r x ; . i ft AUTOMOBILES To Pay Tribute To The Veterans of World War 1 And World War 2 The Following Members of The Salem Used Car Dealers Association Will Be Closed Fri. Nov. 11th. Armistice Day : Lee's Used Cars Sam's Motor Co. Tillie's Used Cars Zeeb's Used Cars Orval's Used Cars , Capp's Used Cars Ed Anderson Used Cars Marion Motors (Nash Dealer) Bonesteele Sales and Service (Studebaker) Valley Motor Co., (Ford) Warner Motor Co., (Lincoln-Mercury) The "ROCKET" is Easy On Your POCKET AND SO ARE THESE Hydramatic ' Futuramic OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" Trade-ins LOOK AT THESE SAFETY TESTED VALUES 1949 Buick Roadmaster Dynaflow . $ 2500 1949 Nash Ambassador. Like new . $ 1995 1947 Oldsmobile "78" Club Sedan, Hydramatic $ 1485 1946 Mercury Sedan. A beautiful car $ 1195 1942 Packard Convertible. A real beauty $ 825 1941 Oldsmobile Sedan $ 645 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan $ 610 1940 Packard Sedan $ 475 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE I ourrra-raoNi J-rni mo faihorou!i5s hoad-phohi -",,,. Valley Motor Co. TRUCKS 1947 Ford C.O.E. Stake Bed. 3-speed axle. 1946 Chev. 5-speed transmission, 2-speed jixlc 1946 Chev. 3-speed Brownie, 9:00 tires. 1946 Chev. iy2-ton Flat Bed. DUMP TRUCKS 1946 Ford 2-speed axle, 4-yd. box. 1948 Ford 2-speed axle, 3-speed Brownie, 4-5 yd. box. 1949 Ford 2-speed axle, 4-5 yd. box. PICKUPS 1944 Dodge y2-ton, 4-speed transmission. Valley Motor Truck Dept. Liberty at Marion PERSONAL BEAUTY COUNSELOR produrU. Wuanurn. 334 Myrtle Ave. Ph. JttM. Why Live in Doubt ? Noted Psychic Advisor Without asktnl alnale question ne tells you what you want to know llv Ini Dimw. daw. facta. Advljea help, you on ill aff.lr. of Hie euch a love, health, marrlaee A: business. Spec til rradlnee 12. Satisfaction euarante or no tea accepted. Hours 11 to 8:30 daily At 8un., till 1 p.m. set. Allrma Motel. Apt. 1. J Portland Rd. Take Caplln. bus. All TOl'R rtOOII Sull-looklnl' rami, ture marred ft aeretchMP Have Salem Ltahtlne ft Appliance Company demon atrato PlaatM Koto u you. 216 M. Him paas MADAM UAHT rORTON TELLER Palm and paychla reader. Madam eolves your worrlea. Acrlce I a.m. to 10 p.m dally ITS AV Coal Coder new vm. niemonl PTt TANLIT ROME ProducU. LM Mlndt. 1111 M, Illh Ph. i-tlOl. P3T9 ITANLIT HOME ProducU. Ph. J-IHj" J. M. 8tor.ll, !05 Sunnrrlew P3'0' MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help roa where othere have failed Satisfaction assured. Advice on all af faira of Ufa. Special rradlni 13 00 Lo eated lull aouth of Hubbard 00 Hlanwa, Ml Between Woodburn and Hubbard Look for lltn Readlnf Dally. P3TI AVOID Chrlatmu product! Ph S il t P371' ALCOROLICS ANOXYMOrt. PO lit Ph I-I3II. Pl!l AUTOMOBILES For Quick Sale 1147 Buret sperla!. Very clean, low ; Heat. Rfta. Other aiMaa, litis. P 1-I1U. 3H I I AUTOMOBILES McKay Chevrolet Company Herral-Owens (Pontiac) Otto J. Wilson (Buick) Bob Marr Used Cars Western Motor Co. McCall's Used Cars Stan Baker Motors, (Dodge-Plymouth) Quality Used Cars G&B Used Cars Acme Motor Co. Eon's Motor Co. Salem Automobile, (Chrysler-Plym.) Ph. 8-3147 AUTOMOBILES Ola STUDEBAKER drluie convertible. RAH and O.D. Trade ISM equity for clean 11 or '. lit H. Capitol, Ph. J.37M. 3M POft SALE OR TRADE leal International 3-ton pickup: 4-apeed tranamlaalon, ov er load aprlna. heater. 3300 mllaa. Phone 3497 or J437 Dallas, Ore. :! Eisner Motors to Sell PONTIAC Good Will Cars 'II PONT LAO SEDAN. COUPS. R ft H 11(41 'II PLYMOUTH SEDAN till DO DOB SEDAN 1141 17 PONTLAO SEDAN 141 '31 PONTLAO COUPS 141 '17 CHEV. CPE , Ill '41 CHEV. SPEC. CPE. HI '31 CHEV. PANEL. 1 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS IM N. Liberty Ph. 3-4113. 1M CHEV. I dooi. Oood csod. 131 Water St. Pn. 2-3I13 aail CHECK THE it DODOE l-wheeler on an :nter joo ha-j..n abort trips. Com 1b, Ph MM. SMI eW1!K SPOT -C. j"V iV w'" What Is Your Best .Offer On the Following Cars? 1949 Ford Custom Station Wagon. A-l ? 1949 Willys Jeepster. 12,000 miles ? 1948 English Ford. (Perfect). 4-dr ? 1947 Ford 8-cyl. Super Deluxe Sedan, R&H ? 1947 Ford 8-cyl. Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe. Good 1946 Ford 6-cyl. Deluxe Tudor, A dandy ? 1942 Studebaker Champion Sedan, Overdrive ? A CHANCE TO BUY A CAR AT YOUR OWN PRICE! DEALERS WELCOME THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Valley Motor Mart SALEM HIGH AT CENTER AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS BfTT 6 ELI. TRn TERM8 t LOTS J5 ralre round Rd. Ph. J-6451 530 Rood 6U Ph. 3-771. Eisner Motors .Fine Cars BUICK, 18S, clean, radio. Good rubber. Call 711 Monmouta. m- 'M CHEV. S naw tlroa. 1150. Alio '35 ChlT. Pickup. 190. Rt. 1, BOX 244A. q270 1MT PLYMOUTH deluxe club coupe. Ra dio, ntater, lotuinu, aeat cover, io.uuu mUii. ExceUant condition. I12S5.0CI. Phona 3-0330. 52M Eisner Motors to Buy CAS ACCESSORIES tire t tuoea at coat prlca. Flrat com llrat served as tnu 1 el os t-out aale. Dealers welcomed, R D. Woodrow Co, 450 Center Q CHECK THE SPOT IPSO CHEVROLET 3 -Door S129 OTTO J. WIIjSON CO. qbB CHECK THE SPOT I98t CHEVROLET 3 -Door ....1120 OTTO f. WIIjSUH Q268' WILSON'S GIVE THESE YOUR ATTENTION Worth Special Mention 1948 Buick Dynaflow Sedanct $1085 FINE CAR LUXURY AT MINIMUM COST. MATCHLESS SNAP. SMOOTH NESS. AND LONO LIFE. PRICED FAR BELOW REAL VALUE. 1946 Pontiac Sedan $1295 A DECIDED BAROAIN AT THIS PRICE. HAS HAD EXCEPTIONAL CARE AND WILL OIVE YOU EXCEPTIONAL SERV ICE. 1942 Hudson Super Six Sedan $725 VERY CLEAN AND MECHANICALLY SOUND. EXCELLENT TRANSPORTA TION AT MODEST COST. Terms Available Your Car May Make the Down Payment OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center IMS CHEVROLET 3-Door 3129 OTTO J. WILSON CO. 0.268" 1946 HUDSON SEDAN VERT CLEAN $1295 TRADE OR TERMS Ron's Motor Co. 340 8. HUh St. q27S 194R DODGE 4-door tdan. Radto. hentr. low m.kaf. Pn. 2-a7i, eves. 2-&0B9. q273 194S NAfl i puis, coupe. Verr elfin. 180 8. 17th. Trailer Hoiue. 4273 150 USED CAR LOT 159 ft your old ona 13th St. Junction Open UlMtp.m. 0.293' S8 CHEV. 1 door. Oin. 1396. 1743 N- braika Bt. PH. 3-445S q28 1937 CHEVROLET dflnxe coarh. Near n'w motor. Car In excellent condition. 2020 John Bt. Ph. 3B4H7. 0270 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS SPARK heater. Indian Scout motorcycle. A-l condition. Ph. qisin FARM EQUIPMENT L'SED TRACTOR TIRE, popular sizes. is oo and up. Monuomarr waro co . Salem. tbW FINANCIAL IP YOU want to sell your property It will Iiay you to mow now mum oi an rnA oan It will it and This Information tt obtainable with very little trouble Do not hetltat to call on ua for any In form at loo you desirt on PHA loana STATE FINANCE CO. m s Rich st Tel 14191. r' paxm atcd crrr loans 4'i and . rOUR OWH TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Heal btaU Contract and Second Mortcat CAPITOL SECURITIES OO n Pioneer Trust BXlt Ph. 1-7181 r PRIVATE ifpNET Spocal Rate and Terms On Loiter Loans Loot and Short Time Parments ROT H 8IUMOK8 IH SovtA CofflBexcOsi Sa Paoet r Tf's f Tip sV W WftlV Best Deal in lown PHONE 3-3147 FINANCIAL aoto loans willamette credit co. 183 S. Church Parklnt a PlentT Ph -24S? Lie. No H-1U S-lt 1- $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Meit Door to Bank Free Parking Phona 17032 Lie N Mlt-M1 Floyd Kenyon. Uur f FOR YOUR SAVINOS INVESTMENT buy real estate Tim mortftagtta, properties Salem & vicinity Make your owq tt lection, nets you 5 percent. We take care of all collections if desired. Amounts I10O0 to several thousand dol lars. Bee or can us lor particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 133 8. Hilh St. Tel. 14131. f sin, CIS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY i OR INTEREST to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS S44 State St Phone 9-3663 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and M-331 ., and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 1S6 fl Cnmmerelt.1 St Tel 3 0161 TRAILERS II FT. HOUSE TRAILER. Butane equipped. Cheap. Ph. 3-9327. 3305 Lea St. t2U trailer house for sal at 1310 N. 6th St. M60' 3-WHEEL lugRage trailer. All steel. New tires, wan be maae into norse trailer. Also, truck tire wheel and tube, Rte. 4. Box 672, Boons Rd. t273 tS' NATIONAL house, exc. cond. Cheap lor quick saie. Fir orest Trailer parx. n. River Rd. t270 SMALL HOUSE trailer. Reasonable. Rt. 3. Box 7A. tJBO EXCELLENT t wheel utility trailer with pipe racka. 12 x20 tarp. Reasonable. Ph. 2-0I4B. t270 DIRECTORY 1DDINO MACHINES All makea need machine, sold, ranted repaired Roaa. 450 Court Phono 1-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair eenrlce new appllanra Tinea's Rlectrlo Phone Free estimate Trade Ins aocepted on 3-9239 197 8 Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING La mowers. rlMors. knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3 6833. o UT'l RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towtm service day phono I-IIIS Hltnt 1- IBftt 33" Center O BOD Y AND PAINT . Braden's Body A Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3690 Cherry. Ph. 3-2022. o387 BUILDING CARPENTRY RemodeL repair that home cow. Terms. No down payment. Phone 3-46&0. c bTlldozino Bulldorlni, levrllnc, road bids., clear ing teeth for bruAh. Vlrtrll Huskey, 1010 Falview Aveh. 2-3146, Salem. or201 Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306. 0291 Los., xrnd. clear', carryall wk. Ph. 42383 or 31364. Geo- Worth, 340 Plymouth Dr o274 CAMI RE015TERS The National Caxh Register Co. Cash Reclsters Accountlnt Machines Sales Servlos - Supplies 525 Gaines Street Phona 4-1432 o24t Instant delivery of new RCA cast reslster Al- makes sold, rented, re pa -ed Roen 436 Court Ph 3-1773 EMENT ftORR For expert cuaranteed satisfaction ne or repair of foundation, sidewalk drivewava. patloa. eurba, walla eta Cat' 3-4860 o CHIMNET JtWEEP Furnace DRESSMAKING State St. Alteration Shop. Dressmak- ina. 360 State St., Jim. 27 o288 DreFKfnaklnc A alteration Wrk guar anteed 1290 N. 34th. Ph. 3-7883 0274' DIVKVVATS Cribbed rnrk for driveways roads, de livered. Ph. 2-5961. 0293 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' E'.ectrlc for electrical wiring. contracting, repairing. 157 a Liberty J--fl? o EXTERMINATOR Cockroarh. Moth Exterminator Sen-tee Ph. 3-306C. Lee Cross, Bt. I. Box 437-C 385 B-e.thauot'r for flowers Dial I-SITB fJRNATE , CIRCT'LATiSenir.tVICI Vacuumed at te pal red. Drorak. Ph. 34941 0387 HOME PROIMT TJ R A WLEIOH PRODUCTS. 3-8573. 0293' ll6l'EflOLDPRODlt'TS J R Watkins Oo products Pre de tvery 1717 Center Ph 3-819 IN I LATION nj-'ManvlIIe Phon -749 janTtosFservite Window Cleaninp: Janitor Sentc Floor wattnt B-Jlldine Factories Homes &Tirr.atfl Without Oblieatlon AMERICAN BLDO MAINT CO Ph Saiem 1-9131 i.tnr.tf fi B"FkT t Doerfler a Bona, Ornamentals. IM n. Uiwfttr Dr. t4 cor. Ph. t-1331. SALEM MARKETS Completed fresa reports at? alee dealer (or the gaidanc at capital Jearaal Read., (Revised dally). Retell Feed Prleest lis Mash 4 ID. It. bell rUttt ft.M, tislry r"ed IJ.K). Poaitryi Burtoi Dr1c-Ord a color ed hen. 31c; grade A Ufhsro beru and up. IT-Me, Orsde 4 old rooster. 16c. il-e. grad A eolorid fryar. thrtt lb. Eggs Bavin Prices Extra larae AA. BSe: Ian AA. S3c, large A, 4-Mc; medium AA, taic; mtxiium a, oe: puiitu, 32-3ic. hsoihik rric4 Kit holcntl diic -7e above the prtcaai abov cradt A Ktnrrally auotHl at le medium. Be. Butttrfj.1 Prtmium 8c: No. 1. lie; No, 1. U-0e. (burtnc prlCM. nultrr Wtioieja a arada A. SSei re ran 73e. DIRECTORY DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef ferson St Phona 33452. LAWNMOWER8 Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com ! St. o235 MATTRESSES Capital Beddlni Phone 3-4069. Ml'SIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1623 Court Bt. Ph. 3-7569. 0292 Omci FUBN1TUM A SUPPUKS Desk chairs, files and flllns supplies safes, duplicators and enppllaa, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases Plereo Wire Recorders. Roan. 454 Court OIL BI BNlfE SERVICE We cuarantee our work. Ph. 3-8663 Pve 4-2424. o276 Exp. Interior patntlns. Wilson Ph. 3-9732 0281 Tlf strom's are equipped to do rout pain! Ins Phone 2-3493 e PAINTING A PAPERHANGING Patntlnt and paperhanKlnt. Free rati mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o3' PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhannintt end pulntlni H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-9607. Fres est. o279 Paperhantuif. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4019. 0293 PLUMBING Fisher. 844 Com'I. Ph. 3-3019. lM'TI'Rt FRAMING REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller RefrUeratioo Berv. Co. Ph. 3-1534 0391 Picture framing Sutcheoo Paint Store Phot: 3-6681 v SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock, Shcc: and dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9249 Valley Band Oram Oo Silt, sand 1 11 dirt Excavating 10B shovel A eats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34003. res. 37140. Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 8th 026 1 SEWERS AND KEITIC TANKS Electric Roto -Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean sewers, Drains, Tanas. Ph. 3-8327. o1 SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. AU makes, W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671 o28l SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. 0287 Electric machine aervlce on aewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 11 43-8 th K. P. Ham el. Septic tanks cleaned St., West Balem. Ph. 3-7404. o275' Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call lis collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 3445 Stat St. Phone 3-0734. o SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, tree estimate Singer Sewing Machine Co- 130 Ho Commercial Ph. 3-3313. o TYPEWRITE Rl Smith Corona. Rem Ins too Royal Under wood portable. AH make used machines Repair and rent Roen. 459 Court, o TRANSFEP BTORAQI .ocal Distance Transfer, atotace Burner oils, coal as Briquets Truck tc Portland dally Agent for Bekln House hold goods moved to anywhere In OB or Canada. Larmer Transfer j Storage Ph 3-3181 o TRUCK TRANSFER Lester DeLapp truck aervlce. Commer cial hauling. Dally servlc to Portland. Ph. 3-1750. 294' VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds mad to order ti reflDUhed- Relnboldl Lewi 8-3839 o Elmer The Blind man. Pn. 17333. WEATHERSTRtPPING Pre estimates, T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-59(15 A285 WELL DRILLING WINDOW SHADES Washrble. Roller Msd to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt Lewi Ph 33S39 o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaner Window, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 947 Court. Langdoc. Culbertson and Mather WOOD a SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODSAWING LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITOR S No. 13.939 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREOON FOR MARION COUNTY Probate Department In the matter of th estate of JOHN H. CALLAOHAN. Deceased. Notice u hereby given that the under-l-rned. by an order of th Circuit Court of the Rtnte of Oregon, for Marlon County. Probate department, mad and entered on the 34th day of October, 1949, was ap pointed executor of th estate of John H Callaghan, deceased, and tht he he duly qualified a such executor All person having claim as a Inst taid estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by iav. to him at 406 Masonic Bulltilny, Salem. Org on. within tlx 6i month .if th date of this notice. Dated this 27th dy of Orr, 1949. W. C. WIN8LOW Executor of the estate of John H. Callaghan, Deceased First publication: October J7, 1949 Last publication: November 34, 1949 027, Nov. 3. 10, 17. 24 NOTICE OF Pt'BLir HEARING NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN to all per rons particularly Interested and to the eneral publio that a hearing will be hid before th common council of th City of Salem. Oreron. at the city hall, on No vember 14, 1949. at th hour of 9 30 pm., to consdler an ordinance chancing from a Class II ResMentlal District to ft CUss ill Bwlnex District the follownig describ ed premises: Rekinning at g point on th south line of the Balem to Bllverton County Rosd. which point la South 31 46 feet and South 73 30' West 10 49 feet from a point that Is Nrth 1 East II 87 ehsins and North 17 301 Chain of th Southwest corner of the J. A, Huffman land; said Southwest corner being 13 63 chain east and 45 33 Chain north Of th Southwest corner of the Donation Land Claim of Samuel Walker and wife in Township 7 South. Rani 3 Wet of the Wtlla met'e Mer;dlan In Marlon County, Oreion; thence South 149.61 feet; thenc North 89 53' West 100 feet; thence North 50 feet to th south line of said road: thence North 69 01' East alone th aouth I1n of ssld rned to an angle therein; thenc North 72 30' E-t 133 89 feet to th plac Of bet Inning . Br order of the Common Council Octo ber 34, 1949. ALFRED MTTNDT Cite Recorder. NOV. I, 8, 10, 1L Stocks Decline In Price Tangle New York, Nov. 10 (;P) Price lines were thoroughly tangled in the stock market today. The general tendency seemed to be downward but enough buy ing interest developed in select ed issues to prevent a decisive decline. Most price changes were frac tional. In a few cases they amounted to around 2 points or more. Turnover hit a rate approach ing 1,200,000 shares for the full session. Traders more or less ignored labor developments. Golds were hard hit. with Homes take off around 3 points at one time and Mclntyre Porcu pine down 2. Fractionally lower were Alaska Juneau and Dome. High-preced Amerada Petro leum dived around 5 points and Coca-Cola lost almost 2. Non-ferrous Metal Stocks im proved, along with Radio & Tel evision. Also higher most of the time were Admiral Corp., Philco, American Telephone, North American Co., Anaconda Cop per, American Woolen, Santa Fe, and Warner Bros. Balky spots included Standard Oil (NJ), Chrysler, Montgom ery Ward, U.S. Smelting, Dow Chemical, Westinghouse Elec tric, and U.S. Gypsum. STOCKS By th Associated Pr-aai American Can Am Pow it LI Am Tel es Tel Anaconda . 97H . 1SH Ufl'i . 28S . 33 . 20S . 314 . 34 . . 44 . 32 . 50 Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Case J 1 Caterpillar Chrysler Com with Si Sou Cone Vultee Continental Can ;rown Zelltrbaeh Curtlaa Wright Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Nem . 7 Oeneral Electric General Food General Motors Oood year Tiro Inl Harvester Inl Paper Kennecotl Libby Mel A L Long Bell 'A" Montgomery Ward . 64 T . 504 . 7 . 31 . 51 . 15 . 37N, . 10 . 16 . 12 , 32 T4 .101 . 52S . 12S nasn Keivinator Nat Dairy NT Central Northern Pacific Pas Am Pish Pa Oas A, Kleo Pa Tel A. Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler PM Reynolds Metal Richfield Safeway Store ,. 244 . 30 . 38S sears Roebuck Southern Panlflo Standard Oil Co , Btudebaker Corp ...... ........ ..i Sunshine Mining , Traniamerloa , Union Oil Cal Dnlon Pacific United Airline , tl 8 Steel Warner Bros PI Wool worth ... .... .. 36 .. 10 13 ... 27H ... 83 .. 34 .. 14' .. 47 Armistice Day Observances (Be th. Aaaeclated Press) Oregon will observe Armistice Day tomorrow (Friday) with parades, speeches and football games. The 31st anniversary of the "cease fire" order in the first World War will be noted differ pntly in almost every city of the state but the familiar pattern of music and talks occurs in many. County, state and federal of fices will be closed. In some cities business houses will close and in others they will not. The closure depends In part on the nature of the community obser vance. In Portland there will be a downtown parade, a band con cert and a speech In the south park blocks. Banks, liquor stores and barber shops will close Most other business houses will be open. La Grande's national guard unit will head the parade in that city. High school bands of La Grande and Baker whose foot ball teams meet at 2 p. m. will be a part of the parade. Stores will close. Formal dedication of the new $75,000 American Legion hall will feature the Corvallis obser vance. Stores will close from 11 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Grants Pass will be host to seven southern Oregon National Guard units and the 234th army band from Salem. A feature of the downtown parade will be heavy artillery from the National Guard. Brig. Gen. Thomas E Rilea will be in the reviewing stand. All business places will close. Sclo Closing; Shop Scio, Nov. 10 Following ac tion of the city council, Mayor Carl Warren has issued a general closing order for Scio In obser vance of Armistice day. The Sclo six-man football team, Linn county champions, meet Mo hawk, Lane county titalisU. at Halsey at 2 o'clock Friday af ternoon for the district No. 3 championship. Mill City, Nov, 10 By a vote of 116 to fi2 residents accepted a city charter, (the first) at a spec ial election Tuesday. The com munity was Incorporated about three years ago and recently petitions were circulated propos ing dissolution. LODGES .ejTTQ l.O O J meets tverj Wtd ne-ftdAf night vuitors wt Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., MARKET QUOTATIONS Saiasa Uveal Mara (By vajjaf PacAlu Company) Peeder lambs 113.00 to 111.00 Ewea SI. 00 to 15.00 Cutter cowa 17.00 to 19.00 Fat dairy cows 19.50 Dairy he If are 19.00 to 110.00 Bulls 111.00 to 815.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.). .116 00 to 111.00 Veal (130-300 lbs.j top 818.00 to 831.00 Portland EatUlde Market Corn sold for 11.50 a crate on the Portland Easuide Parmer Wholesale Pro duce market today. Cauliflower brought 31.33 a erate for locel stock. Bruuel sprouts wert 82.00-3.ll A IJ-cup Ml. Cabbaae was offered at 11 35-1.50 a erate. Lettuce was 34.00 to 55. 00 erate. Spinach brousht 81.00 to 81.50 an Or am e bot. orecn onions were 55 to 44 cent a dozen bunches. Portland Preflae Baitarfit Tentative. suDlect to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent addUy delivered In Portland 63 -66c lb.; 93 score 61 -65c Ib.i 90 score, 57 -63c; 89 score 55c. Valley routes id country points so less than mil Butler Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score. 63c. A 92 score. 62c: B 80 score. Mo lb, O 89 score. 57c Above price are serlctlr nominal Cber. Balling prlo to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-43c Oregon 3 loaf U-4JO. triplets IV lea tbu in (tie. Es ft wboleealera) A ra4 large. 55i-56c. A medium. 45-46 Vc; grade a large. 9-oc: small a grade. 2Vic. Portland Dairy Market Huiter Price to retailers: orade AA prints. 6Hc: AA cartons. 69c: A prints. 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints. 65c. Lei Prices to retailers Qrad AA large. 6lc dox.: certified A large, 63c: A large, 69c; AA medium, 50c: cer tified A medium. 49c; B medium, 45c, A small, 44c: cartons 3 c additional. thees Price to retailers Portland Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon loaf, 5 1b loafs 44'a-45c lb.; triplets, m cents less than singles premium brand, singles. sie io.i joai. astho. Poultry Live Chicken - No. 1 quality FOB plan tfl. No 1 broilers under 2 lbs. 30-24 fryers 3-3 lbs.. 23-26c; 3-4 lbs, 27c; roaster 4 lb and over, 27-36c; fowl, L'-,innrn 4 .oa and under l8-30c over 4 lb. 20c; colored fowl, all weight. 3 -35c; roosters, all weights, la -30c. Turkey Net to growers, 30-Smc on toros; 43-44c on hens: sales price to re tailers, toms, 38-39c; hens 49-50C Kabbita.-veiaie to growers, live wnitee. 4-5 lbs.. 17-lflc lb.; 5-6 lb.. 13-170 lb.; colored 3 cents lower: old or heavy doe. and bucks, 8- 13c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailer. 40c; local. 48-52c. Country-Killed Meat veal top quality 38-310 id., other (traiie according to weight and quality with Uther or heavier 18-28c. HO light blocker. 34-35c: ow, 30- aic. Lambs Top quality, springers. 3839ci mutton. 11-13c. Beef Oood cow. 19-210 lb. cannr cutters, 18-19C. Fresh Dressed Meals (Wholesalers to retailers per wt.)t Beef steers, good 500-800 lb. 143-451 commercial. 135-391 Utility, 891-34, Utility, 127-28. Cows Commercial, 129-32; utility. 23 I: canners-cutter. 133-38. Ileef Cuts (Oood Steers): Hind Quarter. $54-55; rounds 148-51; fuU loin, trimmed 173-78: triangles, 83334: square chuck. 140-42; rib 8H-55; forequarler. 834-39. veai ana can; uooa. eai-eu; commercial. 133-35: Utility 828-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lamb, 841 : commercial. 136-40: utility. 133-33. Mutton Oood, 70 lb down, 319-30. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-13 lbs. 348-49; shoulders, 13 lbs down. 838-38: spare- ribs, 847-50: carcasses, 929-30; mixed iv cuius 82 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cairara Hark Dry 13 e lb., green 40 lb. Wool Valley soars and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair 33a lb. on 13-montn growth. nominally. Hides Calve. 30e lb., according to wrtKht, kips 25c lb., beef U-12c lb., bull 7c lb. Country buyer pay 3c less. Nul Quotations Walnuts Franquettes. first quality jum bo. 34.7c: larnc. 32.7c; medium. 27.3c; second quality jumbos, 30.2c; large, aa.ae; medium, 28. 3c; baby, 33.2c; soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c; medium. 28.2c; sea- ond quality large, 37.2ei medium, 34.7; baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 30 Ib.i large. IM: medium, 18c: am all. 13c Portland TJevatock Portland, Ore., Nov. 10 (U.ft) Livestock: Cattle salable 250: market moderately active on most clasesa but supply mostly canner and cutter irades; odd good feeder steer 18.50: cutter and common steer 11.00 to 17.00; canner and cutter cow 3.60 to 10.75; hlla down to 8.00; bull scarce. Calve labl 38: market mostly nom inal. Hoca salable 50: market nominal: good and choice lightweight butchers lacking early: sorted load 1st Wednesday 16.18 to 17 25. Sheep sslable lOOi market steady hut mostly nominal: few good shorn and wool ed lambs 10.00: strictly good and choice quotable to Wednesday' top of 31.00; ood ewe salable 8.80 to T.03. Chi race Livestock Chicago. Nov. 10 WP,USDA live stock market: How: Salable 13.000: slow early but lat er trade and closing trade active) butch- mo lly 25 cents lower, sow 25-50 cent lower: top 1A 20 sparingly 'O'jrer than le.it OPA celling of 118.25, Oct. U4; for a few choice 200-215 lbs: bulk good and choice 180-300 lb butcher 16.00-16.10; with stiles above 16.00 mostly on welaht under 220 lbs: lo.oo popular price: other welgitl extremely scarce: good and choice sows under 450 lb 14.73-15.60; a few heavier weight as low as 13.50; early clearance. Sheep: Salable 1,500: generally steady market on native slaughter lamb and sheep; western fed lam be and yearlings ab sent: practical top lamb 23.50 paid by Ahipper and small killers; built good and choir 33 00-31.50; choice western handy euiit ewes 12.30: deck and half oi medium western 3.35. Cittle: Bauble 3.000: calve: 400 1 steers grading medium and better active and strong to fully 50 cent hliher; common ninos oniy steady: good and choice heif ers practically absent; medium half era steady; cow uneven steady to 35 cent .Hither; bull weak to fully 31 cent ov. vealers uneven about steady; two loads choice 1226 lb fed steer 17.00: balk rxxl fed steers end yearling 37.50-33 SO; load 1646 lb weishta 30.50; medium to low good steers 21.00-37 00; two loads common 975 lb wewliu 16 00: loud good steers and lera mix'd 28 50; few loads rned, urn hrirers 31.50-25.00; few good cow 16.00- 17.50; common and medium beef ios 13. 75-16. 75; canner and cutter ll.e.0 1J 50; medium and good sausage bulls 17 00-16 50: veaters 30 00 down: stacker. and fredera ste-ndy to 35 cents hither: (wo loads choice 725 lb Colorado feeding steer 20.00. Constipation (Colitis) Is s symptom, not s dueut. Rctal Ailments Are the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids snd other colon ailments must b. corrected. No Lens of Time No lln.pluilt.tlon Free Uewrlpllve Rootlet DR. R. REYNOLDS Proctology Naturo-RecUl Specialist 1144 t enter fit. lem. Or. (Advertisement) QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms el Dhtmi Arfarnf fren STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Fr.twBofcTanofHomwTr Mutt H4 f tt WIN Coat Yi NwtMng Orerf threw million hnttlew of th WttUt Trbatmkwt havo hewn sold for roltef of ymi.tomnfditrwji arising frotn Hweeiewli and Owoetoftal Utew do tet Eeee AM4 Poew Otawettoei. wweer or Utvewt Mewiaelt, QMelewae. HeearttsMrn, lie eg a. t du to leee Aelel. Mold on la day' trial! Ak for "Wlllarw e Mnmh" which fuUf expiajna mi treatment! yarn Mrvsm. fir. nun aruq a loam Thursday, Nov. 10, 1949 23 Corn and Oals Hit New High Chicago, Nov. 10 W) Corn and oats punched their way into new high territory on the board of trade today. The rest of the market was steady, but lacked the aggressive demand shown for the feed grains. A brisk trade was conducted in all pits. Wheat closed tt-Vi . lower. December $2.11. corn was Va Vt higher, December $1.203i-',, oats were H lower to s higher, December 75, rye was unchang ed to 4 lower, December $1.34 S 1 .34 , soybeans were 1V to 2 cents lower, November $2.19- 'i, and lard was unchanged to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher, November $9.55. Joseph G. Avery, 65 Dies Suddenly Joseph G. Avery, 85, suffered a fatal attack of Illness at the state highway shops Thursday morning and died while being taken to a hospital in the first aid ambulance. Avery lived at 595 South 22nd street and was employed by the state highway department since 1945. He is survived by his widow, Mabel Avery of Salem two sons. Earl R. Avery of Ashland, and Clifford K. Avery of Salem; a brother, James Avery of lone, Calif.; and four grandchildren. Funeral announcements will be made by the Howell-Edwards company. Portland Grain Portland. Nor. 10 in Cash wheat (tin); Soft whit. a. 20.1 soft white (excludlnr. rex 3.304: white club 3.20tfc. Hard red winter: Ordinary Jao'i: 10 cer cent J. 101: 11 per cent 3 31: 13 par cent 3.33. Today'. Mr receipts: Wheat 10; barter 1: flour 8; corn 6; oata 1: miuteed 17. DEATHS Baby Girl Tbemaa Baby Old Thomas, infant daughter 01 r. and Mr. George Thomas, of 1003 N. street, Newberg, Oregon, at local hos pital, November at th ase of two day. Oraveslde service wer held Thursday, November 10. at 3 P.m. at the Rosedal cemetery with Rev. Oscar Brown officiat ing. Direction the Howeu-Edwaro cnapet. Albert Walker Albert Walker, late Tosideni or nope- wall, at a local hospital, November 3. at the ate of 76 years. Announcement of service later by th Howeil-Edward oh a pel. Erie tdwio Bartraff uric Edwin Bartruff. late resident OT Cottas Grove, In Eugene, November 3, at th as a of 61 years. Survived by widow. Mr. Jessie Bartnitr oi cottage a rove; a son. Erie E. Bartruff, Jr., of Salem: a granddaughter, Dlann Kathleen Bartruff of Salem: two alster, Mrs. . x. Brown and Mrs. R. P. Rankin, both of Portland; and two brothers. Ooorg and Lojl Bartruff. both of Everett. Wash. Mem'ier of the Seventh Day Adventlst church at Cottage Grove. Service will b held Fri day, November 11, at 10 a.m. at th W. T. Rftdon chapel, with concluding serf- Ices In Belcrest Memorial park. Joseph O. Avery Joseph o. Avery, let resident or Bt South 32nd street. In this city Novem ber 10, at th age of 63 years. Survived by wife. Mr. Meble Avery of Salem; two sons, Earl R. Avery of Ashland and Clif ford K. Avery of Salem: a brother, Jeme Avery of lone, Calif.; and four grand chil dren. Announcement of service later by the Howell -Id ward chapel. OBITUARY Edward Knutton Bllverton Edward Knutson. Tt, tiled un expectedly at the family residence, 340 Qui lie and OVe Knutson. all of Bllverton. Mill street Thursday forenoon. Born In Wisconsin and had lived in the Bllverton community many years. Survived by two sisters and a, brother: Sarah Olson, Julia, home. Jallae Anton Ulrlch Albany Julius Anton TJIrleh. 73. Ca- eadla, died at th Sweet Horn hospital Wednesday. Burial will take place at The Dalle following service at the Fisher Funeral horn In Albany Friday at 3 p ro, Mr. TJlrlch was horticultur ist and had lived at Cacadla for th last eight year. He wa born October 1B73. at Lansing. la. h located at Tiie Dalles In 1BS1 coming there from Wlseon- Bumvlng are a brother, Ben Ul rlch, The Dalles; two sisters, Mrs. Win- Online. Cascadla. and Mr. Kmrna Veal. Albany and four nephew. Why Suffer Any Longer When others fell, us our Chines rem edies. Amarlng success for 9000 year In Chin. No matter with what ail ments you are afflicted, disorders, sinusitis, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, gas, constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever, kin, female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHINE'S HERB CO. Offle Hear t I I. Taea. and Bat, only t4 N. Commercial Phone I ISM SALEM. ORE. (.Advertisement) Piles Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin Thoueanda chang groans to grins. r a doctor' formula to rellev alS(-mfort of pile. Rent druggist by noted Thorn Ion A Minor Clinic, Surprising QIMCK palliative relief of pain. Urn, Irritation, Tend to soften, shrink swelling. l doctor way. Oct tub Thornton Minor' Rectal Ointment or Rectal Sup- Soaltorleatoday. Follow label direction, 'or al at all drug ator vnrwher. Tn Salem at Fred Meyer Drug. AgrertlMiaenl Waist-Line Down Two Inches "My stomach used to feel like my Innards wer all tied in knot," write Mrs. O. M. C, Ororllle. Calif., lady. "Especlelly after t ate onions or flh, but thank to Kal-O-Deg I'm on th road to better health. It keeps that awful gas down and allows me to sleep eren after eating cabbage. But bent of all that bloated feeling Is gone and my walst-llne has been reduced two inehes, t wouldn't bt without Kal-O-Dex la my home." KAL-O-DtX Is an Herbal Formula of a Juites from Nature a rianta. It has relleTtd many people who had nefer been really helperi before b ti medicine. Taken shortly be for meal it miiea with your food, helping to eliminate poisons in th ayitem. It will rteanie th bowels, clear gas from atom arh, enliven tetlnes. and removes old, Klekenlng bile from th ayitem. flo don i on suffering Oct KAL-O-UEX at all drug store. Money Back Ouaraat. i