1(5 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Nov. 10, 1949't BAD LUCK BLAMED Husband, Whose Wife Plotted His Killing, Still Loves Her By HENRY MINARD Port Orchard, Wash., Nov. 10 U.BJoblcs Wilford Piatt, 34, explained today why he "just can't get mad" at his wife, who admit plotting to kill him after 15 yeara of "too much loving." "She was upset," he said, "over the spoil of bad luck we've been having that's all. A wife just doesn't kill n husband who InvM her." Wilford, who, romantically peaking, thinks he's "only aver age," visited the petite, blue eyed Margaret Susan Piatt Mon day, following her arraignment In Kitsap county court. His 31-year-old wife, mother of two children, has until next Monday to answer the charge of attempted murder. After her arraignment, Mrs. Piatt, dressed prettily in a black and white figured dress and high-heeled pumps, met her hus band in the jail visiting room They kissed and hugged. Leaving her with a sack full of apples, Wilford beamed: "She'i wonderful!" "And I think I know now what the real trouble is," he aid. "It's only the way our luck's been going. "Two years ago I wrecked my new 1947 Ford and woke up 21 days later in the hospital. After that, the roof fell in. "This spring Margaret was operated n for the tumor. Then Jimmy, my 9-year-old son, broke his ear drum." It was Fourth of July when Jimmy, his hands sticky from candy he was eating, lighted a firecracker, threw it and then clamped his hands to his ears The explosive had stuck to his hands. "Six weeks later a police dog knocked him down and bit his face," Wilford said. "Not long after that, my daughter Sherry fell 30 feet and broke her shoul der. That was on my wife's birthday." Seven days later Piatt fell and broke his arm while apple pick ing in Cashmere. Wash. "About that time is when she started acting funny. Wouldn't talk to me, reason with me," he said. "Just barely noticed me. "Seems like everything in her snapped the next Sunday when the clothesline broke." With her husband unable to work, she had been working two Jobs 16 hours a day. Sunday was washday. It was that week-end that Mrs. Piatt met Hollis D. Scott and outlined her plot to murder her husband. "She was just depressed," that's all," said Wilford. "Then she pulled that fool stunt soon after. That's why you can't get mad at her." At the arraignment her attor ney, Ray R. Greenwood, chal lenged validity of the attempted murder charge, arguing that the Information as drawn up did not constitute a crime. "No overt act was commit ted." he pointed out. Prosecutor James Monroe contended solicitation to commit murder is the same as attempted murder. Mrs. Piatt's reason for her plot that failed was that her husband "wanted to make love every night for IS years," and she said she couldn't stand it any longer. Scott, 24, whom Mrs. Piatt first approached with the idea of "doing away" with Wilford pleaded innocent to the charge of grand larceny by embezzle ment. "Triggerman" Wallis Mot- tern, 22, was granted a week to prepare his plea to the same charge. Both have insisted they only "put on an act." Murder wasn't their business, they as sured police. Mrs. Piatt claimed Scott and Mottcrn "welched" on the deal after she had paid them more than $1,100 for the job. Mrs. Piatt said she sold hrr husband's 1948 Hudson for $1200 and gave the money to Scott as final payment for the murder of Wilford. Adm. Connolly For Annapolis Washington, Nov. 10 The navy said Wednesday Admiral Richard L. Connolly has agreed to become commandant of the naval academy if Admiral Louis Denfcld takes Connolly's pres ent job as commander of east ern Atlantic forces. Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, chief of naval operations, in a statement discussing possible changes growing out of Dcn feld's transfer from the naval chief's post, said Connolly had been offered a choice of two jobs. They are commander of the eastern sea frontier, a post currently held by Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid who will re tire next spring, or the naval academy post, now held by Rear Admiral James L. Hollowny who is awaiting assignment to new duties. "Admiral Connolly's choice was the latter," Sherman's state ment said. 'In either case he would hold the rank of vice admiral, the highest any flag officer on shore duty except the chief of naval operations may hold in peace- time. (Connolly, who has had the eastern Atlantic command for three and a half years, holds the temporary rank of full four- star admiral.) If admiral Denfcld, now on protracted leave, decides against accepting the offered command, it is the intention of the chief of naval operations to extend Admiral Connolly's tour of duty because of the impor tance of the duties which he is now performing." The oldest Bible in govern ment service is one on which every justice of the supreme court has been sworn in since 1808. U.S. Bureau of Mines engi neers ' arc making a mineral Inventory of Kansas. .V I- i "4 New Rescue Plane Air rescue tests employing the McDon nell Aircraft Corp. XHDJ-1 "Whirlaway," believed to be the first twin-engine, twin-rotar helicopter, have been suc cessfully completed. The plane, a navy experimental helicop ter, was tested for the purpose recently by air force represen tatives at Lambert-St. Louis field. In photo, Ralph Ballard, an experimental mechanic at the McDonnell plant has been lifted from ground and is about to be taken into plane. (AP Wirephoto) PTA Meeting at West Salem School A joint open house and PTA meeting drew more than 300 persons to the West Salem school Tuesday night. The program was so arranged that it held the in tcrest of youth as well as the adults. Motion pictures were provid cd for the youngsters and par ents. The adult pictures con trasted the home where little or no program of responsibility was planned against the family where planning for the entire group is considered an essential. Fol lowing this portion of the pro gram, Dr. Horace Miller spoke concerning family relations. Mrs. Bernice Gwynn's elemen tary room won the attendance prize with the 31 pupils being re sponsible for the presence of 34 adults. A group of sophomore girls from Salem high, directed by Howard Miller, presented sev eral vocal numbers. A Christmas cantata will be the principal feature of the De cember meeting of the PTA. Aged Love Swindler Given 2-10 Years Chicago, Nov. 10 (P) Sigmund swindler, was sentenced yester day to two to 10 years in prison for operating an $8,700 confi dence game at the expense of a red haired widow. Judge George M. Fisher over ruled a motion for a new trial in criminal court, but granted the aged Lothario a 60-day stay so he can appeal. Meanwhile the self-styled lov er of 1,001 women will stay in county jail. The blue of the sapphire is due to oxides of iron and titan ium. Russian Blast Enlarges River Berlin, Nov. 10 M The Russian-licensed newspaper Nacht Express said yesterday Soviet use oi atomic energy to blast an en tire mountain has opened the way for a man-made river bigger than the English channel. A power plant 800 times the capacity of Hoover (Boulder) dam will be built in southwest ern Russia, to turn a desert into 75,000,000 irrigated acres for cotton planting, the newspaper saU. Nacht Express gave addition al details tonight of the atomic explosion upon which it had reported Saturday. The story said the chief engineer on the project disclosed the information before Moscow institute of en ergy. The Nacht Express is communist-controlled but has no of ficial standing with the Rus sian occupation in Germany. Its atomic story apparently had the approval of the Russians, but not necessarily their sponsor ship. They use the Red army's Taegliche Rundschau for offi cial announcements. Nacht Express quoted Engi neer Davydov as saying atomic explosions were used to drive a canal through the Turgai mountins between the Ural mountains and Kirgiz range. This was done to make possi ble the construction of two dams to divert the waters of the Ob and Yenisei rivers toward the south. They empty into the Arctic ocean. To receive the diverted water. the newspaper said, a channel 580 miles long and emptying into the Aral sea will be built It will be deep enough for seagoing vessels. Another channel will be dug to conduct the Aral with the Caspian sea. Braat Heads Local rieasantaaie Twelve mem bers of Dayton local No. 222 Farmers Union met at the Pleasantdale community hall The annual election of officers resulted in president, Arnold Braat; vice president, James Richardson: secretary-treasurer, Wayne Owens. jj Satisfy Your Dog's Need For 1 i 1 I 1 "W IVONTKNOW V V my own f -1 Ken-L-Ration Costs Far Less Than Butcher Meat! Open t can of Ken-L-Ration. You can dually tee the choice cuts of lean, red meat nutritious U. S. GoTt. Inspected horse meat. Kcn-L-Ration also pives your dog the extra vitamins and minerals he needs for top health. So much nourish ment at so little cost! Easy to feed. Just open and serve. Switch to Ken-L-Ration today. Get 3 cans from your favorite store. FRII OOO tOOK Nothing like it! Send name and address for your FREE copy. Ken-L-Ration, Chicago 77, Illinois r KEN-LIBATION Voqs love ft! Lila Banished For Five Years Los Angeles, Nov 10 (IP) Lila Leeds, who figured in the cele brated Robert Mitchum mari juana case, was ordered today to spend the next five years out side California. That was a condition of pro bation granted in superior court after her arrest on a reckless driving charge. The 21-year-old blonde movie bit actress cried a little as Judge Clement D. Nye told her: "You are a member of a pro fession which is the cynosure of all eyes. The vast majority of its members have good reputations. You have a great responsibility. Judge Nye made it plain that he is not banishing her from California, but that she volun tarily offered to stay out of the state for the term of her proba tion. She was earlier granted probation on a marijuana con spiracy charge after eu aays in jail. Her attorney. Grant Cooper. says she will start -a $1250-a- week theatrical tour in Cincin nati Nov. 21. Use of pumice and pumicite reached a record 607,746 tons in the U.S. in 1948. Chew Steak, Corn, Apples! Are you unhappy because your falsa teeth slip? Then try 8TAZK, remarkable new cream in handy tube. BTAZI enable thousand to again bit Joyously into a Juicy steak-or even e corn on the cob without fear of plt slipping. 8TAZC holds platea tighter, longer aeala edgea tight helps keea 1 out food partlclea. Get economical 35 6TAZK. Money-back guarantee Straight Kentucky Bourbon in all its Gloryl it x a Naturally a finer drink Naturally aged 4 years in wood Naturally lighter in body Naturally smoother in laste $035 $075 Only mm nnt CODI I S IC 45 QT. CODI lilt Never Sold until Four (4) Years Old! JIM ig nm. umiicKf hiaicni iouiih wmsKt. i cel t. trust cmmm, fiankfoit. km ten I If f T A TIT 11 If o o T ! (profits) X-TRA Egg Producer Puts Today's "Egg Feed' Ratio in Your Favor Triangle X Tm Fgg Producer li n Important pan of today' profitable "Fat Feed" ratio. Good .avert, food feed and today ' egg price art triangle that mean better profit for the coming seaon. Pie tow to help supply the Northwcec'i abort g of local egg. MILLING CO. (m Year local Trlmita Daalar E tar I OQJDtMIOOOQJIQ ,;R 0 CJ(ITIN6J g f-jy0 t . M AT I C DRll d Try a tram that's a dVtvr's dream! Try the "Rocket"' Engine plus Hydra-Malic Drive and you'll know it's OldsmMle for you! Right from the start the "Rocket" whispers the smoothest song of power you've ever heard! As you touch your toe to the gas pedal OMmiioImIc's Hydra-Malic, transforms the "Rocket's" dramatic response into a velvet tide of flowing motion! And after that moment, each smooth, silent mile is a new aclvrnhire an exciting experience you'll never forget! Best of all, the "Rocket" works with Hydra-Malic to give you really impressive gasoline tarings! But thousand of words can't match one minute at the wheel of the Futuramic "88" lowest-priced "Rocket"-Hydra-Malic car. So phone your Oldsmohile dealer. Try the most famous engine. transmission team ever huill. Then put your neiecar money on OLDSMOBILE! IlLDSGVaOIBrjIlB A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PHONI YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER 465 Center St. LODER BROS! Salem, Oregon