Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Thursdar. Nov. 10. 1943 1.1 HOW NOT TO BE A 'FEMALE FLOP' U. S. Women Have It Better Than Any Women in World f Hollywood, Calif., Nov. UR A Czechoslovak ian beauty, who looks at Hollywood'! spouse-shedding actresses with continental disdain, said today any woman who lets a man get away is a female flop. "But as long as he comes back, ah . . . then you are the winner," insisted Actress Florence Marly A galllvantin' mate is a chal lenge, she said. Miss Marly picked up this broad-minded technique in Europe-Over here, the divorce courts are booked months ahead by in jured ladies clamoring to tell their troubles to a judge. They wouldn't feel so sorry for them selves. Miss Marly said, if they had traveled the way she has. "American women have it better than any women In the world," she explained. "Their husbands treat them better, they have more household conveni ences, they are better nourish ed than anybody and conse quently, they are the most beau tiful in the world." But they don't bother to make their living exciting, she added. They get stuck in a rut and get to feeling unglamorous and first thing you know they ARE un glamorous. That's when the old man starts casting wolfish leers at some cute trick who isn't. "A wire should never bother her husband about how hard she worked scrubbing the kitchen floor," she says. "She should be all perked up in fresh lipstick and new nail polish when he comes home. And if he notices the floor is clean, fine. If he doesn't, don't mention it." Miss Marly, who's been mar ried for more than 10 years to Director Pierre Chenal, said she does a tremendous lot of read ing to keep up with her husband intellectually. Not spicy fiction, either. She goes for heavy stuff like Huxley and Satre and she was tackling "Existentialism" between love scenes with Humphrey Bogart In "Tokyo Joe." Athletic Insurance Rates Held Costly Amity R. W. Haberly attend ed a budget meeting of O.S.A.A. One of the main items discussed was the rising cost of insurance for football players especially. Suggestions that players pay the first cost for injury as rates are exceedingly high for football athletes and is hoped to work out a plan to lower the cost of insurance rates. Jerry Case, a member of the Amity football squad suffered an injury to his knee in the Amity-Yamhill game November 7, causing a blood clot in the knee. The injury will probably prevent his playing again this season. 30-Sfaier Club Organized Here The Oregon State college Sa lem 30-Stater club was installed here last night by President A. L. Strand. The new organization is com posed of Oregon State alumni interested in furthering the in terests of the college in this area. Local officers installed were Robert White, Jr., president; Burton C. Selberg, vice presi-! dent, and Howard I. Sargent,! secretary-treasurer. Fred Ramsey, president of the Corvallis 30-Stater club, offici ated at the dinner meeting, where 20 members of the Cor vallis chapter were in attend ance. Guests at the dinner included E. B. Lemon, assistant to Presi dent Strand; Ted Chambers, member state board of higher education; Lloyd Carter, presi dent Oregon State College Alum ni association, and Howard Ma ple, alumni member of the board of directors. THREE FEATHERS t77ie Mark of a I'rincely Host Bom in the Elegant Eighties ...still the mark of a Princely Host The Prittrrfy Mhiskty Priicely kotti live protdly urTcd tfcit cxcellcat vkitluy iicc 1881. Flaik hi "1 mi RAKE RLCNDCD WHISKCY ! PROOr. 5 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THREE FEATHERS DISTILLING COMPANY. LAWRENCEBURG, IND. Your Prescription Store i WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pay! to Trod at Schaefcr't" 7599 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 7949 i EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for bobies. Let us fill your prescription. Pecan Nut Sundae 25c Fresh Roasted Pecan Nuts in Special Made Flavor SCHAEFEETS DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-S197 or J-9123 TBeayCrHLreor ' , f ' f f jf PlHsbliry StLA XS IT" 183 iSc FLOUR - J MM iwCZZa Vaaiaassiaiiisssiis' for all your finest baking ! A lop quality ""'ifAjly l tt'JZZUjl' SIS 00 I product, priced to $ave you money. J5. ' IStts ife, Raisins llb Pkf. 2VC Y fl fl ) j"" Cjustquick Jt Meats Vf-ft1 30c YSIJIJVU just ad water and mix. I .. Pumpkin 3H95r Dflf'' 29c 3 Ib can IGAorr!i,inor. Can. -J, POtCS Dromedary 7t I Fancy quality. Priced at a saving. H f UP Bordens Milk 0 99 JLum?kin VL ... lA- I ' WW DlCe e.v....Z.. ITL Saw VI I 1 I ssssssslsssSssssssstssBlsBl I Cans Special low oricr. Ruv a rasp and savp STAR KIST Ml JV f Noli can M Chunk LTXL Style 3lf No Vi can J-A 5 c zJdVi BROWN BREAD 23c II MINCE MEAT 19c IGA SALAD DRESSING - 27c I IGA MAYONNAISE - 39c mi-n Six Flavors IGA's Gelatine pkg. j)C IGA Sno-Kreem SHORTENING 3 c. Pure all vegetable shortening, guaranteed to satisfy. WAX PAPER Lit Double waxed. With metal cutter edge. Uncle Ben RICE 14 oz. pkg. Converted longe grain with vitamins sealed in. Dark Karo SYRUP Makes your bake goods taste Oh So much better. 23c . in. 5 53c Hoody 2 Ib. jar PEANUT Z fr$ BUTTER (Q) 2 C Buy the 2 pound jar, its the economical size jar. Hnody't slays iresh longer. WIN m jobs "ftCHANCe iuMY &TM0W! ti'imic ncmtH 15,500 Other Exciting Prizes OIT INTRY HANK Hll WITH QUAKER OATS 35c tivcs KltllED DOG OOI :33c DOG FOOD , 14c Send 10c and 3 Dr. Boss labels for big, new, illustrated booklet, Dogs of All Nations. Dr. Ross Food Col, 817 E. 18th St., Los Angeles 21, Calif. BLU WHITE. 10c Blues while you wash does not streak, whitens, brightens clothes. B0RAX0 17c 8 oz. can Cleans dirty hands. Leaves them soft and smooth. IGA SOAP GRAINS 23c With a toy bar of soa pin each package. Look at th low price. SALLY MAY S0APi33c bars' French milled soap. A face cloth with each four bars. SAVE AT IGA STORES Open All Day Armistice Day Highland Market tit Bifhland Are. Broadway Grocery Brdwy. It Mkt.-Open 8undiy Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Qualify Food Mkt. 11th and Center Carter's Market 11th and Market St State Street Market 121 State St Lemmons Market Ml N. Com'l. Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Pearson's Food Mkt. 294 No. Commercial Model Food Market 215 North Hish St. Central Cash Market Monmouth, Ore(oa Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Oregon Equall's Grocery nodburn, Oregon Independence Food Market Independence. Oregaa Highland Cane and Maple SYRUP HOT RALSTON INSTANT C R415TOM VrVVWWWWWWWVVWWSWWWWWVWVWWW.VS I I .unntin I 'II I ' Vtl' t FRUITS and VEGETABLES Special For Friday and Saturday SUNKIST ORANGES.:" 2 .45c For Your Daily Vitamin C Requirements FRESH CRANBERRIES 2 35c Fancy Sound Western Berries DELICIOUS APPLES ... 2.69 Fancy Yakima Wrapped and Packed BRUSSEL SPROUTS SILVER DUST RINSO liSjf 30c jug" 57c From Old Vermont Sunsnne KRISPY rCtACKt M &pZgj! Ub. pW- LI Armour Star QS! Armour Star 0 I & LUNCH 3lC n, 19C Fresh, Green in Cellophane Parkagc FRESH CABBAGE 2'2c I.oral Grown and Brought to You Garden Fresh MORTON SALT BRINGS OUT THE FLAVOR LUX FLAKES L9 Pkg. Pkg. Lg. Pkg. 29c 28c 28c LUX SOAP 23c 23c Lifebuoy Jbath 1 3c SOAP Site .J LUX SOAP 3 Reg. Ban 2 bath Site CARTERS MARKET 17th AT MARKET ST. SALEM This IGA Store is owned and operated br Mr. and Mrs. Reed D. Tarter. Through the affiliation with IGA and the advantage of mass buying power and the t arter' poliry of priring all your food needs at low rompetitive prices, you ran save money bv shopping regularly at this conveniently located food store. For your fresh food needs you'll find quality meats and the finest fresh fruits and vegetables the market affords all at low prices. You'll also find this store a friendly place to trade, striving to give you the service that makes shopping a pleasure. You too will like this combination of saving prices and friendly atmosphere.