i MODERN SIRENS OUTCLASS HER Ceo's Baths Had Nothing On Those of Movie Queens By VIRGINIA MtcNIERSON Hollywood, Nov, 10 U Forget whatever you've read about Cleopatra's "exotic bath." The movie queens have her outclassed. Did Cleo ever dunk her curvet by candlelight? Did she float atop the soapsuds on cork floats? Did she have a private wave maker for her tub? He's Really a Hog The fellow with the paunch on the right is Billy, a groundhog who makes a hog of himself when he gets an ice cream cone. He's so dainty he rotates the cone constantly so drippings won't ooze over his paws. His master .(left), Johnny Coble, 6, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Coble of Bazetta, O. (AP Wirephoto) PMA Elections Set (For December 5-10 I It was announced today by the f Marion county office of Pro . duction and marketing adminis i tration that the 1950 conserva- Won program will be explained at the community election meet i ings to be held the week of De t cember 5 to 10. It is said to be : Important that every farmer be familiar with the changes in the program. The allocation of funds for Marion county has been increas ed from $123,500 in 1949 to $140,000 in 1950 with a resulting increase possible for each farm, but requirements for earning payment will be stricter than in 1949. jElla says, she wants it coming from all directions at once. But Maria Montei top 'em all. When she married jean Pierre Aumont, she called in the rf decorators and ordered two tubs, two showers, and (wo washstands for her bathroom. She believed, she explained, "a married couple should really be together." Nope, All the "Nifty of the Nile" had for originality was milk. Strictly class B stuff Take these modern sirens, now: t When Shelley Winters lakes a bath she makes a production number af it. Fills her king sized tub with hot water, puts two cork floats under her head and thighs, and floats the dirt away. She's the one who has the wave-maker. Says she got the idea from the prop man at Universal-International who rough ed up a pond she waded through for "South Seas Sinners." 'It's really a minature one," says Shelley. But the lime waves just ripple over me. Soooo relaxing." Marilyn Maxwell does her dunking by candlelight, A taper at the head of the tub and an other at the foot she says. She scrubs in time to music, too. Always puts Ravel's "Bol ero" on the record player be fore she crawls in. Dorothy Hart has a reading lamp installed at the end of her! tub and says she catches up on! more best-sellers that way. And! it was Mae West who had mir-i rors installed in the bathroom! ceiling and on all four walls sol she could see herself from every I angle. "Who has a better right look?" she asked. to Ella Raines was the despair of the plumber in her block when she ordered up 10 shower nozzles and told that bewilder ed gent to put 'em all over her shower. When she gets sprayed. Lodge Regalia Due Falls City The Past Noble Grand club met at the IOOF hall with excellent attendance. The Odd Fellows' new regalia will soon be ail made under the direction of Mrs. Granville Wil son. They are also piecing quilts. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Dallas Elementary School Asks Parents Dallas A special invitation to parents of Dallas elementary school children has been given for them to atend school during the days of Tuesday through Friday, November 15 to 18, The invitation is extended in observance of "Know Our Schools Better" week of the lo- Capilal Jnurnal, Salem, Or., Thursday, Not. 19, 1849 IS eal school, sponsored in connec-j tion with National Education! week. A committee in charge of ar rangements includes Mrs. Ade line McFariand, Mrs. Beulah Craven, Miss Elva Boone and Mrs Caroline Jacobson. No spe cial program is planned, th committee preferring that th parents see their children at regular work. WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES We Pay Top Market Pries Willamette Grocery Co. Shoe Repair Special Friday and Saturday Leather or Rubber Full Soles and Rubber Heels 2.95 If a misting motor mokes th old but Jerk, Why battle it down the street? Drive in where we can go to work, Well soon have it running sweet, OTTO J. WILSON CO. 3SS North Commercial St. Phont 2-3621 Life spans ofbetween 200 and 300 years are normal for the eider duck, giant tortoise, goose, parrot and raven. Attention Loggers! Top Prices Paid for Logs at j Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore, Pn. UlSj stillslJjTTiii' Another Metro Marvel SPECIAL PURCHASE PURE SILK ALL ORIGINAL HAND SCREENED PRINTS Size ASV Large 34x34 Nov Only s Unusual Color Combinations The Most Elegant You've Ever Seen And They're Water Repellent Too Ideal for GIFT GIVING TOO! 39 THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' 136 North Commercial St. jus so. Cottage St. Phone 34146 ill UUWNilAiKi f Open g a.m. to 18 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Sat, a.m. to 18 1 1 IaaM? I saasr M mmm 'i .-?r3J. 1 1 II rn mixl 1 III ff Hoom Set 11 lT$ 14 Sff ilW 0pen stock the pices you want now; f I (jP' I purchase the others later. pN p J pf e " -S I jlllfil Host Chair 12.30 !J II Y SWeChaif ' Beauty for your dining room in rich modern American f ? Ijjl'fflll ( I walnut or silver walnut veneered hardwood. Smooth, I Tu ' ' n I highly policed linit. Suit includes 40x60 srsch table ' i . extending to 90 inches, 5 side chairs, 1 host chair 1 ! ife'ir' il thnn 'Til Qfift and 19 x 60 inch bu,fet i,h boxed drower$- FreiI PjJy:pf ' '1 ,"P ' " covering on choirs. Come so, tm this t at Sears Ssasjj: l Friday Nite Rich Boudoir lamp l$ SHTfc ' L lJ-"? , -f TQIM BW.M Cut Wert r lr II ifV' . MM.tiH, "2f. f A pir lumbemt tempt . (fX f 5! V.''' ft f- t 'iL 4 'N ' bwvlT r bw. Smor - I V. . i ) i IVmmI I ?14 ' 'l i'f? Smart New Mirror Amoct!v H-m. leveled Edo Ccoofflr Valu , . , 495 imm tt ttvrrf? cM,i k, C kamt 14. tint mr w m mni Plenty of Free Parking 3 Pc. MAPLE DAVENO SET 11(5)50 u A twist of the wrist, and Presto , . , your living room becomes a com fortable bedroom ot night. This hondsome double duty doveno con verts into a roomy double bed. Automatic locking hirtgle opens, silent ly smoothly. Plaid upholstery in a variety of colors. Shop Sears today for durable quality, low price? Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort Sa$dZm fwztdxZaei jmz mmefjacd' 550 North Capital St. Phone 3-9191 Salem, Oregon