16 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Nov. 10, 19f9 3? -v.fl aV ' i iJ .T. f , . A. I t 1 II I I m2 i i I 'He's My Man' Branch Rickey (right), president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, shakei hands with Manager Burt Shotton In New York after announcing that he would be retained as manager for the 1950 season. "He's my man," said Rickey. "That's all there Is to It." (Acme Telephoto.) Stuhlreher Asks Modified Pact in Rose Bowl Deals Chicago, Nov. 10 VP) Harry Stuhldreher, Wisconsin athletic director. Is in favor of a com promise in any new Big Ten Pacific coast conference Rose Bowl pact that may be signed. The "Little General" of Notre Dame's famed four horsemen days suggested at a quarterback club meeting Monday that a Big Ten team be permitted to repeat in the Rose Bowl every two years instead of three and that the Pacific coast conference do the same. The coast circuit sends its champion into the bowl. The Big Ten does not permit one team to appear in the bowl more than once in three years, even if it wins the title. (The Big Ten repeat ban has drawn strong criticism on the West Coast.) The total points scored by both teams in the Basketball As sociation of America rose from 135.53 in 1046-47 to 160.02 per game last season. Zealous Warden Arrests Self for Game Violation Republic, Wash., Nov. 10 UP) Game Protector Lawrence Sprengel takes his work seri ously. . He arrested himself for an unintentional game law vio lation. He also paid the $27.50 fine levied by the judge after be hailed himself Into court. Just a few hours before the close of the grouse season Sprengel decided to go hunt ing. He killed one bird and thought he saw two more by a bush. He fired and missed he thought. He fired again and hit. When Sprengel went to retrieve his game he had kill ed both. That made three one more than the law allows: "If I had found another hunter with three birds I would have arrested him." Sprengel said. "There was only one thing to do and that was to arrest myself." They were the first birds Sprengel had killed in five years with the game department. California Bears Lead PCC in Both Offense, Defense Los Angeles, Nov. 10 Cali fornia's Bowl conscious Bears can back up their string of eight straight victories with statistics. Figures released today by the PCC commissioner's office showed the Californians lead ing in total offense and defense. California has combined its offensive weapons to average 378.6 yards a game, and the PCC co-champions have allowed 232.0 yards per game from rush ing and passing. They lead Ore gon, whom they meet in a key game Saturday, by 16 yards per contest in total defense. In losing to Oregon State last week, Idaho managed to collect enough yardage to maintain the lead in rushing. The Vandals have averaged 271 yards in seven games. The Trojans of USC are un disputed leaders in passing of fense. The consistent sharp shooting of Jim Powers has giv en USC 09 completions in 163 attempts, which heads the list for number of completions and the best average of .607. The Trojans also lead In yards gained with 1307. Only nine USC pass es have been Intercepted. By allowing USC only 68 yards net in the ground last week. Stanford strengthened its position as PCC leader in rush ing defense. In eight games Stanford s opponents have av eraged only 177.8 yards from rushing. MEXICO, HAWAII TO N. Y. 'Brooklyn, N.Y., UPK-St. Fran cis college will play basketball games against the University of Mexico on January 13 and against the University of Hawaii on February 24. Both games are listed for Brooklyn's Second Corps Artillery armory, home court of St. Francis. The games along with four other St. Francis home games, will be televised locally by WPIX. The 20,046 persons who watched the Washington Capi tols play the Chicago Stags at Chicago in 1049, made up the largest crowd ever to see a pro basketball game. University Alleys CIVIC IIAOI'S fttarteo Llene 111 Betea 606. Morgan 170. ChrutenaeB 4ea, Schalchlfk 433, Jor dan M. Meeee Ledge Na. I 4 1 Thomp son 401. Prudent 4BI, Bmun SB3, Frunk 472. Smren S61. Hellrveed Uw No. I ll HUH 411. afootrr 4M. Coi 144. OUIUplo l. Colllne Salea Llene No. I 111 Perler 441. Hot 401, Boatell J4. KlmmeU MS. Souara 44a. Jr. Cnaaber Con. (It ochmtdt 441. Por ter in. Wedel 424. Ootrk til. Zlclar a. Hellrpeed Lisas Ne. I !) Porter 194, Doneklaon 194. Illicit . Brown At. Unee 141, Klwanla lit HulcMnaon ,84. Xlnener- rr 144. atltitman 421. Calvart 351, Pick wen 210, Salea Liana Na. S I0 Shal- satti 401. Your,! 421, Todd 4, HalTorson 414. Delaner 474. Salca Liana Na. fit Oaddaa 414, Seamater 433, Smith 461, Holmas 48ft, Btar- retfc 4,1, Maaaa Ledge Na. S 111 smltr, 414, Bchuebel III, Hedlno 121, Cootor 431, Smrrle 346. Hlfh almla t ama: Chrlatenaen all. High thraa iimi: Zlglar 532. High taam: Salam Llona No. 1, 32M. SCORES In the Alleys ICinrlM Baaalta) STATS EMPLOYEES LEAOVI Ller.rr 11 (Ii Htllerlch 3. Waltl 441. Ryan 401. Read 413, Elgin 491. lad. Aca. no. 9oa u Aanor 400, wast 400. uaiia. gher 406. HarrU 446. Ouatalaon 504. Tag Ceaa. 1KB D Proebetel iSub) 161. Welgel 160. Maeon 176. Rabt 413. John aon 411. Blwar Salea 1A 111 Xlnl 276. Hoake 4oa, oaroncr HO, Hill 43a, Mar. chant 429. Printer, OSPD Na. 17 1 Kreicl 471, Milner 191. Btooa 392. HeCrary 431. alula 451. Taa Coma. ISA 111 Bridle! 332, Kim mell 164, Wallace 337, Salter 3S, Sterett 331. Hlwar Salea Na. 1 (1) Orltflthj 431. Towla 29S. Quern 331. WlUlama 463. Let. ernaux 513. see? al state Cop. 1 (31 Miller 444. King 49S. orant 426. porter 42. fichultae 414. Poreetrr No. 13) Ewlng 471. Ladd 371. Miller 374, Hanneman 368. Berera 455. B.LA.C. Na. 10 (0) Baraga 416. Upiton 328, Ocrdon 356, Jorman 414, BuUock 379. High alngle tame: Elgin 300. High three ge.ie: Upaton ft2S. High team: Library 3283. Chakartm 41T, Art Woe Ik 411. Dewey Baumgart 317. Warner Meter. 111 P. B. Churchman 211. Spud Bpaala 184. Bob Hulet 316. Ed Owen 436. Earl Brooke 33). Doug McKay to oo played Tnuredayi. High lean game and aarlea: Dodge. 3111 and 737. High individual aerata: Bill Campbell (Dodge) 141. High individual same: Olenn Bchrorar i ford) 130. GETS MOOSE WITH A BOW Helena, Mont. UP) Waldo Newton recently flattened a bull moose (weighing at least 1,100 pounds) with a bow and tdw. It was Newton's first mc it he has previously slain jk and brown bear and deer and elk with bow and arrow. For the moose he used a bow with a pull of 57 pounds. His arrows were 27 inches long with heads more than an inch wide. The heads were made of clock spring steel. Newton's first shot was wide. The second entered between the ribs, through the heart and came out of a shoulder. Noire Dame and Navy have faced each other on the gridiron every year since 1927, when the series was begun. A4trlttBBt Now Many Wor FALSETEETH With Little Worry Ett, tik, liuih or sneez without feu of insecure fiUe teeth dropptni, flipping or wobbliai. FJU5TEETH hokU plate (Inner tnd more comfort.)) r. Thlt pleuaot powder hu no gutntsT. fooey. putr tutt or feeling. Doexn't mum Bttuea. It's slkaliae (noo-acld). Check "plate odor" (denture brettta). Get FAB TEETH et on? drug atore WANTED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES SPOT CASH $$$$$ $$$ Duckpin Bowling MEN'S AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Shrock Mt ore U) Bob Shuck 390. Al Welen 436, Morris Roaa S36. Lyla Zobtl SHI. Dave Far fell 313. Valley Motors (3) Vern Boock 417. Bob Burns 314, Arnold Holmes 388. Al Wolf 341. Olenn 15c tiro re r S28. Man Baker Motor 3 Johnny Cooler 40. Bill Campbell 54, Frank Jones 393, Dallu Kiaer 402. Prank Snelgrove 33. Teacue Moton (1 Lewie Nelson 339, Red 310, Bill Hamby 448, Mike Fleck 335, Hu- oeri Mini iso. Oil J, Wilton (2i Hhortr WtUlum 371. Harry Wilson 387, Dorvnn Holt 431. Dave Moon 30, M. van Dell 444. lder Bra tit Bill Shuck 387, E. Burratt 348, frank It'". !'!!'. ''I .'I'lMIIIB tliiMIVINHilil'giii:!1 ! TURKEY - SHOOT Salem Gun Club Groun SUNDAY, NOV, lundf E by Klngwood Post (1 AMERICAN LEGION tM0 ff ft . nga. W JaVll M 1 tBm CAN AO0 TO IHV MOOT TO 8 SUK " M M & M .Jv&IJpJ)mr CWTTaMfl THcT HI6MtSTQUAllTy IraSRfCeEKTB Jyjffk I ifeMal fVTr al TOT f'e-fMttNHH&'0?S,rtSr'fcASr, LltTm AiwJal'' " J nltfl 111 t?I ill THf eSTair, ANOTHS FWtSrtVATEIt TOO. tTt&W P & If f II IcMMjtmilA HOPS, FO. iXAMPlE, ARE BLENOEO FROM I III II MSf M'tf W T SCVTiRAL DOMESTIC VAR4TT1ES PUfS iMPoeTeD ItsXlJLi 1'a. JfZfiK. wWrS f UWTO. Of CCNTIY NOT AVAUABlf 89YEAJi HISPOW HAVS WE BREWED SO RNP All ?1p' jO tZitJmT TX2- acme mocprn scEwrRiee havf tk ty 6rKm)fl . .rCSmw. m S iatlst ciJiaoAMMT oe rxxwiuo fx se., jr, , lilt Jf' yi 'iVCDLaw Vf i no's aoe BKweo too ionA, wciuom3 ocujuvC (ouipnt foonoj sS'smmvA gsaiaimiJ BlTTERKSe OCVCICS HTM! BE. NO OTMR SeEWIRY. TMS 5SU UTMT IVD1I51 fOJllfflC; aty uke BRfivewe tea leaves tpo io9. wxir giass o stOrv-eKtwcoACMe &rt(-'i f' llj J IrVySfii ITO f gj tOACMt USES A40HTMOPS, TO 6TVE TMf IWLl COMt TO YOU WITH COMPLETE A ' J 1 Jjl 'j I' i 1 BEEit KVCM. VFTSATlSaviMS PURITV WO ERfCT PIAVOR.. S II I fj ', l Sm R lkly' taste. gor-TME mops a5 bsfweo tH flyi ' I iItH!, 31301 ASMomERTvwe.TOKiTPouT JrWhVm !l, .iHllilii '1 " TMlMTFT1S Of aVTTEIlfJfSS. 1 aaggr 1 " Wvt OP 8im Sum., NO evONOta FeajPjt? ' ' S"y4a--. If rrt, ircAMeosrAH.M if gjg ars.mO wTt-4Eee xAvt kji y Vfl AC" "trMOO OarWOAltNT POCtO ACME actR THAN WV OTHER rMVCj t, LJtrl lVl OEuvm. to waiirs pius past J iflwvEN'r tb acaM iatioj P 1Ja.'. 4J I TURNOVER, xrEPt It WMM D A' J TRY fCHel TODAY. Iaap 'tL XXI i PlRUCT COnOi now. 111 ZS I aom aaaawaot aaaeawnara CALL ANYWHERE ANYTIME WE COME AT ONCE Highest Prices Paid Gladly Write WOODRY AUCTION MKT. 1605 N. Summer or Phone 351 10 Collect ,e y Lest We Forget . . We salute the veterans of two great wars who made the great sacrifice! NEWMAN'S llth. 179 N. Commercial n inirs, - II 1 - - - -Jr-,,-mcb&' Xk h.p. Paint nr95 J J9 5 This precision constructed, light weight paint sprayer makes painting e a s y. Aluminum body. Comes complete with hose and gun attachments. At Sears! Craftsman Sprayer complete with Preisure Pot and Hose Complete, Only 125.00 Loega matol handlea moke carrying oeier. Powered by Yi H.P. Srlgge one Slrattoa ongino. Parfecf tor farm, boat. Workmaster Brush 4-in. Si2e For Woll Pointina ; Priced At Only ... 4.44 A top.quollry brveh ... wild pure OibtM bog brltrlati vufconixae) a ivbbae. Col rours fodoy ont aovol Paint Sprayer Dependable Craftsman 'A H. P. With Sproy Gun . 46.95 Bad baortng olllau d'opbrogm typo tor CfwkB. tvd praitura aproylng. Ad bjatoblo rngalo, tS-ft. otr boaaw Paint Spray Gun lightweight, Easy-To-U Bleeder Type .... H .5 0 Crotrtman quality, tntornel rat it typo, with oH, moleruro ftlrorf 3 nositaa. t 4 vp. Coma a today and too M Wallpaper Weaves Single Roll 59c "HlgMond WoviN. , . waltpoprt with th mart look of woven fob rio. EmbotMd, woshabt and sun fait. Lovly color combination!. Wallpaper Tool Kit Essential Paper Hanging Tools 4-pc Set Just. . ... 1.55 AN fft tool yam iwod ttxMsipg 1 3 ItK, i brvtft, 6 Mi pmtm Pure Turpentine Sfeom-distilled for Better Job One Gallon Can , . . 88c Ano.r graot bvy at loorit Mobte allaig ooeeaei ataoa baltar kb ad taig. Pricod to aovo ot Soorel PLENTY OF FREE PARKING All-Purpose Brush Ideal for Household lie Priced low, Only.. 2.39 A "mint" tor gefierot Kovtohotd peine, big lekel To. gnoiity britHae. Coea. tonobla bamdlo. long kntlng. 4-io. SHOP 'TIL 9:00 FRIDAY NITE Snowhite Enamel Gives Your Home New Beauty Master-Mixed Brand 659, Yei! A refreshing, glistening white that actually itoyi whitel Clean, sanitary whiteness for your kitchen and bathroom. An excellent highlight to any color scheme. Best yet, it can be scrubbed repeatedly with less wearl Quick drying, easy to apply without brushmarks. SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT AT SEARS iftfactfaipuai&tZliJM, peat m&up fagj' 5 PhoneafSl S1