22 Capita! Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. P UM 18 Per Lint I tlmef 40 Per Lin timet Wo Pat Uni S month 12.00 Outside of Salem t&e per lino pa day. Mia. I0c; t times mla. We time mln 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Loral Neva Col OnlFt 30c per lint To Place an Ad Phone X-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COUPLETS WITH OARAOE. OUTSIDE PATIO FIREPLACE. FENCED IN FRONT TARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO I. 3-5348 OR 3-3734. A Extra Good 110,000 Lovely 3 bed rm. home with ood dry basement ft extra bed rm.. oil furnace, fireplace, stairs to attic, excel lent location. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-1260 a 3 70 ( DOWN or will take In lot. car or what hava you. l acres, south with livable 6-rm. home. Harden space. Fruit trees. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co.,R'ltors 151 8. High. Ph .l 4 1 2 La269 87954). LATE built 3 bdrm. home In 4 Corner dlst. Hdwd. firs. Utility rm. Oar axe. Lot 100x180. Terms. 810,000. .9 ACRE clone In east on bus line. Good rm. home with unfln. attic. Hdwd, floors. Fireplace, floor furnace Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 181 IHIfh St. Ph.3-4121.a269 aRaT8ALEOR LEASE New all-electrle S bdrm. home In Hollywood. 110.000 or ISO per month. Bee Ted Reed at Loder Bros, m write 6707 N.E. 16th, Portland. Ore. 2 Kingwood View $12,500" Semi-secluded smart attractive 2 bdrm. home In lovely setting. Basement in cludes party roam with extra fireplace. An enjoyable plac. to live. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1211 Edsewater. Ph. 3-5109 . a268 Near Salem Heights School 14,500 Very neat 2 rm. modem home on extra lame lot 78x130 with double arise, near school ft bus. Another bed rm. could easily be added, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial h. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 a270' SMOe). H ACRE with clean modern 3 bdrm. home. Close In North. Small chicken bouse. Lots of fruit. Close to bus. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 8. High. Ph. 3-4121. g269 88,800. 1H ACRES with clean late built 3 bdrm. home all on one floor. Close to school. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 168 8. High Ph. 3-4121. a269 fl.tM DOWN, balance FHA loan, buys new modern 2 bdrm. home. Paved St. close to school. Immediate possession. $S3M. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 8. High Ph. 3-4121. a269 Cute 84,500 One bed rm. home on nice lot, paved street. Living rm., kitchen, nook, bath, all plastered, small cabin on rear or lot, also garage. Place is in good con dition. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 60 8. Commercial Ph. 8-3848 Eve. 2-8658 a270 THREE ROOM newly remodeled house. Plastered. In business dlst. Oorner lot. Ho calls Sundays. 1608 N. Liberty. a270 BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floors. Wired for electric range. Electlc water heater. Oil furnace. Fire place, V. blinds. Full basement. Insulat ed and weather stripped. Oarage. Near bus and stores. F.H.A. available. Price 88900. 2180 UNIVERSITY PH. 3-5807 am SALE 6-room house. Attached gar ace. All electric 33800. Will sell furnish ed. 1761 N. Front. a368 (ELL OR RENT turn, or unfurn. small arace house. Inq. Eyerly Aircraft Co a269 Check This for Value 1. LATE BUILT WELL BTY1.ED. 1, L. ft D. RMS. COVED CEILINO. I. 3 BDRMS. DOWN RM. FOR 2 UP. 4. MODEL KITCHEN UTIL. ROOM. 8. ALL HDWD. FLRS.-VFN. BLDS. 6 t CAR OAR. CONCRETE DRIVE. 1. LOE LOT WELL LANDSCAPED. 8. PAVED ST. DESIRAMt.E D1ST f. NEAR SCHOOL STORES ft BUS. 10. A PAIR PRICE J9500 TERMS Larsen Home & Loan Co. 1 Exclusive Listings Persona! Service l 144 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-6388. Eve. 3-744(1 a269 BY OWNER Excellent t bedroom modern home dining room, fireplace, and finished : basement. Fully insulated. Lame, well i landscaped lot. Convenient to school and t bus. 1840 N. 18th St. Phone 2-0538. a373 ; RATCLIFF DRIVE ' Beautiful 2 bedroom home well ar- Tensed, all lartre room., lots of closet 1 space. 14x32 LR with fireplace 2 BEDROOMS EAST ; This little home has hardwood floors. I fireplace, unfinished attic, oil floor fur : nace, ennnee tint im'f, !:mc lot. 6 ACRES CLOSE IN , Ideal acreage close to ettv limits, all In t wulttvatton. New home. -4 red for elec : trie ranie, elec. water he iter. Goodwin and McMillin R FAT TORS 484 Court Fh. 1-4707 Eve. 2-4778 . 1-8718. s289 IT OWNER: Nrw 3 brlnrt. home. Large rmi. Atlartien garage, on heat. Super ior workmanship. Prired to sell, Locat ed Juit South Of 24th ft Lee St Ph 37028 Mint McKillop Real Estate Realtors Near Labish Center Sehl. I A. and a t-bedroom home. Oood well, lee. pump, barn and small poultry house. Some young f mil trees. This may be what you're looking for. 14500. SOUTH SALEM Cosy 2 -bedroom home near bug and stores. Living room, dlrtlna room, uttl lty and balh. Immediate possession. Owner leaving town. Reduced to 18600. Oood terms. Salem Height Pis. I -bedroom home on large lot Has base, ment with oil furn , fireplace, larae living room Ntot yard. This house Is in 8 Blot setting. I89S0. Terms. En pie wood err clean l-bedromn home Hdwd firs. full basement with extra bedroom and small work shop. Oil furn. and a very Bice yard. 1 10. W0. Terms If desired. Come in or call Car time Phone 3-Mlt Eve. Ph. 15514 or 3 8406 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High We Make Real Estate Loan Journal Want Ads Pay Ore., Thursday, Nov. 10, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES COURT STREET PROPERTY t I -room houses on lot 100 x 167. Bli blocks to Stat House. $18,000. Ph. 260. ID LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 27709-42328-21704 a273 COMFORTABLE well located rm. home, partly furnished, 1. mile from down town. Only 43450. 11200 down. New B R. house ready for occupancy. City water, 65x100 lot, close-in suburb an 33760. Manbrln Oarden: Modern style I rm. home, H W. floors, fireplace, utility rm., auto, heat, nice lawn, 19,760. Reasonable down pmt., bai. at 44. Duplex. Lata built, but of location. 2 B.R.i In each apt., automatic heat, 1131 Income. Small operating cost. 111,900, terms. R. E. MEREDITH RLTR., Of B. M. MASON 17 8. Comm. Ph. 3-8841 aJ9 911.000. FURNISHED Truly the home of an artltt. 2 BR. auto piped ht.. lot 100 X ISO. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBtAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 38704-27769-42328 a273 LARGE FAMILY WANTED To buy this fine 4 B R. solid brick horn near Enslcwood school. 3 full baths, 3 fireplaces, 2 lots, bsmt.. auto-oil heat. It's a lot of home for 115,000. call Crawford. EAST ENGLEW00D 4 B R. older type home In excellent con dttion, new auto, forced air oil heat, double Plumbing, lie. kitchen, Inside utility An. priced right at 18450. 12350 will handle. call Crawford. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Office: 3-: Eve:2-5390 or J-7451 a: RM. HOME. OWNER EMPLOYED IN 1JALUAS. MICE FIREPLACE, HARD- WUOU rxuOKtt. ATTACHED OARAGE. OOOD VIEW. FENCED IN BACK YARD. SHRUBS ft FLOWERS. CLOSE TO SCHOOL ft BUS. KINO WOOD HEIOHTS DIHT. F H A. APPRAISED. CAN BOR ROW UP TO 15600 ON THIS. 15 YRS. TO PAY. 14,000 EQUITY WILL HANDLE. SOME BALANCE. PH. 3-5059. a370" EAST, $5,750 9 bedroom home. Very clean. Large tot. Bus service. Eve. 3-0473. Englewood, $2,000 Down 3 bedroom, living room, dining ro-m, onus, noon. Electric heat. 1 blk to bus. 4 to school. Leaving town. 3 Bedroom, $11,500 3 bedrooms all on 1 floor. Full base ment. Very good location. Close tc schools. Eve. 3-0473. Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 3-7738. a269' 3 Bdrms. $500 Down All on one floor. Nearly new. Hdwd. firs, fireplace, auto ht. Oarage. Lae. .cl on pvmt. Bus at door. Only 18250. ENGLEWOOD Neat little 2 bdrm. home 7 yrs. id. Dinette, full balh to shower, auto nt. uarage. price 10500. CALL MR. PYLE WITH C0LBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-45S2, Cves. 3-BflM aJBQ UNUSUAL DEAL Here's the one you seldom find. 2 odrm. modern home at a real sacrifice on re count of Illness. A dream of a place among trees, 'j acre. New small thirteen house, fruit all kinds. Nicely elevttcd block to bus. Ideal for retired cou ple. Was 19750 for quick sale 87.500. Oood terms. Don't miss this. A Remarkable Buy Lovely Salem Hts. home, 3 bdrm. Oreatly reduced. Call for price, L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7643 Eve. 6c Sun. 3-0126 26 BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM. New home located North. All rooms ex tra large. Living it din In rm. combined. Breakfast nook. Reception hall. UMIIty rm. St gar. Elec. heat In all rooms. Fire place, hdwd. fir. thruout. lawn, fruit w shrubs, tll.800 ft worth It. tbhOO NORTHEAST Almost new 3 bdrm. home In nlre neigh borhood. Elec. heat ft W. for R. Hdad. firs, in living rm. A hall. This Is well built hse. C. W. Reeve Realtor 346 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4800. Eva. 3-tR93 a27C. FOR SALE LOTS BY OWNER: Inexpensive lot. In Salem, city water, aewer, and only 3 blocks south of the Richmond grade achool. The only undeveloped lot in the block. 66O0. Terms to suit convenience of pur chaser. Ph. 37217. aa368 NICE COR. lot on So. 15th St. East front. SHOOPh. 36987. aa270 l.?00. VIEW lot,'86,il46c7tywater on paved road. Salem Heights diat. Liberal terms or will trade for car or trailer house. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 152 8. High Ph. 3-4131. aa36 LARGE LOT, No. 3 rone. Near bank on mrRroiincls ltd .1-61B9. aa270 FOR SALE FARMS 11200 1 acre south. Large old bldg. S49M) A. 6 rm. hse , also smalt hse . oarn, Chicken hse., gar . fruit trees. I1, un der cult, good soil. Elec. wtr. system Clo.f to school. 81000 down. C. W. Reeve Realtor 84 1 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4580, Eve. 3-9.M6 b270 It A. Ml A. clrared ft cultivated. All bot tom land. Well ft elec. pump. Creek thru place. All can be Irrigated. 3 Bdrm mod. plastered hntie. 40 1 60 barn. 18 atam-hionv Lg chick house. Granary, brooder rue. A- hog hee. oood family or rhard. Ou paved hi way, a nil. from live urn. town. Elec, hot water tank, wiren inr eiec. range. Kull price 614. 500. Ky terms can be arranrd. II you are looking lor a good home he sure and see mu. Ivan B, Sutton. Ph. 3.V1. Jc(lcrioii. b370 FOR HA1.E OR RENT A nice 7 acre poul try ft dairy rsixh in the edge of Salem, ea't. to relinhlr tenant Call or see R. A. McKARLANE rn. 1131. Add. 2119 8t.tr St . HOG & CHICKEN FARM 34'a A. on Htway, fine, modern, dou ble plumbed home, with fireplace, wall 10 wail carpet, gwwl small barn. lie. hoi pens, Ue, chicken houe, good Ford tractor ft equipment, some on-hard. 416,500 fraaford. BURT riCHA, REALTORS 376 N. H:eh St. Otftct: 3-11 Eve: 3-5S06 or 1-7451 b368 41 Acres Bargain 11 A. bean yard. Stavton dtst. T rm h.r In-Mvcflon invited, for ejutck gale 18500. Terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 S. Com. Ph. 1-4CIO . Mill. MJ- " GOOD FARM LAND 140 acres, all cultivated, on pavement north; talr older barn, machine shed, etc, good well with elec. pump: old house in poor condition. Pay a reason able price for the land; take the im provements SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 144 If Rtth St. Phone 3-7M6 Fve Pones 3-M0 . t-4"l bJ FOR SALE ACREAGE 6 At Rm. Tl hi hop, rt. bldta At Frultland. 8, box 381. H R bb368 EONR 8 4 acres, 3 flt s Only' I43M). Walt Socolntkv, Real Estete.Ph. JMMJk NEAR LABISH t acres, food roomy 3 bedroom home, barn and family orchard. Full price. I4.VW60. Will trade for city property. U A VICHY RFAL F STATE 811 N COM I. RT PHON8 DAY OR IV E. 8-0U1 bbj46a FOR SALE HOUSES HAVING DOWN PAYMENT TROUBLE??? WI HAVE A 4 MO. OLD SUBURBAN I BDRM. MODERN HOOSE WITH HDWD. FLOORS, VIM. BLINDS, PIREPLACE AND UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS THAT CAN BE BOUOHT BT SOUS RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOB IIM. ABSOLUTELY NO FINANCE CHAROES TO PAY, DRIVE OUT TO I7M SUNNYVirW AVE. AND WE WILL GLADLY SHOW IT TO YOU. GRABENH0RST SPECIALS EDGEWATER STREET 80x50 ft. concrete bids., excellent location. Meal for garage, furniture store, etc. Price 112,600. CALL COBURN L. ORABENHORST ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT ( rm. mod. home with auto-heat, fireplace, ft hdwd, flrj., kg. garage, nice) yard, a fine location. Price 18,950. J bdrm. mod. home 4 yrs. old, with unfln. attic, elec. heat, very good condi tion Inside ft out. Corner lot ft dble. garage, nice location. Price 19.000. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. SALEM'S FINEST An exceptionally fine home, 4 spacious bdrms., lie. den, rumpus rm.. with fireplace, 1'4 sets plbg., auto-oll heat, dble. garage, lot 120x120 ft., beautiful rounds, best of locations. CALL PETER GEI8ER INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 1-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oeiser 3-9068. a26 FOR SALE ACREAGE 88 ACRES Northwest 30 A. In cult. 3 bdrms. recent- bum modern home with basement Barn, large chicken hse. for 1000 chick ens. Plenty of water, i-rice nu.ouu. C. W. Reeve Realtor 948 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. T.S89J bb3JU' BY OWNER: Suburban 4 acres, 6 miles south of city center, gooa locanon rapidly developing area, no DUiiaings. isnrf ail rir. will dcveloo Into subdi vision property, terms arranged to suit purchaser. Remember you can t c those rent receipts. Ph. 37217. bbS REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 3-BDRM. ENGLEWOOD 88900 Pull bsmt. with laundry, elec. wtr. htr. furnace, bdrm.. LR ft DR, hdwd. firs, kit., bath, all on 1st fir. 3 -bdrms. up stairs, gar., lot 45x75. rnilNTRY ESTATE WITH INCOME Approx. 3 ac, V of the area In well eared for 10 yr. old holly trees yielding a substantial annual income. A very vit hunt, a rm. Case Cod home. SPa clous LR with attractive f'place. full bsmt., sawdust piped furnace, elec W. heater, util. rm.. patio with flood lights, beautifully secluded setting with native trees ft primitive atmosphere. About 250 ft. crk. frontage, spring wtr. under pressure. 115,000, easy terms. SILVERTON RO. ACREAGE HOME LOE. SHOP BLDG. About 2 ac. on Sllverton Rd. with x65 up-to-date reinforced concrete bids: 28x40 addition, wxio paint, snca; ju inr. Equipped with heater, lavatory, etc. 2 bdrm. deluxe liv. qlrs., 2 f places, W. stripped. Insulated. Llv. rm. rug cos. 13000). Priced 431,500 or trade for rental property. 87 ACRES 811.550 75 ac. In cult., bal. woodlot, 40 ac. In crop, 2 wells with elec. pump, 8-rm. us able hse. 12 stanchion barn, hog nse.. chicken hse.. Implement shed. On cream rt. ft mall rt. Bus to school, 3 ml. N.E Turner. A REAL FARM OPPORTUNITY For sale by widow, one o( the best farms In the Willamette valley. 157 ac. all cul tivated land, (135 ac.) can be irrigated with unlimited river wtr. Mostly oo'.tom land, some upland, rm. mod. home, bsrn 150x50), milk hse. ft milk parlor. Con stant money maker, clover, wheat, oa-s ft vetch now growing plus 18 ac. straw berries. Near Alderman farms. Well fi nanced, a.sking price 445,000, NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4632. c263 BUY NOW ACRE. 2 bdrm. unfinished house. Oar age. A good buy at 838jO. Call Mr. Voor- hees. OWNER. TRANSFERRED. Must sell 10 A. good land. About a a. In strawberries. Next year's crap should pay for at least 'j of place. 1 rm. house. Elec. in. 8 ml. from Salem on good highway. Price 13500. Call Mr. Sedrralrom. COZY 4 RM. houe. Only 3 yr. old. Close to bus. Price 14650. Call Mr. Voorhees IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 15 A. few miles north on paved road. 4 rm. house. Small barn and outbldgs. Drilled well: elec. wa ter system. Can Irrigate. Price only 15300. Part terms. ATTRACTIVE 2 yr. old home. Nice and clean. Llv. rm.. dining rm., kitchen, el ec. dishwasher and garbage disposal. Alt. garage. Large lot. Price only 89450. Terms. Call Mr. Sederstrom. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings Call: Mr. Voorhees 3-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom 2-5219 c268 BEST BUYS Service Station Iow rent. Advertised gasoline. Dotnc good business. Immed. poss. Evervtliinv goes for 13650. Eva. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. $600 Down ' A. 3 rm. house. Chicken house. ga.- ate, well Several fruit trees. blk. to bus. Very clean. Total price 675J0 Eve. ph. 3-T674 or 3-3558. 5 Bdrm., $8750 Select location. Bus at front door School 1 blk. Corner lol. Paved street. -3 nxl cond. Onlv I20O0 down. 0ner Jiy consider trailer house or lot as pari payment. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 2 A $700 Down 8 rm older type home. Fair cond. Iff livable. Family fruit. Paved rd. I'otM price only I'J.MIO. Eve. 3-9403 or 3-3558 22 Acres If vou are an Oregon veteran and iae about tl.iOO in rash and want equip ped small farm, including 3 cows, call us al once. We think we have Just ne one for you. Eve. Ph. l-tuoi or 3-35.S Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7870 or 3-4W f3MJ FNOLKWOODS BEST BUY 110.000. Nice clean home built 1140. Llv tui rm.. Dinette-Kitchen, bath. 3 bdrms,, plus stairway to attic. Very good burnt., oil furnace, lawn, shrubs. SUBURBAN FAST 36500. Vi acres. Nice 3 bdrm. home . Ht. rm., kitchen, bath, utility rm , dble. garaae Consider trade in cltv. McKlNl.FY SCHOOL DISTRICT IIS noo Lane living rm . dining rm.. kitchen. 2 bdrms., plus stairway to at tic Hdd. floors, fireplace. Extra nice bsmt. Oil furnace. LET 8 TRADE 13.750. 4 A . furnished 3 bdrm homf. llv. rm . kitchen. Family fruit. Near school ft bus. NO 8 BUSINESS 70NE 1606. 3 bdrms, llv. rm . dining rm , kit chen, den with foUce Pavrd ft V. OMER HUFF 361 Chameketa. Ph. 2-9091 or 3-6943 Jfl(l IT'S AM. Itt'RF! 13', acre, rich, fertile loam, on pavm't. Short drive from city. Income from dairying, poultry, berries, fruit. Oood pasture ft yr stream. 2 B R. home mod. conv., lae, pltrv. h.e., barn. Valuable green house. Specially priced, 110 500 Terms PFF. THIS NOW. THIS Will PAY ITS own way. 19 teres, at) in full bearing nuts. Choice bldg. sue, Chemawa dist. Elec . phone ft all m bv onlv 81000 dn., bal. easy terms. ANOTHER EASY BUY Is this 26 acres. DETROIT DAM AREA All woven wire fenced, on co. road. vr. ereek. Liveable small he . barn ft pttry. hee., IMMED. PtVW m0. Terms LOCATION IS IMPORTANT. You must see this ACRE A H Al F. on pum l . at ede of cltv. Attractive mod 3 BR home. Valuable highway frontage. Ideal court sue on other paved frontage. Hse. rents for 176 per mo. Extra b'.dg. can eon vert to art Buy this or trade your property. 19850.00. Larson Home & Loan Co. Exclusive listing - Personal Service 164 8 Com 1 St Ph 3-8388 Bv. J 4JT or 8-7444) 9H6 FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR SAYING investment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 8590 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors i, Wa maze all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO . 153 8 High e" WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED near Leslie school or Fair mount Hill nice 3 or 4 BR home about 10 years old. CALL FOR MR. LB CLERC J. F. ULRICH CO., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7756 ciUS WE ARB to need 01 gooa Bouses to sen In or near Salem If you wish to Ust your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS, REALTOR It 134 8. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca WANTED to buy: 3- or 4-room modern house. 8100 down, ISO month. Ph. 3-3217. ea371 NOT1CEI If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, Ust It with m. We have all kinds of cash buyers. TAXI FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High 8t ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE By OwnerT small 2 oa. rm. house on v A, For house In town. E. E. Landon, Rt 6. box 301T. 3 miles K. Kruger's Oroc, Ph. 2-3001. cb268 UNIT RENTAL court with good month ly income. Nearly new. Room to build 3 more houses on same lot. 118,000. Will consider trade for Salem house for part payment. A good Investment, call owner 3-7921, Salem. cb269 BEAUTIFUL HOME, King wood Hgts., to i race lor Duainesa property In Salem. Ph. 3-5378. cb263 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRIPLEX Nice new three apt. triplex, FHA ap proved. Excellent location. Income 8195 per month. Can be handled for J36U0 down. Call Mr. Bourne. Eve. 3-7217 Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8316. cd36S 5 ACRES located North on Pacific hwy naa z gooa nomes one six rooms and the other five rooms. Ideal for o-ji., auto motel, or trailer park. Will se ndee for 813.250. About 35.000 will handle. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 158 BHISh Ph. 3-4121. Cd269 CAKES ft pastry shop, opportunity for ambitious man. Sale reasonable. Forced to sell, leaving state. Ph. 2-8026 after P.m. cd270 15000 DOWN To responsible party, one of the bent small cleaning ft pressing, perlors in Willamette Valley. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 42326-28704-27769 Cd272 1 Hon INCOME 3190 per month. Con crete block building In excellent cond. Three 3 BR furnished apt, and one office apace. All occupied. By Owner. 1.146 8. 13th St.. Salem. cd270 Grocery $3200 Total Price, Oood stock. Inc.. equip ment, living quarters. Lease 153 month. In Salem. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com. Ph. 3-4649 - 3-5497. cd269a SELL OR TRADE by owner, 7 unit apt. house. Income 4197 per mo. Price 89300. Will take in city res. property. Ph. 3-1520. ed272 GROCERY STORE ft fixtures. 3 gas pumps ft 8 cabins. An established busi ness for aala by owner. Ph. 3-4319. Rt. 7. Bog 145. i ed269 EXCELLENT BUSINESS site. 1300 blk.. Broadway. Present Income sufficient to carry until you are ready to suiid Zone 3. Priced to sell. Ph. 3-4643. Fves 3-1647. cd268 I. COM'L. bldg. ft 3 in 113.000 By owner, terms. Ph. 3-9629. cd277 N. COM'U store bids ft 5 llv nns.. By owner, terms. Ph. 2-9629. 33 on cd277 TRAILER court. 16,000. terms. By owner Chas H. Moore. 1739 N. Water St Cd277 WANTED FURNITURE I AM In need of a complete household of furniture ft appliances. Wilt buy all or part of What vou have Pit soot raxh. hlnliest possible prices. See or call Wll- (in raxmrr, 1111 amift avr, rn. 3-.i!44, Salem. da28 ,ARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted We buy complete household furnishings If you are moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for frre appraisal. Tel. 3-6556 days. 3-4407 eves. TRAPER LOUI8 SOUS Portland Rd da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK tt YF AR OLD registered Hereford bull very gentle, na.voo. call 3-6901 before 8 30 a.m. or after 7.30 P m. eI71 3 NICE YOUNG rows to freshen in a few dava. One mi. K out Center St. Box 16 at Scott v'l Ranch. e70 8 VR. OLD eheitnut mare, good breeding. woman can nanme. in poor eondltion. w:ll sacrifice. 3 yr. old part Arab pinto fillv, gentle. Make offer, rdwarda Place. Boone Rd. E. ml off S. 89-E. e369 BONPFO AND MCFNFD livestock buvgr m. v. aicianamn, 1127 . 98. Fh. 3-8117 PETS N.F. W. YOUNG DOES, 4100. Bred, 13 SO uia nappann no, ecZOB CHOK E canary birds. 360 N. IBth. ec388 REGISTERED FEMALE Collie "puppv Very reBBonDi 10 gooa nome. rn. djusj ec270 Call Han evJ FUEL SAWDUST ft Wood. Ph 32PO. Oregon Fuel Co. Drv Slab or Drv Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Orten Fdgina 85 50 load Double 116 64) Ala 18' Green Slab or 4 Phong 15333 EE SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3166 Sri til Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee27S PHILLIPS BROS Old ft, oak asb ft anapit 6 fit. lab And adiLSkts. Pa. H448. AUTOMOBILES LOOK 1 YEAR WRITTEN WARRANTY ON ANY USED CAR YOU BUY. THE ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY TO OFFER THIS SERVICE. HERE ARE A FEW TO CHOOSE FROM: 1949 Kaiser Sedan 1948 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Frazer 1948 Chev. 4-Door Fleetline 1948 Studebaker Champion 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sedan ALL RECONDITIONED. READY TO GO. THEY CARRY OUR 30-DAY GUARANTEE. Teague Motor Company 352 N. COMMERCIAL FUEL WALNUT shells tor sale. Klorfein Packing Co.. 460 N. Front. ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 ir- Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 6&B GREEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. M IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCS WOOD, 16-D4. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDDST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OTX Phone filem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Bdcewater St.. West Salem ee' DRY 16" slab ft edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee CALL HIOHWAY fUKL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph 86444 PRODUCE WALNUTS AND filberts. Picked and dried. 20c lb. Ph. 3-6037. 1190 N. Winter. 11368 EASTERN ALFALFA by too or truck load. Ph. 2-9923. 865 8. 13th. 1I26B- FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Road. Claude Mc Kenney. Ph. 3-1632. ff270 HELP WANTED IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint, see Talent Test ad In Instruction column. K270 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED One more exp. salesman to sell appliances In Willamette valley lead ing appliance store. Salary with added compensation. Transportation furnished. Apply Hostk Bros.. 115 S. Com'l. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE BURROUGHS comptometer operator. Borne experience. Permanent. Ph. 3-9305. gb270 WANTED, LADY living in our dlst. for part-time work. LeCarle Delicatessen, 1312 State St. gb268 CHRISTIAN-LADY who can live in Silver ton as rompanlon to elderly woman. ATTRACTIVE OFFER. May call or phone 322 Mill street. Ph. 2861, SILVER TON. gb269 STENOGRAPHER for Ins. office. Short hand required. Apply in person. Hugelns Ins., 373N. Church. gb268 WANTEP women nut shellers. All lntr work. 460 N Front. Klorfein Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL ' PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3fi0 State Street Phone 2-1468 gf WANTED SALESMAN MAN WANTED for" Rawletah business" Real opportunity. We help you get started. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept. ORK-155-0. Oakland. Calif. gg368 WANTED: SALESMAN, on commission. Good opportunity for right man. Ph. 35285 or pee at 2fl Pine St. gc270" WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTINO.dultsT Ph." 3-4367270 EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaks? If so call the trouble shooter. Ph 2-5833. h292 BABY SETTING by adult. Ph. 18741. h273 EXPERIENCED beauty operator wishes full or part time work. Ph. 3-3383. h368 LAUNDRY done In my home. Call at 960 Electric Ave. or Ph. 2-8714. h268 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr.' gerv Ice. Former Phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. h286 LET US build your septic tank. One that will not fill up. Ph. 2-0341 eve. h268 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 3-2093 h291 PIISYC. attendant. Interested in prlv. casrs. Free to travel. Sober, reliable. Capital Journal, box No. 270. h268 CARE for children during the day. 1P22 N Com ! h268 CRE for pre-school children after Dec. 1st in my home. Box 371. Capital Journal h370 FINE PAPERING ft painting." Ph. 1-5522 h3R9 PAPER HANGING, painting, free t1- matrs. Guaranteed workmanship. Ph. 4-2761. h269 BABY SITTING. PhonTloSSO. h287 Mimeographinp-Typinpr POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-"t1 h2B5 CHILDREN cared "for'bT day795SUnlcn. h:9 W1IX CARE for children white you shop. t block from shopping center. 93 Union. h269 TRFE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op Work guar. W. H Mc Agis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h287 PAINTING. Interior ft ext. Ph." 2-2979. h288 HOUSE RAISING, work. Klang Broi foundation, concrete . Ph. 3-3293. h386 NANCY S Nursery. Day or hr Ph. 2-4340 h284 IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 8 p.m. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp," Ph h360 1-6796 H279 rnH D CARE. 183 8 18th. Ph. 287thl73 WOODSAW1NG PR. t-1573 . R4RT SITTING. Ph. 3-6832. h269 l'PMEN'1 WORK wanted Ph 2-48MI h CHIID CARE, days. 363 f Superior h270 , IRONING. 178 W. Bosh St. ph. 1-0 V1 ' h270 EDUCATION IF YOU IIRF to draw sketch or paint write for Talent Test no feet. Give ate and occupation. Box 359, Capital Journal. hh37 0 ' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (AUTOMOBILES 1941 Plymouth 2-door 1940 Buick Super Sedan 1939 Chev. S Pass. Coupe 1939 Buick 2-door Special 1939 Pontiac Sedan (6) 1939 Studebaker Champion PHONE: 2-4173 FOR RENT ROOMS HEATED sleeping rooms for men. Double single. 385 N. 14th. Jk268 SLEEPING RM. Reas. Newly dec. Prlv. ent Bus at door. 1690 N. 5th. Jk268 water. jk273 LARGE ft clean sleep, room. 088 N. Com'l. Jk270 ROOMS to rent by the week or month. Very reasonable. Hotel Salem. Ph. 3-3161. Jk277 NICE SLEEPING RM. Garage. Ph. 3-7558 Jk293 SLEEPING rm. Ph. 3-4335. MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Prlv. ent. Ph. 33423. 1505 N. Capitol. Jk378' SLEEPING RMS. Re I rig 2131 Center. Jk273- ROOMS 448 CenW Rear Woodrow's lk279 LARGE warm sleeping rm. 1 or 3. 155S . Capitol. jk269 WARM SLEEPING rms. 461 N. High, water. Jk272 PLEASANT sleeping rm. for middle-aged lady. Walking dist. near Center St. Ph. 2-7898. Jk3B9 VACANCY for girl In nice large rm. Twin beds. VACANCY for young man In large room, two beds. WANT MAN for particularly nice single room. May be seen at 655 N. Cottage or Ph. 3-6233. Jk372" ROOMS. 198 8. Cottage. Ph. 27817. . jk292 CLEAN, WARM room. Close In. 481 N. Winter. . Jk269- HOLLYWOOD, 2033 McCoy. Ph. 3-60B3. Jk282 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 AND 3 ROOM furn. apartments. Nc drinking, 2310 N. 4th. Jp371" 3-ROOM AND bath furnished to quiet coupie. rn. i-nin, sia w. Lipcrty. jpzsg" 1 ROOM AND kitchenette furn. apt. Priv. em. near statenouse. Adults only. No drinkers. 332. Ivan O. Martin, Ph. 3-4419. Jp268 MODERN 3-RM. furn. apt. Private bath. aii utilities turn. 96ft. Ph. 3-9138 after 6 p.m. JplTl RM. APT. Partly furn. See at 1326 N. Winter. jp270 FURN. 2 bd. rm. apt. Private bath. Adults. SIW.DO. 1595 B. Com'l. St. jp270 CLEAN, QUIET, warm 2-rm. apt. Middle- agca iaay preierrea. ea ferry. jp2B8" ONE-BDRM. apt. Prlv. bath. Ph. 2-1422. JP268 S-ROOM FURN. apt. Adults. Ph. 2-5372. iJS uenter Bt. Jp268 UNFURN. 3-rm. apt. 1045 N. Cottage. Ph. J-iM!8. JP268 ROOM furnished apartment with bath. 437 per month. 375 Hood St. Ph. 3-7295. JP269 JIM. basement apt. 440. Ph. 3-3322. Jp269 3 RM. FURN. apt. Close in. Newly dec. uiuiues inciuaea lor M. io Mill Bt. Jp269 LARGE 3 rm. apt., also t rm., basement apt. j is saargei. ipjiw 3 ROOMS furn., oil heat, refrlg., gas range, waaner. laao m. winter. jpaeB' NICELY FURN. 4 rm. Apt. Utilities furn. J S3 S. lOtn. Jp373 t RM. APT. part furn. Near State Hse. Inquire 401 Oregon Bldg. Jp269 S RM. FURN. apt. Priv. bath. Ground floor. Clone In. Downtown. North. In quire Burt Plena, Realtor, 379 N. High or Ph3-3649. Jp269- CLEAN, SMALL, furn. apt. 250 8. Cottage. jp268' REDECORATED furn. apt. Prlv. bath. No drinkers or pet a. Also small furn. house. 624'a N. Capitol. Jp270 ft RM. FURN. Apt. Very nice. Close In. urn uea i persons. Keier. Pn. 31744. JP268 COURT APT. In West Salem. 3 rm. un furn. except electric range. Ph. 28009. Jp268 1 ROOM upstairs furn. apt. Ph. 3-1530. JP369 t RM. FURN. Apt. 140 N. 33rd. Bleeping room. 169 union. Ph. 3-9835. JP268 ONE ROOM APT. with large closet. Man preferred. 135 mo. 481 8. Cottage. Jp370 CLEAN. MODERN 3 rm. apt. Priv. bath. rn. 37034. JP269 n," RNISHE D cot t ait, 3216 Portland rdT 1DJ71 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED cottages. Ph. 2-2374. very reason b!e. Jm270 FURN. HOUSE. Nice suburban location. Jm270 FOR RENT New house, 3 B.R., 3 rooms, oil heat. 2410 Broadway. Jm271 TO LEASE fqr 6 months to responsible couple, new well furnished 2 bdrm. house. All electric. 866. Party must be able to give good ref. ft sign months lease. 1555 McCoy, Hollywood Dlat. Ph. 37438. lm269' 4 RM. FURN. house. Elec. ranxo ft heater. Adults. 133. Ph. 4-2491. Jm268 MODERN 1 bdrm. house Just completed, elec. heat, hdwd. floor, near Ciintol BWf. 65jno. Ph. 3-4347 Jm270 3 BED RM. modern-house. Liberty dtst R. Caldwell, rt, 1, box 119 A, Turner. Jm270 FURN, large 2-room duplex, garage, separ ate utility room. 165 or 160 00 1 yr. lease. Ph. 2-4646. jm269 A CUTE little? house in Sllverton. 121 Puke St. New ft clean with elec. ranee ft wash er furnished. 1 bdrm. 143 per mo. or t4C per month on 6 mo. lease. I am open, took at ma and call my owner, 3-7921. Salrm. Jm369 Vt BDRM. home. 4 miles from Salem. Croisan Creek Rd. Family orchard, creek, spring -i ter, school bus at door, 3 acres pasture. Additional acreage available. Ph. 24433. Jm270 f R OOM modern furn Uhedcott tit. J: Portlsnd Rd, Jml69 CABINS, NOT modem. Dallas Rlghwav Rt. 6 Box 833. Ph, 37826. Jm286 WHY RENT? 1 bdrm. modern house. Move right hi. Very small down payment. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor rn. i-7S4z Jm2T0' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR R6NT Large room Perry Street. suitable ror orrre or store. Also i story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors I 153 S, High 8t. Tel. 3-4131. J FOfta.il I or" rent, trailer bouse. 1155 t. I 14th. Ph 2-4353. J370 NW STORE building for lease. See at 1 1079 Broadway or Ph 318J6 J37t IriooR spact rn S;' St. Desk apac or Marioa 84. Ph. 3-4443. AUTOMOBILES One Step Ahead In Quality One Step Behind in Price 1949 Lincoln Sedan 1949 Mercury Sedan 1947 Ford Tudor 1947 Mercury Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1942 Studebaker Commander 5-pass. Coupe 1941 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe 1941 Ford Coupe 1941 Pontiac Sedan Specials 1937 Buick Sedan $ 245.00 1937 Plymouth Convertible $ 125.00 1937 Chevrolet Sedan $ 245.00 1936 Oldsmobile Coupe $ 100.00 Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN 54S CENTER Fri. Spot Special At Center and Commercial Is 1946 NASH SEDAN BEATER. FOAM CUSHION. ORIGINAL FINISH. TIRES LIKE NEW THIS IS THE CAR THAT WILL GIVE YOU 24 MILES TO THE GALLON, HERE'S THE CAR FOR VOU! MARION MOTORS 337 Center FOR REN1 MISCELLANEOUS U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. 1 BUSINESS RM. for rent. B. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Ward. Montgomery i POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial as. Howser Bros. Ph 3-1646. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros 141u b 12th, West Salem. 1 TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand r We ell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROB . Ph. 3-3646 ) HOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff TRAILER SPACE at Elby's. New, modern, social rm., child's piygrna., reas. rates. Next to schl. and church. Lge. grnda Visitors welcome. Dallas Hwy. Ph. 2-2344. 1270 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com l Ph 33512 f WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE or apt. with range and washing macnine rurnisneci. xoung cou ple. No children. Ph. 3-3356. Ja26B WANTED: PASTURE with shelter for heif ers. Harlan Wilson, 4Jaa nuason Ave. Ph1J5875J J 368 ROOM furnished house, and garage. Close to Salem. Reasonable Rent. H. Al len, 590 Union St.. Salem. Ja269' ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ft room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Billfold with 8157.00 cash and a personal cneck HQ. near me imua. b? veteran with T.B. Badly needed. If found Ph. 2-8574 or call at 445 Academy X260 BILLFOLD lost In Grand theatre. Keep money, send omioia to uon tiones, iv 8. Com'l. WO LOST: Pair of crutches corner of Patter son ft Ruse St. rn. 3-1919, ium aim. w. Salem. LOST! Brown billfold. Reward. Ph. 3-4603. k268 LOST: Wallet In or near Capitol theatre. Sat. reward. LaVerne 8. Miner, ibs bo. 19th St., Salem, Ore. Ph. 3-8744 k268 LOST: Friday evening. Alpha Chi Omega sorority pin. Fn. 2-1132. Kewaro. gi- LOST! Small black Sheafer fountain pen n Court St. Mon. a.m. pn. 3-7bz. kzbh MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGES, men's hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. m270 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 EM LEU DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS BED CEDAR shingles No. 1 3x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. IB in. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road Call 2-1198 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top quality friming lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on that next Job. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. 289 8AV? OT ROOFINO Let Ware's give you comp.ete IN STALLED price on rout roofing needs Wide range of eolors Cstl our outside salesman lor fr estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTOOMKRY WARD ft CO SALEM. OREOON BBS' PTR MA-STONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Perma-Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St. .Salem. Phone 2-0603 after 6 p.m. ma 393 ALUM A LOCR ALUMINUM LOCK jHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing Sea your dealer of Call Dlst 3-6401 ma372a DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist en your con tractor and carpenter using the finest eld growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 13 Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking ma NOW IS the timet Call 3-9191 for tree estimate on sopited roofing Qet roof ing weather protection before It rains Stars Roebuck ft Co 850 No Capita St Phone 3-9191. msjTS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THERM ADOR ELEC. heater, 3 kw, J. P. Dougherty, 3130 Fairgrounds Rd. n368' t CUFT. Gl. refrltIiktM"w8l78 Ph. 3-1836. Il38 STAINLESS STFEL. 3-tap beer cabinet. Like new, with compressor. Also mine. restaurant equip. Bargain. Rt. 43, Bn 153, Johnson. n36S FIR POLES, all sires ft length: cedar potts: cedar sh.ntles; Xmas trees, wholesale prices. Call for or will deliver. See Dick Buker, box 131, Detroit, Ore Phone 803. n271 LIMOOES Hgriiand China, assortment of Pieces. 60? "Capitol. Apt. 3 n2tf SPENCEfl CoratttleVr333S D 8t Ph 3-5072' n377 TOHET. new elose-eoupled complete with white seat, chrome angle nop, sup ply tube and putty, 813.58, while they last. Phone 3-4600. n OENFRU ELECTRIC Crositr. Olbsop endMontag Apphaocao al Oevurts b Oil e:rcu!at"rj at close out pr'cea YFa rtR APPLIANCE CO. 17 CnT- , BttA. 8284 IAUT0M0BILE5 1941 Pontiac Conv. 1941 Lincoln 5-pass. Coupe 1941 Mercury Sedan 1941 Nash Sedan 1940 Ford 5-pass. Cpe. 1940 Chev. 5-pass. Cpe. 1940 Dodge Sedan 1939 Mercury 5-pass. Coupe .1939 Dodge Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Sedan MERCURY DEALER PH. 3301? out Phone 3-9286 r0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING Machines Free West lnghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cheme- . D384 PLASTI-KOTE the cellophane-like fin ish for your floors, woodworks or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 378 Chemeketa. n384 USED Radios. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 USED washing machines. YEATER ApT PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n264 STKKt CLOTHESLINE posts, rail lost IB stock ft made to order. 1146 N. Ubertv. B281 WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway, cement, ready mix concrete, gardes and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. V-yd. shovel and drag tine. Ph. 1-9349. NfW 120 bass piano accordlan. Prlea 8298. ' J" o P.m. niflg USED electric water heaters. YEATEr' APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n3B. BEAN POLES, lattice batten Ainl strips. 100 Lang Ave. Ph. 36082. nasa USED electric refrigerators. YEATER AP- wnivc vvj. J43 unemeseta. nast USED oil burners, blowers ft sawdust burners. Ph. 2-8662. na? FULLER brushes. 1748 Orant. Ph. 3-8357. Q270 USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLI- AHUB tu. 375 Chemeketa. Ba84 USED OIL HEATERS 319.50. 339.80 and GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 467 Court St. Phone 1-9411 SALEM SAND A. OrtAVXL 003dPAXI vootract work Road . Ctoartna n Sewer ft Basement jwuipmtnt Rental 15 B H yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dotor D-6 Cat ft Docer D-4 Cat ft Doser Set ms about ditching by the Phone Days 1-9408 Eve. 3-436 Of 3-4409 balem Oregon GIRL'S WHITE shoe skates, sise 4. worn XV;,- """' inwuamg case, call -5i. naaa UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC range. 1173. O. tj 1 p.m. 4iQ raws Ave. mis' MARIMBA 3 octave Deagan portable with i..,.0. uemei rark. Brooks Ore. nil j L L54BER 2x4's by jitney load. $10 pet V. ... X "ucicnaence bumoet A Mil. Co. Inc., Independence, Ore. PMTT.T.ioa nnnt Fertilizers, weii rotted or fresh, astf kind. By yard or sack. Flatrock for al rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone) and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts, ph. 3-1456- Rt. 6 Bos llT HALLET ft DAVIS plsno. rebuilt, 8223. e. ijo sown, no month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. 393 8. 13th 'A Mile from Hlch Prices" j7oi BOOTH BROS, piano, reconditioned. 3135. ... . uiviiui. airop iAliLHAN'B and save. 395 8. 12th. aia on. ciRcrLATOR, excellent onditloW: . D37V KIMBALL piano, bungalow size, rebuilt ft refmlshed like new. A snap! Many other fine rebuilt pianos at prices and ilS?..0 U,t Tour purj- SnP TALL MAN S and save. 395 8. 12th. "A Mil from Hlsh Prices." iVn" AUTO. It GAUCiERemlngton shotgun" ..uinuig coai at boots. A-l cond. Reasonable. Ph. 34547 va. 1059 . o37 I DIAMETRIC wheel balancer ft electrla diametric spinner. Arts Shell Service, 13th ft Mission. tt269 BID-DAVENO. New uphl. Ph. 3-8874 8e at 480 S. Cottage after om -Tt Bd?V- p,NKM"lnfw "'b ft chestof Reasonable. Pn. 20146. "1,,,a ONE WHEEL frailer, good condition. e ( .c.nBr i,moii t ectr 0 train. Like new, lots ol track. 433 Union. nlM 5!eIn..l,B:l?TIF,TJ wt ot dlmon"diar: w-. .1. wonoeriui gift lor ? W.iV Cheap 640. 3493 Sllverton Rd. "nJt'JV,7' '"T sood condition: ' M79 SEWING MACHINES- REPAIRED RENTED Washers Reoaired iil PICK UP ft DELTVEB ln, machln,. iKtrlflwl .,. Poruole r coiudt, N,w used. Terms. W. DAVENPORT. PH. 3-7671 DIM ONE R.ljnl. Moior. Phon. I-5U1. aT 'i FKETILIZIifc II,"S1.-Ph.n. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Bro. Pare K.fuUku ce J. Vw7 . - .. niw "m.-D ','', "'" PT1BI 11. H. C.' Haiuon. )30 8. Uncwlft. n.atl t MD ri MTt . phorl, ,;., ..- ,r In .A.. M,. ,.. ...a. .. - . i,qi b i ; ,r I 30 p m WANTFI1: BtJIKIE tV,u,l.. m pouTw tumn Phon, lln AIMn, or writ. sund.rdP.lj c... 'm?' ..... (Continued on Page 23)