n Future of America 1 Future of America Accomplishments of the 1949 4-H club year which ended October 31, are being reviewed as 28,000 Oregon 4-H club boys and girls participate in Na tional 4-H Club Achievement Week. During the past year, the addition of 200 new clubs brought the state total to 3,400 and total enrollment increased by 2,000, according to L. J. Allen, state 4-H club leader. Achievement week also marks the start of the 1950 club year, so old and new clubs alike are re-organizing. As their slogan Implies, club mem bers strive to "Make the Best Better." Don't Blame It on Baby By BETTY CLARKE There is no reason to get ."ound as a butterball just because you've had a baby, says movie star Gale Storm. Gale Is proof oi the statement, She is mother of three, looks like a teen-ager, and still wears a size 10 dress. Says she: "Any woman can keep her figure in spite of motherhood, if she will keep busy, control her diet' Over Quarter Million Worth Of Timber Sold Wednesday Over one-quarter of a million dollars worth of timber lands : under the jurisdiction of the bureau of land management was sold in Salem Wednesday, according to District torester A. y .Collins who conducted the oral auction sale. i Eight tracts of timber with a total estimated volume of approxi- . mately 17 million feet boarc- before the baby is born, and do post-natal exercises." She is particularly in favor of women keeping busy before tr big event as it helps to keep their minds on other things, she says. Also it is a good idea to keep the impending event a se cret, as people think they must talk to you about it, which only serves as a constant reminder. If you get out and work, you will not be tempted by the ice box all day, another reason the working girl can help keep her weight down. Contrary to what people think, says Gale, women do not have to eat like horses before their babies are born. She learned to control her ap petite, and balance her menu, though it is difficult at times. At one time when she unex pectedly went on an ice-cream binge, she avoided all other sweets. And, that's the way to balance your diet your doctor usually will tell you, she says. If you are supposed to have so much sugar, and find yourself craving a particular sweet, eat more of that, and give up other sugars. Gale usually has managed to work until a month or two be fore her babies are born. She wears low-heel shoes, straight skirts with flare back jackets. Skirts are dark black brown or blue, and jackets are of bright colored fabrics. This is the time, says Gale. when you will need more color, and that goes for your face, too. Use a little rouge and don't for- measure of timber with an ap- i praised value of approximately J $147,000 were sold for a total of $268,603.75, or roughly $120,- 000 more than the appraised ; price. A high bid of $30 per 'thou t sand was submitted for Douglas 1 fir timber. After a rather de ll pressed lumber market, it now 5 appears that competition for J standing timber has reached a ) new level. , On one tract of timber locat ed in Yamhill county, 43 sepa rate bids were entered by seven interested parties before the high bidder had been deter mined. On this particular tract the timber was offered for sale at $18,260, and this tract of tim ber was sold for $34,084. Substantial competition de veloped on all but three of the eight tracts of timber offered for sale. Two parcels of timber were bid in by Murphy Timber company of Grand Ronde, two tracts of timber were bid in by Brightwood Logging company, and also the M & M Wood Work ing company submitted the high bid on two tracts of timber. Other high bidders were E. J Jungwirth, an individual, and Willamina Lumber company. Al together 14 interested parties submitted 124 bids for the vari ous tracts of timber which were offered. These tracts of timber were located in Clackamas, Yamhill, Polk, and Linn coun ties. On only three tracts competi tion did not develop. On all of the other tracts competitive bidding resulted in a sale price substantially above the ap praised price. It was pointed out by District Forrester Collins that 50 per cent of the gross receipts from sales of timber on get your lipstick. If you are a working mother, Gale emphasizes that you should not neglect your children be cause of it. You've got to main tain a mother relationship, and affection is not enough. Says she: Sometimes, as in my last pic ture 'Abandoned,' I work from six in the morning until 6:30 at night. But when 1 get home, I belong to the children, Phil 6, Peter 3, Paul 2. "Children expect you to do something for them, not merely to stop by the crib and coo or fondle them just before they go to sleep. I always make a habit of giving them their dinner and baths, and care for them com pletely on days off. She explains: "Other actresses complain to me that when they leave their children to the care of a nurse, they get to love the nurse more than the parent. The reason is. I think, they are treating their own children as if thev were boarding them for somebody else." No matter how many chores she has. however, she never for gets her post-natal exercises to keep her slim. Here they are: Lie on floor, put hands on back of head, raise legs slowly, keeping straight. Do it five times at first. Or try lying on the floor, ris ing slowly to touch toes. These exercises are good says Gale, but your own doctor can prescribe some f or you. The point is though, that they must be done faithfully. f Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 10, 194921 Lane County Leads In Douglas Fir Cut Portland, Nov. 10 VP) Ore gon and Washington's Douglas fir lumber cut last year was 26.1 percent of the nation's lumber output, the West Coast Lumber men's association reported to day. In a detailed summary of 1948 operations, the association reported 9,405.103,938 board feet cut. Its value was $690,000, 000. Two thirds of the total was produced by Oregon and Lane county was far in front with a cut of 1,311,573,145 feet. In sec ond production place was Ore gon's Douglas county at 796,509,- 333. The Douglas fir industry em ployed 147,378 persons last year, the report said. 4-H Scholarships And Trip Awarded Corvallis, Nov. 10 VP) Schol arships and a trip award to five Oregon 4-H club members were reported today by the state 4-H headquarters. They are first annual awards by the Standard Oil company of California for special merit in 4-H work. The winners: Pat Horning, 19, Stafford, and Charles Hornecker, 17, Hillsbo ro, both Oregon State college students, S3C0 scholarships each; Jo Ann Roberts, 17, Shedd, and John A. Kiesow, 18, Bend, $200 scholarships; Sally Stilwell, 17, Astoria, an all-expense trip to the national 4-H congress in Chi cago. ECONOMY, i FWALUEl 11$ il J economy six U atLHin MHTM i m ii longer FRESHER at your GROCER'S! O&C lands are payable to the land grant counties of western Oregon in lieu of taxes as pro vided by the act of congress of August 28, 1937. This act requires that the Ore gon & California revested rail road grant lands be managed upon a sustained yield basis in order to encourage industrial and community stabilization Additional tracts of timber will be offered for sale in February, 1950. Steamer Refloated Westport, Nov. 10 UP) The steamer Seamar was refloated yesterday after running aground while turning out of a slough in to the Columbia river channel. The ship was heavily loaded with lumber. Queen bees may live for six or seven years, but are usually replaced when they fail to lay large numbers of eggs. -1 WALNUT MEATS WANTED WE NEED 10,000 POUNDS AT ONCE Top Cash Prices Paid 1 ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 No. River Road Salem, Oregon Phone 23273 Cave-in Traps Two Two workmen were trapped by a cave-in when a side tunnel at the bottom of a 60-foot shaft on the University of Washington campus in Seattle collapsed. Rescue workers are shown on hoist with body of first victim recovered. (AP Wirephoto.) I I Holly Says: I? n n IPEBSBSEVS Why get all excited about the new gold rush in Alaska seems we have a gold rush right here in Salem. In Alaska they are panning at night with the aid of gasoline lanterns. Many of the boys who went to war gave up lucrative jobs, and worked for Uncle for $30 per. Some of them never came back. In commemoration of the latter and with due respect and thankfulness to all of them we are going to close our store all day Armistice Day to acknowledge, in our small way, our thanks to those who made it possible for us to be in business today. Jackson Jewelers 8 f ix- I I ft ft 225 No. Liberty St. Just Around the Corner from Sally's 8 15 Another METRO MARVEL! SATURDAY ONLY VANILLA Sugar Wafers Reg. 35c Saturday Only 27' lb. A Big New Shipment Fresh This Morning! Crisp light sugar wafers with the smooth cool icing layer in between. ("Ice Cream Wafers" some people coll them.) The new long, narrow style. THI STOBIS OF BETTER VALUES If 136 No. Com'l Salem, Ore. SENSATIONAL Pre -Holiday SALEM OREGON 15) A Ml "".TnkAEH'S S0ES . ooniCEN SIZES & Si TTuKAPS. SS, S CLIP OUT THIS LIST AND BRING IT WITH YOU! mm mmmm mmmm mwm mmm mm mtmB mm mmmm wmmm mmm mm mmb wmb SIXTEEN GOOD REASONS TO SHOP AT PENNEY'S 1 BATH MAT SETS - DOWNSTAIRS ,,cd COTTONS , 1 Patterns , tHESe'. 2 52x52 PRINTED TABLECLOTHS - MEZZANINE 3 SPECIAL GROUP MEN'S SUITS - MAIN FLOOR 1.00 i 1.00 STO Aorv- "RTSTHAT- TwTHROOGHW I I $35 4 WOMEN'S RAYON HOSE - MAIN FLOOR 39c I 5 LARGE GROUPS OF REMNANTS - HUGE SAVINGS - Mezzanine I 6 BIG VALUES IN WOMEN'S DRESSES - Downstairs .. 7 48" MODERN PEBBLE-WEAVE DRAPES - Downstairs 8 PLASTIC SASH CURTAINS - DOWNSTAIRS 2.99 I 1.44 yd 77c 9 GREATLY REDUCED - DRAPERY REMNANTS - DOWNSTAIRS 10 NOW! PRISCILLA CURTAINS - DOWNSTAIRS - 1 .00 1 1 MEN'S TWEED, GABARDINE JACKETS - MAIN .. 12 RAYON, CHAMBRAY, COTTON YARDAGE - Mez. 13 WOMEN'S FALL FOOTWEAR - DOWNSTAIRS 6.50 j 3 yds.$l 1 00 P, 14 WOOLEN YARDAGE VALUES - MEZZANINE 2.00 yd. I . 4 -iPTS rORDv-v ' TWEEDS s 9a x m ill I . cordurox, y.W m 1 I iShshes couCED,.. v i n .oo , 15 WO'S FLEECE, COVERT COATS - DOWNSTAIRS 16 WOMEN'S RAYON PANTIES - MAIN FLOOR $13 3 for $1 USE PENNEY'S CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN! ..mi i ri" . aw i . euFER. Vr" 3i " - MM rvooR i