I rTTi II - I y A . $ TV 4 " jjjj Ready to Roll Fifteen-month-old Mike Gallucci, Jr., of Syracuse, N. Y., takes roller skating in his stride (left) and doesn't mind occasional spills (center) but he doesn't like it (right) when mother takes the skates at bedtime. $770 Million For Northwest Portland, Nov. 9 P) The three Northwest states are listed lor reclamation work totaling some $770,000,000 in the next fix years, Michael W. Straus said here today. Straus, commissioner of re clamation, said Montana and Wyoming projects bring the total to $883,000,000. The total figure was listed yesterday in the interior depart ment's "Package" report from Washington. It was a sum mary of the various works in contemplation, listed separately In the past, but lumped together now in one package for a con venient over-all picture of what the department has in mind. Straus said the reclamation projects by states had this break-down: Washington, $300, 000,000, to irrigate 335,000 acres, give supplemental water to 24, 000 acres and add 893,000 kilo watts of power; Oregon, $181,- 000,000, to irrigate 14,000 acres and provide supplemental water to 15,000 acres; Idaho, $289, 000,000,to Irrigate 45,000 acres, provide supplemental water to 959,000 acres and add 155,000 kilowatts of power; Montana, $109,000,000, to irrigate 7,000 acres, provide supplemental water to 25,000 acres. Straus, who took a look at Bonneville dam today and plans to go to Medford and Klamath Falls tomorrow en route to Cali fornia, heard a central Oregon delegation ask for expansion of the Crooked river project. Pres ent plans call for 'a dam 20 miles southeast of Prineville. A dele' gation asKed him to consider a site 13 miles south of the same city. Irrigation of some 15,000 Guests Hillyers Home Brooks Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hillyer recently were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiebke, Mrs. Dorothy Kingberr'y, and daughter Claudia, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Hillyer, Jesse and Dale, Mrs. Carrie Wiltfang, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worther, Mr. and Mrs. Cresenson and daughter, Mr. Gleason, Bob Royston, Iris May, Vernie Lee, Ileane Jean, Bonnie Jean and Betty Lou Hillyer. 1950 Model Car Prizes Offered Detroit. Mich., Nov. 8 The 1950 model car competition of the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild is rffering $65,000 in cash awards and university scholar ships to the nation's best 'teen age model automobile designers and builders, it was announced today by J. J. Cronin, vice pres ident of General Motors, general manager of the Fisher Body Division, and Guild president. Enrollments already are being taken for the competition by Guild field representatives who personally are visiting many of the public and parochial schools throughout the country, Cronin said. Any boy in the United States between the ages of 12 and 20 is eligible to enter the competi tion and may obtain an enroll ment card by writing to the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild, General Motors Building, De troit 2, Michigan. A booklet on model car de sign and construction, the only textbook of its kind for youths wishing to learn about automo bile design, will be sent to each boy enrolling in the Guild, Cronin said. The awards for the best mod els entered in the Guild competi tion again include eight, uni versity scholarships for the na tional winners of the Junior (12 through 15 years old) and Sen lor (18 through 19) Divisions of! the competition. In each age group the award will be: 1st S4.000 scholarship; 2nd $3,000; 3rd $2,000; 4th $1,000. There will be 1 awards in each state and the District of Columbia, seven in each age group as follows; 1st $150 cash; 2nd $100; 3rd $50; and four Honorable Mention awards of Model Builder's Tool Chests For judging purposes, the states and District of Columbia will be grouped into 20 regions, each of which will send a junior and senior division winner expense- free to the national Guild con vention next August. Indians occupy almost five million acres of land in New Mexico. Convicted Red ! Loses City Office New York, Nov. 9 W The communist party has lost its only major public office in the United States. Benjamin J. Davis, Jr., Negro member of the New York city council, lost his re-election fight yesterday to Earl Brown, Negro magazine writer. Brown was backed by a democratic-republican-liberal coalition. He polled 63,030 votes to Davis' 21,962. Davis is one of the 11 com munist leaders convicted of con- Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 9 spiracy to advocate overthrow of the U.S. government in the recent conspiracy trial. Sen tenced to five years in prison, he is free in bail pending appeal. BORING OPTICAL HAS MOVED 1 To Their New Location CORNER 12TH AT CENTER Across from Bergs. Dr. E. E Boring USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 U eLj Dr. Sam Hughes "To the end that you work for democracy, peace and security of the people, you can count on my support," Davis telegraphed the victor. today's Blitz Weinhard has it CO. Bulldogs are not good plane travellers. They have difficulty breathing at high altitudes. acres in the Powell Butte area is sought. -Made ESPECIALLY For KIDDIES' CHEST GOLDS to rteeve ot-Wl ' NO CARBON! SOOT! DIAL NOW 35622 or 35606 For Your Load of CATERIZED.OIL! Howard J. Smplley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway FOR YOURSELF. ..FOR EXCITING GIFTS! Genuine Tayton f with your own name or any other name HAND-ENGRAVED ON THE GLEAMING GOLDEN CASE Regularly 1.20 with fox) as nationally advertised. m0 Matched to your favorit color or in newest shade suited to you Big, full-size lipstkk Smooth, yef long-lasting Takes all standard-size refills Gloaming golden caso (TAX INCLUDED) Popular Swivel type and the words "KITCHEN CRAFT from any bag of Kitchen Craft Floor Now a lipstick exclusively yours the famous, nation ally advertised Tayton Personalized Lipstick. Regularly cost $1.20 yours now for only SO cents and the words "Kitchen Craft" from a bag of Kitchen Craft Flour. This money-saving offer is made to get you to try Kitchen Craft Flour ... to actually experience why thousands of homemakers prefer it over any other flour. Kitchen Craft Flour works wonders with any recipe ; . . guarantees you better baking! MtOW 14 DAT! POt OIUVMT. Offer expire. January 1, I960. If wppiy it exhausted, money wiU be returned. Limit mi to the U.S. Void where prohibited, restricted or taxed. sasf JS - H 5 A CONVENIENT ORDER BLANKS AVAILABLE AT YOUR Safeway Store The Newest and Best in ftffaU 177 north liberty Performance and Style . . . fit 4&d&L (II SSsJ m . uittt da niiinn rHlLlU KAWVJ TTTT JLJ I 'to Mil lit 1 279 .95 CONCERT STAG! IN YOUR HOME The twelve-inch concert grand spealcer combines quality end beauty of tone with e lovely piece of furniture. Ten tubes, plus rectifier. New Philco super sensitive F. M. Plays ell records, all sizes, all three speeds automatically with a single tone arm. Luxurious mahogany cabinet. TECHNICAL PERFECTION AND AGELESS BEAUTY $ 315 .00 Beautiful Sheraton cabinet encases I triumph of radio engineering. Plays all records, all three speeds automatically with a single tone arm, to provide from seventy min utes to more than five hours' continuous music. Seven tubes, plus rectifier. New Philco super sensitive F. M. system. Tuned R. F. stage with three-gang condenser oa F. M. and A. M. AooVoi, efowfisroin m'M '' .jjjjjj NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT LIBERAL TRADE-INS CONSOLETONE $ in TABLE MODEL PLAY ALL RECORDS OLD OR NEW 259 39 .95 A. C.-D. C. $ TRAVEL RADIO 24 .95 .95 Ten-inch permanent magnet speaker provides bet ter recorded music than ever before. ... Gor geous flame grain mahogany cabinet has beautifully matched crotch veneers offset by panel of classic fluting. A. M. end F. M. Powerful permanent magnet speeler. Five tubes, plus rectifier. A. C.-D. C. superhet credyne circuit. Unique design in mahog any plastic. Top-mounted sweeping dial for easy tuning it in deer plastic with gold brass trim. Has full performance sensitivity and se lectivity, with five to ten times greater power. Rich brown plastic case is trimmed with genuine gold-tooled leather. Wl IVI AND REDEEM StH GREEN STAMPS Open Friday Nights 'Til 9 p.m.