i AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOBILES t AUTOMOBILES EXTRA EXTRA y Popular Demand Lee & Sam Again Offer You Their Famous Combination - Sale Savings". One of The Largest Stocks of Clean, Dependable Used Cars in The Entire Northwest. ALWAYS CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING BEFORE BUYING A CAR, NEW OR USED 1. IT IS NOW CHEAPER TO BUY A GOOD USED CAR. 2. A DEPENDABLE DEALER CHECKS EVERY CAR THOROUGHLY. WE MAKE NECES SARY REPAIRS BEFORE DELIVERING A CAR TO YOU. 3. YOUR DEPENDABLE DEALERS HAVE A REPUTATION TO PROTECT-WOULD YOU BUY A DIAMOND FROM A STRANGER IF HE STOPPED YOU ON THE STREET? WE DON'T THINK YOU WOULD, WITHOUT FIRST KNOWING IT WASN'T "HOT" AND THAT IT WAS A GOOD STONE. AUTOMOBILES ARE THE SAME. WE GUARANTEE TITLES . . . YOU TAKE NO CHANCES! I Come in Now & Let Us Explain How We Can Save You Money On One of These "Once in a Life Time Buys". 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan. Heater, seat covers. 11,000 miles. Like new $ 1500 1949 Ford Station Wagon. Like new ... $ 1965 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan. Loaded with extras. This popular well made car will please you $ 1495 1948 Packard 4-Door Sedan. This popu lar 130 deluxe model has every thing for only $ 1950 1947 Frazer 4-Door Sedan. Radio & heater. A real buy. You name the price ? ? ? 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor. Radio & heater. Another black beauty $ 960 1947 Chevrolet Coupe. Where else can you buy one like this for $ 1150 1942 Dodge 4-Door Sedan. This custom model is very clean $ 770 1942 Chevrolet Club Cpe. Heater. This is a buy in this popular car for only $ 795 1942 Buick Super Convertible. Radio & heater. All '47 trim' and grille .... $ 1050 1941 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan.' Special deluxe. Clean, with heater, two tone paint $ 675 1941 Buick Sedanette. This popular spe cial series has radio and heater and is an exceptional buy $ 695 1939 DeSoto 2-Door Sedan. Worth far more than asking price $ 375 1938 Dodge Club Coupe. Radio and heater. Previous owner had it ov erhauled just before trading it . . . $ 350 1939 Studebaker Champion Cpe. Heat er, overdrive. Hurry on this one . . $ 295 1939 Buick Special 2-Door. An un usually clean car that we've had too long $ 550 1938 Buick Special Sedan, 2-Door, with radio and heater and above aver age condition $ 350 1949 Chrysler Highlander 4-Door Se dan. Beautiful Scotch plaid uphol stery and fully equipped. A real saving on this one $ 2395 1948 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan. Torpedo "8."' Equipped. Beautiful black finish $ 1560 1948 Mercury 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heater. This car is porcelainized and has had exceptionally good care. Priced at only $ 1495 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Club Coupe. A black beauty with lots of extras. Real class for $ 1295 1946 Nash "600" 4-Door Sedan. This popular car gets 26 miles per gallon and has only 2400 miles $ 1095 1947 Willys Station Wagon. Heater, overdrive. One of the most prac tical cars of all times .$ 1095 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Coupe. Radio and heater. A very clean car $ 975 1942 Packard Clipper 4-Door Sedan. This 120 model has heater and ov erdrive. Very clean $ 1050 1942 Nash "600" 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heater. Overdrive. Another clean car that gets 25 miles per gallon : $ 825 1941 Chevrolet Club Coupe. Radio and heater. There's few of these left like this ' $ 875 1941 Buick 4-Door Sedan. Another popular series with radio and heat er. Far above average, new motor, etc $ 750 1941 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan. Torpedo "8." This one-owner doctor's car has radio and heater and runs like our 1948 models. Very clean $ 825 1936 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heater. In top condition thru out $ 300 AUTOMOBILES 'M THEY. naw tire, f ISO, AUo '35 Chev. Pickup. S9Q. Rt. . Box J44A qJIO 1117 FI.VMOITH deluxe club coupe. Ra dio, heater. ioluht.s. eat covers. Ift.OoO mile. Excellent condition. 11395.00. Phone S-030. U09 Eisner Motors to Buy :ar accessories urn at tube i at eot price Ktrt come first served u thU it a cloje-out tali Dealers welcomed R D Woodrow Co., 450 Center a." CHECK THE OWNER MIST Pll equity $365 for 1350. Bal. on 24 month contract. 1949 Ford Custom Sedan. Radio, heater, aeat cov ers, only 8600 miles. Sco car at Used Car Dept. State Motors. 340 N. Hlxh St. q26 CIIEVKOI.IIT S-Door OTTOJ. WILSON CO. KFO sedan. Heater. Runs good. 6S. 99 Evergreen Ave. o,'.'t7 OWNER MI ST sell. 1946 MERCURY CLUB COUPE. Perfect condition. $JOO cah. Bal. 24 month. See car at Used Car Lot 618 So. 12th SI. q267 TRAILERS II FT. HOt'SE TRAILER. Butane equipped Cheap. Ph. 3-9J37. 23 05 Lee St. t368 TRAILER house lor tale at 1210 N 5th fci izw '-WHEEL luftRage trailer Ali7tee77 New tlrei. Can be made Into home trailer. AUo, truck tire wheel and tube. Rte. 4. Box 672. Boone Rd. 1273 TRAILER jtpacei. very reu. at Hlihway A'C Trailer Park. 2 bloriu N. of under pays, 1 bile. E. Nice and quiet. Clojte to new trade school, bowcj St store. Chil dren welcome, no cliarce under school a tee. Clean heated rest room, showera. laundry facit;le. with new dryer Come out and see as. Ph. 2-1745 or 15 Highway Ave. t287 sroT DIRECTORY l)IiiNO MACHINE All makea need mehlcea sold, ranted repaired Boen M Court Phnn 3-9773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appliance Vice's RiKtrtc Phone Free Mi mate riade-tn accepted on t-9231 137 8 Liberty St o AT-l'R DOOR SlfRPFNIXfi CHECK THE SPOT Sltlfi 47 CHEV. Sup. Deluxe Fleetmaster frirea vzoo under market lor quick sale. Peri. c: nd. R.A.H.. etc. 3-53?4. q261 l!-36 CHEVROLET 2-Door 8129 OITO J. WILSON CO. Q268- Pay Up the Back Pay ments of Balance Due and Take Over '37 Ford Sedan '37 Hudson Terraplane '34 Ford, new motor 34 Dodse Coupe STATE MOTORS, INC. USED CAR LOT 678 SO. 12th ST. Q267 UARION MOTORS NASH SEHV1CB Towing service day phone 3-9283 t irtiM 31 Center BOI1V AND PAINT Braden'a Body 8t Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3690 Cherry. Ph. 2-2022. 0237 1VII UING CARPENTRY Remodel, rrpair that home now Terms No down payment Phtmt 2-4850. o BTI.LDOZING Bulldorlnx, leveling, lewd bid., clear ing, teeth for brush. Viml Hotkey. 1010 Faivtew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. or391" Dean Robinson. Ph. Capital Journal, Satem, Ore.. Wednesday, Nov. 9, 23 '" i -ft $h Painting from Memory Edwin Palm, 67, works on one of his series of paintings in Chicago, the subjects being scenes h. recalls of his native Sweden which he left in 1902. CASH REGISTERS C1IIMXEY SWEEP WILSON'S GIVE THESE YOUR ATTENTION Worth Special Mention 1948 Buick Dynaflow Scdanet S1985 FINE CAB LUXURY AT MINIMUM COST. MATCHI.F33 SNAP. SMOOTH NESS. AND LONU LIFE. PRICED FAR BELOW REAL VALUE. 1946 Pontiac Sedan $1295 A DECIDED BARGAIN AT THIS PRICE. HAS HAD FXCEITIONAL CARE AND '.VILL GIVE YOU EXCEPTIONAL SERV. ICE. 1942 Hudson Super $725 Six Sedan Los. rrnd. clfar'B. carryall wit Ph or 3'.:c uto Worth. S40 Plymouth Pr The National Caah Register Co. Cub r.egiMera Accounting Machine Salea - Service Supplies 525 Oalnes Street Phona J -4422 U2! 121 Pints of Blood Tuesday Set New 8 Months Record With 121 pints of blood donated Tuesday, the Salem area set a new record lor the eignt monins me momie unit irom me Portland regional blood center has been stopping here. Each month the goal has been 100 pints, but October was the first month that that figure was reached or exceeded, 106 pints having been donated then. The November total of 121 brought Iiutan delivery of new RCA cut reel. i) make lold rented, re ps M Rsen ; Court PS 3"?3 e CEMENT HORK For expert cu Irani eed latlifactlon new or repair of foundation. Idewtllu driveway, patio, curb alU etc Call 2-4850 O Furnace chimney vacuum clean-d. Ervsley. 771 S. 21t. Ph. 2-7176. o285 DKKSSMAKING State St. Alteration Shop. Preasinak- itu. 360 State St., Rm.27. 0388 Dressmaking A alteration. Work guar anteed 1290 N. 2aH. Ph. 3-7885. 0274 mtlVEWAYS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' Electric for electrical wlrlnc, contractlni. repalrlni. IS7 6 Libert EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. J-3US8. Let Crou. Rt. fl. Box 437-C e385 rrthauot'c for flowera Dla' J-9179 Fl'RNACE A CIRCI LATOR SERVICE HOME PROIH'CTS VERY CLEAN AND MECHANICALLY SOUND. ETCCELLENT TRANSPORTA TION AT MODEST COST. Terms Available Your Car May Make the Down Payment OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center RAWLEIOH PRODUCTS. 1-8576. 2M HOUSEHOLD PROULCTn WatkloJ Oo 1717 Center products Free de Pi. 1-S3M. ' MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS CHEAP transportation. 60 mllen to the callon. '48 Salisbury acooter. uompieieij overhauled. Muat aell Ph.8-6351. qa267 SPARK heater. Indian Scout motorcycle. A-l condition. Ph. 4-2034. qam SAFTICYCLES The motor acooter built like a motor cycle. IV and a n.t. moiora. auiq malic clutch, no near to ahlft. Up to 100 mile per Bal. Special reduced prlce.1 for Nov. Terms, new and used mode Li. HAJfiS OUTBOARD St SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-60.-.0 qaaH7 FARM EQUIPMENT And Many Others To Choose From Including pickups and cheap transportation. Many of these cars are one-owner cars, including some of the '36 models. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY DURING THE.NEXT 90 DAYS MAKE THAT NEW-USED CAR A FAMILY CHRISTMAS PRESENT. WE WILL HOLD YOUR CAR UNTIL CHRISTMAS WITH ONLY THE DOWN PAYMENT. Remember Check Other Prices & Condition of Cars, Then Drive in Today WE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY, NOV. 11, ARMISTICE DAY, ALONG WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF THE SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASS'N. BUT WE'LL BE BACK SATURDAY TO SERVE YOU. Lees Used Cars & Sam's Motor Co. CHURCH ST. ANYWHERE BETWEEN COURT & CHEMEKETA -MEMBERS SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASS'N. USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular alare. I&.00 and up. Monttomerr warn A Co., Salem. qh2M IF VOU want to tell your property It will fiay you to Know now mum or an run onn It will stand. This Information li obtainable with very llttla trouble. Do not hesitate, to call on ua for any In formation vou desire on FHA Inana STATE FINANCE CO. 15S 8. Hint! S(. Tl. 3I31. f TABSI AND CITT LOANS 4r. and A". VOUB OWN TERMS of repannent wlthto rcaaoo. Caah for Rta ERtaM contract and Second Mortaaitr-a capitol sfccuitrnra oo 301 Pioneer Truat BWf. Ph. 3-7183 t . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS f SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED RENTED Washers Renaired i&n PICK UP ft DEUVKR Sewlna machine elevtrlliwl At con ertl to portable or conaole. New ft uad. Term W. DAVENPORT. PH. 3-7671 n391 n313 Phrrne PITS ONE Int. .CHICKEN FERTILIZE I 3-JM1. Motor. Phone 3-awK deltTered. j WANTED MISCELLANEOUS .WANTED rumltur U r A -epait Lee I RpAt nrn Reftnlitalnf c.n nh 1-100) 5 . 'WE NF.KD Junk batttrtM. Pirini 11. H C. Haiuon. 130 8. LanraJter. ni393 t V9t0 rtRNITHl. Phone I-.1H. o WANTED TO BI'V: Uned Rnval Tvpwrlt 1 tr In food condition. Ph. 21967 aftr 110 p m. tiaa9 .WANTEDi B4RKIK lucn flr polei or J ttumpaft. Phone I27 Albany or wr:te SranlaM Po j Piunt C , ln nJ7J PERSONAL BE.rTT COt'Nirt.nR produrta. T'M waahbum. U MrrUa Are. Pn. i:3? PERSONAL ARE TOft PXOORH dull-looklnv? Furnl. lure marred A aeratched1 Hax- Salem LiMini Appliance Company deimn itrati Plaatie Kota to you. 2H M. Hlfh. PJW MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and paychle reader. Madam aolvej vour worrlu. Advlea a.m. to 10 p.nt 6iy 17 S. Com'l Voder otw man mnt. pal I STCDESAKER fleu eonvertlbla. RH and O D. Tradt 1150 equity for Cletn 41 or '43. 1041 K. Capitol. Ph a-76. qK.B EOW RALE OR TRADE 1941 International -ion pickup; -apeed iranamlMlon. ov er load iprlnr. heater, SRO milea. Phnn 149? or 3431 Dal la. Or. t3 tTANLET HOME PTftducU. 11H5 N 14th Ph 3-4001 Hlndt P27 STAN I FT HOME ProdueU. Ph. 14451 J. M. atovall, 1045 Bunnyvuw. pJIO MADAM MORA OIPTEO PSTCRIC REAOEK Can netp ron htra othera havt fall.4 Satiafactlon aaiured Advlea an all af fatra of lila. Special rradlni 13.00. La cated Juet aouth of Hubbard on Iflahwaf 99E Between Woodburn and Hubbard Look for aim Readme Datlr. a37l VON Chrutmaa aroduau Pk 3-elU pin- tu-onouct ANONTHOrt- PO lit Ph .3-3331; ..' AUTOMOBILES For Quick Sale 134T Bn:ra apectal Vera clean, i-tiii. RftH. OUer aalraa. liul. 3-11 la. AUfOMOBILEi Eisner Motors to Sell PONTIAC Good Will Cars '! PONTIAO SEDAN. COL' PI. R ft H litis M PLTUOUTII SEDAN 113S t DODGE SEDAN . Ilia 11 PONTIAC SEDAN MS 33 PONTIAO COUPI 33 CHEV. CPS '41 CHEV. SPEC CPS. 'II LUTT. PANEL Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES - TERMS IM R. lltartf Ph 3-1113 14a AUTOMOBILES CHECK THE SPOT ZEEB'S USLCl) CARS ru TERM 3331 PairarouMl 530 Hood At. rwano t LOTS Ph 3-44 PH 3-7714 V Inter job all i C.OM to. Ph q3al 'It DonnE .wrreir 01 hauimc abort in pa. 3-lifts. Sr. 1. 1. OR TR DEi '30 Hidinn 4 door, plrkup with 4 upeed tran of tnut, value or will oav aom difterene after p m. 0.27 Eisner Motors Frie Cars Pn ilM CHEV. 4 oor. Oootj Cond. 133 War 3M t" P6. I "13 3N Bt'lf R. IM. etan. radio. Oood rubber Call 711 Monmouth sill ISO USED CAR LOT 150 tour old one 13th St Open till 10 p m I9M III If K Special Coupe A-l ahape f'jilv euuiDPd 1433. JamtJ Co! 1B0 If. Capiiai. U37 lunei 3S1' ...1129 FINANCIAL PPIVATR MONEY Bpec'a) Rate and Term On Larger Loan Lono and Short Tim Pavmenta ROT H SIMMONS ISO South Commercial SI Phone 9-91A1 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMKTT1 CRtUIT CO. 1113 Church Parklni ft Plentf PTl. 1-3437 LIC. No. M-159 B-1S4 f IN. ULATION JohnA-Mativllle Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxtn Bulldinta Pactortna flomea Estltr.ntes Without Obi tuition AMERICAN BLDO MA INT CO Ph Salem S-B133 o INDSCAPr NI'BSEBT V. Doerfler St Bona. Ornamental. 130 Lane&flter Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1323 o DELUX SERVE SELP laundry 343 Jef ferson St Phone 23452 Oj LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, power and W. Bcott. 147 MATTRESSES fuaranteed aervlce. New hand mowers. Call Hurry ,7 B. Oom'l St. 02S5 Capita, fteddtni Phnpe 3-4Qt O MfSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7AA0. 0293 OFFIt'R FLRVITI'RB M SUPPLIES Dak chalra, fUea and tlllnt auppllta. aafea, duplicator and auppllea deik lamp typewriter atanda brief eaaea Plerea Wire Recordera. Roen 410 Court OIL 111 HM R SERVICE 9 Salem Students Honored at OSC Oregon State College, Corval- lis. Nov. 9 Nine students from Salem were among the 200 hon ored this week by Phi Kappa Phi, rational scholastic honor ary. Barbara Ann Smith, junior, received recognitoin lor comple tion of at least 45 hours of soph omore work with a scholastic average of at least 3.50. Peggy Aileen Burroughs, Marilyn Mae Hill and Grover William Rodich juniors, were honored for com pletion of at least 45 hours of freshman work during 1947-48 with a scholastic average of at least 3.25, while Betty Ann Johnston, Norman Lee Lind burg, Janet Katherine Lindley, Myron Daniel McCall and Carta Joan Savage, sophomores, were recognized for completion of at least 45 hours of freshman work during 1948-49 with a scholas tic average of at least 3.25. Dr. A. L. Strand, president of the college, made the awards at the annual "honors accolade" sponsored by Phi Kappa Phi. Schools Observe Armistice Day In observance of Armistice day an assembly will be held at Garfield at 11 o clock Thursday forenoon. The speaker will be Frank B. Bennett, superinten dent of schools. The flag sa lute will be led by Robert Burn side and the entire assembly will sing patriotic numbers. At 11:30 Thursday morning, Dr. Bennett will speak to the upper grades at Grant and at 1 o'clock that afternoon the Grant primary grades will hold their Armistice day assembly. There will be a speaker. the grand total of donations in Marion county since March 8 to 1120 pints. First person giving blood Tuesday became the 1000th per son to donate in this county, and that individual was Percy G. Gorton, 1045 Garnet, Salem. He came to the bloodmobile to donate as a replacement for an other person who already had benefitted from the free blood given through this Red Cross program. "The record set for Marlon county is remarkable, and one greatly appreciated," said Mil ton L. Meyers, blood program chairman here. "While some counties have given more at one visitation, Marion county has had more frequent visitations ay me moDue unit than any other county In the regional blood center, therefore, the total of 121 pints Tuesday is trulv remarkable," he added. The mo bile unit has been in Salem 10 times since March 8, also it stop ped at St. Paul, Mt. Angel, Sil- verton and Woodburn in that period. Next visitation is scheduled for the second Tuesday of De cember here. For this week only me moDiie unit was in opera tion in the former Sears and Roebuck company store at State and High. We nuarantee our work. Ph. 3-8692 Eve 4-2424. 0273 Hflrom'i palntlnl ara equtppad Phona 1-2493 PAINTING PAPFRIMNOINO Pnlntlna ami paprrhanvlnK. Free ani mal e. Ph. 3-8513. 357 Bhlpplni. 0292' PAPKRIIANGINO palntlna. H Praa oat. 0279' $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. IPSO Pairc round Rmd Meat Dor to Bank Pre Parkin Phon 37032 -Lie N M3AV-S331 fiord Kenyon Met M POR TOUR SAVINOS INVESTMENT but rear tnate first mnrtstft. pff.pemer Salem tV vlelnlt? Mnke tout own ce. lection, neti you & percent w n Ur ea re of all col It r Inn If riesr'tl Amount tlnfi0 to several thntxand fin) lam r or rail ii for partlnilnra STATE FINANCE CO. m s HnhPt. rS1JMx L' np p! pon ATTRACT iVE t ARM IMNS ONLY 4". OR I'll KRF.KT I to 0 Vara id Sn CnmmlMifin Leo N. Childs, Jnc. RKALTOHS PJIMIHNO rUherjl44 Com'l. Plv 3-3013 RP.FRHiKR ATION" ItrRVirR Miller R err lie rati on 6erv. Co. Ph. 1-1M4 o3Sla Ruuhaoei Paint Store 1AND r.RAVKl Gardo Soil crushed rofk, Shovel and dragline exravaMnn Walltnt Sand A Oravn Co. Phone 3-0349 0 Valley Band it Oravai Co Bllt, Band & f 11 dirt Escavatlni 101a ahovel caU rrtetnr aroop St Irwrtu for dirt movlnc office 34003. rea S714S o IAWK Salem Snw Wrka Ph" 3-7103 1293 N ! n2H nTtrlf flito-It'intrr. P.itflii'lve Pa'ent Hnmr Rharp Cut'lnf P-lade? Clenn ppi'pr, Ir Jrn-. TanliK. Ph. 3-3137. o" DIRECTORY VENETIAN BLINDS Sftlfm Venetian Blind made to order or reflolahod Reloholdt Uwf 3-3933 Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37333. W EAT ITF R S TRIP PIN 6 WELL DRILLING Prtd Wrmora, Rt. Bos 317. Ph. 3-SlSV o391 WINDOW SIIADErl Wajihrble Roller Uada to ordrr 1 Del Relnholdt St UwU Ph 33638 W INDO W CUt ANTN O Acme indow Cleaners Wlndowi, walla St woodwork cleaned Ploora e leaned ai?d and pollahad Ph 1-3331 347 Court Lancdoft CulberUoa nd klather woon nAwnrsT We.t Sal"n Fuel Co. Ph 1-4031. iVOODSAVVINO Atklna til CroM, Ph 3-8674 or 3-3171 B:ierl W r'nt'd. repaired T7. erni Davenport. Ph 1-"7t nam 344 8te St Phone 3-1M1 OKNFR AL FINANCE CfinP LM S 133 and M 133 ani Rf)Y H KIMMONS !HL'HAN(;t a:jd IA1S .: 8 Commercial St Tel l-3l"t BILLS UNPAID? Let Pcrfonnl's YES MAN pay thom for you! Rt4!r your tnin'hlv pnvmenle with hU SmaU'r pBTmcnl" Plan O't etra zw-h atid apread the pavmnU over 30 mfln'M. Yin tn-vae the TTonlh!? pavmen You ffiw i-ja pamnt date Don't horrw unnsarM? Out If a loan la (h h'at tf',4' ion tnp in or phon tn "VC8" MAN Ha aara Vaa to 4 out of I Personal finance Co. -rr-Tir tanks Mike'a flfittc Service. Tunk eleaned Ttfifo Krjotrr aervlce on SewrrA. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 1-9463. 3-.M27 o2? P,rr tic mm h.n ier l"t on iawr an! Iran lltr- fiuaranteed work 11413th K V H.rrcl S'plie titllU elfind SI . Vfl 8i rn. Ph 3-744 o37S Viu'im Putnpinf . no m:eia eh aria Cx-I ui fOi!i't lodd'ji Aeptte Tank i4ti fiiaV St Phona 3-0734. o em I Nr. MtcniNr.n Ai; n-.aaa repatied free tJitlxiTe i.rittt &w.nt Hvh'rt Co 130 No CV.rr.mTclai Ph 3-113 o MPf PITERS Hmith Corona, ft mini ton Roral. Dndfr iMid pnrtariiaa Ai. mitw od mtrhin.' R:a' nfl Ja'jl Boen Crsyrtft' RTORant IRAN a I r P Jtai k Diatanre Tranaftr. totaai Sirnor one. eoal A brntueu TrucM U Ptrt.and dall Aernt tor Bk'n Hove hold crxvla moved to an v he re in Ul Canada Lariner Trarafer B'orac Pn I 1.11 V. Rrr 13! C. R. Allta, Mir. Phon I 344 LM. ua. M-l" r3l To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 lions afSifverfon Plan Annual Dinner Silverton Miss Betty DePeel to be one of the program guests of the Lions club at the Ladies' Night banquet at the Double J restaurant banauet rooms, November 16 when the members observe the annual en tertainment for their wives and sweethearts. Miss DePeel gave Silverton a surprise as a "natural" in pan tomime record dance and sim ulated song entertainment, when she appeared in a number on a local talent play recently. She is a daughter of Harlev DePeel of the local police force and Mrs, DePeel, Her program number for the Lions hour will be from a record. Robert Miller Is program chairman. Dancing will be of fered following the dinner and program. LKfJAL NOTICE OP PI RI.IC HEARING NOTICE HEREBY IH GIVEN 10 all per on. particularly Interested and to the etieral public that a hfannf will he htd before (lit common council of the City f Salem. Oreon. at the eitj hall, on No tmh'r 14. i4B. at h hour f ISO r m , to nndtr an nrdtnance ehanelna from a C:m II Rivldential District t a Ctaat HI HiMtnru Dim net the follownit deacrlb- ed prs'TnlA' Bfi-inninf at a point on the aouth T.ne of 'hi Salm to Silverton County nond. whlrh point la flout h H 4 feet and South 7J- 30' Wfl 1ft. 43 feet from a pnin' that in North M Eaat 13 7 rhalna and North 17.301 chain of the Aaithwet erner f 4S J. A. Huffman lam), aald Southweat corner hMne 13 i ehaina aaat and 4S33 chain north of f.k aouthwejit corner of U. Donation Land Claim of SumuH Wi kT and wife In Townahip 7 South. Ranct 3 Wft of the Wllla metta Meridian In Marion County, Oreeon; t hence South 149 91 feet; ttienre Nrtlh nt- hT WfJit 30A feet; t'.fnce North ftO fret to the aouth Una of aaid road: thence North At 01' Kaat alona the e-oitti II n" of said road to an anale therrin; thence North 73 to I At U3B9 fftt to tha place of h'llnii.iif . By Order of the Common Council Octo ber 34. l'J4. ALPR1TD MUNDT City Recorder. Nov 3. 9. 10. 11. LODGES 7C100-K me'u ever7 Wch-ne-la? nutht Visitors ..me ' Salrm Lodge No. 4 AF. tic AM. Wl.. Noy. flth, dlstrlrt meeting, 100 p n, 967' Broadcast Features Amity FFA Members Amity Amity chapter, Fu ture Farmers of America, wer heard over KMCM on time spon sored by the Fnrmem Coopera tive creamery of McMlnnvilla. Mr. Cronin, Amity FFA ad visor, led Edward Chapman and Phil Hawman in a short discus sion of what to expect from FFA work. Ed A Freshman expressed hut desires to learn more about the construction, operation, adjust ment and repair of farm machin ery. Phil Hawman, a graduate of 1949 and now freshman at OSC enrolled in dairy husband- told briefly of his work In high school agriculture and how he developed I herd of regis tered Jersey cattle. Power Reaches Farms lone, Nov. 0 A") Electricity surged for the firrt time into a mid-Columbia area of 600 fnrm near here yesterday. A new substation of the Bonneville Power administra tion went Into operation. It re layed power to about SO farms. Main lines are installed for serv ice to another 550 fnrms in Mor row, Gilliam and Wheeler coun ties. Connections will be made when transformers and fcedi-r lines are Installed. Approximately 300.000 square feet of green-tinted, heat absorb ing glass windows are planned for the permanent secretariat building of the United Nation! In New York. i Ia70 i