Held Nicholas Meyers, 40, (above), sits in county jail at Los Angeles, Calif., after his arrest for questioning in the 1946 kidnaping and slaying of Rochelle Gluskoter, 6. The sheriff's office said he will be booked on suspicion of kid naping and suspicion of mur der, the first such booking in the history of the case. (AP Wirephoto.) Norblad Denounces CVA as 'Grand, Glorious Super-state' In hli first statement concerning the CVA as proposed by President Truman, Congressman Walter Norblad, came out In opposition to the bill. His position was given to Young Republicans of Clackamas county, meeting In West Linn Wednesday nignt. Norblad contended that the administration's CVA -proposal is an admission of their own bad practices. He agreed that merger and consolidation of efforts in the valley are needed but said that CVA is not the an swer as it goes far beyond any purported intent of merging and consolidating for sake of effi ciency "and imposes itself upon us a grand and glorious super-state." His statement in full follows: "To date I have not made any statement of my position on the CVA proposal but wish to do so here tonight. "The administration's propos als for a Columbia Valley Au thority are, in my opinion, ad missions of their own bad prac tices. "Had they not allowed this careless growth of sprawling, conflicting, and overlapping gov ernmental agencies there would not now be any need for consol idation of effort and programs. "The proposal Is certainly no thing for them to brag about. Ra ther it is an admission of guilt. Guilt in failing to follow the sane and economical methods of private enterprise in the Colum bia Valley developments. "Dozens of agencies have their hands in this work and more of ten than not several are attempt ing to accomplish the same thing by marching in totally different directions with the taxpayers funds. "Certainly we will agree that merger and consolidation of ef forts is needed but CVA is not the answer to the governmental maze in which we find ourselves. If it were to cure this condition alone, it could be made work able. But that is not the case. "It goes way beyond any pur ported intent of merely merging and consolidating for the sake of efficiency and imposes itself upon us as a grand and glori ous super-state. "Its powers are far in excess of those of all the 5 individual states in the area. The combined rights and powers of all legis latures and governors of these states would not equal those of this three man board. "Specifically here are a few things it could accomplish; it could condemn, at its own dis cretion, any real or personal property in the Columbia Ba sin; tell the farmers in the area what crops they could or could not raise; build any form of in dustrial plant it pleased and sell its products at any price it pleas ed in competition with existing industry; control the unexpend ed balance of the existing proj ects such as Grand Coulee and Bonneville; take over all private power properties in the area, and have many other powers of this calibre. "That is certainly not a sim ple merger for the sake of sweet economy. "It is hoped that local groups within our area can formulate a plan or program to harmonize the operations of the existing conflicting agencies. Such a pro gram should come from the area affected and be locally controll ed. It should not have the pow ers proposed and should be gov erned by ourselves and from home rather than by a group sitting behind a mahogany desk in far-off Washington." Crashes on New Highway Studied Portland, Ore., Nov. 10 UR highway engineer, yesterday said a study would be conducted to determine the cause of traffic accidents on the new Columbia river highway. He said a traffic engineer would be assigned the job. Baldock said he believed most Pennsylvania in Vet Bonus. List (Bv th AsiocLted Prtii) Approval of a state bonus for World War II veterans in Penn sylvania raises to at least 18 the number of state granting such payments. The proposal carried by an overwhelming margin in Tues day's election in the Keystone state. It calls for an outlay of a half billion dollars, with a maximum bonus of $300 for an ex-serviceman. The payment would be made on the basis of $13 for each month spent overseas and $10 for each month in the U.S. A similar proposal apparently lost in New Jersey. New York voters decided to broaden the bonus plan 'which I they approved in 1948. By a two to one count, they approv ed an amendment to allow pay ments to former New York stat ers who moved elsewhere after release from service. The total amount payable to veterans in the 18 states which have okayed bonuses approach es $2,300,000,000. Five states have flatly rejected bonuses. They are Maine, Nebraska, Ore gon, Wisconsin and Missouri. Several other states are still considering bonus proposals. Washington state's bonus was approved by the state supreme court last Saturday after having once been invalidated in its ori ginal form. When the supreme court was moved from the Capitol In 1937 to its own building, each justice had his individual chair moved with him. Jap Peace Treaty Far from Ready Washington, Nov. 10 CUB Acting Secretary of State James E. Webb said today he thinks it will be quite some time before the United States has even a preliminary draft to propose as a basis for a Japanese peace treaty. Commenting on reports that the unveiling of such a draft is imminent, Webb said there are only working papers on various aspects on the Japanese situation and there is not even inter departmental agreement on those. He said he definitely did not expect any preliminary drafts to emerge by the end of this month, as had been rumored. of the accidents were due to drivers turning off the highway at any and all points without warning or to sightseers who jam their brakes on suddenly for a second look at the scenery. Eight persons were injured Sunday in a head-on collision two miles east of Bridal Veil and there were many more minor accidents. SEVEN - STAR OPE I' I m CLEARANCE SALE ivy 2 (or45c PHILODENDRUM 29c 49c 49c 1.00 A. PLANT GREENHOUSES 1298 So. 13th St. FERN BEGONIAS Potted PRIMROSES CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION of Willamette Valley Bank Salem, Oregon As of November 1, 1949 ASSETS Loans and Discounts $ 827,524.93 U. S. Government Securities 634,659.97 Other Securities 291,248.95 Cash, Cash Items and Balances with Other Banks 314,300.13 Other Assets 37,671.39 Total Assets $2,105,405.37 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Deposits $2,003,133.18 Other Liabilities 13,272.88 Ttoal Liabilities 2,016,406.06 Capital Accounts 88,999.31 Total Liabilities and Capital $2,105,405.37 OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 7 P.M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK Salem's Independent Bank f W) 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-9281 SOLD ' - i EVERYWHERE j f " 8-95 ! n Rnnlte Softest Supple Sued Leather 1 I I 111. V Selected Natural Pigskin j 1 lt X- Jk k 1 Ssven Winter Color I I I nr-lPJ I V Winter Green . . , Black J 1 Red... Nary... Rust J l- ..mtv J Brawn... Genuine Pig ) 234 N. LIBERTY. - ' Capita! Journal. Salem. Ore.. Tnuinday, Nor. 10, 1943 S AT PENNEY'S SALEM, OREGON CHI IP Friday Night and Saturday SHOP AT PENWS AND SAVE WITH COMMENCE TODDLER'S COMBINATION JACKETS TWO-TONE, LINED CORDUROY IN BROWNS, BLUES, TAN, GREYS KNIT CUFF, WAISTBAND. SIZES l TO 6 SECOND FLOOR 1.98 SPECIAL GROUP LOOP RUGS THICKLY TUFTED CHENILLE A VALUE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS! 1 8 x 30 IN MANY BRIGHT SHADES , DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1. 00 7-WAY FLOOR LAMP FINE QUALITY FABRIC SHADE BASE LIGHT, DOME, CANDLES AREALVALUEFORTHEHOME DOWNSTAIRS STORE 7. 90 MEN'S QUALITY DRESS SHIRTS EVERYONE, A WINNER c NUCRAFT COLLAR, SANFORIZED IN PLAIN AND FANCY STRIPES. 14 TO 17 MAIN FLOOR 1.98 WOMEN'S COATS-FEATURE! A CPECIAL GROUP OF QUALITY COATS FROM HIGHER PRICED LINES COVERTS, GABARDINES, POPULAR SIZES SECOND FLOOR $18 WATER REPELLENT RAINWEAR "PAY DAY" HEAVY WT. DUCK OLIVE DRAB WITH REINFORCED SEAMS POPULAR SIZES IN PANTS, JACKETS MAIN FLOOR $5. ea. WOMEN'S RAINCOATS REVERSIBLE CORDUROY SOME GABARDINE ALL WITH HOODS IN GREY, GREENS SECOND FLOOR $12 V WOMEN'S NYLON BRIEFS ELASTIC WAISTBAND, LEG LOVELY PASTEL SHADES IN SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE SIZES MAIN FLOOR 1.00 WOMEN'S DRESSES REDUCED! RAYONS AND CREPES DRASTICALLY REDUCED LATEST STYLES, ALL SIZES DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2.99 WOMEN'S QUALITY COAT VALUES WARM, SMART FLEECES IN NUDE, GREY, TAN, BROWN LADIES, DON'T MISS THESE DOWNSTAIRS STORE $13 PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M.