Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 09, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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Jailbreaker Returned Heavily shackled, Jack Tatum, 26,
was brought back to the county jail in Phoenix, Ariz., from
which he escaped. Guarding him is U. S. Deputy Marshal
J. E. Russell. Tatum was captured in El Paso, Tex. Two of
his companions in the Jailbreak were shot to death. Two
others were recaptured. (AP Wirephoto)
East Salem Unit Votes
Name Change at Meeting
East Salem, Nov. S The November meeting of the East Salem
Home Extension unir was held in the home of Mrs. Harold Holler
on Sunnyview avenue. The chairman, Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson,
conducted the business meeting at 10:30 a.m.
The name of this unit was changed from East Salem to the
Swegle unit as there are several
other units in East Salem, and it
will avoid confusion in publi
city. Members will make aprons
for the Azalea house apron sale
sponsored by the county council
for December. Mrs. Ralph Jack
son will act as Azalea house
chairman. No regular meeting
will be held in December, but
several members plan to attend
the demonstration in making
Holiday Decorations in Salem
December 8.
Lunch was served at noon. The
afternoon demonstr a t i o n was
given by Miss Betty Bottinger
and was "Window Treatment
for the Home." Points to consid
er when buying curtains, mate
rial suitable for curtains and
draperies, shades and Venetian
blinds, with points to be consid
ered in curtaining different types
of windows were given.
Present were Mrs. Oscar For
gard, Mrs. Alfred Pauli, Mrs.
Dan Stauffer, Mrs. Ralph Jack
son, Mrs. V. M. LaDue, Mrs.
Glenn Larkins. Mrs. Walter Fish
er, Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson, Mrs.
Melvin LaDue, Mrs. Roy Wenig,
Mrs. Ralph Hefn, Mrs. William
Hartley, Mrs. Leonard Harms,
the hostess and demonstrator.
Swegle Garden club will meet
Thursday night in the home of
Mrs. Daniel Casey. "Corsages'
and "Dish Gardens" will be dis
cussed. E. W. Kruse of Kearney, Neb
and O. J. Dibbern of Grand Isl
and, Neb. are at the Carl Dib
bern home on Lancaster drive
being called to Salem by the
death of their grandson, Dayton
Dibbern. Dayton was a second
grade pupil at Swegle school
and had been ill for the past se
ven weeks.
Successor to
Ormandy Named
James H. Pruett, Jr., has been
appointed general passenger
agent' of the northern district of
Southern Pacific, with head
quarters In Portland, effective
December 1, it is announced by
Claude E. Peterson, vice presi
dent in charge of passenger traf
fic for the railroad.
Pruett succeeds J. A. Orman
dy, who retires November 30
after 41 years of service with
the company in Portland.
Pruett began his railroad car
eer with Southern Pacific as a
clerk in the division superinten
dent's office at El Paso. Later
he served as ticket clerk at San
Antonio and at Houston, Texas,
as city passenger agent at Boston.
In 1943 Pruett was transferred
west as district passenger agent
to assist in handling military
traffic on the Monterey penin
sula, and the following year
moved to Palo Alto as district
passenger agent. He was ap
pointed special assistant to Vice
President Peterson in San Fran
cisco in July, 1947, his present
Accompany Pruett to Port
land to make their home there
will be Mrs. Pruett and their two
small sons who will be entering
Portland schools within a few
vears. An older son, James H.
Pruett IV, is attending Admiral!
Farragut academy in New Jer-!
sey, preparing for Annapolis. I
Newbry Offers
Cycle System
Albany, Nov. 9 Secretary of
State Earl Newbry, explained to
Linn county automobile dealers
the cycle system for motor ve
hicle licensing, to take effect
next year, at a meeting of the
dealers' association here at a
luncheon at the Hub.
In his explanation Newbry re
iterated that Albany has been
selected as a site for a field of
fice of the licensing division of
the secretary of state's office,
and that eventually plates will
be issued from the office here.
A licensing office will also be
built in Lebanon, he said. 1
"It is my hope that should
the board of higher education
select Albany as its site for an
office headquarters," Newbry
asserted, "that all state agency
offices here, including the li
censing office, may possibly be
under one roof."
The decision by the board as
to whether it will locate here
may come this week at a meet
ing of the state board of higher
education, Newbry said.
Should the state board decide
not to locate in Albany, Newbry
said the licensing division will
go ahead and build its own
Church IMans Bazaar
Willamina Plans are under
way for the Methodist church
WSCS bazaar and dinner which
will be given in the church base
ment on Tuesday evening, No
vember 15, from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Auburn The Woman's club
will meet Thursday afternoon at
1:30 in the community hall,
f.';V - lj
James H. Pruett, Jr.
Lebanon Campaign
Half Way to Goal
Lebanon The Lebanon com
munity chest campaign is ap
proaching the half way mark
on its goal of $7,500, with a
total collection of $2,813.90
turned in, reports Chairman Tom
House to house canvass of the
residential districts are under
way by members of the girl
scout executive council group
and business women's club.
The drive is planned to con
tinue until the goal is reached,
McGowan said.
City Officials of
Mf. Angel Re-elected
Mt. Angel, Nov. 9 City offi
cers were retained and a sewage
disposal tax levy approved at
a special election here Tuesday.
The levy calls for $3000 a
year not to exceed ten years.
The vote was 168 to 40 in Us
Officers re-elected were May
or J. F. Berchtold; Alois Keber,
and B. F. Schaecher, Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Wednesday, Nov. 9, -
Three councilmen named were
Louis LeDoux, Joseph Wagner
and Andrew Schmidt. Votes
were also cast for Joseph L.
Wachtcr and Emil Wolf.
Coloradoans to Locate
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Lynch and son of Colorado
Springs, Colo., are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. James Adams and
family at Looney Butte. They
plan to locate in Salem.
Polk County Soil
District Started
Dallas Organization of a soil
conservation district is desirable
for Polk county was decided
by the Polk county land use com
mittee, according to N. John
Hansen, county extension agent
The soil conservation district
law was discussed by J. C. Moore,
extension economist at Oregon
State college. Moore pointed out
that a district is a group of
farmers organized to work to
gether to get jobs done which
effect the best use of their land
and water.
of the Oreeon State college I
committee on soil and water
conservation and use. The land
use committee recommended
continued research for desirable
grasses and legumes for hill land
pasture, more demonstrtions of
pasture management and pro
duction on a local basis, and con
sideration of development of
farm wood lots.
Chairman Claude Hoisington
reported on the work of the
land use committee in assisting
the county court to secure the
federal funds to improve Camp
Adair roads. Joe Harland, Rick
reall, was elected chairman to
succeed Hoisington.
Benefit for Center
Aurora The Aurora Lions
club is sponsoring a "white
elephant" auction and food sale
on Armistice night, in the Aurora
grade school gymnasium, begin
ning at 7 o'clock. The committee
in charge is headed by Les Gan
semer, with Fred Saxton and
Bui Lowne assisting. The affair
will be in connection with
Aurora's youth recreational
There will be sewing for charity
purposes and needles, thread and
scissors will be needed.
, A. . - PA-
, . ; ; .' - r i
a sensation
V III t "'if?
new concept in night cosmetics
"night-and-day cream that gets under your skin
Flowing Valval ii a non-greajy, creamy lotion
that links injtonlon.oully into your skin to work its
magic. Not o hormona cream, Flowing Velvet
hot 0 ipecial hydrophilie ingredient which supplies
tht moisture and oils n.eded by lensitiv skin
lor proper balance. Se. how dewy lrih
your ikin looks, how it teals, how much
younger it seems. ..otter just on opplicotion.
Smooth a thin film ol Flowing Valval
on at night. ..under your powder ban by
ond wotch your ikin respond to the night-and-day
beauty-building of Flowing Valval. , ru ,u
You'll Laugh
and Holler
(for less than a dollar)
Lough at the price ond
Holler for more ot
where you get
For 99C
(Including choice of entree
ond dessert)
5:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
Each Day but Sunday
Downtown on Stat Street
$1995 at Salem
Teague Motor Co.
355 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4173
Keith Brown has Vi" x 8" CEDAR SIDING
at the TERRIFIC LOW of
Per Thousand
at that convenient location
m m u m w I
b 1 " H Bftnu
M 1
Use Copitol Journol Wont Ads. They Will Sotisfy Your Needs,
Listen to Morton Downey
N.B.C. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings
and remember the familiar red cooler
traJi-marks mean tht imf thini.
177 north liberty
,ff Values to $45. Smooth, 100 wool
11 1UU sheen-gobordi
nes, crepes and worsteds.
f Tailored to figure-flattering perfection.
S Jewel-bright colors in luscious shades. In
Junior, Misses' ond half-sizes. Many nationally advertised brands.
riirTiriri w
LI V JUL cv 'yV
Rtg. S25-S35. Gabardines, worsteds, tweeds, checlcs, in gay, flat
tering colors to suit your taste. Blues, greens, wines, toast, kellys,
reds and blacks. Slender skirts and long or short jackets with
novelty lapels and pockets to add spice to their style. In Junior.
Misses' and half-sizes.
Formerly $35-$45. 100 wool gabardines, worsteds, in
smart styles and colors right for the season. Narrow
skirts ond sleek jackets in Junior, Misses' and
half-sizes. Truly a remarkable value.
Remember, your txtre lavingt art S&H Green Stamp
'til 9 PM.
Friday Nights