22 Capital Journal Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! .lfte Per Line S time Per Lin time 0e Pet Lint 1 month 12 00 Outside of Salem lie pt line per day Mln. 30c: I time mln. 80e I times mm 11. Jc So Refunds READERS Ir Loeal 'frws Col Onlf: 10c Pr tin To Place an Ad Phone z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPUTE WITH OA It AG P. OUTSIDE PATIO A FIREPLACE. FENCED IN PRONT YARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO SELL. PH. 2-5348 R 3-3734. CLb8INGor c.it ate offers fine opportun ity to buy well located 'i A. with 3 rm. house A garage. 10 mln. to city center. Property alone I a bargain at J2000 Phont 3-6412 days. 27 MM DOWN or win take In lot, ear or what have you. 14 acre. south with livable 6-rm. home. Barden apace. Truit tree. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance CoMRltors 153. High. Ph. 3-4121. 269 795. LATE built 3 bdrm home In 4 Corner dlst. Hdwd. firs. Utility rm. Gar ate. Lot 100x180. Terms. flft.M. .9 ACRE close In east on bua line. Oood 8 rm. home with unfin. attic. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace, floor furnace Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 151 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. a269 FOB RALE OR LEAE New all-electric 1 bdrm. home In Hollywood. 110.000 or $90 per month. See Ted Reed at Loder Broa. or tnu em. n.t.. ioin. rouinu. Or. Kingwood View $12,500 Seml-secluded amart attrartlve 2 bdrm. home in lovely Betting. Basement In cludes party room with extra fireplace An enjoyable plac. to live. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1211 Ed e water. Ph. 3-5109 . a268 .Wo7H ACRE with clran modern 3 bdrm. home. Close In North. Small chicken home. Lou of fruit. Close to bua. Call Stanley Brnwn with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High. Ph. 3-4121. 2B9 M.RO0. 1V4 ACRES with clean late built 3 bdrm. home all on one floor. Close to chool- Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High Ph. 3-4121. 269 14 ACRE t Tt. old beautiful little home. Hdwd. floon. Very close In. On bua line. Only 14300. 1900 down will handle. Possi bility less. Call Mr. Rawlins. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL CONSTRUCTED Beautiful large 2 bdrm. home. About 10 years old. Hdwd. floors. Tile drain board. Pull basement. Auto oil furnace. Lara lot. Well landscaped. Fair better than the average home of this type Well located. In northern part of city. CaU Mr. Tlbbetts. 0 A BEAUTY ThU beautiful new" 2 bdrm. home. Hdwd ' flora. Pla-stered . With good view. In city. South. Near school. Auto washer. Only 1875 down. Bal. on PH. A. at ap proximately i6 per mo. Total 18,475. Call Mr. Heinz. 1 Rawlins Realty (Hollywood District Office Ph. 3-4flfl4. Eve.. Rawlins. 2-8013. TlbbetU 2-7486. Heinz 3-7128. e267 ri'RN. 7 RM. HOUSE, a bnths. gar.. ge. LR, DR. kltch., 2 BR, bath down. 3 rms., bath up. Can use for 1 or 2 fam lliea. Near schools & bus. Ph. 3-r463. a287" 110 DOWN, balanre FHA loan, buys new modern 2 Dorm. nome. raveo 01. close to school. Immediate possession. IA350. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High Pit. 3-4131. 29 THREE ROOM newly remodeled house, plastered. In business dist. Oorner lot. No calls Sundays. 160S N. Llbertv a270 BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floors. Wired for electric range, Electle water heater. Oil furnace. Fire place, V. blinds. Full basement. Insulat ed and weather stripped. Oarage. Near bus and stores. P H. A. available. Price 38500. 1180 UNIVERSITY PH. 3-5807 New Oil Furnace Hollywood, new paper thruout, very lerae living room. DR. 3 bedrooms, bsmt. Oar. 18500. A good lorn t Inn. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS M0 H. High St. Phone 3-4139 267 FOR SALE 6-room house. Attached gar age. All electric. 11900. Will sell furnlsh ed.1751 N. Front. 268 PELL OR TRADE furn or unfurn. small garage house. Inq. Everly Aircraft Co h369 Check This for Value 1. LATE BUILT -WELL STYLED. 1. L. D. HHS COVED CFILINO 3. 2 BP II MS MOWN HM FOR 2 VP. 4. MODEL KITPHKN UTIL. ROOM, ft. Ali HDWD PLUS VEN. BI.DS 6.3 CAR OAR. - - CONCIIKTF DRIVE. 1. tot LOT WELL LANDSCAPED. ft. PAVED ST IHS1HMU.F DIST. 9. NEAR RrilOOL HTOHFS A- BUS. 10. A PAIR PRICE - - !)Mi.l -TERMS iarsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlna - - Personal Service ) 164 6. Com 1. St.- Ph. 3-8.IH9. Eve. 3-744(1 aafist nY OWNER Fieellent t bedroom modern home with dining room. flrci!ure. and finished basement. Full Inflated Larte. well landscaped lot. Comment to school atvl bus. 1940 N. 18th St. Phone 2-0M :72 RATCLIFF DRIVE Beautiful 3 bedroom home well ar ranged, all larae r'm. lots of closet pace. 1422 IK nt'i fireplace 2 BEDROOMS EAST This Utile home has hardwood floors, fireplace, unfinished attic. o:l tlonr fur nace, connecllna sarane. !aroe lot 5 ACRES CLOSE IN Ideal acreaie c'ose to : limits, all In fuMlvation. Nr- hrnnr I :ed lor elec tric rente, elec. water he-rer Goodwin and McMillin RFLTORS 4S4 Court Ph. 1-4707 Eve. 3-4773 . 3-BT1S a2V T OWNFR: New 3 bdrm home. ' 1 arjre rma. Attached garage Oil heat. Super ior Workmanship l'rlred to f.ell Locat ed Just South Of 24th & Lee Bt Ph. 37038 f2M ENGLEWOOD 1 -bedroom home v, Ith bawment Auto heat. Nice living and rtlnttu room Im- ftaedlate poaseAaton. 10 SO0. FHA tertna ACRKAGK 81 acres wonderful location on cor ner. Close In. 3 bedroom Itome barn, hog house, r hlc ken ho:ie. double gar age and wood shed , AH in verT aood Shape. Wants to trade on stork ranch ot 159 acre. or Trore. No. 10J WHITE STUCCO f -bertroom ranch atjle home on acre Of nirely imirned ground I. arte gar age. Price tl oo ;tti II too don or WUt trade for Prirtl.m p: .iperty. No 311 $800 DOWN t9 per month. Small I bedroom furn ished home on paved street Close to bua and stores Large garaie with work shop. Immediate p'.wn No 388 Reimann for Real Estate to I Smith Hlfh Street Ph. 3-10 Ive. ft fxiA. 2-371 3-1321, 4-3i;4, 3-MW 1-3533 297 Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES 6 Unit Residence Court Located close to Btet Offices Cap itol Bidg. Showing Income or 1315 per mo. Very low operating expense. Built about one year. Price only 121.500. About 15,000 will handle. EXCLUSIVE 8 Unit Residence Court Pine location, each has own taraae. Pour units completely furnished. Two partly furnished. Storage rm. for each unit. Income 1300 per mo. Price 141.000. EXCLUSIVE "House of Don" Beautiful 8 BR home on large lot lo cated at 286 N. Capitol St. Fine site for apt. house In tone 2. Drive by and look It over. Price 126.500. Terms i down, balance 1100 per mo. Shown by appoint ment only. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 1-7451 267 COURT STREET PROPERTY 3 6-room houses on lot 100 z 157. six blorks to State House. $18,000. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBKAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 27769-42326-28704 a272 McKillop Real Estate Realtors Near Labish Center Schl. 2 A. and a 2-bedroom home. Good well, elec. pump, barn and small poultry house. Some young fruit trees. This may be what you're looking for. 14500. SOUTH SALEM Cozy 2-bedroom home near bus and stores. Living room, dining room, util ity and bath. Immediate possession. Owner leaving town. Reduced to 18600. Good terms. Salem Heights Dis. 3 -bedroom home on large lot. Has base ment with oil furn., fireplace, large living room. Nloe yard. This house Is in a nice getting. !89n0. Terms. Englewood Very clean 2-bedroom home. Hdwd. fin., full basement with extra bedroom and small work shop. Ol furn. and a very nice yard. 110,500. Terms If desired. Come in or call Daytime Phone 3-5131. Eve. Ph. 3-5514 or 2-8406 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High We Make Real Estate Loans a269 811.000. FURNISHED Truly the home of an artist. 2 BR. auto, piped ht., lot 100 X 160. Ph. 266B0. ED LUKINBKAL REAL ESTATE 413 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 28704 -2 7769-4 21 26 a272 FOR SALE LOTS SI M. VIEW lot. 86x146'. City water on paved road. Salem Heights dlst. Liberal terms or will trade for car or trailer house. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Ph. 3-4121. aa269a LARGE LOT. No. 3 zone. Near bank on Fairgrounds Rd. 3-6189. aa270 LOTS $15 DOWN Build your own home. Lots 115 down. 115 month with water & lights, close to school At bus, nice location. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate FOR SALE FARMS 41 Acres Bargain i 91 A. bean yard. Stayton dlst. 7 rm. hse. Inspection invited, for quick aale 18f.no. Terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate T10 8. Com. Ph. 2-4649 - 2-5497. b269 GOOD FARM LAND 140 acres, all cultivated, on pavement north; fnir older barn, machine shed, etc., good well with elec. pump; old house In poor condition. Pay a reason able price for the land; take the lm- prn ement.v SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Hleh St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 2-6605 - 2-4591 b29 60 A. FARM 16.250 CASH Approx. 35 A. cult. 1' A. boysenberrtes, family orchard, bal. pasture with year 'round spring. I rm. house approx. 35 yrs. old with lights, auto. el. water sys tem. Ldv. trays. 12 stanchion barn. 40x60 with lighta A water. & horse stalls, hog hse , hen hse., work shop, 2 marh. sheds. Fall crops in. 9 ml. 8E. of Salem. This place reduced 14250 for 1mm. sale. Don't delay. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham. Realtors. 341 State, Rm. 4. Ph. 3-9201. B267" FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRE. No bides. At Prultland. H R. Bishop, rt. 6. box 292. bb268 EONE ft 4S acres. 2 Sfs. Only 1420. Walt Socololsky. Real Estate. Ph. 3-8835. A BARGAIN 10 Acres and a 4 yr. old lovely 1 bdrm. home. Finished attic. Pull basement. Fireplace. Has a beautiful view and setting. South on pavement. CALL MR. RAWLINS RAWLINS REALTY NEAR LABISH 3 acres, good roomy 2 bedroom home, burn and fntntly orchard. Full price, I4.MWO0 Will trade (or city property. O. A VICARY RFAL ESTATE 818 N COM L. ST. PHONE DAY OR EVE 2-0421 hh?6B REAL ESTATI BUY NOW I ACRE. 3 bdrm. unfinished house. Oar ate. A good buy at 12850. Call Mr. Voor hers OWNt-R TRANSFFRRFD. Must sell 10 A ood land. About ft. In strawberries. Next year's crop should pav for at eM ' of place. 1 rm house. Elec. in. 9 i-.l from Stlem on good highway. Price 13500 Cill Mr Si-dcr.il rom. COV I RM house. Only 3 yr. old. Close to bus. Price 48,'.0 Call Mr. Voorheea IMMiniMi: lM41;4tloN. 15 A. few miles nutti on paied rond 4 rm hou.ie. Small barn and outbhltrs. Drilled well; elec. wa trr system. Can Irrigate. Price only Vviofl p.art terms. 'ATTRACTIVE 3 yr. old home. Nice and clean. Liv. rm., dlntng rm., kitchen, el ec. dishwasher and garbage disposal. Att. ' , garsae. Lrae lot Price only 19450. Terms. CaU Mr. Sederstrom. !I.eo N. Cliilds, Inc., R'ltors 344 Stale St. Ph. 3-3661 Even.n.- Mr. Voorhee 2-4007 or Mr Sederstrom 2-5219 f368 REST RUYS Service Station I ow rent Advert Led gasoline. Do'nt good huJlne.s Tmmed. pons. Eerv thing for $:6M. E. Ph, 3-7674 or 3-3.S58. $()00 Down A. 5 rm house. Chicken house, ga. ane. well Several fruit trees. 4 blk. to bus. Very clean. Total prict $7500 Eve. ph. 3-774 or 3-3V8 5 Bdrm., $8750 Select location. Bus at front door School 1 blk. Corner lot. Paved street. 'Ixl rond On! 17000 down. Owner my consider trailer houe or lot as Part Pmmt. E.e. P' 3-7674 or 3-3551. A., $700 Down I rm older tpe home Pair oood. ev livable. Famllt fru t. Paved rd. Total price only 13 MX). Pve, 3-9403 or 1-35)8 22 Acres If ou are an Oregon veteran and lae ahout 11 0O in cajih and want equip ped sma'.l larm. including 3 cows, call us at once We think we have jut -;e one lor you. Ee. Ph 3-94'Vi or 3-15.-9 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 301$ Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830 or ej8 Flt$V fOI'R viltl investment-buy a ftrat anaruaee on real estate Salem rtc'nlty Fit, mine security fourteif Amtjnts $00 t wverai thousand dol lara net ir-etora lv e anake all ool lections for vou tl desired in ATI PLNANC1 CO. IU . Rhtfe FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS RANCH STYLE Beautiful ranch type home, 3 spacious bdrnu., den, dressing rm.. tile bath, liv. rm., with fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen, nook. lie. utility rm., dble. garage, work shop, l' acres of land. A beauty and priced right. CALL PETER GEISEA 1940 VIRGINIA Bark yard of this home Joins Englewood School. I bdrms., open staircase. 3 full sets pibg., with eolotyle walls, master bdrm.. full basmt., with auto-oil heat, finest rumpus rm. in town, beautiful yard, fish pond, ouliide fireplace, dole, garage, 100 ft. frontage. Priced below replacement cost. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL HOY PER R IS INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy PerrU 2-8010 Peter Oelser 3-0961. 2 HAVING DOWN PAYMENT TROUBLE??? WE HAVE A 4 UOS. OLD SUBURBAN I BDRM. MODERN HOUSE WITH HDWD. FLOORS. VEN. BLINDS. FIREPLACE AND UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS THAT CAN BE BOUGHT BT SOME RESPONSIBLE PARTT FOR lS00. ABSOLUTELY NO FINANCE CHAROES TO FAT. DRIVE OUT TO S70 SUNNYVIEW AVE. AND WE WILL OLADLT SHOW IT TO YOU. REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 3 BDRM. 15500 Mod. plastered home with Ue. LA ft DR. 3 bdrm. all on one fir., oil heat, part bamt., corner lot on pvmt., blk. to bus. WANT FARM FOR CITY HOME LR. kit. with dining area. 3 bdrms.. bath, pvmt.. sidewalk all pd.. easy walking dist. to Cap., Univ., V hospital. Price 17350. 6-UNIT APT HOUSE $16,000 A really substantial income property on a 55x100 lot within a blk of State Cap. Annual Income 12400 based on a long time rental 6t low prcle schedule. Hot wtr. heating plant, all apts. furnished. Easy terms. 35 AC. WITH CREEK 18600 30 ac. In cult., 5 ac. pasture, fr. orchard & homeslte with all yr. erk., on pvd. rd.. elec. pump, l-rm. mod. home with f'place. barn At chicken hse. Oood lam- NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High St. Ph. 3-4622. C267 ENOLEWOOD'S BEST BUY 110 000. Nice clean home built 1940. LIt lns rm., Dinette-Kitchen, bath. 3 bdrms.. plus stairway to attic. Very good bsmt., oil furnace, lawn, shrubs. SUBURBAN EAST $6500. I1 acres. Nice 2 bdrm. home.. II. rm, kitchen, bath, utility rm., dble. Carae. Con-Mder trade in city. Mc KIN LEY SCHOOL DISTRICT $13,000. Large living rm.. dining rm., kitchen. 2 bdrms.. plus stairway to at tic. Hdwd. floors, fireplace. Extra nice bsmt. Oil furnace. LET'S TRADE $3,750. A., furnished 2 bdrm home. Ilv. rm.. kitchen. Family fruit. Near school A bus. NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE $5600. 3 bdrms., Ilv. rm.. dining rm., kit chen, den with f'place. Paved St. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa. Ph. 2-5091 or 3-6942 C268 IT'S ALL HERE! 12'i acrei, rich, fertile loam, on pavm t. Short drive irom city. Income from dairying, poultry, berries, fruit. Good pasture 4c yr. stream. 2 B.R. home, mod. conv., ge, pltry. hse., barn. Valuable green house. Specinlly priced, 110.500. Terms. BEE THIS NOW. THIS WILL PAY ITS own way. 10 acres, all In full bearing nuts. Choice bids, site, Chemawa dlst. Elec, phone & all rts. by. Only $1000 dn., bal. easy terms. ANOTHER EASY BUY Is this 20 acres, DETROIT DAM AREA. All woven wire fenced, on co. road, yr. creek. Liveable small hse,, barn ft pltry. lis., 1MMED. POPS. 1.1500. Terms. LOCATION IS IMPORTANT. You must see this ACRE Si HALF, on pavm't., at edae of city. Attractive mod. 3 B.R. home. Valuable highway frontage. Ideal court site on other paved frontage. Hse. rents for 170 per mo. Extra blda. can convert to apt. Buy this or trade your property. tni.S0.O0. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com 1. St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve: 3-4937 or 3-7440 C269 Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON We now have some really good buys In Real Estate of many kinds. The follow ing are a few samples: A good 3 bedroom plastered home in a oleaaant location: full cement base ment; wired for ranse: electric mater heat er; new roof; new paint; a buy at hbqo 4 room and bath: plastered: basement: furnace: wired for range; water heater; about 1 30O0 north of good furlture: complete to dishes etc: move In and start housekeeping . nice location 16000 A very good 3 bdrm. home of recent con struction; automatic oil furnace, ect; this place has everything; priced far be low today's building cosla for a home of this kind 19350 It acres all cultivated: very good soil; mostly In berrlea; small mod. home of re rent construction; good sized machine shed; on highway; sacrifice price Of 13700 18 acres fine valley soil: t7'i acres culti vated; about I acre berries and 3 acres walnuts fit filberts: mod. 5 rm. home: good sived barn; chicken house, etc.; a wonderful value at 110,500 80 acre, 55 acres cultivated: 6 rm. mod ern home; good barn 1I6 stanch.) other farm bldas. '46 tractor; new mower: manure spreader, etc 112.600 SEND FOR OUR LIST BEFORE YOU BUY Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON WANTED REAL ESTATE We Need Property Want nice 3 BR home on one floor up to IIV0O0. Small improved acreage for $1500 down. Small Improved acreage up to 16000 cash. 2 or 3 bedrm. home in E or N Salem up to $10,000. Home up to $7000 or court lot to trade on 4 unit apt. hse. Nice 2 or 3 bdrm. home to take 1948 car as dwn. pvmnt. Home for 1500 down and 1100 or less per month. Nice home In town tn trade on hop farm Home to trade on court. New tpe home hp to 100 to trade on 9 acrea ft country home. OIVF, VS A R1NO NOW COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553 VveJ. 3-8651 CSJ67 wTFT near I.eslle school or Palrmount Hill nice 3 or 4 BR home about 10 years old. CLL POR MR IE CLERC J. F. ULR1CH CO., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7756 ra268a Kl R in need ei gone nouses to sen IB or neat Salem If you wish to its eour prooert tot aale aee rtnrnnnT lis OR., RMtTnc 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ca WANTFD to buv: 3 er 4 -room modern $30 anonth Ph al7l house. 1100 down. I-J117 MOTH If your proweny Is for sale rent eaehanee list it elm we We nav gji kinds ot cash tuera T r TIN4NCS TO SFtlTOIII 15$ S H'fb St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Wtl.L TR4DB or sell my eeulty for a small modern house, as 1 have a two eedroom home, living room, kitchen, wash room with stationary tubs, basement, garate and fruit trees. Mr H E Freetae. 452$ North Michigan. Portland. Oregon Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE By owner. rnalT 2 bd. rm. house on V A. For house In town. E. E. Landon. Rt , box 301T. 2 miles C. Kruger Oroc. Ph. 2-3001. - Cb26B TRADE OR SELL 45 acres grade A dairy In Rlenier, Or. 35 a. cleared and 29 a. water rights. Milk parlor and house, lounging shed & cows. All equip ped. $7000 saw timber, 3 houses. Bell for 17,900. take small acreage In Willamette valley. Ph. 2-4243 Salem. cb267 4 UNIT RENTAL court with good month ly income. Nearly new. Room to build 3 more houses on same lot. $18,000. Will consider trade for Salem house for part payment. A good Investment, call owner 3-7921, Salem. cb269 BEAUTIFI7Lh6mE, Klngwood Hgts.. to trade for bualneu property In Salem. Ph. 3-5378. Cb263 TRADE elderly ownerj. 10 acres, t miles south. 3 bedroom house, not modern. Good barn. View. Trade for small house In Salem. TRADE 3 bedroom Patrmount hill. Trade for small house suitable for rental. TRADE 4 room house south, creek, large lot. Trade for farm around 50 acres. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS J9 N. Hlfh St. Ph. 3-4129. rb267 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S ACRES located North on Pacific hwy. Has 3 good homes one six rooms and the other five rooms. Ideal for 011.. auto motel, or trailer park. Will .o rtflce for 113,250. About $5,000 will handle. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153S. High Ph. 3-4121. Cd269 15000 DOWN To responsible party, one of the best small cleaning As pressing parlors In Willamette Valley. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Htfth St. Eve. Ph. 42326-28704-27769 cd272 I It, 5O0 INCOME 3190 per month. Con crete diock Bunding in excellent cond, Three 2 BR furnished apti. and one office apace. All occupied. By Owner. 1348 S. 12th St.. Balem. cd270 Grocery $3200 Total price. Oood stock, loc.. equip ment, living quarters. Lease $52 month. In Salem E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. 2-4649 - 2-5497. cd269 SELL OR TRADE by owner, 7 unit apt. house. Income 1197 per mo. Price $9300. Will take in city res. property. Ph. 3-1520. ed272 RIC HFIELD OIL CORP. offer for lease at inventory 10,000 gal. sta. to a reliable and experienced operator at Monmouth. Ore. Same operator this location for 3 yrs. For details Phone 39533 or 20761 evening 5 p.m. cd267 GROCERY STORE ft fixture 3ga pumps ft cabins. An established busi ness for sale by owner. Ph. 2-4319. Rt. 7, Box 145. cd269 EXCELLENT RI'MXESS slte "nOO blk Broadway. Present Income su flic tent to carry until you are ready to Sulld Zone 3. Priced to sell. Ph. 3-4642. Eves. 2-1647. Cd268 SHOP ft Signal serv ate. In exc. location. 11700.00. plus approx. $1,000 Inv . $30 per month rent 12 ml. N. on Salem Newberg highway. cd267 WANTED Experienced and reliable man would like to buy Interest in established busi ness, garage, woodworking preferred. Consider anything. Box 282, Capital Journal. cd267 N. COM'L, blda. ft 8 tn mm., $1X000 By owner, terms. Ph. 1-9839. cd277 N. COM'L, itorTTld. ft S liv rms.. I '2 0T Byowner, terms Ph. 3-9829. cd277 TRAILER court. 18,000. termaBvwner Cliaa H. Moore, 1731 N. Water St ed377 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONO AY THROPOH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWFST PRICFS - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CANT BEAT THIS COMBINATION H & II FURNITURE CO. 1550 FalrroAind Rd Ph 3-1797 d67 WANTED FURNITURE I AM In need of a complete household of furniture A appliances. Will buy all or part of what you have. Pay spot cash, highest poaalble prices. See or call Wit lard Pavnter, 1415 Alder Ave Ph. 3-5944. Salem. da37S LARGE QTlNTlTY furniture wanted. We buy complete household furnlshlnes If you are moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. 3-8558 days. 7-4407 eves TRADER LOttm S0H5 Portland Rd da AUCTIONS PI'RNITl'RE Auction tonight. 7 "pin. Lane Sudtells Auction Sales Yard, located IS mile east of aFlrgrounds on St verlon Rd Ph. 3-608 ddlttT FOR SALE LIVESTOCK t't THE' OLD 7iliitrP!H.rfforfVllT Vfrr ,.011.. U3S00. Call J.M01 bfforr 190 t m. or ftftrr 1:30 ptn. rJTl novnrn n i.irrNrn ihrMtnrtTaum B. C. McCndlwh. 1137 E. 35 Ph 1-1117 pets N FW. YOUNG DOt. $300. Bred, $2 50 3015 Kappehn Rd ec268 CHOICE canary birds. 300 N. 18th. ec38l FUEL Orepon Fuel Co. Dm Slab er Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreeii Vdgtnt 85 SO load Double $ Also 10' Green Slab er 4' Phone 35533 W4.I M T shells tor aaie, Klorreia 1 Co, 400 H. Promt. X REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Reduced Now Just $4800 A neat small home. Well worth the price. Large lot, V blinds, hardwood floors. I1, - Acres Hazel Green District 1 bedroom home, part basement, rich soil, vacant. Move right In. Only 16250. Just a Dandv Nearly new 3 -bedroom home swell buy for juM 16.100 $1500 More Room for Less Money A 4-bedroom modern home In Manbrln Gardens, oil furnace heat, fireplace, extra large lot. The price Is rock bottom at 19500. Less than $2000 down; balance payable 154 a month. Drive By Then Let Us Show You Through The addre.ss Is 1900 N. 19th St. It's new, It's nice. It's only $10,500. It s only 11900 down. Want These Things in a Home? Pull basement. 5 rooms and bath, large well-kept yard. Englewood School district. Tiled kitchen and bath. I years old. $11,000 is the price. ' Pearl Street Special Well constructed 3 bedroom home, excellent finish throughout, a good home in a good district. Just Listed South High Choice district. 3 bedroom home, , basement, deep lot with large variety shrubs and flowers. A . home with plenty of room and a good buy at $6800. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST. PHONS 3-4115. 3-H Evctilnu. Rllph. 1-34II - Wirrtn, J-53M - Hrnrr, J-J631 . Din, 1-5530 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 itr Slab Wood and Edgings Ptesh Cut Screened Sawdust 12' Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN ST AX! PS SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee275 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash ft maple. 4T fir. 16 slab and edgings. Ph 31458 e West Salem Fuel Co. M IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-D. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone F)em 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Sale m ec DRY 16" slab ft edgings. Ph. 3-1458. ee CALL HIOHWAY fUKL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood Ph S644 ee PRODUCh WALNUTS AND filberts. Picked and dried. 20c lb. Ph. 3-6037. 1190 N. Winter. 11268 EASTERN ALFALFA by ton or truck load. rn. w a. utn. rues' FILBERT-WALNT'T drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Road. Claude Mc Kenney. Ph. 3-1632. ff370 HELP WANTED IP YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint. sea laient .est ad in instruction Column. F270" HELP WANTED MALE WANTED One more exp. salesman to sell appliances In Willamette valley lead ing appliance store. Salary with added compensation. Transportation furnished. Apply HoKg Bros., 115 8. Com'l. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED, LADY living In our dlst. for part-time work. LeOarie Delicatessen. 1312 State St. gb268 CHRISTIAN LADY who can live In Silver- ton as companion to elderly woman. ATTRACTIVE OFFER. May call or phone 323 Mill street. Ph. 2861, SILVER TON. gb269' STENOGRAPHER for ins. office. Short hand required. Apply In person. Hunsins 111373 N. Church. gb268 GIRL OR WOMAN for housekeeping. No cooKing or washing. Apply Marilyn s Shoe Store. gb WANTED women nut shellera. AU lnwr work. 460 N Front. Klorftun Packing Company. gb' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488 gf" WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED carpenter work Do you nave a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a dram-board that leaks? If so call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-5833. h292 BABY SETTING by adult. Ph. 28741. h272' EXPERIENCED beauty operator wishes lull or part time work. Ph. 3-3383. h268 LAUNDRY done In my home. Call at 960 Electric Ave. or Ph. 2-8714. h268 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr serv lce. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h386" LET US build your septic tank. One that will not fill up. Ph. 3-0341 eve. h268 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 3-2093 PAPERING ft painting. Est. free. Ph. 3- Heo8. h292 PHSYC. attendant. Interested in priv. cases, Free to travel. Sober, reliable. Capital Journal, box No. 370. h.flB HOUR WORK wanted by versatUtPiariv? Ph. 3-6285. h369 TYPING and baby sitting eves. Exp. ft re liable. Ph 2-7854. h2B4 CARE for children during the day. 1922 N. Com'l. h268 FINE PAPERING ft painting. Ph. 3-5522 h289 PAPERIIANGING, Painting. free esti mates. Quaranteed workmanship. Ph. 4- 2761. h269 BABY SJTT1NO. Phone 20580." h287 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h285 CHILDREN cared for by day. 955 Union" h26 WILL CARE for children while you shop. l block from shopping center. 955 Union. h269 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H McAllis ter, 140 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h237 PAINTING," Interior ft ext. Ph. 2-2979. h288 HOUSE R AISING, foundation, concrete work. Klang Bros.. Ph. 3-3232. h288 NANCY'S Nursery. Day or" hr Ph2-4l4o! h2M IRONING. Ph. 34767'after p m. h:80 INTEKIOtt PAINTING. Exp. Ph 3-8796 h379 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876 h273 WOODSAWINO PH. t-1575 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6823. b269 CFMEN1 WORK wanted Ph 3-4850 h COOKING A specialty. References. Bt hr. or stay In. Ph. 3-S929. h367 CHILD CARE, days. 36$ I. Superior. h270 BABY SITTING, 12 Ml day. dren. 1330 N. Winter. IRONING. 170 W. Bush St 4 year chtl- h387 . Ph. 2-0VV5. EDUCATION IP YOU I.IKE to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test no fee Oive aee and occupation. Box 259, Capital Journal hJTO FOR RENT ROOMS SINGIE sleeping room. HftC water. 4T3 N Liberty. Jk: PIF44NT RM. Private home! kitchen pri ilege. Kmoioved lady preferred Ph 3-7465 1550 State. JkJ67 HFATFD sleerine rooms for men. Poob'e ft slncle. IR5 N. 14th. it:6i MFFP1NO RM. R'as. Nwly dec. Priv. en! Sos at door. 1M0 N 5t:i. jk268 Journal Want Ads Pay IREAL ESTATE on edge of town, large lot. A down. 367 I FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING nn. Ph. 8-4335. CLOSE in nicely (urn. bdrm. with kit. priv. buis. gins. Ni, drinkers. 698 N Cottage St. Ph. 39430. jk267 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Prtr. ent. rn. jjb. iaoa w. capttoL Jk278' SLEEPING RMS. Refrtg 2131 Center. jk273 ROOMS 448 Centr Rear Woodrow's Jk37 LARGE warm sleeping nn. 1 or J. 1555 n. uapuoi, Jk2fi9 WARM SLEEPING rma. H. ft C. water. 4G1 . High. Jk272 VACANCY for girl In nice large rm. Twin beds. VACANCY for young man In large room, two beds. WANT MAN for particularly nice single room, way oe seen at 855 M. Cottage or Ph. J-6233. Jk272 ROOMS. 1U5 S. Cottage. Ph, 27817. Jk292' CLEAN, WARM room. Close ID. 481 winter. Jk269 HOLLYWOOD, 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk282 FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND 3 ROOM furn. apartments. No drinking. 2310 N. 4th. Jp271 3-ROOM AND bath furnished to quiet luuiJtc. rn. .-dui. a 18 w. uoeriy. jpaw ROOM AND kitchenette furn. apt. Priv. ent. Near Statehouse. Adults only. No drinkers. $32. Ivan O. Martin, Ph. 3-4419. JP2 MODERN S-RM. furn. apt. Private bath. ah uuiiuei turn. sea. en. 2-9138 after P m. jPi7i CLEAN, QUIET, warm 2-rm. apt. Middle- " " y preierrea. h rerry. jpaw ONE-BDRM. apt. PrlT. bath. Ph. 3-1422. JP2W i-KOOM Fi:RN. apt. Adults, ph. 3-5372. ivm l. enter at. Jp268 ONE s-.rm. ft one 3-rm. furn. apu. Close in. rn. a-uai. jp267 UNFURN. 3-rm. apt. 1043 N. Cottage. Ph. CLEAN 1 rm. furn. apt. Private bath & entrance. 4 is a. itn. Jp267 FURN, 3 rm. $45. 2 rm. $35. Ph. 2-8598. JP267 Fl'RN. APT. Aduiu. Priv. bath, garage. dtja oiRic. rnone a-iofli. jpei FURN. 2-room apt. Ground floor, priv. am, reaecorateo. no ar inkers or peus. 624' N. Capital. Jp26i I ROOM furnished apartment with bath. 137 per month. 275 Hood St. Ph. 3-i25. Jp263 3 RM. basement apt. $40. Ph. 3-5322. Jp269 3 RM. KIRN. apt. Close in.Newly dec. uuiiuei inciuaea ior iii. 40 Mill St. Jp29 NICELY FURN. 4 rm. Apt. Utilities furn. jm a. inin. jp272 1 RM. basement apt., furn. Close In. 436 u i vision. JP367 RM. APT. part furn. Near State Hse. inquire 401 Oregon Bids. jp268 3 RM. Fl'RN. apt. Priv. bath. Ground floor. Close in. Downtown. North. In quire Burt Pichg, Realtor, 379 N. High or Ph. 2-3649. , ip269" 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Very nice. Close In. Limited 3 persons. Refer. Ph. 21744. JP267 1 ROOM upstairs turn. apt. Ph. 3-1520. JP269 t RM. Fl'RN. Apt. 140 N. 23rd. Sleeping room, idv union, rn. g-H33. JP268' NICE 2-ROOM apt. Close In. Priv. bath. 5J3 ti. Winter. Jp267 BABYSITTING. AdulU. Ph. 3-4367. Jp26 CLEAN. MODERN 2 rm. apt. Priv. bath. rn. J7UJ. Jp269 FURNISH ED cottaaa, 3215 Portland " Vd JP277 FOR RENT HOUSES furnished cottages, 3155 Portland Rd. very reasonable. jm271 for rent New house, 3 B.R 1 rooms", oil heat. 3410 Broadway. im27l TO LEASE for 6 months to responsible coupie, new wen inrnisnea i oarm. house. All electric. $65. Party must be able to give good ref. ft sign 8 months lease. 1555 McCoy, Hollywood Dlst. Ph. 37438. Jm269 FURN. large J -room duplex, garage, aepar ate utility room. $45 or $60 on 1 yr. lease. Ph. 2-4848. Jm269 A CI TE "little housrMnStlvertonTNew A clean with electric range ft wanher fur nished. 1 bedroom. $45 per month or $40 per montn on 6 mo. lease. I am open, look at me and call my owner, 3-7921, Salem. Jm369 NEW DUPLEX apt. 3 rm. and bath. Beau tiful furn. 165. About l'i blocks 8. of Colonial house on 99E. Ph. 3-5765. Jm267 4'i BDRM. home. 4 miles from Salem. Croisan Creek Rd. Family orchard, creek, spring i ter, school but at door. 1 acrea pasture. Additional acreage avauaDie. rn. Jm270 (4 ROOM unfurn. house, $45 month. Ph. 2-6968 alter 5. Jm267 3 ROOM modern furnished cottage. 3765 Portland Rd. Jm369 CARINS. NOT modern." Dallas Highway. Rt. 8 Ro 622. Ph. 37(l?6. Jm286 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RUNT. Large room Perrjr Street, suitable for Office or Store. Also 2- story aney warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarter. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8Hlgh St. TtL3"4I2l J OFFICE. LARSEN BLDO. Ph. 3-8389. J2677 NEW STORE building for lease. See at ioig Broadway or Ph. 31635. J371 FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marion St Ph 3-8482. j U DRIVE Trucks Rojlnson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph 29103. f RlINF!S RM (or rent R L Stiff. J FlitOR lNDEM for rent Uontgotner Ward. j' So w ft R TOOL rentals for home and ;n dstr'.gj uae Howser Bros Ph 8-3848 TRAILERS laoo pet day Howser Bros 14lv 6 iJtrt. West Salea ) TO DO a good fob 'est a good floor aand. r We eel) everytbinc to eompltte the loo HOWSER BROS Ph. t-3t0 f ooo i ro nANo h l stirt i TR I.FR srrr. ,t Elby t. N n'od.rn. t for-.l rm . child' plr,rnd.. r.t. r.tp N.it to ,rhl. .nd rhurrh Lfp. irnd Vinton .lcon.. Dillu Mwf. Ph. a-3144 I un j tn n.1 Rrwani. r,T. rm .left 1, m nr.iT.rr sinv.r B..1D, HKBIB. Co " " C-T, 1 PI 31M1 r WANTED TO RENT SM4U. ttor.r or ,pt ith r.nc ind I.wnrai pn.rnm. Turni.n.fl. Touo, rfij. h, chUdrtB. rb. J-3JM. kd AUTOMOBILES Teagues ALWAYS SOME GOOD LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES PRICED RIGHT, SOLD RIGHT. HERE ARE A FEW TO CHOOSE FROM: 1949 Kaiser Sedan 1948 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Frazer 1948 Chev. 4-Door Fleetline 1948 Studebaker Champion 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan ALL RECONDITIONED. READY TO GO. THEY CARRY OUR 30-DAY GUARANTEE. Teague Motor Company 352 N. COMMERCIAL .; Thurs. Spot Special At Center and Commercial Is 1947 NASH AMBASSADOR DEMONSTRATOR. BED, OVERDRIVE, HEATER, FOAM CUSHION, WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES. HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS 337 Center Phone 3-9286 Price and Quality for Wear Try These For Fit 1941 Ford Sedan $595.00 1940 Chev. 4-Door Sedan 595.00 ( 1940 Ford Tudor 485.00 ' 1937 Plymouth Sedan 295.00 1937 Ford Tudor 190.00 1936 Chev. Std. Sedan 175.00 1937 Chev. Mst. Coupe : . . 295.00 ACME MOTOR CO. AT FOOT OF BRIDGE FRONT & CENTER WANTED TO RENT WIDOW-DAUGHTER both working. 1 or 2 bdrm. house, immediately, pn. s-5(i. JB267 ROOM furntuh.d housf. nrt BHrafif. Close to Balem. Reasnnable Rent. H. Al len. 5r0 Union St.. 8alem. Ja269 MODKRN 3 bt'.rm. home. 3 .chnol aced ulrl. Will pny to 185 per montn. pn. 37B78 or 21M7. jao, ROOM AND BOARD ROARD Aj room. Ph. 3-870. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Billfold with 1157.00 cash and a personal check 20. Near trie ymca. y veteran with T.B. Badly needed. II found Ph. 2-8574 or call at 443 Academy k269 PLEASANT sleepim rm. for middle-aired lady, waiklnk fltst. near uenier ot. rn. 3-789. k2M" LOT: Wallet In or near Capitol theatre. Sat. reward. Laverne s. Miner, w m. 19th St.. Salem. Ore.Ph. 3-8744j; k3U LOST: Prtday evenink. Alpha Chi Omejra sorority pin. Ph. 2-1133. LOST! Small black Sheafer fountain pen on Court St. Mon. a.m. rn. i-iad.m WARM RM. In modern home. Employed middle age man or woman preferred. Close In. No drinkers. Ph. 23438. jk267 FOUND: BILLFOLD. Owner may have by writ in description to box aee unpnai Journal. k267 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court We close Saturdays ia:30. may DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR BARRT 8EMLER DENTIST Adolph Bid. State A Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 8-3311 tn BUILDING MATERIALS RED CEDAR (thin ale No 1 3x3's anf amount delivered lowest market prices 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Mtiller Sulem-Indep mart Call 3-1198 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To ajwure yourjielf top quality framint lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on that next tob. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. 3B9- SAVE OH ROOPINO Let Wards five you eomp;ete rN STALLED price on your rooflnt need? Wide ranie of colors Call our outbid salesman for fret- eetlmau Phone 3-3191 UONTOOMERT WARD CO SALEM OREOON ma A LI MA LOCI. ALUMINUM LOCK jHINOIE The modern permanent roof lnt See your dealer of Call DIM 3-8401 ma272 DEAR Cl'STOMER. Insist on your eon- tractor ana carpenter usine. ine lines! old (trowth vertical ralo yellow tlr finished lumper In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 31 Lena Ave Ph 34939 Pree parking ma NOW IS the time! Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied root in e Get ronf lm weather protection before It rains Sear Roebuck A Co SS0 No Cflnfi Sr Phfine 3-P19I tna?7S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THERMAtlOR EI.EC. heater. B kw. J P. uougnerty. 2130 Fairgrounds Rd. n268 8 ru. ft. o.trtitii. like : newTons Ph.2:82, nw MUST SFI.L by Thurdy 2 metal bunk or twin beds, new mattrenses. Reasonable 2164 Maple Ave. Ph. 3-3858. n267 STAINLESS STEEL, 2-tapbeir cabinet. Like new. with compressor. Also mtsr restaurant equip. Bartaln. Rt. I. Bos 153. Johnson. ri368 PIR POLES. alPsttes lencth; cedar posts: cedar shinties; Xmas trees wholesale prices. Call for or will deliver See Dick Buker, box 117, Detroit. Ore Phone 303. 7,371 OIL CIRCULATOR "heaters7 Will" consider sewlne machine on trade. Ph. S-5729. B267 LIMOGES Haviland China, assortment of Pieces. 807 N. Capitol, Apt. 2. n268 LIGHT MAPI E dinette set. " Chairs" haV red leather seat Like new, 35. Ph 1-0018 after3 pn. n2C3 SOLID plere Manofany DlniniRoom Pn'"- n267 SPENCER Corettler. 3553 D St Pn3.M:2 D3T- Used Spinet Piano A lovely instrument with Pratt read direct klow action. L.k new Real aav tnis STONE PIANO CO. IT he Valley Pinest Plan Store 1340 Fairground Rd, b287 IAUT0M0BILE5 Specials ( 1941 Plymouth 2-door 1940 Buick Super Sedan 1939 Chev. 5 Pass. Coupe 1939 Buick 2-door Special 1939 Pontiac Sedan (6) 1939 Studebaker Champion PHONE: 2-4173 IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOILET, new close-coupled compleu . run a-ntte seat, chrome anale atop, sup ply tube and puttr. 133.5,, whU, ther last. Phone 3-4600. b GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosle. Olbsea and Montai Appliances at Gevurti. d OIL circulators at close out prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Cheme- eta. n284 SEWING Machlnas Free Westlnihouse. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cheme keta. n284 PLA.STI-KOTE the cellophane-like fin- isn i or your noons, woodworks or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 371 Chemeketa. nJ84 USED Radio.. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa a3l4 USED wpjhlnn machines. TEATKR AP PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. a384 STEEL CLOTHESLINE poxU. ralllnis ks stock St made to order. 1143 N. Liberty. - BUI WALLINQ SANt A GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway, cement ready mix concrete, tardea and Bulldoelnf, drain aee and tlltchlni. 4 -yd. ahoval and dra tine Ph- 3-9343. NEW 120 bass ptano accordtan. Price 1293. lerros. rn. 3-0387 alter e p.m. n2W SEWING Machines, elec trio or" treadle. . Service on all makes. Pb, 3-7671. o281 USED electric water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 275 Chemeketa, n284 BEAN poi.ES, lattice batten misc. strips. 100 Lena Ave. Ph. 26083. 11291' USED electrte refrigerators. Y EATER AP- PL.1ANCE co. 375 Chemeketa. n284 sawdust n27S FULLER brushes. 1745 Orent Pa. 3-8337. n370 USED electric ranRes. YEATER APPLI ANCE CO. 378 Chemeketa. n3B4 USED OIL HEATERS 1 19.50. 139.50 ai (39 SO GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 48? Court St Phone 1-9611 SALEM BANT) 6 OklAVKL COMPANY Oooiraet Work Road Clearlni DlUbin Srwer A Basement Equipment ReotaJ It B-' yds 10 B yds D-7 Cat A Doser D-6 Cat Si Doeer D-4 Cat ft Doeer See o about ditching by thf ft Phone Days 8-9408 Eves 3-824 or 3-4404) balem Oreeon LUMBER 2x4's bv lltnev load. 810 Dr 1.000 You haul Independence LumbttltjrJ PHILLIPS BROS Pertlil'ers. eil rotted or Iresn, any 5 kind Bt yird or iack Flatrock for all ., rock work Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. poles An length. Shlnile. Yew posts. Ph 3-1458 Rt. Bos HI- ; USED sewing machines: Wards ele., Dsv-. 1a rlec.. 1 new Home treadle. -Wl Ednewater. B267 HAI.LF.T DAVIS piano, rebuilt, I22S. Bunuslnw sue. 125 down, 110 month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. 395 S. "A Mile from High Prices" n370 BOOTH BROS, ptsno. reconditioned. 8125 125 down, lift month. Shop TALLMAN S , and save. 395 8. th kVXT - . KIMBALL pianobunealow aire, rebuilt refintshed like new. A snap! Many other fine rebuilt pianos tt prices and terms to suit your purje. Shop TALL MAN S and save. 395 8. 12th. "A Mil from Hiah Prices." nJ70 2 SINGLE SPRINGS 87T50. Ph. 349957lT28 NORTHERN B U K Mukrat coat. 18 to lT Oood cond. Clean. Jtees. Ph. 35219. n287. Al TO. 1? GAI'GE Renilniton shotfllli. Gun cae. huntlnf coat At boots. A-l neBionaoie. rn. JM7 eve. " Norway. n37l I DIAMETRICwheel balancer At electri diametric spinner. Art Shell Service. 12th St Mission. o28 RFD-D4VFNO. New upht. Ph. 1-8974. See at4R0 s. Cottage after p.m. 03f OUTBOARD MOTORS Special Reduced Price New Non-Current Model M BP. Evinrude, 1949 9 7 H P. Evinrude. 1949 5 HP Elto Evinrude. 1P49.... 12 HP. E:to Evinrude. 1949.... 3 1 H P. Stw rrinrii I4I 1119.48 rise HAIN S Ol'TROARD SPORT SHOP 1201 Commercial St. Ph. 3-o9 iit Rt r.r.T 120. t yr. sue bed lit. I cond. I1U 6th St. IFOR S4I.E: Drsc saw Ward heavy daty.t s:oo;o. Cut 3 cords wood. 7 ft. w Rt. 3 Bx ill, Dallas. Or Phone T Cr ny. (Continued on Page 23) ii i 1