S8 Capita Journal. Salem, Or., Thursday, Nov. 10, 19491 P THAT'S MOV IT VWS. STEVeW EVERYTHING'S I ruUU-SlP SHP iAM T ii i i pt u'bd Vai u ,J-A2 , VI )T VVH DfDNT WANT VOU AND GO.NO TO BE - EXPLAIN HOW HER HOUSE-) TO VOU, 5lR-IF I CAN B 1j S KIT TO KNOW ItLOST MY yALLRtOHT FELtA' MAP GOT INTO THE HANDS WAKE HER UP" YOU a 9 , . 7nU -1 l J JOS, SO WE DIONT TELL VuON THAT THE OF. BURGLARS mmi 5EE, I OAE HER 4 I X I I r CUPCAKE WASQHJEF HERE KNOWS s-wJ!W SOW k 3leP.N& MET- I jfKN iL&XA P L E BABYSITTING nMTTHE score right; 1 ly ... ,u I .fX. . fHLl 7 i. Heart of Happiness RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P. M. by PEGGY O'MORE KEX 1190 ABC KSLM 1390 MBC m I till IiA - .r) I JK - rT-. - c.' I m. -. I W I 1 H. W TV A fl II I ' K0C0 HW Kc V, AP Nwafft&r Ciiapier 10 "1 gue&s you're right," she agreed "I'll juH slay ou Ions enouyii u attend to a lew things the house, and then that Doakea." "Doakts!" Keuy sat up. "Wha about Uoakes?" "He's been accepting caretaker', wages. I suppose he didn't noul us of the vandalism because li' was afraid his checks would stop. ' How Kelly stood up, his lace grimly shadowed &r he rearet. above the flames of the hearth. "Leave Doakes alone. Chips. He wasn't trying to do you out of any money. Call him a crank, anything you want. He's a disabled vet." "I know plenty of disabled vet erans who are honest!" she flared. "Doakes is honest according to his standaras. He feels he has a claim. Oh. for Pete's sake. Chips. I never knew anyone with such a genius for stirring up trouble. What's the matter with this fiance of yours? If you were well, I'll be darned if I'd let the girl I Intended marrying " "Cal doesn't know I'm here. I told you that before. Now what claim does this Doakes " Kelly started toward the kitchen. "Skip it. All I know Is the snow Ball somebodv ro ed un. I don1 play with snowballs in my private life. Sit still; I'll bring In your dinner. Don't suppose vou had any lunch; you're the kind who iorgets." "I did not forget," she said in dlgnantly, trailing him to the kltch en. "I was eating the sandwich I o made when Mrs. Cotsen 1 Kelly wheeled bark. "How did ane get Into the nlcture?" "Walked In with a basket on her arm." replied Arleta. "and what's more, she was friend v. If vnn'rt seen how those people In the resort store actea wnen I went In to shop. jiu-i fluent-US HQOraOie. How Kelly groaned. "Adorable Them's fishtln' words. Chirw i told Allene not to hang those dog- Kunr uu.iv ruLcners. Allene! She wanted to know about Allene. She must know about her. an Allene whn knpor Mnw ioi. ly well enough to hang curtains in ni.s juicnen. "The attractive girl In the stn iion wacon." she murmured. "Tell me aDout nerv Keuy Rave a short laugh. "You iwo must nave Deer, finished in tne same school: you run on the same souna track. Tell me about ner. aii ngnt. Like you. she's spoiled, stubborn, I'll do-lt-my-wny-or-nothing girl, your manners migm oe a snade above hers, but then I haven't seen you really riled mi-t ,UU WL-IB .MIIHII. tllat "hin'k. what qunl Ifles you as a indue of mmmprc?" "Association." he shouted above tne sizzie oi the chop hed dropped Into the pan. "I must have been prescient when I struck you twelve years ago" she contented herself with sav ing. "Shut up," came his retort, soft ened by a smile. "I'm beginning to like you. and my life's compli cated enough as it is. Grab that salad out of the refrigerator will you?" They washed and dried the dishes to companionable small talk; then Arleta donned her Jacket and said she had to go. "I'll go along and build up vour lircs, Kelly announced. "Duchess and I can walk back, unless she elects to stay with you." "I think I shall buy a dog the next time I go In." Arleta re marked as they stepped Into the chill air. "Don't," he said so sharply she turned to him In surprise. Lamelv he explained. "It's cruel to teach a dog to love you, then go off and leave him." The drive down the canvon road was quickly made and the fire built with equal speed. "I have to get back to that manu script before I forget the names of my characters. You're all right for the night, aren't vou?" He started for the door, then turned beck. "Chips, I don't know why I bother. I guess It's because I'm beginning to got an Inkling of the real you. But look girl let someone else rebuild the ranch Youll gain nothing bv staying here not even the truth. You've b.il t up a new life, a good life. Make the most of It. Co back to this fiance, whatever his name Is " "Cnlvln Sheridan." snirt AHr.l Kelly's voice uiomalicaliy. "Cal Sheridan!" ang with surprise. "Vou met him when he was here?" Arleta asked anxiously, eager to :earn, if possible, how long Cal had tayed in that district, and per chance how much he had learned. "Met him?" Kelly countered. Mel whom? Duchess, "he spoke to tne oog. -some.' Duchess went to Arleta. licked! her hand apologetically, then walked the door with many a back ward glance. The door closed behind them and Arleta turned back to the fire. A strange man this How Kelly. The way he'd said, "Met him? Met whom?" Yet he had repeated Cal Sheridan" instead of "Calvin I Sheridan. ' Puzzled, she made up the bed-1 divan, prepared for bed, then re membered the basket Mrs. Cotsen had left with her. She should put wie cuicsen in tne reirigerator. It might save her a shopping trip uie next day. She didn't want to drive to the resort town and shel dreaded returning to the local store. 1 he basket held more than the fried chicken and rolls. There was Jar of potato salad, a Dattv of country butter, a half-pint of fresh cream, a Jar of D ackberrv telly I and a square of spice cake, neatly! ij(jru iii uiicu paper. "How thoughtful and kind," Ar leta thought, as she put each Item away. Arleta glanced at the photo graphs smiling up at her from! the bottom of the basket. And her smiie iroze. cal Sheridan was one, Aiiene i,ane was the other. And under the photographs was the caption: I "Miss Allene Clare Lane, daush-l ter of Mrs. A. C Lane, of Seefarl rumen, wno entertained at the I oappnire Koom lor Calvin Sheridan 1 oi Kicnmnnd. Virginia." (To be enntfnued) : firern Hornet (irren Hornet Jsrk Artnttrong Llack Arm.lrsnc 1 2503 SIZES 10 40 Classical Mode Th ahlrtwaUt dress, always good. Is getting special attention in current fashions. This wen-cut design, with action back and convertible collar, L irf-iiv suited to such fabrics as lightweight wwims, coiion nanneis. and the washables tllat women are wearing winter and summer. No. 2503 Is cut in sizes 10. 1J. 14 16. 18. 20. 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 requires 3'i yds. 64-ln. Would you like to see a collection or more than 150 other pattern styles? Just include the FALL-WIN-ler FASHION BOOK in your pat tern order and vou'll h risiinh, with the wide selection of designs , him: mm uue trrnuns anri all occasions. You'U also net 'mm. suggestions for easily made gifts hat will stretch your Christmas minirnr. Dti.ji r i. . a. Send . 2.1c for p At TERN With . . ""uress ana style Number -State size desired Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion JiUSanPranclscn J. Calif This the a n vv a m Adlustahl ftlinnv.VllnH-- ... l. -, . nu cute biitinv a liiir ( .-n.. j Mgned to be worn over feet-ln pa jamas and Is adjustable to three sizes, small, big n bigger. Pattern Knvclope No. R2892 eon tains hot-iron transfer for bunnv laces pattern for sizes 4 through 11. each size adjustable in length and width. Embroidery directions """J1"!.'".1 .rrq"lr,'m"" ! making iand finishing directions. I To obtain this pattern, send 20c ,in COINS, giving pattern number, pour name address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 2S Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3. Calif. lAr' i-i I Strlchl Arrow straight Arrow ('apt. Midnight Midolfbl (Gib. Hetr , Nbwi Trllo TMl Mutl DramM ! Mrd. cSiniint 8tlrnB but lUm birrs llop'lnf Hoping Armrbr. Q-back RhTlhoa Ranch iRhylhm Ranca Hinc Crtubr IcandU Light (Newa uuMtlanboi Pat0Brlfa MnaU. Jack K1jb Knight tootbftU rropnoi Ca Mid y Track CauidrfTrark Krwa New in KtM-ordi New in atecordi Kult. Lew la it. Local Newa Ncwa Mui Lav Mralcrr Music btuiti Morgan IK una Morgan 1480 I4W Track 149 Track 14Pt frrack 14W Track UtW LN'cwb tC. Ualnoa Frontier Town Frontier Town Musis Yon Want iMuilc Yon Want INoctnmo Noctnrn (Noeturnf Noelurno tSlsn Off rrcx Rltter Newi fe Sporti Top Morning? Top Morntna King's Crntad. King's Crntad. Western Melod. Fiesta Tint KOCO Kleek KOCO Klock Women t 11:0ft, Oregon School of tht Alri 11:15. Concert Halls 13:00. Newai 13:1S, Noon Farm llouri 1:01), Ride 'em Cowboy 1:15, Orceon School of the Afrt 1:3ft, The Story Br hind the Discovery; 1:45, Melody Lanct 2:01, The Clubwomen's Half Honn 5::t0, Memory Book of Muslet 8:00, Newst Music of the Mastersi 4:00, Oregon Reporter) 4:15, Favorite Hymni. won pinochle prize for men. Mrs. James won consolation prize for women. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Boulden November 17, n I I l-HHi-I'T! M . X l.-.ij" l. I A V . I Mil Uk.lHI I II S.S..n,. .1 Tim.. lF..,ur. Sl.r. f Niu"ii i rAXmwivmmfmimmmi ifirMi i .irks ssa bsk: I rm i mm rm wm wm m xzfc t. r w i Lwu uti um-, m s::-. p.-k fts .. C?I'?, f ' '' FT F 1 1 11 I ' i gap jr . H II - III I VV I III I I 10:00 -' I HAMMOCKS n - Pi ' NJMSEES i n i ill -v i.i l i i liiii r i i f r i. j t l ino ni:uw - mrrvnaae it. on cert nom IB Ik " I I V I I 1 i I 111 IJw .1 J t I I I I I I I In .ti W Hu. In ....... It, 4 u ht' l 1 i vy I I I I rTSsT T II ff VC2u J, VWV II I iTTi. Tifl..7 MiVTiZZ h"i.. nn 7 C?? tt fillip f l! il I ill) III 6:00 Hod.. Pod. New. I arm N.. Mewl Bumm.cj ( A '5 ti lT C t.l) I I Cl JI II I 'l II 6:15 Kn... Ne.i KOIS Klo.k K.t Smillni Tlnrkiep.r r' "ST I V-ITrV C C( ' V f J - .- - -w i 6:30 Tim. KOIN Klork K..P Smillm M.r.h Tim. ri, .f jCl T i) 1V Jet 1 Wt i r 't 5 F" T' K'N K'C KiSmllli S.. ZJi "-C" 'S'Ju , , 1 'll0',V' 'fc. II jll V-'V "7:00 E.tli Bird KOIN Klock '.hb'rn New. N.w. srJ AS mZZZM JTV.SV I I 7:15 Old Bonn Sew. M.rt. A.rori.ky Hrkl.t. Gknf ll-IO ' - V Jt; H LJ Cm (1 7 :.10 Kn.aa. News Sew. Bob H.xen Mh.Io 't' nw&,faiiPMn...wwi I I f fjr AHOecfaoN 7:45 s.n Hare. Fred Beck eke Manner. Top Trade. S:00 Eddla Albert l oniamer New. Breakfa.l Club ' Counlec """"" "" 'lyl "n'al WSlr Sj, 8:lSEddl Albert New. HiU Bin Shine i - I , wiaw i 1 I1 yavnurcieT Twn-tt CSI ci. rrc rvjc li A:30Jaek Beech Cirand Slam Hrcakfa.t Club Hfb1e Institute U W..r.T -T o. g . I T,.T...r. ,7 .. ,7. ,i I IT? . . , ., ff .ihi-t" ''"-t- 'J Ko.em.rj Breabla.l Club Blbl. In.lltut. wwt v i ra; uiwn , "" ' , cui came 1 nwn I wurtcu I i w frec I nwwi I uJKeuw ITT. j . . j - . 1 . ... . . , .. D I rt: five n in one wouuitl uwc . Bfcf ,f 6 Wit DLPVU I CLOSt TO R B I tltfia-immVtV .jm. ITrTTrr'JI',flfllll BHj III ?: M Tropic Ecboe. Helen Trent Art Llnkleller Pa.lor-i call Sl.r. Sin, . . I MINUTES fW?l SOME PIACE- WTTHOUT TWONCS I l -lA THE QARBOQE-I JOBO" WORK-J I llTTO'Il,l?WWi!ll',!ni 9:45k... New. Our Gal Sundx Art Llnkleller 'lti Tine 1. CH.I Thomaa H nswriwxrrffrvmvit i the money- J PynffS C1 Nr-ns ' I 1 J''-" ,; 'I'J&jvlljUtlL t.VtlBiT7i.te, S5Tpi.7-.r" s- sw n.. A I rFdC'l Wlv''.. f affj XI I jR' :' III lTnl Hr"Wimll,1ll.lt t m. Pckln. (lalen Drake fio.pcl Slnaet Mu.la NRM iVai 7 f" fiM, r yiti l 111 f law -rJjaJaa,"-llll:00lDbla. Nothlna Ind Mr.. Bon n nell. Crocker Ladle. Flr.l Mu.lo Hart SK" m I a ViTWf IxTSl I I I ;1 - 1 -lr--ll 1 I 11:15 Dwubla, Nolhlni Perrr Mi, on Kid. el p. Hate Ladle. Flr.t Muilo Hart r&v'lwS' i V Kl tw,l1FmS li,U Hi lA kS Hr gf 1 I ll:30Tod'n Children Nor.h Drake N'rlhwe.terner. Oncen Inr Dar Jan Garber A I? Y -dtC Gf'til wfl Ti WrWli -.FA VmOmwawlvSimf llflffllrW II J I I ll:45LIht .1 Warld Brl.hter Pay N'wralerner. Queen tor Dae Vac.l Varlctlea fe, B MXhKiuk HKt III TTrnW A )mLS rWh 11) iIW I I 12:00 Lll. Beautiful New. B'khaie Talkln. Top Trade. Il'llrwood Mu.la Ur,IV."-10M9 f nKrkJ:P-l-jtLs ,i r J MtL3 'nUmlhP & JWLl kWlil lllMfrtk IIHfl ... I 12:15Kne... New. Come Get It New. New. Il'lliwood Mu.l. n firrif MdimcsjEi feintii ri ti 'ni riK. h n hk 11 11 iSse 113:30 ?, r.m.Bn.ht u,uvi.t., Lindi.,Nw .. n. . I ' RTI V P B' e W T Pv -KJLfl r M m 'MM Fa K L. W V ' o, -i h'i mm mm 'mtlm lZ:5RITlt la Hap. Art Baker Meet Henlou. BobLberlr Ua.o Oenntl I jf k gV WtXtmBma-pflnE-- LiJ tf f T liawmwmj ljirjWjT ''lfll4 1 1 1 I 1:00 B.ckila.e WUeBarnr'd Follle. Brkr. In Bollp. Ten Nel.hbor Mae'. Melodlea Er IN ITO Jt IfaJaamHi I I TTi 11 L VtT 3 T VTJliJl WCjIMlilKi II II I I:15stella Dalla. C.arrr Moor. Brkf. In llollr. Ilareer Hardlnr Mac'. Melodlea If 1" iJ-H mewwssuuS X mammmawmt sL-l JJg UiaaaMIIIB ImwaaawaaaaaJ atail'lMI IIIMMaMllwljB IjEmJ muaaauumrmu-wj 'Hl 'p'' F M"Tlt Klrkollm NewB Jar Slewarl Melody- Matinee Mael Melodiea" " B-BawvMa i:30Jut Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride & Groom Tennjamboree Mae". Melodlea ( THERE'S A MAN 'TEU. HIM I'M BUSV-1 CAKTTH BUT ITS NOT A HAIR-) WWAT? 1 AM I RflM CP(TM TUE w;!!j Z:45 Front Pt. F.r'll Tunefully Vour. Bride t, Gfo.m Tenn. Jamboree Mac'. Melodic. 'HERETO SEE S TAKE HIM UNTIL THREE CUT I DESIRE, MR .WHO ARE SAVOy. NAPTHA IN MAREM60flr-4 3:00Wel. Traeeler. Art Klrkh.m Talk Way Out Bob Poole Mac'. Melodlea T VVOU OM BUSNESSJ eEKS FROM FRIDAy.T NEBBJT IS TO MVOUANV5 THE TEEN -ASERS IN OUR CITY 3:15 w.i Tr.,i.,. Arthur Godfrey Talk w., out Bob Pool. m.c;. Meiojie. y iySp X y -. . iHt Mwpm j-fj, y T im m7-gr7t 7., a-, .n f.h. 1.1 M-orTimT- 6 - .It'nrW u, I X ! ' jTrnTnTr7WTlA' K11 W4VCH rvt. 4:15 Road to Llf Arthur Godfrey Mod. Romanrn Fr. Hrminiway Philosopher )4 . t (ly.t I , ' A&JA J,a P 'tlftS-SlkWl1 4ns I 4:30 Dr. Panl Curt Master Squirrel Ca nehlnd Storr Brers Can B bTl lR.irVJ iWT r ! I fll'J ?J I "NC Af I 4:45 On Snnny Slds pEdw. Marrow NquirreljCage ISews Beautiful N rif'vA li ..J MJQO&? -SCtSTTK DIAL LISTING, KOAC550 JIS 14 yTN, ffTaf i fvSX L lwtl S&r 7b7HV UBOtl 5:M 8-,ort" c,ub News; B yy'rVL- - lp , 1 'WtP-Q J ' ' I ) I V "!rVr-V TSlVtV Vl :l5' 0rfn Mn,l' 6:S0' CampMrei C "7 I VA3S I rtCt tZ ' V LMl f XKX lot 11 ' I ' 7, Headlines In ChemlstrTI TilS. Evo. Farm I ( VvlV r yv v TNMMijJl:y' CJt 1 Vr ' Honri :00. Manlstl S:30, Vets' Newsi 8:45, I iW f wi nXJ" . jQpTV. . f "A Tft D v. -A V ijnKt New nd Weather. 9:00, Music That En- - fjf VlSi' N 1 1 -n jxrjs duresi :5. Evening Meditations! 10:00, . wA3 ,Kjif,fj.ii,fiil. IfR -The ,k. sLt. For Card Evening L 7 W0LF"GA1-?? 2S"2tSli SHtOkNTLV- " Webfoot - The Arrawannah I IJ4 vV S TO Need!e club members and hus- . .fiJDZL I , iQ is she LoNtsoML-?-cr axjtat a Cvvv bands were guests of Mr. and L ttTX' tlO' Harr-iiKe ah onmR not rXSOZ. - Mrs. Stephen Benedict at their 7 1?V l Jf O TVVV ' home in Webfoot district at a A 0 jrii- A N". ""-r Mi V" 6:30 covered dish luncheon. I VG-A.VI cev how ny I sfp0 V$ S Glen McFarlane won high in I A6o' tor that va. you must ( swe wL V VClar3 cards for men and Mrs. Marion N I VW5 !L wotBsrAHO that txxfiATCH li were Tjl'lWT-. , i-" Boulden high for women. Mrs. E ICivSi VSSS I 0 -T Carl Wood won pinochle prize p r 1.J j , 'tjMiywjjW" y eers out of little. ahhls III their I f 11,1 , cK Ior women ana ijrien Mcr arlane I ZH'.V -but, wntix hake pets own. t I I TA4 ev l a j. 1 . v x . . f Ljcx c. ucKttmi r?tic. 1 1 .. a v i . a - a 1 i m - r. . -. j I THU SADIE HAWKINS DAY RACE. 1IW0ND6RIF f AREVWA VES frX) YOU KNOW 1 I 'W ARE VOO A fTHERE'SMV I ( aK.-GIMM6 ATEN- YfM ACROSt 17. UniMo..: lJ M ISI 1 5 3 M DRUGSTORES GETEl OOAUFIEO I SIR j VOUR BUSlNESSplCTOTAINUV rfEGISTEREOVCERTIFICATE CENT BOX OF dl rM L rt O0""" lalJHOMTaN CM U J PRESCRIPTIONSyV o DRUGGIST? AVX VOU IJWERSTANdS DO.' PHARMACIST'V CHANGING 1 COlJGM DROF I L &""""' , , , C.RlE IInBI U T I BALLED UP L(l.:) ALL ABOUT bstf" wTZ-P THE ' -33 1" f'"'' 1"' "' ou," ,'V,", agAlgAtfjls 8 ' ) sowTiriESJtC TV7T , Mir?:-&i. Jg-., PfrS. if: Mm"!"." Rained Tft MTia kkaWsg s St-rt"Tni---AX7i rWM- -a3rir ""r-li-A'y '-ftlk '" . platform m fIeitii vPTjii mJiJJ MV-r. -""r '"Jt-. rVi I j yrZZ. T V 1 ! -IrLVlJj V "1? 'TiWiljl' II. Wild nlmal . VerllT WO N tIIm A T EIIO L r 1 ' 2 m-ll -- '- , --yj.- """"""" lcALTV IfiBlLL r WAIT A GECONP, BILL.' "T RUSTV'S MSICe?! th EPS HE IS, "X 60 BACkf, RUSTV! , R wTtH vrwi' Aee I COULD SW6AII I HEARP ) FOR 60OPNESS' 5ALTV!lN y THIS IS NO PLACE -TLA.Ht r ffteMl Uliit sra - 1" 7LSli.VC . i JitffiKj L MCZS Xf 041 f,GHT AREN W I'W BUYIN' i V FOL6Y5 RECORD H-T-rfS' fA t.-i' P -PSeS ti"-4i-,r I' BE lcwded with guys Vf a sharp- or ii 11 u 5i- aPfei cT vftalS rss-t CTsf is--Ui- rjr-ffCS'C rl four-alarw foley -t chicken-wire ( awhme - "r'MtVL irf.-i fHJir -fciJfecrT''' '5Sh,wiX f I wax an- tousm yum, N pi-aid rAP--l was C I" KVA"f '''Iri 1r 7 so don-t LET THEIR. SUIT IF I ff TOLD MOST OF - ' . .. . , ' . iai1iMi1ii!!ii3Bsl '.rjrV-r" . j Sy yitiwT I nw. ,nP(Ynr I ORI!Y,MARTv!.-N0T I MEANWHILE--BACK rll I HAPPfNlOTOOVtR-l-C ) Tiii.iiif.mi Aii.-.n... rn.V 'jl ""1 i A V 1 ' I 2 1 SS. Z'" ' 4aCj VOlllR-R-R-lillUAMA'.tl,f-'1MMt0 ffeTiMR.Mf t HASGONt fORV'u TC IMEtT .mSA fX-TV A iti-) a ---L-l REASON! R I WANT WW TO COME TO UTLI6HTI- TTV M ( lS.Vf fV'l t K I 1 MwML WSmi Indians in New Mexico were building with stone, successfully using clay mud for mortar, when the first white explorers arrived in that area more than 400 years ago. 1 Dig from til earth I. Outer i. Part t curve I. Dlaconcerted III m 13 P m m ib 7 ia S T g a' I81 U7 p 58 Ss? 30 b tfi li Il 42 43 W p5 4? LW - ft i 5a 1 I MyA. I III I I Solution of Yesterday's Puzzt C. Comlo opert country 1. Maxim t. Extst I. Contained 10. 8-ah a pert moldinf 11. Impaired by USO lft. Southern constellation IS. Cuplike apoon 21. Vase 24. Details 25. Kind of tree 26. English letters) 27. Turmeric 30. Took 3L Title of add rest 31. Cxclamatlos 34. Lift up 8S. Less thick if settled S7. Belonginf t 4 NewifaafHrM 10. type of automobile 41. Fllne 42. Circular Indicator IS. Poker term 44. Mental Imare 47. Patron nalnt of sailors 41. Legal conreyanos 50, Spire oru ment 51. Before 65. Symbol for oopper By Gen Ahem