'Judas Iscariot' Wants Job Back ' Oberammergau, Germany, Nov. 10 tU.H) The only non-Nazi who played a major role in the ed the night after I sang Instead of just before," Miss Bayer la mented. The program was being ar ranged by the Chin Up club, and the club felt responsible. So Beth Sellwood, state president, called upon Frank E. Sanders at Oregon School for the Blind, and Dr. S. A. Wheatley, state treas urer for the Chin Uppers. "And listen," she told them. "Be sure you don't step on a nail or a banana peeling before that program." Both filled the engagement. Sacred Heart Has First Homecoming tract many alumni. 1 The activities will include a 2 o'clock football game with Sacred Heart's Cardinals meet ing the Bible Academy Crusad ers, their cross-city rivals. In the evening St. Joseph's Hall will be open at 8 o'clock to alumni. At 9 o'clock a Home coming dance for students and alumni will complete the event. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 10, 1949 11 for Democracy," oratorical con test were chosen at a special as sembly. Contestants chosen were seniors James Lanaster and James Colleran. Runners up were: Allan Pearl. Gail Lock eed, Joanne Coleman, Edward Watkins, Edward Wichman, Mary Ann Fischer and Michael Roschko. Th assembly opened and clos ed with the singing of the na tional anthem and salute to th flag. Oratory Contest Names Speakers The Sacred Heart high school representatives for the "I Speak Sacred Heart high school's first annual homecoming on Armistice day is expected to at last Passion play IS yean ago charged today that he was drop ped from the east of the 1950 revival because of "political dis crimination." Hans Zwink, who playes the part of Judas Iscariot in 1934, aaid the selection committee had said it would not "discriminate against former Nazi party mem 0 bers. It didn't, he said. Instead the committee for the 300th anni versary performance discrimin ated against him because he was riot a Nazi, he added. Elections Said to Favor Oregon Demos Portland, Ore., Nov. 10 (U.B Democratic state chairman wil liam I. Josslin today described the democratic successes at the polls throughout the country Tuesday as "an omen for party victory" in Oregon next year. "Since 1940, Oregon's popula tion has increased almost 80 per cent," Josslin said. "This in crease is made up largely of la bor and other liberal groups from democratic states. With a little effort, the republican lead of a year ago of 12,391 in regis tration can be wiped out and Oregon put in the democratic column. "If he democratic party will then nominate a full ticket of candidates of real merit and in tegrity, advocating an intelli gent and constructive program for Oregon's development, the party will sweep the state in November, 1950." Liberty Girl Scouts Have Annual Ballot Liberty The Liberty Girl Scout troop 51 met at the home of the leader, Mrs. Robert Mor row, assisted by Mrs. Alvin Poole, the assistant leader. The club voted for officers and named Lorraine Peterson president and Janet Smith, secretary-treasurer. Plans were made for the candy sale to be held on the second floor of the Liberty school on Thursday night at open house. The troop started sewing on tea towels, for which they will receive merit badges when com pleted. New members to join were DeLee Davidson, Patty Mc Millan and Jackie Welch. Games were played and group singing followed by refresh ments. The next meeting will be a birthday party in honor of Yvonne Poole. Speakers Warned to Guard Against Jinx Opal Bayer, 1597 Franklin avenue, who is blind and a pro fessional singer, and who belongs to the Salem chapter of the Chin Up club of Oregon, was schedul ed to sing for the Hollywood Lions Wednesday night. Late in the day she tripped on a bicycle on the walk near her home and got injuries that are not serious, but prevented her from filling the singing engage ment. "Why couldn't it have happen- Bourbon deluxe Wilt $930 -arw. .mi fU LsVJT Mm) JsJKir Kentucky Taste, Compare... Enjoy... i jr-enjoy truly delicious, delightful, it lux flavor! KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY A BLEND Nitiontl Diitilltrt Product! Corpofilwn, N. Y. K Prool SI Kintutky Straight Bourse Maiisti 49 Criii Nintiil Sairltl l ' ...and you can be sure it will roast tender, juicy and golden-brown. We ' can guarantee perfect-eating because our poultry experts choose only birds which -have been raised under ideal conditions properly fed to produce ten.r, sweet meat. These turkeys are Oven-ready -you pay for no waste parts. And there's no cleaning to do. Save time and trouble Thanksgiving with one of these Oven-ready turkeys. OVEN-READY, WASTE-FREE 69 59 They're Waste -Free TURKEY is GUARANTEED To PLEASE OR (Bade! lORDEN'S NONE SUCH Young HENS ft::; TOMS Lb. C H Save on these Values in Our Grocery Section RAISINS asa s25c -49c Shredded Wheat? 15 MINCE MEAT 39c 28-oz. Jar WASTE-FREE PAN-READY Chickens! Fowl lb 65c Fryffrs lb. 69c PICNICS, med. size lb. 39 SALMON STEAKS lb. 59c jjj FRESH OYSTERS Pint 69c HI SNOWDRIFT Shortening For (laky pi cruttt 3 lb. can 79c BEAMS KIDNEY BEANS OR SMITH BUTTER BEANS BRAND 3 25 FLAVORFUL SPECIALLY PRICED SLICED BACON, per lb. 49 VEAL SHOULDER ROAST lb. 55c PURE PORK SAUSAGE ..lb. 45c FRESH GROUND BEEF ...lb. 35c BEEF SHORT RIBS lb. 25c Pork Loin Roast LRfbn 39c Pork Chops, Ctntw Cut, lb. 49c Puss N' Boots Prepared especially for your eat! Del Monte Pears c 25c CHEESE FOOD FIRESIDE OR BREEZE 9. I IU D.ndy for To..t.d B2".lb- QC jj .1 m l-lb. am J I ch..i Sandwich, Brick W7 I jf 1 5 ' ' J Safeway is your headquarters for coffee at rJS?-5 S "P'd turnover keeps it extra freihl UWjjjxj & u Campbell Soups Pink Salmon Prine Loo Fisher's Zoom Cereal Macaroni & Spaghetti Vogot'bla Bf and j jp Chicken Noodl ""IOC Minion No. I n 35C 19e 29c Mb. pig. :4-o. BEEF STEAKS! SIRLOIN 2 lb. 89c lb. 65c ROUND ; lb. 79c lb. 75e Tomato Juice Sun"y Dawn 46 or 25c Del Monte Peas Eary G- No 303 19c Libby Fruit Cocktail, No. 303 can 21 ( Fancy Pumpkin Libbr No. 303 can Breakwater Oysters can 43c Maine Sardines TemPe$t A can Sandwich Spread Lunch Bo pin 33c Pancake Flour Su""" o-,. py9. 29C Pie Crust Mix Pi,,bu'7 '-ot. Pig. isc Corn Meal Mf Lou. Yeiio 2'2-ib. ic Kitchen Craft Flour 10-ib. 35 c Dog Food KnJii' fives 26.01. pig. 29 Argo Gloss Starch '- pig- 12c Boraxo Powder For yur -oz. can J7C Save on Fresh Produce! GRAPEFRUIT Rip Florida Seedless lb. 10c and sweet! Texas Pink lb. 19c EDiunnos COFFEE 67c $33 Edwards is a luxury '"'b Cm blend of the world's Mb. finest coffees. VACUUM. MCKID APPLES! Plentiful and at their best ORTLEYS Can AIRWAY COFFEE 59c It V7 Big NOB HILL COFFEE Ground When You Buy l-lb. 62c i.i Ib. . Box . 5c 1.69 DELICIOUS 3 lbs. box . 25c 2.29 O WINESAPS 2 lbs. box . 15c 1.98 SPECIAL NOTICE! Five Convenient Locations a ti t i e. .em jar.wav jrores 2120 N. Fairgrounds Rd. will be open Armistice Day, 24S Court Street Nov. 11th. 935 S. Commercial 1420 State Street 1230 N. Broadwoy ij in m RED ROMES 2 lbs. box . 15c 2.19 in. Valencia Ib. IUC Fresh and Green Ib. I UC GRAPESO 9C Tokay Albi. AJC ORANGES Valencia BROCCOLI CABBAGE Solid Heads Ib. OC CARROTS y Golden-STiooih lb. C CELERY 7 Crisp Pascal lb. C CRANBERRIES Q. Red and Plump lb. I Y C PARSNIPS At flavor peak JC SPINACH 1CC Fresh and leafy POTATOES AQr US No. 1'ilO-lb. f7C OXYDOL lux soap I nnEM I CAMAY SOAP I DREFT 27c I I MTi I PREM g 35C -fi. 26c