. Robert Welch, mis
sionary from French West Af
rica, will speak at the 11 a.m.
service, November 27.
7:45 P.M.
First Evangelical
United Brethren
Marion and Summer Sts.
11:00 a.m. Message by Min
ister, "Give an Account
Unto God"
Wilmer Brown, Minister
Ernest Friesen, Choir Director
William Fawk, Organist
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