i Mixed Trends jn Grain Mart Chicago, Nov. 0 (IP) A highly ' Jnixed price trend developed on the board of trade today while ;,tiealer awaited the agriculture I department's crop report. There I was strength in corn and oats, t Referred corn contracts and DB S' icember and May oats made new ' seasonal highs. Part of the buy 1. Jing in corn came from export J. interests. Wheat, soybeans and jrye weakened. 1$ Wheat closed A lower to ?i i 3iigher, December 2.11-', Scorn was ' -1 Vi hieher. Decern- ' ber $1.20-, oats were tt-tt . 1 higher, December 74, rye was 1 4l V4 to 2 cents lower, December j, $1.34H, soybeans were flower, November $2.2Hi-02.21, : land lard was 9 to 10 cents a (hundred pounds lower, Novem- oer $tf.33. Crashed Plane ;0wned by U.S. ff Washington, Nov. 9 VP) A ' J Bolivian official testified today that the fighter plane which col lided with an airliner here in aviation's worst disaster was be ing tested for faults that had caused his government to reject it three times. The witness, Maj. German Pol of the Bolivian air force, con tended that the P-38 was not Bolivia's but the property of Universal Marine and Supply company at the time of the crash in which 55 persons died Nov. 1. Bolivian acceptance, Pol told the civil aeronautic board, hinged on the outcome of the test flight by Erick Rios Bri- doux, only survivor of the col lision. Pol said the P-38 had been turned down three times for faulty brakes, faulty radio and trouble with one of its two mo-tors. The Bolivian officer was the third witness as the CAB opened what was believed to be the most elaborate crash investigation ev er held. Earlier witnesses were Joseph O. Fluet, New York, chief of CAB region one, and George H Roderig, assistant to the vice president for operations of East ern Airlines, owner of the pas senger plane. Investigators expected the highlight of the Inquiry to be the story of the Injured Boliv ian pilot. MARKET QUOTATIONS 4ttt Ltrtct ttiftn (Br Vlir fAckiac CotRBtftrt trder limbi 113.00 to tlB.Dt B to M)ft Chum torn , $1t to (9 "6 rat dalfT cow w.M 1 Dairr hetfcrc tft.00 to Itfl.M Bun , iii.oo to mo : CiJve. food ODO-ttO lb.), .m oo lo li.M : Vl 1150-100 Io- top I1..00 to J J 1-00 ; FortUn IiUJtt Mark j Dllclou tppte told tor 12.0 to 12. SO a box for loose packM, on the Portia id ! EaiUirJ Farmeri WholMl Produce jr- kit today. Other ipplt prices tit mom pcfcd were Starktnu. 12.78 to M.flO; Ktata, J1.7& to 11.83; JontliM, 11.32 to II. JS Wlntrr Bnanai, 11.00 to J1.S&: omy, IMS to tl.il; 8pitinbeif, tl.0- Locsl lettuce broucttt 14 09 to IS .00 1 crate. DMchutM rujrt No, 5 potato srousnt : tS.OO to (4.10 ft hundred pound. CtOOtS WW 11.23 to (i.Sfl n cr&t. frtttai Pr4ae BstttTft Tntnt. mmitct to lmm- : ditto ch&agt Premium quility mtxicnuir. ; 35 co I percent texmy aeuverea ia . Fortltntl 3-flflc lb.; 02 tear ti-the lb.: 90 score, 51 -83c; 89 tcore c, Valley rout ind country points 2c lew than first BufUr WbaieMW rou oust; cum co 'hole ten. crtde 63 cor, fl3c. A 82 More. Me: B SO score. 60c lb., O 8ft score. Me. Above prlcu bto sexictl? nominal Chcrte Selling price to Part t cut whole. tttle Oregon lacle 3ff-42c, Orecon 4 loaf t3-43c triple) 1 lw then linttltk Cm tto whol!ei A trade Itrce, 55-3fi',ie; A medium, 45-Wac; Bfe.de B tare. 40-aoUc; etnell A trade. Hc. Portland Dairy Mrke nutter fnre to rentier, urftoe ft printa. Sc AA crtons, 6Sc; A prints. flfic; A ettrtone 46c; B printc, 45c. eciePrire ro mantra ureoe larjre, 91c doz,; certJJlHl A lerse, 02c; large. 5c; aa medium, &oc-, cer tified A medium, 49c; B medium, 44c; A small, 44c; cartons 2 addlttonct. t Price to retaiieia tortiano Oregon singles 39-2e. Oregon loaf, ft lb loafa 44 '-ifie lb.; triplets, 1'4 eentt im than singlet Premium brands, tingle Slc lo t loci, at Ho Poult ri Lt?e Ublchene . no 1 n))ty tob plante. No 1 brollera under 3 lbs. 20-24c lb. fryera X-S lbs., 23 -26c, 3-4 lbs.. !Tc. roater 4 Itut and over, 27-28c; (owl. rorn 4 bfl end under ls-20e over t lbs. 30e; eoloret) lowl, all welihU, 34-3&c; roostera, aU -weights, 18-30o. Turkey Net to growers, 34-1 on tonus; 43-43 'ic on hetus; sales price to re tailers, toron, 38-39c; henj 49-50c. Rabbtla .irn tn growers nve wnitea, 4-5 lbs,. 17-lflo lb.; ft-fi Iba.. 15-lie lb.; colored 2 cent lower, old or tteavy doet and buck, a-lSc. Fresh dreaaed Idaho iryera and retaJlerj. 40c; local. 48 -52c. Country -Killed Meat Veal Top Quality 29-316 lb., other greofl according to weight and quality witri poor or heavier, 20-23C. Hoes Light blocken. 2o-2?e: jovi. 30 34C. Lambs Top quality, apnngtrs, 33-ssc, mutton, 11-13c. Beef Qood cow, 1S-32C lb. ctnaer cuttera, 1S-30C, Freth Dreae Meafa i Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.H Beef steers, food 300-800 lbs., 142 48t commercial. 335-20; utUUr. 131-34. utility, J3"-38 Cows Commercial, 129-32; utility, 25 28; canners-cutters, (23-28. Beel Cuts fOood Steerel Hind quarters 354-55; rounds 345-51; lull Jolna, trimmed t"J3.78; triangles, 332-34; souare chucks. (40-42; rlba 352-55; (orequ&rtera, (34-33. Veal and calf. Good. (37-44: commercial. 123-35; Utilitr 328-32. Lambs: Oood-cholee sprint lambs, 341 to. commercial. 330-40: utility 333-35 Mutton Good, 70 lbs down, (11-20. Porlc cut: Loin No, t 3-12 tbs. (48-43; shoulders. 18 lba down. 328-33; spare- ribs, 317-50; eareaAses, 330-30; snlxed veisbts 33 per cwt Joa- Portland Mlaeettaneoaa Caaeata Bark Dry I2c R)., green (b Weol Valley oart and medium grades 4e lb Mohair 3fto lb ozt 13-mostn growth oomlnally Ad Campaign For Tourists STOCKS Portland, Nov. 9 P A $250, 000 advertising budget to pro mote tourist travel in Oreeon'r,,. j i during 1950 was submitted yes-jcj;;?" lerday to the state highway com- com.itu & ... . Caa Vu!W ...... mission. cm!)n,n!,l cn .... The advisory committee onES!iS?rt " travel matters, headed by Wil- oousi !rt ... liam Tugman, editor ot the Re- KSf, f, ,t "V gister-Guard, Eugene, estimated ';"; '"o" there were 2,500,000 tourists inlo,i,r -rir. Oregon the past season. j'JJ S";"'' The advertising is placed in I leading national magazines, someone a " '..', of it in cooperation with Wash- "w,'e",": w'" mgton and British Columbia. ni d.itj More historical markers along ;J J'""' the state's highways were pro- p Am snn ied by Old Oregon Trail, Inc. The organization said turnouts lp,im,j t c ....... 'Br th AiMci.ua Pr ut Ajn,r)raa cm ......... An, Po it m Aa.isaa BtadU AvtAtloa ....... .... B,lh St) Cil( Pltt'.r.i CAnltAa Pctft .......... IGervais Stars Chapter Hosts !oriin number. )Can!ial JoarnaJ. Ssfem. Or.. Vitintsfar. K&T. . i9i9 51 An Invitation was eninried ioi,.,, ,Mr. ..,, Viw. Ms . . ithe Rebekah lodee to be oresentmi1"' B,vm!S by hi, i-jLGMi, s. tt fuitiwi S trim6 Nov. 28, when Amity lodge No.!" oiec. j 6ViM Mj, ltQ)A A. yrt, T .'.j. trtOP M v:yviAvHa Ana vuaiat av i.t, nom on BnkJl llibC Tj.r JUUX wM CAfurdAV ifinMn in tlw raA'ltCB. ftWfAl 4!i fc ftwrn vemence of motorists. time a tourist stops at a or historic site, a spokesman said, 'r store. his enjoyment of the trip through souihnn prsii, "'" Oregon is increased. iS?1;'? !ic. The commission was asked tojun,hit Miom '.'.V. erect a marker at Bartow, near'"". 8T will observe iis 70ih anniver- sary, donations for the I GervaiS Gcrvat ChfiOter Nl.lt j ,i..!VaMr (at VwnAvt. Mcoaa. Utttteitt C4ocaUwt ttih twe r. '72 118 Orrfw nf fW EsctArn ,, ,, . 7, i . M- PAa)? V)Oflr art! to tft " wt ine eastern a.art commiiiee wiil coiiect She par-n J mjh rji?. 3 tojsiyi cbp5it iwiw J,,' heiri its November meeting Wiihij, ---i ri,iiVi.- i. t. h- imi . Cits tduiusa? ssMi! wks1a mok kj jChpteroeWoodbifid VBB tmweit made and tlctso wiU ! . ... ike held November 5. . chaplain of the grand chapterL. v i , &m . -.iDcky Keller, licwtstun, Idaho, Thfr 5&3i nomination of offi-tj. m mu) cm?. H& aw yKfTrt. avxutju lUMiSa rwmw, Biti !ao iw-i LebxaaaBeevlce ftei4 f3lwtT f3f J H cttfd ttn-3tt ((KraKi.! iwa & chat- Atww ft ic3 tiw ttst it spvnt in nv' wivij. i'T -th yrt ttjhtUt (nffiwitr. 'aT-'WiTi j tti ic h-r itd aj.f. hit twm twte Lvb- ! i-sM-a' Vi. Ktwtir Survivors re fci Jijr, Ioli jr- pwi'iii; Trunk Xnraer, PactJcctd; ' Mtv Mi-, ri Vrji C terTimmond; J Sinn?-, D?r)l; Jfhn Sijftr ' iJ fl-jnan, tid c . Cthtt tVtvt, L,t-j Stttwvr, t, Ant.' !T Tiiv.riii,'15S.A DEATHS ... escort honors. Mrs. Evelyn Morris, worthy matron, and Ora F. Morris, worthy patron of iEvergreen chapter; Mrs. Hilda! jWertz, worihy mairon, and Ray M"Mf Wcrtz, worthy patron of Venus Utnc i its, smut, vst m,,. ,m. -io. s,i , .j,;, ,, ,,;a.;,.u, 5 cnapter were also fiiven escort I L V ? j.a. ot,tt,., , iimmntDM uwawa, j ,u,,i',. ijjj ,owf? a, vnserj luaem item itt m. nonors. wur cordon Cinwratc, Csvy. A(is- a, fttwtit MtsfttA ftwo 81. 5ai?'a CaWma Four candidates who received 5; MrZ ,w a lsi' - "' "i" fS.'!,1!:. Every BAyoni,? Pifl . . idfaf o? tiii BA,rW Al SloMA nir. law. in lff57, aur- : VttSUR Alt lhA TKSfiOTA, A jSAUjrblW, W. I IC'i 13J the home built by Samuel K. Union Pacific 21 Barlow, pioneer emigrant trail ii i4 builder.. He surveyed and op wmm nn m' i : erated as a toll road for many WoolOTlb - years a route around Mt. Hood Plirmni, xh-urk and into the Willamette valley. eoitiand, ott., Nov. .-uwtk. Itlve; mwt!y teatv; queUtr mast.- com- T1 4 . .. own nd awIoh-; medium 800 yMTllnir when a tree stops growing ttUi.&&: i rtmmo aim ls.oa vd ism-. begins to decline in health andfc" dm? utp iw n n.wi w j common twtfci 1S.J to W.aa; cenwr ctt Vigor. cutter mostly t-0 to hrtl down to 7.W or below; common and rooi iomrotm uiuttt bull IS.SO. to W.Ofl. lr 4tt?a.1r: tew eaod ve&lers 22,OT to 23.00: one cliolc 11 v&ighX 3t.&&; Dtd 0 lb Ik cbIvm torn m on nd xardlum Hows sslao! eupptr (nciu-aes (aa not ret AhQwai truelclti around ieady with Toattiay'ii average, or 35 etni he- Jrrw ri; food nd thoite 180 to 233 It IT.flfi to 1T.3S. ntc.telb.c lot IT.aG: 3l 350 to 508 lb cow 13.50 to H.M; cood cn4 cholc ieerfera llile to 1J 50. Shfep tOO: marfcrt tt wow; rSy bid vitkn', good nd thtice oo'.cd lambs around I0.M; tood horn Imij 10.QQ; cood lt htec - liil 4.30 to 7.00. Mrs. Luella Van Cleave and US J5 k"J.r.. V.T? ft" : T,r ; r-s mi.. iw.iv, u. r:,i - w(ear ot ( (. m Jessie Jones and Robert G. M. dav 6M!.m t . juifJiS 't ) Tnniu )Cttrf; lht htrtfh.n a.'aIa'a - i 1 ' . , ,,;Cnid nd 12 tileee ephes. ccv- . .i The committee in charge of jr wis be ueii) t ?e cto-s-BA : decorations and refreshments P?"' J&- 1 3& were Mrs. Adelaide Toomb Mrs. erk. set-, a&m Meufrut t stcit. Mary Jmiah, Mrs. Laura Bit-L, GW ThftM, mars, Mrs, Nora Miller, Mrs.J Bby cirt Ti-,om, iMnt dnWf-j- m Ruth Evar.s and Mrs. Pearl t2 ens. pnBi, s t a? two !, preceded by luck supper with Mrs. Booster; Mrs. Cora Van Zuyen ' ,loti iw . At and Mrs, Lily WaosworJh in wrnem ) tr tite a.n-iijrit charge. Ejection of officers wili SJi be held at tbe December Z meet- SALEM MARKETS Campietri frm fepoit t ftuftm ditT lot the utdnc or tpi ottcai.t Netil) Pet Priref Err Mh t.0. 0irj rd (3.70. Poaltrr; Bitr'na prJ -Owt A eoJor- d hna, 23c; rd A Leehorn he;u ano up. 51 -29c Orsd A old ftwWi, lic 18-Sftr;; fTd A totoitd fiyiis, tfart Ibt ie-23c. BurlRff Prleei Exrra targe AA, esc; lre AA, S2c; inir A( -58c; mtdiuro AA, c; medium A, 40 -c; pullets, 32-STe. Who'ei' Price E cholewle prlcet a-?c chove theae prJeea; abore cradt A generally nuoiac Ml 910 mecium, , Piemlum c. Ko, lf c; No. 1, 68-fi(Jc. taurine prices). Batter WboleJilt (rao A, 8cj n nll 73c. Portland Grln Portland, Ore... Nov. Whet. Cull wheat ibid); Soil white 2.30H: aolt whit (excluding rex) 3.30; white t.ut ?.W, Hard rod winter: Ordinary 2.204; 10 per cent 2.20Vgi U per cent 2.21; 12 per cent 3.33. Today' car receipt Wheat Si; barlej ; flour K: com 13; oats ; mitlfted 23. Rldea Calves, 30c lb., accordl&t to weight, kipi 3&o Yd,, heel ll-J2c ib buJJ -?c lb. Countij buyer pay it Itaa Nut QuQtatlona Walnatt Franquettec, ftrct quatttf jum bo, 34.7c; laree, 32.7c; mediuia, 37.3c; ectmd Quality Jmnbo, 30,3c; lama, 38.3c; medium, 2fl.2c; baby, 23.2; aoft ahelt, Cirt qualtty lurge. 28.7c, medium. 24.2c; sec ond quail tr lrt, 37.2c: medium,. 34 7c; WD? JJ.JC I Fllberis ! medium. U tjUCtite Albert -WBikeT, JjiI rdn c Mope- '& Diaper Rash i JiP, To eieBi teaA v-V r eontto,aeaepeaiDw k Kr a i r fei a soAf : tng. Youngs Are Honored By Lodge 3t Amity Clilcao. NOV. 9 WW IUSDA tiV- atDclt market: Hb: Salabla io,wW, slow am but iatti and clostnc trade active; 25-40 cents lower on &utecter and- 2a lover ?a mh-a; lop 18.50 parlnaly; most ioo1 and choice 180-360 lb butcher ie.2S-m.3S, jnofttsy H.25: wther Ke(shu scarce; (w 160-178 b bHtchew 18.00; oip on4er 425 lba 10.0- j Vounff was ffiven a corsaffe for l9tt. Htttdc Andenn i Inf Funeral service held Pci- fday aiternoDn trom in Wft&aie Pnrl insaoft wj BisXDn jot Holds Anfler- tsan lw d,d Wetitiejida) wiOTnlriAi . (rest home ta Attittty. !.. Audfrww,, t,ho jraf pjiaj rear ot , ta-3-n to favtryw) . "Oranoma" Anderson and (Mridettt of thi crcmmunily Jwr mjtny Anuty inaustry KeoeKans PFi Hrier a cimr n ; nd lodge ODSrvecl home CJmtr.gl-Tw' M PwlJarwi, Ja event -an-i- night. Members or Amtty lodge No. 87 Rebekahs and their friends numbering 60, wre t?ea te a t the tables icr the chicken dinner. Past grand master Henry Young of HiHs boro, was guest speaker. . The Youngs have just celebrated their golden wedding anniver sary, and were presented with candle -lighted cake. Mrs. children kmJ great traadchHdren, CferW s. man Albany Cbatie S. HI. J"W) nrr Randyc market. Funeta, tttv .tea -were J te rtaner funeral Tya dy. Cremation hftiowed . fiaient. Bam rebruajy , jkj j R)nro county Ktatt earn to Albanv -wiih oi and attter when he iiv yea? &5d, and had remained ia th community rince. H married Delia Jcha ( Albany gepttmbw It, lts. The toHpl ceieoraiea 1 14.E.3; eaily clearance. Sheep; Salable i.Mfl; not nwh rtautlv ter tambe coIt to make a market; Mddtac weak to lower; ieclc ot enoice yearlings jtolti ateadr to 31.00; two loads common to medium western eea Jully ateaQ5 at 9.75: uprinktln o native ewes fl.J3-i!.Ml, steady. Cattle: Salable S.OOt). Calve Slauab tpr teen and heilera opened Ia5rly c tlv. steady to 60 cents Mintr, tlowi active, Cully 55 cent hliher ttti tame sales, no more; cows mostly stea.dK bulla weak to 2b cents lower; vealerj about Bteads; three loud choice 1.00-112 lb 1-eti ihteevs S8.50'. most cho( tea S3.J-3S.'3. ;to loads WJ0 lbs 38.80; bulk aood ta-tasr- Jumbo, 30a tb.i iaisa, lSo, isood 31.50-36,5; two loads common sra amaii. 13c Uteets 18.24-, aood and choice fed hfe?a the occasion. Corsages were pre sented to Mrs. Nette Tovey, the oldest member and to Marguer ite Be Raeve, ihe Youngest mem ber of the lodge. . Mrs. Shirley Martin making the presentation in behalf of the lodge. Joyce Broike eniertained wilb several 33.bO-31.3D: lew goe6 eowa 1.-1.&9.' tiMiit common and medium beef cows t3.7S-15.T5; canners and cutttia ll.flO 13.S0; most medium and cood ccuzaae ;b13.f 57.J&-19.05; bulk medium t choice lYealera atocker r6 SaeA ! clow . How She Shops "Cash and Can?" Without Pofut Bckh When iJ"oTjJiTirf!feefniwr.TTlfifi 9oiwtwut m.ttv to tvmun ir. tout blood, .t mayc:uaafca;iackah dKucoaticQaiac, 1 psli7t fwa tfl pep and energy est tint; ud Ttinbts, wwtftmx, poffineja Xfjt&er Ww eye, T.i diiXi-Aeu, eoYK-ot ot tT.ty times boarc tltere OTecte your iidMf r ViaA&er SJon't waiiJ lr ?fur 6rorg5Y for Ci j? Piiia, atimuan1. dijTtit, imd aiiteawtioiiy by mtfUoTO -C-ot wer W Te.n. happy relief and will help tft M atllea of lcdr tube Auab ui vtifrtuua wasliroai your biood, C( 3co' fitta. CAM CAUSS By SiJ BOISE $$ MONEY $$ FHA H Real fcsut tKKf Fcrm r City Personal and Aata Laass State Fjnan''e Go. tSS S KSjb St. Ajr M 233 ?rA f Pta-Wwm . . . vsty tM tiwt miT't ccy- tfact A nur At am ak a Ataa pmortt tov AfArtAd. And Bi rren tbA jooAt nreiiA t.mAim aab b jw jwtex llWAA BAAly piAlA. ftnmri, ATObATTAWra nc(At Atvd AAT. fc tlA AtwlTfc HMW A AWTIoMS rtiAA . ulAAtt nAAfamAtiQa UAtss. TVomw, Javaa'a YamrJa Jpaoi r dfUeCMl. A-W v?SAjAA A& AaACttAA. S9A&AA)f- AppmAAd Iacta&aoI tbAi dAAArorAPifi-IAraVf And ranwAA. IbAHr lb. bodr. Th. AXDAtt, .-U.'.. f tAMAtA "VIVA pnfrctod i& IttA AfaoiAonAA of tfaA totnttn Jaa &.. ywtAiiAA toi Awm tmAdiA iAA w t08 3f. t f-C tftMAA PlBf. Jtft RARVAmAAAJ VW S' fAA MffWAnwl QUESTION; We pian fo Jeave sti long vacation motor trip wilfoSa th n&xi coapie of week end a friend suggest ibal we Sails oai a special tfeeft insurance policy on our Jog gage, jewelry and oSfetr valua ble which we iske with us. Can you SeJJ me wheifae? w can get a short term policy srf jfiij kind and wheiner iij cost is low enough so S would pay us it bay it? ANSWER; Ordinarily, If you aiready have a Hejideace Theit policy on your valuo biej. ihe liropieai and most ec onomical thing or you to do WDuiri be to nave ihe -"ihefi away Jrom the premises" riause added io ii and jo pay the small additional premium. Thi coverage i uuaiiy a good deal broader than that given by "personal effects" iloater policy which you wouid buy for ibe duration of your trip. It you don't have a Residents Theft poiity, you should consult your insurance agent about it before buying any other orm ol uwuranoe. ttj t SiVA JWI tft ar b r a&afca r ra ci tett Penney's Sensational Pre-Holiday 1 ON OUR VALUE-PACKED FASHION FLOOR HIGHER PRICED MERCHANDISE SWEEPINGLY REDUCED TO MAKE WAY FOR HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE s (43 ... e-rTER Corduroy . Slies f nP BIG"'1'0' LOOK COME, SEE, BUY ... AND SAVE! Corduroy & Gabardine Raincoats $12 Group of Better Dresses $5 Big Savings in Women's Blouses $2 Toddler's "T" Shirts 2 for $1 Women's Corduroy Jackets $51 Special Group Girl's Blouses SI Toddler's Rayon Training Pants 3 for Si Girl's Anklet Values pr. 19c Wonderful Buys in Women's Coats $25 -.! n S ViAA v amwm mi 1 . RMC.fetO DCkfkJEV'c ccrr"iki r ci aar your fashion A IT 1 00 iffl I Wtxss aTtkb . ; 1 HtADQUARTERS .-IA.AAI I IHl III I filial' lHi .IA.AHHSAllllirMIAilAI