24 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 " ' f i r W ' iriU Junior Gets a Licking Mildred, the cow, gives her two-day-old bull call a "facial" at San Francisco's Grand National Exposition. They're owned by Twin Valley Farm, of Healds burg, Calif., property of screen actor Fred MacMurray. Assayers Find Gold Is Only Shiny Brass Castalc, Calif., Nov. 9 W California's latest gold strike was a little too strong on brass. A rash of gold fever spread through this little community -when Charley Allen discovered hiny metal in a well behind his cafe. Prospectors converged on the town, only 10 miles from the aite of California's first gold discovery in 1842. They thought Allen had the real thing. Claims were filed and samples of the golden stuff were sent to the assayers. The assayer's report quickly cured the fever. It said there was a little gold all right, but that the shiny stuff was brass. New School Opened Thomas The Thomas 67-J New Union grade school build ing which opened for school No vember 1 will hold open house Sunday, November 13 from 2 to 5 o'clock. This is the consoli dated districts of Gladtidings, Marquam and Thomas districts. The permanent name to be de cided on in the near future. NLRB Election Cancelled . Portland, Nov. 9 A pro posal for an NLRB bargaining agent election at the Troutdale aluminum plant was cancelled yesterday. The vote was to have been on the question of CIO ateelworkers having a union ahop. At the last minute, the AFL Electrical Workers union contended it should represent 450 employes. A vote may be held later to decide which un ion the employes want to rep resent them. am ...as a woman's bag thafs FL1ES-TC-L0GS THE CONVENIENT, CLEAN, EFFICIENT FUEL TODAY'S BUSINESS MIRROR $300 Million Bite on Dad For Christmas Toys Looms By SAM DAWSON New York, Nov. 9 Wi Santa Claus is set to put a $300 million bite on Dad for toys this Christmas. There are a record num bei of children to unwrap the presents, and a record number of fathers to buy the toys and help them wear out. The shops will offer more lower-priced toys, but plenty of luxury priced ones, too. Amer-- ican toy manufacturers think they'll top last year's unit sales volume, but that slightly low ered prices may keep the dollar sales volume down to last year's $300 million. Santa Claus may be penalized a few yards in com munities where incomes have been hit by strikes or lay-offs. But for the country as a whole, there should be as many, or more, fond parents, uncles and aunts, trying out the toys on store counters, and'buying. They'll have a wide choice. Almost every problem current ly agitating parents is echoed in the designs for new playthings. For instance, department store toy counters now set up for the sales rush, are showing more toys presumably powered by atomic energy and jet propulsion. Or, if father has been worried about the housing situation, maybe he'll buy one of the new prefabricated toy houses. If he's all steamed up about the tug-of-war between coal and oil, with its overtones of strikes and prices, and the labor dis putes involved in changing over from steam locomotives to dies els perhaps he'll be interested to note that electric train sets show more diesel-type locomo tives this year than steam. And among the new games is one in which the object is to I find parking space for the family j car. Many persons no longer consider this search funny, but the game is said to be absorbing, and serves to let the youngster see what he's in for. The farm influence, now that crop surpluses and food prices arc so to the fore in even a toy maker's mind, is strong in the electric train department. For instance, you can buy your fu ture 4-H club member a cattle car with ramps that toy cattle will walk up and down. The magnet is plentiful, too. There's a magnetic farm, with little pigs led unerringly to the source of their dinner by mag nets, cows that are milked mag netically, and a rabbit with a magnetic nose to which a carrot clings. The trend to lower priced toys shows up in the Christmas cata logs of mail order houses. Both Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward feature the cheaper play thing. Montgomery Ward lists twice as many toys under $1 as last year. All together, its cata log shows 12 per cent more toys this year. Sears has more Christ mas lighting fixtures for sale, with fancier and more brilliant effects. Most stores placed their or ders before November 1, but some are reported reordering and in a few items, especially some of the most popular of the new dolls, are having to wait for delivery.' The effect of the steel strike, however, is generally minimized in the trade. Fore seeing it, most manufacturers laid in enough stocks last sum mer. Dolls are a chief standby, as always. M1 I"' . bea"' WANTED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES SPOT CASH CALL ANYWHERE ANYTIME Wf COME AT ONCE Highest Prices Paid Gladly Write WOODRY AUCTION MKT. 1605 N. Summer or Phone 351 10 Collect o n o EDWARD WILLIAMS 330 Court ASirlnlH A I IIS Btil far Wide Variety of Designs and Colors for Every Home Need! Here it your opportunity to givo your homo a "new look" at unusual savings! Our wido variety of wall paper patterns features unusual values In modern, traditional and period styles. Attractive designs and rich colors. Choose from United Style Album and Salon selections Dorothy Leibes weaves exquisite hand prints as well as beautiful, long-lasting budget patterns. 39c to $4.50 per single roll Ak our trained Wallpaper Consultant for hem decorating advice. Oil-Base WALLHIDE Covers Most Surfaces with one Coat! e Pittsburgh's WALLHIDE is not a water paint, powder paint or substitute. It's a real oil-base paint that covers almost any type of inside wall with one coat. Can be washed repeatedly-painted over without streaking. Your choice of 34 attractive colors in flat, semi-Rloss and gloss finishes. Flat, per gallon $4.16 Com. In for FKEI copy. "COIOR DYNAMICS for Your Horn.", sit 'I no CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38(62 or Z4431 i'J r?nrs7Wni-il PITTSBURGH PLATE CLASS COMPANY 254 No. Commercial Dial 3-3636 ni THE MELLOW TAstb ji o h v , a SHERLOCK HOLMEs VU NEEDN'T BE Sl,tteTCLUE AND . uc MAN you (ant USEEESy Imperial It made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey 86 proof. 70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram Wilkei & Sons Inc., Peons, Illinois. r$2 I IMPERIAL 1 J, lifc viiiiiiniiiiiii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui: r CROSLEY MILLION -DOLLAR GIVEAWAY 5 CEQfflE QB7 YES, OVER $2,000,000 IN CASH AND VALUABLE PRIZES! Just tell us a good reason why we should give you a new Shelvador Refrigerator A double chance to win. First we're one of hundreds of Crosley Dealers having a Local Contest, designed for our own friends and neighbors and judged by local judges right in our own community. Think how simple it is! All you do is write on the Local Entry Blank in 50 words or less why you believe Crosley should give you a beautiful, new 9-cubic-foot Shelvador Refrigerator. If our judges select your reason as best, you will get a new 1950 Shelvador Refrigerator to be awarded by us and delivered right to your home. WIN A BRAND NEW 1950 CUSTOM MODEL SHcLVADOR REFRIGERATOR $27,500 In cash 25 complete Crosley Electric Kitchens and 100 new 19 SO Shelvador Refrigerators as National Prizes! Second a National Contest, in addition to and separifte from our Local Crosley Dealer Contest, where the same words you write for the Local Contest (or different ones if you prefer) may be submitted on the National Entry Blank and compete for the Grand Prizes of cash, kitchens, and refrigerators to be awarded by Crosley. Each of the Crosley Electric Kitchens has a retail value of over $1500 and includes: A 1950 9-cubic-foot Model CB-9 Custom Shelvador... Model DE 129 Crosley Electric Range ... 3.2 cubic-foot Model HF-1346 Crosley Kitchen Freezer . . . 40-gallon table-top Custom Model CMT40DE Crosley Electric Water Heater . . . Model CKD25 Crosley Kitchen Dis poser . . . 48-inch Model CST4800 Crosley Cabinet Sink . . . and base and wall steel cabinets to a maximum retail value of $350.00. The Amazing 1950 Shelvador with Exclusive WORKSAVER Design ALL SPACE AT THE "CONVENIENCE LEVEL"! IP YOU BUY A NEW 1950 CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR during this contest and win one as a prize either in National or Local Contests . . . you will get a cash refund equal to the retail price of your prize. JUST FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES- UliRE) Gives up to 23 mor spa In th same slz cabinet maty to roach oasy to uso tiA liAMilnH rlanp a hi Aaap. The new 1950 Model Ct- Cubic Feet Capacity, 1. In 30 word i or lti, writ youf rvaion or raient why thou Id g!v you a ntw Shctvador Itafrigsr otor. Writ your reoiorn in tm ipac provided en fh Entry Btankt th rd Entry Hank for rh CrotUy local DmImY Contest; I he green Entry Honk for the Cretlcy Naltonol Contest. J. fortklpanti may rttvr both th CrotUy local DoolorV Contert and the Crotlay National Contest. However, participant) may iwbmit only on niry tn only on of tfco Cfotley Loco I Dealer' Contain and tho participant may bmit only ana ontr in the Crotloy National Contort. 9. torn of tho Entry Blank to bo obioined al no ccit from Crotley Appliance dealer. Tho groan Entry Hank for tn Notional Contatt from any Crciy Daolof, th rd Entry Blank from th local Crottoy Doalor conducting o local contort. 4. Any rttdM of tha continontal Unftod Slotat may compat a Kept employ) of rh Crotloy LMviiro f tho AVCO Monwfoctvr Corporation, rotoll daalari of Crone y opplrotxat, oJal ditrribvtor of Crotloy appliance, thair advert-ting ogonciot and their familtos. CoMotf wbict to all fodaral, rat, end local ragv lotion. t. I ontriot on tho rod Entry Hook for th Croatey local Dootort Contort omo) bo dolfrorod bofor Ooctmbor 1, t4t, to tho CrotUy Dolr from whom tho ontry wot oalotnod. All ontriot on althor th rd blank for th local contt or th grn blank far tho notional oonroil that or nallod, nutt b postmarked bfor midnight, Novmbr 30, .949. 7. Mad or dollvor In peron your rod Entry Blank for th Crotlay local Dealer' Contatt to tho Crotloy Dealer from whom tho ontry blank wot obtainod. Mail tho green Entry Blank for tho National Crotlay Contatt tea Batty Olton, Director of Horn tconomki, Crotlay DMtlon, AVCO Monvfacturbio Cora Bot 1931, Cincinnati, Obi. t. fntrlot b hidfl' rd prliat wM b owordod for orlginollry, imcorlry and optn of thowgM. iudgot' dochlan will b final. Dwplkat priiat will b owordd in coo of ti. No antriei wtli b returned. Entrtot, contvnti pnd ido thrin bcomo tho proporty of th Crotlay Drviiion, AVCO Manwfactwrina Corporation. f . Al wlnnon wM b notiflad by moH, phono, or tolagram. A Kit of tha wmnor of th Crotloy National Contort wM bo oilabl on raqva from Crotloy DrvHion, AVCO Monvfoctwring Carporotion. 132? Arlington St, Cincinnati 25, Ohio, appro mutely two month ohor th clot of th cant m by Comy, t. M. tag, i. g, pot gV Better Products for Happier Living Now GET ENTRY BLANKS FROM. SEE the ACTUAL Refrigerator to be Given Away Absolutely FREE by Woodry's. On Display in Our Store. Hurry! Contest Closes Nov. 30th . . Phone 2-4111 For Contett Information