20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 I f VUUOOAOMir, KOtK, AUI ILt.fcwrBC-our rveXL HUMt 'UOX 3UMNY 1 II WAW T VI W BUT I WA5 3URE HI 9 SHOW T .11 RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness WEDNESDAY P.M. TiAT VOUR FRIENDS IP YOU SLISPtCT THM MAYBE VOU WEPfc EPET!NG EXPECTING S VJP SOONER OR LATER'--COME IN.'J I S BEEN ACTlNG"yOP BEiNG INVOtyED IN J ME, AND LAID OFP FROM-YOU, STEVE.'-- s. t .jeL I. I T L-H-peCUUARlY LAWBREAKiNG, YOU'RE WORK TO BAKE A CakEAW aaaaw1 a'lfv iS I 1 OF LAE .r-VBARKlN& UPTHE WRONG ' . il LI fm I a Ifjjl ' I, II KSLM I K0C0 by PEGGY O MORE AP Sw,faUr (Chapter ) "Now what have I laid!" cried Mrs. Cotsen. Arleta turned vo her. "You aaid my father was murdered. What did you mean? I read the newspaper account of his death. He ai killed while hunting-" "And another man waa killed at the tune time. Accident? Of course they called It an accident in the newspapers, because they couldn't prove anything: they couldn't even prove which man ahot first. But there isn't a person who knew the two who didn't call it murder. Some say your father ahot Allen." "Allen" Arleta. her voice thick with ahock, broke In. "That wasn't the name! ' "It was so Allen Lane." Allen Lane, Allen Lane. That girl at the store. "And there'a those who say Allen ahot your father first. In all prob ability they both ahot at the aame time." The voice. In an attempt to erase the shock, went on soothingly, "Must have they both died instantly. No wonder Allene Lane had hated her. If Allene felt her father . . . but Big Chips wouldn't. It must nave been Lane who had fired first. Of course. It was for her. Arleta. to hate the other girl, if there was to be hatred. 1 All afternoon Arlete held this fresh knowledge In her mind as slie directed the work, held It. to bring It forth for scrutiny when she had a moment alone. It could be no more than gossip. i And then a fresh thought came. Cal. He'd talked to some hunt ers. That strange look he'd given Her, that searching scruitny. Had those hunters told him of a hunt big accident which had been called murder? Had he thought her fa ther "No," she denied, "he couldn't have believed "I must know," she said, as she Walked out to the car, "but who would, who could give me an un prejudiced answer?" ' How Kelly I Somehow she felt be would tell her without sparing her. She'd noticed an arrow nailed to a pine at the mouth of a road way across the bridge, his name painted thereon. As she neared the house a collie eame from the rear porch to ap proach her with the dignity of age, to sniff of her hand, then fall into tp beside her. And together they approached the near door. . Arleta reached the door and rap ped several times before a figure, half engulfed by an apron, a long (ork In Its hand, appeared. , "Chips!" said How Kelly in sur prise. "Come In. But what are you doing here?" ' Arleta looked at the apron and fork and caught a savory aroma. "I came to thank your mother." , "My mother?" He looked at her blankly a moment. "Oh, you mean any mother. Why, she went back to town the next morning. I drove her In." , "I see. Then that was your astral body driving me up to River City?" "Okay," he gave up. "I used the Idea of her to get you out of that house. It didn't work. But what brings you back here? Or say, didn't jou leaver i "Your meat's1 burning." He wheeled for the stove. "Oo IB and sit down. Duchess, where are your manners?" , Arleta found her hand taken Sntly by the coUle's teeth and e was led to a deep couch be fore the rock fireplace. "I dont want to Interrupt," she called back, "but I've no choice." , "Not when ahe has you In hand, you'll stay for dinner." "Sorry,-I was" "Like Duchess, when I have a rtiest in hand, they stay. And I a!m a good cook. Uncle Sam saw $ that." ' , Duchess apread herself at Ar kta's feet, and when she sought to rise there was the faintest of growls, so she continued to sit, to stare at the big room and marvel ajt It's untidy comfort. I Slowly, gradually, she relaxed, arttlna back Into the comfort of the divan. Dimly she heard dishes clattering in the next room. hruM silverware, and then heard no more. When she opened her eyes she i now neny in a Dig chair be side the fireplace, dreamily nurs ing a long Dine "Oh my goodness," she cried, sit ing up. I "All tuckered out, weren't you?' he inoulred calmly, as he held his pipe off, admiring it "Been tilting at windmills?" "I guess I've been working all night, after a fashion. But I can't solve the mysteries my mind con- lures up for me. "Okay, Chips, get it off your chest and then I'll feed you. I thought you needed that nap more than lood. 1 played tne perfect nasi. I didn't wait. Mow what's your mystery?" "Mry Kelly oh, all right. How- was my lather murderea7 ' The nod of his head was the nod of a man who'd expected the question. "As far as the coroner's Jury could ascertain, shots were fired simultaneously. And believe me. if they could have established that one preceded the other, they'd have done so. Pressure from both sides was terrific." "What do you think " she de manded. "I don't," he replied abruptly. "Nothing can lead you as far astray as conjecture. No one knows what happened. Let's leave it at that. "I can't!" the words burst from her. "It's not knowing." Kelly moved restlessly. "Chips, why didn't you go on home? Look what you'd have saved yourself. Have you ever lived In, a small community where the people have nothing to do but gossip? Gossip's a snowball rolling downhill; It picks up anything in its way. The longer ine mil tne Digger tne snowball You're going to find yourself sur rounded by snowballs of gossip, and how you'll ever wean the truth out oi them I don t know. She gasped at this. Mrs. Cot sen's tale could have been no more tnan gossip. Ah. what a relief. The estate left to vandals because her tamers attorneys had passed awav Another snowball. Everything had iw logical explanation. (To Be Continued) Easy to Make Good lines In a Jumper, so simply cut that It has Just four principal seams. Big patch incuia stamp it wiui one oi me season's most Important details: and the verv becoming blo'use is in cluded In the pattern. NO. 3083 is cut in sites 12, 14, la, li. 30. 36, 38. and 40. Size IS re quires 2 yds. M-ln. for Jumper; 2 yds. 39-in. for blouse. Would vou like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles? Just Include the FALL-WIN- ter fashion BOOK in your pat tern order and you'll be delighted with the wide selectlor- of designs or an size ana age groups, and all occasions. You'll also get many suggestions for easily made gifts that will stretch your Christmas ouaget. price of book 20 cents. Send Ibc for PATTERN with name. Address and Style Number State size desired Address Capital Journal, 314 Mis sion St., snn FTitncLicn S. Calif For y &1 Flower-of-the-Monlh ivlii-atelv shaded Cosmos, the flower of the month for Ocober and brilliantly colored Chrysanthemums, for No vember are effectively embroidered In simple stitches. Pattern Envelope No. R3883 eon tains hot iron transfer of It motifs, measuring from I bv 4 Inches to 4W by 4 inches color charts, stitch Illustrations and complete embroi dering directions. To obtain this pattern, aend 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and aone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal, tit Mission 8treet, San Fran cisco . Calif. I fL. '5 .. . I amtmm ..-o i: n r i i mr, a .ii l,iii'ifir"'""liii.;iH""" nvsE Hi O W I SAW HIM START OUT OF HERE V-eJ IT 'III OK)SPIEC OR TWO WITH Ml It I-'J Tm II I 'it P"" 'Hi Mil 8-5 1 " ak. Jmp k 1LT I .T:ll iiVl tUltlkH L 1 rd 1 IKm B.fri.a III II ill i ill i I r W1 Wl "Hi I iV i aaf 1 I 111 111 I JSORgy TO DtSTURS'A WE'RE MOT USED TO BE1M' f WHAT CX1QUMEAlT BUT WE V VORMM'OH YOtiOlO ''IjlifTl life 1 l y 1W cum oui Ktui ouT MT MORt.MK. NttSO ..I HKntRESTINS BU5I- NEED1DU1H 6U5 IS UKETBMMIN fi , I,: I S; T II il" LIKE A rf VOUR COUSIM WILBUR TOOK k NESS'? VOU MAKE JJO KEEP THE MEOSE OM SUMDAVSJli I 3 u A v6fiDA AU. OOB IVJT6RESTIM' BUSINESSImOST OP VOUR. USOK100R) IT DOMTTAICE UOrrraf' II 5 'ISLTS WeM HE STARTED GIVING nf MOfJEV TAXIM&CAgElTOES.INGENUITYV 4 E sJsV'Ty a 2 . awav them topper tL. v of os mon-teenIv' y Ti'ir!ni'aii r 4 I OLE, MAN HOaCrr Ld rtVBV V'AR,O MK A ICO PE 1 I HAtYO VCKfT WE MOTHIN 1 ( tho- YO' a. ( Hn KNEW 1 AS EVRV MIZ.ZOBLE, FRISHTtNEDl I CTNT TRUE-BLUE , NEVER-FAIL AN TROOFSLE UNDER COULD V 00VWV.,VhC7W VCd I I . I BACHELOR QN EARTH KNOWS, J I PMK-ttlCK-SHUN OF WHOT'LL M I STANDlN' THI OjE. t BE l I CV BO-LC jTJnfif f rCel-SO Jl I ON NOVEMBER Ith. 1 NATCHERLY. M3' SAVS IT IN m I I LOOT.7- IT'S AS PLAIN J THAN .1 I VO' S VH-v X-X Ilk? him." I I ICUaS ITT. f JCJ I 8UCM A PEE-KOOLVAR WAY, 1 I I AS TH' NOSE ON THAT- h COOMED.1?) ) 1 OOateocfl I voosav vcxAe (ift married 'er v well, if you Yves i know- when the bossThasn't he no.thats whatjoh f wouldn't nigh on M BEEN COURTING) I WOULDN'T AVE GOT HITCHEDN BUT I'M ON 'E MENTIONED JS VrfORRvlhH U AGIRLF0PTEN JaNVWHERETDGO VOOOOULDSEEJnOTSURE SAID E'D GIVEy WHETHER VOUV? iME JyyctN LONG HAIE , -fi y. VTARS? WHV ( ON SATURDAY- AN' , HER EVERVf IF MV JOB ME A TRIAL (ARE SATISFAfflORyV VOU BEEN WORKIN' IT' ' DONT VOU GET J SUNDAV NIGHTS.' I NIGHT' ISA STEADY T K WT? JimSiT ' FOR HIM? rT S. f,T fStt- iLjf.jtArTiiAMwy c . ynv r. J r mtTV'XWr XUBBaKAT SIT IPONTTHIN THOSE PASCALS. JVMrzv T OKAY, SALTT. g GOLLY I THIS BOAT IS PaieiJ ZWlf SO.SALTy. JUST US! COME ON! WE'VE 6CT f I'M ALU RI6HT I I f SURE 6ETTIN6 LOW IN R K??7PlLL! BILL! TTl KAVOED, 1 6UESS I TO PELAY THEM ,S0MEH0VV, V NOW. A I THE WATER ! I HOPE II U HATA THLLC mm -Afe- mm . 'gs vrm cmr tgmm KGW 30 NBC lAfllSanar 114 ; SO Nodi f Tlmtt OQIVaar LUi X Yomr Lilt MubI Coeklifl ;45 CwfcUH :0finic Rurr : 1.1 if surr ;3nCnrUlB Tim ?f)kioitr.llirtifB tw t WwlfJ ;3l)iGlldralMV ; 45 ClMtf !? ;00!Brtak thf Bank AJirrstt la Bnk l3nvu AllrDr ;45tliU. Attofaty flam Hayet 'Carrcot 4 Ck. pta. Final 4,tex Wllltawi 30 Was Mswun 4fljWa M.ina OOHItn Off K0IN JITO CM noz Manalnc Lillt tfaow Nw iaroncfaa Mart liroucbv Marl mnt Cratby Ming Cretsy nuroa t Allfn Enrni AlltO otljrwoaat jUoli j ! Lowfll Tbooiaa Ifack BmilB pr. Chritllaa br. ChHitlaw (Frank Ra Frank Baea Bfitlab tub IS 'star Final You, Ih World lr-fl Tcbe.lra iercnada Orcao Mvili rraa. Band Scwa lllent KEX HM ABC jCballanr af XnfcoB iRhj King skr Kim Virttlchten Homt trtltlan Author Cilia Atttbar Crltla B-Bar-B BaacbSbrtfaai Kaak B-Bar-B KasabSMlbaa Baach Tom Mis (Blnf Craabr Tom Mil Baalnaai Nawa Habrlal Scalar Caadla tlrhl IN W Nawa ana SUvar IT. 11. Taat ffawa MaaU QaaaUamkM ILona Baacar ILooa Bangar I. Q. I. O. Sbar, Halmaa hr. Halmaa Borla Kariaff Bar la Kariaff fCaail la Ami. Pat O'Brlaa Icoait la AaL Natlaal iaahj kriiea Kl B'lT Kalfht Kiaca KM Grtal Baatta 'raaplar 'rouplar trrnaaira irebaatra IRrhrid. Repartar lnlermaaia 'on art Hoar Joncart Hoar ICaocert Roar K'oaeert Boar Mamoa Tomer. JMemoa Tomar. Xtra Boar 1JM UBC 14M Kc t TkatruB Mat Sms ITrach 1S B BlMk rrsak MS Kft7BIk rr 14 Nri riMk ISM' DarlS lal rruk 14M Knblra Wa Kknbltrl Tin La Lava MrittrrMlaraa Raa Martaa ff(Mlara Rut SSria KhIito Isiin OH rallaa Lawto rraak Leal Nawa (Trash Baw Nawa Maala Taa Waal ESdla Bawari Mwala Taa Witt If OH THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. i0 fledia Padga SiNewa 1(1 Farm Tlma ;45Farm Tlmt INtwa KOIN Klaek KOIN Ktaek KOIN Block OOiEarlr Bird 1 ft Old Sean njxewa Sam flajaa Eddla Albart Eddla AlLfort Jack Berrh Saga Rldcra Tho 8ceoad Cap! Farm Nawa Ktra Smlllag Ktwp flmtltBf Baop SmlUac piawa KOIN Block Mewa Frod Back Nawa Arrenakr in oo uaaaa IZcka Maunari Contamer Nawa' Nawa (Grand Slam Koaemarj Wendjr Warren Breakfaat Clab olreakfait Club Hrrakfaat Club Uraakfait Club Tha Second Cupi-tunl Jrnnr Sflfflomttowaara Nawa Marrlaaa for t Lora Lawtoa (rk Havroea Tha Playboya Doable ar Nothing Children Llitil f World flplen Trrnt iGal Sunday Blf-Slater Mi Perklaa Malona kiuidiai Lifht if Beaotlful iNewi Peppr oan Slapplnaaa Barkataite Wlf Lstella ballai Loranio Jonaa Wlddcr Brown Mr. Barton' IPerrr Manon orab Drake Brighter Day Nawa friaieketaer ntarca Time Newa Brkftt. Oaaf Brkfat. Oanx Tap Tradaa Barc'a Cesatei Mara. Special Haren at Boat Hatan Bt (Newa W. W. Newt tSlara of Today Qalt Clab rt Mnklrtter Vaater'a Can Mrt Llnklcttar IS ate Bldara Jack Norman m a lea Drake My True Slorr (Mi True Siary 'Betty Crocker M oner ma acre Norlbweat- ernera Newi Come Get ItlNewe IBrlihl A Lifhi Art Baker Baukhace (Meat Barnyard Fol. Barry Moore Garry Moore Klrkham Newa, A Girl Marrlea Klrkham Newi.Uay Stewart fort, racea LlfeStere Allen lost Plain Bill Steve A I Irs Frt. ff. FarreltfTune. Yours Dreama Menjona fTop Trades Mews iN. W. Newt Bob Ebarly n-ell T'r Nelgb. iiarrey Htrdinc Orran Rererlee Blnf Slnga Melody Matinee Melody Matinee Tenn. Jaaihnree Brida A OroomiTenn. Jamboree Kirkwoed iBob foola Breakfast la Hollywood Kay Weil Kay Weat OCO KUaft UOCO Kloak ffea Btttar riawa (Tap MoraiB fTop a' Meraiaa In trtldWd SOnaa Moada Weat'a Melodist Iriesta rim Melody Tlma Melady Time Slara Btaa S, Ch. -Tbamaa Wcws KMekei Wiles Malta N W Km MaaU (Tana TlaM M Kaap Ladtes Ftrat p.adles riret Mueea far Day fQaeea for Oar nnWrlram Tnwl 4rl ttlrkh.n. :15!Welcome TrarelArthar Godfreyajtar West Bob Poola u mary Arthur Godfrey Jdlri Be Seal. News ;45Ma and Learn Arthur GodfreyTrd .Malona pare Boaa lOO'Woman's SeeretArthnr Godfrey (Mod. RomaaceaFUaB Lewis ;15Road of Life Arthur Godfrey Mod. Romances Ifemlnsway ;30 Dr. fta iCurt Maey Kqalrrel Cage Behind Starr ;45'Mort af Life 'Edw. B. MnrrSriSqulrrel Cage 'Car. Carallere Made Mart Mnile Mart Jan Garber Vacal Varlatlm Hollrw'd Maala Rollrw'd Maala Headline News (Dare Dents Mac's Malodias Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Maa'a Melodies Mac's Meladlea Mac e Melodies Mae's Maladies Mae's Meladlaa Mac's Meladlaa Mac's Maladies Mac's Melodies Mae's Maladies Mot la Tlma Philosopher Brora Can I Baaatlfal lAT Wednesday P.M. 8:00, Cbll lvn di Iran's Theatert 5:14. On the Upbeat) 5:50, 550 Sports Clubt 6:00, Newai :15, Piano Portraltat :30. Prlcnds f World) 0:45, Inrltatlon to Read; 7:00, .Farmers' .Unloni 7:15, Erenlns Farm Hoari S:00, Radio Shorthand Contest! :M, Great Sonaa; S:4S, News and the Weathert fl:M, Music That Endure 6:t, Evening Medltattoni 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Atr Thursday A.M. 10 '.OS, Nawst IXWMV 10:18, Ctpecially for Women) School of Air) U:l(l, Cancart Kallt li:(t0. News) It: 15, Neon Farm Heart t:0t. Bide m Cowboy; 1:15, School mt Alri 1:45, Melody Lanet X:M, Homo Garden Hour j t:S0, Memory Boak af Maalei :45, Excaralons In Science! t:00, Newst :!. Mnitle of the Mai Urn 4:ee, Cnlvwrsltr Hoar. Youngsters ot Gates Guests Joaquin Home Gates Mrs. Joe Joaquin open ed her home to a large group of the small schoolmates of her daughter Darlene, for an eve- nine of Halloween fun. Those attending were the small hostess, Darlene, Carol Sue Ball, Eddie and Ann Marie Hirte, Connie and Billie Stewart, Shandra Meator, Carol Iveraon, Shereen Muires, Douglas, Sharon and Sherall Hirte, Darlene and Elaine Schafer, Nancy Ann Hamen, Pat sey Siltala, Barbara Shelton, Joan and Delmar Harden, Rod ney Stubbs, Claudia, Sua and Bobbie Park, Rodney and Roger Sc'haer, Marshall Barnhart, Rosa and Dennie Klute, Irvin and Jerry Tucker and Jimmle Fish. ACROSS IS. Et-rptlan L rood Sib foadaaa 4. Fort ,4 Prooouo I. Competent Organ of It Topai Hum- haarlns mlnsblrd U. Breathes wlta II. Black dlfflcultn 14. Metal taetenar 17. ritly 15. Conlo aectlon la. Ilounutn la IT. Russian city Maasachu Is. Ifembera or a setts fraternal 40. Qaln control order 42. Polish calca It. Determine 41. Affirmative IL Ganlen votea Implement 4s. Bavins matai II. Ditch ahoea 26. Verdant 10. Custom 19. Work party 61. Companion 10. Biblical hit 52. Antique nrleat 3. Poker stalca IL Color of a 14. Other horao IS. Word of 11. Pa eonaant e o oils a i fA a A L P I IT I N t W Ia" M A ;M'e OlTllL!'' Jl.naTc'K g;Rjl 0tll.jtRBg IjB A B;AINHP I j f j I Tilt U N a aojL u tMn a tuIo h HiAW I ,KiBjirL AW A L a1n0N E TlIU N A f -U YllstuE tillw A Y Solution at Yastarday'a Uula DOWN I. Sleeveleas sarmeat L Rouchly enintlsal ft. Not lla-ht ' I3 I r W l? " wr w ri ,y Z. 1 w it TJyffi jo WM, Jfc R pe ff5 "ZZML uZ-LZZMi i r f"' ZZZZZZ f "III I r , 5 A NeMrjfeafvree 41.1 4. Woven fahrta 5. Habltatloa . (. Relief , T. Made Into law 1 I. Poaltlve leetroda fl. Seantineaa 10. Be located IL lieaeura of lenaTth I II. Deadly whit s 10. Anger . IL Id contact with front i abova 11. Cut abort IS. Sound of disapproval 1 It. Forbidding ! 12. Sound of aurf on tha ahora . n. Right of use of anotaar'a land It. ObsuuetloB It. Period be. tweendawa and dark f ' II. Metrical feet f IS. Elevated rail- ways: aolloi 31. Proceed . II. Flavor 1 It. Joga 41. Pertaining fto i a hlatortcU period ; 41. Nautical balling caa 44. Tree trunk 45. Puts wlta 4. MllkSab ; 47. Distant 41. By blrtk j ROOM AND BOARD By Gens Ahem T WAS AT da cva W T'DAY WATTUIN' 'FOlie. Al ABU VM CV OIMH I lO TRAININ' FOH. HIS FIGHT WITH YUM THOtSDAY NISHTI HE S QUITE A STACK AP HOauuM vevj.. SW WAS MjU tvEft. KNOCKED a" tT Al PV? k 1 JJ UP AT UvBEI. M I4 HEAD AN" MAKES ME trllWl ftp .i CLINCH I l li J 1 I I . : l.mii,a....... L 1 j "' '