Wedding D e December 26 Gervals Miss Loretta Ferren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Ferren of Canby, formerly of Gervals, has announced De cember 26 as date for her mar riage to Willis Person of Salem. The wedding will be an after noon one at 3 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church of Salem. The couple plan to live in Berke ley. Mr. Person continuing his work for his doctor of philoso phy In chemistry at University of California where he has a teaching fellowship. He is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Person of Salem. Honoring Miss Ferren, a brid al shower was given last week In the local Presbyterian church parlors, Misses Viola Blerly. Luzerne Hanes, Wanda Ferren and Mary Jane Hall being the hostesses. THE WOMEN'S Missionary society of the First Baptist t church is meeting Thursday at 2 p.m. at the church. Mrs. E. A. Young is worship leader. James H. Christian of the Western Baptist seminary, Port , land, is to be guest speaker. Hostess for the meeting are Mrs. E D. BuoJI, Mrs. H. M. Buell, Mrs. George Buell. Mem bers are asked to take or send their dime cards. Golden Wedding Reception Sunday Gervals Invitations are being issued through the press to all friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Seguin, who will observe their golden wed ding anniversary at a reception given by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Seguin of Oakridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning as co-hosts. The reception will be held Sunday, November 13 between 1:30 and 5 p.m. at the Sacred Heart parish hall. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Seguin were married in the Sacred Heart Catholic church at Ger vais, on November 15, 1899. Today's Menu (By ttw Assoclited Preu) MBaiatiKe. A Wednesday Supper Tomato Bouillon Crisp Crackers Tuna Fish Cups Thin Cream Sauce with Mushrooms Mixed Salad Bowl Bread and Butter Baked Apple Slices Beverage Tuna Fish Cups Ingredients: 2 cups hot milk, 1 cup fine soft bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon pre pared mustard, 1 tablespoon finely grated onion, 1 seven ounce can tuna fish (including oil from can), 4 eggs. Method: Add the bread crumbs, salt, mustard and onion to the hot milk. Add tuna fish and mix well so fish is evenly distributed. Beat eggs thorough ly with electric mixer or rotary beater and add gradually to first mixture, blending them in with a spoon as you do so. Turn into greased custard cups; place cups in a pan of hot water so water comes well up on cups; bake in a moderate (350 F.) oven for about 45 minutes or until a small knife inserted in center comes out clean. Insert small spatula around rim of each cup to loos en fish mold and invert to re move. Makes 8 small cups. Half Price Sale Wonderful, Wonderful t in m Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" Soloists With Oratorio Soloists for the annual presentation of Handel' "The Messiah," by the Salem Oratorio society on Sunday, De cember 1 1, have been announced by the music committee of the group. The program is to be sung at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of December 1 1 in the Salem high school auditorium. Soloists include the following: Virginia Word Elliott, soprano teacher on the Mc Minnville high school staff, twice a soloist in previous presentations with the Oratorio society; to be assisted by Grace Ashford, major in music at Willamette univer sity. Edith Fairham Gunnar, contralto soloist with the soci ety lost year, now doing graduate work at Willamette uni versity and teaching music at Fairview home. Ormal Tack, tenor director of music for the Lower Columbia Junior college at Longview. Robert Johnson, basso sings with the Unitarian church quartet in Portland; to be assisted by Robert Gwinn, senior at Willamette university. Weekly rehearsals are being staged by the society in preparation for the concert. Dean Melvin Geist directs the group. Mrs. Haggard Is Feted at Shower Silverton At a post-nuptial social affair, complimenting Mrs. Robert Haggard (Betty Cunningham) a linen and crys tal shower of gifts was followed by an hour of games and infor mal visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. William B. Starkey, a sister of Mrs. Haggard, with Mrs. Ernest Erickson and Mrs. E. L. Montgomery, co-hostesses. Guests wrote a book of house hold hints for the bride. The rooms and gift and serving ta bles were gay in lacy pink and white umbrellas as decorative theme. Invited were Mrs. Robert Haggard, Mrs. Robert Allen, Mrs. Wesley Grogan, Mrs. Al Harding, Mrs. Delia Holm, Mrs. Kenny Dorgan, Mrs. Ronald Wood. Mrs. John W. Myers, Mrs. Dan Cunningham, Mrs. Ernest Erickson, Miss Patty Walker, Mrs. Ed Hanson of Woodburn, Mrs. Emma Coberly, Mrs. Knute Digerness, Mrs. John Bowman, Mrs. Pat Grogan, Mrs. William Cunningham, Mrs. Jess Cun ningham, Mrs. Larry Ernst, Mrs. Arnold Olson, Mrs. Duayne Tho mas, Miss Daisy Erickson and Ernest Erickson, Jr. Woodburn Women Plan Activities Woodburn At the Novem ber business meeting of the Woodburn Junior Woman's club plans were made to hold a cake sale on Thursday, Nov. 10, at the Scarborough hardware store, beginning at 10 a.m. Mrs. C. Ed win Enos is in charge and will be assisted by several members. At the meeting the club also voted to sponsor a junior book shelf at. the local library for juniors from 11 to 18 years of age. A talk was given by the !! brarian, - Mrs. btclla Kerns, on the need for such books and plans will be worked out at the next meeting. Other clubs are to be asked to contribute to the fund for this project. Each member attending brought a candle to add to the collection to be sent to Korea for Christmas. During the social hour the members worked on dish towels for the use of the club. Mrs. Joe Walker, Jr. was chairman of the hostess commit tee and was assisted by Mrs Wallace Lee and Mrs. Robert Miller. VISITORS expected from Bend, Thursday, include Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nelson and daughter, Valerie, who will be guests for the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd. Dorothy Gray Winter Lotions ESTROGENIC HORMONE LOTION Helps keep face, neck, throat And hands younger looking. SPECIAL DRY-SKIN LOTION Especially good to soften and soothe dry, rough, or scaly skin. BLUSTERY WEATHER LOTION Helps pre Tent windburn and relieve chapping. Limited Time Only! (AU price plus tax) THIRTY-FIVE members of Salem bethel No. 35, Job's Daughters, accompanied by five advisers, went by chartered bus to visit Portland bethel No. 9, Monday evening. The occasion was their friendship night. High light of the evening was the pre sentation of new crowns to the local honored queen, Miss Jean Herrig, to the senior princess, Miss Anne Gibbons, and the junior princess, Miss Harriet Hi- day. The crowns were a gift from the Mothers' club, and were presented by Mrs. M. L. Rassmussen, president. Bethel No. 9 gave a program, and serv ed refreshments following the meeting. AURORA Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Will of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Will were Aur ora weekend visitors. Mrs. Glen Foster and children are housegucsts of Mrs Foster's father, Dr. B. F. Giesy and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Giesy and fam ily. Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pankratz are to observe their 25th wed ding anniversary at events plan ned for Wednesday and Thurs day evenings, November 9 and 10. On Wednesday evening a short program is to be given at1 8:30 o'clock in the Kingwood Bible church in West Salem, sponsor ed by the Sunday school class. Refreshments and a social hour will follow the program. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Pankratz will be hosts at an open house between 7 and 9:30 o'clock at their residence, 1254 3rd street, West Salem. to keep fit Let Sun Valley add variety to "Bread Hungry diets" and safely, too. Sun Valley Bread baked with no shorten ing whatever, is low in calories, (less than SO to the slice) yet high in energy producing proteins. Try SUN vallly dKeau toasted tomorrow morning. It's (fft&R" APEX , 39.50 MAYTAG 59.50 THOR 44.50 O 0Oy EASY 37.50 MAYTAG 69.50 ZENITH 54.50 C0 easy 44.50 norge 37.50 abc 54.50 lalH EASY - 59-50 voss 44-50 "-i9'50 yj 10114 EASY SPIN 4Y.3U NoHce! pnT GIFT CERTIFICATE Jj reHis") EASY TERMS Coupon Hi $5 55 isl afm OPEN FRIDAY "with You HI Towed. Ef ('MMMmm 'TIL 9 P.M. Worth $5.00 THIS pi A A Purcha,eof fPKIi li- fig! COUPON 4UU AnyC.rti.d. Rgfj " lii G00DF0R Rebuilt Washer ....-,.u.... I "iiiMimMiiiMUMiKitriiHciiMiiiFiiiiiiiu $s GOOD FOR 30 DAYS ONLY $5 Rf ITVOIRfflVORinfOOISTIRE SALEM OREGON CITY J iyj A A 1 A AA A A AA A A A A A AAA AAA A AAA AAA A AAA AAAAA AAAAA llf 115 South Commercial Dial 3-9148 isxxxxxv South WCTU Unit Plans Tea South Salem WCTU Is to hold its annual membership tea on Friday of this week between the hours of 2 and-4:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Vlck, 125 East Meyers street. Mrs. Leonard Gilkey will give the report of the state conven tion. "Victory In Oklahoma" will be discussed by Mrs. S. M. Laws. Miss Edith Watts will sing sev eral solos. All interested women are wel come. Mrs. Vick will be assist ed by Mrs. W. Heidler and Mrs. Anna Brown at the tea. Detroit Club Back Of Library Project Detroit The Detroit Wom en's Civic club met at the home of Mrs. Zetta Schlador at the 3C camp last week. The meeting was rallpri tn nrripr hv thp nrpii- ,denti Mrs. Ray Johnson. There was a discussion of the library, which is being sponsored and equipped by the Civic club. The necessity of a few more chil dren's books was reported by Mrs. Joe Wright, librarian. She also reported that 50 books for children were on order from the state library. These books will all be for children below the 8th grade. It was decided to keep the library open on Saturday from 2-4, beginning at once. The Women s Civic club has taken an interest in a perma nent library here and has been saving whatever funds it has been able to raise from various projects and was able to buy a five hundred dollar bond, which will be used as a building fund for a new library above the wa ter line. The library has an un usually good selection of library books -for adults, according to Miss Eleanor Stephens, state li brarian, who was here two weeks ago. Donations have been received from a number of indi viduals and groups as well some donations from libraries having duplicates of books. Mrs. Schlador has been ap pointed Community Chest chair man in Detroit vicinity, which also includes Mongold. There were eighteen members present and one guest, Mrs. Mamie Wy ers of Costa Mesa, Calif. Re freshments were served by the hostess, LABISII The Labish Gar den club is meeting Thursday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Henny. DEMOLAY MOTHERS club is meeting for luncheon Thursday noon in me masonic temple, HOSTESS to her bridge club mis evening will be Mrs. Paul W. Harvey, Jr. Dessert will be served. Mere's ADDED SAVINGS! IN HOGG r yr'- -f " CERTIFIED AND LARGE SELECTION I W. Klw I W Now I Was Now I Wl Langholz-Warner Wedding Oct 31 Aurora At a ceremony in Vancouver, Wash. Monday eve ning, October 31, Miss Marian Lucille Warner, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner of Sheldon, Iowa, was wed to Kenneth William Langholz, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Huber of Can- by. Justice of the Peace Fred Bowman read the service. The bride wore a street dress of green satin with a corsage of gardenias. She was attended by Mr Langholz's sister, Mrs. How ard Giger, who wore a gray bo lero dress and a corsage of Am erican Beauty roses. Glenn Pottratz served as best man for Mr. Langholz. Attending the wedding were the bride's moth er, Mrs. Elizabeth Huber; me bridegroom s grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Giger and daughter, Virginia, Mrs. Ronald Mohning and Mr. and Mrs Glenn Pottratz, all immediate relatives of the couple. ( A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ' Mohning in Canby. About 50 ! friends and reta'ives attended the reception. Mrs. Langholz came west from Iowa about a year ago. Mr. Langholz, a veter-, an of nearly four years of navy service, is a graduate of Canby union high school. I The couple are now at home east of Mulino. AMONG those entertaining a group preceding the Wisteria club dance Thursday evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mor row, who have invited a group to their home. Hosts following the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goode nough, who are to entertain in formally at a midnight supper with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cullen of Frankfurt, Kentucky, visitors here, as honor guests. The Wisteria dance is to be in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. MRS. O. MONSON, 386 East Rural avenue, celebrated her 80th birthday, Saturday. Present for the dinner and, to spend the day were her children, Mr. and Mrs. Wick Miller of Albany, Harold Monson of Grand Ronde, Misses Agnes and Olga Monson of Salem, and her brother, Peter Nelson of Salem. Another, son, Wallace Monson, was unable to attend, as was Mrs. Harold Mon son, who is visiting her mother in Iowa. Sadilek-Madden Aurora Miss Dixie Mae Madden of Aurora and Lloyd G Sadilek of route 2, Woodburn were married Saturday after noon, October 29, at a service read by Justice of the Peace T, H. Arestad of Canby. BROS. SALEM REBEKAH loge met in regular session on Monday evening with Mrs. Justina Kil- dee, noble grand, presiding. The Ladies auxiliary, Patri archs Militant, will meet Thurs day night of this week. Next Monday night there will be Initiation. On November 15, the Rebek ahs will hold their annual rum mage sale and those having do nations are asked to contact Mrs Clarence Townsend. Rebekah homecoming will be November 21, with a no-host dinner at 6:30. THE SHOl WITH THi Comfortable jj walking in Naturalizer straps Smart shoes fashioned In the season's most popular style . . . gay, comfortable straps with medium heels. A foolproof formula for easy goingt Brown or Black Calfskin REBUILT WASHERS GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Little Boy Feted A birthday party is to be given Thursday afternoon to honor Tad Arbuckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Arbuckle, on the occasion of his third anniver sary. Present for the event will be his grandmothers, Mrs. Du ane Wheeler of Portland and Mrs. George L. Arbuckle. Other guests will Include Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Gregory and Laurie; Mrs. Wayne Hadley and Allan; Mrs. Elmer Baldwin HAUTIFUL fl eA 481 STATE ST. OF Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1919 7 and Patricia; Mrs. Richard Gra benhorst and Ricky; Mrs. CarW ton McLeod and Franca; Mrs. Henry Carson, Jr., and Billy of Silverton; and Kim Arbuckl and Mrs. Arbuckle. AMONG club hostesses of the week was Mrs. Gordon Keith who entertained her bridge group, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wayne Hadley and Mrs. Cory don Blodgett were additional guests. 5 ALL Clip This Coupon